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(Created page with "{{Log | cast = *Barksdale - Not Present *Eris ''(ST)'' *Izayah *Kurumi *Pax *Pembroke - Not Present *Ramona *Raquel *Trent - Not Present ...")
(New Ramona PC, fixed missing tags)
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| cast =
| cast =
*[[Barksdale]] - Not Present
*[[Eris]] ''(ST)''
*[[Eris]] ''(ST)''
*[[Pembroke]] - Not Present
*[[Ramona Altenbach]]
*[[Trent]] - Not Present
| setting = Pangea: High Summer<Br>::Waxing Quarter Moon<br><br>Glacial Plains<br>::Unknown
| setting = Pangea: High Summer<Br>::Waxing Quarter Moon<br><br>Glacial Plains<br>::Unknown
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[[Category:Werewolf Logs]][[Category: Wyrm]][[Category:Logs]]
[[Category:Logs]] [[Category:Shifter]][[Category: Wyrm]]
[[Category:Eris]] [[Category:Izayah]] [[Category:Kurumi]] [[Category:Pax]] [[Category:Ramona]] [[Category:Raquel]]

Latest revision as of 13:23, 4 May 2021


Pangea: High Summer
::Waxing Quarter Moon

Glacial Plains


Welcome to Jurassic Ark

“I hate this place.”
- Kra'chkk

Time has passed, the hunting had gone well. Both the camp folk had bagged themselves the strange three-toed precursor to land mammals and the larger hunting party had managed to snag and drag back a Megaloceros giganteus and between them all, they’d managed to cook some of the meat off and get everyone fed. That was just as the sun was about 3/4ths of the way through the sky. Now it’s getting darker but not because of the sun going down, but because the massive wall of clouds that they’d seen earlier coming in the distance have begun to roll in. The loud sounds of thunder roaring across the land and the wind picking up to make the tall grasses whip and lash.

Their camp is safe, thankfully, on a bit of a rise in a curve of the river hasn’t yet even become a concern and the successful work of Ramona and Pembroke is keeping the first few sprinkles of rain but the sound of thunder, unimpeded and bone vibrating and a shriek of lightning that crashes in the distance causing a loud krack-THOOM!

Looking up from the cooked strips of meat that are chewed thoroughly between massive jaws, La Moneda gives the source of the thunder a long, casual look. She herself is immune to the deadly current that such forces of nature creates, and Pax is too by his own design, but the others might not fair as well. "S'hide." She gurgles around her mouthful, before swallowing it down and becoming easier to understand. "We need shelter from the storm."

Ramona is in her human form at the present, sitting under the large lean-to she and Pemboke had worked up. It's not the best job in the world but admirable for a couple people who watched too much survivor YouTube. She's looking a bit weary even after a short nap and is absently combing fingers through the frizzy tangles of her wavy hair. "Long as this doesn't blow away, it'll probably have to do. Unless someone can find caves that we couldn't earlier."

"We could always just use Kurumi as a hammock and lay under her." Izayah says with a smirk on his face, giving his arms a few more swings to keep himself loose. "I really hate this fucking place, worst vacation spot in the Umbra." He says with a grin, flashing his teeth. "Isn't there a realm where you fight all day? I wanna fucking go there." He sniffs at the air a few times. "We could probably move ahead of the storm if we're quick enough, unless you want to spend another night out here." <OOC> Eris says, "https://www.maxpixel.net/Cumulonimbus-Storm-Hunting-Meteorology-Thunderstorm-3194240"

Kurumi helps herself to some Megaloceros meat, she also seems dragged a couple primates back to camp that she is making short work of. Cooking really doesn't seem to concern her overly much but a girl's gotta eat and these are the closest relatives to humans it seems she's going to find in this part of Pangaea. "We should probably try to find some sort of cave or rock formation." she offers tearing some meat from the bone with those fully visible vicious Oni fangs and teeth of hers. "Not sure anything we make is going to survive That." she points at the oncoming super storm.

The rain grows a little harder the sound of wind rushing in the reeds mingling with the thunder as the storm rushes in closer. Animals have gone to ground or find their way to hide amidst taller foliage and the glaciers to avoid the incoming storm and the deadly shrieking spears of lightning that cut through the deepning shadows. It's hard to appreciate how much light storms actually blot out when there's ambient light and light pollution enarly everywhere these days. But as the storm quickly overtakes the area it becomes abundantly clear that things are about to get very dim save for the blinding flashes that sound off every few minutes. The river raises again but even with the new rush of water the edge of the streem is still a good twenty feet from the edge of their camp.

"Only way we can run from a storm is in the direction it's going." Ramona points out as she looks up to the sky. "Guess we could head back for the treeline, if it's there, to give us some more cover. We'll still be exposed, but the trees can serve as a windbreak. If we could even make it. Looks like it's about here. We really did not pack for this trip. Kurumi, you're tall. See anything nearby that could help?"

Muttering curses profusely, La Moneda is forced to deal with the reckoning of the storm in short order. She's peeling off her bandolier and clothing, before the Pishtaco begins to contort and expand. Leathery wings spring from her back, the size of which would blot out the sun on brighter days. Limbs begin to melt and stretch, until La Moneda becomes a metallic version of one of those Pteradons she saw in her earlier travels. The wings are brought around to bear, overlapping until the entire encampment is covered from the storm's fury.

"Kurumi, you're gonna become a walking lightning rod." Izayah says with a frown on his face as he rolls his shoulders about to loosen them up. He squints at the weather, then looks to Ramona and nods. "True, if the storm is going one way, we want to run through it and get behind. We ready for that?" He asks as he glances to Ramona. "You okay to run as a wolf?"

Ramona gives a noisy snort towards Izayah. "I can move just fine." She says quietly but sharply, dignity perhaps just a tiny bit offended at the suggestion otherwise. "But hopefully we don't have to. Thanks, Roxie!" She says upwards to the shifted Pterataco as she encloses them in her shiny wings. "Hopefully everyone else got to cover."

Kurumi's meals are abandoned as the rain begins to hit, rising up to her full height again and stretching as the option of running is brought up. She glances up at Raquel, "It looks like we're going to move to get away from the storm." she glances towards Izayah "Don't worry about me," though perhaps of more concern is her giant metal club which will be a very literal lightning rod.

The river continues to rush and rumble adding to the heavy cacophony of thunder and rain as it starts to fall ina deluge; instantly soaking everthing as a wall of water drops from the heavy clouds. The trees give poor Roxie some cover as the rain begins to drench them. Hopefully the others who were out looking have found some sort of cover for themselves. Water slides off into gathering puddles under the giant Bygone's wings keeping the packmates and Oni for the most part dry. Though something does hit those wings with a solid whump before the massive pale hispo wolf with it's weird ass bat-wings is trying to nose it's way in rather suddenly. She's not sneaky.. not nearly as much as she normally is. Appearently, somehow Eris found them! Or maybe she just saw the big gold bird-tent and decided she'd take her chances.

Looking surprised at the sight of Eris, Izayah snorts a bit in amusement. "Hey." He says as he is settled on his ass beneath the wings, waiting for the storm to pass through. He's currently stabbing a few bugs with his fang dagger as they pass by. Squish. Squish. "Glad to have you join the party. Bringing good news?"

La Moneda yelps when a tree is completely wrecked by a nearby lightning strike. That was close! She then notices the new wolve in the group. "HEY!" It doesn't matter that La Moneda is a towering dino-bird. She can still speak Human without trouble! "You should have stayed home and rested from the wrecked entry point." The Bygone admonishes, still shaking off whatever had struck her from outside of her protective shell.

Ramona jerks her head about at the noise outside but settles as she sees who it is. She moves aside to make room for the Hispoed Elder in the confines of their golden shelter. "Well, you're not the Serpent I was expecting, but I don't wanna meet him in a storm anyway. You doing okay?"

Eris pants, following her arrival indeed a lightning strike hits nearby on a tree sending flaming electrified splinters every which way. The Elder looks soaked to the bone, making the massive wolf's form stand out in the white fur before she shifts back with a little frown. She's in her Homid form, the non-masked one, crouched with a strange expression on her face. She looks at the gathered group for a second before closing her eyes and shaking her soaked head as if trying to clear it. "Not good news.. I lost Russ." 'Lost Russ'. She looks to the massive dino-bird and her head shakes again. "I didn't intend to come but ... Russ said to. I've got someone watching the tear. We need to move." She then looks around. "We don't have everyone. What, Serpent? No. I am not okay. I wouldn't suggest trying to fly in this weather either. We'll have to find the others later. No bad word from Pax right, Roxie?" She asks the golden beast.

Curling her knees to her chest at the base of one of the trees when it becomes apparently they're not moving after all but staying in the MetalDactyl shelter, Kurumi is still easily eight to nine feet tall seated. The Oni looks up when Eris appears in their storm shelter, "How are things back on the other side? Are your wounds okay?"

"How'd you lose Russ? Can you still feel him in your head?" Izayah rumbles out as he continues to keep his head on a swivel as he looks about. He reattaches the fang dagger to his hip, then shifts upwards into his crinos form again.

Ramona goes rather still and tense as Eris says that Russ is lost. Izayah's asking the question that's clearly on her face and her teeth clamp together with a hard set of her jaws. But they're being told they have to move, and Ramona lets out a breath through her teeth as she focuses on the efforts to take to her own Hispo form.

Eris says, “Yes and ..No. He's there but I cannot contact him and I don't know where he went. But I know it wasn't -back- because he would have had to have passed me." She blinks at Kurumi, "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I've been healing pretty fast since I got here. I know it's only beena few hours but I'm fine." Her white bat wings flex a bit behind the Elder and she waits for the others to prepare to move and her head tilts as she looks back the direction of the stream.

She does look like she's at least gotten changed since they saw her last.”

"Pax is alright! They found the high ground to hide, but the ground is trembling!" When the Nephandus is worried, La Moneda has every reason to be concerned. She doesn't disentangle from her hunched over arial form to shift into something more ground bound until everyone else is ready to move. Flying in this weather is insane!

When Eris says they need to move and that Russ is apparently lost Kurumi nods slowly and pushes herself up from her spot beneath one of the huge trees where she was leaning. Her form begins to blur and shift as she takes on the form of a massive tiger striped sabercat, though somehow the beast still retains her reddish tinge and Oni horns upon it's foreheard.

Dra'si'assh makes to get to her Hispo form, but the effort looks to take just a little bit longer than normal even with the primal draw of the place. She gets to her paws with a stretch and a grimacing show of her teeth before she huffs an unsettled noise. << Where are we doing? Doubt we can see or smell anything in this storm. >> Well, maybe not her.

The other Hispo, the large winged white one, brushes against the other pregnant Hispo and then noses her out of the proteciton of Raquel's massive metallic wings. <<High ground. North.>> The white wolf instructs but there's something.. different. Most noticably; Eris in /this/ place other than those white bat wings has no markings. Nothing at all; she's just a white furred blue eyed fluffy ass direwolf. But she seems to look towards Kra, ears back waiting it seems for -him- to decide. Her ears back and head low as her large nose twitches. The others feel it.. under foot the ground starts to shiver at first and in the distance a low ewird sound.. like an oncling freight train can be heard.

<< Let's get moving to high ground. >> Kra'chkk agrees as he starts off, ears twitching at the sound of rumbling beneath them. He tugs the bane klaive off his back, clutching it in his paws as he lumbers forward. << Let's move /very/ quickly. >> He starts off at a run, hoofing it now as he lets out a heavy breath.

Further to the north, Pax stalks back and forth atop a hill at the edge of the plained area, still wearing the guise of that reptilian bat thing. He'd been out checking the perimeter with Pembroke and Trent, and after moving to the close by higher ground (Not that he can't fly) he'd taken to pacing as he watches the earth beneath them. "Something is shifting." is informed to the others. "Like the continent, I think. Even these hills." A clawed hand moves out, motioning to the ground beneath their very feet. The earth is trembling, but it doesn't exactly impede Pax all that much, his natural center of balance apparently somewhat firm.

They start to run just about the time that the earth roars at them, and suddenly where once there was a river now there's a 50 foot drop off as the land shifts suddenly and violently, thrusting the crust of the earth upward in a rush. Cracks start to open under the ground, snaking at their heels and crumbling under their feet as the group break free of the camp and start for the higher ground. Suddenly black spires of earth jut up on either side of them like jagged earthen teeth scattering rock, soil and debris in all directions showering the fleeing group. Cracks openk underfoot causing people to tumble and fall; those who are quick are able to avoid falling, and those that fall for the most part trip, roll and get up dn keep going at full speed; all except Kurumi.

The storm rages on , thundering overhead ass a sudden spurt of a hot water geyser shoots up into the sky sending scaling sulphuric water into the air and towards the eyes. The screams and stampeding of animals all around can be heard and seen and thankfully mostly avoided as the others fleeing are not paniced animals and have a destination..

Kurumi was clearly not expecting the earth to split open at her feet or maybe she just isn't used to being a giant cat, and apparently they don't always land on their feet as at first she completely loses her bearings and balance and tumbles vanishing into one of the chasms. Though it isn't for long, she must have caught herself on something as not long after one of her pawns can be seen gripping the opposite edge of the chasm crushing stone in its grasp as she hauls herself back out. Thereafter she seems to adjust to the catlike agility of her new form and none of the crevices pose any further problems for her. <repose>

In this world, the younger Ragabash is a light icy gray agouti with a steely mask and saddle, and like the ancestors she resembles there is no hesitation to move when the order is given. True to her words to Kra'Chkk, Dra'si'assh is quite able to move, thank you. Even with the world coming apart, she nimbly leaps newborn gorges and dodges the claws of the earth that rip up from the deep. She reflexively ducks and shies at the blast of water, her snarl all but lost in the noise. With visibility hampered, all she can do is follow her link to her packmate and follow with the Ahroun's lead, moving ahead at times to ford the way when his footing fails. <RE>

As he runs, Izayah squints his eyes, trying to focus. The klaive is slid back on to his back so he can free up a hand. << Ramona, stay wiith me! >> He calls out to the Ragabash as he takes the lead to create a path through. Like ants. He stumbles a few times throughout the journey, almost eating the ground, but he is able to regain his balance. He darts around a geyser, hissing loudly.

The earth continues to violently shift and change. The dagger like protrusions stabbing up from the spine of the world continue to grow, taking on height and size. Reaching up towards the sky as they start to spew flaming lava into the sky behind the feeling group, forming in a matter of minutes what in the Tellurian took centuries or even millenia. The storm floods the area, a wash of flood waters from suddenly melting glaciers rushing past them; thankfully a massive crack had opened up and it swallows the water before it's able to get to them. The full sprint ends in them having to scramble a rock wall as it grows from the ground at an angle that's getting more steep as they run like an impossble running machine that goes from walk to full tilt in a heartbeat.

But they all manage to make it, even Kurumi in her giant cat form. The earth is not done, it quakes and rumbles under their feet but in the very least the majority of the cataclysmic changes seems to have been left below at what appears to be a large lake forming at the base of a couple of volcanoes.

That long reptilian beak grabs up the bandolier, before Ptero-Moneda takes to the skies. She manages to dodge the first set of the black stone spikes, but her inexperience with new-found flight had caught a few blows in her rather resilient hide. Nonetheless, the great winged beast manages to keep up with those travelling along the ground.

Pax stands atop one of the newly formed cliffs, having moved Pembroke to safety and surveyed the extent of the transformations. "We should be thankful this didn't happen quite so terribly while we were sleeping!" he tells the others as they near. "Otherwise the vast majority of us would be dead." There's a gurgly snort at this, and a shift of reptilian eyes moves up to gaze at the Ptero-Moneda in the air. Sure, he could've just flown up, but he seems to be doing just fine down here anyway.

Once they reach the high ground, Kra'chkk lets out a heavy huff under his breath as he gives a glance about from the vantage height. << Lucky us. >> He grunts to Pax. << Let's get our bearings and get a move on. We're still looking for this Serpent to come find us. >>

The thunderstorm continues to rumble on, tugging at fur and hair, rain pelting thick hides. Thankfully it's still relativly warm despite it all. The large white Hispo wolf is sticking with the other wolves. Her strange wings pulled down tight against her body and her nose to the ground. She seems to be watching everyone warily from her place there. She waits patiently while the others come together, glancing between the group and the chaos going on below. The sky darkens as great smoke plumes join with the twisting clouds. The wind howls and roars, and though changes continue in the great basin lake they're now looking over and the storm continues to rage they seem for the time being mostly safe. <<What serpent?>> The white wolf asks again.

Dra'si'assh claws her way up the last bit of new elevation with a huff and a wheeze, but looks over all sound despite being now sodden and muddy again. She settles on currently stable ground and looks back to where they had been, her ears tipping back. << And we're not getting back that way. >> She swings her head to look at who all is present with a faint wilt as she sees two are unaccounted for. The question from Eris is answered with a distracted note, << The natives told Kra'Chkk and I that the 'Great Wyrm' wanted to speak to us, that we had to travel and he would find us. >>

The white wolfs ears flatten and there's a low unhappy whine from her. Barks and Trent are there. Just.. in the back looking dazed and confused. Eris looks around, << AnguDa'Staagra aid something about that too.. when he wandered off.>> She growls, <<Are we moving?>>

Other than the way they came, int he opposite direction are mountains that had grown up behind Pax like giant ripples in the earth. There's a long mountain pass that leads in a northish direction at least. But it's not going to be easy traveling; the mountains in that direction are massive straight faced beasts and likely house unusual and dangerous creatures in their midst. They could attempt to navigate back the way they came, across the belching volcanoes and steaming great lake that already seems to be teaming with some unusual shadows in it's depths.

Now they stand along a precariously thin path that leads between jagged vaulted stone teeth still harboring crumbling bits of rock and tumbling carcasses of the land beasts that were too slow to escape the sudden and violent change in the land around them. The rocky ledge is standing room only, squeezing single file through a fissure leading roughly 'Northeast'. The Storm remains, dark pendulous swirling clouds roiling above their head and turning the day almost into the night with its thick cover. Rain beats down on them through the mountains and not far off the unearthly howl and creak of the earth settling wanes into a low groan with a final few vibrations under their feet before it dies entirely leaving little more than the cacophonous sound of the rain hitting the stone all around them ensuring their soaked condition remains so.

Leading the way through the single file line is Kra'chkk, taking on the role of tank. He has his sword in his large paws, gripping the handle tightly as his ears flatten back against his skull. He lets out a low rumble in his throat as he glances about with a squint of his dark eyes. << This place is not a great vacation spot. >> He chuffs to his Garou companions.

Dra'si'assh fights the urge to shake herself free of the muck and water. It's a cramped and precarious space, violent motions will have to wait, especially when your center of balance is growing increasingly questionable. << Let's get out of here. >> The Hispo-formed Ragabash grunts, the baring of her teeth at their back and resolute turning then northward making the intent clear even for those who don't know what she's saying. << I am tired of being wet. >>

Kurumi rolls Stamina vs 8 for -1 successes.

-1 2 2 5 7 7

Considering that they're no longer dodging the changing landscape, Ptera-Moneda decides that shifting down to a more manageable size is in order. The Pishtaco has to rearrange clothing and the light amount of gear she carries, until everything fits where it should. She trudges along the craggy terrain, the fleshy gripping bottoms of her hooves doing well to keep her upright as they travel along.

Kurumi is no longer a cat but even her regular Oni self is a bit precarious on the narrow path given its size and she still seems unable to do anything about that even using more potent powers. Apparently the primal forces at work in this land do not want her getting any smaller. As a result she treads a bit slower and with greater care to avoid falling off the ledge and just manages to squeeze, there really is a fair amount of squeenzing, through the fissure continuing on.

The Elder wolf is nearish the rear with Pembroke and the others who are also none too happy but are for the time being letting those who've been here the 'longest' take the lead. Her fur is thick and seems to divert at least some of the water off her though she's increasingly looking like a drowned white rat-dog with wings.

For now the path offers few pitfalls and those that are there are readily visible and with fairly little effort they can pass those areas that are not fit for crossing properly either by the strength of claw or use of wings and in Pembrokes case, being King-Konged across by Eris. The rain starts to die off after a few miles of trudging over rocky uneven earth and there appears to be 'hope' in the distance where they can see that the craggy peaks drop off on one side and a goat path leads up along the side of a sheer cliff leading to a flat plateau where the clouds seem to be breaking as well but there's indication of a Southerly wind as clinging long grasses and leaning trees sway with the movement.

Raquel rolls Stamina vs 6 for 0 successes.

1 1 2 4 9 9

Dra'si'assh rolls Stamina vs 6 for 5 successes.

3 +6 +6 +7 +8 +10

Kra'Chkk rolls Stamina vs 6 for 6 successes.

5 5 +6 +6 +8 +9 +9 +10

Eris rolls Stamina(5) (5 dice) vs 6 for 4 successes.

3 +6 +7 +9 +10

Dra'si'assh keeps up the trek, settling herself into that steady ground eating pace that wolves excel at. It's not as efficient in the bulky dire form, but it seems to do well enough. At least the rain and altitude makes for a cooler, if no less humid, climate to travel in.

Shrugging off any environmental complaints, Kra'Chkk keeps on trudging along the path. He is getting quite grouchy as the time passes. His ears flick forward a few times. << When we cross over, you gonna pop that kid out immediately? >> He teases his mate. << If time is weird here and we end up five years in the future, that may make things awkward. >>

A rumbly, intestinal growl can be heard as they continue the trek to nowhere. La Moneda bears her teeth, the gnawing at the pit of her stomach becoming too much to bear. Fuck this noise! The pack might or might not notice that their metallic companion has veered off to the right, nose breathing in deeply as La Moneda's mind is gone in the pursuit of satiating her hunger.

Kurumi rolls Stamina vs 6 for 1 successes.

1 2 2 3 +8 9

After a slow and precarious climb up the steep and uneven path that has them all hugging the wall, and Kurumi clutching at it, like some terrible cartoon spies they manage to get to a ledge that leads up to the flat top of the plateau. The plain that had once housed them has been elevated and the climate changed. It's not cold but definately cooler up here, having gone from jungle and warm savvanah flood plains to a wide slightly sunken meadow at the edge of the cliff that is freckled with a variety of decidious and evergreen trees in clumps. And amidst the trees THUNDER LIZARDS! A herd of Brachiosaurus move slowly snacking on the high tops of trees, their steps causing low vibrations in the earth. Other smaller dinosaurs can be seen as well, going about their dinosaur lives as if this plateau had simply always been here.

Depending on how well aquainted they are with the giant female Oni, Kurumi's companions might realize she generally needs to eat humans and those have been in short supply on this trip thus far save for those in her own party. So it shouldn't come as too big a surprise to those so aquainted when her own stomach starts to gurgle and grumble and she follows La Moneda off looking for food, preferrably some of those humans tribes but any of the great apes will probably do in a pinch.

Once she's up on flat ground, Dra'si'assh finally takes the opportunity to shake out her fur with a low grunt. << I have no idea how any of this works. >> Grouches the Ragabash as she looks first to her Alpha, then confirms the Elder is still along, and... wait. She side eyes the Bygone and Oni as they split off from the group and she snorts. << Packs stay together. >> She says with offensed wolf sensibilities, even if her own stomach is growly in agreement with their plans. She doesn't move to follow along. She sticks with the wolves.

Packs require the ability to communicate with one another, and so the language barrier hampers that effect. The only one that would quality as a 'packmate' to La Moneda would be Pax, anyways. Vorus runs deep within the Bygone's blood, and so she spots the Corythosaurus heards. Damned duck-billed beast only run on two legs instead of four, and so they're already at a disadvantage when it comes to stability! With a serrated grin, the Pishtaco takes off in a blur towards one of those clustered groups in order to take down her prey.

Pack material? The Oni whose principal goal oftem seems to be indulging personal desires is probably about as far from 'pack material' as they come. Kurumi watches La Moneda dash off after the duck bills, and while they might taste good she just can't bring herself to expend the effort on prey that will ultimately leave her still hungry. With her favored prey nowhere in sight she glances back in the direction of the others, though she keeps La Moneda in her peripheral vision just in case.

Eris shakes herself, <> She replies in a low growl watching Raquel and Kurumi head off with a light flair of her nostrils followed by a sneeze. Her head ducks as the Oni follows after the Phistaco and her ears splay a little. She however stays with the wolves though she does shake herself off and her pale fur spikes out making her look just..ridiclous. Having luxious white fur is not always fun. However despite sticking with the pack she remains on the fringes, pacing a little as she watches. She's too busy to notice really anything that's going on around her.

The large dinosaurs must be moving, maybe sensing Raquel's approach because there's a soft /thoom/ that makes the ground vibrate just a little under their feet. (Perceptions and then hold for replies and then when you recv your page - please pose in your approps order via +init Save me cause - ST)

Kurumi rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 2 successes.

2 2 +7 +10

Dra'si'assh rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 5 successes.

1 +7 +8 +9 +9 +10 10

Kra'Chkk rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 4 successes.

3 4 +7 +9 +9 +10

Pax rolls Willpower vs 7 for 1 successes.

1 1 3 3 4 5 6 +9 10 10

Pax rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 5 successes.

1 2 +7 +7 +7 +8 +9 10

"STAM-PEDE!" Kra'Chkk roars out in badly spoke English as he fortifies himself with his gift of wyrm hide.

Kra'Chkk rolls Stamina + Survival vs 6 for 5 successes.

2 2 5 5 5 5 +6 +9 +9 +9 +10

Kurumi rolls Stamina + Survival vs 6 for 2 successes.

3 3 4 5 5 5 +9 +10

Kurumi loses one Magical Essence

Kra'Chkk loses one Magical Essence

Raquel rolls Dexterity + Brawl vs 4 for 8 successes.

1 1 3 +4 +4 +4 +6 +6 +8 +9 +9 9 9

Eris rolls 4 (4 dice) vs 6 for 2 successes.

3 4 +9 +9

Raquel rolls Strength + 1 + 5 vs 5 for 6 successes.

1 1 2 3 4 4 4 +5 +6 +6 +7 +8 +8 8 10

La Moneda isn't worried about stampedes. Her own immunities prevent her from being damaged from trampling, teeth, claws, and most other forms of harm from the wandering beasts. Her hooves grip the ground and propel her along, before she's bearing down from one of the smaller ones lagging behind in the confusion. It's either the beast, or her party members, that needs to be eaten...

Kurumi takes note of the rumbling on the ground but is really far more focused on the rumbling in her stomach, that is until someone shouts Stampede anyway. That could be bad. Her gaze drifts towards the distance looking for the stampede in question, and then towards where La Moneda is hunting as she summons a bit of extra supernatural protection for herself.

Dra'si'assh loses one Willpower

Dra'si'assh loses one Magical Essence

Dra'si'assh rolls Stamina + Survival vs 5 for 8 successes.

2 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Eris rolls Stamina(5) + Survival(5) (10 dice) vs 6 for 5 successes.

2 2 4 4 4 +6 +7 +8 +9 +9

Pax has been somewhat silent during this time, watching with his yellowish reptilian eyes as the stampede takes off. Raquel will be fine, he's sure the others can handle themselves, and so his wings spread as a slight gust is sent out, and Pax lifts himself off the ground to fly up into the air. Once getting a decent bit of height on him, he begins to fly in the direction of the back of the herd, silently gliding through the sky to try to get a look at the exact source. There's already an idea, of course, but it's worth looking into!

Stampede INDEED!

The rumble grows.. what could possibly spook creatures /this/ size? Maybe the hunters will be lucky and it will be some tasty two-legged beasts? Whatever it is the smaller creatures are moving swiftly, fliers darting overhead and spaning out with screeching grinding calls that send the other herd dinos moving much like the ecosystems of the wild in the modern-day. Even the slow massive long-necked beasts are shifting trying to turn and move away out of the way, trees creak and crash falling in the face of whatever is coming.

Eris notices then, stopping the impossible task of trying to fluff her fur back out and make it pretty as she turns to look up at Iz's warning shout and then at what comes beyond. As the others wrap themselves in the protective hide of he Father she abandons her white fur for the warped hide as well and squints into the distance.

A bellow so powerful it rattles each and every one of them to their bones sounds just as some smaller trees crash to the ground as a beast, not quite as big as the one that had come through the tear in the sky, barrels into the clearing they'd all managed to come to rest in. The T-Rex snapping its jaws at a passing Gallimimus and missing the long-legged runner.

The herd of Ugrunaaluk are too busy trying to figure out what's happening over there by the BIG threat they don't even notice the much smaller one dashing at them on gilded hooves. The Dino doesn't even have the time to register what's going on before it's blasted in its thick leathery hide, cracking bones and making it bellow in pain which makes the rest of the herd scatter. Unfortunately, the wounded prey makes a terribly tempting target for the Rex that just missed his swift-footed dinner.

Pax rolls Dexterity + Brawl vs 6 for 6 successes.

2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 +6 +6 +6 +9 +9 +10

Pax rolls Strength + 4 + 2 + 2 vs 6 for 3 successes.

1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 +7 +8 +9 9 10

Pax rolls Dexterity + Brawl vs 6 for 7 successes.

2 3 3 3 4 4 5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +9 +10

Eris rolls 15 (15 dice) vs 6 for 6 successes.

1 1 2 2 3 3 5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +7 +8 8 10

Pax rolls Strength + 6 + 2 + 2 vs 6 for 4 successes.

1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 +6 +6 +8 +10 10 10

Eris rolls 15 (15 dice) vs 6 for 5 successes.

1 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 5 +6 +6 +8 +9 +10 10

Pax rolls Dexterity + Brawl vs 6 for 8 successes.

1 3 3 5 5 +6 +6 +6 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 10

Pax rolls Strength + 7 + 2 + 2 vs 6 for 3 successes.

1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 +6 +7 +7 8 8 8 8 9

Eris rolls 15 (15 dice) vs 6 for 6 successes.

1 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 +7 +7 +7 +7 +8 +10 10

Soaring above, Pax gets a rather agreeable field of vision for what's happening below. A stampede caused by a roving dinosaur creature he's seen in movies passively but can't readily identify right off the bat. Regardless, wings draw inward, and the bat-thing starts in a rapid descent towards its back. With a rather heavy thud, he lands upon its hide, claws digging into the creature as he begins to claw and bite at the tough flesh next to its spine. He's not exactly doing /much/, but there's obvious progress, causing the bat to growl as his claws sink deeper and deeper. Slowly.

Eris has had well and enough of fighting dinosaurs and so she's staying back keeping an eye on the Kinfolk under her protection. She lets the others handle this partocular fight while watching with a keen eye just incase she needs to jump in but she doesn't seem thrilled with the idea.

Raquel rolls Dexterity + Brawl vs 4 for 4 successes.

1 1 1 2 2 3 +4 +4 +4 +6 7 9 9

Raquel rolls Strength + 2 + 3 vs 5 for 6 successes.

1 1 3 3 3 4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +7 +8 9 10

Eris rolls 15 (15 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes.

1 1 1 1 3 4 4 5 +7 +8 +10 10 10 10 10

Raquel rolls Dexterity + Brawl vs 4 for 10 successes.

3 3 3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +7 +7 +7 +8 +9 +10

Raquel rolls Strength + 2 + 9 vs 5 for 11 successes.

1 1 2 2 2 2 2 +5 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +9 +10 +10 10 10

Eris rolls 15 (15 dice) vs 6 for 6 successes.

1 1 1 2 4 4 +6 +9 +9 +9 +10 +10 10 10 10

Raquel rolls Dexterity + Brawl vs 4 for 9 successes.

2 3 3 3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +9

Raquel rolls Strength + 2 + 8 vs 5 for 9 successes.

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 +5 +5 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +9 +10 10 10

Eris rolls 10 (10 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes.

1 3 3 3 4 5 +6 +8 +8 9

This is a primal place that plays by primal rules. One of those is: Let the bigger guy take the food unless it's a live or die by meal. For Dra'si'assh, this is not that situation. The younger Ragabash does not look at all inclined to go charging the ancient predator, and given her flattened ear and scowly face, seems rather disapproving of the whole thing. But the fight is over quick enough and she watches the rex fall with a snort. There's a sideways glance towards Kra'Chkk and another shake of her gnarled, smelly pelt.

While Pax does make his best efforts to tear into the prehistoric nightmare, he isn't as built as his Familiar for such brutal combat. La Moneda is a gleaming blur in the brightening light of post-storm, deep gashes appearing in the dinosaurs hide before it ever gets a chance to fight back. It topples over, letting out a startles roar as the Pishtaco pounces upon it to finish it off. It seems that the threat is neutralized, and oversized split-jaws latch onto the mammalian flesh for La Moneda to finally gorge.

Dra'si'assh rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 3 successes.

2 3 3 4 +6 +7 +10

Kra'Chkk rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 2 successes.

1 4 4 +8 +8 10

Eris rolls Perception(4) + Alertness(5) (9 dice) vs 6 for 5 successes.

1 2 3 +6 +7 +8 +8 +8 10

Kurumi rolls Willpower vs 6 for 4 successes.

4 5 +7 +8 +8 +10

Kurumi looked like she might have been going to do something, but when the beast is dead in an instant she just kind of shrugs and goes back to looking for humanoids to eat, Pembroke getting the occasional side eye glances with that hungry predatory look in her eyes. He just smells so delicious, especially the hungrier she gets.

Eris rolls Willpower(10) (10 dice) vs 6 for 5 successes.

1 2 4 5 +6 +6 +6 +8 +10 10

Dra'si'assh turns her nose into the wind with a rapid bit of twitching and a sharp sneeze and a wrinkle of her muzzle. << Something else is coming this way and it reeks. But we need to go that way. Come on, let's make sure nothing else happens. >> She lets out a sharp, alerting bark as she begins a quick trot towards the site of the battle. << Company! >>

Eris's nose lifts and her ears prick and her head swivels as she looks towards the north. Her eyes narrow and she shakes her head as if to rid herself of something offensive to her overly sensitive sense of smell. Taking her eyes off the Kin for only a moment as she narrows her eyes and pales. While Pax, Moneda and Kurumi are mildly distracted it's the critters with the sniffers that can sense it..

Distant at first.. like a tickle in the nose. Then a scent that begins to invade the senses of those with less sensitive nasal anatomy. The clouds... move. The clouds whorl.. pushed by a gale force wind of focus that comes from whatever is above.

There is no time. (I need non wolves to please make a Delurium check and all wolves to please make a frenzy check. You can only Fox Frenzy - and no. No one is immune)

Kra'Chkk rolls Rage vs 6 for 1 successes.

1 1 2 +7 8 9

Eris rolls Rage(8) (8 dice) vs 6 for 6 successes.

3 4 +6 +7 +8 +9 +9 +10

Dra'si'assh rolls Rage vs 6 for 4 successes.

+6 +7 +7 +8

Eris rolls Rage(8) (8 dice) vs 9 for 3 successes.

1 4 6 6 +9 +9 +9 10

Dra'si'assh loses one Willpower

Raquel loses one Willpower

Wings that pushed clouds back buffet the whole of the plateau with thundering winds that all must shield themselves from and brace against. The massive shadow of what looks like a dragon comes from above. %R%R Since the little Spiral born folks were rugrats they've been told tails of their Father, their 'God', that for which they do all this thankless work. Tales of their god, descriptions of his being and his power.

The Wyrm that Eats the World, the Great Serpent, Gaia's Forsaken Son tied in the bindings of the Bitch Weaver. A creature so immense, so mind-bending that his mere presence would destroy the masses. What descends upon the plateau from above is much like it. So massive it blocks out the light from above.

It's wingspan such that it hangs out over the massive plateau and even then some, landing with its sky-scraper sized talons digging into the earth, crushing sauropods, trees and even small hills in its wake. It sends creatures screeching from the earth in unearthed tunnels under its feet fleeing like lemmings over the side of the plateau to plummet to their death. Thousands upon thousands of meters long the beast is impossibly large and it's head still raises several miles into the sky and its head is massive.

The heat that radiates off it is not like the jungle heat had been, it's dry and draws almost like an inferno, bits of cooled lava and glistening obsidian clinging to glossy black scales. The cyclonic winds of the beasts massive wings slows and stops as they fold in against its long cylindrical body as it's long neck curls around directing one Volkswagon sized reptilian eye at the gathered and in a voice that is surprisingly quiet for something that size speaks in a language they can all somehow understand.

..."Welcome to my Realm, Creatures of the Tellurian."
