Moonhaven/Life on the farm

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Living on the farm isn't all fun and nude mud wrestling, there is a lot of work to do and a lot of people needed to do it. The family members who work the fields and take care of the animals share almost all aspects of their lives. Most people on the farm wake up before the sun rises and ready themselves for the day using communal or private showers then having either communal or private breakfast. Parents are encouraged to have children eat in the communal dinning area because it builds social bonds and allows for a daily head-count. No person goes missing long on the farm because every day there is an elder who takes turn checking off the name of every person and making sure that everyone is accounted for. This process is repeated at lunch and at dinner.

When people go out to work they work with a buddy. Someone should have a job in the same area as you even if your job takes you to the most remote part of the property. No one works alone. If you are fixing cars then your buddy might be someone who brings out supplies to weave bowls near-by. One of the general guidelines is that if you don't have a buddy then help someone else finish their work faster and they will be your buddy in return. Working together makes work less work and more fun.

You heard about the wild and crazy sex parties?!! Whooohooooo!!! Guess what? It doesn't happen as often as you think. Yes, people on the farm do walk around nude quite often but when you grow up around nudity it isn't a big deal. Spontaneous orgies rarely break out on the farm because by the time the work is done most people are too tired for wild orgies. The rumors of wild nights of dancing around fires and huge orgasmic piles of bodies copulating are for the most part just that, rumors. Sex happens, very few people in the family really find it shocking or shameful, we don't hide it from the children and if they ask about it we just explain it to them. They are going to see the animals doing it anyway and we don't want them growing up with all the hang-ups of the city people. Once something isn't taboo or forbidden it's not that big a deal. The family is usually very relaxed about the subject. It's just a part of life.

Caring for the animals is full time job in and of itself but we have people who are specially trained to take care of the animals so while it's nice that you want to help out, it's best that you see a trainer before you groom or feed an animal. Some of our animals require special diets and some of them are just downright mean. Before you go petting an animal you don't know, see the person in charge of that animal.

Vermin traps are used on the farm to capture rats, rabbits, and other vermin which would eat our food and damage our property. We embrace a catch and release policy where we catch them then release them into the wild. If you catch a vermin that talks or shows sign of intelligence please take it to one of the Wise ones.