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== Dark Matches ==
<div style="text-align:center;"><b style="font-size:10pt;">DARK MATCH&nbsp;</b></div><font color="#000000"><div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Neforian Vs Chris Alans</span></div></font><div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Winner: Neforian</span></div><div style="text-align:center;"><br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><b style="font-size:10pt;">DARK MATCH&nbsp;</b></div><font color="#000000"><div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Neforian Vs Chris Alans</span></div></font><div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">Winner: Neforian</span></div><div style="text-align:center;"><br>
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Coming Soon!<br>
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Coming Soon!<br>

Latest revision as of 01:50, 18 January 2021

The Card

Date: Wednesday, April 23rd

Commentary: Alex Smith (play-by-play), Alex Bradford (color)
Promoter: Danny Stevenson

(Card/Match Order Subject to Change)

Neforian Vs Chris Alans
A match for the live crowd. We've seen Neforian's promos, let's see what he can do in the ring against "The Brick Wall" 

Chad Vargas Vs Daryl Bingham
These two weren't able to make it to the main card because of time constraints but if they're able to impress here, then they might find themselves on the receiving end of a match at Best of the Best on May 7th.

Daniel Bane Vs Giovanni De Falco
Daniel Bane has been in talks with MSW for a little bit now, but while his size is impressive that's not all MSW looks for so this is his chance against local indie wrestler Giovanni De Falco who's looking to get his shot at MSW as well. It's rumored that the winner of this match will have their chance at a match on Best of the Best.

Tyler Xero Vs Hunter McKnight
Xero didn't make it through the tournament but neither did Hunter McKnight. So now being just a few weeks away from Best of the Best, here's their chance to make an impression and maybe gain some momentum going in.

SINGLES MATCH - Quarter Final (3)
Johnny B. Vs Mike Harrison
Bonecrusher advanced after a huge win against Johnny St. Tuck and Harrison picked up a win over Ian Windermear which brings us to the quarter finals where these two will square off. The winner of this match will advance to the Semi-Finals to take on the winner of the Smart/Ward/Banks triple threat.

Frank Washington Vs Milanor Garnet
We haven't had much chance to see Frank Washington in action but we have seen him in a very vocal capacity with Robert "Badger" Garland. As he intervened in Garland's attempt to mess with Daniel Smart two weeks ago, Danny Stevenson had enough and announced the contract signing to kick off the show with plenty of security in mind. Frank being the good sport that he is said he'd take on anybody. Didn't matter who it was, so he gets the new talent Milanor Garnet who's got some hype behind him from the crowd coming in for his debut.

Robert Garland Vs Tommy Angel and Loose Cannon
Garland hasn't had but one match in which he lost to Daniel Smart, which might be why he's been interfering with him so much but with Frank being put in a match, Garland wanted to be put in one too but he had to one up Washington and demanded Danny put him in a 2 on 1 handicap match. So he got it. Will he get the momentum going into Best of the Best?

SINGLES MATCH - Quarter Final (1)
Bryce Manning Vs Luke Jackson
Luke Jackson has been on a roll picking up a lot of wins where nobody expected it but Matt Ward has been hot on his trail waiting for this Dog Collar match -- one of the most vicious and underrated matches in all of wrestling. But Luke Jackson faces the toughest opponent of his entire career, Bryce Manning. Bryce has seemed nearly unstoppable, no pun intended, since he debuted making a huge impact. Jackson is a much smaller and quicker opponent than Bryce is used to but Bryce is a lot more cold, calculated and vicious than Jackson is used to. So in retrospect it's going to be one you don't want to miss.

SINGLES MATCH - Quarter Final (2)

Bryan York Vs Peyton Von Licht

York is one that you don't want to take your eyes off of because if you do he's sure to be able to take advantage of it real quick. Peyton; the residential superhero hasn't let any villains take him down but perhaps... perhaps he just didn't have the right ones. Maybe York will have the ability to take him out and maybe not. But what about the mysterious Neforian? We've seen his cryptic promos over the past few weeks and he seems to have targeted Peyton to be his first "victim." Two unstoppable's now he's targeted Peyton, will this week be any different?

TRIPLE THREAT - Quarter Final (4)
Daniel Smart Vs Matt Ward Vs Leo Banks
Due to some travel issues, Leo Banks wasn't able to make it to Unstoppable #5 so Danny Stevenson advanced both men since Banks and Ward both earned their shot, and one of them would advance anyway. It makes it a little hard on Smart but Smart has seemed to be on a bit of a roll himself, too, picking up two tournament victories despite the attempted interference by Garland and company. However at US5 had it not been for Frank Washington helping even out the odds who knows what could have happened, but Smart picked up the win and advanced. Now he faces two very tough, and fellow prospecting opponents. Will Garland try and get involved again, despite being in action?

Kat Vs Marie Porter
What was originally supposed to be a tag team match was forced for a change due to Shawna having to return home for the week due to a personal emergency but she has said that she will not miss best of the best. Marie Porter, the "bubbly one," the leader of the Marie Experience, or "everybody's little sister" as Peyton Von Licht referred to her as on twitter, has been on a roll every time she's been in the ring; her last one picking up a huge win over Autumn Raven and Kim Pain. Kat has a chance to get plenty of momentum going into Best of the Best if she can beat Marie, but Marie is quite the challenge herself, despite all the underestimation. Perhaps a win here could put Marie in the running for the Women's championship following Best of the Best.

Bryce Manning Vs Peyton Von Licht
This is where it gets down to the nitty gritty. The winner of this match will move on to Best of the Best main event to crown the first ever MSW Champion.

Johnny B. Vs Daniel Smart
This is where it gets down to the nitty gritty. The winner of this match will move on to Best of the Best main event to crown the first ever MSW Champion.

Dark Matches

Neforian Vs Chris Alans
Winner: Neforian

Chad Vargas Vs Daryl Bingham
Winner: Chad Vargas


The crowd is anxious for the start of the show. “Ephemeral” by Insomnium begins playing over the PA system as Garland and Rech come out of the back. The audience erupts in boos as the cameras pan over to show the ring.

Smith: Welcome to another exciting night of MSW action as the championship tournament begins to wind down.

Bradford: That’s right, by the end of the night we will know the who the final two men will be heading into Best of the Best!

Smith: However what better way than to kick off the show with a good ole fashioned contract signing.
Bradford: Robert Garland and Frank Washington absolutely hate each other; I hope Danny Stevenson has enough security for his own sake. I don’t think they want to wait another 2 weeks!

Danny Stevenson is shown with a smile on his face and the ring covered in security. A sturdy looking table, draped in yellow with a few clip boards laying on top, is set up in the middle. Garland is now at ringside as Rech shows off Garland's past championships to the jeering crowd. Garland seems focused as he steps in-between the ropes and Rech follows, Garland's music dying down as he looks out at the sea of MSW fans.

Crowd: FUCK YOU BADGER clap clap clap clap-clap FUCK YOU BADGER clap clap clap clap-clap

Garland starts yelling out at the audience as suddenly "Re-Education (Through Labor)" by Rise Against resonates from the PA system as jet of smoke erupts on the stage as the lights dim. Frank Washington emerges from behind the smoke with his back turned and his arms outstretched wide to a positive reaction. Frank slowly turns around as he methodically makes his way down the ramp slapping fans hands along the way.

As Frank reaches the end of the ramp he pauses for a moment before sprinting into the ring, sliding under the bottom rope. Frank Washington then gets up and approaches the turnbuckle as he climbs up on the second rope pausing for a moment as he again soaks in the atmosphere created by the MSW faithful as he outstretches his arms wide to pose. After a few moments’ pause he descends the turnbuckle.

Smith: You can cut this tension with a knife. Security is standing ready as World War 3 looks like it could start at any moment.

Bradford: It won’t on the the boss’s watch, not until he’s ready to make a profit off of it! Danny may hate how they’re tearing MSW at the seams but I know he loves the ratings.

Garland looks at the contract on the table, Washington keeping his eye on Garland while Rech smiles arrogantly. The crowd is in an uproar, Rech taunting Washington and boasting loudly about Garland while Danny Stevenson raises the microphone to his lips.

Danny Stevenson: I hope everyone here in attendance tonight is having a great time. Now you see in MSW I believe if two people have a problem they should settle it like men, and in MSW we do this in the ring!

Crowd cheers loudly in approval


Danny Stevenson: But if there’s one thing I wont tolerate is when those two men let their personal vendetta spill over into the rest of the show, so here’s what we’re gonna do. Mr. Garland I know you want to get your hands on Mr. Washington here, and I know Mr. Washington wants to get his own measure of payback for losing his place in the tournament so I’m going to give ya what you want. At Best of the Best, for the first time in over 3 years Robert Garland will take on Frank Washington! But until then you two are going to have to agree to a few rules. Rule Number One: until that bell rings two weeks from now you’re not allowed to lay a finger on each other and Rule Number Two: you’re to not get involved in eachother’s matches nor the matches of other hard working gentlemen still in the tournament. If either one of you violate either of these rules I reserve the right to suspend, fine, or fire both of ya! So without further ado, lets make this match official.

Danny puts out his hand, a pen waiting to be taken by either competitor. To his confusion, neither man has yet to end the stare down, Garland and Washington looking ready to trade blows at any moment as Rech continues to yell.
“Yer done Frank! Done! Say goodbye ta these “fans” an' goodnight ta yer career!”

Smith: Danny Stevenson laying down the law!

Bradford: Neither man can be happy about that, as much as they want to get at each other’s throats they will each have to decide if it’s truly worth getting an early crack at the other before Best of the Best.

Finally, Washington grabs at the pen, lifting the contract up off the table while the audience cheers him on and remains excited at the upcoming match. Frank calls for a microphone, tossing the contract onto the table recklessly as the pen lands next to it. Garland continues to look on, Rech cooling off a bit as Frank begins to speak.

Frank Washington: I knew this day would come to pass eventually. Ever since 2010 we’ve been at each other’s throats whether we were wrestling in New York, San Francisco, or even the great state of Missouri. Just when the book finally appeared to be closed on our history, one of us would grab a pen to write a new chapter. But I’ll be honest; this isn’t a match I want, not this way.

The crowd booes.

Bradford: What?! You’re kidding me right? Is he finally showing what a yellow coward he is?

Frank Washington:
The Badger I see before me today is a shell of his former self. When our rilvalry was in its fledgling stages I wanted to prove that I was better man in this squared circle, I wanted to get every single mental edge I could’ve over you. I did some things I’m not proud of, took some short cuts I shouldn’t have. Sometimes in this business it’s easy to lose who you are once you get a taste of success, greed turns good men sour. I let my greed get the best of me; I succumbed to my own vices.

Bradford: What a wolf in sheep’s clothing! You’re not fooling me.

So you’re saying people can’t change? I’ve known this man for close to a decade, I’ve seen him at highest points and his lowest. He’s not the man he was back then.

Bradford: Give me a break…

Frank Washington: As much as I wish I could take that back, I can’t. Yet you judge me by my past when you’ve become blinded by your own demons. You let the tendrils of the American prison system twist and turn you into a man who wouldn’t even recognize himself in the mirror! The only thing you’re concerned about is blood, just like the attack dog Walton Wisdom trained. Well you’ve got my attention now, I just hope you’re willing to pay your own weight in blood.

After Frank's speech is over Garland finally breaks his stare, turning his head down towards the table and moving to grab the pen. Garland now stares back at Frank, signing the contract while keeping his gaze fixed. Rech nods in approval as Garland also tosses the contract violently onto the table, Danny Stevenson picking it up to verify it while the crowd continues to make noise and Rech works to shut them up. Rech hands Garland a microphone as Garland replies to Washington's comments.

Robert Garland: You'll really try every trick in the book to keep up this facade. You think I don't see that look in your eye while you attempt to talk trash? That looks that you try to give to make yourself look superior?!

You have no right to refer to any kind of change that may have happened to me while you're mostly responsible for all of them! You come out here and try and sway these masses, but I know the truth!

Garland turns to address the crowd.
Robert Garland: I was tied up to a chair and left in a closed off basement after Frank screwed me over after making his return to the idustry. I was stabbed in the back after he walked out on a tag team match to leave me busted open! I was barely able to breathe as he pressed a button that activated a tightly locked shock collar around my neck while under a paycheck from that very same man who he claims made me into an attack dog!

Garland then turns back to Washington with an emotionless look on his face.

Robert Garland: Well Frank, like you were the dog before, I am now! It's all coming full circle and I've waited too long to show you up for what you really are. This isn't a wrestling match I'm signing up for... It's a funeral...

Frank looks away towards the ground, as his eyes are full of remorse and regret, before he goes to exit the ring -When Rech suddenly throws one of the chairs towards Frank and picks up another! Garland smiles as if this was planned, Rech running at Washington... Washington kicking him in the gut!


Garland looks over in frustration before looking back at the contract, Frank shaking his head and giving a solemn look before lifting Rech up...

Bradford: Dammit! This isn’t right! Travis Rech isn’t a competitor! You put that man down! Frank Washington should be fired!

The G.O.A.T connects!

Smith: Robert Garland can’t do anything about it! If he gets involved he’ll lose his shot at Frank Washington! The contract may be a pact of non-aggression before the match but Travis Rech isn’t covered anywhere in that!

In anger, Garland's face starts to turn red, security pulling Frank away and escorting him out of the ring as Garland checks on his manager. The crowd cheer Washington's exit up the ramp as he's partially being dragged out while yelling back at Garland.

Frank Washington: Are you happy now Badger?! You got your match!

Garland simply helps Rech to his feet, keeping his gaze on Washington as the show's opening segment fades to a commercial break.

McKnight meets Xero

Fields: Hello everybody, I am currently standing by with the returning Hunter McKnight. Now Hunter, first off, welcome back to Missouri State Wrestling.

McKnight: Thanks Robert!

Fields: Now Hunter, upon returning – what are your intentions?

McKnight: My intentions are simple Robert, just like everybody else here in Missouri State Wrestling, I am out to become the best, to become the...

Being rudely interrupted, we see an annoyed looking Xero step into view as Hunter doesn’t look too pleased.

Xero: ... To become the what? The Missouri State Wrestling Heavyweight Champion? Please, you need to step in line because I am sick and tired of being held down. I am sick and tired of guys staking these claims to being the “best” when in reality? *I* am the best and I’ll prove it tonight when I make an example out of you McKnight.

McKnight: Boy, you need to learn some respect and tonight? I’m going to BEAT it into you.

Scoffing and backing away, we see a very angry McKnight staring holes through the likes of Xero.

Hunter McKnight Vs Tyler Xero

A moment later, both men made their way to the ring and ss the bell sounds, Hunter lunges in throwing some incredibly stiff punches to Xero immediately knocking him into the turnbuckle. Quickly gaining the upper hand, Hunter has Xero rocked back and begins throwing some huge knees into the gut of Xero having complete control of this match so far.

Smith: Hunter told us before the match that he would teach Xero some respect and he is doing that right now.

With Xero bent over, Hunter grabs Xero and charges out of the turnbuckle with a running hip toss that tosses Xero out into the center of the ring. Looking incredibly intense, he stalks Xero and as Xero gets to his feet – he hits a huge side savat kick to the side of the head of Hunter dropping him to one knee while shaking out the cobwebs. As Hunter gets up, Xero darts forward and spring boarding off of the middle rope, he kicks Hunter in the head again dropping him and immediately hooks the leg looking for the win.



Hunter kicks out just in time.

Smith: Xero has completely turned the tides here.

Bradford: Well of course, he had this in the bag before the match even began.

Smith: I wouldn’t go that far!

Getting to his feet, Xero sizes Hunter up and as he pulls himself to his feet; Xero comes flying in but Hunter catches him on his left shoulder and hits a huge Oklahoma slam really driving Xero to the canvas with such authority. Flashing that smile and getting up, he waits and as Xero gets up – he darts in looking for a huge clothesline to put Xero away but the crafty Xero ducks under it and as Hunter turns around...

... WHAP!

A huge super kick right to the chin of Hunter as he drops like a sack of potatoes. Bending down and picking Hunter up, he hits him with an incredibly stiff kick to the lower midsection and then plants him down with the Xero Hour quickly making the cover, really pulling back the leg.




Bradford: See, I told you!

Smith: Yeah, yeah, it could have gone either way really.

Barbara Braman: The winner of the match, TYLER XXXEEEEEERROOOOOO!!!

Johnny B. Vs Mike Harrison

Smith: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. If you're just joining us, Frank Washington and Robert Garland have officially signed their contract to face off at Best of the Best for the first time in years, and Tyler Xero picked up an impressive win over the returning Hunter McKnight but the action doesn't stop there!

Bradford: Absolutely not, Smith! Because it's tournament time!

Smith: Is that suppposed to be some Tommy Angel parody of a power rangers parody?

Bradford: What? No way! Get your head out of the gutter, Smith! It's our first quarter final match!

Smith: This is a moment I've been waiting for! We put every member of the locker room in tournament qualifiers in an event that took two Unstoppable's to finish. Then we got through the first round, and now we're down to the quarter finals. And each competitor who advances, moves on to the Semi Finals tonight in one of our two co-main events. Then the winners of the Semi-Finals will meet in just two weeks, Bradford, at Best of the Best and man am I excited!

"Bonecracker" by Shocore hits the speakers and right after the intro as soon as the rest of the band chimes in, Johnny B. comes out to the stage with a light jog and the crowd erupts, eating it up. He throws his arms up in the air and makes his way down to the ring stepping between the ropes.

Barbara: Now in the ring, From New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada, Joohnnyyyy Booooneeeecrruuusshhherrrrrr!

Following, "Beast" by Nico Vega hit the speakers with more cheers as Mike Harrison made his way out.

Barbara: Now introducing, from Blackpool, England, Miiiiikkeee Haaariiisssoonnn!

Harrison slid in and both men got to their respective corners and the bell rang. The two paced around each other before Bonecrusher flew in with a low dropkick to the knee that actually flipped Harrison over and to his back. Quick to get back to his feet but the weak spot was now made and Bonecrusher kept to it with a number of kicks. To get Bonecrusher off of him, Harrison threw up a kick with his bad leg but got caught. Bonecrusher laughed and shook his head so Harrison lept up to try for an enziguri but Bonecrusher ducked it. Before Harrison could throw his leg back up in a Jeff Hardy style of kick, Bonecrusher worked that bad knee some more with a reverse dragon screw, taking Harrison down and covering immediately.

One... Two... No! 

Smith: Not quite enough and Harrison is still in this thing!

Bradford: But you have to wonder for how long. See what a lot of people don't realize is that Bonecrusher is a lot more than just a crazy son of a gun. He's a great technical wrestler and he's showing it here right from the start working that leg of Mike Harrison.

It continued like this. Bonecrusher was working the leg over but Harrison did change the tide at a moments notice. Bonecrusher had Harrison on the ropes but when going for a grapple, Harrison swung a kick back with his good leg into JB's midsection. Harrison jumped to the middle rope and did a springboard backwards turning in mid-air and catching JB who's doubled over, taking him over with a quick pin attempt but only a two. Harrison couldn't believe it but he got to his feet to keep the momentum rolling. The match pace quickened and JB didn't expect it, trying to slow it down when he could with his technical ability. Given a few more minutes, Harrison with a full head of steam, shaking his leg a bit first and he ran to the corner. Essentially running up the corner, he moonsaulted off as JB was getting to his feet.

Bradford: Harrison is picking up the momentum and keeping the match fast paced but if JB can come back, it might be all she wrote as Harrison is favoring that knee!

Smith: Really good observation, Bradford, I'm impressed.

Bradford: Why? Don't think I can do my job? Come on Smith, I've worked with you for how long now? I might impress you but you dissappoint me.

Smith: That doesn't seem very logica... oh a HUGE COUNTER by Bonecrusher!

Indeed it was just that. Bonecrusher stepped forward and turned around so he could catch Harrison on the way down and he did. Catching Harriosn, JB used the moentum for a brutal spinebuster. With a rough landing, JB kept with the legs and turned Harrison over in the middle of the ring with the cloverleaf in his "Cement Mixer" trademark combo.

Bradford: And that's the technical ability I'm talking about, Smith! He use his size and speed and experience edge to scout Harrison's move, counter it into his own trying to pick up that submission win! Underestimation right there, Smith, and the experience edge caught him.

Smith: It's an impressive counter, for sure, working over the injured leg. Harrison is in the middle of the ring with no where to go and it's over! Harrison taps out! Johnny B. advances!

Harrison tried to fight it out and tried to crawl to the ropes but the previous attack to his knee was just too much for the technical mastermind that was Johnny B..

Barbara: Your winner... Johhhnnnyyy Boooonnneeecrruuussshhherrr!

Bradford: Johnny B. advances to the semi-finals later tonight, Smith! He takes on the winner of Daniel Smart, Matt Ward and Leo Banks! Will that Knee-DS of his be enough to advance?!

Bonecrusher Bone Crushed... the opposition 

Exiting the ring after his win, Barbara Braman ran across the ring to catch a quick word with him with his music playing in the background.

Barbara: Johnny! Johnny! Congradulations on your win advancing to the semi-finals! It's an exciting moment and it's been a heck of a road for you so far, but you still have one more challenge ahead of you with the winner of the triple threat later tonight. How do you feel right now?



Bonecrusher: Sorry.. still caught up in Warrior mode. It's simple, Barbara. I'm gonna go to the back, catch my breath and get ready for tonight because NOBODY and NOTHING is going to stop me from going to Best of the Best. All three are good.. but the Johnny is better!

Frank Washington Vs Milanor Garnet

The opening riff of F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X. by Fall of Troy as Milanor Garnet runs out drops to one knee on the stage.

Barbara Braman: The following match is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring first, accompanied by Kayley Divine, from The Cutting Room Floor weighing 200lbs he is The Shining Star, Milanor Garnet!

Kayley Divine follows behind him, extending her right hand to him. He kisses it and the two lock arms. As they make their way down to the ring, Garnet is all smiles, glad he could let the fans see a bit of his brilliance. Divine stays on the ground as Garnet slides into the ring. He stands on the second rope and extends his arms to the side, taking in the fans boos, as if they were cheers.

"Re-Education (Through Labor)" by Rise Against resonates from the PA system as jet of smoke erupts on the stage as the lights dim. Frank Washington emerges from behind the smoke with his back turned and his arms outstretched wide to a positive reaction. Frank slowly turns around as he methodically makes his way down the ramp slapping fans hands along the way.

Barbara Braman: And his opponent making his way to the ring now residing in San Jose, California weighing 233lbs he is The Revolutionary, Frank Washington!

As Frank reaches the end of the ramp he pauses for a moment before sprinting into the ring, sliding under the bottom rope. Frank Washington then gets up and approaches the turnbuckle as he climbs up on the second rope pausing for a moment as he again soaks in the atmosphere created by the MSW faithful as he outstretches his arms wide to pose. After a few moments’ pause he descends the turnbuckle taking his red coat off and turns his attention to the ring.

Smith: We continue with MSW action as Milanor Garnet makes his debut against Frank Washington. Will he manage to capture that same lightning in a bottle that St. Tuck did on his debut or will The Revolutionary ride a wave of building momentum into Best of the Best?

Sure if you count him attacking Travis Rech over and over as “building momentum” then he has a tidal wave of it. I think Milanor Garnet is going to shock the world here, judging from the contract signing to start the show Frank Washington appears to be divided against himself.

Smith: It’s because he’s human Bradford, every single person in this world makes mistakes and nobody is perfect. Some people make greater mistakes than others but it’s how we grow from them that make us the people we are today.

Like that’s going to magically give Garland’s life back to him? Frank Washington should be in jail Smith! He ruined the life of another man, he engaged in a malicious and remorseless torture of another human being and don’t even get me started on kidnapping! He’s not a damn bit sorry, he’s only sorry that his past is finally catching up to him!

Smith remains silent shaking his head as Bradford arrogantly boasts.

Bradford: That’s right, where’s your defense of his character now?

Smith: We have a match to call Bradford; can’t we for once just focus on that?

As the bell rings both men square off. Frank extends his hand up high calling for a test of strength as Garnet obliges. Both look to gain their footing as neither man appears to have the clear advantage as the seesaw battle of strength continues to go back and forth just when it looks like one has the advantage the other reverses. Finally Garnet is the one to bring Frank to a knee and traps him in a headlock before Frank slips out to apply a hammerlock. Garnet tries to go for the ropes but gets pulled back towards the center of the ring before managing to slip out and catch Frank in an arm drag. Frank sits up and claps with the crowd joining in as he makes it back to his feet.

So far this match is anyone’s game. Great display of chain wrestling by both men.

Bradford: Garnet appeared to come out the better of that exchange.

The match continues to go back and forth as both men continue chain wrestling for several moments. Finally Garnet gets the clear advantage as he takes Frank down with a tiger suplex. Kayley Divine claps in approval at ringside as he hits a standing moonsault and goes for the cover.



Smith: Two and a half, Milanor Garnet nearly had him there.

Bradford: Garnet is proving he’s not just some one hit wonder, not many people can keep up with the chain wrestling of Washington.

Smith: Did you just say something positive? About Frank Washington? Pinch me.

Bradford: I may hate the guy’s guts but I can’t deny his in ring ability. Garnet needs to keep the foot on the gas pedal.

Garnet looks at the referee and begins arguing, thinking he had the match won. The referee holds up two fingers as he slaps the mat in frustration. Garnet after pleading his case in vain begins to climb the turnbuckle as Frank begins to make it to his feet.

Smith: Garnet is heading to the high risk district.

Bradford: This is no time to get “cute” Garnet! Put him away already!

Garnet leaps off the turnbuckle looking to connect with a crossbody only to get caught by Frank Washington takes a few steps back.

Smith: He caught him!

Bradford: Get out Garnet!

With the crowd behind him he repositions Garnet on his shoulders and lifts him up in the air, hooking the leg as he connects with the fisherman buster.

Smith: The G.O.A.T.! Washington with The G.O.A.T.!

Frank quickly rolls over for the pinfall.



Barbara Braman: Here is your winner, Frank Washington!

Smith: Somehow Frank Washington manages to escape with the victory! Milanor Garnet came to play today but Frank Washington managed to just find a little bit of gas left in the tank.

Bradford: I don’t think this is the last we’ve seen of Milanor Garnet. He showed tremendous resolve here tonight.

Wrath of an Angry Kat

Cutting backstage, the scene shows us Kat with the voice of our camera man from behind a camera. The scene took place prior to the show, just earlier in the night. 

Robert Fields: Kat, we haven't seen you in action in a few weeks and you were supposed originally be in a tag team match tonight but due to some personal reasons, Shawna couldn't be here tonight so now tonight you take on a woman who's seemed to be a bit of a thorn in your side since her debut, Marie Porter. Do you have any last minute thoughts going into the match tonight?

Katinterview zpsc6937965.jpg

Kat: Marie Porter... Marie... Porter. You know what's funny about Marie Porter? You're right, she's been a bigger thorn in my side than that witch Shawna herself. Marie Porter annoys me. Marie Porter pisses me off. She prances around the the whole world is sunshine and rainbows but you know what? This world... this world is MSW, and this world belongs to me. So tonight I'm going to teach little Marie Porter a lesson. I'm going to leave her beaten up and bruised in the middle of that ring. And wherever Shawna is I hope that she's going to be paying attention because Marie is going to be a message. Marie Porter is going to be an example of what happens when you step into my world uninvited. She can have her bubbles and her dancing and in two weeks I'm going to have my Women's championship when I make history becoming the first champion. Marie better be ready to take the beating... of a lifetime.

The SMART Choice

We head backstage, where veteran interviewer Robert Fields is standing with a microphone.

Robert Fields: Ladies and gentlemen, I am joined by one of the participants in the Best of the Best tournament. Allow me to introduce Daniel Smart!

Daniel Smart walks up next to Fields, a smile on his face. Daniel is waering his ring gear and a black hoodie.

Robert Fields: Daniel, like everyone else in the tournament, you might have to wrestle not one, but two matches tonight. Unlike the other participants, you along with Leo Banks and Matt Ward have to face off in a triple threat. The odds seem to be stacked against you.

Daniel Smart: They certainly do, Robert, but I'm not here to complain. Titles aren't won with whining and moaning, they're won by sucking it up and giving your all anyway. I didn't beat Jackal by whining, I didn't beat Robert Garland by crying. I won by working hard under extreme circumstances.

Robert Fields: But you have to admit that your run in this tournament hasn't gone by without controversy. There was rampant interference in both of your tournament matches thus far. It seems that the grudge between Robert Garland and Frank Washington has spilled over into your matches.

Daniel grits his teeth.

Daniel Smart: You're right. I hate to admit it, but you're right. Their rivalry is the asterisk in my success thus far. I never asked for any of it. I never wanted to be part of their rivalry, yet I got caught right in the middle of it. Frank Washington has my sympathy. Robert Garland is a horrible man, and I certainly don't envy Frank for having to go up against him. However, to be frank – the adjective, not the man – I can't concern myself with them right now. I have my own battles to fight, a tournament to win, and I can't let their issues distract me. Frank, Robert, all I ask is that you leave me alone. Robert, I know you have history with my cousin. Frank, I'm sure you could use an ally right now, but I don't have time for that at the moment. I need to prove that despite all the controversy, I deserve to be where I am. Only two men can go on to main event Best of the Best. I intend to be one of them.

Daniel gives a friendly nod to Robert, then walks off, concluding the interview.

Robert Garland Vs Tommy Angel & Loose Cannon

Barbara Braman: The following is a 2 on 1 handicap match scheduled for one fall!

Back out to ringside, "Ephemeral" begins to play over the PA system, the crowd starting to boo loudly. After a short while, Robert Garland steps out of the back, Travis Rech beside him wearing a neck brace with two former championship titles over his shoulders. Garland looks out at the audience before focusing his attention on the ring. The two of them head down the ramp, the camera catching the back of Garland's jacket where his name is outlined in gold lettering.

Barbara Braman: Making his way to the ring, accompanied by Travis Rech, from New Orleans, Louisiana weighing 226lbs Robert Garland!

Smith: After the tense contract signing earlier in the evening we now get to see both men in action before they clash at Best of the Best. Right now we get to see the Badger face off against not one, but two opponents.

Bradford: That’s right, anything Frank can do Badger can do better. Those two championships are personal trophies from his storied career, and while neither is sanctioned by MSW or anywhere else for that matter they stand as a testament to just how dangerous this man is.

Smith: Many foes have fallen over the years as he made his impressive odyssey in this squared circle. Years ago he was a fan favorite beloved by everyone for his hard work, determination and inventive use of environmental weapons. Those former championships that he carries with him are perhaps the last remnants of the man he used to be.

Bradford: But that all changed thanks to Frank Washington! He stabbed him in the back when his friend needed him the most! It’s because of Frank Washington that his life spiraled out of control; it’s because of Frank Washington that he’s fallen from grace. Just goes to show how fickle the fans are. It truly makes me sick Smith! Don’t even get me started on the heinous attack we witnessed on Rech earlier this evening to start the show!

Smith: Rech was trying to ambush him with a steel chair, he has a right to defend himself you know!

Bradford: But whenever Badger is looking to get his well-deserved payback it’s a crime? And you say I’M biased?

Barbara Braman:
And his opponents, already in the ring at a combined weight of 350lbs the team of “The Afternoon Delight” Tommy Angel and Loose Cannon!

The crowd cheers as Angel and Cannon can be seen standing together in the ring. Angel strikes a morphing pose in the middle of the ring as Cannon dances around. The camera then cuts back to the ramp as the two hit the ring, Garland removes his jacket as Rech places himself ringside. Garland then mockingly poses for the fans before heading to a corner of the ring where he crouches down and waits for the match to begin. The referee orders Angel and Cannon to choose one man to start the match but Garland can be seen shaking his head and motioning for both men to be in the ring at the same time.

Smith: I think Garland wants to take them both on at once!

Bradford: It’s all about sending a statement to Frank Washington, what better way to do that than to take them both on at once?

The referee allows it and rings for the bell to start the match. Angel and Cannon quickly try to gang up on Badger looking to capitalize on the tornado handicap rules. They appear to have the momentary advantage as they manage to bring Garland down to one ring as they continue the barrage of flying fists and stiff kicks. Angel and Cannon pull Garland up and whip him towards the ropes, only to be swiftly brought to the ground by a sickening double clothesline.

Bradford: Well that didn’t last long!

Garland nearly took their heads off with that double clothesline.

Angel slowly gets back to his feet as Cannon is still reeling from the impact. Tommy Angel strikes a quick morphing pose before getting dropped unceremoniously on his head in DDT by Garland.

Crowd: BOOOOOOOOOO! FUCK YOU BADGER *clap clap-clap clap clap* FUCK YOU BADGER *clap clap-clap clap clap* FUCK YOU BADGER *clap clap-clap clap clap* FUCK YOU BADGER *clap clap-clap clap clap*

Loose Cannon makes it back to his feet as he throws a few punches forcing Badger to stumble back a few steps. Cannon smiles and dances around for the crowd before looking to shoot a stiff roundhouse to the head of Badger. Badger however saw it coming and ducked, capturing in a german suplex. Rech applauds loudly at ringside before stopping to hold his neck.

Look at the poor man! Frank Washington should be fined and suspended for inflicting such an uncalled for injury!

Smith: A little melodramatic don’t you think?

Bradford: Absolutely not! If you were hit with The G.O.A.T. you’d be in agony too!

Smith: Be that as it may, if you play with fire you’re going to get burned. He should’ve never picked up that chair to begin with.

Angel gets back up trying to make one last ditch offensive effort trying to use a brief window of opportunity to catch him off by charging with a full head of steam with a running crossbody only to get caught! With Angel firmly held within his grasp he charges full speed into the turnbuckle before releasing him slumped in the corner. Cannon tries to hop on Badger’s back for a sleeper hold only to meet a similar fate as Badger backs him up into that same corner, forcing him to release the hold. Badger then begins unloading a barrage of punches causing Cannon to also fall into a slumped seated position in the corner. Badger then begins backing up to the opposite corner as the crowd booes loudly.

Smith: Garland looking to connect with Bite of the Badger.

Bradford: This match is getting ugly in a hurry! I hope Frank Washington is watching!

Badger then charges full steam ahead hitting both men with the Bite of the Badger! Loose Cannon tries to crawl forward but collapses back to the mat, his head cut open badly from the impact. The referee kneels down to check on Cannon, the blood quickly staining the mat. Tommy Angel slowly tries to pull himself up by the ropes only to be met with the Global Lariat as soon as he regains his footing! Badger drags Angel and Cannon to the center of the ring, kneeling with hand on each man’s chest.



Barbara Braman: Here is your winner, Robert Garland!

What a dominating performance here tonight by Robert Garland, the scary part is he looks like he has plenty of anger to spare!

Bradford: Bryce Manning may be the present but mark my words this man is the future of MSW! Frank Washington better make sure his insurance covers all kinds of trauma because he’s going to need it after Best of the Best!
Rech slides in the ring raising Garland’s hand celebrating with him before he grabs his neck in pain. Badger checks on his manager as we go to commercial.

Bryce Manning Vs Luke Jackson

Coming back from a commercial and Luke Jackson was already in the ring, and "5 to 1" by Marilyn Manson hit with the loud echo of boos filling up the arena as Bryce Manning slowly made his way out to the stage and began walking down the ramp.

Barbara: Now making his way to the ring, from Hillside, New Jersey... "The Architect" BRRRYYYYCEEE MAAANNIINNNGG! And currently in the ring, from Oakland, California, Luuuke "The Kid" JAACCCKKKSSOOONNNN!

Plenty of cheers of Jackson as Bryce was slow to get into the ring, taking his time, letting the boos fill in. Once in the ring, he put his arms out in a wingspan and slowly turned around in a few circles before stopping in the middle of the ring and putting his head up with a laughter, like he was absorbing the negativity.

Bradford: That right there is the soon to be head hancho of the ring here in MSW, Smith.

Smith: If you mean he's gooing to win the tournament, that's a good guess but right now you've only got a 25% chance of being right because he still has to get through Luke Jackson right now, and we still have the triple threat between Matt Ward, Daniel Smart and Leo Banks just a little bit later.

Bradford: You're just in denial because you know it's true, Smith. Since Bryce came onto the scene with an impact, he's been on a roll like no other taking out everybody in his path!

Smith: And so have everybody else in this tournament. How else would they all be in the quarter finals?

Bradford: Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Smith: Sometimes... just... I don't get you. How can you sit there and just assume Bryce is going to win with all of these great talents involved?

Bradford: How can I not, Smith? He's "The Architect!" Just think about his rap sheet for a second. Multiple time champion wherever he goes, he has carried companies on his back. The founder of the Art of War, The Unholy 3rinity, one half of the East Coast Advocates; I mean it's a mile long for crying out loud!

Smith: Plenty of our talents have other accomplishments too, ya know. It just doesn't click with me how you're so convinced on Bryce. A great talent, all the potential in the world to go far but he hasn't won it yet.

Bradford: Yeah well, Drew Stevenson has plenty of accomplishments too and he still couldn't get the job done.

Smith: Well I guess we'll just have to wait and... Oh, Luke Jackson trying to get an early start!

Bryce spent some time taunting the people and Jackson but Jackson knew what he was getting into and the bell sounded when he threw the first punch. It was enough to stagger Bryce forward and he brough a look to his face, mouthing "What the hell was that?" in a very sarcastic way. Bryce stood up straight and turned around to stare down "The Kid," figureatively as they were relatively the same height. Jackson started throwing some more punches and kicks at Bryce but Bryce being the stronger, bigger man grabbed Jackson and shoved him off. Jackson rolled through rolling backwards and hit the ropes running to Bryce full speed. Bryce attempted a lariat but Jackson ducked, jumped to the middle rope and turned in mid air. Bryce turned around just to get met with a huge drop kick taking him off of his feet and went for a quick cover but only two.


Bradford: And there's my point, Smith. Jackson got a quick run but it wasn't enough to keep Bryce down and that was his worst mistake, right there. Just look at the look on Bryce's face, for crying out loud! I mean these people can cheer him on all they want but Jackson is in deep doo doo right now.

And he couldn't have been any more right. Jackson tried for another quick pin attempt but another two and Bryce took immediate control. After a few minutes of methodically picking `apart Jackson; Jackson looked like he had the tar beat right out of him and he could barely stand. Bringing Jackson to his feet, Bryce uses a headlock takedown, bringing Jackson over to the mat in a seated position and landed a mean sounding kick right into his back. The pain showed and Bryce did it again.

Smith: Oh, a great headlock takedown by Manning, followed by those kicks that you could hear clear downtown. Bryce Manning is using the definite size advantage to his favor assuming control Jackson in a dominant way.

Bradford: That's what I was saying all along, Smith. The size advantage, the technical skill, the experience advantage, EVERYTHING is in his favor here tonight. Jackson is young, inexperienced, plenty of potential but he's taking on Bryce. Not to mention he's looking all around keeping his eyes out for Matt Ward!

Bryce lined up, going for a third kick but Jackson rolled out of the way and used his speed to roll Bryce up, catching him off guard out of the momentum from the missed kick but only a one. Jackson was trying his hardest to knock off Bryce but it just wasn't enough. When both men got to their feet, Jackson ran at Bryce but got caught with an elbow that knocked Jackson back into the ropes. Bryce with a lariat took Jackson up and over the top to the floor, and Bryce followed suit.


Bradford: Bryce is back in control! Sounds like you and these people would get along great, Smith. Sounds like you all need a vacation to Egypt.

Smith: Seems like you're pretty obsessed there, Bradford.

Bryce was bringing Jackson to his feet and he knocked Bryce's hands away and started to slug at him with right hands gaining momentum back.

Bradford: Closed fists, ref! He should be disqualified, come on!

Smith: It looks to me that Jackson doesn't want to go out just yet and he's fighting back with all of his heart and spirit that's left!

Having Bryce in a brief stagger, Jackson backed himself up to the ring post and got a full head of steam but in mid run he's caught off guard when "Waking the Demon" by Bullet for My Valentine hit. Jackson was able to stop in his place, sliding a bit and his focus went right to the stage to see Matt Ward come walking out.

Bradford: I told you, Smith! He was looking out for Ward and now it's going to cost him! Inexperience! You never take your eyes off of somebody like Bryce, never!

Smith: Matt Ward has no business being out here! He's got a match of his own in just a little bit, he shouldn't even be worried about Luke Jackson right now!

Ward had just smiled and Bryce lunged forward with a forearm shot that knocked Jackson a little senseless. Bryce behind Jackson, ran him into the ring post head first and he fell over, leaning on the apron. This is where Bryce threw him into the ring and followed. Bryce seemed to stalk Jackson, yelling "COME ON PUNK! GET UP! GEEET UPPP!" Jackson crawled towards Bryce, not really knowing what was going on and used him to get up to his feet. Once he realized who was in front of him, he tried to back off but not fast enough. Bryce hooked the arm and threw it over his shoulder, lifting Jackson up high into the air, and delivering a rock bottom across his knee.


Smith: That vicious sambo slam across the knee has ended many matched for Bryce, but damnit, if Ward didn't show up I can't help but think it wouldn't be ending this way!

One... Two... Three! 


Smith: Well... he did it. I can't belive it but Bryce Manning advances to contender later tonight for the Semi-Finals.

Going backstage, we see a very angry Ward looking around for Luke Jackson who was just too fast and managed to get away. Screaming, his voice echoed throughout the hall.


Looking around frantically, we hear him grunt as from above we see Jackson above Ward as he jumps down striking Ward in the back with that chain which he has wrapped around his fist. Now on the ground, the much smaller Jackson mounts Ward and starts punching him right in the face with that chain busting him open as blood trickles down Ward’s forehead. Smiling, Jackson looks down at the fallen Ward.

Jackson: You wanted it, well, you got it big man. I’ll see you in two weeks.

Walking away, we see the bloody Ward lying there on the cold concrete floor.

Peyton Von Licht Vs Bryan York

The light begins to dim down. Only one light hovers over the entrance as the introduction of “Holding Out for A Hero” by Bonnie Tyler. Smoke begins to rise from a smoke machine out of view. When the beat picks up, Peyton comes out. He is wearing a hooded cape, his head lowered. He flicks off the hood and throws up his arms, yelling out to the crowd.

Barbara Braman: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is a quarter final match in the MSW Championship Tournament! Making his way to the ring from Newfoundland, Canada weighing 172lbs, MSW’s Personal Hero Peyton Von Licht!

He then picks up his pace, walking down the ramp, hitting the hands of the crowd. He hops onto the side of the ring. He stands up on the turnbuckle, screaming out “I am your hero!”

As he enters the ring, he bounces around the ring, keeping his energy up.

"Now, It's on" begins to play as the fans begin to boo, knowing that York is about to walk out. He finally does, he walks down the ramp with a big of a cocky strut as he stops in front of the ring for a moment and looks around flipping the fans off as he slides into the ring, he walks over to each turn buckle and flips the fans off before jumping.

Barbara Braman: And his opponent from Brooklyn, New York, weighing 245lbs Bryan York!

This was already a huge match with a shot at the MSW Championship on the line but over the last week it’s erupted like a wildfire. Bryan York got into it with Co-Head of Talent Relations Justin “Giant’ Gravitt over his use of marijuana on company time.

Normally I’m a fan of York’s but not when it comes at the cost of the company. There’s absolutely no excuse for breaking the company’s wellness policy so blatantly. He’s lucky he hasn’t been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law; marijuana is a Class I narcotic under US drug law. It’s a misdemeanor in the state of Missouri and it’s a federal offense under federal law. If you really think you’re not getting a fair shot, back it up in the ring because smoking a little joint doesn’t make you some “tough guy”.

I’m in full agreement with you there Bradford. You have to follow company policy whether that be flipping burgers or stepping between those ropes.

As the bell rings Peyton controls the pace early in the match utilizing his stiff shoot style kicks splashed in with his various holds to minimize the brawling ability of York. York manages to work some offense with some timely counters however Peyton Von Licht manages to stay a step ahead much to the bewilderment of York.

So far Peyton Von Licht has the edge. Danny Stevenson took a chance on him by reinserting him into the tournament and right now he’s a few heartbeats away from punching his ticket to the semifinals.

Very true but despite the pot incident I wouldn’t count York out yet, he’s worked just as hard as everyone else remaining in this tournament.

After several more moments York finally manages to disrupt the flow from a well-timed eye gouge drawing jeers and booes from the crowd.

Crowd: BOOOOOOOOOOOO! YORK’S A PUSSY! *clap clap-clap clap clap* YORK’S A PUSSY! *clap clap-clap clap clap* YORK’S A PUSSY! *clap clap-clap clap clap clap* YORK’S A PUSSY! *clap clap-clap clap clap*

York quickly follows up with a barrage of punches backing Peyton back to the ropes showing no signs of letting up after finding the one opening he needed in the match causing the referee to start his count

1! 2! 3! 4!

York finally breaks right before 5 as he flips off the crowd.


Smith: The MSW faithful are certainly telling York what they think of him

Well this Missouri crowd is never shy; they wear their heart on their sleeve. I may be an asshole but I’m a company asshole. You spit on that banner you’re disrespecting more than just management.

York slaps Peyton von Licht wearing an arrogant grin trying to taunt him and the fans in attendance. York starts strutting around full of confidence almost out of spite as he slaps Peyton again. As the crowd continues to boo and jeer York he goes to do it one more time only to be met form a Roaring Elbow out of nowhere!


Peyton Von Licht wastes no time as he immediately locks the prone York into the Holy Light Chokehold dragon sleeper with body scissors. York tries as hard as he can to reach the ropes to break the hold but with the hold locked firmly in the center of the ring he has no choice but to tap out.

Barbara Braman: Here is your winner by submission Peyton Von Licht!


Smith: "Ashes?" That's gotta be for Neforian! Peyton is looking on and doesn't know what to think about this at all! The date at Unstoppable #5 said that we'd be seeing him at Best of the Best, and this video is the creepiest yet!

Daniel Smart Vs Matt Ward Vs Leo Banks

Bradford: Now this is one I'm excited for, Smith! I was there when Wolf Parker was making his rise in Kansas City. Future champion, right there! HOOOWWLLLL! Come on smith, howl like you mean it!

Smith: Well, Wolf Parker is a great talent, and I can't wait to see him when he does debut. And next up we have our triple threat quarter finals!

As the referee has signaled for the bell, Banks and Ward are already brawling as Ward has gained the upper hand. Managing to shove Banks into the turnbuckle, Ward let’s go with a flurry of blows that drops Banks to the seated position. From behind however, Smart grabs Ward around the waist and hits a huge German suplex that causes the fans to erupt into cheers.

Smith: Ward started this match off by dominating Banks and Smart came in from behind with a huge German suplex that really flattened Ward.

With the fans really behind Smart, Banks gets up and as Smart turns around, he is met by a lunging forearm which drops Smart onto his back. Quickly mounting him, Banks is throwing some very several stiff punches as Smart is doing his best to cover up instead of just taking the beating.

Bradford: Banks really showing some fire here tonight.

Smith: He really wants it and I don’t blame him.

Grabbing an unexpecting Banks, Ward grabs him from behind and situates him into position hitting a nasty looking full nelson slam which looks sickening as the fans can be heard “ooohing”. Dropping down to make the cover, Ward looks to put this match away.




Smart breaks up the cover just in the nick of time.

Smith: My Lord how close was that?!

Bradford: Yeah but clearly not close enough.

Holding the back of his head momentarily, he gets up as both men, Ward and Smart begin to trade knife edge chops until Ward knees Smart in the midsection and uses his larger size to hoist Smart up hitting a gut-wrench power bomb really planting Smart down and hard.

Smith: Wait... What is Luke Jackson doing out here?

Walking down the aisle holding a dog collar and chain, Ward immediately turns his attention to Jackson who is telling Ward to bring it. Swinging the chain and smacking the ropes right in front of Ward; Jackson motions for Ward to bring it as Ward hops out of the ring and darts down the aisle after him. Having pulled himself to his feet, Banks just looks on kind of dumbfounded but eventually smiles and as he turns around...

... BAM!!!


Having dropped Banks, Smart covers him quickly as the referee drops down to make the count.




With the bell sounding, Smart rolls off of Banks’ motionless body and has his hand raised into the air as the winner.

Barbara Braman: The winner of the match, DDAAANIEEEL SSMMAAAAARRRTTT!

Marie Porter Vs Kat

Following Smart's victory, we had cut to a video package to build up for Best of the Best. Upon it's ending, we cut to the ring where Kat and Marie had made their ways to the ring. Kat and Marie stood across the ring from each other, but before the bell could sound the voice of Danny Stevenson could be heard.


Danny: I do apologize for interruptin' but I want you two ladies ta pay attention, an I hope Shawna is watchin' too. It seems ta me that you, Kat, and Shawna have been havin' some issues with miss Marie Porter so while I was sittin' in tha back tonight an idea.. a great idea hit me. Tanight, if Miss Marie defeats you, Kat, the match to crowd tha first eva Em Es Dubya Women's champion is gonna be a triple threat. Now ring that bell an let these ladies show tha world what they're made of.


Smith: A huge announcement by Danny Stevenson! Marie Porter has shown all kinds of promise since her debut about a month ago and even picked up an upset win over Kim Pain and Autumn Raven. If she can defeat Kat who along side of Shawna Martinez, won the contendership for the Women's championship clear back at Unstoppable #2, Marie Porter will officially make it a triple threat!

Bradford: I gotta say, Smith, I'm actually really excited about this. Every single one of our Women of Tradition can go in that ring, even better than some of the men of this industry. So with the huge stakes added to this match, it adds big implications for the title match in two weeks at Best of the Best.

Well the bell rang and the two went in for an immediate tie up, both ladies stay in the tie up both walking back and forth trying to gain an advantage but there's no give from either lady. That is until Marie is able to switch it over into a headlock, and in a hip-toss fashion brings Kat over her hip and to the ground. The heacklock is wrenched in and the ref checks if Kat want's to tap but she doesn't. Kat is able to bring her leg over Marie's neck and force her to release the hold with a leg scissor.

Smith: Oh! A Beautiful counter there by Kat with a leg scissor! Great ring positioning to get out of that headlock!

The hold was sinched in, but Marie was able to actually kip-up OUT of the hold. She turned arond and Kat got to her feet and the two had a stand off.


With a big cheer the crowd applauded as the girls shook hands.

Smith: The crowd loves it and great sports-woman ship from the two of them.

Bradford: For now, but Kat isn't going to wanna have the match be any more difficult than she needs it to be. Marie, a great talent in the ring, is a bit gullable and this could be Kat just playing her in.

Off of the handshake, Kat pulled Marie in and took her over the shoulders, taking Marie down and rolling her to her stomach, and pulling on the arm with a mean arm bar. Marie refuses to tap and is able to pull herself near the ropes for a break. Kat is forced to release the hold, and Marie gets to get feet. Kat gets in her face but Marie fires back with a forearm after forearm dazing Kat before finally knocking her down with a big head bunt and a cover but only two. After the kick out, Kat rolls out of the ring to collect herself.

Some great wrestling here between these two women and Kat takes to the outside.

Bradford: Smart move on Kat's part here. She doesn't want to give up this match yet and Marie is getting a full head of steam.

Speaking of a full head of steam though, Marie came charging and dove through the ropes with a huge suicide dive.

Crowd: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! THIS IS AWESOME! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* THIS IS AWESOME! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* 

She connected, taking both women down and a count out began.

They started to stagger and get closer to the ring

Kat rolled in

Smith: The ref is at 9! Marie is close, can she make it back in time?!


Marie made it back into the ring just in time and Kat couldn't believe it and she went for an immediate cover but only a two. The dive took a lot out of Marie and so Kat managed to stay on top of Marie and even get a quick count in but Marie was just too stuborn to give it. Kat had whipped Marie to the corner and ran at her connecting in the corner with an elbow and brought Marie out of the corner. As she did, she set up for her modified russian leg sweep that she calls the WIldKat. But as she went for the leg hook, Marie saw it coming and spun out of it, turned Kat around and with a kick to the stomach she connected her own version of the Stone Cold Stunner.

Smith: Oh man! Marie saw the WildKat coming and countered it with The Marie Experience Stunner! This could be it! We might be seeing a triple threat at Best of the Best!

Bradford: Only in MSW will you see action like this folks!

One... Two... Three! 

Barbara: Your winner... MAARRIIIE POORRRTEERR!

Smith: Marie did it! Marie picked up another huge win and will face Shawna and Kat at Best of the Best to crown the first ever MSW Women's champion!

Bradford: We'll be right back with more excitement folks as we get to our Semi-Finals of the Best of the Best tournament!

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Bucks

“Sixty-five thousand dollars sun-glasses—that’s worth more than the collective salaries of the Missouri State Wrestling locker-room.”

Opening up on a bright and sunny day—the weather presented was nothing like Missouri- rather, the billboards and show of skin from females in bathing suits presented us with a glimpse into Orlando, Florida. As trees swayed in the background, one individual—rocking that said pair of $6,500 glasses with a white Polo Shirt, khakis and probably a snakeskin belt [more for looks than for purpose] stood in the distance. The man had his hair combed to the side, but the high quality of the footage allowed those crystal-like blue eyes of his to steal the show. Those glasses he spoke of? It was folded up and hung over the inside of the man’s shirt. Across his wrist, a flashy watch—more than likely a Rolex.

“When you look this good, you feel even BETTER. Now as you’re sitting there, wondering just who exactly I am.. There’s a few things you should know. First off..”

The man held his right index finger up, decorated with a gold band and diamond ring—

“.. I could probably buy the MSW right from under The Stevenson’s if I choose, but that’s not the point. See, when you’ve had everything in this world—from the finest meals available, cooked on site by the best chefs money can buy—to tailor made suits and Ferraris and Porsches, there’s a void—there’s something I DIDN’T have- which brings me to MSW.”

Now he held up his middle finger—

“.. And leads me directly to the second thing you should know.. My name.. Is Roman Gold and I personify what it means to be successful on different levels—from business, to my persona l life. Along side my agent.. RJ Ryan—“

The camera quickly panned to the side to show a short, chubby fellow with RED colored framed glasses dressed in a pricey suit- the man’s hair was frizzed and crazy, but it was ‘the look’.

“.. and of course- my personal bodyguard.. Daniel Bane..”

From Gold’s agent- the camera flipped angles to show a BURLY fellow, his hair pulled back and his body barely able to fit into the Armani suit he was wearing from his muscle mass.

“We’re coming to Missouri State Wrestling with one intention in mind, to plunder and profit. See, I may not be a ‘villain’ as your resident hero Peyton Von Licht may say—I’m definitely no ‘Architect’ as your resident antichrist says. Rather, I’m everything that makes the United States.. great. I live my life a drink at a time—I wear the finest suits, I buy out bars.. I, ladies and gentlemen.. am Roman Gold—The American Reality. Some say I live life to the extreme with bottles of Cristal—I beg to differ that opinion. I live hard, because I deserve it. When your name is Roman Gold.. Nothing is off-limits, not supermodels, not supercars.. and definitely, not superstars. I believe everyone—and everyone has a price—which leads me to the fact that sooner or later, I will own the MSW Championship- now whether it’s bought or if it’s won..”

Roman Gold as we’ve learned, took a second to pause.. as he smiled and popped a cigar into his mouth. With the tip already lit, he took a second to enjoy it as he removed it and placed it between his fingers, tapping the ashes into the open.

“.. remains to be seen. As The American Reality, I will show everyone how life SHOULD be lived—and not how life should be wasted.”

Placing the cigar down onto the tray, he picked up his glass of red wine and held it in the air.

“Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon.. $2500 a bottle—“

Purposely pouring some of the liquor out of the glass, Roman let off a laugh.

“.. there’s your rent money..”

As the glass continued to empty, Roman laughed again.

“.. your car note.. your IRA.. Your savings account..”

With just a few sips left within the cup, Roman shrugged his shoulders and placed the cup back near the top of his head and nodded.

“Don’t envy what I have, make an attempt to better what YOU have. As The American Reality, follow in my footsteps—just don’t follow TOO closely.. bankruptcy isn’t fun.. or so I’ve heard.”

And on that shot—of Roman tipping a glass with $2500 per bottle wine in it, the camera took what essentially was a screen-shot—as the frozen frame then faded off to black.

Bradford: I've got a great feeling about this guy, Smith!

Smith: Well it looks like Roman Gold is going to be just one more name to those coming to MSW! Business keeps picking up folks! And THIS is why we're The Alternative!

Bradford: And now it's the moment we've all been waiting for! Our two massive co-main events! Semi-Final time!

Daniel Smart Vs Johnny B.

As the referee signals for the bell to get the match underway, Bonecrusher immediately rushes in and starts throwing a flurry of wild punches as Smart gets rocked.

Smith: Bonecrusher kicking off the action with some brawling.

Bradford: Not surprised honestly.

After brawling it out for a minute, Smart ducks under a punch and catches Bonecrusher with a huge sambo suplex that drives Bonecrusher down to the mat with great authority. With Bonecrusher being down, Smart quickly applies a headlock really applying the pressure.

Smith: Great technical wrestling by Smart.

Bradford: He's not too bad but Bonecrusher will out brawl him for the win.

Smith: We'll see about that.

Having gotten to his feet, Bonecrusher reaches up and grabs Smart by the head dropping to the seated position with a jaw breaker as Smart holds his jaw and lays on the ground in pain. Climbing to his feet, he soccer ball kicks Smart right in the gut.

Bradford: See...

Smith: This match isn't over yet.

Bradford: May as well be.

Clutching his ribs, Bonecrusher yanks Smart to his feet and headbutts him as he stumbles back into the turnbuckle. Charging in with a full head if steam, Bonecrusher looks to hit him with a huge clothesline but Smart quickly darts out of the corner and Bonecrusher strikes it chest first. Upon stumbling out, Smart grabs him around the waist and hits a huge release German suplex as the fans explode in cheers.


Letting out a scream, the fans cheer as Bonecrusher gets up slowly. As he pulls himself up to his feet - Smart comes in from behind looking for another German suplex but Bonecrusher elbows him right in the face causing Smart to stumble. As Smart stumbles around, Bonecrusher darts in looking for a huge clothesline but Smart ducks under it and as Bonecrusher turns around...


Quickly making the cover, the referee drops down to make the count.




Barbara Braman: The winner of the match, DAAANIEL SMMAAARRT!

Bryce Manning Vs Peton Von Licht

After the vignette, Peyton had made his way to the ring and was followed by Bryce. The two stood face to face in the center of the ring and the bell sounded with Bryce giving off a sick smirk, and Peyton not backing down. Then unexpected happened to Peyton when Bryce threw an elbow up catching Peyton on the side of the head staggering him back. Bryce followed up quickly with another one and another, just repeated shots over and over again being as ruthless as he could not even giving Peyton a chance to breathe before the referee was forced to pull Bryce off, threatening to disqualify him.

Smith: Finally order is taken. That attack was uncalled for by Bryce! This is the Semi-Finals for the MSW Championship tournament for crying out loud!

Bradford: I told you at the get go, Smith, that Bryce is going to do whatever it takes to win, and to get that championship that should have been given to him the moment he arrived. He's here to carry this company to great things, Smith, and if you can't see that, you're more blind than Ray Charles.

Smith: Enough with that crap, already would you? Peyton has just as good of a chance of winning this thing as Bryce does. He's got all the talent in the world and Bryce is just trying to take that away from him.

Bradford: He's a mean SOB, and he knows what he's doing and what he wants, what more can you say?

While Peyton was on the ropes, Bryce brought his arm back as far as he could and with a quick snap of an open palm to Peyton's exposed chest let out a loud SMACK! and WHOOOOO! from the crowd. Peyton's legs flew up, Bryce knocked them back down and repeated the chop again and again. Upon a fourth time, Peyton blocked the chop and fired off one of his own.

Smith: Chop battle! But Peyton Von Licht fires back with chops of his own to answer Bryce Manning and he's not going down that easy! The Nature Boy would be proud.

Bradford: Proud of Bryce, for sure!

After a couple of chops from Peyton, Bryce blocked his final one but Peyton jumped into the air, wrapped his legs over Bryce's shoulders and took him over with a huricanranna. Peyton kip-upped to his feet and the crowd was erupting and he flexed and yelled out. Bryce was slightly surprised but he laughed about it. Peyton charged a full head of steam but was knocked down with a big shoulder block and Bryce made a cover but only two. Bryce grabbed a handful of Peyton's hair and begins with a series of punches, getting up to four in a disqualification count.

Smith: Bryce utilizing that five count to its fullest extent, roughing up Peyton.

Bradford: It's utilizing strategy, Smith. Do as much damage as you can, while you can, bending the rules to your advantage.

Smith: What about playing fair? This is a tournament to make history! Not beat the tar out of your opponent.

Bradford: Why not both?

Bryce stood up off of the punches and backed away, letting Peyton get up using the corner. As soon as he was to his feet, Bryce approached Peyton but when he got near, it was like Peyton got a second wind as he threw his feet up, knocking Bryce back. Peyton got himself to the second turnbuckle and jumped off with a double stomp, taking Bryce down and a quick cover but only two. The pace quickened and Peyton, despite the prior moments of brutal beat downs from Bryce, he kept the action moving fast and kept in control, catching Bryce off guard.

Smith: Peyton is showing his study of all of his challengers! It seems that maybe Bryce underestimated Peyton just a little bit.

Bradford: Haven't you figured it out yet, Smith? Bryce allows his opponents to do this. He suckers them in, let's them build confidence, think they've got it in the bag and as soon as they let their guard down, BAM, Spineshanker and it's all over. That's exactly what he did to Luke Jackson earlier and that's exactly what's happening here.

Smith: You say suckering, I say he's getting a taste of his own medicine and OH! A huge moonsault to the standing Bryce Manning and... he caught him! Bryce just caught Peyton in mid-air!

Bradford: Suckering, Smith! All suckering!

This is where Bryce took control of the match and slowed it down, not where Peyton was too comfortable. Holding Peyton over his shoulder he dropped with a powerslam and gave a cut throat taunt to signal for the end. It took a few moments for Peyton to start rising and when he did, Bryce kicked him in the midsection to double him over, grabbed the double underhook, lifted Pyeton up and dropped his back across Bryce's knee with a Hillside Toppler. And not just one, but TWO Hillside Topplers to send a message. Bryce began to lift Peyton up and gave the double underhook for a third but as he lifted Peyton up to the air, Peyton managed to throw his body with a modified arm drag.

Smith: Peyton is back in this thing!

Bradford: But for how long!?

A big charge, looking for his Shining Knight knee kick but before he could even get in the air, Bryce ducked a bit and hooked the arm, took Peyton's momentum lifting him up and dropped him across his back again with the Rock Bottom across the knee he calls..


Smith: I hate to admit it, but you might be right, and the cover!

One... Two... Three! 

Smith: I can't believe it, but Bryce makes it to the finals!

Bradford: Just like I said, Smith, he baited Peyton and picked up the win, headed to Best of the Best! We're gonna take one more break folks and when we come back, Daniel Smart takes on Bonecrusher!

Following Bryce's Win, Daniel Smart had made his way back down to the ring. Bryce stared him down in the ring, Smart on the ramp and the crowd erupting.

Smith: Bryce and Daniel Smart will be the contenders for the MSW Championship in two weeks on May 7th! It's gonna be a hell of a night folks! We've had a lot of big twists and turns tonight and it all culminates at Best of the Best! For Bradford, I'm Smith, and we'll see you in two weeks!