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[[Category:Prospect Fire Department]]

Latest revision as of 09:43, 30 September 2015

Not Funny At All
Kyra comes by for a tour of the firehouse after the challenge with Sam, not all is right, seems a prank is played and neither knows who has done it.
IC Date 2015.09.10
IC Time Evening after sunset
Players Kyra and Samuel
Location Prospect Fire Department near UC Prospect
Prp/Tp Afoot at the PDF
Spheres Not sphere specific
Theme Song Dead Souls - Joy Division

Fair is fair, she won, Samuel was absolutely prepared to offer a tour. He offered at the start of his shift, which was round about the time sun was setting, of all the convenient things. At the time, even though there is a front desc and someone usually sits it just in case, Samuel is there waiting. Though he's in blue PFD shirt and brown trousers, over black books. More official uniform, ready to throw on fire gear if/as needed of course. He's taken a seat out in the lobby even, casually leaning back, whether she is early or late, seems he's turned his attention to the tennis ball he's brought with him, from his office, and is leaning back and throwing it up near the ceiling to catch it again. If she comes in he might miss it, its night and he's focused on catching the ball he keeps throwing.

Kyra had never seen the inside of a fire house but she was conscious of the fact she'd asked to try out the pole so she's dressed in comfortable clothing. Jeans, a long sleeved t-shirt and a pair of boots. Her hummer is left parked out of the fire lane and she walks in the door, not knowing what to expect. It certainly wasn't a fireman playing with a tennis ball. "Slacker," she smirks, but with amusement. "Our tax dollars at work."

Nearly fumbling the ball when she catches him, Sam gets it into a hand after a try or two, well before it fall to the floor and rolls around. "Absolutely, its ... ugh hand eye coordination training." As he starts to get up, he tosses it her way, so she can get that training as part of the experience; or get the feel of proper slacking at least. "Important stuff. Looks like your ready, I guess I wont go down the pole first now." He motions with his head, and starts walking to at least go past the secretary station. "The only exciting thing up here other than my office, is the wall of fame." Which, just past that work station, one side of the hall leading back to the garage where the trucks are, and the exciting rooms beyond offices, there are pictures of fire fighter groups through the years, especially after heroic fire fights.

"Hand eye coordination. Looks like you could still use a little work on that." Kyra chuckles softly, reaching out to catch the 'think fast' ball tossed her way. As they walk near the pictures, she pauses and looks them over. After a moment, she falls in beside him again, squeezing the ball in her hand as she does. "So where's the good stuff?" There's a dubious glance at him. "Oh no way am I going down the pole first you have to show me how."

Chuckling at her tease of him, Samuel nods, "Exactly, I need more practice. I think the ceiling over my desk is ready to lose some panels soon." From all the practice in there. But that put him in good spirits. "Just through this door, honest." And he opens it up, its the main garage. Lots of cool stuff, trucks, an ambulence, lockers, fire gear, the pole, the stairs going up, access to the kitchen, the shower area. "Want to do the pole first?" Its like less tour and more fun time the way he makes it sound. He gives her a suspicious look though, "No expert pole rider jokes when I do it right ... its my job you know." To ride that pole.

"As long as you don't lube it up first, and as long as you don't lick the pole or do something odd like spinning around it and dance." Kyra laughs, stepping through and looking around at the trucks. "Where do you keep the ladder truck? Is it too big to store in here?" She notices the first responder vehicle and walks over. "I think the jaws of life are kept in here aren't they? For accidents?" Turning, she nods. "Sure, let's do the pole first, get the whole thing over with so I can 'fuck' with you the rest of the day." She never talks like that but she's amused!

That gets a laugh from Samuel, or a chuckle at least, about the pole. "Whew, good, we're safe then. I only dance on it when no one else is around." And probably hard with others in the building, including some of the lower ranked ones that do three day shifts in the building. Most asleep now at least. "There's room, its in the back." He moves to turn on some lights to help see that way. Its a three bay garage, first responder right near the door and pole, but there are two engines beyond that. That squint is given her, "Completely trouble, first luring me into skee ball when you're a pro, now you're going to turn on the sirens and wake the house." Half a grin there, that right dimple deeper, which is probably something they do to 'fuck' with each other sometimes anyways. There is a spiral stairway up, he skips in that direction. Upstairs is a pool table, couches, relaxing area. Along with a few doors, some to rooms to sleep in for the live in fighters who are on their rotations. Its not uncommon to see folks around during the day, but most are sleeping currently. TV isn't even on. They will hear a door slam on the way up. But otherwise its quiet upstairs. As the move for the pole.

"Yeahhhh, I don't want to know how hard it is." Kyra laughs, eyeing him a moment when he laughs also, glad for his sense of humor at least. Walking through as he turns on the lights, she nods about the size. Ladder trucks were usually too huge (long with the ladder that extended past the end of the truck even when fully closed) for the bays so that was good. As they head for the spiral staircase, she tilts her head up and starts walking up it with him. Hesitating in the door way, she smirks. "Does this mean you're good at pool? Maybe you should have challenged me to that instead of skeeball." A glance towards the closed doors she assumes firemen are sleeping behind, then back to him. "Well someone isn't sleeping, and the slamming of the door will wake the others."

"That is a hands on experience," how hard it is, Samuel chuckles back to her. As she nods about the size of the place, "If its still quiet, we can get in one take it around the block if you like?" So there is less fucking with him at least. They're good, he does have a small walkie clipped to his built if anything comes up, always on call. "Not sure who it was, probably some thought we were talking too loud and closed a door." He doesn't pay it much mind, livable space and all. "Okay, next challenge is pool, oh wait, did we have one lined up already. You're running me ragged trying to win something." Not so much, they only did skeeball so far. Moving to that pole and the hole in the floor. "Its easy, just wrap your arms and legs around it, and let gravity do its work." He lifts brows moves over and does it.

Even after he goes, one of the doors opens, but doesn't look like it goes to sleeping quarters, just a dark room with some clutter of some sort in it. There seems to be a guy with a mustache there, looking around a moment, then pausing to look at Kyra, like a silent stare look, then he's back in that room and closing that door, not quite a shut, but he could of been the door slammer a moment ago.

Kyra looks down at her hands then back up at him with a smirk. "Not my hands." His explanation about the door is accepted but there's a shake of her head in regards to taking one around the block. "Nah, it'd be weird, I'm happy just looking at them and the station." When he talks about the next challenge, she smirks again. "Easy now, we'll see how today goes before we issue more challenges. You throw them around so easily." As Samuel goes down, she watches, until she hears the door open. Her attention is drawn there, towards the... broom closet? With a frown she looks and physically jumps when she notices the man standing there. *Staring at her* "Hey are you okay?" She asks the guy. It's dark in there and she doesn't even think to be afraid of anything, so she walks over and gently presses on the door.

Kyra rolls to recall picture, 3 successes.

"Too easy, I get myself in trouble you're saying," chuckles Sam back to Kyra right before his slide down the pool. Not knowing who she was talking too, he responds from the bottom, "I'm doing good here, just jump when you're ready." By jump he means slide down of course. Cause he had to say he was okay on account of being asked it. Not knowing what's going on up there and yes, it is dark. Less lights on, at best light leaking from what could be restrooms into the area, a dimmed one over the pool/recreation area so people don't trip in the middle of the night when going to the facilities.

Other than that door, it is really quick, the buzz of the lights that are on. Even Sam down below doesn't add to the noise. Curiously the door opens at the press from her. Its looks like a storage area, a shelf right in front of the door to help it look broom closet, but one could walk around various shelves of old stuff it looks like. No telling who long since someone has actually gone through here, other than that fellow who just went in. No answer from him, but thinking of that mustache, he was on that wall below. Along with three others meeting some politician, one of the local heroes still in residence perhaps. If she's been in the area longer, she might know the politician, who is still in office, the photo fairly recent on the wall of fame. He might be in there, behind some shelves though.

"Hello?" Kyra hears Samuel but doesn't immediately respond to him, intrigued by the person she saw disappear into the broom closet. She pushes the door further and steps inside, seeking a light switch. If she finds one she'll attempt turning it on but if not she'll still walk around inside. It's a fire station after all. "Hello?" She says softly into the room. "What's going on in here?" Stepping further in because she might have recognized him from the photos. Curious, she tries to find him again.

There is a light switch, the light is in the center though. So along the outter edge of the room, near the door, its still dark. It buzzes a little too, old bulb. There is a faint scrapping noise of some sort. Not completley like a rat in the wall, but something moving. Just light enough to hear, but hard to say what it is. There is no reponse to her calls. As she goes around the shelfing that is near the door to look around, something falls from a shelf. A plastic box, red in color, with the PFD logo on it. It doesn't break, but she can see where it hits the ground. There is enough dust there, and someone has taken a finger and written (wrote?) the word 'trust' into it. It could be oddly curious to see that on the floor, if she looks at it, she'll notice another line coming to the floor. It will cross out the word trust. That and if she decides to leave, the door will be locked now.

She might hear Sam outside, calling up "Kyra?" A couple times then his feet carry him up the metal spiral stairwell.

Even if Kyra hears Samuel, she only absently glances back that way. The red box has her attention now and she crouches down beside it in the darkness. "Trust." Well that was a good answer. Trust inspired just that. So when its crossed out, she stumbles backwards, landing with a thud on her rear end. "The hell?" She scrambles to her feet and scurries towards the door, pausing when she gets to it. She had not closed it. Reaching for the knob, she tries it. It's locked! "Open this door, Samuel, this isn't funny at all." She demands, but feels creeped out and looks around behind her, pressing her back to the wall, the red non-trust box there at her feet. She reaches for it again. "Open the door!"

Her voice comes out a slight muffle, and if she can hear, she might note his boots plot in a running manner up the rest of the stairs. "Kyra," comes his call, hearing her say open the door. "Where are you?" Its a call enough that she'll realize he's not near the door. But is coming that way at least. The door on the other side of the shelf, there is some distance between red non-trust box and her at least. She can see it through the various tidbits of old gear and such on that shelf. Just as Samuel reaches the door to start trying to jimmy the handle, asking, "How'd you get in there? You okay?" ... the red box skitters across the floor towards Kyra's feet. It seems to plop open just a little. The top part of the ribbon of the metal reads 'honor', probably awarded by the city to firefighters for above and beyond courage in the line of duty sort of a thing.

Kyra is freaked the hell out by now and by the time she can hear him more clearly, she's twisting the knob. "Just open the damned door, this is not fu..." The box does its thing and she screams, jumping back. It's not every day a box chases you! When it opens, she looks down then around warily before looking back down and crouching beside it. "What are you trying to tell me?" She asks softly. She reaches for the ribbon. "A medal of honor? Who are you? I saw you in a picture? Come out, please?"

"They key's in the," she'll hear that from Sam, testiment to him asking how she got in there. Then she screams of course. He was about to turn about to go fetch the key, instead he goes into fireman mode to start battering the door with his shoulder. "Stand back." Says Sam.

Erstwhile inside the room, silence reigns, other than her own voice, now the ribbon taken in hand. Most likely some stored in hear, but that one chosen specifically it seems, meant for her. The door bashing louder, its starting to splinter near the lock mechanism. Old door, not really meant for high security. Even then, as the door is about to give, the lights will flick out, and as if through leagues of water, a feint voice sounds, "No trust for brothers." There seems to be just enough energy from somewhere to touch at hairs, like static electricity, or something pulled to bring the voice near, turn off the light, or something. Like the voice it fades. The door crashes open and the room is silent as Sam gets in there, "What's going on?" Thinking it far worse from the scream, like an attacker in theere.

"No, wait!" Kyra tries to warn Samuel, not realizing he may think she's talking to someone inside the closet. At least there was light in here to some degree! Holding the medal, she frowns then looks to the darker recesses of the room before the lights flicker and go out. She doesn't scream.. what she does do is shiver as she hears the voice and feels the hair on the back of her neck stand up. As soon as Samuel is through the door, she looks up. "What. The. Fuck. Was. That?" She looks at him warily because /HE/ is one of the 'brothers' she was just warned not to trust. "Why did you lock me in here and who.." Her hand closes around the medal and she looks towards the door. "You tell me who that man is, the one from the pictures."

It is too late for Samuel to stop, not sure if she's trying to tell him something or indeed if there is someone in there. He's still standing with hand on knob, lights out inside the room, a hint of flood from those dim lights outside. A slight bit more red in this ear, there is an 'exit' sign close at hand to wash some red into that mix, spilling it across the floor, hints of that no trust scrawled on the floor in that spill.

"What, lock you in there, I wouldn't do that to you," he might joke more about locking in the room, but he can readily pick up on that vibe of she's not in the mood for a joke. The screaming aside, even that quiet look on her face. "I was wondering how you got in," he offers a hand and steps aside, so she can just get out. "Point him out to me?"

He'll listen to what she may have to say about the room on the way down, but once they get to the picture, he gives a name at least, "That was Jonathan McKenzie." Operative being was.

As the door splinters open, Kyra had been enough out of the way and she remains watching the darkness even when he was in there for a long moment. Rising, she looks at him in the dim red light and shivers. Blood red. Freaky! Without even waiting, she steps out of the room, pushing by him, unintentionally missing that offered hand now that she's free to go. "I saw him," she points out the man. "He was in there and he spoke to me. What the hell kind of prank is thi... wait, what do you mean was? Fuck. That. I /saw/ him and No. No, you guys set this up didn't you?"

Now at least near the wall of fame, Samuel is looking honestly dubious for once. No play of eyebrows, no tease, just disbelief. His arms fold over his chest. "Honest, that's not a funny prank, even by some of our standards, locking someone in a room like that." And she is saying she saw him, looking from her to the picture, and back again. "Him ... Johnny died last december..." Hense his disbelief currently. "What do you mean spoke to you, no one was in that room. No one else even heard you in there, or there would of been a few of us getting it open ..."

Considering a little, "Maybe someone left it open, needed to get something out. The locks are keyed to stay locked unless you full turn, maybe it was just open when you went in, closed behind you?" As if he completely wants to believe, but he knows it couldn't of been Jonathan, or can't believe that. "Come on, lets sit down in the break room?" As if to sit down, settle and figure this out, must be some logic to it somewhere.

"No." Kyra tells him adamantly. "He had that mustache," she holds out the medal she had clutched in her hand. "That? See it?" She's getting louder and forces herself to calm down, frowning. "This is some bullshit, Samuel. I don't know why you're going through this elaborate thing but it's not funny. At all. It's a shit prank and I don't appreciate it. You see that medal? Obviously someone in your department is fucked up. Whoever was in there told me not to trust the brothers. That's pretty damned serious."

Looking at her, then down at the medal, Samuel considers her words. "Not my prank, we can ask around?" Then a pause to his voice. "Its a medal of valour, whoever it was knows Jonathan, but that's not funny even amongst us. Jonathan got that same medal a couple months before the fire that took him. Proudest day of his life standing there with us." Then he holds up his hands, tyring to remove him from the blaim. "That fire that took him, he was separated from the group. Equipment malfunction. I promise, I wouldn't do this. Some of the fellows knew you'd be here tonight. If you want we can go ask some now, wake them up. I don't think its funny either Kyra." He does thumb back to the garage area and the stairwell going up.

"No. No, I'm not going to wake them up. Someone was in that room so someone is already awake. I don't understand who would do something like this." Kyra moves for the stairs again and towards the room, she wants answers. "Come with me, I will show you the box. It said trust on it then like magic the trust was marked through and a voice told me No trust for the Brothers." Her hands grip the railing of the spiral staircase. "Just come and look. What could he..." she pales. "Is there a ghost here?" She's not above thinking that.

With a pause at first, Samuel still looks with some disbelief, then he follows her for the stairs and the room itself. "I'll peak in the rooms real quick, check the head." He says, as they get to that dimmly lit second floor, no flashing lights on up there, it could wake the others. But he checks bathrooms and peeks into rooms. Would be hard to spot someone if they ran into bed to act like they're sleeping though. But she needs more attention, this curious situation. "No trust, its like someone's suggestion we let him die in that fire." He doesn't want to think about ghosts, still getting over he near leg breaking that was only a sprain. He's going with another culprit. "Don't go around with the ghost business, I mean, a few of the rookies always do that. Just old building, settles at night when it gets cold outside. A few guys mess with them about it, but not like this." He goes into the room to look, at the scrawling, and the box, and the medal she still has. "That's all I can come up with, someone wants us to feel bad for Jonathan. I can ask around, maybe one of his closer friends did this. Just weird they did it to you." His face more stern, some red there even, he doesn't get angry much, but he can see Kyra is shaken by this.

Kyra does not go back in the room as he is checking the head and the sleeping quarters. She remains by the doorway of whatever room he is checking at the time, afraid to be alone. She doesn't put much stock in the ghost thing either and she nods when he mentions possible prank like she'd been saying from the start. "Well the man was the man in the photo, I don't care what prank is being pulled, that's a fact. As for the medal and the words," she shrugs. "Is someone responsible? Faulty equipment you said. Have you checked out the person responsible for equipment? Or anything like that? You could hire a PI or something..."

Near the room, as she talks, Samuel does lift a hand to her shoulder. Reassuring, not forward or flirtly, an honest hand, and he tries to meet her gaze. "I trust you, what you saw was that man. No one has a mustache like his around here." Considering that some more. "Well, I handle some of the internal investigations on that stuff. We could get someone from outside. But, well ... when Jonathan went into his last fire, he choose to separate from his partner. I don't mean they agreed to it ... he just got some wild hair something needed to be done. His partner didn't know until we called to clear the building as it was collapsing, was going to run in to get him out. I stopped his Derrick from going in to get Jonathan." Because he didn't want two heads on his shoulder that night. "If you like, we could get a PI, to check the equipment and reopen the case on that fire?"

"Wait, no. I mean.. it's not up to me if you get a PI. It's up to you. If you want to find out what happened, because I think /something/ happened, then you should do it. I assume you'd want to find out if anything happened that was off base. Is the partner still working here?" So many questions, so few answers. It bothers her, that much is clear, and she looks towards the door again then back at him, "I would never say I was visited by a ghost, because that sounds crazy."

Still looking at her, "I believe you saw something, and it better have not been a prank." Though Samuel doesn't think that either, the complexity of this is too much for a fun prank of any sort. "I trust that Jonathan went where he shouldn't have and had his headset been checked, the rest of us might have heard him when he got into trouble." He says softly, "Just that's the only faulty equipment, and its why we use hand signals too. His partner still works here, just not his shift. I can ask him some questions and get a PI." There is a pause, "I believe you saw something. I'm sorry it happened to you." Before the pole ride even. "Don't know if you want to tour anymore after this, your mind is racing." He can tell with all the questions she's coming up with. "Want to walk and get a quick bite, I'm do for a lunch break?"

"I hope it was a prank. Otherwise, the implications of what it could be or what it was are chilling." Kyra frowns over the headset. "Could it have been tampered with? Did someone hand him his equipment? Was someone hanging around the locker room?" Gear room, whatever it's called here. "Are the headsets assigned or just a random grab?" So many more questions and since they were upstairs, she looks towards the pole. "Let's get food. Anywhere but here." She does go to the pole and flashes a smile before wrapping her hands and her legs around it and sliding down.

"It could of been, and yes, they're assigned. We'll get a private investigator in here." Just to assure things are in order that way at least. Or if they think someone else should be questioned, or other questions need to be asked. The medal she has is hers if she keeps it, he doesn't ask for it back, or think about it. "I'll check what we have on video again for that day. Try to get it going, the colder it is, the harder to open a case." He follows over to the pole, "I know a great place." Open at this time of night and well lit. He gives her that ride, then comes down next, "Look out below," it is way quicker than the stairs. "Foods on me, your tour was ruined." To be fair at least, "And pole rides are free, if you don't mind coming back here."

He'll steer for the door and all, passing word to the person on desk duty that he's taking his break.

Of all things, Kyra blushes at the pole rides being free.. of course she does. She has the medal but just because she forgets to give it back, so it comes with her. "I am hungry though and the tour was crazy, but it was interesting." When he leads out, she motions towards her hummer. "My vehicle is here. Are you taking your own or like a ride?"

It probably takes her blushing to get Samuel to double think what he offered, and cock his head curiously to the side. He was expecting it to come his way, instead it just rolled on out there. "We'll see what happens with this, the welcome back a serious offer. Or we could talk the next challenge, over some awesome burgers or burritos." He has a smaller ford truck, just F150 range, considering riding in the hummer, he nods, "Okay, shotgun then, just, I'm not going to jump and slide over the hood like the duke boys. My luck of late, I'd injure myself somehow. You drive, I'll point, get us to a great local join." Once inside, he'll wait for her to start it, then reach over to push buttons, "A-driver gets to pick the song right, you got a selection in here of your own music." He starts to see if she has USB connected and if he can start flipping songs, before she tells him driver gets full control at least.