2018.09.15 The Mentor

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The Mentor
Alecto Discusses What Faith Has Learned
IC Date September 15th, 2018
IC Time Very Late Evening
Players Alecto, Dragomir, Faith
Location Truthcatch's Cabin
Prp/Tp none
Spheres Gaian Garou

Cabin - Living Room(#12253RAL) Inside the cabin, doesn't seem to feel like inside at all. A railing goes around where the exterior walls of the first floor would be though there is no top to them. Letting the breeze flow through it completely and not muffling the sounds of the forest about the area. There is an opening on each side of the house where a gap in the railing functions as a 'door' and small gates can be swung into place if desired though they are pinned open normally. The floor is large, worn river rocks of various different shape and size fit together by grout making it very easy to clean off if there is a mess brought in by the elements. At the center of it a large stone fireplace sits to bring heat when it is cold and to give a communal space to lounge. A heavy, thick rug is set before the fireplace meant as a comfortable place to lounge and be close to the heat coming off of it. A couple of wicker chairs are seated close by, the cushions on them kept clean by their protection deep in the structure. On the other side of the stone construct of the warming fire is an open kitchenette with plenty of open counter space, the tops of it heavy wood. Easy to keep it in good condition and weather the elements without much trouble. A stove is set closest to the center of the house while on the other side of the kitchen a large, old fashion icebox rests with a few easy to set locks to keep animals out of it. The sink is well kept stainless steel meant to withstand the punishment it might see as well as lend to the rustic appearance of the home as well.

Contents: Dragomir Alecto

Presumably, a short time later.. Dragomir finds Faith and explains that she needs to come with him. That the Truthcatcher wishes to speak with her. Accordingly, a moon-bridge is opened and thusly a Faith is delivered with Dragomir standing by. Alecto will doubtlessly decide if she is done with him or not.

Alecto is waiting, sitting on her open air lower floor couch. It's TECHNICALLY inside, but there are no closed off walls. With the opening of the moon bridge, Alecto steps out, tall and stately and she waits for the two to approach and she motions to a seat for each of them

The young woman is dressed in rather domestic clothing, having been at her residence, sitting in a chair and reading. The book was left behind, and Faith stands where deposited, with her eyes cast down and her hands folded neatly at the small of her back. She'll follow Dragomir's lead when the gesture is made, and sit as indicated by the Truth Catcher and the Silver Fang after stating quietly, "Good Evening Howls-at-High-Moon Rhya."

Dragomir nods, walking over and takes a seat. He is more reserved, differing to Alecto now both physically and verbally, as he is quiet when he sits.

"Good evening, Faith," she says, taking a seat and draping one leg over the other. "Tell me," she says softly, "What you have learned over the time that Eye of the Storm has been your mentor?"

The young woman keeps her eyes cast down as she listens to the question, seeming to very seriously consider it for a several long moments before she begins to speak. "I have learned some of the history of the Nation, the laws of the Nation, the importance of adherence to those laws, and importance of the history and traditions which predicated the laws of the litany." The kinswoman take pause again, her hands remaining in her lap, then she states quietly, "I could launch into a great deal more about my lessons in academics, spiritual knowledge, and combat, but the most I believe the important thing I have learned, and please forgive me if I am mistaken about what you are asking. I mean no disrespect, to either of you. I believe the most important thing I have learned over the time that Eye of the Storm has been my mentor is that I was not born by mistake, and that service to the Mother is not beyond my ability if I am willing to humble myself to the ways of this great nation, Howls-at-High-Moon Rhya."

Alecto considers Faith's answer for a long moment, then nods. "You have my permission at all times to speak freely to me, so long as you are respectful. You can say whatever you wish, so long as you fully believe or know it to be the truth. You can ask any question you may have, without fear of reprimand so long as the question is asked because you genuinely want to know, not because you're being a smart pants." She takes a breath. "And you are right. You were not born by mistake and service to Gaia is not beyond your ability iif you are willing to humble yourself to the ways of the Nation. That is absolutely correct." She motions a hand in Dragomir's direction. "I know you were attacked, unprovoked, by a Bastet. I do not hold you responsible in any way, shape, or form, for that attack. You did the best you were able and thankfully you made it out alive with the Veil intact. Now, that said explain to me, using only facts that you know to be true, WHY you went to Phillipe the way you did."

The young woman replies softly once again to the Truth Catcher, "Thank you Howls-at-High-Moon Rhya, your patience and kindness are appreciated." She again considers the question put to her. "I was angry. Specifically I was angry that I believed someone was setting up my mentor to have his honor questioned, and that I was being used as a means to that unacceptable end for a second time in a matter of weeks." She takes pause for a moment, then continues. "I went to confront Mr. Garou in a rash and inexcusably disrespectful manner because I thought only about my own desire to stop the escalation of this already outrageous situation, as I was told not to antagonize the Fera, and because it was important to me that Eye-of-the-Storm's honor not be besmirched -again- due to my actions with someone from an outside faction. I often approach issues with far more violence and noise than necessary when I need an opponent I know is stronger and faster, and better armed than I am to be taken off guard and surprised. I acted on my human training and instinct, and not with the wisdom, humility, and temperament that I have been instructed to use by Eye of the Storm Rhya."

Alecto listens. Like she REALLY listens, her eyes intent on Faith, head tipped ever so slightly to one side, then she nods. "Are you aware of the potential damage that you did cause in this situation? Are you aware of the potential besmirching of your mentor's reputation and honor - not among the Fera, but among his own people?"

Sitting quietly, Faith swallows before she speaks. "I am aware that I have potentially caused an enormous amount of friction in an already delicate political situation. I am aware that because Eye of the Storm had taken responsibility for me, my behavior reflects poorly on his own reputation and honor. I am aware also that I have taken time, resources, and attention of this sept and it's members - repeatedly - away from important matters because of my failure to behave in a respectful and responsible manner, despite the instruction and dedication of Eye of the Storm Rhya." The kinswoman takes a slow breath in, and exhales. "That is why I did not beg only for forgiveness yesterday at the arena, I begged for the opportunity to make amends Howls-at-High-Moon Rhya. Eye of the Storm Rhya, this Sept, and this Nation, deserve much better than what I have given, and making right by each garou and kinfolk who has been hurt by my willful and unacceptable past behavior is ... it's what's right. I apologize for not having better words for it."

Alecto shakes her head. "You will not apologize. You apologize for stepping on someone's foot accidentally or wrecking their car. You don't apologize for contributing to the potential ruin of a VERY promising Garou. You also don't ask the masses what you can do to make up for it. YOu just.. do better." She leans back just a little, so that she's sitting up straight. "Eye of the Storm-rhya. I do not hold you responsible for Faith's very grievous error in judgment. I believe that overall, your teaching has eliminated a lot of problems revolving around this kin and her penchant for drama. However, for now, I am relieving you of your duties to Faith." She turns to Faith. "I know this will upset you and that's fine. You are welcome to be upset. I expect it. It's allowed. You can voice your displeasure. That doesn't change the fact that for right now, *I* am your mentor. You are female, you are in a position of power and you have no idea how to properly wield that power against opposition. That, I believe I can teach you. If, after a time, I find you to be irredeemable, I will contact Gaia's Hope rehabilitation sept and you will be sent there for the foreseeable future. Again, I remind you that you may speak freely so long as you show me the respect and honesty that I will show you."

The young woman continues to sit compliantly, her hands still in her lap as she listens to the elder speak. She doesn't open her mouth immediately, nor does Faith's body stiffen up in 'revolt' to the declaration. "I will, accept your declaration. That's my place. It is a blessing that you are not holding Eye of the Storm responsible for my failure." She reaches up and brushes a lock of hair behind her ear. "I would like to, bring attention to what I believe was a misunderstanding. I apologized for not having better words to express myself, not for what I had done. I would also like to say, respectfully, that Eye of the Storm had solicited the requests of the sept to tell me what would make amends. Before you finalize your judgement, I would humbly request the opportunity to share two pieces of wisdom, for great or small is not my place to decide, that were given to me in the form of tasks by members of the sept. It may be that you will find I have learned more, and may do more, to redeem myself in their eyes than you currently think is possible. But I will only share them with your permission, Howls at High Moon Rhya."

Alecto nods, just once. "You have my permission. Go ahead."

Faith speaks softly without looking up. "Hushed Blaze explained to me that even the behaviors I showed that were respectful, were often too large. She explained to me that showing my throat to any garou who was upset with me was not appropriate. I sent a request to Weathers-the-Storm to ask him to meet with me so I can learn from him about how to respond appropriately, and what the differences are between respect, humility, submission. He has been kind to me, and he has a great deal of wisdom for his youth. I'm not afraid of him. That's still difficult for me to say about most Garou." She gently unfolds her hands, "Lights-the-Darkness spoke to me about sacrifice. I had asked Eye of the Storm Rhya to meet with me so that I might discuss with him what sacrifice I could make that would benefit the nation, while still hurting - a sacrifice that I will grow stronger for, and yet remember every time I consider a rash action." The young woman gathers her breath for a moment before she states, "I would sacrifice all ties to my blood family. They turned from the Nation and raised me apart from it. They taught me to fear the Nation and the ways. And yet when I came to the nation seven months ago because of necessity after I was attacked, I remained in contact with them. We speak every day. I brought five of my seven siblings into this world as my mother's own midwife. I was to ask Eye of the Storm if he would attend with me to cut ties with them and state my loyalty to the nation. I cannot walk in three worlds. I need to walk in this one. My place as a police officer must serve the nation first." She still does not look up. She speaks softly, adding, "I will abide by your command, in all matters, whatever is decided. That is what Eye-of-the-Storm has taught me to do."

Alecto nods as she considers, lightly tapping her chin in thought. "I think that Eye of the Storm going with you to your family is a good idea. I don't mean that you will have to sever all ties with Eye of the Storm. I think there are still things that you can learn from him, but I think there is also a lot that you CANNOT learn from him. This is a very personal choice, and most definitely a sacrifice for you. If that is what you are going to do, you should do it with someone with whom you are comfortable."

The kinswoman states softly, "It is a step I wanted to discuss with Eye of the Storm, as for the last seven months, I have shared everything with him. I keep no secrets by obfuscation or by omission from my mentor. I not only respect and trust him, but he often is able to help me separate what I feel from what I think. I told him on my knees I would not make another rash decision in an attempt to fix something. So even when I realized that my blood family is the only sacrifice worthy of making that will strengthen the nation, and give me pause to think on my actions, I determined that the only correct course of action was to discuss the decision with Eye of the Storm." She lifts her hands for a moment to her face and draws her hands over her mouth softly before putting them back into her lap. "When I first came to the nation, I sought many mentors. I listened to many voices. I received conflicting orders. I got into a great deal of trouble because I was listening to everyone that said they knew more and better than I did." Faith takes another careful breath and then continues. "Eye of the Storm mandated that he become my only mentor in an effort to corral and aid me in extricating myself from the ..drama, the chaos, and the poor decisions. I believe that did work, until my choice to confront Mr. Garou. For several months there were no incidents, no problems, and I was beginning to interact with the sept. It's possible that my body language was not appropriate around others. But I did not disrespect, cause scenes, create issues. I even brought the issue with Sander to Lucky Bastard and Eye of the Storm to deal with rather than making it an issue. I cannot deny your wisdom in saying I am a woman in a position of power who has no idea how to wield it. But just nights ago, I sat with Eye of the Storm's mate and another Kinfolk. I watched and I listened while I held Dragomir Junior. I learned. I spoke out more than I should have. But I learned. I have watched Vesta with new arrivals. She's competent, efficient, smart. I can learn, I will never be them, but I would respectfully ask that you consider discussing your judgment further with Eye of the Storm Rhya before you make a final decision as to the full disposition of my training Howls at High Moon Rhya. It's not about convenience or happiness. I'm absolutely terrified of most of you still, Ma'am. But my heart and mind are finally unified. I will serve, and I can and will do so appropriately. I will not question your wisdom or authority in this matter."

Alecto continues to listen, actively just like before and she nods. "He feels he has failed you as a Mentor, Faith. And I believe you are right to a certain extent. I believe that his training has helped you. Up until you presented yourself to the Fera and nearly caused the fact of your attack by this Bastet to be set aside and almost forgotten about in the debate that I personally had with Phillipe. I like Phillipe, but he is rather single minded at times and he only wanted to concentrate on the fact that you came to him. It took me hours to get back on track about the fact that you were attacked." She sighs quietly. "I WILL speak further to Eye of the Storm about this further, but you ARE going to spend time with me, regardless."

"Yes Howls at High Moon Rhya." Just as she stated, Faith does not question the authority or wisdom of the elder. The kinswoman's eyes remain on the floor, and after a moment, she speaks once again, still softly. "I am honored that you find something in me worthy of your wisdom and time and I will work as hard for you as I ever have on the lessons Eye of the Storm has bestowed on me. Thank you for listening to me, and for your patience with my somewhat inadequate communication skills."

Alecto nods, rising to her feet. "That's all for tonight. Go home. Rest. I will talk to Eye of the Storm a bit more tomorrow."