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(SpiderCynthia SpiderCynthia does whatever a Cynthia does.)
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Wormwood walks over to the elevator and begins to examine it closely. <<Nope, no call button. No nothing. Just a keycard swipe. Entire fucking place is childsafe and smooth.>>
Wormwood walks over to the elevator and begins to examine it closely. <<Nope, no call button. No nothing. Just a keycard swipe. Entire fucking place is childsafe and smooth.>>
Fabian pages: So basically earlier in this scene, she accused Fabian (Spot on) Of trying to pull too much from people too quick, and not just trying to know someone.. asking their favorite color, or food.
SpiderCynthia SpiderCynthia does whatever a Cynthia does. Can she leap? Yes she can. Where are the doors? Here comes the Cynthia! Cynthia makes her way down and begins to poke around the Elevator <<Course, let us know if anyone starts to use this thing. It'd sorta be silly to get squashed by it.>>. There there are usually maintenance ladders and gaps in this places. She's looking for a access shaft, door, panel control or whatever she can find.
SpiderCynthia SpiderCynthia does whatever a Cynthia does. Can she leap? Yes she can. Where are the doors? Here comes the Cynthia! Cynthia makes her way down and begins to poke around the Elevator <<Course, let us know if anyone starts to use this thing. It'd sorta be silly to get squashed by it.>>. There there are usually maintenance ladders and gaps in this places. She's looking for a access shaft, door, panel control or whatever she can find.
Cynthia waves at Misa as she works a panel off. It's good that they're both small girls. She worms her way down the duct and slowly removes the panel at the far end to crawl out onto the ceiling itself. She holds the grate in one hand while helping Misa drop quietly to the floor before replacing the cover and lowering herself down too. Nin nin nin!
Cynthia waves at Misa as she works a panel off. It's good that they're both small girls. She worms her way down the duct and slowly removes the panel at the far end to crawl out onto the ceiling itself. She holds the grate in one hand while helping Misa drop quietly to the floor before replacing the cover and lowering herself down too. Nin nin nin!

Latest revision as of 23:54, 9 December 2014

The Black Forest Lab V
The compound is infiltrated
IC Time Midnight
Players Velok (Storyteller), Cynthia, Misa, Wormwood
Location The Black Forest, Germany
Prp/Tp The Black Forest Lab
Spheres Mortal and Shifter


xxxxxIt was said pretty early by Wormwood that most of the compound was likely underground, and that's exactly what the man finds when he makes the long descent in the elevator, having delivered the keycard into the dropslot. The door opens up to a white hallway with three doors lining each side of the wall and a door at the end of the hallway, with scuffmarks on the floor next to the elevator to indicate that people have been around.
xxxxxOutside of the elevator, Cynthia and Misa aren't having too good a time with the doctor. His struggling, hands clenching at his head as he starts to scream before someone closes his mouth. He rolled around in pain, all the medical training the pair have doing little to save the life of the man now dead on the forest floor. As Cynthia moves forward and starts observing the body, the signs start to trickle out. Blood dripping out of both of his ears, leaking out of his nose and eventually tainting the tear ducts, some type of mental affliction triggering the death.

xxxxxWormwood is a doctor right now. Just a generic, normal, everyday average freaky underground lab facility doctor...and since those belonged here, Wormwood walks casually down the long white hallway as if he belongs. Because...for all anyone else he might run into knows...he does. Still, as he moves, he listens, watches, sniffs the air, and just in general pays attention to the subtle fabric and identity of the environment he is in now...just like any rat might that has been introduced to a novel laboratory environment.
xxxxx<<This place is tiny. There's a white hallway at the bottom of the elevator with 7 doors. Seems like the place has been active...don't know which door to go to...but I'm guessing these might be bunk rooms...what the...fuck...>> He thinks aloud as he tries to look for a clue that favors going to one door over any of the others.

Misa has no medical training! She just sort of watches the manchild thrash about. She tries to help him for about five seonds before the blood makes this clearly something beyond her control. Partially to keep him form making too much noise... and possibly as a mercy, knowing she can't help him... who knows why Misa does things? Hell maybe she just doesn't want the ass hat in the suit downstairs stealing her kill. Misa drops, placing her knee over the doctors neck and dropping her entire body weight onto it before turning sharply. :Prolly gonna know he's dead... think we can force the elevator doors?"

xxxxxOr at least, it looks tiny so far. The hallway is long enough to give adequate space between the rooms so that they aren't just cupboards or bathrooms. Doors 2, 3 4, and 6, and 7 are all solid, not allowing Wormwood to see inside. One and three both contain a frosted glass panelling that, if Wormwood looks carefully enough, he can tell his guess is correct. The floor is just too dirty, things are not secured. Peeking into the frosted glass windows shows what looks like a kitchen for 3 and a living space for 1. Both of the rooms expand out past the door sealing them from the hallway, but neither have occupants within them. The living space has various bits of furniture, but none of them look at all used. A test shows that the only room that remains locked is 7, that has the heaviest 'security'. A keycard slot and a retina scan.
xxxxxThe doctor outside drops, the mercy killing helping him on to whatever afterlife awaits him. The forest remains quiet, the ruffling of the trees showing that no one heard the very brief scream and is rushing towards them.

xxxxxWormwood continues to wander. However...he doesn't really have very far to go. He looks around for signs of cameras or any other 'meat side' security, besides what he knows exists elsewhere. At the same time, he tries not to look TOO unusual. He does note the room a the end of the hallway, forever. He moves close to one of the opaque doors, and then stops moving. He gets very quiet, places his ear against the door, and listens inside for any signs of life anywhere else nearby.
xxxxx<<These rooms all look like dorms for the scientists...and uhh...there's ONE really well locked door at the end with a keycard slot and a retina scan. This place is VERY different than we thought it'd be...I'm not sure if we can really infiltrate it. If I run into anyone else, this place is so small, I likely can't pretend to be someone they haven't met...and my retinas won't make the scan. Best I can do is try and get into one of the rooms that has nobody in it and look for a keycard...OR...I could kill everyone in here...loot the bodies, rip the eyes out...and get into that door at the end that way.>> He doesn't seem bothered by this, just an offer.

Misa giggles and shakes her head. "Can't use ripped out eyes anymore." She says sounding rather wistfull and nostalgic. Ahh the old days. "Eyes gotta react to light or it won't work... 'course ya can kill 'em after." She quickly scoots out of the tent anyway in case people are moving. Since that's where tbey'll go. "Should we try'n get down there?"

xxxxxWormwood listens to each of the individual doors for a few moments each, and then he goes back to stand in the middle of the hallway, still wearing his white lab-coat and fake doctor's mask. <<So, there's two living people in here. In these rooms...and they're asleep, and snoring. Also, there's electricity. This is about ALL I can get. So...unless I can grab these guys...or open the door, I'm kinda stuck down here. The card even vanished into the slot and everything. I MIGHT be able to get it out again, I dunno. How should I proceed? Should I start kidnapping?>> He paces in the hallway, now he's sure there's no cameras in here...that he can see, anyways. <<Well, question is, if you guys DID come down here, what would you do?>>

Misa shakes her head, even if the person she's talking to isn't there to see it. "I'd say try to get deeper, or try to blend in. Place is prolly built with the idea that whoever falls for the bait is gonna try'n get right the fuck back out when they realize what's goin on. And what are we gonna do up here except maybe make it obvious we're tryina sneak in now out here so they bring attention up here while you tell us how they respond."

Wormwood remains where he is, thinking furiously inside his own head. <<Deeper how? Like I said, one big secured door. Keycard and retina scan. Then the living areas for the scientists. If I want to go deeper, I need a card, and eyes, which means I'll alert them that I'm here, and who knows what'll happen then...>>

Cynthia hmms softly assessing and nods "Alright, we'll need to go in then. I think we'll need to go in through the roof, access the elevator shaft and make our way down that way. We'll just have to bypass security the old fashioned way so they don't know they're being infiltrated." she takes out two baggies and with a magic marker writes Left/Right then proceeds to sort the dead doctors fingers into the appropriate bags. "Just in case." she looks at Misa "Ready to go to the rooftop?"

Misa nods. "All set for it then." she sighs. "We get ground up by a fan though, I'm tellin hell it's yer fault were tehre."

Wormwood continues standing where he is in the hallway. <<So...what do you guys want me to do...in the meantime? I figure...eventually...someone's going to get curious why I'm just out here...standing in the hallway. They think I'm your doctor boy up there, remember? Anyways...I don't think the security is going to be THAT easy...this place. It's so...THX-1138. It's creepy. All flat and featureless. This place feels like the George Orwell and the Weaver had a heavy hand in it. I wouldn't advise being too flippant about the security.>>

<<Holding pattern, see if you can stay out of the way. I'll take a deeper look at the security but I think we might have to get a leeetle messy. Do they have any maintenance or cleaning closets in the area?>> Cynthia says.

Wormwood continues to pace in the single white hallway. <<Nope. No cleaning closets, no maintenance. Just an elevator, and a hallway. 7 Doors. One door is all locked the fuck up. The other 6 are to dorms and living areas, with people inside of them. That is IT.>>

xxxxxAs the two girls move away from the campsite and return towards the compound, they can see that the stealth paid off. Everything is where they left it. One guard standing by the front door that Wormwood bypassed with his disguise, one guard on each other side of the building underneath a light staring off towards the forest, and two guards at the edge of the dirt road leading away from the compound flanking either side.
xxxxxIf this was a comedy, now would be the time when someone comes out with a microphone and stares at Wormwood calling out to the studio audience 'Let's find out what's behind door number 2!' There would be cheers, soundtrack music that will one day end up in an elevator, and some pretty supermodel opening the door. Alas, all that accompanies Wormwood in his chest to open the doors is the hum of the electricity powering the lights and the odd quiet of the compound. When Wormwood carefully opens the door and peeks inside, he can see a brief entryway leading into an expanding room. There are five beds staggered on either side of the room with sleeping bodies in each of them. This seems to be the 'guard' barracks, and is completely spartan. Just the beds and a single footlocker. One of the guards is snoring loud enough and must be the one that Wormwood heard through the door. From how the sheets hang off of one bed, it looks like they're all sleeping in just underwear, with no gun locker or personal items in sight.
xxxxxDoor number 6, when Wormwood strolls down the hall, looks very different. As Wormwood opens the door he can see that it's empty but looks far more like a bedroom. A lavish king sized bed with red satin covers lay perfectly made, matching the carpet coating the floor. The room itself is kept spotless with little personal effects within this room either, however if there was someone 'running' the compound, it would certainly be this room that they would rest in given how wildly different it is from the other more spartan rooms.
xxxxxIt's Door number 3, however, that holds the prize. The room is filled with shelves of various things. Extra uniforms, extra sets of underwear. Extra bullets, though still no extra guns. A significant amount of food packed away on different shelves draws the eyes, but there's one shelf that captures the gaze. Three shelves of 4 glass jars filled with a green liquid all neatly arranged on the shelf. A sign hangs over it marked 'For Emergency use ONLY'.

Cynthia lands with Misa on the roof grinning before she begins to scout out the various vents and openings looking for the elevator shaft. <<We're on the roof, looking to gain entry momentarily. Soon as I find a way down and we see what sort of security we're dealing with. Gonna take it carefull.>>

Wormwood remains in the hallway. <<This place is REALLY strange. They have all the guards stuffed in one room, sleeping, on bunkbeds. No guns anywhere, everything is stored somewhere strange. And they have a closet full of glowing green potions on the wall. This place just does not LOOK at all like a facility of science of any kind. AT ALL. Not even sure you'll be able to get down here...??>>

xxxxxA quick search of the roof shows several vents on the top, The more detailed look that Cynthia gets, however, shows how...difficult it may be for an infiltration via the roof. A couple vents lead into shafts that drop straight down into darkness. A couple are simply too small for any person to actually make it down comfortably. There is only one promising vent that, if the grate were to be pried open, could reasonably fit a person down into. The bottom is only a couple feet down before it turns and starts heading horizontally into the building. Logic would dictate that this vent serves either the elevator shaft or the main room Wormwood entered.

Cynthia grins and out comes her toolkit. Time to remove this grate. It's too quiet of a night for her spool of detcord. She goes to work. <<Okay, I think I found a way in. Be easier to just step through but most of their alarms are rigged in the umbra and such.>> She doesn't whistle while she works that'd be unprofessional and noisy.

Wormwood remains in the hallway. <<Gotcha, well...still down here...better be quiet and don't talk when you guys get down here, too...or you're liable to wake someone up, and we don't want that, do we?>>

xxxxxThe grate comes off with careful prying, and a brief survey shows that none of the guards have been alerted or noticed. As Cynthia starts to shimmy in, successfully stealthing her way into the vent with Misa behind. The pair are quiet as they crawl, the vent twisting and turning several times requiring some contortion to get around the corners. It's not sexy but it works, and eventually Cynthia comes to the opening of the elevator shaft. The elevator is still at the bottom floor, which leaves just an open shaft that goes deep down underground. Cables keep the tension of the lift in the middle of the shaft, a pretty obvious way to start climbing down.

Cynthia will slide out onto the wall and help Misa out onto the cables before she begins carefully sneaking downwards <<Coming down to the Elevator. Or at least the top of it. Might be able to slip down and check to see if there's access lower beneath it. I don't suppose theirs a call button on your floor that would open the doors if we got inside?>> as she begins to look for side shafts or any other directions to go around the elevator.

Wormwood walks over to the elevator and begins to examine it closely. <<Nope, no call button. No nothing. Just a keycard swipe. Entire fucking place is childsafe and smooth.>>

SpiderCynthia SpiderCynthia does whatever a Cynthia does. Can she leap? Yes she can. Where are the doors? Here comes the Cynthia! Cynthia makes her way down and begins to poke around the Elevator <<Course, let us know if anyone starts to use this thing. It'd sorta be silly to get squashed by it.>>. There there are usually maintenance ladders and gaps in this places. She's looking for a access shaft, door, panel control or whatever she can find.

Cynthia waves at Misa as she works a panel off. It's good that they're both small girls. She worms her way down the duct and slowly removes the panel at the far end to crawl out onto the ceiling itself. She holds the grate in one hand while helping Misa drop quietly to the floor before replacing the cover and lowering herself down too. Nin nin nin!