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(Created page with "Category:LogsCategory:ToshioCategory:Mikhail {{Infobox Log |name = Cleansing The Ajaba |summary = Cats Cleansing Blood Bonds |icdate = Friday |ictime ...")
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Deep Forest
Deep Forest
        The forest seems to grow thicker as one travels deeper within, the lands becoming a bit more marshy, the soil slightly more muddy and loose in some areas. The air itself has a lingering thickness to it that makes breathing a bit harder on the lungs as the mist around seems to quite literally fill into one's body as they breathe as well as hide the surrounding area in a hazy layer of dense fog.
{tab}The forest seems to grow thicker as one travels deeper within, the lands becoming a bit more marshy, the soil slightly more muddy and loose in some areas. The air itself has a lingering thickness to it that makes breathing a bit harder on the lungs as the mist around seems to quite literally fill into one's body as they breathe as well as hide the surrounding area in a hazy layer of dense fog.
        The sounds of the wild here are eerie and dark making the echoes throughout seeming all the more menacing within the darkened area. Even during the daytimes it's hard to see within the area and at night almost impossible to travel without some source of light to be guided by. The muddy ground also makes travel difficult as it's all to easy to loose one's footing in a sink hole and possibly get hurt. Only those knowledgeable of the area will seek out this place.
{tab}The sounds of the wild here are eerie and dark making the echoes throughout seeming all the more menacing within the darkened area. Even during the daytimes it's hard to see within the area and at night almost impossible to travel without some source of light to be guided by. The muddy ground also makes travel difficult as it's all to easy to loose one's footing in a sink hole and possibly get hurt. Only those knowledgeable of the area will seek out this place.
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There's a set of tracks that look big enough to fit on the way south, they lead into a muddy area where the tracking is easier and to a small, hidden area where a 7'+ person is tending to a bound, beautiful, darkskinned woman of African and European ancestry who has some nasty looking wounds.
There's a set of tracks that look big enough to fit on the way south, they lead into a muddy area where the tracking is easier and to a small, hidden area where a 7'+ person is tending to a bound, beautiful, darkskinned woman of African and European ancestry who has some nasty looking wounds.
        "You know, it isnt nice to bind a pretty girl and hurt her." Toshio says as he looks to see who the 7'+ man was, before looking to the woman. He had found the tracks and were curious on where they went. Now his curiousity was sated, and his conscience says save the girl.
{tab}"You know, it isnt nice to bind a pretty girl and hurt her." Toshio says as he looks to see who the 7'+ man was, before looking to the woman. He had found the tracks and were curious on where they went. Now his curiousity was sated, and his conscience says save the girl.
Mikhail looks back at Toshio, he seems to be securing thick bands of leather around her, "Eet can be eef eet necyessary to protect peoples." the large man says. "She's been doeengk vyery bad sseengs.." he says nodding to the woman, "But.. eet may note be heer fault..." he explains.
Mikhail looks back at Toshio, he seems to be securing thick bands of leather around her, "Eet can be eef eet necyessary to protect peoples." the large man says. "She's been doeengk vyery bad sseengs.." he says nodding to the woman, "But.. eet may note be heer fault..." he explains.
        Toshio nods as he watches the woman. He switches to their more common tongue, Kheuar. It allowed for simple things to be spoken, nothing too abstract but easier for the other khan who was shifted. <What has she done, brother? Is she of our people?>
{tab}Toshio nods as he watches the woman. He switches to their more common tongue, Kheuar. It allowed for simple things to be spoken, nothing too abstract but easier for the other khan who was shifted. <What has she done, brother? Is she of our people?>
Kheuar isn't great for indepth explanations but it suffices and it's easier than Mikhail's shitty English, <She's a hyena, and very badly tainted...> he explains as he steps back from her. <If it's ingrained.. she's dead.. if it's not...> he picks up a broken branch and starts carving a path in the ground around her bound form. It's not quite a circle, it wobbles organically.
Kheuar isn't great for indepth explanations but it suffices and it's easier than Mikhail's shitty English, <She's a hyena, and very badly tainted...> he explains as he steps back from her. <If it's ingrained.. she's dead.. if it's not...> he picks up a broken branch and starts carving a path in the ground around her bound form. It's not quite a circle, it wobbles organically.
        <Then I pray it not be. The Hyena have suffered under the Simba, I do not desire to add to it.> He says to the man. "Do you need help?" He asks curiously. "I do not have the rite of cleansing but I would be willing to learn."
{tab}<Then I pray it not be. The Hyena have suffered under the Simba, I do not desire to add to it.> He says to the man. "Do you need help?" He asks curiously. "I do not have the rite of cleansing but I would be willing to learn."
Mikhail nods, <I know it>. "Eet eez common for khan een Hengeyokai..." he says looking up at Toshio, then back at the woman. <I will need some things, I think I can get them from close by, but I need someone to watch her till then.. If she wakens, she could try to fight her way free or try to kill herself>. He explains as he starts drawing another wavy circle entwined with the first.
Mikhail nods, <I know it>. "Eet eez common for khan een Hengeyokai..." he says looking up at Toshio, then back at the woman. <I will need some things, I think I can get them from close by, but I need someone to watch her till then.. If she wakens, she could try to fight her way free or try to kill herself>. He explains as he starts drawing another wavy circle entwined with the first.
        "I know my uncle and several monks had it but I never really learned it...too focused physical training." Toshio says as he nods. "As always brother, you have my aid and I follow your lead. I will watch over her. When this task is done, I must bring you to meet my new wife. She is garou kinfolk and chose me to be hers over her own kin. Maybe there is hope for the garou after all." He says, trying to make a joke.
{tab}"I know my uncle and several monks had it but I never really learned it...too focused physical training." Toshio says as he nods. "As always brother, you have my aid and I follow your lead. I will watch over her. When this task is done, I must bring you to meet my new wife. She is garou kinfolk and chose me to be hers over her own kin. Maybe there is hope for the garou after all." He says, trying to make a joke.
Mikhail blinks, and smiles, <Yay!> the translations a little off, but it's nice to see the brooding clouds over his head part for a moment to share in the other khan's happyness. Then, looking down at the woman, he says, <If she wakes up, put her back under, at least until the ritual.>
Mikhail blinks, and smiles, <Yay!> the translations a little off, but it's nice to see the brooding clouds over his head part for a moment to share in the other khan's happyness. Then, looking down at the woman, he says, <If she wakes up, put her back under, at least until the ritual.>
        "She wants to meet more Bastet. She seems to prefer them over the garou. I told her I would try and see if any would like to meet her. We like our privacy." He says to the khan, and nods. "Consider it done." He says as he looks back to the woman. "How did you find her?"
{tab}"She wants to meet more Bastet. She seems to prefer them over the garou. I told her I would try and see if any would like to meet her. We like our privacy." He says to the khan, and nods. "Consider it done." He says as he looks back to the woman. "How did you find her?"
Mikhail finally turns to face Toshio, the shirt under his jacket is torn and nasty claw marks show dried blood across his chest. <She killed six people in an alley and was feeding on corpses in a warehouse...> he explains.. <But a man says they forced her to drink blood.. If so.. she might be saved...>.
Mikhail finally turns to face Toshio, the shirt under his jacket is torn and nasty claw marks show dried blood across his chest. <She killed six people in an alley and was feeding on corpses in a warehouse...> he explains.. <But a man says they forced her to drink blood.. If so.. she might be saved...>.
        "One can hope she can be saved." Toshio says as he nods. "When I met my wife, she was a drug addict and was carrying the child of someone tainted, for the child was tainted within her. We cleansed her, and the baby appears to be cleansed. I am hoping to keep her from falling into such horrible places again."
{tab}"One can hope she can be saved." Toshio says as he nods. "When I met my wife, she was a drug addict and was carrying the child of someone tainted, for the child was tainted within her. We cleansed her, and the baby appears to be cleansed. I am hoping to keep her from falling into such horrible places again."
Mikhail nods slowly as he starts moving to the East. He nods back at Toshio, <I wish you luck.. If this one can't be saved.. she deserves her fate.. but if she can.. she might have trouble living with what she's done...> with that he shifts into a tiger and hurries to the east as the sky begins to glow in that direction.
Mikhail nods slowly as he starts moving to the East. He nods back at Toshio, <I wish you luck.. If this one can't be saved.. she deserves her fate.. but if she can.. she might have trouble living with what she's done...> with that he shifts into a tiger and hurries to the east as the sky begins to glow in that direction.
        "Maybe but she will be able to atone then." He says as he watches the woman. When the man leaves, he simply stands watch, instructions recieved.
{tab}"Maybe but she will be able to atone then." He says as he watches the woman. When the man leaves, he simply stands watch, instructions recieved.
Mikhail isn't gone long actually, before the sun crests the horizon he returns with a bucket of water and branch in his maw as he pads back into the clearing. Setting it down he takes on his sokto shape once more. <You need an untouched branch and pure water,> he explains.. <and then when the energy is released you need to push it away... Our method works alone, but is best done at sunrise..> He creates a small fire. Then, picking up the branch and dipping it in the water, he looks to the east through the dense trees, seeming to sense the sun more than see it, he begins the ritual with a deep reverance. Holding the damp branch over the fire he waits till it begins to smoke and smolder, then he begins moving about the body in a counterclockwise direction. He moves the smoking branch elegantly as he glances down at the woman, try to see her reaction to the ritual.
Mikhail isn't gone long actually, before the sun crests the horizon he returns with a bucket of water and branch in his maw as he pads back into the clearing. Setting it down he takes on his sokto shape once more. <You need an untouched branch and pure water,> he explains.. <and then when the energy is released you need to push it away... Our method works alone, but is best done at sunrise..> He creates a small fire. Then, picking up the branch and dipping it in the water, he looks to the east through the dense trees, seeming to sense the sun more than see it, he begins the ritual with a deep reverance. Holding the damp branch over the fire he waits till it begins to smoke and smolder, then he begins moving about the body in a counterclockwise direction. He moves the smoking branch elegantly as he glances down at the woman, try to see her reaction to the ritual.
        Toshio nods when the man explains and watches it intensely, studying everything being done so he may know how to do with practice. His gaze moves between the woman and then the large man.
{tab}Toshio nods when the man explains and watches it intensely, studying everything being done so he may know how to do with practice. His gaze moves between the woman and then the large man.
The woman shifts and squirms, though still seems uncoscious. Mikhail growls and chuffs, chanting in Kheuar, calling the darkness out.. After ten minutes, Mikhail slows and stops and the woman slumps again. Mikhail closes his eyes, centering himself.. and shakes his head, "Eet deed note vork.." he says sadly, then gritting his teeth and looking to the East that gets brighter and brighter, he says, "I veel dry again," Again, he dips the branch and again he holds it over the flame, and the pattern repeats.
The woman shifts and squirms, though still seems uncoscious. Mikhail growls and chuffs, chanting in Kheuar, calling the darkness out.. After ten minutes, Mikhail slows and stops and the woman slumps again. Mikhail closes his eyes, centering himself.. and shakes his head, "Eet deed note vork.." he says sadly, then gritting his teeth and looking to the East that gets brighter and brighter, he says, "I veel dry again," Again, he dips the branch and again he holds it over the flame, and the pattern repeats.
        Toshio nods as he goes out. He comes back a moment later with his own stick and tries to mimic the same actions as the man before him, hoping to aid him in his efforts.
{tab}Toshio nods as he goes out. He comes back a moment later with his own stick and tries to mimic the same actions as the man before him, hoping to aid him in his efforts.
Everything works largely the same except towards the end of the ritual. Mikhail gets more vocal about his demand for the evil to leave the woman, he motions for Toshio to join in with calls and growls and the woman shivers twitches and writhes in the bindings.
Everything works largely the same except towards the end of the ritual. Mikhail gets more vocal about his demand for the evil to leave the woman, he motions for Toshio to join in with calls and growls and the woman shivers twitches and writhes in the bindings.
        Toshio even calls and growls, snarling for the corruption plaguing her to leave this woman, joining the Khan in the demands of the taint within the woman, chanting in Kheuar with the elder khan.
{tab}Toshio even calls and growls, snarling for the corruption plaguing her to leave this woman, joining the Khan in the demands of the taint within the woman, chanting in Kheuar with the elder khan.
The woman doesn't seem to be awake, but her body jerks violently and then she wretches loudly, a thick black and red ooze pouring from her gagging mouth and dripping from her eyes and ears. As it leaves she begins to scream and cry, jerking in the bonds. Still, Mikhail motions for Toshio to continue as he keeps moving about her in a circle, the smoke taking on the shape of two indistinct faces with fangs that fade into the night, as the woman's cries turn into loud gagging coughs.
The woman doesn't seem to be awake, but her body jerks violently and then she wretches loudly, a thick black and red ooze pouring from her gagging mouth and dripping from her eyes and ears. As it leaves she begins to scream and cry, jerking in the bonds. Still, Mikhail motions for Toshio to continue as he keeps moving about her in a circle, the smoke taking on the shape of two indistinct faces with fangs that fade into the night, as the woman's cries turn into loud gagging coughs.
        Toshio watches the black and red ooze and continues the rite, not relenting in it as Mikhail moves about in a circle, simply reciting what he saw and continuing while Mikhail did his thing.
{tab}Toshio watches the black and red ooze and continues the rite, not relenting in it as Mikhail moves about in a circle, simply reciting what he saw and continuing while Mikhail did his thing.
Finally the woman slumps again, breathing ragged. She seems to be awake now as she sobs in deep chest racking cries, but the screaming has stopped even as Mikhail continues the last few steps of the ceremony. He looks tired, like he left a little something behind. He kneels down by her, closing his eyes again and nodding, "Eet eez done.." But she wails, "Noooo, he's still in my head..." still crying from the core of her being.
Finally the woman slumps again, breathing ragged. She seems to be awake now as she sobs in deep chest racking cries, but the screaming has stopped even as Mikhail continues the last few steps of the ceremony. He looks tired, like he left a little something behind. He kneels down by her, closing his eyes again and nodding, "Eet eez done.." But she wails, "Noooo, he's still in my head..." still crying from the core of her being.
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A sudden breeze sweeps through the forest, rustling trees and bushes and sending old leaves floating to the ground.
A sudden breeze sweeps through the forest, rustling trees and bushes and sending old leaves floating to the ground.
        "If it is seline's will, she will make it through this and atone for what she did." He says as he sets the stick down and looks to Mikhail. "Are you alright?" He asks with concern to the other bastet.
{tab}"If it is seline's will, she will make it through this and atone for what she did." He says as he sets the stick down and looks to Mikhail. "Are you alright?" He asks with concern to the other bastet.
Mikhail looks down at the woman worried.. Then up at Toshio, "Eet's been a lohng night.." he says, considering the wound on his chest that's probably true. He kneels next to the woman and asks her, "Vhat do yu mean?"  
Mikhail looks down at the woman worried.. Then up at Toshio, "Eet's been a lohng night.." he says, considering the wound on his chest that's probably true. He kneels next to the woman and asks her, "Vhat do yu mean?"  
        She mashes her face against the ground, still held in the bindings. "He knows where I am," she says, "He can see what I see.. He's still in my head.. OH GOD KILL ME!" she begs. How she's even conscious is a question, her wounds are that severe, but still she begs for death.
{tab}She mashes her face against the ground, still held in the bindings. "He knows where I am," she says, "He can see what I see.. He's still in my head.. OH GOD KILL ME!" she begs. How she's even conscious is a question, her wounds are that severe, but still she begs for death.
        "If the beast still exists, we track it down and kill it." Toshio says as he looks to Mikhail. "But this should have removed any connection, shouldnt it?" He asks with concern to the other man before looking to the woman once more.
{tab}"If the beast still exists, we track it down and kill it." Toshio says as he looks to Mikhail. "But this should have removed any connection, shouldnt it?" He asks with concern to the other man before looking to the woman once more.
Mikhail looks back at Toshio and gives a slight nod before looking back at the woman. It's hard getting much out of her, but the big man tries, "Ze blood vones?" he asks and she shakes her head against the ground... and he thinks, "Ze veend?" he asks and she nods. Looking at Toshio, he tries to explain, "Note leeches, somesseengk else.. somesseengk powerful.. I.. do note know.. but.. ve veel keep heer bound teel ve do.." In the mean time, he tears a couple strips from the bloody shirt and covers her eyes, tieing them tightly around her head.
Mikhail looks back at Toshio and gives a slight nod before looking back at the woman. It's hard getting much out of her, but the big man tries, "Ze blood vones?" he asks and she shakes her head against the ground... and he thinks, "Ze veend?" he asks and she nods. Looking at Toshio, he tries to explain, "Note leeches, somesseengk else.. somesseengk powerful.. I.. do note know.. but.. ve veel keep heer bound teel ve do.." In the mean time, he tears a couple strips from the bloody shirt and covers her eyes, tieing them tightly around her head.
        "Please.. I.. I deserve to die.. You don't know what I've done.. Oh god.. please.. please let me die.." she begs on, but Mikh shakes his head, seeming unwilling to give in that request. "I need do see about keepeengk her vatched. Keen veel do, but eef somesseengk comes for her I vant zem to run and report, note fight.. Zees sseengk vas beeg and zere.. vazn't..." he switches to Kheuar, <It wasn't there to fight, but it threw a car without being there>, he explains as best he can. "Eef yu ken hyelp watch her now nd zen, I vould appreeciate eet."
{tab}"Please.. I.. I deserve to die.. You don't know what I've done.. Oh god.. please.. please let me die.." she begs on, but Mikh shakes his head, seeming unwilling to give in that request. "I need do see about keepeengk her vatched. Keen veel do, but eef somesseengk comes for her I vant zem to run and report, note fight.. Zees sseengk vas beeg and zere.. vazn't..." he switches to Kheuar, <It wasn't there to fight, but it threw a car without being there>, he explains as best he can. "Eef yu ken hyelp watch her now nd zen, I vould appreeciate eet."
        "Consider it done. I know a Garou who is actually a decent sort who knows a bubasti friend of mine. Maybe we should get them involved. They arent Hengekyou but the garou is trying to form the Ahadi here." He offers to the man. "The garou is a ragabash, Scout I believe if I remember their auspices right."
{tab}"Consider it done. I know a Garou who is actually a decent sort who knows a bubasti friend of mine. Maybe we should get them involved. They arent Hengekyou but the garou is trying to form the Ahadi here." He offers to the man. "The garou is a ragabash, Scout I believe if I remember their auspices right."
Mikhail nods to Toshio, "I just vant eyes on her so I don't have do spyend every minute vatcheengk her.." He then looks down at the woman, "Yu should listyen do ze ket.. vhat ever yu have done.. yu veel atone for.. ve veel see do ze veend."
Mikhail nods to Toshio, "I just vant eyes on her so I don't have do spyend every minute vatcheengk her.." He then looks down at the woman, "Yu should listyen do ze ket.. vhat ever yu have done.. yu veel atone for.. ve veel see do ze veend."

Revision as of 02:24, 14 July 2014

Cleansing The Ajaba
Cats Cleansing Blood Bonds
IC Date Friday
IC Time Dawn
Players Clarimond (Storyteller), Mikhail, Toshio
Location Deep Forest
Prp/Tp Related to "The Veil Breach"
Spheres Shifter


Deep Forest

{tab}The forest seems to grow thicker as one travels deeper within, the lands becoming a bit more marshy, the soil slightly more muddy and loose in some areas. The air itself has a lingering thickness to it that makes breathing a bit harder on the lungs as the mist around seems to quite literally fill into one's body as they breathe as well as hide the surrounding area in a hazy layer of dense fog. {tab}The sounds of the wild here are eerie and dark making the echoes throughout seeming all the more menacing within the darkened area. Even during the daytimes it's hard to see within the area and at night almost impossible to travel without some source of light to be guided by. The muddy ground also makes travel difficult as it's all to easy to loose one's footing in a sink hole and possibly get hurt. Only those knowledgeable of the area will seek out this place.

There's a set of tracks that look big enough to fit on the way south, they lead into a muddy area where the tracking is easier and to a small, hidden area where a 7'+ person is tending to a bound, beautiful, darkskinned woman of African and European ancestry who has some nasty looking wounds.

{tab}"You know, it isnt nice to bind a pretty girl and hurt her." Toshio says as he looks to see who the 7'+ man was, before looking to the woman. He had found the tracks and were curious on where they went. Now his curiousity was sated, and his conscience says save the girl.

Mikhail looks back at Toshio, he seems to be securing thick bands of leather around her, "Eet can be eef eet necyessary to protect peoples." the large man says. "She's been doeengk vyery bad sseengs.." he says nodding to the woman, "But.. eet may note be heer fault..." he explains.

{tab}Toshio nods as he watches the woman. He switches to their more common tongue, Kheuar. It allowed for simple things to be spoken, nothing too abstract but easier for the other khan who was shifted. <What has she done, brother? Is she of our people?>

Kheuar isn't great for indepth explanations but it suffices and it's easier than Mikhail's shitty English, <She's a hyena, and very badly tainted...> he explains as he steps back from her. <If it's ingrained.. she's dead.. if it's not...> he picks up a broken branch and starts carving a path in the ground around her bound form. It's not quite a circle, it wobbles organically.

{tab}<Then I pray it not be. The Hyena have suffered under the Simba, I do not desire to add to it.> He says to the man. "Do you need help?" He asks curiously. "I do not have the rite of cleansing but I would be willing to learn."

Mikhail nods, . "Eet eez common for khan een Hengeyokai..." he says looking up at Toshio, then back at the woman. . He explains as he starts drawing another wavy circle entwined with the first.

{tab}"I know my uncle and several monks had it but I never really learned it...too focused physical training." Toshio says as he nods. "As always brother, you have my aid and I follow your lead. I will watch over her. When this task is done, I must bring you to meet my new wife. She is garou kinfolk and chose me to be hers over her own kin. Maybe there is hope for the garou after all." He says, trying to make a joke.

Mikhail blinks, and smiles, <Yay!> the translations a little off, but it's nice to see the brooding clouds over his head part for a moment to share in the other khan's happyness. Then, looking down at the woman, he says, <If she wakes up, put her back under, at least until the ritual.>

{tab}"She wants to meet more Bastet. She seems to prefer them over the garou. I told her I would try and see if any would like to meet her. We like our privacy." He says to the khan, and nods. "Consider it done." He says as he looks back to the woman. "How did you find her?"

Mikhail finally turns to face Toshio, the shirt under his jacket is torn and nasty claw marks show dried blood across his chest. <She killed six people in an alley and was feeding on corpses in a warehouse...> he explains.. <But a man says they forced her to drink blood.. If so.. she might be saved...>.

{tab}"One can hope she can be saved." Toshio says as he nods. "When I met my wife, she was a drug addict and was carrying the child of someone tainted, for the child was tainted within her. We cleansed her, and the baby appears to be cleansed. I am hoping to keep her from falling into such horrible places again."

Mikhail nods slowly as he starts moving to the East. He nods back at Toshio, with that he shifts into a tiger and hurries to the east as the sky begins to glow in that direction.

{tab}"Maybe but she will be able to atone then." He says as he watches the woman. When the man leaves, he simply stands watch, instructions recieved.

Mikhail isn't gone long actually, before the sun crests the horizon he returns with a bucket of water and branch in his maw as he pads back into the clearing. Setting it down he takes on his sokto shape once more. <You need an untouched branch and pure water,> he explains.. <and then when the energy is released you need to push it away... Our method works alone, but is best done at sunrise..> He creates a small fire. Then, picking up the branch and dipping it in the water, he looks to the east through the dense trees, seeming to sense the sun more than see it, he begins the ritual with a deep reverance. Holding the damp branch over the fire he waits till it begins to smoke and smolder, then he begins moving about the body in a counterclockwise direction. He moves the smoking branch elegantly as he glances down at the woman, try to see her reaction to the ritual.

{tab}Toshio nods when the man explains and watches it intensely, studying everything being done so he may know how to do with practice. His gaze moves between the woman and then the large man.

The woman shifts and squirms, though still seems uncoscious. Mikhail growls and chuffs, chanting in Kheuar, calling the darkness out.. After ten minutes, Mikhail slows and stops and the woman slumps again. Mikhail closes his eyes, centering himself.. and shakes his head, "Eet deed note vork.." he says sadly, then gritting his teeth and looking to the East that gets brighter and brighter, he says, "I veel dry again," Again, he dips the branch and again he holds it over the flame, and the pattern repeats.

{tab}Toshio nods as he goes out. He comes back a moment later with his own stick and tries to mimic the same actions as the man before him, hoping to aid him in his efforts.

Everything works largely the same except towards the end of the ritual. Mikhail gets more vocal about his demand for the evil to leave the woman, he motions for Toshio to join in with calls and growls and the woman shivers twitches and writhes in the bindings.

{tab}Toshio even calls and growls, snarling for the corruption plaguing her to leave this woman, joining the Khan in the demands of the taint within the woman, chanting in Kheuar with the elder khan.

The woman doesn't seem to be awake, but her body jerks violently and then she wretches loudly, a thick black and red ooze pouring from her gagging mouth and dripping from her eyes and ears. As it leaves she begins to scream and cry, jerking in the bonds. Still, Mikhail motions for Toshio to continue as he keeps moving about her in a circle, the smoke taking on the shape of two indistinct faces with fangs that fade into the night, as the woman's cries turn into loud gagging coughs.

{tab}Toshio watches the black and red ooze and continues the rite, not relenting in it as Mikhail moves about in a circle, simply reciting what he saw and continuing while Mikhail did his thing.

Finally the woman slumps again, breathing ragged. She seems to be awake now as she sobs in deep chest racking cries, but the screaming has stopped even as Mikhail continues the last few steps of the ceremony. He looks tired, like he left a little something behind. He kneels down by her, closing his eyes again and nodding, "Eet eez done.." But she wails, "Noooo, he's still in my head..." still crying from the core of her being.

A sudden breeze sweeps through the forest, rustling trees and bushes and sending old leaves floating to the ground.

{tab}"If it is seline's will, she will make it through this and atone for what she did." He says as he sets the stick down and looks to Mikhail. "Are you alright?" He asks with concern to the other bastet.

Mikhail looks down at the woman worried.. Then up at Toshio, "Eet's been a lohng night.." he says, considering the wound on his chest that's probably true. He kneels next to the woman and asks her, "Vhat do yu mean?" {tab}She mashes her face against the ground, still held in the bindings. "He knows where I am," she says, "He can see what I see.. He's still in my head.. OH GOD KILL ME!" she begs. How she's even conscious is a question, her wounds are that severe, but still she begs for death.

{tab}"If the beast still exists, we track it down and kill it." Toshio says as he looks to Mikhail. "But this should have removed any connection, shouldnt it?" He asks with concern to the other man before looking to the woman once more.

Mikhail looks back at Toshio and gives a slight nod before looking back at the woman. It's hard getting much out of her, but the big man tries, "Ze blood vones?" he asks and she shakes her head against the ground... and he thinks, "Ze veend?" he asks and she nods. Looking at Toshio, he tries to explain, "Note leeches, somesseengk else.. somesseengk powerful.. I.. do note know.. but.. ve veel keep heer bound teel ve do.." In the mean time, he tears a couple strips from the bloody shirt and covers her eyes, tieing them tightly around her head. {tab}"Please.. I.. I deserve to die.. You don't know what I've done.. Oh god.. please.. please let me die.." she begs on, but Mikh shakes his head, seeming unwilling to give in that request. "I need do see about keepeengk her vatched. Keen veel do, but eef somesseengk comes for her I vant zem to run and report, note fight.. Zees sseengk vas beeg and zere.. vazn't..." he switches to Kheuar, <It wasn't there to fight, but it threw a car without being there>, he explains as best he can. "Eef yu ken hyelp watch her now nd zen, I vould appreeciate eet."

{tab}"Consider it done. I know a Garou who is actually a decent sort who knows a bubasti friend of mine. Maybe we should get them involved. They arent Hengekyou but the garou is trying to form the Ahadi here." He offers to the man. "The garou is a ragabash, Scout I believe if I remember their auspices right."

Mikhail nods to Toshio, "I just vant eyes on her so I don't have do spyend every minute vatcheengk her.." He then looks down at the woman, "Yu should listyen do ze ket.. vhat ever yu have done.. yu veel atone for.. ve veel see do ze veend."