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{{tab}}<font color=magenta>Ashkii was just in the middle of sparking up as he's asked if the smoking man on the other boat is his cousin. Giving that busted look, he puffs the cherry to life and then grins to Mike. "Maybe! But... If he is... We can't kill him so let's say it's not." Chuckling he nods to the others as he gets his smoke in. "Time to make a distraction... From the other side, hit'em right in the back while they're looking at the distraction. Sooo maybe, we get close, you all swim over and I drive this thing like it's stolen so they're all worried about me..."</font>
{{tab}}<font color=magenta>Ashkii was just in the middle of sparking up as he's asked if the smoking man on the other boat is his cousin. Giving that busted look, he puffs the cherry to life and then grins to Mike. "Maybe! But... If he is... We can't kill him so let's say it's not." Chuckling he nods to the others as he gets his smoke in. "Time to make a distraction... From the other side, hit'em right in the back while they're looking at the distraction. Sooo maybe, we get close, you all swim over and I drive this thing like it's stolen so they're all worried about me..."</font>
{{tab}}'''As the gang gets some intel on what's on the boat ahead and works out their 'how do we get on and do the thing' plan, Ashkii lights his cigarette. Now, you can cup your hand to guard against the wind, even turn your back a bit to try and block the light, but a spark of light in a mostly unbroken sea of blackness is, weeeeirdly, very noticable! The voices of those on the enemy ship are small and hard to make out, but they're definitely in some sort of foreign language, something that sounds very spanish-ish or otherwise south-american-y. Motion on the boat ahead, the jig is up, cover blown! More or less anyways, they're still trying to see where *exactly* the dingy is, but they *are* alerted. Double checking, but alelrted.'''
{{tab}}'''As the gang gets some intel on what's on the boat ahead and works out their 'how do we get on and do the thing' plan, Ashkii lights his cigarette. Now, you can cup your hand to guard against the wind, even turn your back a bit to try and block the light, but a spark of light in a mostly unbroken sea of blackness is, weeeeirdly, very noticable! The voices of those on the enemy ship are small and hard to make out, but they're definitely in some sort of foreign language, something that sounds very spanish-ish or otherwise south-american-y. Motion on the boat ahead, the jig is up, cover blown! More or less anyways, they're still trying to see where *exactly* the dingy is, but they *are* alerted. Double checking, but alelrted.'''

Revision as of 13:07, 1 October 2023

Birth of Cocaine Shark
A pack of dorks attack a speed boat loaded with drugs and a few cartel dudes, steal everything, and limp the boat back home
IC Date September
IC Time Late at night
Players Pancake Ashkii Boots Rhapsody Mike Jack
Location Somewhere in the ocean
Prp/Tp Directly follows Parts 1 and 1a
Theme Song The Shallows - Adam Hurst

Cast: Ashkii: Mr. Pink, Mike: Mr. Blue, Rhapsody: Mr. Purple, Boots: Mr. Red, ST/Jack: Mr. Black

xxxxxIris gets everybody together for Cocaine Shark shenanigans, the long awaited beginning of people's careers in high sea piracy. As usual she gets people together and then moon bridges us once or twice to a New Location at a very late hour of the evening. It's hot, humid, and jungly st the beach she takes us to. There's a very slight drizzle coming down from the dark sky, the moonlight is intermittent at best due to the clouds, but bright on the brief occasions that it manages to get through. Now, being as how we're all Level 1 Pirates with 0 Gold Bubloons in our account, we've got nothing but the starter boat you're meant to take through this tutorial. It's a shitty, rusty dingy that has an outboard motor and a set of oars. It's... Not awesome, but it floats so, you know, it does its job as a boat.
xxxxxIris tells the assembled people, "See that light out there, real close to the water? That little red one? That's the target. Small speed boat, has a few humans on board, but they're definitely bad guys and definitely armed. This isn't much of a danger for us shifter folk, but here's the thing. There's not a lot of room for balls-out crinos slaughter or anything. Your objective is A) Get the boat and its drug contents intact, B) Kill the bad guys, and C) Don't drown. Sounds pretty simple, but you never know. I am going to be staying out of your way and playing overwatch in the sky, I'll try and alert you of anything weird. You have a boat here, you have awesome brains, so get out there and make a plan!" Cause she ain't gonna tell you how to pirate!

xxxxxRhapsody listens to the instructions and nods. "Stay smaller, but fierce. Get the stuff. Stay alive. But what if a siren sings and draws us toward them? Or if a Lapras comes can we ride on it's back back here?" Stupid questions, but valid!

xxxxxMike is the luckiest boy in the world. He gets to hang out with the awesome, BEST big brother in the whole wide world, but this? "Oh my god. SEA OF THIEVES!" he shouts, bouncing up and down excitedly. "Dude, you remember our old ship? We should totally bust that out again!"

xxxxxBoots has shed some of his layers, in order to avoid being too bogged down should he get soaked. As Iris lays out the rules, the young Ahroun nods. "All right. So... Glabro or Lupus?" He guesses. "Just... keep to a form you will heal in." He offers over to the others, trying to be helpful.

xxxxx"We could always trick them. Do the whole wounded thing, draw them in, maybe go out there in a life raft, act like we're stranded... Let them see we got some potentially good stuff in the raft with us so they bring us on board and then BAM!" Ashkii slaps his hands together to show they squish them. "Or we just tie them up and let them go on the raft we brought and send them on their way to let the ocean and nature sort it out?!" Looking to the others he waggles hie brows adding, "Or something."

xxxxx"That's your business, I'm just here to be entertained." Iris says, before FLOOF!ing out her white wings and then dissolving into shadow stuff as she flaps and lifts off, her shadow form disappearing against the dark sky. And now you're all alone! TOGETHER!

xxxxxJack looks excited and all keyed up for action, and is totally wearing his wetsuit. "Fuck yeah!" he tells Mike, but then "Shhhh!'s" (at himself too) and adds, "We might be in fuckin Cuba or something!" He has literally no idea where in the world they are. Squishing his way through the sand towards their shitty little boat, she says, "...I'll drive? They took my license away, but I don't think you need one for a boat. Probably." Not that that MATTERS, but whatever. He starts trying to shove the boat off the sand and into the water. "We're going for sneaky boarding party, or loud screaming war party full speed ahead?" he asks the group. I mean either one would work, really.
xxxxxJack adds, "OR sneaky trap party, I mean."

xxxxxBoots listens. "I don't know how sneaky we can be in a boat - I ain't got gifts to cover that. As for luring them in - I think given that they are bad guys, we'd need some impressive loot to get them interested in risking their stuff." A shrug. "And I think quick kills need to happen. Setting them to drown or drift without food or rescue is nasty." He makes a face, moving to climb into the boat.

xxxxxRhapsody's eyes widen as she hears this and there is certainly a look of 'what the hell did I get into here', but she's going with it. "I can bring in fog if we need it - but it will affect you all too. But it could help."

xxxxxMike is wearing a pair of badly-dyed board-shorts and a Rolling Stones t-shirt (black of course), with bright blue flippers on his feet. There's a matching snorkel and mask slung around his neck. He could fall overboard, a dude's gotta swim! "Oh shit, should we have brought the GPS? Um... but maybe not? Is that a violation of the Pirate Code?" He hops into the boat, seconds before Jack shoves off. He promptly falls over Rhapsody, right onto his face.

xxxxx"Well, we could just kill them too." Ashkii laughs and then nods to the others, pointing to Rhapsody. "Not a bad idea either. Fog rolls in, we strike, all in whatever forms under the cover given. Wreck'm quick and quiet." Shrugging a little, he looks to the others and pats his coyote fang fetish. "We can drop in undercover so that's not a bad idea..."

xxxxxJack wrestles with the engine for a minute. He would suck at lawn mowing, he just can NOT get the god damned motor started with that stupid pull cord, and he's not advanced enough in Glass Walker juju to just *make* it work. When he gets it going, he very nearly falls straight out of the freakin boat before managing to sit down on Mike. Squish. He moves though! "Heeeeeell yeah!" he chimes in, "The first pirate thingie in a movie *always* happens in the fog, it's spooky and cool that way! The target boat is a couple-few miles out so the noise isn't a detriment to their plans just yet. "I like that," he says with a point at Ashkii and Rhapsody, "That sounds really awesome!" And a point to Boots as well, "Yeah, quick kills. I mean, shitty drug runners or whatever, but like, dying slowly at sea seems overly terrible. Unless they've got like a hold full of dead child-hookers or something, in which case fuck 'em."

xxxxxBoots holds on to the side of the boat he's nearest too - clearly not meant for seafaring. "Fog works. Just... be careful not to ram the damn boat. We're supposed to keep that intact." He says, hunching over as he keeps his eeys on their target. "I trust y'all to do the best at sneakin'."

xxxxxRhapsody nods, "Absolutely, that is why fog is awesome." She loves her totem, that is for sure. "Should we divide and conquer? Like someone to find the loot, while others kill? Or just all kill at once? Do we have any idea how many are on the boat? Also we get the goods, we are bringing it back with us, not putting it at the bottom of the ocean, yes? What about their boat? Just burn it up? Or sink it?"

xxxxxMike scrambles back from Rhapsody, stuttering apologies. "Sorry! Sorry. I've got big feet, that happens all the time!" He looks nervous as he checks out the boat. "Oh. Um, we're killing people? Um... I don't have any weapons. I mean, I can make weapons, but I didn't think... um, so no Crinos. Oh! Can I smack a dude with oar, Jack? Or maybe the anchor?"

xxxxxNodding in agreement there is a smile from Ashkii. "Sounds like a plan and I think we focus on killing off the baddies and then we can do the rest? That way nothing gets too crazy out there. In terms of like someone getting caught on their own and seriously hurt. Who knows, these could be some crazy type of baddies." Frowning in thought at that he tilts his head a little. "So, take out the baddies then figure out the rest sounds good to me."

xxxxx"Not a clue!" Jack tells Rhapsody with a big stupid smile on his face, but he one-hand fumbles in his bag of Stuff - Glass Walker, so of course he and Mike brought Stuff - and whips out some binoculars to hand over to her, or whomever. "Hopefully you can see something through that before we get foggy. Or whoever has the best eyes might, anyways." The boat putt putt putts along at a not particularly fast speed. "Boat and drugs intact, kill all the bad guys, Mercy's Messenger-rhya said." And the anchor for THIS boat is nothing more than an old coffee can full of concrete at the end of a chain that's attached to the boat. It can be removed from the boat, though, if someone wants to use it as a flail or something. The tiny red light on the target boat draws closer, and eventually Jack kills the engine. There's oars though, so they can still move forward.

xxxxxBoots grits his teeth, hating the waves. "I trust you all know how you fight best. Hit them with claws, teeth, punches - hold nothing back." A look to everyone. "Isis said we need to keep the boat and their stuff intact. Don't wreck the place." A wry grin at that.

xxxxxRhapsody will take a turn at the binoculars when Mike is done. She seems to be pretty good at her vision now, even in the dark. She makes she her power blade is attached to a loop on her pants, her bag is secured around her. "Gotcha. Kill the people. Save the stuff. So best not to claw a hole in the boat or anything. Strategic." When she gets the binoculars she agress. "I see the boat too. There is a submachine gun the smoking guy may have strapped on him, it is hanging at his waist level. It looks like they are watching and waiting for someone too."

xxxxxAshkii was just in the middle of sparking up as he's asked if the smoking man on the other boat is his cousin. Giving that busted look, he puffs the cherry to life and then grins to Mike. "Maybe! But... If he is... We can't kill him so let's say it's not." Chuckling he nods to the others as he gets his smoke in. "Time to make a distraction... From the other side, hit'em right in the back while they're looking at the distraction. Sooo maybe, we get close, you all swim over and I drive this thing like it's stolen so they're all worried about me..."

xxxxxAs the gang gets some intel on what's on the boat ahead and works out their 'how do we get on and do the thing' plan, Ashkii lights his cigarette. Now, you can cup your hand to guard against the wind, even turn your back a bit to try and block the light, but a spark of light in a mostly unbroken sea of blackness is, weeeeirdly, very noticable! The voices of those on the enemy ship are small and hard to make out, but they're definitely in some sort of foreign language, something that sounds very spanish-ish or otherwise south-american-y. Motion on the boat ahead, the jig is up, cover blown! More or less anyways, they're still trying to see where *exactly* the dingy is, but they *are* alerted. Double checking, but alelrted.

xxxxxMike silently panics as they approach their target. What to do, what to do? He looks around frantically for a weapon. Anchor? No, the boat will drift away it. Oh wait, there's oars! Perfect. Time to flatten on the bottom with the boat with his cool new weapon and hide! He's the Glass Walker version of King Arthur lying in the bottom of a boat with Excalibur laying on his chest. Only he's not dead, and there's no Lady of the Lake nearby.

xxxxxRhapsody looks at Ashkii light up and then sees the boat and then looks at the water and then back to Ashkii. She's thinking something, but just sighs a bit. "We need to get over there before they bug out. Take your forms, and let's get there now." She looks to Jack, knowing he volunteered, "You probably should drive the boat. Fast. You good with that?"

xxxxxGetting lower if he can, Boots shifts up to his Glabro form - trying to hide as best as he can. He goes silent, waiting for a moment to be able to board the other vessel.

xxxxxAshkii pitches his voice low and for what he hopes is mostly for Rahpsody to hear without it traveling across the water. "Kick off the fog... I'll flick this cigarette... trick these n00bs." The nuwisha holds the cigarette in place as it's clear its been spotted, hoping the others will think its a distant light, floating in the water or just above. The plan here is crazy, but maybe crazy smart.

xxxxxThe Bad Guys are trying to spot a black shape on a black field, so spotting people isn't very *easy* for them, but when the cigarette goes flying, they DO spot that small red glow as it arcs through the air. BRRRRRRRRT! Submachine gun fire isn't especially loud, but it's sudden, and there's a ploppity tinkly sound as the bullets hit the water. The shots aren't really anywhere near the boat, which is cool. Figuring out distance with no actual landmarks or distance markers like lights is a real pain in the ass, so the guy misses REALLY bad. As the fog begins to roll in thick waves and curtains, the Bad Guys begin having an argument about the whole thing. DID you actually see something? WHAT the fuck are you shooting at? HOW can we possibly see if the CIA is about to Seal Team 6 us, there's all this fucking fog in the way! Either way, there's all sorts of comotion and confusion on the boat.
xxxxxOn the Good Guy boat, the fog is super eerie and skeery and totally brings to mind the Pirates of the Caribbean opening act. Jack helpfully lowers the dingy's anchor into the water, reeeeeal slowly to avoid splashes. And then... Oh shit. We're lost in the FOG!

xxxxxRhapsody gives another look to Ashkii. "Dude, chill." She then begins the call to her totem, calling in the fog. This thick eerie fog comes rolling in and starts to cover it all around them and out to the boat. It is unnerving to everyone but her. It's like - when does the krakken show up now?

xxxxxMike bites his lip and just... lays like a rug in a beach house. No way is he gonna let shift nervously and give away the whole game. Or start nervously humming Hendrix, that DEFINITELY would be bad. Totally awesome? Hell yes it would be! But kinda fatal here.

xxxxxNope. Boots takes a deep breath, steeling his resolve as the fog rolls in. All part of the gig, man. Nothing to freak out over - not at all. He lifts his head very carefully, trying to judge how close they are to the other ship.

xxxxxAshkii doesn't talk, but it's clear he's glad the shots went wide of their ship before the fog rolled in. Giving a wink toward Rhapsody as that fog thickens, he feels around on the boat to see if they have the oars left to close in on the vessel. From how quiet and stoic he's become it's clear the fog is unnerving him too even if he tries to act like its not. Counting on Rhapsody to ensure they stay on course, he works to get that boat the rest of the way over without turning the engine back on.

xxxxx"Oh. I got it!" Mike whispers to the others. He's already digging around in the Glass Walker bag of wild odds and ends. He finds Jack's oversized hoody and quickly makes a oar-scarecrow in the rower's seat. It's a dude going on late-night fishing cruise in a totally unsuitable craft! Check it out, it's happening. He slips on his mask and snorkel and dips over the side, not even looking like a science nerd or nothing.

xxxxxThe initial slide into the water by Boots steals his breath - chilly water! After a couple of strokes, he's more confident in his swimming - making his way towards the other boat. Piracy indeed!

xxxxxRhapsody dives in to the water and she has no issue just going! She can see and she can swim well!

xxxxxAshkii works on the distraction with the others working that angle. While his work is good, it doesn't appear to change much. Most of his changes are things that make no difference in the grand scheme of things. Once things are set he follows the others and slips into the water.

xxxxxJack helps his brother! The tricksters - Raggies and Nuwisha - set up a hobo night fisherman or something like that using a few bits of spare clothing in the boat, some random stick and some rope, I mean the options are not very lengthy here but there ARE some. Well, Ashkii sorta helps, at the very least he's got ideas and extra hands! Meanwhile Boots and Rhapsody start the swim to the boat. It's... KINDA convincing, the night and the fog will help sell the illusion of the hobo fisher, at any rate. Ashkii, Jack, and Mike are going to be a little late in their swim efforts, but still.
xxxxxBoots is slower at swimming while Rhapsody's able to quietly breast stroke her way towards the bad guy boat, but the Gnawer gets his stride after a minute.

Pause for rolls...

xxxxxJack's fatness matters not when in the water! He swims just fine and catches up to Boots and Rhapsody, and when it's time to board, he's glad that this is a fairly small boat. OUT of the water, his fatness really sucks, and he heeeeeeaves his body weight up and onto the boat. Which, you know, yay, but trying to swim to a boat and get onto it totally screws him in the Stealthyness department. Fortunately this seems to run in the family so he doesn't feel too bad. But he ducks, genuinely shocked and scared for a minute when he can hear bullets wizzing past him. Oh fuck! He'd yell that, but he manages to keep it together and NOT yell.

xxxxxNow, there's THREE bad guys on the ship, not six. The boat could uncomfortably hold a total of 6 people, though. In terms of seating space and movement area, that is. They're looking at... at what *is* that?? One of them test fires at the dingy, but a different one hears the splashes and sends that blind spray of bullets over the head of dark shapes in the fog that might be trying to board. At this point, the guy's seeing shapes in the fog all over, they're clearly very unnerved and paranoid just now. With Guy #1 shooting at the dingy, and Guy #2 shooting at Jack and Mike, Guy #3 dives for the controls and fumbles with grabbing the radio. He's gonna call for backup or something!

xxxxxRhapsody gets up and onto the boat - no problem! She too sees better than the others the guy going for the radio. TIME FOR ACTION! She concentrates her focus and puts out her hand and closes it slowly, jamming the radio so it ain't going to do him a damn thing.

xxxxxMike marvels as his bro channels his inner fur seal. Check it out, glidin through the water all majestic and shit. His eyes go wide as shots ring out and he dives for cover. Not far though, just below the surface. Not far though, he tugs on Jack's leg and does charades. Guns are here, but swimming under and getting up on the other side? Epic move.

xxxxxAshkii slips into the water, swims to the boat and then climbs up to board. All while in his homid form like a real two-leg. Shaking off the excess water much like he would as a coyote he spots the guy going for the radio and makes a run for him with a single index finger extended much like he's holding a gun or weapon. Not realizing Rhapsody has this covered he dives and slides wetly across the deck to press his finger right into the back calf of the man to active Swollen Tongue. As the gift takes root, the man's tongue swells and his hands shake uncontrollably, dropping the mic for the radio.

xxxxxThe death defying dive and slide by Ashkii succeeds and, even though the radio is totally FUBARed right now, the pilot still ends up a mumbling wreck. Meanwhile, Ashkii's magnificent slide somehow, TOTALLY LUCKILY, results in him bashing through a tiny door in the little seating pit. He slides *right* past the two gunmen, through the wooden door, and ends up face down in a massive stack of bagged up cocaine. So far, none of the bags are broken. But be careful there! His legs from the knees down still stick out in the pit and may count as a tripping hazard. Meanwhile, the radio just does NOT want to work. The dial is dark, the mouth piece wont squelch, nothing, total brick.

xxxxxMike dives under the boat and swims to the other side. This swim gear is the best, he's gotta mod this shit out. Science later, fighting now! He pops up on the other side of the boat and hops onto the deck. Check it out, he's super buff, even without a rockin desc. There's dudes on this boat, with guns and shit: Ragabash punch, activate! He's disappointed when the guy takes it like a champ, but his name is For-the-Win! The Frog Brothers can always reload a save and kick off an epic beat-down, hell yeah.

xxxxxThe punch landed upon said Shooty McScarecrow was a good connection, but Boots' balance was off due to being on a boat. The result is a less-than-impressive force behind the punch. It still got the other man's attention as Boots squares off against him properly.

xxxxxThere's very few physical activities that Jack can do well, but somehow punching people is not something he sucks at. He's had practice! And this dude totally tried to shoot him AND his brother, and that shall not stand! POW! He punches alongside his brother, but this guy, his head just rocks back and he's lookin at them like Antonio Banderas before he unloads some mariachi madness. Which is to say, he hoists his gun and is about to fire at the Frog Brothers.
xxxxxShooty McScarecrow is seeing a few stars, and is less capable of making a deliberate and practiced shoot just now, so he attempts to whirl around and just blindly spray bullets in what he hopes is Boots' direction.
xxxxxMeanwhile, Ashkii, face down in coke, and Rhapsody, out of arms reach but within bullet reach.

Pause for rolls...

xxxxxSo they open up and while Boots and Rhapsody miss out entirely on being bullet ridden targets, you know who doesn't? If you guessed Frog Brothers, you're WRONG! It's the pilot. Several bullets thud into his torso while he's WHAT THE FUCK?!ing about having his mouth way too full of tongue and being weirded out about what looks like beach bums and just regular bums attacking their boat. SPUTCH! Ashkii, lucky lucky Nuwisha that he is, is completely safe from gunfire, but not safe from having a dead man faceplant directly into his butt cheeks. Coyote said he'd bless you with luck, he did not say he'd deprive himself of entertainment, though.
xxxxxAnd, just to clarify, that's: Get shot, fall to knees, slump forward, go boneless, end up partially in the blown open tiny door.

xxxxxAshkii loves a good, soft landing but this is a little scary. There is enough coke here to probably end his life but, maybe, just enough that he'll make it and have a crazy time. Already trying to get himself free without opening any of the packages he feels that face plant right between his cheeks and he laughs, unable to help imagining how funny it must look and how well played Coyote got him this time. Bumping his butt back he crawls out to let the pilot fall to the floor and then turns while he stands, drawing his coyote fang and trying to figure out what's happing outside of his little accidental hidey hole.

xxxxxRhapsody isn't going to mess around - not one bit! She pulls her power blade hilt and WHOOSH! Activation of light saber GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! With one big around swipe she goes in for the KILL. Vrãu, vrãu and then Pssssssssssss as it sizzles THROUGH the body of the dude from head down through the torso and he falls to either side... in half!

xxxxxBoots steps back after landing another hit - just in time to see Rhaposdy slash the dude in half. That's going to make a mess! A whistle of appreciation, even as he turns towards the last standing - now tackled - bad guy.

xxxxxThe most epic, the most amazing of truths come to light: Rhapsody's a Jedi Knight. Mike's eyes widen as she turns that lightsaber on and slices a guy in half. "Holy shit, dude!" he blurts out, totally missing the guy he and Jack are fighting. He's kinda dead now. "I gotta make one of those for us! You think she'll take us on as padawan?" But now that bisected body spurts blood and guts everywhere, and now he's wearing a guy.

xxxxxJack sometimes acts and THEN thinks. Like, maybe tackling this dude on a small boat while he's got a machine gun is NOT such a good idea, but at the *time*... The guy was trying to murder his brother and friends, I mean come on! Of course, now he's down on the ground in the pit on top of a dude that's probably trying to get his gun in hand, and there's also another dead guy down there, AND a wiggling Ashkii and other sets of legs and... Yeah. Should have thought this through. And the bad guy's basically fine, like he's got a bruise so far but he's not down! Weirded out by rage, check. his friends are dead, also check. Not gonna go down without a fight though? Double check!

xxxxxMike lets out a shriek as he's showered in gore. "AAAAHHHH! GETITOFFGETITOFFGETITOFF!" He flails around wildly, accidentally belting the last guy in the nose. Crunch! "I don't want to be Wyrm-tainted, gross!"

xxxxxThe name Boots is fitting - the Ahroun scrambles over to the fallen bad guy, the sole of his combat boot slamming into the back of the man's head. "Stubborn!" He growls.

xxxxxRhapsody is high off the adrenaline of cutting the first guy, and turns to the guy Boots is stomping now and just impales the guy with her light saber - Psssssssssssssssss - and lets it sizzle right through him before swiping up through the guy. DED.

xxxxxJack, meanwhile, finds himself quickly more concerned with getting kicked or hit himself, but he cant really get out of the way, he's focused on not letting that guy get his gun out from under his gut! He feels the heat of the power blade as it zips into the fellow under him, "AHH!" he yelps. And then... it's over. Silence and calm returns to the sea, with the gentle lapping of water against the hull of the ship. Blood slowly oozes from wounds and the interior of this thing is gonna need a real anti-forensics wipe down! Wait, it's flowing faster now. Quite fast actually! Wait, it's thinning out... Oh fuck that's water! In her zealous stab into the man, Rhapsody may have forgotten she wasn't on thick stable ground, and maaaaaay have stabbed a hole through the bottom of the boat. Quick, what do you do!?

xxxxxRhapsody helps to look around and sees the stuff for the patch! "Oh I can do this!" She grabs all the things and gets to work! The patch, the foam, and after a couple minutes voile! TEMPORARY PATCH! She's been pushing the water away and now is just taking handfulls of it to toss back into the ocean. "Patch is good! Whoever is driving this thing better go slow!"

xxxxxOne quick dip later -- after checking for sharks, natch -- Mike is raiding the pilot house for the GPS and any maps he can find, and checking these dudes for phones. It's not his thing, but Jack might love another project!

xxxxxAshkii moves to help where needed, going from place to place, collecting what needs to be collected, and all around being an extra set of hands. Once things look like they're getting underway he grins and then reaches for that pack of cigarettes, pausing only to sniff to make sure there is no fuel about before sparking up.

xxxxxJack will help with.. um... Phones, yeah, he can do phones! He pats dead dudes down as Boots is probably getting them hauled up to throw overboard or something like that. There's not a trunk for them, and whatter we gonna do with corpses anyways? Burial at sea, the pirate way! YAR! There's phones, money clips, keys, standard sorts of stuff but also like an extra magazine each for the guns. "Dude we should fuckin keep these." he says while trying to look as cool as possible while double wielding submachine guns. He obviously has only slight knowledge of how to handle them.

xxxxxMike changes back to homid and shudders as he steps around all the dead bodies. Ick, dealers are Wyrmspawn! "Oh, sweet! Um.. oh! I can get the serial numbers off those when we get home, that's easy," he tells his brother. "And I bet I can do something about the rifling pattern. I'll ask Hushed-Blaze'rhya, she knows all about gun-stuff."
Mike does some amazing tech shit, like you do when you're a certified genius. "That way!" he says, striking a jaunty nautical pose.

xxxxxOnce everything seems kind of on point, Ashkii helps with bailing as much water and whatever else is needed and then starts to drive this thing. It's slow going, letting Mike lead the way to land using the GPS as he smokes and looks around. "Hey, this is a pretty sweet ride... It needs a cool paint job, the name painted on and all that."

xxxxxOnce the how to navigate a boat thing is worked out, actually getting back to where they came from isn't difficult. The speed boat drives SORTA like a car, just a little bit different since there's no pedals. Gotta go slowly though, cause of the patch job, don't wanna force water through that hole and separate the foam and stuff. Jack does NOT hold the guns while they drive on bumpy water! Boots probably just takes them away from him. chances are the Ahroun is smarter about guns than the Ragabash is. Soon, land, and waving at them from the beach is Iris. She flutters out to meet the crew before the water gets too shallow. "Nice job! I mean aside from the hole, but yay! Challenge completed! You wanna get this home and to the Island? We can fix it there later."
