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(moved 2014.3.4:The Brazil Briefing I to 2014.3.4:The Brazil Briefing: Title change, removed the I as a second scene wasn't done)
m (moved 2014.3.4:The Brazil Briefing I to 2014.03.04:The Brazil Briefing I: Using the proper format for dating the log.)
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#REDIRECT [[2014.3.4:The Brazil Briefing]]
{{Infobox Log
|name      = The Brazil Briefing I
|summary  = The Scouting Party Briefs
|icdate    = Friday
|ictime    = 9:00 P.M.
|players  = [[Velok]] (Storyteller) and [[Liesl]] and [[Misa]]
|location  = Aleksei's G650
|prptp    = A Bane in Brazil
|spheres  = [[Mage]] and [[Mortal]]
== Log ==
(Enter Liesl and Misa)
{{tab}}It's cold and raining when the limo swung by to pick up the girls. Both were told the time and the date of departure, as well as what to bring. Comfortable clothing, but also pairs of bikini's and other warm weather beach clothing. Not that they'd be going to a beach. There was a polite little Russian man who got out and helped both of them with their suitcases, however many there are. Misa was the first to be picked up, immediately heading over and picking up Liesl. The ride is nice, very well leathered seats and what looks like wine, soft drinks, and chips for refreshments. Once Liesl is picked up, the happy Russian driver says in VERY broken English. "Next stop, Airport Prospect International. Enjoy drive!" Then the window is rolled up, and Liesl and Misa are left alone for the time being.
{{tab}}Liesl spent the time before given date and time shopping for the appropriate clothes. Bikinis, the latest fashions. Sundresses. Jeans and capris and tees and tunics. Her understanding of the role, as it was briefly described, was that of a tourist, the sort that "they" would see, and want to take for "the party" - she might have overdone it a touch, as she's got more suitcases than days they'll be gone.
{{tab}}Misa has quite a few bags as well, though not nearly as many as Liesl. It still hels the image though to have overpacked. It doesn't hurt either that Misa has a few things in her bags she'd rather not have to explain to security, so they are acked in bags that most scanners would have trouble seeing through, without actually blocking everything out. She had sent quite a while finding someone who could do that for her, even if it was all for nothing. She gives a hay wave to Liesl. "Oh! Hey sugar! He didn't mention you'd be comin with!" she chirps. "This tri got better already!"
{{tab}}It's a pretty sexy limo, that much is certain. There's even a very softened background symphony music playing that tries so hard to beat back the pitterpatter of rain on the windows. The Russian man doesn't at all look upset by having to pack the trunk accordingly. Apparently he's used to women with many bags and shopping sprees and everything. He doesn't ask any questions about them, much easier to assume they're all clothes. The trip seems to be taking them through the city, much of it stopping and then going again with the traffic, though they do get onto the highway and things get much faster.
{{tab}}Liesl waves back, and settles into the limo, kicking back. "This will definitely not be a boring trip," she says, with a grin to Misa. The traffic is pretty well ignored, though once they're out on the highway, she does give a glance out the window. "But hopefully just boring enough," she mutters, almost to herself, with just a little shiver to her voice.
{{tab}}Misa pouts a little and unbuckles to move over and sit next to Liesl. "Hey, you okay?" she asks with a concerned look. Who cares if the car is screaming down the freeway, friend's voice made a sound that MIGHT indicate they're not happy. Happiness is mandatory! "You not like flyin or somethin?"
{{tab}}Liesl nods, "Yeah, I'm okay. I don't mind flying either. I'm just ... you know ... new to this. I just don't know really what to expect. You know?" Too many 'you knows' ... she's definitely nervous. She smiles to her friend, grateful for her concern.
{{tab}}Misa nods to Liesl and smiles reassuringly. "That's normal sugar. Everyone feels that way when they're walkin inta somethin that might be trouble. Howdja get talked inta this anyway if ya haven't done it before?"
{{tab}}Drive Drive Drive slight swerve honk honk angry russian yelling from front seat. Everything's totally alright though. The limo keeps taking the two women to their destination, every so often passing a 'X miles to Prospect International' sign, indicating how close they're getting. Soon they're taking an offramp towards the airport. The limo turns to the non-commercial section, heading towards the private entrance. The limo pulls up to a gate with a guard and stops. The guard heads towards the front to speak with the driver, while another walks around the side and looks into the windows, but doesn't demand them rolled down.
{{tab}}Liesl contemplates Misa's question. Just how /did/ she end up talked into it? She shrugs. "Got to start somewhere, right?" The guard wandering around the outside of the car is something else that she ignores, but she does start to gather up her stuff that's managed to get spread about during the drive. They are at the airport, after all.
{{tab}}Misa gives the guard outside a finger wave and a wink, wether he can see in or not. "Exactly! You'll do just fine though sweety, it's just like any other club... well excet no one speaks English." she giggles. "Err... wow I think I just found a glaring flaw in this plan."
{{tab}}Liesl grins. "I was assured that they do. And, like, English is practically the international language anyway." She peers out through the windows, wondering if their plane is visible yet.
(Enter Velok)
{{tab}}The guard doesn't finger wave or wink back. He just stares. The other guard seems to be having a jolly good time with the driver, so happy and boisterous. A careful observer could see something exchange hands when the driver and the guard shake on an agreement, the gate opening up. The window to the front of the limo drops down, and the Russian calls back. "Welcome to Airport. Almost there. Suitcases packed? Yes? Not be searched. All safe." Apparently this has been done before, numerous times as the limo starts to head out onto the tarmac towards the grouping of private hangers. The plane isn't visable, but they get to see a really pretty view of many of the bigger 747's, connected to the lines where normal, non rich people have to board.
<br>{{tab}}Not long after they're through the gate do they start to pull into one of the large hangers. Inside is a very pretty white G650, a small fueling cart next to it. The staircase is down, and as the car turns, the two girls can see the tall man standing at the edge of the stairs, waiting. He's dressed very light, a light blue teeshirt and white khaki shorts, not at all appropriate clothing for the rain coming down just outside the hanger. Those blue eyes, chiseled jaw, brown hair, that's Velok alright. He immediately heads towards the Limo, reaching out and opening the door. "Good morning, Ladies." Velok smiles, even as the russian driver gets out, pops the trunk, and heads to start unloading the suitcases. "Welcome to Air Aleksei."
{{tab}}Misa giggles. "Good Morning Charley." she chirps, crawling out of the limo. She's not in anything extravegant just yet, just her usual "I'm so innocent" fluffy pink sweater. "Yer dressed all fancy." Once out of the limo she stretches her hands high above her head, then to the sides. It relly wasn't that long of a drive, but it seems like even that short amount of time not being able to bounce and kick and ta stiffened her a little.
{{tab}}Liesl doesn't seem to have the same pent up energy, but the emergence from the limo does have her stretching a bit. Then Velok is there, greeting them. Her smile is much brighter now.
{{tab}}"Charley?" Velok repeats, even as his eyes follow Misa hopping out. Obviously the reference is lost on the poor guy, not having watched much of pop culture. It's not like he's a speakerbox or anything, though he would most definitely be pleased with the comparison. "Fancy? I'm dressed comfortable." He holds out an arm and looks down at his clothing, then back to Misa. It wasn't a very long drive at all, but luckily she won't have to be sitting all that much. "We'll be taking off shortly, so if you want to do laps around the plane, get it out now. I'd presume that most of the trip we'll be sleeping." Given how late in the day it is, the good morning comments are at least pretty funny. "You should see this thing, too. Aleksei told me it was an awesome plane, but I sat down in one of the seats and wow. There's even a bed in the back." Velok's hand reaches out to take Liesl's, helping her out of the limo then looking back to the plane. "Seriously. A bed. I love my job."
{{tab}}Misa winks as she starts gigging for bags. "Oh I betcha do love yer job. Sugar. Until we start fighting over who gets the bed." She in fact does take a coule laps around the plane. "Gonna say sorry now if I drive you guys crazy... I don't do well holdin still long."
{{tab}}Liesl accepts the hand out of the limo, as she wonders, "How big a bed?" then, "Any sort of privacy?" she smirks a bit to Velok, Misa's lap gets it's own grin of recognition. Then, she's pressed to Velok, stretching along him to offer a kiss.
{{tab}}Misa grins and shouts along her lap. "Get a room you two! Oh wait... there is one... carry on!"
{{tab}}Velok shakes his head a few times at Misa's insistance. "I've taken all the fighting I need for the time being. You both can have the bed." Velok draws Liesltowards him and accepts her kiss, holding it for a couple seconds until her hand is dropped, and he's off to the trunk to the bags. "It's a long flight, so get it all out. Around 12 hours, hence the sleeping. There's blankets and stuff in there, and the bed is fairly comfortable. Not like I've laid on it or anything." He totally has, though there's something he very much isn't saying about that bed, letting the other two figure it out. "There's some privacy, the very back is blocked off by paneling and a door. You'll just have to see it. It's private, but you both can have the bed." He drops Liesl's hand, heading towards the staircase of the plane and waiting for the two women. "Not like that's a fantasy or anything. There's dinner that will be served on the plane. Steaks, so I hope you guys are hungry. Then we can go over...parts I've left out."
{{tab}}Well, Liesl really didn't expect anything but sleeping to realistically happen on that bed. But, when he offers it to the two girls, she narrows her eyes slightly, but doesn't say anything further on the subject. She'll let Misa have the bed. "Steak sounds good," she comments though, and heads towards the staircase herself.
{{tab}}Misa giggles and shakes her head. "Right both of us? Sounds like someone's up ta something." she laughs, jogging up the stairs. "I'm just kidding though, you guys take the bed, who knows, might be yer last night together, enjoy it. Don't leave anything you want undone."
{{tab}}Offering it to the two girls for comfort is a fairly standard gentleman thing to do, as there doesn't seem to be any intent otherwise in Velok's eyes for that department. It's either that, or it's more where the bed has been. The two pilots step off the plane, smiling politely at the three passengers as they walk away to finish up their preflight checks. Velok keeps smiling that wide smile as he waits for Liesl and Misa to board, though Misa gets a bit of a glare as they do.
<br>{{tab}}When they do board, however, it's entirely obvious exactly how rich their boss is. The front of the plane has leather brown patterened flooring. There are dotted white chairs along the first half with enough room to lay them backwards for sleeping. A TV comes out of a brown set of cupboards with pink and purple 'Club 215' motiff. (http://tinyurl.com/mb3yuvq). Halfway in the plane is a wooden panneling with a TV inlaid in it and a door. The plane is just tall enough so that Misa and Liesl won't have to duck down, but Velok has to. If one were to open the door, they'd see that it's business up front, party in the back. The brown leather turns into white leather, and directly ahead is a bathroom to the side and a big blue bed taking up the rear end of the plane, dotted with the occasional mirrors. There's a TV in here too, as well as a small sofa with tables for placing food. (http://tinyurl.com/koxuzn9).
{{tab}}If Velok's ducking, then so is Liesl - those heels bring her well over the 6 foot mark. She finds a seat to settle into fairly quickly, seeming to be quite familiar with the amenities to be found on such a plane. She stows away the things she's taken with as carry ons, and makes herself comfortable.
{{tab}}Misa picks two cases to come with her as she explores the plane, like a child she oens and closes things, looks under seats as she giggles. She's a six feet even in her heels, she doesn't have to duck! Ha! Once the entire plane is fully explored, pilots thoroughly annoyed and some seats picked she kicks her feet while looking out the window. "Should prolly mention I never been on a plane before. Hope I don't get airsick."
{{tab}}Velok is the last to board of the cargo, having made sure that all the suitcases were all completed. The limo takes off, driving away when Velok boards. "Alright. The pilots are Russian, and I don't really think they speak English that well, so I get to do the safety instructions." Velok smiles, but he doesn't pick up any props or anything. "You have seatbelts, you'll need to use them on takeoff, then if there's any super major turbulence. You'll need to use them on landing too. It's going to be a long flight, so the bathroom is in the back. If someone's sleeping on the bed, try not to wake them. That's part of the safety demonstration." His eyes flicker down to Liesl, then Misa, then he smiles a little more. "If you're airsick, there are bags. Please try not to get sick on me. Once we're officially in the air, we can actually discuss completely what we're all here for." Velok looks back around, then to Misa and Liesl again. "I've been told they're estimating about a 12, maybe 14 hour flight, so we should be arriving sometime around noonish. We'll want to get plenty of sleep tonight, so if anyone needs it, I did bring some...sleeping assistance." He opens up one of the cupboards and out comes some pills, shaking the bottle a bit.
{{tab}}Liesl listens attentively as Velok goes through the safety instructions. As he pops the cupboard for the pills, she views them with narrowed eyes. "When's dinner being served?" she asks, as this wasn't mentioned.
{{tab}}Velok doesn't notice Liesl's narrowed eyes, though the topic of dinner coming up makes him smile. "Actually, it's already ready. It's currently staying warm in the back. I had them brought in from this fancy place so that we could eat right after we take off." He pauses, looking over towards the back of the plane, then to Misa. "There's also these in flight meals if we get hungry later too that just need to be warmed up, I don't know about midnight snacks and what not. I'm positively famished to be honest, but I don't think they'd allow a steak knife really available while we're on the runway. Also, wait hang on." Velok's eyes narrow a bit and he looks towards Misa, trying to recall something. "Yes, right. Misa, Aleksei wanted me to tell you specifically that you are not allowed, in any way, to hijack the plane and use it to demand a raise. That's actually something I was supposed to tell you first."
<br>{{tab}}One of the pilots comes out and whispers something to Velok, causing him to nod and find a seat next to Liesl. The engines start, leaving a rather distinct humming noise of a flight as they start to taxi out. Velok's hand reaches over and his fingers slip into Liesl's, Velok conspicuously having chosen a seat towards the middle, not near a window. They don't spend very long on the runway at all until the plane is surging forward, lifting off, and starting to climb. Only a couple minutes and then a distinct 'ding' to indicate that they're free now. Once they're above the clouds the rain stops, and there's a rather pretty view of the twilight with the cloud cover. Now that they're in the air, Velok smiles and leans a bit against Liesl, peering over towards Misa to make sure she's not sick or something. "Ready to go over what we're going to be doing? Well...what you're going to be doing?"
{{tab}}Misa pouts and slips off her giant oversized sweater. Strapped to her wrists are a pair of throwing knives. "Well I brought these for nothin!" she announces, untying them and lacing them in the overhead. She watches outside intently the entire time for take off. As soon as the ding announces they can move about the cabin. She quickly gets to her feet and stares out a window for a while, giggling a little at teh feeling of the laner shifting occasionally. "I see, hadda wait until we couldn't say no?" she giggles. "Didn't know you were so devious."
{{tab}}Liesl curls her fingers around Velok's hand, as he sits beside her, giving him a smile. The 'ding' releases Misa, and she has to grin at her inability to sit still. Then the question. "The more we know, the better, I expect." Though, Misa's comment about his deviousness gets a quick flicker of a smile, then she's all business again.
{{tab}}Velok shakes his head several times. "Oh no, no no no. You can still say no. You can absolutely say no right until you're no longer within my eyesight. I would prefer if you didn't, but this isn't a trap." He does smile a little bit, as if the coincidence is awful. "You didn't bring them for nothing." He does stare at the knives a bit longer than normal, but otherwise he stands up and gives Liesl a brief kiss on the side of her head. "For obvious reasons I couldn't tell you both everything, and Aleksei didn't want me to tell you any more on the ground either. Maybe that was his idea, at least now I'll have twelve hours to convince you otherwise if you do say no." Velok turns and heads back to the other end of the plane, opening the door and slipping inside. Not long after, he returns, and he's holding three plates, each with a rather delicious looking steak on them. There's also a baked potato, and some mixed veggies. The plates are all set on the table opposite the screen, and Velok goes back for knives and forks and napkins, returning with those too. "Let's try to avoid as much of a mess as we can, it's not my plane." He settles into his seat, then reaches for a remote.
<br>{{tab}}"So, from this point on, you will know as much as I already know. I'm sure it's obvious by now that this is a rather more...detailed version of Aleksei's attempt at Public Relations." He glances back around the cabin, then to the two women specifically. "Aleksei is all about keeping the drugs off the streets, but more importantly, he's more into being able to say to the media that he's keeping the drugs off the street. The remote is clicked, and the TV across from them activates, showing two of the pictures Misa has already seen. One is obviously cocaine, and the other is a brick of Heroin. "You know most of this part already, Misa, but for Liesl...there's been a significant increase in these drugs on the streets, and by significant, I mean enough that we're flying far out of our price class to go to a place and possibly stop it." He looks back towards the tv, staring at the drugs. "It's very potent, more potent and unlaced than other dealers, which means more people want it. The problem is, they're used to taking more than they should, and we've been seeing a lot of overdosing."
{{tab}}Liesl tucks into the food with good appetite. She has no idea what Aleksei's 'attempt at Public Relations' actually consists of, but she's not ready to admit that, so she puts what she hopes is an intelligent expression on her face as she listens and watches the prepared presentation.
{{tab}}Misa shakes her head and grumbles something in Mandarin. The word gui lao is probably at least recognizable to Velok by now if he's not some how magically fluent. "So someone's already done the hard work of going buyer to buyer to find out wher eteh stuff is coming form from what you showed, we just need to get to their operational base and shut it down long enough for everyone to go broke and take each other out for us?"
{{tab}}Velok pauses and digs into his potato a bit, looking to Liesl, then looking back to Misa. He actually smiles a bit, nodding. "It was quite hard getting the buyers to talk. I almost broke a nail." Velok shifts a little bit as he continues, that remote getting clicked. "More recently, many of my nights working.." There's a pause as Velok looks over to Liesl for a few seconds, then back to the TV. "...have been spent going from buyer to buyer to find out where it's from. For a moment I thought it was from New Mexico, but that was a bust." There's some clicks and a large cargo ship comes up. "The Petrel Arrow. It's a cargo ship registered in the Bahamas that was recently docked in the Port of Prospect. After some...gentle persuasion, it turns out that the drugs are coming in with ships like this. Registered elsewhere, but docking in Brazil, then coming right to Prospect." He leans back in the chair, continuing to eat some of his steak. Mmmm. "Turns out a few of these ships have been coming in and delivering their cargo, then leaving. All of them can be traced back to Port Belem, which is in Para, Brazil. Which...is where we're going. The real problem is that Para is a big place, and we have no idea where their operational center is. We only have a single lead so far, and that's where you ladies will be coming in. Not necessarily on the shutting the base down part, no. Aleksei has a certain...way he wants that handled, and I don't like going anywhere blind. Especially in a foreign country. Any questions so far?" Velok sets down the control so he can resume cutting and eating his steak while he waits, just in case it's not been pretty straightforward so far.
{{tab}}Liesl tries to keep a straight face at Misa's grumbling. She's mostly successful, but for a twitch of her lips. The presentation continues, and she turns her attention back to what is being said. Any questions? Hell yeah. "I take it this single lead is a really big one? Worth bringing us in?"
{{tab}}Misa smiles to Liesl's question and listens for the response while eating her steak in a most unladylike fashion. Being in a briefing room returns some instincts quickly... the images bring back others as well associated with being in the briefing room. She starts to scratch her arm just below the bicept when she thinks no one is looking.
{{tab}}Yay! A question! Velok seems to love those, and when Liesl asks, he /preens/. "Well for starters..." Velok begins, relaxing back in the seat. He looks over towards the window for a moment, as if enjoying the darkening sky being dotted by stars. "This whole assignment is big. Big enough that I've been approved to let you know exactly why I don't come off as one of the other security members. Though it is a nice official title." Velok squirms a little bit in the chair some more, his jaw opening and hand coming up to stifle a yawn. "Beyond what port they come in, I've gotten very little. There's only so much information money can buy. What we do know, however.." Velok reaches forward and clicks the remote, a picture of Belem coming up, showing the ocean and everything. "..is that the same truck that suspiciously drops off the shipments, also occasionally goes around town picking up women." The remote is clicked to show 'bikini babes' or just various pictures of Brazilian women in bikinis, as well as one picture that looks like it was taken from a car of three women getting into the back of a truck. "Occasionally, our target enjoys throwing lavish parties, and with every drug lord's parties comes hot women." He shrugs, looking back to the food. "The women are picked up, and dropped back off usually either the next day or the day after.
{{tab}}Liesl squints at the pictures being shown. "Those are locals," she points out. "Do they go after out of towners as well?" She's busy with her food as well, maybe the whole thing adding spice that would not otherwise be there.
{{tab}}Misa nods quickly as she stands up and walks to the screen to look closer at the cars involved and the people in them. She giggles to herself. "So Liesl's gonna be the real eye catcher I think. I don't think I could get a backside like mosta these girls have without another three months to run... they seem to show any preference for personalities?"
{{tab}}Velok sets the remote down fully and resumes eating the food. The steak is actually pretty delicious, one of those that it's pretty obvious how much money was spent on it. "You know how when they bring someone to this country that looks like that and they call them exotic and everything?" Velok asks, glancing to Liesl, then to Misa. "Well you two are the exotic ones." The question of personality makes Velok smile wide. "Both of you will be eye catchers, but as for personality...dumb. Dumb, not inquisitive, and someone who likes lounging around looking good. Which is exactly why to do this, it will need two people who...very much are not. Now." Velok clicks a button on the remote, an overhead shot of the jungles of the Amazon there. "There's honestly..not much more of that. There are other ways to find out exactly where this guy is, but they involve a lot more money, a lot more time, and the longer we take, the more young kids die in Prospect."
{{tab}}Liesl winces at the last of these words, which, she suspects, is exactly what they were meant to do. "Dumb, not inquisitive," she mutters to herself, and glances towards Misa.
{{tab}}Misa gives a completely vacants stare before lounging back into her seat, sitting cross the chairs, legs still dnagling in the isle kicking idly as she arches her back ot look through the window upside down. "'kay."
{{tab}}Velok actually snickers a bit as both the girls start to take those words a leetle too seriously. "That's what THEY want, not what I want. Very cute though. You'll make an armchair blush." He scoots the plate away a little and leans even further back in the chair, his hand reaching out to gently rub against Liesl's arm. "We need to know where this guys base is. We need to know if that's his actual base of operations, or if it's a dummy place. We need to know if there's anything else going on and.." Velok pauses, turning a little red. "We need to know who he is. A name, preferably, but also what he looks like." Velok pauses, his eyes looking over to Liesl. "I doubt you'll be able to bring a camera, but if you can get a good enough look at him, that's really all that matters." He's staring at Liesl now, nodding a little bit. "As long as you can remember it..." The staring stops, and he looks back to Misa. "You can probably describe him, or something. All we know is it's a guy."
{{tab}}Liesl leans into the rubbing, giving him a smile, both for the touch, and for the explanation of what /they/ want versus what /he/ wants. "So, the clue is that truck?" she muses. "I don't suppose you've got a name that belongs to that truck? Followed that person's known associates?" She's pretty sure that they have, it seems a fairly inexpensive bit of information to obtain.
{{tab}}Misa shakes her head. "I prolly shoulda mentioned this earlier then but... my right eye is fake. You could prolly put a camera in there with all the money we're already throwin at this..." she finishes off the food in her plate. "Oh well." she giggles. "Truck follow the same routes most nights?"
{{tab}}Velok shakes his head, though he does start rubbing at Liesl's arm more. He stares off towards the window, the sun truly having fallen now and the sky lit up by stars and the occasional burst of lights from cities they pass over, way down below. "The way in is the truck. I've looked into it, but the best I can find out is the guy who drives it and runs the picking up of women is called The Iguana. Apparently he's a pretty scary guy, despite choosing a pretty harmless animal moniker." Velok shrugs, returning his gaze to Misa. "Your...eye?" Velok's own blue ones focus on Misa now, staring at the eye as if he's trying to determine how fake it is. "That'll be good to know for the future, but we'll be fine. I just need both of you to get in there and look around. You don't need pictures, or anything, just as long as you see it and can confirm it." Velok doesn't seem to be all that worried about the pictures part. "It's not a very regular schedule, but it does follow the same routes. Usually early afternoon or around noon it will go around and start picking up women, promising them cash, that sort of thing. Kinda shady, if you ask me, but it's Brazil so..." Velok shrugs. "None of them get killed, so far as I know, so there's not like..a reputation."
{{tab}}Liesl nods slowly. "So, there's hopefully a really good chance that we'll get out of this more or less unscathed, right?" She glances from the screen back to Velok, then back again. "So, we get picked up, party with ... whoever ... and then we'll be back on the streets again, not too much the worse for wear?"
{{tab}}Misa shrugs. "Huh I might have over packed." she giggles. "Can we still wear heels?" she asks, going to get one of her bags. She lays it on the floor and unzips it, carefully pulling out one of several bundles. She opens it and there's a small collection of hair pins in it, as well as a few three inch long bars, pointed on one end. "I mean safe or not I'm not goin in without SOMETHIN."
{{tab}}Velok hesitates at Liesl's question, nibbling his lips and folding his hands on the table. "There's...a good chance, yes. But..." He shakes his head, now sighing. "Once you are ready, you'll be by yourselves. You'll only have each other to rely on. I'll be around, but if something goes wrong, I won't be in any position to rescue. Not unless you both want to be wearing some sort of distress beacon, but even wearing something like that will most likely be discovered. I'll still be around, at least. I have an Ocelot I need to find." He glances over towards Liesl, a small smile returning, then it's back to Misa. "I honestly don't think they're going to let the eye candy into the areas you'll need to get into, so acting is going to come in handy. Worse comes to worse, you'll have to make out to explain why you snuck off to a room." Velok shrugs, stifling a yawn again as he relaxes back into the chair. "Wear heels, sure." Velok takes a firm interest in the bag she unwraps, peering at it. "If you want we can work up your hair too, I heard women love hiding things in there. I have faith, though, that you'll be able to either avoid a fight, or take care of one quietly. I wouldn't ask you two to come along if I didn't trust both of you. Beyond that, it's up to you. Whatever gameplan you both want. You have the goal, the entry and exit, and if you take too long, I'm bringing in the calvary."
{{tab}}Misa shakes her head. "I'm fine with that, useta goin in unsupported. If anything for me it's... odd to have someone along with me. Nothin persona Liesl I'm not worried you'll know horta play the guys there like a fiddle. If it comes to a fight I know you hit good but do you think you can kill a person? I needa know how agressive I hafta be. Obviously I wanna avoid any fights possible, but if it's ever me or them, I'm pickin them." She winks to Velok. "I don't do the damsel in distress thing to well sweety. Something goes bad fast I'm gettin the hell out, not sitting in a room waitin for a prince that ain't never come before."
{{tab}}Velok smirks, glancing to Liesl and then shrugging a bit in his seat. "I would like to think Liesl is very if it's her or them, going to be them as well." Velok slips out of his seat and stands up, bending over a bit and collecting the plates from everyone. He seems to not mind the second part. "If something goes bad fast, I want you to get the hell out of there, though if you end up leaving Liesl behind, you damn well better expect you're coming back with me to get her before you're getting on a plane." He takes the dishes to the back room, putting them where they're supposed to be. "I honestly don't know what you'll be walking into. Could be a hooch hut for all I know. I'd prefer you didn't kill anyone, because if you do and it gets discovered, the alarms will be ring ring dingalinging."
{{tab}}Misa nods. "Oh no, I'm not plannin on any violence, but I wanna plan for the worst thing that can happen... so won't be ableta plan escapes before hand." she frowns for a second. "I'm also gonna be entirely honest here on this one, if we get caught snooping plan A is probably going to be to blow the guy that catches us if I can't talk past him rather than hurt him... figured since yer sendin yer girlfriend in I should warn ya..."
{{tab}}Velok leans against one of the seats, leaning over it and staring at Misa. "That'd probably work." Did he blush at the thought of Misa blowing a random guy, or was it the thought of Liesl being there and possibly having to join. Probably the latter. "Well don't get caught, but if you do, why do you think I said you might have to try the heroin? It's a dangerous situation, and risky. Do what you need to do so you can be safe." Velok shrugs, glancing over to Liesl, then down to the seat. "If I could go with you, I would, but I don't think Mr. Iguana is interested in picking up guys."
{{tab}}Misa grins wickedly. "I dunno, we getcha in one of my dresses, I think you'd do just fine!"
{{tab}}Velok smiles softly, shaking his head. "No no, that's what your annoying friend ones. I'm alright with how I look." He spreads his arms out, looking down at his light teeshirt and shorts. He shrugs, resting his hands on the back of the seat again. "Do you want the bed? Because if you don't take it.." He peers, looking over to Liesl in the chair. "Someone should. It's really comfy and the sheets are changed. I made sure I asked that." Velok's voice lowers and he turns to stare out the window. With Liesl possibly having fallen asleep, his voice lowers. "I'm trusting you to keep her safe. Otherwise I wouldn't have brought her."
{{tab}}Misa giggles and moves to sit closer to the other two so her voice won't wake Liesl. She speaks in a much deeper voice than normal as well. Because women are predisposed to wake up for higher pitch sounds... not because she's trying to tease him with a dusky voice. Really. "I'm honestly fine if the two of you wanna take the bed. I tihk yer cute together... and ya don't hafta worry about her, I've taken her out a couple times, she knows how to play a guy if she needs."
{{tab}}Velok's voice lowers as well, matching Misa's lead and getting a bit deeper. "I wasn't suggesting the two of you...The bed is comfortable and I was just suggesting you two would enjoy the comfort more. Not like that." He winks a bit at Misa, glancing back over to Liesl. "I know, I've watched her do it. I have no doubt she'll be able to convince some two-bit thug that she really is eye candy. She's not...combat oriented like you or me." He shrugs, looking back to Misa.
{{tab}}Misa nods and smiles. "Well I honestly don't expect a fight to happen, I'm just tryinta plan for what to do if one does happen but..." she turns her head to look Liesl up and down a few times before she sighs. "She's one of ours. I'll be honest, there's not a lotta people in the world I'd do it for, but if things gor really bad, I'll make sure she gets out no matter what."
{{tab}}Velok shakes his head a few times, though his voice quiets and he looks over to Liesl as well with her. "I can't possibly see things going that bad, but it's sweet of you to say." He looks back towards the back of the plane, then towards Misa, nodding. "Go take the bed." Velok says with a smile, reaching out and lightly rubbing Misa's hair. "Get some sleep. It's a long day ahead tomorrow. I'll be staying in Brazil while you guys are doing your thing. I'll probably be in the Jungle for most of the first day looking for an Ocelot to make my best friend. If you have to for your cover, sleep over the night. I'd..prefer if she didn't fuck anyone, if it comes up. I don't think she will, but..." He shrugs, looking back to Misa. "If I see the truck bring the women back and you two aren't on it, Expect arrows flying. You also have an option to stay in Brazil for longer while I go back and get November and another gentleman, after your information is delivered
{{tab}}Misa stands and stretches. "Alright... I'll take the bed and try notta think of what those two could possibly have gotten up to in there. If things get out of hand and... that becomes our only way out I'll tryta come up with an excuse ot get her outta there. If nothin else I'll just play the aggressive selfish one." she ahkes her head. "Prolly still hafta watch though." she takes the roll that had the hair pinds and the spikes in them with her. "We'll see what I find before I think about if I'll be staying... a break from the city might be good for me though. I dunno if I really wanna ask what's this about an ocelot."
{{tab}}Velok nods, smiling politely at the smaller woman as she starts to collect things and finally agrees. "Hey, think of it this way. It could be a dead end and we need to go back a few steps. Either way, the longer it takes, the more we all get paid. Aleksei's bank accounts are vast. We're already going to be getting all wonderful early Christmas bonuses for this." The last part makes him shrug as he turns to head towards the back bedroom. "I'm getting an ocelot for a pet. It's a very long story, but they're not necessarily easy to come by in the states, so much easier to just find a wild one and train it. Since you're using the bed, I'll use the bathroom really quick so I don't have to get up. Those chairs do look incredibly comfortable. Plus that way if anyone needs to come back here, it'll be Liesl. I don't know how you sleep, but I'm sure Liesl seeing it is more preferred." With that, he heads to the back and slips into the bathroom.
{{tab}}Misa sits at the edge of the bed for a moment, an evil, evil grin on her face. Again that grin that others at the club probably know to look out for. Somehow though she talks herself out of that. Instead she just opens the roll again and take the spikes out one at a time, polishing them carefully with a kit that is with them.
{{tab}}Kerflush, rinserinserinse, and out of the bathroom he comes. He pauses to smile at Misa, looking around the room again. "This really is an amazing plane." He comments carefully, looking around, then back to Misa, then going to a cupboard. Out comes some blankets, Velok's arms stretching up to retrieve them, then closing the cupboard and turning to look at Misa. "Rest well. I doubt those sheets came cheap. Almost makes you jealout of Titania a bit." He comments, turning to head towards the partition, looking back to Misa and winking, then closing the door. He continues on to where Liesl was sitting, fumbling with the double seat to lower it completely flat. No seatbelts, the captain did promise a smooth ride, and she gets covered up with a blanket soon after Velok lays down in the seat attached to hers. A pillow is placed under Liesl's head, then one under Velok's and he turns his head to stare out the window at the night sky. Gonna be a long trip.
{{tab}}Sleeping pills? Liesl clearly is not in need of them tonight. Or maybe some were added to her food. Natural, or assisted, she is sound asleep. She's got the gist of things anyway, and the rest ... contingency plans that she's probably not going to be able to really participate in. Her best defense is finding an opening and running for it. Her rest is easier once the seat is lowered, and when Velok lies beside her, she seems to seek his warmth, and moves closer to him, murmuring his name sleepily.
{{tab}}Misa smiles warmly to Velok as he talks and nods. It's still some time before she lays down herself though. Everyone has different ways of preparing for operations. Most tell jokes or pretend they aren't afraid. Others find destraction in the arms of another. Some plan ahead trying to prevent disaster. Misa does the last one extensively any time she has that option, but that's not an option this time. So she focuses on the details she can. She sharpens her knives, makes certain they are well balanced and won't stick in their sheathes. She polishes anything decorative. This only lasts so long though. She later spends some time staring out of the window at the stars before removing her glass eye and staring at it for far too long. She sets it down with the knives and rolls them up again before looking back out to the couple sleeping happily in love. She mutters something to herself in Mandarin before laying down in the bed, huddling the blankets tight around herself in the hopes to finally get warm for once since leaving home.

Latest revision as of 15:49, 18 May 2014

The Brazil Briefing I
The Scouting Party Briefs
IC Date Friday
IC Time 9:00 P.M.
Players Velok (Storyteller) and Liesl and Misa
Location Aleksei's G650
Prp/Tp A Bane in Brazil
Spheres Mage and Mortal


(Enter Liesl and Misa)

xxxxxIt's cold and raining when the limo swung by to pick up the girls. Both were told the time and the date of departure, as well as what to bring. Comfortable clothing, but also pairs of bikini's and other warm weather beach clothing. Not that they'd be going to a beach. There was a polite little Russian man who got out and helped both of them with their suitcases, however many there are. Misa was the first to be picked up, immediately heading over and picking up Liesl. The ride is nice, very well leathered seats and what looks like wine, soft drinks, and chips for refreshments. Once Liesl is picked up, the happy Russian driver says in VERY broken English. "Next stop, Airport Prospect International. Enjoy drive!" Then the window is rolled up, and Liesl and Misa are left alone for the time being.

xxxxxLiesl spent the time before given date and time shopping for the appropriate clothes. Bikinis, the latest fashions. Sundresses. Jeans and capris and tees and tunics. Her understanding of the role, as it was briefly described, was that of a tourist, the sort that "they" would see, and want to take for "the party" - she might have overdone it a touch, as she's got more suitcases than days they'll be gone.

xxxxxMisa has quite a few bags as well, though not nearly as many as Liesl. It still hels the image though to have overpacked. It doesn't hurt either that Misa has a few things in her bags she'd rather not have to explain to security, so they are acked in bags that most scanners would have trouble seeing through, without actually blocking everything out. She had sent quite a while finding someone who could do that for her, even if it was all for nothing. She gives a hay wave to Liesl. "Oh! Hey sugar! He didn't mention you'd be comin with!" she chirps. "This tri got better already!"

xxxxxIt's a pretty sexy limo, that much is certain. There's even a very softened background symphony music playing that tries so hard to beat back the pitterpatter of rain on the windows. The Russian man doesn't at all look upset by having to pack the trunk accordingly. Apparently he's used to women with many bags and shopping sprees and everything. He doesn't ask any questions about them, much easier to assume they're all clothes. The trip seems to be taking them through the city, much of it stopping and then going again with the traffic, though they do get onto the highway and things get much faster.

xxxxxLiesl waves back, and settles into the limo, kicking back. "This will definitely not be a boring trip," she says, with a grin to Misa. The traffic is pretty well ignored, though once they're out on the highway, she does give a glance out the window. "But hopefully just boring enough," she mutters, almost to herself, with just a little shiver to her voice.

xxxxxMisa pouts a little and unbuckles to move over and sit next to Liesl. "Hey, you okay?" she asks with a concerned look. Who cares if the car is screaming down the freeway, friend's voice made a sound that MIGHT indicate they're not happy. Happiness is mandatory! "You not like flyin or somethin?"

xxxxxLiesl nods, "Yeah, I'm okay. I don't mind flying either. I'm just ... you know ... new to this. I just don't know really what to expect. You know?" Too many 'you knows' ... she's definitely nervous. She smiles to her friend, grateful for her concern.

xxxxxMisa nods to Liesl and smiles reassuringly. "That's normal sugar. Everyone feels that way when they're walkin inta somethin that might be trouble. Howdja get talked inta this anyway if ya haven't done it before?"

xxxxxDrive Drive Drive slight swerve honk honk angry russian yelling from front seat. Everything's totally alright though. The limo keeps taking the two women to their destination, every so often passing a 'X miles to Prospect International' sign, indicating how close they're getting. Soon they're taking an offramp towards the airport. The limo turns to the non-commercial section, heading towards the private entrance. The limo pulls up to a gate with a guard and stops. The guard heads towards the front to speak with the driver, while another walks around the side and looks into the windows, but doesn't demand them rolled down.

xxxxxLiesl contemplates Misa's question. Just how /did/ she end up talked into it? She shrugs. "Got to start somewhere, right?" The guard wandering around the outside of the car is something else that she ignores, but she does start to gather up her stuff that's managed to get spread about during the drive. They are at the airport, after all.

xxxxxMisa gives the guard outside a finger wave and a wink, wether he can see in or not. "Exactly! You'll do just fine though sweety, it's just like any other club... well excet no one speaks English." she giggles. "Err... wow I think I just found a glaring flaw in this plan."

xxxxxLiesl grins. "I was assured that they do. And, like, English is practically the international language anyway." She peers out through the windows, wondering if their plane is visible yet.

(Enter Velok)

xxxxxThe guard doesn't finger wave or wink back. He just stares. The other guard seems to be having a jolly good time with the driver, so happy and boisterous. A careful observer could see something exchange hands when the driver and the guard shake on an agreement, the gate opening up. The window to the front of the limo drops down, and the Russian calls back. "Welcome to Airport. Almost there. Suitcases packed? Yes? Not be searched. All safe." Apparently this has been done before, numerous times as the limo starts to head out onto the tarmac towards the grouping of private hangers. The plane isn't visable, but they get to see a really pretty view of many of the bigger 747's, connected to the lines where normal, non rich people have to board.
xxxxxNot long after they're through the gate do they start to pull into one of the large hangers. Inside is a very pretty white G650, a small fueling cart next to it. The staircase is down, and as the car turns, the two girls can see the tall man standing at the edge of the stairs, waiting. He's dressed very light, a light blue teeshirt and white khaki shorts, not at all appropriate clothing for the rain coming down just outside the hanger. Those blue eyes, chiseled jaw, brown hair, that's Velok alright. He immediately heads towards the Limo, reaching out and opening the door. "Good morning, Ladies." Velok smiles, even as the russian driver gets out, pops the trunk, and heads to start unloading the suitcases. "Welcome to Air Aleksei."

xxxxxMisa giggles. "Good Morning Charley." she chirps, crawling out of the limo. She's not in anything extravegant just yet, just her usual "I'm so innocent" fluffy pink sweater. "Yer dressed all fancy." Once out of the limo she stretches her hands high above her head, then to the sides. It relly wasn't that long of a drive, but it seems like even that short amount of time not being able to bounce and kick and ta stiffened her a little.

xxxxxLiesl doesn't seem to have the same pent up energy, but the emergence from the limo does have her stretching a bit. Then Velok is there, greeting them. Her smile is much brighter now.

xxxxx"Charley?" Velok repeats, even as his eyes follow Misa hopping out. Obviously the reference is lost on the poor guy, not having watched much of pop culture. It's not like he's a speakerbox or anything, though he would most definitely be pleased with the comparison. "Fancy? I'm dressed comfortable." He holds out an arm and looks down at his clothing, then back to Misa. It wasn't a very long drive at all, but luckily she won't have to be sitting all that much. "We'll be taking off shortly, so if you want to do laps around the plane, get it out now. I'd presume that most of the trip we'll be sleeping." Given how late in the day it is, the good morning comments are at least pretty funny. "You should see this thing, too. Aleksei told me it was an awesome plane, but I sat down in one of the seats and wow. There's even a bed in the back." Velok's hand reaches out to take Liesl's, helping her out of the limo then looking back to the plane. "Seriously. A bed. I love my job."

xxxxxMisa winks as she starts gigging for bags. "Oh I betcha do love yer job. Sugar. Until we start fighting over who gets the bed." She in fact does take a coule laps around the plane. "Gonna say sorry now if I drive you guys crazy... I don't do well holdin still long."

xxxxxLiesl accepts the hand out of the limo, as she wonders, "How big a bed?" then, "Any sort of privacy?" she smirks a bit to Velok, Misa's lap gets it's own grin of recognition. Then, she's pressed to Velok, stretching along him to offer a kiss.

xxxxxMisa grins and shouts along her lap. "Get a room you two! Oh wait... there is one... carry on!"

xxxxxVelok shakes his head a few times at Misa's insistance. "I've taken all the fighting I need for the time being. You both can have the bed." Velok draws Liesltowards him and accepts her kiss, holding it for a couple seconds until her hand is dropped, and he's off to the trunk to the bags. "It's a long flight, so get it all out. Around 12 hours, hence the sleeping. There's blankets and stuff in there, and the bed is fairly comfortable. Not like I've laid on it or anything." He totally has, though there's something he very much isn't saying about that bed, letting the other two figure it out. "There's some privacy, the very back is blocked off by paneling and a door. You'll just have to see it. It's private, but you both can have the bed." He drops Liesl's hand, heading towards the staircase of the plane and waiting for the two women. "Not like that's a fantasy or anything. There's dinner that will be served on the plane. Steaks, so I hope you guys are hungry. Then we can go over...parts I've left out."

xxxxxWell, Liesl really didn't expect anything but sleeping to realistically happen on that bed. But, when he offers it to the two girls, she narrows her eyes slightly, but doesn't say anything further on the subject. She'll let Misa have the bed. "Steak sounds good," she comments though, and heads towards the staircase herself.

xxxxxMisa giggles and shakes her head. "Right both of us? Sounds like someone's up ta something." she laughs, jogging up the stairs. "I'm just kidding though, you guys take the bed, who knows, might be yer last night together, enjoy it. Don't leave anything you want undone."

xxxxxOffering it to the two girls for comfort is a fairly standard gentleman thing to do, as there doesn't seem to be any intent otherwise in Velok's eyes for that department. It's either that, or it's more where the bed has been. The two pilots step off the plane, smiling politely at the three passengers as they walk away to finish up their preflight checks. Velok keeps smiling that wide smile as he waits for Liesl and Misa to board, though Misa gets a bit of a glare as they do.
xxxxxWhen they do board, however, it's entirely obvious exactly how rich their boss is. The front of the plane has leather brown patterened flooring. There are dotted white chairs along the first half with enough room to lay them backwards for sleeping. A TV comes out of a brown set of cupboards with pink and purple 'Club 215' motiff. (http://tinyurl.com/mb3yuvq). Halfway in the plane is a wooden panneling with a TV inlaid in it and a door. The plane is just tall enough so that Misa and Liesl won't have to duck down, but Velok has to. If one were to open the door, they'd see that it's business up front, party in the back. The brown leather turns into white leather, and directly ahead is a bathroom to the side and a big blue bed taking up the rear end of the plane, dotted with the occasional mirrors. There's a TV in here too, as well as a small sofa with tables for placing food. (http://tinyurl.com/koxuzn9).

xxxxxIf Velok's ducking, then so is Liesl - those heels bring her well over the 6 foot mark. She finds a seat to settle into fairly quickly, seeming to be quite familiar with the amenities to be found on such a plane. She stows away the things she's taken with as carry ons, and makes herself comfortable.

xxxxxMisa picks two cases to come with her as she explores the plane, like a child she oens and closes things, looks under seats as she giggles. She's a six feet even in her heels, she doesn't have to duck! Ha! Once the entire plane is fully explored, pilots thoroughly annoyed and some seats picked she kicks her feet while looking out the window. "Should prolly mention I never been on a plane before. Hope I don't get airsick."

xxxxxVelok is the last to board of the cargo, having made sure that all the suitcases were all completed. The limo takes off, driving away when Velok boards. "Alright. The pilots are Russian, and I don't really think they speak English that well, so I get to do the safety instructions." Velok smiles, but he doesn't pick up any props or anything. "You have seatbelts, you'll need to use them on takeoff, then if there's any super major turbulence. You'll need to use them on landing too. It's going to be a long flight, so the bathroom is in the back. If someone's sleeping on the bed, try not to wake them. That's part of the safety demonstration." His eyes flicker down to Liesl, then Misa, then he smiles a little more. "If you're airsick, there are bags. Please try not to get sick on me. Once we're officially in the air, we can actually discuss completely what we're all here for." Velok looks back around, then to Misa and Liesl again. "I've been told they're estimating about a 12, maybe 14 hour flight, so we should be arriving sometime around noonish. We'll want to get plenty of sleep tonight, so if anyone needs it, I did bring some...sleeping assistance." He opens up one of the cupboards and out comes some pills, shaking the bottle a bit.

xxxxxLiesl listens attentively as Velok goes through the safety instructions. As he pops the cupboard for the pills, she views them with narrowed eyes. "When's dinner being served?" she asks, as this wasn't mentioned.

xxxxxVelok doesn't notice Liesl's narrowed eyes, though the topic of dinner coming up makes him smile. "Actually, it's already ready. It's currently staying warm in the back. I had them brought in from this fancy place so that we could eat right after we take off." He pauses, looking over towards the back of the plane, then to Misa. "There's also these in flight meals if we get hungry later too that just need to be warmed up, I don't know about midnight snacks and what not. I'm positively famished to be honest, but I don't think they'd allow a steak knife really available while we're on the runway. Also, wait hang on." Velok's eyes narrow a bit and he looks towards Misa, trying to recall something. "Yes, right. Misa, Aleksei wanted me to tell you specifically that you are not allowed, in any way, to hijack the plane and use it to demand a raise. That's actually something I was supposed to tell you first."
xxxxxOne of the pilots comes out and whispers something to Velok, causing him to nod and find a seat next to Liesl. The engines start, leaving a rather distinct humming noise of a flight as they start to taxi out. Velok's hand reaches over and his fingers slip into Liesl's, Velok conspicuously having chosen a seat towards the middle, not near a window. They don't spend very long on the runway at all until the plane is surging forward, lifting off, and starting to climb. Only a couple minutes and then a distinct 'ding' to indicate that they're free now. Once they're above the clouds the rain stops, and there's a rather pretty view of the twilight with the cloud cover. Now that they're in the air, Velok smiles and leans a bit against Liesl, peering over towards Misa to make sure she's not sick or something. "Ready to go over what we're going to be doing? Well...what you're going to be doing?"

xxxxxMisa pouts and slips off her giant oversized sweater. Strapped to her wrists are a pair of throwing knives. "Well I brought these for nothin!" she announces, untying them and lacing them in the overhead. She watches outside intently the entire time for take off. As soon as the ding announces they can move about the cabin. She quickly gets to her feet and stares out a window for a while, giggling a little at teh feeling of the laner shifting occasionally. "I see, hadda wait until we couldn't say no?" she giggles. "Didn't know you were so devious."

xxxxxLiesl curls her fingers around Velok's hand, as he sits beside her, giving him a smile. The 'ding' releases Misa, and she has to grin at her inability to sit still. Then the question. "The more we know, the better, I expect." Though, Misa's comment about his deviousness gets a quick flicker of a smile, then she's all business again.

xxxxxVelok shakes his head several times. "Oh no, no no no. You can still say no. You can absolutely say no right until you're no longer within my eyesight. I would prefer if you didn't, but this isn't a trap." He does smile a little bit, as if the coincidence is awful. "You didn't bring them for nothing." He does stare at the knives a bit longer than normal, but otherwise he stands up and gives Liesl a brief kiss on the side of her head. "For obvious reasons I couldn't tell you both everything, and Aleksei didn't want me to tell you any more on the ground either. Maybe that was his idea, at least now I'll have twelve hours to convince you otherwise if you do say no." Velok turns and heads back to the other end of the plane, opening the door and slipping inside. Not long after, he returns, and he's holding three plates, each with a rather delicious looking steak on them. There's also a baked potato, and some mixed veggies. The plates are all set on the table opposite the screen, and Velok goes back for knives and forks and napkins, returning with those too. "Let's try to avoid as much of a mess as we can, it's not my plane." He settles into his seat, then reaches for a remote.
xxxxx"So, from this point on, you will know as much as I already know. I'm sure it's obvious by now that this is a rather more...detailed version of Aleksei's attempt at Public Relations." He glances back around the cabin, then to the two women specifically. "Aleksei is all about keeping the drugs off the streets, but more importantly, he's more into being able to say to the media that he's keeping the drugs off the street. The remote is clicked, and the TV across from them activates, showing two of the pictures Misa has already seen. One is obviously cocaine, and the other is a brick of Heroin. "You know most of this part already, Misa, but for Liesl...there's been a significant increase in these drugs on the streets, and by significant, I mean enough that we're flying far out of our price class to go to a place and possibly stop it." He looks back towards the tv, staring at the drugs. "It's very potent, more potent and unlaced than other dealers, which means more people want it. The problem is, they're used to taking more than they should, and we've been seeing a lot of overdosing."

xxxxxLiesl tucks into the food with good appetite. She has no idea what Aleksei's 'attempt at Public Relations' actually consists of, but she's not ready to admit that, so she puts what she hopes is an intelligent expression on her face as she listens and watches the prepared presentation.

xxxxxMisa shakes her head and grumbles something in Mandarin. The word gui lao is probably at least recognizable to Velok by now if he's not some how magically fluent. "So someone's already done the hard work of going buyer to buyer to find out wher eteh stuff is coming form from what you showed, we just need to get to their operational base and shut it down long enough for everyone to go broke and take each other out for us?"

xxxxxVelok pauses and digs into his potato a bit, looking to Liesl, then looking back to Misa. He actually smiles a bit, nodding. "It was quite hard getting the buyers to talk. I almost broke a nail." Velok shifts a little bit as he continues, that remote getting clicked. "More recently, many of my nights working.." There's a pause as Velok looks over to Liesl for a few seconds, then back to the TV. "...have been spent going from buyer to buyer to find out where it's from. For a moment I thought it was from New Mexico, but that was a bust." There's some clicks and a large cargo ship comes up. "The Petrel Arrow. It's a cargo ship registered in the Bahamas that was recently docked in the Port of Prospect. After some...gentle persuasion, it turns out that the drugs are coming in with ships like this. Registered elsewhere, but docking in Brazil, then coming right to Prospect." He leans back in the chair, continuing to eat some of his steak. Mmmm. "Turns out a few of these ships have been coming in and delivering their cargo, then leaving. All of them can be traced back to Port Belem, which is in Para, Brazil. Which...is where we're going. The real problem is that Para is a big place, and we have no idea where their operational center is. We only have a single lead so far, and that's where you ladies will be coming in. Not necessarily on the shutting the base down part, no. Aleksei has a certain...way he wants that handled, and I don't like going anywhere blind. Especially in a foreign country. Any questions so far?" Velok sets down the control so he can resume cutting and eating his steak while he waits, just in case it's not been pretty straightforward so far.

xxxxxLiesl tries to keep a straight face at Misa's grumbling. She's mostly successful, but for a twitch of her lips. The presentation continues, and she turns her attention back to what is being said. Any questions? Hell yeah. "I take it this single lead is a really big one? Worth bringing us in?"

xxxxxMisa smiles to Liesl's question and listens for the response while eating her steak in a most unladylike fashion. Being in a briefing room returns some instincts quickly... the images bring back others as well associated with being in the briefing room. She starts to scratch her arm just below the bicept when she thinks no one is looking.

xxxxxYay! A question! Velok seems to love those, and when Liesl asks, he /preens/. "Well for starters..." Velok begins, relaxing back in the seat. He looks over towards the window for a moment, as if enjoying the darkening sky being dotted by stars. "This whole assignment is big. Big enough that I've been approved to let you know exactly why I don't come off as one of the other security members. Though it is a nice official title." Velok squirms a little bit in the chair some more, his jaw opening and hand coming up to stifle a yawn. "Beyond what port they come in, I've gotten very little. There's only so much information money can buy. What we do know, however.." Velok reaches forward and clicks the remote, a picture of Belem coming up, showing the ocean and everything. "..is that the same truck that suspiciously drops off the shipments, also occasionally goes around town picking up women." The remote is clicked to show 'bikini babes' or just various pictures of Brazilian women in bikinis, as well as one picture that looks like it was taken from a car of three women getting into the back of a truck. "Occasionally, our target enjoys throwing lavish parties, and with every drug lord's parties comes hot women." He shrugs, looking back to the food. "The women are picked up, and dropped back off usually either the next day or the day after.

xxxxxLiesl squints at the pictures being shown. "Those are locals," she points out. "Do they go after out of towners as well?" She's busy with her food as well, maybe the whole thing adding spice that would not otherwise be there.

xxxxxMisa nods quickly as she stands up and walks to the screen to look closer at the cars involved and the people in them. She giggles to herself. "So Liesl's gonna be the real eye catcher I think. I don't think I could get a backside like mosta these girls have without another three months to run... they seem to show any preference for personalities?"

xxxxxVelok sets the remote down fully and resumes eating the food. The steak is actually pretty delicious, one of those that it's pretty obvious how much money was spent on it. "You know how when they bring someone to this country that looks like that and they call them exotic and everything?" Velok asks, glancing to Liesl, then to Misa. "Well you two are the exotic ones." The question of personality makes Velok smile wide. "Both of you will be eye catchers, but as for personality...dumb. Dumb, not inquisitive, and someone who likes lounging around looking good. Which is exactly why to do this, it will need two people who...very much are not. Now." Velok clicks a button on the remote, an overhead shot of the jungles of the Amazon there. "There's honestly..not much more of that. There are other ways to find out exactly where this guy is, but they involve a lot more money, a lot more time, and the longer we take, the more young kids die in Prospect."

xxxxxLiesl winces at the last of these words, which, she suspects, is exactly what they were meant to do. "Dumb, not inquisitive," she mutters to herself, and glances towards Misa.

xxxxxMisa gives a completely vacants stare before lounging back into her seat, sitting cross the chairs, legs still dnagling in the isle kicking idly as she arches her back ot look through the window upside down. "'kay."

xxxxxVelok actually snickers a bit as both the girls start to take those words a leetle too seriously. "That's what THEY want, not what I want. Very cute though. You'll make an armchair blush." He scoots the plate away a little and leans even further back in the chair, his hand reaching out to gently rub against Liesl's arm. "We need to know where this guys base is. We need to know if that's his actual base of operations, or if it's a dummy place. We need to know if there's anything else going on and.." Velok pauses, turning a little red. "We need to know who he is. A name, preferably, but also what he looks like." Velok pauses, his eyes looking over to Liesl. "I doubt you'll be able to bring a camera, but if you can get a good enough look at him, that's really all that matters." He's staring at Liesl now, nodding a little bit. "As long as you can remember it..." The staring stops, and he looks back to Misa. "You can probably describe him, or something. All we know is it's a guy."

xxxxxLiesl leans into the rubbing, giving him a smile, both for the touch, and for the explanation of what /they/ want versus what /he/ wants. "So, the clue is that truck?" she muses. "I don't suppose you've got a name that belongs to that truck? Followed that person's known associates?" She's pretty sure that they have, it seems a fairly inexpensive bit of information to obtain.

xxxxxMisa shakes her head. "I prolly shoulda mentioned this earlier then but... my right eye is fake. You could prolly put a camera in there with all the money we're already throwin at this..." she finishes off the food in her plate. "Oh well." she giggles. "Truck follow the same routes most nights?"

xxxxxVelok shakes his head, though he does start rubbing at Liesl's arm more. He stares off towards the window, the sun truly having fallen now and the sky lit up by stars and the occasional burst of lights from cities they pass over, way down below. "The way in is the truck. I've looked into it, but the best I can find out is the guy who drives it and runs the picking up of women is called The Iguana. Apparently he's a pretty scary guy, despite choosing a pretty harmless animal moniker." Velok shrugs, returning his gaze to Misa. "Your...eye?" Velok's own blue ones focus on Misa now, staring at the eye as if he's trying to determine how fake it is. "That'll be good to know for the future, but we'll be fine. I just need both of you to get in there and look around. You don't need pictures, or anything, just as long as you see it and can confirm it." Velok doesn't seem to be all that worried about the pictures part. "It's not a very regular schedule, but it does follow the same routes. Usually early afternoon or around noon it will go around and start picking up women, promising them cash, that sort of thing. Kinda shady, if you ask me, but it's Brazil so..." Velok shrugs. "None of them get killed, so far as I know, so there's not like..a reputation."

xxxxxLiesl nods slowly. "So, there's hopefully a really good chance that we'll get out of this more or less unscathed, right?" She glances from the screen back to Velok, then back again. "So, we get picked up, party with ... whoever ... and then we'll be back on the streets again, not too much the worse for wear?"

xxxxxMisa shrugs. "Huh I might have over packed." she giggles. "Can we still wear heels?" she asks, going to get one of her bags. She lays it on the floor and unzips it, carefully pulling out one of several bundles. She opens it and there's a small collection of hair pins in it, as well as a few three inch long bars, pointed on one end. "I mean safe or not I'm not goin in without SOMETHIN."

xxxxxVelok hesitates at Liesl's question, nibbling his lips and folding his hands on the table. "There's...a good chance, yes. But..." He shakes his head, now sighing. "Once you are ready, you'll be by yourselves. You'll only have each other to rely on. I'll be around, but if something goes wrong, I won't be in any position to rescue. Not unless you both want to be wearing some sort of distress beacon, but even wearing something like that will most likely be discovered. I'll still be around, at least. I have an Ocelot I need to find." He glances over towards Liesl, a small smile returning, then it's back to Misa. "I honestly don't think they're going to let the eye candy into the areas you'll need to get into, so acting is going to come in handy. Worse comes to worse, you'll have to make out to explain why you snuck off to a room." Velok shrugs, stifling a yawn again as he relaxes back into the chair. "Wear heels, sure." Velok takes a firm interest in the bag she unwraps, peering at it. "If you want we can work up your hair too, I heard women love hiding things in there. I have faith, though, that you'll be able to either avoid a fight, or take care of one quietly. I wouldn't ask you two to come along if I didn't trust both of you. Beyond that, it's up to you. Whatever gameplan you both want. You have the goal, the entry and exit, and if you take too long, I'm bringing in the calvary."

xxxxxMisa shakes her head. "I'm fine with that, useta goin in unsupported. If anything for me it's... odd to have someone along with me. Nothin persona Liesl I'm not worried you'll know horta play the guys there like a fiddle. If it comes to a fight I know you hit good but do you think you can kill a person? I needa know how agressive I hafta be. Obviously I wanna avoid any fights possible, but if it's ever me or them, I'm pickin them." She winks to Velok. "I don't do the damsel in distress thing to well sweety. Something goes bad fast I'm gettin the hell out, not sitting in a room waitin for a prince that ain't never come before."

xxxxxVelok smirks, glancing to Liesl and then shrugging a bit in his seat. "I would like to think Liesl is very if it's her or them, going to be them as well." Velok slips out of his seat and stands up, bending over a bit and collecting the plates from everyone. He seems to not mind the second part. "If something goes bad fast, I want you to get the hell out of there, though if you end up leaving Liesl behind, you damn well better expect you're coming back with me to get her before you're getting on a plane." He takes the dishes to the back room, putting them where they're supposed to be. "I honestly don't know what you'll be walking into. Could be a hooch hut for all I know. I'd prefer you didn't kill anyone, because if you do and it gets discovered, the alarms will be ring ring dingalinging."

xxxxxMisa nods. "Oh no, I'm not plannin on any violence, but I wanna plan for the worst thing that can happen... so won't be ableta plan escapes before hand." she frowns for a second. "I'm also gonna be entirely honest here on this one, if we get caught snooping plan A is probably going to be to blow the guy that catches us if I can't talk past him rather than hurt him... figured since yer sendin yer girlfriend in I should warn ya..."

xxxxxVelok leans against one of the seats, leaning over it and staring at Misa. "That'd probably work." Did he blush at the thought of Misa blowing a random guy, or was it the thought of Liesl being there and possibly having to join. Probably the latter. "Well don't get caught, but if you do, why do you think I said you might have to try the heroin? It's a dangerous situation, and risky. Do what you need to do so you can be safe." Velok shrugs, glancing over to Liesl, then down to the seat. "If I could go with you, I would, but I don't think Mr. Iguana is interested in picking up guys."

xxxxxMisa grins wickedly. "I dunno, we getcha in one of my dresses, I think you'd do just fine!"

xxxxxVelok smiles softly, shaking his head. "No no, that's what your annoying friend ones. I'm alright with how I look." He spreads his arms out, looking down at his light teeshirt and shorts. He shrugs, resting his hands on the back of the seat again. "Do you want the bed? Because if you don't take it.." He peers, looking over to Liesl in the chair. "Someone should. It's really comfy and the sheets are changed. I made sure I asked that." Velok's voice lowers and he turns to stare out the window. With Liesl possibly having fallen asleep, his voice lowers. "I'm trusting you to keep her safe. Otherwise I wouldn't have brought her."

xxxxxMisa giggles and moves to sit closer to the other two so her voice won't wake Liesl. She speaks in a much deeper voice than normal as well. Because women are predisposed to wake up for higher pitch sounds... not because she's trying to tease him with a dusky voice. Really. "I'm honestly fine if the two of you wanna take the bed. I tihk yer cute together... and ya don't hafta worry about her, I've taken her out a couple times, she knows how to play a guy if she needs."

xxxxxVelok's voice lowers as well, matching Misa's lead and getting a bit deeper. "I wasn't suggesting the two of you...The bed is comfortable and I was just suggesting you two would enjoy the comfort more. Not like that." He winks a bit at Misa, glancing back over to Liesl. "I know, I've watched her do it. I have no doubt she'll be able to convince some two-bit thug that she really is eye candy. She's not...combat oriented like you or me." He shrugs, looking back to Misa.

xxxxxMisa nods and smiles. "Well I honestly don't expect a fight to happen, I'm just tryinta plan for what to do if one does happen but..." she turns her head to look Liesl up and down a few times before she sighs. "She's one of ours. I'll be honest, there's not a lotta people in the world I'd do it for, but if things gor really bad, I'll make sure she gets out no matter what."

xxxxxVelok shakes his head a few times, though his voice quiets and he looks over to Liesl as well with her. "I can't possibly see things going that bad, but it's sweet of you to say." He looks back towards the back of the plane, then towards Misa, nodding. "Go take the bed." Velok says with a smile, reaching out and lightly rubbing Misa's hair. "Get some sleep. It's a long day ahead tomorrow. I'll be staying in Brazil while you guys are doing your thing. I'll probably be in the Jungle for most of the first day looking for an Ocelot to make my best friend. If you have to for your cover, sleep over the night. I'd..prefer if she didn't fuck anyone, if it comes up. I don't think she will, but..." He shrugs, looking back to Misa. "If I see the truck bring the women back and you two aren't on it, Expect arrows flying. You also have an option to stay in Brazil for longer while I go back and get November and another gentleman, after your information is delivered

xxxxxMisa stands and stretches. "Alright... I'll take the bed and try notta think of what those two could possibly have gotten up to in there. If things get out of hand and... that becomes our only way out I'll tryta come up with an excuse ot get her outta there. If nothin else I'll just play the aggressive selfish one." she ahkes her head. "Prolly still hafta watch though." she takes the roll that had the hair pinds and the spikes in them with her. "We'll see what I find before I think about if I'll be staying... a break from the city might be good for me though. I dunno if I really wanna ask what's this about an ocelot."

xxxxxVelok nods, smiling politely at the smaller woman as she starts to collect things and finally agrees. "Hey, think of it this way. It could be a dead end and we need to go back a few steps. Either way, the longer it takes, the more we all get paid. Aleksei's bank accounts are vast. We're already going to be getting all wonderful early Christmas bonuses for this." The last part makes him shrug as he turns to head towards the back bedroom. "I'm getting an ocelot for a pet. It's a very long story, but they're not necessarily easy to come by in the states, so much easier to just find a wild one and train it. Since you're using the bed, I'll use the bathroom really quick so I don't have to get up. Those chairs do look incredibly comfortable. Plus that way if anyone needs to come back here, it'll be Liesl. I don't know how you sleep, but I'm sure Liesl seeing it is more preferred." With that, he heads to the back and slips into the bathroom.

xxxxxMisa sits at the edge of the bed for a moment, an evil, evil grin on her face. Again that grin that others at the club probably know to look out for. Somehow though she talks herself out of that. Instead she just opens the roll again and take the spikes out one at a time, polishing them carefully with a kit that is with them.

xxxxxKerflush, rinserinserinse, and out of the bathroom he comes. He pauses to smile at Misa, looking around the room again. "This really is an amazing plane." He comments carefully, looking around, then back to Misa, then going to a cupboard. Out comes some blankets, Velok's arms stretching up to retrieve them, then closing the cupboard and turning to look at Misa. "Rest well. I doubt those sheets came cheap. Almost makes you jealout of Titania a bit." He comments, turning to head towards the partition, looking back to Misa and winking, then closing the door. He continues on to where Liesl was sitting, fumbling with the double seat to lower it completely flat. No seatbelts, the captain did promise a smooth ride, and she gets covered up with a blanket soon after Velok lays down in the seat attached to hers. A pillow is placed under Liesl's head, then one under Velok's and he turns his head to stare out the window at the night sky. Gonna be a long trip.

xxxxxSleeping pills? Liesl clearly is not in need of them tonight. Or maybe some were added to her food. Natural, or assisted, she is sound asleep. She's got the gist of things anyway, and the rest ... contingency plans that she's probably not going to be able to really participate in. Her best defense is finding an opening and running for it. Her rest is easier once the seat is lowered, and when Velok lies beside her, she seems to seek his warmth, and moves closer to him, murmuring his name sleepily.

xxxxxMisa smiles warmly to Velok as he talks and nods. It's still some time before she lays down herself though. Everyone has different ways of preparing for operations. Most tell jokes or pretend they aren't afraid. Others find destraction in the arms of another. Some plan ahead trying to prevent disaster. Misa does the last one extensively any time she has that option, but that's not an option this time. So she focuses on the details she can. She sharpens her knives, makes certain they are well balanced and won't stick in their sheathes. She polishes anything decorative. This only lasts so long though. She later spends some time staring out of the window at the stars before removing her glass eye and staring at it for far too long. She sets it down with the knives and rolls them up again before looking back out to the couple sleeping happily in love. She mutters something to herself in Mandarin before laying down in the bed, huddling the blankets tight around herself in the hopes to finally get warm for once since leaving home.