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*[[Ramona Altenbach]]
| setting = Northern California: June 9th 2019<br>::Early Morning<br><br>Pangea<br>::Unknown
| setting = Northern California: June 9th 2019<br>::Early Morning<br><br>Pangea<br>::Unknown
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[[Category:Shifter]][[Category: Wyrm]][[Category:Logs]]
[[Category:Logs]] [[Category:Shifter]][[Category: Wyrm]]
[[Category:Barksdale]] [[Category:Eris]] [[Category:Izayah]] [[Category:Kurumi]] [[Category:Pax]] [[Category:Pembroke]] [[Category:Ramona]] [[Category:Raquel]]
[[Category:Barksdale]] [[Category:Eris]] [[Category:Izayah]] [[Category:Kurumi]] [[Category:Pax]] [[Category:Pembroke]] [[Category:Ramona Altenbach]] [[Category:Raquel]]

Latest revision as of 13:22, 4 May 2021


Northern California: June 9th 2019
::Early Morning



The Tear in the Air

" This primitive plane, which you think is Australia and I call Pangea, is all that is real…the other world is a dream, where we are trapped playing out……our deepest fantasies."
- Mr. Gone 'The Maxx'

Beepers go off, phones ring off the hook, the presses are in alert... Or would be if this was 20 years ago.

Now there's just a simple text from Eris with an address that says:

Get here /NOW/

And nothing more... The address is outside of Prospect, in fact, it's way past where Eris' old place before one hits the long stretch of nothing between Prospect and the far Northern reaches of California. East of the Redwoods of Eugene and towards the Nevada border where stretches of road can last up to sixty miles without even a village in the site. Those driving drive past what looks like an old fashioned revival or Hippy Commune in some lush fields outside of a nature preserve and past that there is... nothing. Miles of nothing. Off a service road that says 'Crestpoint Historical Graveyard'...

They're not even halfway down the road before they see it... Swaths of earth dug in great gouges. Bodies of Kinfolk and even a few young cliaths who work under Eris mostly mangled. Further on there's a lingering dust cloud that's just beginning to settle. There are a few overturned cars, half the graveyard is decimated with ancient bones scattered and cracked parts of a mausoleum flung in all directions as if there'd been an explosion.

Having taken the Mission's shuttle van, Raquel literally puts the hoof to the metal as she drags Pax along with her. Who knows what dangers lie ahead? Her eyes widen as she hunches over the wheel, the gouges in the terrain a sight to behold. She's pulling over sooner than expected since she doesn't want the ground to swallow their mechanical conveyance whole. She can always mule it places if need be. "It's big!" Whatever it is.

Pembroke drives out in classic Mustang. As he sees the bodies piled high, he gives it some more gas and speeds up. Mentally, he's already triaging what he sees, but he's not a commander in this war, and if he had to salute, he'd be saluting the grungiest grunt that ever grunted, so instead, he hustles toward the woman giving the orders. On foot, if it gets to the point where the vehicle can no longer traverse terrain.

Pax comes along easily enough, dressed in a button up flannel shirt and some old ass jeans. He's in the passenger's seat, elbow resting on the lowered window as he gazes out at the desolation with a somewhat dull gaze. "Maybe the apocalypse is starting?" he muses softly when he reaches down to his side to feel for the black duffle bag sitting there, a slow smile moving across his face at the thought of it. "Though I only see friendly bodies, I think, so..." With a shrug, Pax pushes the door open when the van comes to a stop so he can step out to streeeeeeetch his legs.

The black Audi with matching rims comes to a stop, followed by Izayah and Ramona climbing out of it. Dressed in his black BDU's, a tight shirt, and his leather jacket, he rounds to the back of the car and opens the trunk. Pulling out a case, he opens it up to take a short silver sword from it and straps it to his hip, followed by his sniper rifle as he configures it. "Where's Eris at?" He rumbles out as he attaches his Fang Dagger next on his opposite hip.

Word is that a few days ago Ramona Danced for the third time, and fleeting sightings of her since said she looked whole save a violent hacking cough and angrily red everything involving a mucous membrane or eyeball. She looks normal as she gets out of the car and healed of whatever impacted her, though her expressions look just as grim as she takes in the scene. She's dressed in similar combat attire with a protective vest. Her own Fang Dagger is already on - it rarely is elsewhere - and she moves to collect up her own gear. The questions she leaves to Izayah, though her eyes don't stop moving as she looks over everything and everyone.

Barksdale arrives not long after Izayah and Ramona. The black SUV parks not far from the Audi and out steps the soldier. His rifle grabbed as he heads over towards his packmates as he surveys the area.

Eris rolls Stamina(5) + Primal Urge(4) (9 dice) vs 8 for 1 successes.

1 2 2 3 4 5 7 +10 10

The fight, whatever it had been, is now over. But it's just a fight that's over.. There are survivors. Even the Kinfolk who'd been packing Black Market firepower hadn't survived this; those that had were few. Kinfolk with exceptional powers... Cliath who'd been knocked unconscious or thrown out of the fight early, even a couple of Fosterns and an Adren all looking exhausted and shell shocked.

IN the center of the ruin is a massive body of feather and scales, gallons of blood spilled out onto the earth around it. There are wounds all over it, enough firepower ju9st on the visible side to have taken out half a dozen Gaian packs and then some. They're all a bit shell shocked and one of them hearing Izzy's request simply points to the Crinos form in the distance.

Devil Dolly is among the survivors but she's standing in front of a massive glittering rift that somehow sits slightly askew hanging in the air, a jagged tear ten feet in diameter. It must have shrunk after giving birth to the monstrous Dinosaur; it's about three times as big as the damned T-Rex skeletons they have in those museums. Roughly 60ish feet give or take it doesn't matter. Eris, in war form, looks like she's standing if barely. Trollskin mottles her woad stained pelt and singe marks from her electrical powers stain her arms and chest. One largish pointed ear flicks pack and the Pictish werewolf looks over her shoulder. She whips a hand sending congealed ichor off her claws and turns to stifle walk towards those who've arrived. She doesn't shift down but her words are in snarled guttural English "Good. My Alpha is on his way to help me with the Rift." She points down to the massive carcass, "I need to know how that fuckin' thing got here."

Blurring upwards into his crinos form, Kra'chkk slings the large sniper rifle over his shoulder, then draws the silver klaive off his hip as his fist curls about the hilt. He starts towards Eris as his eyes move along the image of the large beast on the ground. ~~ This fucker came from Pangea or something? ~~ He asks as his ears slick back against his skull. ~~ That's the Jurassic Park realm, right? I knew a bitch back in Mexico who went there and came back missing half her body. That's what she got for trying to convince a Raptor to be her personal totem. ~~ He squints his eyes at the Elder. ~~ You okay? ~~

Other than a few choice magical trinkets, Raquel doesn't need to wear much, if at all. After parking the rather unsightly van, she's clambering out the driver's side is not much other than a work-out sports top and short-short bottoms in pastel pink. Her normally long and wavy blonde hair is rather short today. A bandolier of pockets is strapped along her waist, and the long-legged, mule hoofed Bygone is making her way over to the Crinos Pict. Like she isn't terrified of the fucking thing! "Here." Without asking, she's fishing out a jar and smearing it over the singed fur to cause the wounds to begin healing themselves shut.

Pembroke tugs on a pair of thin gloves as he approaches, finding the sparkly hole in the universe far more frightening than the Crinos. At least she's a relatively known quantity. "At your disposal." He really does hope she isn't about to offer him a red uniform...

Pax rolls Arete vs 4 for 2 successes.

3 +4 +8

Sent to: Pax and Eris

Kurumi gets to the address the same way she gets most places, hitchhiking. There is no shortage of men (and women) who are more than happy to pick her up and take her wherever she'd like to go. Today is no exception though as the driver and Kurumi are greeted by the scenes of carnage, even the tough looking pickup truck driver she's with today begins to panic. A well-placed backhand to the face silences him screaming permanently though and one minor car accident later Kurumi is on foot making her way the rest of the way towards whatever has caused all this destruction.

Approaching the scene with the dinosaur she walks up blowing a bubble with her gum and letting it pop against her face before pulling it into her mouth again to keep chewing. Her kanabo is balanced against her shoulder in its cloth wrap, "That's a big lizard," she says admiring the Dinosaur, before looking to Eris, "Do you need any healing? What happened here?"

Eris rolls 1 (1 dice) vs 6 for 1 successes.


Barksdale glances back to Raquel and he can't help but smirk, amused by the way she arrives. Kurumi gets a glance as well. He then turns back to Eris and the rift. His rifle hefted a moment as he eyes it, narrowing slightly as if considering

Current Phase: First Quarter, Rage diff 6 (5 if Philodox and/or Crinos)

Pax rolls Intelligence + Cosmology vs 6 for 5 successes.

1 2 2 +7 +7 +7 +7 +8 10

Ramona gives an upwards jerk of her chin towards Barksdale as he joins them, remarking as she takes in the scene, "Think we're gonna need more guns." With the odds at hand, she undoes her vest and tosses it back in the car before she takes to her own Crinos form. Clothing melds away, though the belt holding the Dagger and work pistols shifts with her. With her rifle slung via strap over one shoulder, she walks over to join the others by the Eldest Ragabash. ~~ Hell of a warforce you had with you here. Expected to be jumped by Big Bird-saurus?~~

Pax strolls along with the others, keeping himself mostly quiet as his gaze trails across the carnage in the area. It's pretty easy to appreciate the extent of it, and whatever creature caused such a thing. Speaking of creatures, Pax approaches the dead one, placing a hand flat on the scales of its head as he leans down so as to gaze between its scaly lips. "You are correct, Pangaea," Pax says to Izayah, a hand extending so that his index finger can run along some of the leftover blood therein. "It's actually entirely possible guns won't work there, but you can certainly try. Different realities have different rules. What works here doesn't always work there, and vice versa. Regardless, we must find the source of these rifts from that end."

Eris says, "Would be my guess. More than Dinosaurs. Primordial." She agrees with Kra'chkk and then expounds in her rough English snarl. She wipes bloody drool from her muzzle and moves to lean against the thing's bleeding carcass. She lifts her nose at the Ahroun in a sort of 'are you kidding' way and she looks far too smug, ~~I'm a fucking Goddess, nothing hurts me.~~ Her tongue lolls a little and her muzzle closes and she looks towards the tear in the air. She blinks as Raquel approaches and digs into her pouches to start putting slaves o the electrical burns and other wounds. Roxie earns a blood-streaked lick to the face as a reward.

Barksdale pats his rifle and responds to Pax, "Fetish rifle...not the usual firearm." he explains. "Still, not only how it got here but did something or someone...send it."

Ramona's question draws Eris' eyes her way, well, the one not half caked shut with blood. ~~Nope. Was gonna run a raid on the cult tonight and convince them it was the end times. Just wrong place, right time.~~ She admits. She waves off Kurumi and gestures to Raquel and once more in her guttural Crinos she speaks, "Nope, just need an away team." She sneer-smirks which looks wrong with a 9-inch long face. "Get together what you need. Me and Russ will keep that tear and the surrounding area secure."

Being a creature not of the BSD variety (and immune to much of their weaponry), Raquel's not quite terrified of her Rage filled acquaintances. Eris earns a knowing smile when she gets that affectionate canine tongue, and her own mystical touch with the plant-based fat does the trick. It takes time, burns and swollen flesh melting back into their more natural forms, within slowly ticking seconds that's miraculous otherwise. "I've never been to Pangea, before!" There's no hint of disbelief, only excitement as the Bygone contemplates the horrors that lurk on the other side.

Pembroke peers at the hole, steering clear of dino blood. "How differently does it work? I've never been anywhere off this plane before." Curiosity overriding his fear, though he glances around at the various Crinos and Spirit Taken (or whatever the others are), as he awaits whatever instruction is to be given by whoever is taking charge.

A moment to focus and Barksdale activates the bane in his fetish weapon. A soft green glow pulses for a moment and then fades, the weapon ready for war.

Dra'si'assh rolls Stamina + Survival vs 5 for 5 successes.

1 1 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 9 10

Dra'si'assh loses one Magical Essence

Kra'Chkk rolls Stamina + Survival vs 5 for 5 successes.

1 2 4 4 4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +8 8

Eris says, "We'll find you if you don't, don't you worry." Eris assures without a hint of worry that she or Russ wouldn't do just that. "You'll be fine, Pem, stick with these folks. Other than Russ there's no one I trust more to get the job done. Think of this as.. taking off the training wheels." She shifts into her homid form as her hurts are healed and though the salve has helped she still looks like mottled purple and green marbling on white. "Stick. Together." It's her one firm statement, the one that clearly comes in a tone that's clearly expecting no argument. She pats Roxie's hip, "I've got to go look after my Kin and heal who I can. So far as I saw, you can just walk through like a hotdog in a hallway."

"You will become stronger, more in tune with your natural self. Your bodies will mend faster, your connections to the spirits will strengthen with each day." Pax explains as he stands and turns to motion at the Garou present with a flourish. "But perhaps the most distressing thing is that you will lose your Tribal identity. In Pangaea, you are no longer Black Spiral Dancer, but instead of one Tribe of Garou. You will lose your tribal markings and were we to meet any other Garou, you will likely consider them brethren. Regardless of this, you will keep to the cause of the Father, or you will be... Removed." Giving a soft grunt, as though elaborating on his point, Pax raising a hand to point at the rift. "This is an ancient, primordial realm, ruled by the Elder Serpent and beholden to the phases of the moon moreso than this one. I don't think it'll have much effect on myself, Pembroke, or Raquel at least. But I cannot speak for any sort of technology past the middle ages you might bring with you. We shall see when we arrive."

"Yay!" Raquel squeals with glee. Despite her higher levels of intelligence, and the ability to pull off 'professional' at Magadon as the Chief of Security, she wallows in the rare moments where composure can be thrown to the wind. Her mocha colored skin changes, then, along with other human features that Pembroke might not be familiar with. Skin turns into the metallic sheen of rose gold, hair as platinum along with her now pronounced claws and hooves, and ears elongate into a mule's. Her muscular, let compact form straightens up a bit as she has to fish out her tail through a slit cut into the back of those God-awful pink work-out shorts.

Kurumi stretches languidly and blows another large pink bubble with her gun, "Sounds fun, except for that forgetting yourself bit, that sounds annoying. But if there's more dinosaurs... I always wanted to punch a T-Rex. I wonder what they taste like..." It's a rambling side monologue as she waits for the others to be ready. Planning isn't the Oni's strong suit and neither is preparation.

Pembroke straightens his gloves. "A memory then, and a forgotten dream. Best left in the past, and dispersed with the waking world."

Pax shifts into a seven-foot-tall grotesque monstrosity!

Barksdale rolls Stamina + Survival vs 5 for 3 successes.

1 1 2 2 3 +5 +7 +7 9 9

Kurumi golf claps for Pax's transformation "Oooh that's new, I like that one!" she grins before letting out a whistle at Raquel, "Nothing like the chance to be yourself is there? I love those shorts." she swings her spiked club absently, antsy to be on her way and punch that T-Rex.

Wrinkling his snout a bit, Kra'Chkk slides the rifle over his back again, trusting in his totem for now. ~~ You better find us. ~~ He says to Eris with a smirk on his face as he heads towards the rift, holding the short sword with both paws at the ready in front of him. ~~ Let's go. Keep it tight, head on a swivel and eyes open. ~~

Dra'si'assh looks unsettled by the idea of losing her identity, and the tips of her teeth show in a faint grimace. ~~ Wonderful. Let's keep this trip short. ~~ She does glance towards Pax and his shifting form, with a snort of amusement escaping the Ragabash. ~~ Well that's handy. ~~ But attentions are then back on the rift and she moves up with her pack to make the crossing in time.

Kurumi rolls Stamina + Survival vs 7 for 1 successes.

1 1 2 3 5 +7 8 10

Kurumi rolls Stamina vs 8 for 1 successes.

1 2 2 5 +10 10

Pax proceeds to shift before the trip through the rift, the kinfolk taking on a grotesque, monstrous quality as clothing splits and seams tear. Ruined shoes are tossed off of his feet, and Pax takes a moment to turn towards another approaching kinfolk. Leaning down to angle his ear towards the man, a nod is given at whatever message is received, then he's turning towards the rift and motioning towards it with a long black claw. "It's a trick I discovered," he explains, with no more information than that. "Let's be on our way, then. Keep to the task."

Pembroke is going to be sweating and grimy when this is done, he just knows it. Assuming he survives it, mind you. "I shall do my best to keep up."

"Staggering and infinite
And full of ageless grace
The universe seemed limitless
Without any time
Without any place
Staggering and infinite
The beauty of it all
I feel insignificant
Never have I ever felt so small..."

- [1]

It's really like stepping through pressure. Like gossamer first pressing at the face and hands and then a light resistance as if wading through water for what feels both like a breathless moment and an eternity without air and then step into the air that is nigh chokingly thick with oxygen. Loamy earth springs underneath the weight of the newcomers to this realm. They are greeted by trees that launch themselves into the air at a hundred-foot canopy that chokes out the light and keep in the impossible cacophony of creatures that lurk in this jungle. Trees as thick as houses are seeded with a thinner spindle like trees and a lush undergrowth one will need a knife to cut through. Vines are as thick as a man's torsos drape here and there throughout the trees some blooming with insidiously colored blooms that draw and attract victims into their depths. The scents are heady, drowning, petrichor and animal musk along with the sickly sweet scent of decay of fallen undergrowth. The primal reigns here... and each of them gets to feel that. They feel their truest natures start to kindle deep in their tar black hearts.

The area they emerge into is missing something though in a rather large swath around them it appears as if a large creature had come barreling through here in pursuit of something ending..miraculously, right where they are standing where two splintered saplings stand to either side of them.

Pembroke sniffs a moment and waves his hand in front of his nose. "Did it take a crap before jumping through?"

Pax rolls Intelligence + Occult vs 2 for 14 successes.

1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +8 +8 +9 10

Sent to: Pax and Eris

Pax rolls Arete vs 3 for 1 successes.

1 +4 10

Sent to: Pax and Eris

Pax rolls Arete vs 3 for 1 successes.

1 +4 8

Sent to: Pax and Eris

Pax rolls Arete vs 3 for 1 successes.

1 +4 7

Sent to: Pax and Eris

Pax rolls Arete vs 3 for 1 successes.

1 +6 10

Sent to: Pax and Eris

Sucking in a breath, Kra'chkk attaches his sword, then draws his sniper rifle off his back as he gives it a quick once over to see if it's still working. He calls upon his totem, the bitch Thrace as his paws inspect. ~~ Scope will still work even if it won't shoot. ~~ He grunts as he gives a few sniffs of the air. ~~ Ramona. Scout ahead. Pax, if your magic works, see if you can help her find a direction. ~~

Pax steps out into the jungle on the other side, a slow, entirely predatory grin spreading across his features as he does so. A claw disappears into the remains of those jeans, and out it comes with a small vial of a red liquid, most likely blood. Bringing that vial between his lips, Pax simply tosses it in, crunching down on the glass and blood alike as his form arches forward so that claws can dig into the loamy soil. For a moment, all is fine, but shortly thereafter his back begins to roil and move as though something were beneath it. It's not long after that it bursts open, with a pair of large, wide, bat-like reptilian wings sprout to stretch out on either side. "We are searching for a village." comes the growling voice of the creature, as a hand raises with claw extended in a seemingly random direction.

What were Pishtacos back then? The time before Time? They didn't exist until Spanish Conquistadors began to invade and pillage the Native Americans of both North and South American continents. But how could that be? The truth is much more menacing when the source of that genetic Bygone bloodline comes to light. Ghuls managed to find their way over in myriad forms, a new paradise to feast upon once hooves met wooded beaches and ignorant natives.

When La Moneda (formerly Raquel) wades through the pressure, that history begins to manifest. Fine draft mule hair becomes more pronounced and shaggy along her equine legs. Instead of that humanesqe visage with the split chin is longer, jaws more powerful for biting down and chewing. Gone is the need to fixate only upon fat: flesh is needed now. Craved. The work-out shorts barely work for containing the Bygone's original reproductive parts in this primordial place, and La Moneda's green eyes look downright feral.

      • You were +fingered by Issac ***

Dra'si'assh steps through into the World Before and the primal slap to the face is enough to set her patchy hair on end. Her normally washed out color comes back even brighten than before she first Danced and what little of what she may have been was drained away. While the gift doesn't fade, the glimpses of her between the armor show clear icy grey fur with a dark frosted mask and back and a fierce hunter's shine in yellow eyes. Her head swings towards Kra'Chkk and ears prick to his orders. A look then to Pax's indicated direction and the Ragabash moves forward, grunting out in barely passable English. "Is there a name? I can track a living thing or spirit."

While Kurumi is normally able to keep her power hidden, that pressure that surge of primal energy uncorks the genie bottle so to speak and whether she wants to her or not she finds herself stretching her legs in Pangaea... literally. The six foot six Japanese girl begins to expand, her skin taking on a slightly reddish hue as she grows to her 'natural' seventeen feet of height, a pair of small horns sprouting from her forehead. By some miracle, her outfit expands with her, which creates its own bizarre image of a giant Oni girl in modern clothes.

A slight rumble and Barksdale quickly inspects his fetish rifle, quietly calling on the totem to make sure his firearm works as required. The benefits of the soldier of the wyrm totem. He feels the primordial power in the realm, a clearing of his throat as he focuses himself and steels his mind against his urge. The Spiral markings gone here.

The sniper rifle, lest it was awakened and a spirit within, if it's more modern than a 'rock' and a stick or some combination of those two things it is nothing. But it is heavy and it's metal so might not be bad to have. Barks is the only one to boast a special piece of metal.

It's actually quiet... In fact, anyone with a sense of time can feel some time passed, maybe a day, since this incident occurred. The tracks are already somewhat washed away from the massive creature's frame. Walking through the undergrowth takes effort.. keeping the four humor hungry insects at bay takes even more effort and tangles a the concentration as they buzz and hum. But there seems to be no greater disturbance than that at the moment. It's not long into the trek of Pax's direction that the party finds what looks like an oft traversed path with maybe a sign of some higher intelligence. Most beasts don't stick giant poles in the ground and gouge out blocky glyphs that are.. strange. But so familiar to the Garou and Kin. Home.

Grunting, Kra'chkk puts the sniper rifle on his back again and holds on to the silver sword. ~~ Barks, you got range attacks. Mine is shit. ~~ He huffs out with a loud noise in his throat. ~~ Which is fine. I get to test this new trick out Kurt helped me learn for my birthday. ~~ He says as he gives a glance down at himself once the markings fade away. ~~ I don't got a name or anything for you Ramona. Princess was pretty lean with details. ~~ Though he jerks his head upwards at the idea of a village. As they trudge on, he sniffs the air a few more times.

The path leads through arched and curved trees, staying solidly packed through the earth on either side of this trail grows steadily thicker, the scent of still water, swamp water beginning to tangle with the aggressive perfumes of the carnivorous blooms and the strange musk of the area. As they get closer they'll recognize it as scent marking of an area, keeping a radius and probably alerting of newcomers. The path ends on a lip and becomes a mix-match of paths, packed earth, and stone that weave their way through little islands that dot these sweltering swamps. On these small humps of earth out of the mire are arch-shaped buildings, several dozen.

"I have no problem taking the overwatch." Barksdale agrees with Izayah. "Used to it by now." the soldier focusing once more, calling upon one more fetish in case necessary. Then, like any good soldier with a ranged weapon, he positions himself somewhere in the middle of the group, that way he won't be attacked from behind or the front as they travel.

Pembroke looks over the writing on the trail, keeping his grumbling to himself, and doing his best to not lag behind (preferably staying near the middle by Barksdale, being the fragile prey animal he is.)

Pax flaps his wings, generating a decent bit of lift as he pushes off the forest floor and takes to the air. Naturally, they're in a forest, so it's not exactly the easiest feat to fly in a straight line, however he makes up for this by gliding from one tree to the next, claws grooving into the wood of the trunks before he glides along again, keeping a lookout above the group as they trek along to the mire and village that'd been spoken of.

Eris rolls 14 (14 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes.

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 +6 +7 +7 9 9

Eris rolls 13 (13 dice) vs 6 for 4 successes.

1 1 2 2 3 4 4 +6 +8 +8 +9 9 10

Eris rolls 13 (13 dice) vs 6 for 4 successes.

1 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 +6 +6 +6 +8 8

Raquel rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 4 successes.

3 4 4 +6 +8 +10 +10

Eris rolls 10 (10 dice) vs 6 for 1 successes.

1 1 1 2 3 5 +6 6 10 10

Dra'si'assh rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 2 successes.

2 3 3 5 +6 +9

Pax rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 6 successes.

3 +6 +7 +7 +8 +9 +10

Pembroke rolls Perception vs 6 for 1 successes.

4 5 +10

Kra'Chkk rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 3 successes.

3 3 3 +8 +9 +10

Barksdale rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 2 successes.

2 3 5 +8 +9

Kurumi rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 4 successes.

+6 +7 +10 +10

By and large, in this place, Ahrouns are not made to 'snek' anywhere. They go to a place with intent and that just happens to be the Ahroun's downfall. They'd been sent to check who'd crossed into the territory and so the Scout pack had gone out and into the swamps - two to each side of the incoming group. Although the Ahroun doesn't exactly make noise the leaves on the branch he's standing on /does/ and it's fairly noticeable to people on edge. (Posed because everyone saw MrMOOSE)

He's in homid - but he's Garou, noticeably so, very pure even, his skin is an odd shade of ochre and his eyes are startlingly amber. Wolves eyes. Long dark hair braided back is bound with a knotwork clip. He's not poised to attack but was obviously leaning closer to get a better look at some of the newcomer's assets.

Kurumi's BASE STEALTH is at least 1

Dra'si'assh moves through the ancient landscape, senses keyed to their surroundings. She pauses at the boundaries of the scent marking and looks to the makeshift dwellings that have been formed out of the earth. She crouches down with her claws sinking into the mire. Her nose twitches and swings one way and then the other, and her posture shifts to one of wariness. She looks through the sounds made by the other Garou and then the male as he appears, and while she's near the fore of the group, she doesn't break from it.

Pax rolls Dexterity + Stealth vs 2 for 10 successes.

1 1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +5 +7 +8 +8 +9 +10 10 10

Sent to: Pax and Eris

Pax, on the other hand, keeps well away from the group. Clinging to the bark of trees high above the meeting packs, the beast's form is shadowed, and entirely difficult to spot with the naked eye. He tends to blend in here, and as such, the demonic thing simply tilts its head to listen as the meeting below takes place. Maybe he'll help if things go south! Or maybe not.

La Moneda is not being stealthy. Sure, Kurumi is 17 fucking feet tall and blazing red skin. But you have to give it to the Bygone to intentionally wear pink spandex just to pull aggro. Bright colors. Shiny. Light reflects from the dappled sunlight that might catch someone's vision blind if they stare at her at the wrong angle. She looks hungry, green emerald eyes darting around at the pair that her senses picked up upon. She keeps her oversized jaw shut, though, since her traveling companions might actually wish to converse. Instead of eating them...

Lowering himself to the ground and behind a tree, Kra'Chkk gives a glance over to his two packmates as they communicate silently through their pack gifts. Then, with a low huff, he stands up and makes his way towards the other Garou, lifting a paw upwards. ~~ Brothers! ~~ He calls out to the jovially. ~~ Did you see what tore through the lands here and through the gauntlet? Anyone know what happened? ~~ He looks like them, right?

The Spirals may not stand out as creatures of the Wyrm any longer but the group doesn't scream 'Gaian' based on huge demon monsters, so Barksdale is on alert. His rifle lifted and he aims down the sight at the new arrival. Covering Kra'Chkk as he hails the other Garou.

The giant red Oni girl hangs back, her massive kanabo resting against her shoulder. She isn't here for talking after all that is for others to do. She is here for the thrill of the hunt and to smash things with her club when the time comes. So, for now, she just stays out of the way and waits until she is needed.

The Theurge is a lanky woman, lean and /angry/ looking, hard with scars across her ribs and missing her right breast. Her skin is a darker umber shade but her eyes are the same unusual gleaming amber. As they're noticed others will see the Galliard who's chalky pale with unusual white hair and blue eyes, wrapped in a pelt stolen from some striped white beast. And lastly, the Ragabash who's a Sienna skinned male, bald and lanky wearing a loincloth made of what appears to be.. beaks.

"Yes, the beast was chasing the boy. Stupid boy. Never learned." It's the Ragabash that speaks the High Tongue.

The white one speaks next in an almost haunting tone, "You are travelers. There are tales of you in the old book but it's missing. Have you come so we may re-write it?" The Ahroun spits angrily. "You come in a time of peace. So peace you'll have." He is clearly not quite as outwardly trusting as his brethren.

A quick eye flick to Raquel and Kurumi. "Shrink down and hide in the back..." he says tersely to try and avoid the conflict certain to happen. His gun never wavers from its target.

Pembroke frowns, looking at the others. "Is the boy still here, or did he escape some other way?"

Dra'si'assh stays crouched, and while wary her lower posture might indicate less of a threat to the Garou present. It's she who speaks to the natives, her words rich with an almost unquestionable sincerity. ~~ We are travelers, from across the web between the worlds. We come on a quest. One of the great beasts found a way through to our world. We found the tear it came through, but we saw no boy. Perhaps he was eaten. We seek a way to close the tear and make sure there are no more. That mission comes first, but if there is time, we can share stories. ~~ Will they, though?

Giving a pat of Ramona's shoulder, Kra'chkk ensures his blade is re-attached to his hip. He looks cheerful. ~~ Peace you shall all have with us, for we have no desire to shed blood, only to find a way to fix the rift. ~~

Pax rolls Intelligence + Occult vs 2 for 12 successes.

1 1 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +7 +8 +9 +9 +9 10 10

Sent to: Pax and Eris

Pax rolls Arete vs 3 for 1 successes.

1 +5 9

Sent to: Pax and Eris

Pax rolls Arete vs 3 for 3 successes.

+4 +8 +9

Sent to: Pax and Eris:

There's a silent flapping of wings far above that likely escapes the senses of the creatures below as Pax moves from one tree to another, getting himself into a better position to gaze down upon the meeting with those predatory yellow eyes. Bat-like ears twitch, and claws curl into the wood as the slits focus in on the local pack of Garou. Reaching out with his senses, Pax hisses soft words beneath his breath, remaining hidden in the shadows as the others deal with the actual conversational aspect.

Every one of the Pack looks uncertain but Dra'si'assh seems to answer for them. The Galliard glances to Pembroke sniffing his direction curiously for only a moment. Her pale eyes fluttering though never really focusing on any one of them for long. ~~We'd suspected he stole the book.~~ The Galliard replies. ~~If he's dead we are most unfortunate.~~ The whole pack exhales almost as if in sync even in their biology.

The Theurge steps forward and offers a hand, ~~Come. We should let you talk to the elders. Your guests, all of them, are your responsibility. We're scouts.~~ Each of the other Garou looks a little chagrined at the Theurges words though they were not spoken with any venom or chill.

The pack half turn though they do so in a V formation to lead them towards the village moving along the tree line they'd used to get to the 'Travelers' in the first place. They do not look back to see if the others follow.

When the firearm-wielding team-mate commands the 17' tall Oni and the overly muscular woman of gold, it's not taken as well as one would hope. Especially in this prehistoric place, where Bygones roamed that land before Humanity began to Disbelieve. La Moneda turns to regard Barksdale, those green eyes normally full of enthusiastic cheer are now full of malice and spite, combined with an aching emptiness that comes with the bottomless hunger of Vorus' urges. Did he forget that she is also Chief Security Officer Russell back at the office? It's then that they are welcomed, awkwardly so, and thus the metallic Beast turns away without a word to follow silently.
