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Just exactly who is Bobby Langford? This was a question that the wrestling world was wondering, especially recently opened Legacy Wrestling. The upstart promotion ran by King Treborn recently announced its intentions to throw its hat in the ring for a slice of the professional wrestling market and began looking for talent, both established names as well as top blue chip prospects. Bobby Langford recently graduated from the famous Emerald Academy, ran by Hall of Famer Drew Stevenson after he caught his attention at a charity football event for the Pittsburgh Steelers… as a fan. Drew Stevenson couldn’t believe that the 6 foot 8, 280 pound mountain of a man was working at a steel mill and not showcasing his raw athletic ability elsewhere. His brother David Langford who worked at the steel mill with Bobby was also similarly gifted in stature and before long both received invites to train at the Emerald Academy. Once the brothers finished their training David got a call to wrestle in Missouri but tore his ACL before he could make his televised debut, Bobby meanwhile went back to work at the steel mill his father and grandfather before him made their living waiting for his opportunity to strike out in the wrestling industry. He was nearly hired for a wrestling promotion in the state of Tennessee however talks fell through and management never returned his calls and thus his wait became even longer than he originally anticipated.

All of that changed a week ago when Talen Decaine of talent relations for Legacy Wrestling reached out to him. Decaine being a wily veteran promoter of the business had a history with the man he trained under and after the two spoke on the phone Bobby took the next flight out to Los Angeles to meet in person and sign on the dotted line. After taking a tour of Legacy Wrestling headquarters and spending a night at IHOP with the man who trained him Bobby was back on a flight to Pittsburgh to finish his commitments at the steel mill.

It was 7:30pm Monday as Bobby Langford finally went to clock out at the break room wearing his work uniform for what appeared to be the last time, wearing a blue collared shirt with a name patch sewn in and a pair of durable black denim jeans as sweat dripped down his forehead. Bobby was always one of the last people to leave whether it was the gym or at work as well as one of the first men in the building each day he showed up to do his job and he always wore a smile at the end of a long day. He was excited to start living his dream but this day was very bittersweet to him after putting many years into the job with the men and women he came to know very well in his time here. Bobby lost track of time after clocking out as he looked around the break room which to him was full of good memories as a voice finally called out to him.

?: Bobby, I appreciate the hard work you gave to the company but shouldn’t a man pursuing his dreams be preparing for the journey ahead?

Bobby turned around as he saw his boss standing behind him with a warm smile. The man was in his mid-50s with a receding hairline and a beard that was both greying showing the wisdom and stress of his years. The man was short in size compared to Bobby but when you’re 6’8 most people are, but despite his shorter stature he was well built from the years of manual labor.

Bobby Langford: My apologies Mr. Jameson. Just taking my time and remembering all the years I’ve spent here and all the life lessons it taught me.

Mr. Jameson chuckles and walks over to Bobby managing to pat him on the shoulder as well as his size would let him.

Mr. Jameson:
Please, call me Jack. I’m not your boss anymore. And please, there’s no reason to apologize, do you have any idea of the opportunity you have?

Bobby Langford:
I do, Jack. It’s been a dream of mine since childhood to become a professional wrestler; I just never thought I’d be in the position to make that dream come true.

Jack chuckles again, grinning like a proud father would for his son.

Jack Jameson: You’ve always been a humble man, sometimes to a fault! Your father raised you and David right and I’m sure he’s very proud right now. Everything happens for a reason Bobby, always remember that. When you came here upon your father’s recommendation out of high school I knew right off the bat that you had potential to be someone special and accomplish great things in your life; a man that comes around once or twice in a lifetime. Drew Stevenson saw the very same qualities that we’ve seen here for close to a decade and he was willing to take a chance on you and your brother and even paid for your training!

Bobby nods to acknowledge his words yet he wasn’t quick to boast as he responded in a gentle and humble manner with his deep voice.

Bobby Langford:
I’m glad Mr. Stevenson saw something in me that made him believe in me, I just don’t know how I could ever repay him. I’m no different than anyone else Jack, just a man looking to work and put food on the table and pay the bills. I love what I do and I love to have fun like any other person but when you’re working on the clock you got a job that needs to be done and that always comes first. When I start work for Legacy Wrestling I want to make sure Mr. Decaine’s faith in me was justified, I want to help the company grow and put smiles on the faces of all the fans in attendance who paid their hard earned money to watch us compete in that ring.

Jack Jameson: They’re going to love you in Los Angeles Bobby; I can see you becoming a fan favorite very quickly if the Emerald Academy equipped you with the skills to do your job combined with your attitude. We’re going to miss you greatly, but everyone here is going to be rooting for you as you start your journey in the world of professional wrestling. Keep in touch Bobby and always remember where you came from, stay humble and hungry. I’m proud to call you my friend, show the world what men from Pittsburgh are made of!

Bobby and Jack shake hands each exerting their strength as they’ve done countless times after talking with each other to see has the stronger grip. Jack manages a smile with a hint of a grimace behind it, the training from the Emerald Academy giving Bobby the edge in strength.

Bobby Langford:
I’ll do my best, I won’t let you down.

As the scene fades to black here we catch up to Bobby Langford the next day at the Los Angeles International Airport. He’d just gotten off the plane after a red eye flight across country and retrieved his bags as he made his way through the lobby. To his great surprise there was more activity than usual as a small gathering of people could be seen clapping and cheering. Bobby tried to make his way through but the airport was just too crowded however he remained patient as he made little headway. The reason for the gathering though was soon made well apparent as he spots a newscrew with a camera and a young brunette reporter in her mid to late 20s making their way towards him.

You’re Bobby Langford right?

Bobby looks a little bewildered caught off guard, the last thing he expected upon reaching LA again was a news crew waiting for him.

Bobby Langford: Yes Miss…

Reporter: Jill, Jill Dante of Los Angeles News Today. We’re doing a series of news reports on Legacy Wrestling this week and if you could take a few moments out of your day for us it would be greatly appreciated.

Bobby chuckles and smiles as he goes to place his baggage on the floor, he figured a few moments of his time wouldn’t hurt anything. Perhaps Decaine tipped the news crew off to his arrival but if it was for the good of the company he’d be happy to do his part.

Jill Dante motions for the camera crew to begin filming as she steps forward with a microphone in hand.

Jill Dante:
I’m Jill Dante of Los Angeles Today here with Legacy Wrestling Top Prospect Bobby Langford. Despite never wrestling a match in your budding career the fans of LA are beginning to buzz about what a man of your size and athleticism can bring to the fledgling promotion; I believe the Legacy Newswire even referred to you as a “Mountain of a Man”. What do you have to say for the fans and the people watching at home who are beginning to familiarize themselves with Bobby Langford of Legacy Wrestling?

Bobby Langford:
It’s a pleasure to be here Miss Dante. First off I’d like to start off by thanking my father, my brother, Jack Jameson of Pittsburgh Steel and Drew Stevenson for giving me the chance to train at the Emerald Academy. I’d also like to thank Mr. Decaine for reaching out to me and giving me the opportunity of a lifetime to compete with Legacy Wrestling. I may have yet to be tested in the ring but if there’s one thing I can promise to everyone is that I bring with me a blue collar work ethic from the steel mills to the wrestling ring and I will give all of my sweat, blood, and tears each and every night I step out from that curtain. I have the chance to live a dream that many men, women, and children around the world wish they could but aren’t able to for one reason or another. Some have disabilities that prevent them from being physically able to compete while others are hampered down by financial hardship and struggle to make ends meet.

Bobby gently reaches out for the microphone which Jill Dante is more than happy to pass off to him as the fans listen in silence, captivated by the big man.

Bobby Langford:
I promise that as long as I’m physically able to and companies are willing to take a chance on me I will fight for each and every one of you.

Bobby points out to members of the crowd, his eyes beginning to reflect his inner fire and passion as his grin grew.

Bobby Langford: Any obstacle in life can be overcome through hard work and determination, the only way our hardships have any power over us is if we give in.

I’m not in this for the money or the fame; I just want to put on a show that can send everyone home happy and pay my bills. If my work ethic can inspire others then all the better, in the end there would be no professional wrestling industry without the fans.

The fans clap and cheer as he passes the microphone off to Jill Dante.

Jill Dante: Thank you for your time Bobby. Is there anything else you’d like to say before we wrap things up, perhaps someone you’d like to face in Legacy Wrestling?

Bobby Langford: There’s so many talented individuals in Legacy Wrestling and there’s a lot of good matches that could be had. Mr. Stevenson is someone I’d love to wrestle against since I trained under him at the Emerald Academy and is someone I have a lot of respect for. Mr. Addams would be another great individual to compete against since we both trained at the same academy; I love his Never Say Die philosophy as well. Finally off the top of my head I’d love to face off against Bulldozer Brixton. He’s one of the few people in this sport that’s bigger than I am and I think a clash of the titans matchup would blow the roof off of the Carson Community Center. There’s a chance the fans could get to see all three matches if there’s a tournament for the Legacy Wrestling Championship and I look forward to working with them and the rest of the roster.

Jill Dante: There you have it ladies and gentlemen, The “Steel City Dream” Bobby Langford! Remember to check our website where you can find all of our interviews and videos as we continue to cover Legacy Wrestling’s rise!

As the cameras stop rolling Bobby Langford walks over to the fans and shakes their hands, signing autographs and taking pictures as the scene fades to black. Hard work always pays off and if Bobby Langford had his way the entire wrestling world will soon learn the meaning of what hard work truly means. The journey to the top begins now.