Arumi/Personal Shield

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A brooch, capped with a decorative Apollo XI medallion, is clipped to the body. Inside is a precisely ground and aligned stack of lenses of strengthened glass, with a small light emitter inside.


The shield provides protection from low-mass, high-energy attacks. Attacks such as lasers, plasma, bullets, small rocks and the like are deflected off of the shield. More than one success needed for the effect to last more than a round.


  • 2 successes: 1 scene.
  • 3 successes: 1 day.


Base difficulty: 6, 7 with witnesses. Always used with unique and specialty focus for a -2 modifier. An additional -1 if used where it is not vulgar.


The alignment of lenses creates intense, localized Etheric friction, increasing the viscosity of surrounding air that increases with stress. This viscosity results in matter being deflected on impact with a force proportional to the KE at impact. When these deflections happen, the air crystallizes like a fresnel lens in the air.

Personal Shield

Vulgar: Sundot.png
Energetic Physics:Sundot.pngSundot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png
Metaphysical Ether:Sundot.pngSundot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png