
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 00:58, 13 December 2023 by Lyra Grey (talk | contribs)
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In this state of hysteria,
I can save everything I betrayed

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Vampire: Useful spies. Knowledgable mystics. Versatile parts.

Werewolf: Do you hear the clock ticking down?

Mage: You don't get it now, but you will.

Sorcerer.png: Potential. They have that, at least.

Wyrm: May we all serve the Father well.

Nephandi: I am what I am, and I 'live' for it.

Wraith: Oblivion will come for you soon.

Mortal: Little balls of anxieties.

Bygone: Fascinating creatures.

Demon: You must love what we've done with the place.

Changeling: Flights of fancy. Nothing more than that.

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Shannon: My close conspirator. Industrious and witty.

Vesper: Say my name, I'll break your chains. You are mine.

Massa: He's got a real imagination... Pity about the handicap.

Ramon: A man who knows where the party is.

Eris: Pretty. Fierce. I like that.

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No pages meet these criteria.


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Ailis Mcculogh

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Full Name: Ailis (Ay-lish) Mcullogh

Occupation: Administration

Tradition: Verbena Barabbi

Merits of note:

Legendary Appearance (With a note!)

Spark of Life

Flaws of note:

Territorial (For Mages, this is equivalent to frenzy. Don't touch her things, or else there will be consequences!)

Demeanor: Autocrat

Resonance: Virulent

This character is a Nephandi. If you find her unlikeable, this is the point. Any behaviors or opinions expressed in character are almost certainly NOT the opinions of the player.

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RP Hooks
Trinity Heights:Ailis is the owner of the Trinity Heights mental hospital, and oversees its activity.

Children: Ailis is a Mother! To three adult ferectoi. They're often around her and may be a source of interest.

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My Children


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Played By: Blue Astrid