2014.06.20: PWN - LEGACY - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

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Never in the history of our sport has someone said so many words while achieving so little substance. Congratulation, Drew Stevenson.

During the course of the past week, I have raised a number of questions and observations about Drew Stevenson, his delusional mindset, his view of women athletes, his views on skill versus size, his opinions on the merits of wrestling promotion management, and so on. Some of my comments were scathing, some subtle, but there all there, on the record, in the video archive, for anyone to see. What's also there on the record is the fact that nowhere in any of his canned responses this week did Drew Stevenson address any of my points about him nor did he answer any of the questions I placed before him... including the ones which I insultingly told him not to answer as they were rhetorical.

Now, you may be wondering why I bring this up at all, especially after Drew Stevenson, in his most recent promo, again flat out admits that although he doesn't actually WATCH his opponents promos, he has his interns recap them for him and his interns are really quite good, or so he assures us, but it's because he has once again come out and based his entire argument on the premise of something that I DID NOT SAY.

Fire your interns, Drew, they're making you look like an idiot again. Because Drew, I never claimed that I was going to be the one to make the Emerald City fall. I actually stated, quite clearly, that you were. But I guess, like playing the Telephone Game, something got lost in translation as one intern actually watched my video, then he explained it to another one, and he explained it to another one, and he explained it to the last one who then drew you a picture on the back f a cocktail napkin. So one last time, very slowly. This could have just been an ordinary match, Drew. A match you would have, and are going to lose, but an ordinary match nonetheless. One you could have picked yourself up after, dusted yourself off, and gone on with things. Could have been. But because you've spent the entirety of this week trying to verbally bury not only me but all women athletes, anyone smaller than you, and in fact, the entire wrestling industry with the exception of yourself, you've raised the stakes on yourself.

I've given these people a reason to spend there money, I've given these people a reason to tune into this match. I've told people from the very beginning that it is a bit of a David Vs. Goliath match, something the fans love, but that despite your ability, despite your legacy, despite your skill and talent, I know that I can beat you, and that it's exactly what I'm going to do come tonight. Meanwhile, how have you contributed to your contractual obligation to promote our match, Legacy's very first Main Event? By trying to verbally bury your opponent, and by constantly threatening to use your stroke to make sure that the match, the match that all of the fans are talking about and simply cannot wait to see, might not even happen.

Way to sell tickets, Drew.

Is light starting to dawn on Marble Head yet Drew? Are you starting to see where all of this is going? Have you suddenly looked down and realized that all of your chess pieces are actually checkers? Because here it comes, Drew, the final move, the one true checkmate, that thing that by now everyone who's watched our exchange this week already knows, except for you. Not only do I know that you're afraid to face me, Drew, not only do I know that because I've studied you, trained for you and strategized for you while you've been sipping cocktails and getting massages all week, but the real message I've been building all week, the one that's become so undeniably clear to everyone watching?

You're bad for business, Stevenson.

All week, all you've done is throw ice water on what would have otherwise been a red-hot match, Drew. All week all you've done is try to convince the fans that this match isn't worth watching, and that even if it was, don't tune in or buy tickets because if you have your way the match isn't going to happen anyway. While I've spent the entire week trying to put asses in seats, you've spent the same amount of time trying to padlock the doors, Drew. You're an idiot, and you everything that is wrong with the wrestling business today. And now, anyone who didn't already know it, does. But here's the funniest part of the whole thing, Drew. It's how badly you've failed. Everyone's still talking about this match, despite your best efforts. I put this Main Event on my back and I carried it to a place where it's the single most exciting ticket in out sport tonight, the event that everyone is talking about, no matter how much you tried to bury it. I've achieved exactly what I set out to to at the start of this week, and I did it working against you every step of the way. More importantly, I did it so publicly that everyone witnessed it, everyone saw exactly what I was doing and exactly what you were trying to do as well. It's fucking beautiful, Drew.

And everyone get it, Emerald. Everyone knows why you've been working so damn hard to bury Legacy Wrestling's first event and get as many eyes as you could turned elsewhere. It's because you know that what I've been saying all week is true, that you only have two options... you lose, or you don't show up or get the match cancelled or changed like you've been promising too. Never mind that it's the most talked-about match on the card, you'd rather change it or no-show altogether than face losing to me, and that much is plain as day to everyone who's been watching this week. And that'swhy the Emerald City will fall, Drew. Not because I'm going to tear it down, but because you are. Because your options at this point suck, frankly... and it was always going to be that way. Either you show up Friday night and lose... lose not just to another wrestler but to a wrestler who you've painted as inferior in every possible way: sex, size, skill, talent, training, intelligence... or you maneuver your way out of the match, demonstrating to everyone that you always knew that you were going to lose, and revealing yourself as the true coward that you are.

You keep wanting to point out 'THE' difference between us, Drew? Well, here it is: When all the promos are done, when it's time to shut up and fight, either side can claim that they've had the other dancing to their tune the entire time. The DIFFERENCE is that the side who's actually done it, Drew? They'll explain exactly what the song was and how the orchestra played it, which is exactly what I've just done. A man of morals? A role model? I don't think so, Drew, and neither does anyone else. I set you up to show exactly how bad you are for pro-wrestling, and you danced onto that stage oblivious to my true motivation from the outset. Everything you've said, everything you've done all week has been bad for pro-wrestling, bad for Legacy Wrestling, and detrimental to promoting this match. Every work you've said this week has been an effort to get the fans NOT to watch.

You failed.

Tonight, the world is gonna tune in and they're gonna see what happens when hard work and intelligence face off against skilled but stupid, against regaled but disrespectful. You managed to convince yourself that I'm no threat to you, but you're wrong, and everyone else knows it, so you've done yourself no favors. All the lies you've told yourself, all the illusions you've taken on pure faith? On Saturday morning, you have to look into the mirror and suffer under the weight of all of them... that you've just lost to someone you'd told the world was so completely and totally inferior in every possible way.

And at that moment, the walls will start to tumble.

No more Emerald City.

Goodbye yellow brick road.