Bren/Notable Stats

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Charisma : ✔ ✔ ✔
Appearance : ✔ ✔
Perception : ✔ ✔ ✔
Intelligence : ✔ ✔

Awareness : ✔ ✔
Empathy : ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Animal Ken : ✔ ✔ ✔
Animal Training :
Falconry :
Linguistics :
Occult : ✔ ✔

Merits ~ Flaws

  • Ability Aptitude: She is extremely good with Empathy.
  • Animal Magnetism: There's something about her, even with her average looks, that seems to draw a person's attention at times.
  • Feral Appearance: She's especially noticeable to Garou. Even Lupus tend to notice her.
  • Daredevil: She seems to enjoy life on the wild side.
  • Sensation Junkie: No doubt, this goes with the Daredevil in her
  • Allergic: She's really allergic to cinnamon of all things. The scent drives her to sneeze attacks, watery-itchy eyes, and sometimes even hives. Ingesting it, does the same, but can make her tongue and throat swell if there is a lot in the food.