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Word came to Brooke about this group seeking to hold a Rite of the Totem. She sent them instructions to where to meet for the sacred ritual. This included a map. They are to meet at the Caern, and head off through the bawn, the forest, and toward a nearby mountain. Nearby, being an hour to hike there - in Hispo. Once they get to the Mountain, they need to get up via some trails and a free climb the last 25 yards up a cliff face.
'''Word came to Brooke about this group seeking to hold a Rite of the Totem. She sent them instructions to where to meet for the sacred ritual. This included a map. They are to meet at the Caern, and head off through the bawn, the forest, and toward a nearby mountain. Nearby, being an hour to hike there - in Hispo. Once they get to the Mountain, they need to get up via some trails and a free climb the last 25 yards up a cliff face.'''
At the top, there is a ritual clearing, where Brooke waits (how did she get there?), with a small fire, making it seem more like a campfire circle than anything.  
'''At the top, there is a ritual clearing, where Brooke waits (how did she get there?), with a small fire, making it seem more like a campfire circle than anything.'''
Aldric waits outside the Longhouse for the rest of the pack to gather, holding the provided map in hand. When they arrive he greets them all sharing the map and directions, waiting until all are ready before beginning the journey towards the caern.
<font color=brown>{{tab}}Aldric waits outside the Longhouse for the rest of the pack to gather, holding the provided map in hand. When they arrive he greets them all sharing the map and directions, waiting until all are ready before beginning the journey towards the caern.</font>
Sten would wait for the rest of the pack in the caern. The large swede would have gotten ready early to make sure he was there first and be ready to head out with the rest of the pack.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten would wait for the rest of the pack in the caern. The large swede would have gotten ready early to make sure he was there first and be ready to head out with the rest of the pack.</font>
Micah has been nervously preparing all day, making sure all of his supplies are readied. He has dressed in his typical hunting gear. He isn't far when Aldric arrives, having recently moved a tent and his truck out to the location where the longhouse is bring built so he can supervise the construction. He approaches Aldric quietly and respectfully. He doesn't seem to be he usual, lighthearted self. A serious and maybe even dark mood hanging over his head like a cloud.
<font color=green>{{tab}}Micah has been nervously preparing all day, making sure all of his supplies are readied. He has dressed in his typical hunting gear. He isn't far when Aldric arrives, having recently moved a tent and his truck out to the location where the longhouse is bring built so he can supervise the construction. He approaches Aldric quietly and respectfully. He doesn't seem to be he usual, lighthearted self. A serious and maybe even dark mood hanging over his head like a cloud.</font>
Aaryn meets Aldric and Micah at the longhouse. She's had some time to Meditate and prepare herself for the evening. When the time nears for them to head out, she goes out to meet the others and heads out to the caern.
<font color=purple>{{tab}}Aaryn meets Aldric and Micah at the longhouse. She's had some time to Meditate and prepare herself for the evening. When the time nears for them to head out, she goes out to meet the others and heads out to the caern.</font>
Aldric heads to the caern, and once they've gathered Sten and Theron, begins the trek across the bawn and forest, towards the mountain in the distance. He shares his waterskin where requested, but is otherwise quiet for the journey.
<font color=brown>{{tab}}Aldric heads to the caern, and once they've gathered Sten and Theron, begins the trek across the bawn and forest, towards the mountain in the distance. He shares his waterskin where requested, but is otherwise quiet for the journey.</font>
Sten would try and keep a good pace without being tiring, since they could not long run. Following Aldric and making sure all were coming along well. The trails up the mountain and trek was not much of an issue though the 25 yard free climb was an interesting challenge.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten would try and keep a good pace without being tiring, since they could not long run. Following Aldric and making sure all were coming along well. The trails up the mountain and trek was not much of an issue though the 25 yard free climb was an interesting challenge.</font>
Micah follows the lead of Aldric, shifting into his Hispo form for the added stamina of the run. His dedicated bow and quiver and minimal gear shift with him, merging into form as he goes to four legs. He takes his place at the back of the pack, both in recognition that he is the newest and lowest ranking of the pack as well as to act as the pack's rear guard.
<font color=green>{{tab}}Micah follows the lead of Aldric, shifting into his Hispo form for the added stamina of the run. His dedicated bow and quiver and minimal gear shift with him, merging into form as he goes to four legs. He takes his place at the back of the pack, both in recognition that he is the newest and lowest ranking of the pack as well as to act as the pack's rear guard.</font>
Aaryn, likewise is solemn for the journey. The trek though the caern and bawn are taken in hispo, up to the point where subtlety would best suit the veil. When they reach the rock face, she pauses and looks to Aldric and Sten, recalling a shared memory of mountain climbing. She sighs, shakes her head, and hopes that what little they may have picked up from Sandra would do the trick. She nods, "OK, Strongest in the middle, right? Think that'd be you, Sten. I'll get the back."
<font color=purple>{{tab}}Aaryn, likewise is solemn for the journey. The trek though the caern and bawn are taken in hispo, up to the point where subtlety would best suit the veil. When they reach the rock face, she pauses and looks to Aldric and Sten, recalling a shared memory of mountain climbing. She sighs, shakes her head, and hopes that what little they may have picked up from Sandra would do the trick. She nods, "OK, Strongest in the middle, right? Think that'd be you, Sten. I'll get the back."</font>
Aldric gets to the top, reaching down to hold out a hand in offering to those coming up after. Once everyone has their feet again, he turns towards Brooke and respectfully inclines his head. "Hushed Blaze'rhya." moving over towards the fire she has set up to wait.
<font color=brown>{{tab}}Aldric gets to the top, reaching down to hold out a hand in offering to those coming up after. Once everyone has their feet again, he turns towards Brooke and respectfully inclines his head. "Hushed Blaze'rhya." moving over towards the fire she has set up to wait.</font>
Micah shifts from hispo to glabro, catching his breath from the long run. He adjusts his bow on his back and paces back and forth at the base of the mountain, waiting for the pack to form up. He takes a moment to water up. He hasn't climbed much but uses what knowledge he has. He finds some rock dust and dirt and grits his hands with them and climbs near Aaryn, working with her, taking time with his keen-eyed perception to find the best handholds he can.
<font color=green>{{tab}}Micah shifts from hispo to glabro, catching his breath from the long run. He adjusts his bow on his back and paces back and forth at the base of the mountain, waiting for the pack to form up. He takes a moment to water up. He hasn't climbed much but uses what knowledge he has. He finds some rock dust and dirt and grits his hands with them and climbs near Aaryn, working with her, taking time with his keen-eyed perception to find the best handholds he can.</font>
Aaryn reaches the top of the mountain and hefts herself up the last few feet. She accepts the help up from Aldric and nods her gratitude. She follows suit behind Aldric, then Sten. She nods, "Hello, Hushed Blaze 'Rhya. Thank you for your help." She moves in to crouch low between Sten and Micah and wait for the Rite to begin.
<font color=purple>{{tab}}Aaryn reaches the top of the mountain and hefts herself up the last few feet. She accepts the help up from Aldric and nods her gratitude. She follows suit behind Aldric, then Sten. She nods, "Hello, Hushed Blaze 'Rhya. Thank you for your help." She moves in to crouch low between Sten and Micah and wait for the Rite to begin.</font>
Sten follows Aldric flanking him on the right side offering a nod/short bow to Brooke in respect otherwise keeping quiet for now. Aldric was alpha and Micah and Aaryn where theurges. The Skald merely memorizing what was happening to retell at a later time or he found a reason to speak up.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten follows Aldric flanking him on the right side offering a nod/short bow to Brooke in respect otherwise keeping quiet for now. Aldric was alpha and Micah and Aaryn where theurges. The Skald merely memorizing what was happening to retell at a later time or he found a reason to speak up.</font>
As the group arrives, they will find Brooke in long white robes. Looking like a Goddess, she has a stone mortar and pestle she is stirring and mashing something. "Please, line up and prepare yourselves." She gestures a bit for them to each stand around the small fire. She humms a bit, and then says, "I will apply the rituals goo to your eyes, as you all hold hands, or paws, or whatever works. When ready, you will sidestep together and open your eyes then." She waits for them to be arranged, and continues to hum and chant a little.
'''As the group arrives, they will find Brooke in long white robes. Looking like a Goddess, she has a stone mortar and pestle she is stirring and mashing something. "Please, line up and prepare yourselves." She gestures a bit for them to each stand around the small fire. She humms a bit, and then says, "I will apply the rituals goo to your eyes, as you all hold hands, or paws, or whatever works. When ready, you will sidestep together and open your eyes then." She waits for them to be arranged, and continues to hum and chant a little.'''
Aldric listens and nods, then resumes his hispo form, sinking down to his prefered form with ease. He sits, watching Hushed Blaze as she prepares the ritual, then looks to check on his pack as well. When the time comes he closes his eyes, making sure he's touching those at his sides in preparation.
<font color=brown>{{tab}}Aldric listens and nods, then resumes his hispo form, sinking down to his prefered form with ease. He sits, watching Hushed Blaze as she prepares the ritual, then looks to check on his pack as well. When the time comes he closes his eyes, making sure he's touching those at his sides in preparation.</font>
Sten lines up not sure how he would prepare himself but he was already ready as he could be. He would let the theurges do the guiding past the veil he himself was not all that good with the spirit stuff yet.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten lines up not sure how he would prepare himself but he was already ready as he could be. He would let the theurges do the guiding past the veil he himself was not all that good with the spirit stuff yet.</font>
As Aaryn steps up beside Sten, and next to Micah, she begins to transform into Glabro. She looks to her little brother, Micah, first and nods to him as she takes his hand in hers. Next, she looks to Sten and takes his hand in her other hand. She straightens herself and closes her eyes, waiting for Brooke to smear the goop.
<font color=purple>{{tab}}As Aaryn steps up beside Sten, and next to Micah, she begins to transform into Glabro. She looks to her little brother, Micah, first and nods to him as she takes his hand in hers. Next, she looks to Sten and takes his hand in her other hand. She straightens herself and closes her eyes, waiting for Brooke to smear the goop.</font>
Micah shifts into homid. He takes a few long, deep breaths to calm his nerves and to clear his mind. He slides his bow from his back and holds it before him, then flips open a small mirror attached just above the grip. He takes an arrow and places it between his teeth before finally joining the rest of the pack, taking Aaryn's hand in his, trusting their lupus alpha to safely lead them through the gauntlet unless instructed otherwise by the alpha.
<font color=green>{{tab}}Micah shifts into homid. He takes a few long, deep breaths to calm his nerves and to clear his mind. He slides his bow from his back and holds it before him, then flips open a small mirror attached just above the grip. He takes an arrow and places it between his teeth before finally joining the rest of the pack, taking Aaryn's hand in his, trusting their lupus alpha to safely lead them through the gauntlet unless instructed otherwise by the alpha.</font>
Moving around in front of each of them, Brooke dips her fingers into the goo. She swipes some onto each of them, right eye and then left. Each of them will feel a strong warmth from the goo. It kinda tingles, and oh my does it STINK. Once she is around to each of them, she rubs her hands together, raising them above her head, "Oh great Hildisvini! I send these Garou Warriors to seek to become your children, and gain your acceptance!" Some more humming from the Galliard, and then she instructs, "When you are ready, step sideways and seek the spirit in the Umbra."
'''Moving around in front of each of them, Brooke dips her fingers into the goo. She swipes some onto each of them, right eye and then left. Each of them will feel a strong warmth from the goo. It kinda tingles, and oh my does it STINK. Once she is around to each of them, she rubs her hands together, raising them above her head, "Oh great Hildisvini! I send these Garou Warriors to seek to become your children, and gain your acceptance!" Some more humming from the Galliard, and then she instructs, "When you are ready, step sideways and seek the spirit in the Umbra."'''
Ironsides keeps his eyes closed, concentrating on stepping through to the Umbra where he slides across with ease. He keeps them closed until he feels his pack cross as well, then opens his eyes to look around curiously, a note of caution entering his stance.
<font color=brown>{{tab}}Ironsides keeps his eyes closed, concentrating on stepping through to the Umbra where he slides across with ease. He keeps them closed until he feels his pack cross as well, then opens his eyes to look around curiously, a note of caution entering his stance.</font>
Sten looks around as he is guided through looking around to see what is around him. Hopefully the spirit, though probably not. The Fenrir remained vigilant as he looks about the umbral landscape.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten looks around as he is guided through looking around to see what is around him. Hopefully the spirit, though probably not. The Fenrir remained vigilant as he looks about the umbral landscape.</font>
Aaryn fells the light tug of Sten's hand and follows the flow, letting her body move through the gauntlet like fresh water sliding off her limbs. She squeezes both Sten and Micah's hands for the briefest of moments, making sure she /feels/ her Sten and Micah beside her before snapping her eyes open, hoping for a quick acclimation. The umbra isn't somewhere Aaryn is comfortable keeping her eyes closed for too long.
<font color=purple>{{tab}}Aaryn fells the light tug of Sten's hand and follows the flow, letting her body move through the gauntlet like fresh water sliding off her limbs. She squeezes both Sten and Micah's hands for the briefest of moments, making sure she /feels/ her Sten and Micah beside her before snapping her eyes open, hoping for a quick acclimation. The umbra isn't somewhere Aaryn is comfortable keeping her eyes closed for too long.</font>
When he feels the gauntlet pass over him and he is sure he is through, Micah takes the arrow from his teeth and knocks it in his bow, dropping into a crouch and scanning his surroundings. They're deep in the forest, surrounded by the wyld, but you can never be too cautious in the world of spirit where all is not always what it seems.
<font color=green>{{tab}}When he feels the gauntlet pass over him and he is sure he is through, Micah takes the arrow from his teeth and knocks it in his bow, dropping into a crouch and scanning his surroundings. They're deep in the forest, surrounded by the wyld, but you can never be too cautious in the world of spirit where all is not always what it seems.</font>
The group makes it through to that other side, the area is indeed that Wyld. Natural and serene. Off to the left there looks to be a path into the woods that gets thick, fast. Along both sides of that path, there looks to be bramble growing. Natural, but a lot of it, the points wicked sharp as they weave around the trees. Otherwise, the clearing they are in, is surrounded by that bramble and trees as well, for now, leading them in only one direction.
'''The group makes it through to that other side, the area is indeed that Wyld. Natural and serene. Off to the left there looks to be a path into the woods that gets thick, fast. Along both sides of that path, there looks to be bramble growing. Natural, but a lot of it, the points wicked sharp as they weave around the trees. Otherwise, the clearing they are in, is surrounded by that bramble and trees as well, for now, leading them in only one direction.'''
Ironsides checks on everyone before stepping forward, looking around slowly. He scents the air, ears flicking this way and back as he checks the area out before starting to walk down the path provided.
<font color=brown>{{tab}}Ironsides checks on everyone before stepping forward, looking around slowly. He scents the air, ears flicking this way and back as he checks the area out before starting to walk down the path provided.</font>
Sten would shift to Hispos to follow Aldric, looking around to try and spot anything that should not be there or perhaps a boar. Now a large steel grey Dire wolf as he pads after Ironsides.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten would shift to Hispos to follow Aldric, looking around to try and spot anything that should not be there or perhaps a boar. Now a large steel grey Dire wolf as he pads after Ironsides.</font>
Aaryn, for now, remains in Glabro, turning to the side and following after Sten. She moves slowly, and hunkers her shoulders to keep low. She looks back at Micah and bobs her head.
<font color=purple>{{tab}}Aaryn, for now, remains in Glabro, turning to the side and following after Sten. She moves slowly, and hunkers her shoulders to keep low. She looks back at Micah and bobs her head.</font>
Micah brings up the rear, still in homid, stealthy walking on the sides of his feet, scanning the surroundings, particularly anything not on the path. From time to time he glances into the mirror attached to his bow to ensure that nothing is sneaking up behind them.
<font color=green>{{tab}}Micah brings up the rear, still in homid, stealthy walking on the sides of his feet, scanning the surroundings, particularly anything not on the path. From time to time he glances into the mirror attached to his bow to ensure that nothing is sneaking up behind them.</font>
Ironsides turns, his nose twitching as he picks up the scent of something. His steps grow more confident, though his head continues to swing, keeping his eyes open for surprises. A chuff under his breath, ear flickering back to listen to his pack. "There is one near."
<font color=brown>{{tab}}Ironsides turns, his nose twitching as he picks up the scent of something. His steps grow more confident, though his head continues to swing, keeping his eyes open for surprises. A chuff under his breath, ear flickering back to listen to his pack. "There is one near."</font>
Ahead of the group, the path opens into another clearing. There, a feast fit for a king is arrayed on a norse dining table! Everything is well set out, all the places set, ale in cups, it's all there for the taking! Of course, the fare on the plates? Bacon! Everyone loves bacon, right??
'''Ahead of the group, the path opens into another clearing. There, a feast fit for a king is arrayed on a norse dining table! Everything is well set out, all the places set, ale in cups, it's all there for the taking! Of course, the fare on the plates? Bacon! Everyone loves bacon, right??'''
Sten looks up << I smell Bacon ahead >> sniffing again and looking to his pack mates. <<Do not partake in the feast>> He warns looking around if a Hispos could frown he would though it was clear in the large direwolves stance that he was not pleased by what he saw considering who they were seeking.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten looks up << I smell Bacon ahead >> sniffing again and looking to his pack mates. <<Do not partake in the feast>> He warns looking around if a Hispos could frown he would though it was clear in the large direwolves stance that he was not pleased by what he saw considering who they were seeking.
Aaryn slows her pace as she enters the clearing behind the others. Her eyes narrow as she looks at the table set before her. She smirks and a brow lofts. She looks back toward Micah a moment, sharing a look that apparently only siblings can translate. She finally crouches low and knots her fingers in Sten's fur. "You're right, skald. It's likely a trick." She sweeps her gaze across the clearing, behind the table and behind them.
<font color=purple>{{tab}}Aaryn slows her pace as she enters the clearing behind the others. Her eyes narrow as she looks at the table set before her. She smirks and a brow lofts. She looks back toward Micah a moment, sharing a look that apparently only siblings can translate. She finally crouches low and knots her fingers in Sten's fur. "You're right, skald. It's likely a trick." She sweeps her gaze across the clearing, behind the table and behind them.</font>
Micah brings up the rear as the pack moves into the clearing. Spying the table, he gives a questioning glace over at Ryn and then proceeds to make a circle around the clearing, watching the surrounding brambles for movement in case of an ambush. "So we all agree then, this is a trap, right?"
<font color=green>{{tab}}Micah brings up the rear as the pack moves into the clearing. Spying the table, he gives a questioning glace over at Ryn and then proceeds to make a circle around the clearing, watching the surrounding brambles for movement in case of an ambush. "So we all agree then, this is a trap, right?"</font>
As Micah walks the perimeter of the clearing he slows and then takes a few steps back. He slowly crouches, taking the arrow he has knocked and gently pushing aside some brambles. It is a semi-overgrown area that at first looks too think to hide anything, but then he pushes back the brambles. "Over here, looks like there is another path on the other side of these brambles. What do you think, boss? Can we get through it without bleeding to much?"
<font color=green>{{tab}}As Micah walks the perimeter of the clearing he slows and then takes a few steps back. He slowly crouches, taking the arrow he has knocked and gently pushing aside some brambles. It is a semi-overgrown area that at first looks too think to hide anything, but then he pushes back the brambles. "Over here, looks like there is another path on the other side of these brambles. What do you think, boss? Can we get through it without bleeding to much?"</font>
Ironsides approaches, lowering his head to look down the crawl space that Micah reveals. He's still for a moment as he inspects it, chuffing slightly before he looks to the pack. <<Smaller is better, the path may not be easy but it is the only way away from that.>> He looks at the table, could be drooling a little; it's bacon, who wouldn't. Then he changes his form, shrinking down to his breed form, waiting for the rest to follow suit before heading inwards.
<font color=brown>{{tab}}Ironsides approaches, lowering his head to look down the crawl space that Micah reveals. He's still for a moment as he inspects it, chuffing slightly before he looks to the pack. <<Smaller is better, the path may not be easy but it is the only way away from that.>> He looks at the table, could be drooling a little; it's bacon, who wouldn't. Then he changes his form, shrinking down to his breed form, waiting for the rest to follow suit before heading inwards.</font>
Sten would shift down into lupus to fit better as well to try and get in after Ironside to get through.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten would shift down into lupus to fit better as well to try and get in after Ironside to get through.</font>
Aaryn steps along behind the others, bending to crawl on all fours and shifting into her lupus form as she does so.
<font color=purple>{{tab}}Aaryn steps along behind the others, bending to crawl on all fours and shifting into her lupus form as she does so.</font>
Hunts the Shadow holds the shambles back while the rest of his pack sidle forward in their lupus. As Ryn passes him his whispers, "Don't pass gas in my face," then joins them in his lupus.
<font color=green>{{tab}}Hunts the Shadow holds the shambles back while the rest of his pack sidle forward in their lupus. As Ryn passes him his whispers, "Don't pass gas in my face," then joins them in his lupus.</font>
Ironsides leads the way down the tunnel, crawling along slowly, trying to avoid getting stuck where he can. Even if he does he grits his teeth and bears it, continuing down the little tunnel and hopefully away from temptation.
<font color=brown>{{tab}}Ironsides leads the way down the tunnel, crawling along slowly, trying to avoid getting stuck where he can. Even if he does he grits his teeth and bears it, continuing down the little tunnel and hopefully away from temptation.</font>
The opening is small, pushing through the right way just gets annoyances. The wrong way? It's like knives digging into the soul, VERY painful in passage. On the other side, that path widens to at least single file. But it's still quite rough going. This is going to be a long trek it seems.
'''The opening is small, pushing through the right way just gets annoyances. The wrong way? It's like knives digging into the soul, VERY painful in passage. On the other side, that path widens to at least single file. But it's still quite rough going. This is going to be a long trek it seems.'''
Sten following behind Ironsides on the path as second in the line. Looking around to see where it was heading or anything else that could guide them through.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten following behind Ironsides on the path as second in the line. Looking around to see where it was heading or anything else that could guide them through.</font>
Whaps Shadow in the face with her tail, by way of telling him to get serious, and keeps herself low to the ground as she crawls through. She moves as slowly as Sten, and Aldric, careful not to rush the process.
<font color=purple>{{tab}}Whaps Shadow in the face with her tail, by way of telling him to get serious, and keeps herself low to the ground as she crawls through. She moves as slowly as Sten, and Aldric, careful not to rush the process.</font>
Hunts the Shadow lifts his nose to the air, above the smell of the tail in front of him and tries to get the scent of any spirits or boar around them.
<font color=green>{{tab}}Hunts the Shadow lifts his nose to the air, above the smell of the tail in front of him and tries to get the scent of any spirits or boar around them.</font>
This path it definitely a game trail. It winds and twists, weaving between trees, under branches, wandering aimlessly in that woods. Although the bramble along it seems quite determined to not quite grow it over. After what feels like an endless walk, the path will open into a clearing ahead. But.. there's a stark contrast. While the path is green and growing, the space ahead feels.. black. Feels rotted. Tainted. Something is most definitely wrong ahead. Very. Very wrong.
'''This path it definitely a game trail. It winds and twists, weaving between trees, under branches, wandering aimlessly in that woods. Although the bramble along it seems quite determined to not quite grow it over. After what feels like an endless walk, the path will open into a clearing ahead. But.. there's a stark contrast. While the path is green and growing, the space ahead feels.. black. Feels rotted. Tainted. Something is most definitely wrong ahead. Very. Very wrong.'''
Ironsides pushes onwards, a few reflexive yelps when a thorn or five manages to poke through his coat. It's all followed by a soft, rumbling growl before he continues on. Getting bit by something wyrmy is one thing, but getting jabbed by a sticker bush is just aggravating. Still he continues onwards until they reach the clearing, stepping out with hackles raised. <<Blight.>> He moves out of the tunnel mouth so the rest of the pack can exit.
<font color=brown>{{tab}}Ironsides pushes onwards, a few reflexive yelps when a thorn or five manages to poke through his coat. It's all followed by a soft, rumbling growl before he continues on. Getting bit by something wyrmy is one thing, but getting jabbed by a sticker bush is just aggravating. Still he continues onwards until they reach the clearing, stepping out with hackles raised. <<Blight.>> He moves out of the tunnel mouth so the rest of the pack can exit.</font>
Sten looks around following Ironside << We need to cleanse it, yes?>> trying to get his bearings and see the taint.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten looks around following Ironside << We need to cleanse it, yes?>> trying to get his bearings and see the taint.</font>
As Aaryn exits into the clearing, she sits on her haunches. As her shoulders roll forward, she begins to slide back into her homid, then glabro forms. She comes to rest on Aldric's other side and nods, looking down at him. She nods in affirmation to his proclamation and then kneels at his side. "An opportunity to prove ourselves," she comments. "Would you like me to take a look at those scratches, first?"
<font color=purple>{{tab}}As Aaryn exits into the clearing, she sits on her haunches. As her shoulders roll forward, she begins to slide back into her homid, then glabro forms. She comes to rest on Aldric's other side and nods, looking down at him. She nods in affirmation to his proclamation and then kneels at his side. "An opportunity to prove ourselves," she comments. "Would you like me to take a look at those scratches, first?"</font>
Hunts the Shadow slinks to the side as he comes up from the rear. He growls at seeing the blight. <<And find whatever is causing it and kill it.>>
<font color=green>{{tab}}Hunts the Shadow slinks to the side as he comes up from the rear. He growls at seeing the blight. <<And find whatever is causing it and kill it.>></font>
Ironsides listens to his pack, his ears twitching as he thinks. His head finally bobs in a nod, <<Find it, kill it, cleanse the area.>> A twitch of his side as Aaryn lays her hand on him and with a grumble he nods. <<Best to heal now if you can please. If there is a fight ahead I don't want to go in already injured.>>
<font color=brown>{{tab}}Ironsides listens to his pack, his ears twitching as he thinks. His head finally bobs in a nod, <<Find it, kill it, cleanse the area.>> A twitch of his side as Aaryn lays her hand on him and with a grumble he nods. <<Best to heal now if you can please. If there is a fight ahead I don't want to go in already injured.>></font>
For those who are aware, they'll pick up from all corners of the space (it's round, what corners??) comes a sense of dread. It rolls through the area, causing everything green within to grow black. To wilt. 4 banes swing out of the branches, dropping down to the ground across from the 4 garou. They hiss and chitter, eyeing the ones who dared invade their space as to determine who was to be lunch first.
For those who failed the perception? They would suddenly get caught off guard, a wave of dread hit them to their core and WTF BANES?!?!
'''For those who are aware, they'll pick up from all corners of the space (it's round, what corners??) comes a sense of dread. It rolls through the area, causing everything green within to grow black. To wilt. 4 banes swing out of the branches, dropping down to the ground across from the 4 garou. They hiss and chitter, eyeing the ones who dared invade their space as to determine who was to be lunch first.'''
For those who failed the perception? They would suddenly get caught off guard, a wave of dread hit them to their core and WTF BANES?!?!'''
Aaryn sets her jaw in determination and presses her palms against Ironsides, focusing deeply on /willing/ her Alpha's wounds to close, to prepare him for the battle that is ahead. Her jaw works as his flesh begins to knit together.
<font color=purple>{{tab}}Aaryn sets her jaw in determination and presses her palms against Ironsides, focusing deeply on /willing/ her Alpha's wounds to close, to prepare him for the battle that is ahead. Her jaw works as his flesh begins to knit together.</font>
Ironsides barrels in the moment Guides has mended him, snarling as he banks for the bane on the right. Sharp teeth flashing he lunges at its throat even as it moves, and while the bite is true he doesn't seem to get through its leathery hide for the deep bite he was trying for.
<font color=brown>{{tab}}Ironsides barrels in the moment Guides has mended him, snarling as he banks for the bane on the right. Sharp teeth flashing he lunges at its throat even as it moves, and while the bite is true he doesn't seem to get through its leathery hide for the deep bite he was trying for.</font>
As soon as Ironsides leaps off in attack, Aaryn feels the impact of the bane attacking her. She covers her head and bares her tougher shoulders, taking only some of the Banes' intended damage.
<font color=purple>{{tab}}As soon as Ironsides leaps off in attack, Aaryn feels the impact of the bane attacking her. She covers her head and bares her tougher shoulders, taking only some of the Banes' intended damage.</font>
At the sight of bane attacking his sister, Micah begins to tremble with rage. He is Hunts the Shadow and the shadows he hunts are the banes that haunt his dreams and defile Gaia. Seeing them take aim at Guides is too much. He roars into crinos and bites down on the bane, sinking his predator's teeth down - not as deep as his rage demands, but enough to quench his rage, for now.
<font color=green>{{tab}}At the sight of bane attacking his sister, Micah begins to tremble with rage. He is Hunts the Shadow and the shadows he hunts are the banes that haunt his dreams and defile Gaia. Seeing them take aim at Guides is too much. He roars into crinos and bites down on the bane, sinking his predator's teeth down - not as deep as his rage demands, but enough to quench his rage, for now.</font>
Sten shifts into hispos and try to bite down on the Bane, though it seems it has much thicker skin then he thought.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten shifts into hispos and try to bite down on the Bane, though it seems it has much thicker skin then he thought.</font>
Hunts the Shadow rakes his claws upward across the bane's torsi and growls in frustration as it rakes across it's form to no effect. The Theurge growls in Garou, "These bastards must have some kind of armor. They shouldn't be able to take this kind of damage."
<font color=green>{{tab}}Hunts the Shadow rakes his claws upward across the bane's torsi and growls in frustration as it rakes across it's form to no effect. The Theurge growls in Garou, "These bastards must have some kind of armor. They shouldn't be able to take this kind of damage."</font>
Guides the Dead finishes healing Aldric's wounds and takes a hit from an errant bane. She feels rage well up inside her and channels it out and through her transformation. She pops up, in her war form, and makes a mad lunge for the bane behind Micah, raking at it with her claws, <<You're Mine!>> she roars as her claws dig into it.
<font color=purple>{{tab}}Guides the Dead finishes healing Aldric's wounds and takes a hit from an errant bane. She feels rage well up inside her and channels it out and through her transformation. She pops up, in her war form, and makes a mad lunge for the bane behind Micah, raking at it with her claws, <<You're Mine!>> she roars as her claws dig into it.</font>
Sten growls as the Bane tries to attack him though instead he bites right back, the large direwolf with steel grey fur chomps down on the Bane and to his bloody delight it evaporates.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten growls as the Bane tries to attack him though instead he bites right back, the large direwolf with steel grey fur chomps down on the Bane and to his bloody delight it evaporates.</font>
Sten runs towards Aaryns attacker to take advantage now of their superior numbers to end the battle quickly. The large hispos bites down on the Bane but alas it is not enough force but hopefully distracting it enough for Aaryn to take it down.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten runs towards Aaryns attacker to take advantage now of their superior numbers to end the battle quickly. The large hispos bites down on the Bane but alas it is not enough force but hopefully distracting it enough for Aaryn to take it down.</font>
Hunts the Shadow girds his will, adjusts his stance, twists his hips, and brings his other arm down across the face of the bane in front of him. His claws finally find purchase and Shadow growls with satisfaction.
<font color=green>{{tab}}Hunts the Shadow girds his will, adjusts his stance, twists his hips, and brings his other arm down across the face of the bane in front of him. His claws finally find purchase and Shadow growls with satisfaction.</font>
Guides Rooooaaaaaars again, , tossing her head back in an angry battle cry. As the skald takes a swipe at the bane in front of her, she follows suit with a swing of her mighty arm. Claws rake across the bane, but it flitters to the side, baring it's tougher skin and letting Guides' claws slide over it, harmlessly. Now, she's really pissed.
<font color=purple>{{tab}}Guides Rooooaaaaaars again, , tossing her head back in an angry battle cry. As the skald takes a swipe at the bane in front of her, she follows suit with a swing of her mighty arm. Claws rake across the bane, but it flitters to the side, baring it's tougher skin and letting Guides' claws slide over it, harmlessly. Now, she's really pissed.</font>
Sten looks as Ironside kills the Bane that mauled him heavily. He takes off though towards the Bane attacking Micah to aid him now since the battle has cleared up some. The large hispos bites down on the Bane but its skin is to thick to take any damage.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten looks as Ironside kills the Bane that mauled him heavily. He takes off though towards the Bane attacking Micah to aid him now since the battle has cleared up some. The large hispos bites down on the Bane but its skin is to thick to take any damage.</font>
Ironsides breaks from the one he's been drooling upon most furiously to charge after the one that's hurt his packmate Sten. Finally his teeth find purchase, tearing into it before he turns towards the one after their elder Godi, rending it just as brutally.
<font color=brown>{{tab}}Ironsides breaks from the one he's been drooling upon most furiously to charge after the one that's hurt his packmate Sten. Finally his teeth find purchase, tearing into it before he turns towards the one after their elder Godi, rending it just as brutally.</font>
After Ironsides toasts the bane to her right, Guides swiftly changes direction, using that momentum built up in her shoulder to deliver a deadly blow to the soft underside of the bane that is eyeing Micah and Sten. She makes sure to dig her claws in, first, yanking straight up to rip through it like tissue paper.
<font color=purple>{{tab}}After Ironsides toasts the bane to her right, Guides swiftly changes direction, using that momentum built up in her shoulder to deliver a deadly blow to the soft underside of the bane that is eyeing Micah and Sten. She makes sure to dig her claws in, first, yanking straight up to rip through it like tissue paper.</font>
Hunts the Shadow is momentarily confused as the bane he has fruitlessly been raking his claws against is shredded. Was it my breath? He pants a few times, then sees Guides standing there victorious. Not one for speeches, he raises his clawed hand for a Crinos high five for his sister.
<font color=green>{{tab}}Hunts the Shadow is momentarily confused as the bane he has fruitlessly been raking his claws against is shredded. Was it my breath? He pants a few times, then sees Guides standing there victorious. Not one for speeches, he raises his clawed hand for a Crinos high five for his sister.</font>
Sten lifts his head to the umbral sky as their foes have been vanquished and howls filled with rage and energy, though his injuries does not make it as impressive as he intended. The large steelgrey direwolf bloodied by the mauling he got.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten lifts his head to the umbral sky as their foes have been vanquished and howls filled with rage and energy, though his injuries does not make it as impressive as he intended. The large steelgrey direwolf bloodied by the mauling he got.</font>
Ironsides chuffs, headbutting a non-bloody spot on Sten, the wolf equivalent of a high-five before he starts sniffing and checking everyone over to make sure they are ok. <<Good lesson. Next fight we pair up on targets, wear them down faster. Pack fights stronger together.>> his tone is clear; he's including himself in that lesson.
<font color=brown>{{tab}}Ironsides chuffs, headbutting a non-bloody spot on Sten, the wolf equivalent of a high-five before he starts sniffing and checking everyone over to make sure they are ok. <<Good lesson. Next fight we pair up on targets, wear them down faster. Pack fights stronger together.>> his tone is clear; he's including himself in that lesson.</font>
As the last of the Banes vanish and the group checks each other out to make sure that no one is badly hurt, the whole area would shift, subtly, but the 'taint' that was around fades away as if it was never there. A moment or two later, the group would quietly be approached by a massive boar, the power and resonance of the beast definitely telling them exactly how they are dealing with. It takes it's time, studying each garou in turn, before a piggish grunt is given in satisfaction. "You have much to learn. But you did well. I will accept your request. I will fight with your pack."
'''As the last of the Banes vanish and the group checks each other out to make sure that no one is badly hurt, the whole area would shift, subtly, but the 'taint' that was around fades away as if it was never there. A moment or two later, the group would quietly be approached by a massive boar, the power and resonance of the beast definitely telling them exactly how they are dealing with. It takes it's time, studying each garou in turn, before a piggish grunt is given in satisfaction. "You have much to learn. But you did well. I will accept your request. I will fight with your pack."'''
Ironsides looks over as the glade takes on a different tone and the massive swine approaches. He inclines his head, lowering himself in a bow as he greets Hildisvini. "You honor us greatly. We will strive to do you justice in everything that our pack accomplishes."
<font color=brown>{{tab}}Ironsides looks over as the glade takes on a different tone and the massive swine approaches. He inclines his head, lowering himself in a bow as he greets Hildisvini. "You honor us greatly. We will strive to do you justice in everything that our pack accomplishes."</font>
Guides doesn't leave Micah hanging, she pops her furry paw alongside his, but moves over to Aldric and Sten. She begins to bend and nudges her head against and just below Aldric's giving a chuff of respect. Just as she reaches out to touch Sten, she hears the rustling and stands again. As the Boar speaks, she stands and holds her head upright. She lets their alpha speak for them as she raises a fist to her heart.
<font color=purple>{{tab}}Guides doesn't leave Micah hanging, she pops her furry paw alongside his, but moves over to Aldric and Sten. She begins to bend and nudges her head against and just below Aldric's giving a chuff of respect. Just as she reaches out to touch Sten, she hears the rustling and stands again. As the Boar speaks, she stands and holds her head upright. She lets their alpha speak for them as she raises a fist to her heart.</font>
Hunts the Shadow turns as he hears the rustling of leaves, following Guides' lead but holding back, letting those that are good at speaking do the talking. They're less likely to offend their new totem. He shifts from his war form back into his wolf.
<font color=green>{{tab}}Hunts the Shadow turns as he hears the rustling of leaves, following Guides' lead but holding back, letting those that are good at speaking do the talking. They're less likely to offend their new totem. He shifts from his war form back into his wolf.</font>
Sten bows his head to the Boar "We are honored that you will run with us and we will honor you and your strength and let it join with our own. And our strength will be yours" the Skald looks to his back then back to the Boar again, they had been accepted, the large otherwise stoic Fenrir almost seemed giddy for a moment.
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Sten bows his head to the Boar "We are honored that you will run with us and we will honor you and your strength and let it join with our own. And our strength will be yours" the Skald looks to his back then back to the Boar again, they had been accepted, the large otherwise stoic Fenrir almost seemed giddy for a moment.</font>
Having been waiting in reality.. aka meatside.. for the pack, Hushed Blaze does her thing and calls the pack back. Once they have stepped back across and are before her, she tosses something onto the small fire she had there, and in the flames the image of boar rises. "You have completed your quest, sought out the mighty Hildisvini! He has accepted you as his own. Go forward, Howl of your accomplishment! You are truly brothers and sister in spirit now." With that, the flames whoosh a bit again before dying down, and then out. Like MAGIC!
'''Having been waiting in reality.. aka meatside.. for the pack, Hushed Blaze does her thing and calls the pack back. Once they have stepped back across and are before her, she tosses something onto the small fire she had there, and in the flames the image of boar rises. "You have completed your quest, sought out the mighty Hildisvini! He has accepted you as his own. Go forward, Howl of your accomplishment! You are truly brothers and sister in spirit now." With that, the flames whoosh a bit again before dying down, and then out. Like MAGIC'''!

Revision as of 13:58, 15 August 2019

2019.07.30 Becoming Frostbite
Frostbite Pack's PRP
IC Date 30 July 2019
IC Time Sunset
Players Aldric, Sten, Aaryn, Micah, Theron
Location Sept of the Enduring Spirit, Umbra
Prp/Tp Battleswine, Ho!
Spheres Garou, Gaian
Theme Song State of My Head, by Shinedown [1]

Word came to Brooke about this group seeking to hold a Rite of the Totem. She sent them instructions to where to meet for the sacred ritual. This included a map. They are to meet at the Caern, and head off through the bawn, the forest, and toward a nearby mountain. Nearby, being an hour to hike there - in Hispo. Once they get to the Mountain, they need to get up via some trails and a free climb the last 25 yards up a cliff face.

At the top, there is a ritual clearing, where Brooke waits (how did she get there?), with a small fire, making it seem more like a campfire circle than anything.

xxxxxAldric waits outside the Longhouse for the rest of the pack to gather, holding the provided map in hand. When they arrive he greets them all sharing the map and directions, waiting until all are ready before beginning the journey towards the caern.

xxxxxSten would wait for the rest of the pack in the caern. The large swede would have gotten ready early to make sure he was there first and be ready to head out with the rest of the pack.

xxxxxMicah has been nervously preparing all day, making sure all of his supplies are readied. He has dressed in his typical hunting gear. He isn't far when Aldric arrives, having recently moved a tent and his truck out to the location where the longhouse is bring built so he can supervise the construction. He approaches Aldric quietly and respectfully. He doesn't seem to be he usual, lighthearted self. A serious and maybe even dark mood hanging over his head like a cloud.

xxxxxAaryn meets Aldric and Micah at the longhouse. She's had some time to Meditate and prepare herself for the evening. When the time nears for them to head out, she goes out to meet the others and heads out to the caern.

xxxxxAldric heads to the caern, and once they've gathered Sten and Theron, begins the trek across the bawn and forest, towards the mountain in the distance. He shares his waterskin where requested, but is otherwise quiet for the journey.

xxxxxSten would try and keep a good pace without being tiring, since they could not long run. Following Aldric and making sure all were coming along well. The trails up the mountain and trek was not much of an issue though the 25 yard free climb was an interesting challenge.

xxxxxMicah follows the lead of Aldric, shifting into his Hispo form for the added stamina of the run. His dedicated bow and quiver and minimal gear shift with him, merging into form as he goes to four legs. He takes his place at the back of the pack, both in recognition that he is the newest and lowest ranking of the pack as well as to act as the pack's rear guard.

xxxxxAaryn, likewise is solemn for the journey. The trek though the caern and bawn are taken in hispo, up to the point where subtlety would best suit the veil. When they reach the rock face, she pauses and looks to Aldric and Sten, recalling a shared memory of mountain climbing. She sighs, shakes her head, and hopes that what little they may have picked up from Sandra would do the trick. She nods, "OK, Strongest in the middle, right? Think that'd be you, Sten. I'll get the back."

xxxxxAldric gets to the top, reaching down to hold out a hand in offering to those coming up after. Once everyone has their feet again, he turns towards Brooke and respectfully inclines his head. "Hushed Blaze'rhya." moving over towards the fire she has set up to wait.

xxxxxMicah shifts from hispo to glabro, catching his breath from the long run. He adjusts his bow on his back and paces back and forth at the base of the mountain, waiting for the pack to form up. He takes a moment to water up. He hasn't climbed much but uses what knowledge he has. He finds some rock dust and dirt and grits his hands with them and climbs near Aaryn, working with her, taking time with his keen-eyed perception to find the best handholds he can.

xxxxxAaryn reaches the top of the mountain and hefts herself up the last few feet. She accepts the help up from Aldric and nods her gratitude. She follows suit behind Aldric, then Sten. She nods, "Hello, Hushed Blaze 'Rhya. Thank you for your help." She moves in to crouch low between Sten and Micah and wait for the Rite to begin.

xxxxxSten follows Aldric flanking him on the right side offering a nod/short bow to Brooke in respect otherwise keeping quiet for now. Aldric was alpha and Micah and Aaryn where theurges. The Skald merely memorizing what was happening to retell at a later time or he found a reason to speak up.

As the group arrives, they will find Brooke in long white robes. Looking like a Goddess, she has a stone mortar and pestle she is stirring and mashing something. "Please, line up and prepare yourselves." She gestures a bit for them to each stand around the small fire. She humms a bit, and then says, "I will apply the rituals goo to your eyes, as you all hold hands, or paws, or whatever works. When ready, you will sidestep together and open your eyes then." She waits for them to be arranged, and continues to hum and chant a little.

xxxxxAldric listens and nods, then resumes his hispo form, sinking down to his prefered form with ease. He sits, watching Hushed Blaze as she prepares the ritual, then looks to check on his pack as well. When the time comes he closes his eyes, making sure he's touching those at his sides in preparation.

xxxxxSten lines up not sure how he would prepare himself but he was already ready as he could be. He would let the theurges do the guiding past the veil he himself was not all that good with the spirit stuff yet.

xxxxxAs Aaryn steps up beside Sten, and next to Micah, she begins to transform into Glabro. She looks to her little brother, Micah, first and nods to him as she takes his hand in hers. Next, she looks to Sten and takes his hand in her other hand. She straightens herself and closes her eyes, waiting for Brooke to smear the goop.

xxxxxMicah shifts into homid. He takes a few long, deep breaths to calm his nerves and to clear his mind. He slides his bow from his back and holds it before him, then flips open a small mirror attached just above the grip. He takes an arrow and places it between his teeth before finally joining the rest of the pack, taking Aaryn's hand in his, trusting their lupus alpha to safely lead them through the gauntlet unless instructed otherwise by the alpha.

Moving around in front of each of them, Brooke dips her fingers into the goo. She swipes some onto each of them, right eye and then left. Each of them will feel a strong warmth from the goo. It kinda tingles, and oh my does it STINK. Once she is around to each of them, she rubs her hands together, raising them above her head, "Oh great Hildisvini! I send these Garou Warriors to seek to become your children, and gain your acceptance!" Some more humming from the Galliard, and then she instructs, "When you are ready, step sideways and seek the spirit in the Umbra."

xxxxxIronsides keeps his eyes closed, concentrating on stepping through to the Umbra where he slides across with ease. He keeps them closed until he feels his pack cross as well, then opens his eyes to look around curiously, a note of caution entering his stance.

xxxxxSten looks around as he is guided through looking around to see what is around him. Hopefully the spirit, though probably not. The Fenrir remained vigilant as he looks about the umbral landscape.

xxxxxAaryn fells the light tug of Sten's hand and follows the flow, letting her body move through the gauntlet like fresh water sliding off her limbs. She squeezes both Sten and Micah's hands for the briefest of moments, making sure she /feels/ her Sten and Micah beside her before snapping her eyes open, hoping for a quick acclimation. The umbra isn't somewhere Aaryn is comfortable keeping her eyes closed for too long.

xxxxxWhen he feels the gauntlet pass over him and he is sure he is through, Micah takes the arrow from his teeth and knocks it in his bow, dropping into a crouch and scanning his surroundings. They're deep in the forest, surrounded by the wyld, but you can never be too cautious in the world of spirit where all is not always what it seems.

The group makes it through to that other side, the area is indeed that Wyld. Natural and serene. Off to the left there looks to be a path into the woods that gets thick, fast. Along both sides of that path, there looks to be bramble growing. Natural, but a lot of it, the points wicked sharp as they weave around the trees. Otherwise, the clearing they are in, is surrounded by that bramble and trees as well, for now, leading them in only one direction.

xxxxxIronsides checks on everyone before stepping forward, looking around slowly. He scents the air, ears flicking this way and back as he checks the area out before starting to walk down the path provided.

xxxxxSten would shift to Hispos to follow Aldric, looking around to try and spot anything that should not be there or perhaps a boar. Now a large steel grey Dire wolf as he pads after Ironsides.

xxxxxAaryn, for now, remains in Glabro, turning to the side and following after Sten. She moves slowly, and hunkers her shoulders to keep low. She looks back at Micah and bobs her head.

xxxxxMicah brings up the rear, still in homid, stealthy walking on the sides of his feet, scanning the surroundings, particularly anything not on the path. From time to time he glances into the mirror attached to his bow to ensure that nothing is sneaking up behind them.

xxxxxIronsides turns, his nose twitching as he picks up the scent of something. His steps grow more confident, though his head continues to swing, keeping his eyes open for surprises. A chuff under his breath, ear flickering back to listen to his pack. "There is one near."

Ahead of the group, the path opens into another clearing. There, a feast fit for a king is arrayed on a norse dining table! Everything is well set out, all the places set, ale in cups, it's all there for the taking! Of course, the fare on the plates? Bacon! Everyone loves bacon, right??

xxxxxSten looks up << I smell Bacon ahead >> sniffing again and looking to his pack mates. <<Do not partake in the feast>> He warns looking around if a Hispos could frown he would though it was clear in the large direwolves stance that he was not pleased by what he saw considering who they were seeking.

xxxxxAaryn slows her pace as she enters the clearing behind the others. Her eyes narrow as she looks at the table set before her. She smirks and a brow lofts. She looks back toward Micah a moment, sharing a look that apparently only siblings can translate. She finally crouches low and knots her fingers in Sten's fur. "You're right, skald. It's likely a trick." She sweeps her gaze across the clearing, behind the table and behind them.

xxxxxMicah brings up the rear as the pack moves into the clearing. Spying the table, he gives a questioning glace over at Ryn and then proceeds to make a circle around the clearing, watching the surrounding brambles for movement in case of an ambush. "So we all agree then, this is a trap, right?"

xxxxxAs Micah walks the perimeter of the clearing he slows and then takes a few steps back. He slowly crouches, taking the arrow he has knocked and gently pushing aside some brambles. It is a semi-overgrown area that at first looks too think to hide anything, but then he pushes back the brambles. "Over here, looks like there is another path on the other side of these brambles. What do you think, boss? Can we get through it without bleeding to much?"

xxxxxIronsides approaches, lowering his head to look down the crawl space that Micah reveals. He's still for a moment as he inspects it, chuffing slightly before he looks to the pack. <<Smaller is better, the path may not be easy but it is the only way away from that.>> He looks at the table, could be drooling a little; it's bacon, who wouldn't. Then he changes his form, shrinking down to his breed form, waiting for the rest to follow suit before heading inwards.

xxxxxSten would shift down into lupus to fit better as well to try and get in after Ironside to get through.

xxxxxAaryn steps along behind the others, bending to crawl on all fours and shifting into her lupus form as she does so.

xxxxxHunts the Shadow holds the shambles back while the rest of his pack sidle forward in their lupus. As Ryn passes him his whispers, "Don't pass gas in my face," then joins them in his lupus.

xxxxxIronsides leads the way down the tunnel, crawling along slowly, trying to avoid getting stuck where he can. Even if he does he grits his teeth and bears it, continuing down the little tunnel and hopefully away from temptation.

The opening is small, pushing through the right way just gets annoyances. The wrong way? It's like knives digging into the soul, VERY painful in passage. On the other side, that path widens to at least single file. But it's still quite rough going. This is going to be a long trek it seems.

xxxxxSten following behind Ironsides on the path as second in the line. Looking around to see where it was heading or anything else that could guide them through.

xxxxxWhaps Shadow in the face with her tail, by way of telling him to get serious, and keeps herself low to the ground as she crawls through. She moves as slowly as Sten, and Aldric, careful not to rush the process.

xxxxxHunts the Shadow lifts his nose to the air, above the smell of the tail in front of him and tries to get the scent of any spirits or boar around them.

This path it definitely a game trail. It winds and twists, weaving between trees, under branches, wandering aimlessly in that woods. Although the bramble along it seems quite determined to not quite grow it over. After what feels like an endless walk, the path will open into a clearing ahead. But.. there's a stark contrast. While the path is green and growing, the space ahead feels.. black. Feels rotted. Tainted. Something is most definitely wrong ahead. Very. Very wrong.

xxxxxIronsides pushes onwards, a few reflexive yelps when a thorn or five manages to poke through his coat. It's all followed by a soft, rumbling growl before he continues on. Getting bit by something wyrmy is one thing, but getting jabbed by a sticker bush is just aggravating. Still he continues onwards until they reach the clearing, stepping out with hackles raised. <<Blight.>> He moves out of the tunnel mouth so the rest of the pack can exit.

xxxxxSten looks around following Ironside << We need to cleanse it, yes?>> trying to get his bearings and see the taint.

xxxxxAs Aaryn exits into the clearing, she sits on her haunches. As her shoulders roll forward, she begins to slide back into her homid, then glabro forms. She comes to rest on Aldric's other side and nods, looking down at him. She nods in affirmation to his proclamation and then kneels at his side. "An opportunity to prove ourselves," she comments. "Would you like me to take a look at those scratches, first?"

xxxxxHunts the Shadow slinks to the side as he comes up from the rear. He growls at seeing the blight. <<And find whatever is causing it and kill it.>>

xxxxxIronsides listens to his pack, his ears twitching as he thinks. His head finally bobs in a nod, <<Find it, kill it, cleanse the area.>> A twitch of his side as Aaryn lays her hand on him and with a grumble he nods. <<Best to heal now if you can please. If there is a fight ahead I don't want to go in already injured.>>

For those who are aware, they'll pick up from all corners of the space (it's round, what corners??) comes a sense of dread. It rolls through the area, causing everything green within to grow black. To wilt. 4 banes swing out of the branches, dropping down to the ground across from the 4 garou. They hiss and chitter, eyeing the ones who dared invade their space as to determine who was to be lunch first. For those who failed the perception? They would suddenly get caught off guard, a wave of dread hit them to their core and WTF BANES?!?!

xxxxxAaryn sets her jaw in determination and presses her palms against Ironsides, focusing deeply on /willing/ her Alpha's wounds to close, to prepare him for the battle that is ahead. Her jaw works as his flesh begins to knit together.

xxxxxIronsides barrels in the moment Guides has mended him, snarling as he banks for the bane on the right. Sharp teeth flashing he lunges at its throat even as it moves, and while the bite is true he doesn't seem to get through its leathery hide for the deep bite he was trying for.

xxxxxAs soon as Ironsides leaps off in attack, Aaryn feels the impact of the bane attacking her. She covers her head and bares her tougher shoulders, taking only some of the Banes' intended damage.

xxxxxAt the sight of bane attacking his sister, Micah begins to tremble with rage. He is Hunts the Shadow and the shadows he hunts are the banes that haunt his dreams and defile Gaia. Seeing them take aim at Guides is too much. He roars into crinos and bites down on the bane, sinking his predator's teeth down - not as deep as his rage demands, but enough to quench his rage, for now.

xxxxxSten shifts into hispos and try to bite down on the Bane, though it seems it has much thicker skin then he thought.

xxxxxHunts the Shadow rakes his claws upward across the bane's torsi and growls in frustration as it rakes across it's form to no effect. The Theurge growls in Garou, "These bastards must have some kind of armor. They shouldn't be able to take this kind of damage."

xxxxxGuides the Dead finishes healing Aldric's wounds and takes a hit from an errant bane. She feels rage well up inside her and channels it out and through her transformation. She pops up, in her war form, and makes a mad lunge for the bane behind Micah, raking at it with her claws, <<You're Mine!>> she roars as her claws dig into it.

xxxxxSten growls as the Bane tries to attack him though instead he bites right back, the large direwolf with steel grey fur chomps down on the Bane and to his bloody delight it evaporates.

xxxxxSten runs towards Aaryns attacker to take advantage now of their superior numbers to end the battle quickly. The large hispos bites down on the Bane but alas it is not enough force but hopefully distracting it enough for Aaryn to take it down.

xxxxxHunts the Shadow girds his will, adjusts his stance, twists his hips, and brings his other arm down across the face of the bane in front of him. His claws finally find purchase and Shadow growls with satisfaction.

xxxxxGuides Rooooaaaaaars again, , tossing her head back in an angry battle cry. As the skald takes a swipe at the bane in front of her, she follows suit with a swing of her mighty arm. Claws rake across the bane, but it flitters to the side, baring it's tougher skin and letting Guides' claws slide over it, harmlessly. Now, she's really pissed.

xxxxxSten looks as Ironside kills the Bane that mauled him heavily. He takes off though towards the Bane attacking Micah to aid him now since the battle has cleared up some. The large hispos bites down on the Bane but its skin is to thick to take any damage.

xxxxxIronsides breaks from the one he's been drooling upon most furiously to charge after the one that's hurt his packmate Sten. Finally his teeth find purchase, tearing into it before he turns towards the one after their elder Godi, rending it just as brutally.

xxxxxAfter Ironsides toasts the bane to her right, Guides swiftly changes direction, using that momentum built up in her shoulder to deliver a deadly blow to the soft underside of the bane that is eyeing Micah and Sten. She makes sure to dig her claws in, first, yanking straight up to rip through it like tissue paper.

xxxxxHunts the Shadow is momentarily confused as the bane he has fruitlessly been raking his claws against is shredded. Was it my breath? He pants a few times, then sees Guides standing there victorious. Not one for speeches, he raises his clawed hand for a Crinos high five for his sister.

xxxxxSten lifts his head to the umbral sky as their foes have been vanquished and howls filled with rage and energy, though his injuries does not make it as impressive as he intended. The large steelgrey direwolf bloodied by the mauling he got.

xxxxxIronsides chuffs, headbutting a non-bloody spot on Sten, the wolf equivalent of a high-five before he starts sniffing and checking everyone over to make sure they are ok. <<Good lesson. Next fight we pair up on targets, wear them down faster. Pack fights stronger together.>> his tone is clear; he's including himself in that lesson.

As the last of the Banes vanish and the group checks each other out to make sure that no one is badly hurt, the whole area would shift, subtly, but the 'taint' that was around fades away as if it was never there. A moment or two later, the group would quietly be approached by a massive boar, the power and resonance of the beast definitely telling them exactly how they are dealing with. It takes it's time, studying each garou in turn, before a piggish grunt is given in satisfaction. "You have much to learn. But you did well. I will accept your request. I will fight with your pack."

xxxxxIronsides looks over as the glade takes on a different tone and the massive swine approaches. He inclines his head, lowering himself in a bow as he greets Hildisvini. "You honor us greatly. We will strive to do you justice in everything that our pack accomplishes."

xxxxxGuides doesn't leave Micah hanging, she pops her furry paw alongside his, but moves over to Aldric and Sten. She begins to bend and nudges her head against and just below Aldric's giving a chuff of respect. Just as she reaches out to touch Sten, she hears the rustling and stands again. As the Boar speaks, she stands and holds her head upright. She lets their alpha speak for them as she raises a fist to her heart.

xxxxxHunts the Shadow turns as he hears the rustling of leaves, following Guides' lead but holding back, letting those that are good at speaking do the talking. They're less likely to offend their new totem. He shifts from his war form back into his wolf.

xxxxxSten bows his head to the Boar "We are honored that you will run with us and we will honor you and your strength and let it join with our own. And our strength will be yours" the Skald looks to his back then back to the Boar again, they had been accepted, the large otherwise stoic Fenrir almost seemed giddy for a moment.

Having been waiting in reality.. aka meatside.. for the pack, Hushed Blaze does her thing and calls the pack back. Once they have stepped back across and are before her, she tosses something onto the small fire she had there, and in the flames the image of boar rises. "You have completed your quest, sought out the mighty Hildisvini! He has accepted you as his own. Go forward, Howl of your accomplishment! You are truly brothers and sister in spirit now." With that, the flames whoosh a bit again before dying down, and then out. Like MAGIC!