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w/ Leo Ragatti & Tracy Race on Commentary</center>
w/ Leo Ragatti & Tracy Race on Commentary</center>
==Preview & Card Summary==
== Preview & Card Summary ==
<center>On May 9th, 1980-- a film came along that lifted a genre above the rest. 34 years later-- in 2014, a professional wrestling promotion is coming along that's looking to replicate what Friday the 13th did for the horror genre. To say it's a 'new day' would be totally cliche, so let's just say.. LEGACY Wrestling wants to reinvent the wheel. Taking a concept so tested and true and change it-- not because they want to, but because they HAVE to. The only way to properly introduce yourself intot he game is by throwing everything you've got into it, and that's exactly what LEGACY is out to do.<br>
<center>On May 9th, 1980-- a film came along that lifted a genre above the rest. 34 years later-- in 2014, a professional wrestling promotion is coming along that's looking to replicate what Friday the 13th did for the horror genre. To say it's a 'new day' would be totally cliche, so let's just say.. LEGACY Wrestling wants to reinvent the wheel. Taking a concept so tested and true and change it-- not because they want to, but because they HAVE to. The only way to properly introduce yourself intot he game is by throwing everything you've got into it, and that's exactly what LEGACY is out to do.<br>
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== Show Intro ==
== Show Intro ==
Coming soon!
<center>Inside of the Carson Community Center, it was a mad house. Not because of 'bingo' night.. not because there was a local indy act blowing out the speakers, but rather because for the first time in a long time.. the state of California was housing a FRESH new kid on the block in terms of professional wrestling, a company that called Carson.. home. Set up in the arena, it wasn't anything too fancy. A ring, standard size-- the mat was black, the ropes was black, white black and the turnbuckle matched the rope color scheme. Outside of the ring-- the barricades that kept the fans back? It was done in the old-style, steel.. of course they too was painted black to match the rest of it.<br>
A THUNDEROUS ovation sounded once their city name was announced.<br>
Over the PA System the classic sound of Jason Voorhes' "chi.. chi.. chi..", "ha.. ha.. ha.." which gave the crowd yet  ANOTHER reason to pop.<br>
The crowd had yet to meet the man who ran LEGACY on-air.. most of them would wish they hadn't once this was all said and done. Then- suddenly..<br>
"I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred pulsated through the arena as within seconds, shoving through the curtain we see Peter Bauer with a turtle neck on and a sports coat. His hair looked ridiculous, the expression on his face said 'powertrip' and mixed with his pick of theme music, this was a classic experience. Some fans within the arena begun to let Bauer hear it already, not appreciating the ear-ache they were beginning to get from the nuisance of music, but he laughed it off and headed down towards the ring-- not bothering to interact with the fans at all.<br>
''"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to LEGACY Wrestling's Friday the 20th-- My name is Len Ragatti.."''<br>
''".. and I'm Tracy Race."''<br>
"And we're you're commentary team from here, on out! We're proud to be able to call the action for you.. and as it was said earlier; the man making his way to the ring now is Peter Bauer, or as he likes to be called.. The Brass."<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "I'm not calling another man The Brass, that's absolutely ridiculous."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "You don't have to Tracy, I'm just telling the people what Mister Bauer prefers!"<br>
As Right Said Fred's one hit wonder continued to looped over the PA, Bauer eventually got into the ring and was handed a mic-- gazing it over, he nodded before with a sudden movement-- he stuck the mic into the air- the theme cut off as there was nothing aside of a few boos, a whole lot of buzzing and totally random "YOU SUCK BAUER" chant booming through.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Seems like Bauer is.. taking in the moment?"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Oh, he's taking in something alright."<br>
In a total obnoxious manner, Bauer slowly moved the mic to his lips while twirling the mic in his hand all before he stopped near his lips and threw his head back.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Looks like the fans here in the LEGACY Center isn't too keen on The Brass!"<br>
'''Race:''' "It's hard being keen on ANYONE who refers to themselves as a synonym for 'the boss'.. Plus, has Bauer even wrestled a match in his life?!"<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "I have no idea Tracy, I'm sure I'll add that to the list for my Q and A after the show."<br>
'''Petey Bauer:''' "Now since this is all new to you, allow me to break it down so you're understanding what's going on here! This isn't just a professional wrestling company that boomed out of no where.. no, this is a professional wrestling company ran by the single.. GREATEST.. promoter in PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING HISTORY!"<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "It seems like Mister Bauer holds himself in a VERY high regard!"<br>
'''Petey Bauer:''' "Don't boo! Don't boo me, I'm your friend! I'm someone that's looking out for YOUR best interest! If you wanna boo something, I could have a list typed up and made out to each and everyone of you for better things to jeer at! Like for starters.. the city of Carson, California.."<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' ".. really?!"<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "I'm not too sharp on the business side of things but I'm pretty sure.. alienating your audience during the first 10 minutes of your show isn't the particular way you wanna do things.. but there's a reason why Bauer has a mic in his hand at the moment and I'm doing commentary."<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "It's 'cause Bauer interviews well and you don't."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Touche."<br>
'''Petey Bauer:''' "But I'm not here to talk about the Trojans.. I'm not here to talk about Carson Palmer or even how much of a rat-trap Carson, California is.. I'm here to tell you that my name is PETEY BAUER AND I'M YOUR NEW GOD, BABY!"<br>
Sprinting towards the turnbuckle, Bauer scaled it and took a bow, all as the fans continued to boo his presence. Kissing his hands and throwing it out to the side to mock the people in attendance, Bauer even wiped away a trace of a tear that never really emerged from his left eye as he allowed himself to fall back down onto the mat and move back to the center of the ring. Taking a second to collect himself and form his thoughts, Bauer once again moved the mic to his lips.<br>
'''Petey Bauer:''' "Despite me urging to relocate LEGACY to somewhere more classy- like Santa Monica or even Long Beach, we're stuck here so.. so we've gotta make-do with what we've got. I can assure you that under my watch, not only will LEGACY fill the HUGE void left in your lives by the constant robberies you're victim of due to it's terrible economy and lack of any occupational system-- but I.. Peter.. Doyle.. Bauer personally guarantees that LEGACY Wrestling will be the answer to ALL your prayers! The prayers asking for something-- anything to keep you folk having faith in the industry due to the massive amount of suckitude that's been offered lately. I GUARANTEE-- that names like.. "The Emerald" Drew Stevenson.."<br>
'''Petey Bauer:''' "Alyssa Pryde.."<br>
A mixed reaction was given for Pryde-- compared to the OVERWHELMING boo's that Drew's name received.<br>
Letting off a creepy grin, Bauer nodded.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "A truly interesting way to address the fans of LEGACY Wrestling.."<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "This guy burns more bridges than California's City and County system."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "I wouldn't doubt it.. Not one.. bit."<br>
With Bauer waving off at the fans as he made his way up the stage and towards the back.. the camera cut out to the first 'sponsorship break' of the evening.. all as Bauer was seen standing at the top of the stage, waving and smiling as if he was just elected president of the United States. Was he the right man to lead LEGACY to the promised land? It remained to be seen so far, but if anything-- Bauer's debut and opening address would be remembered for being as negative and insulting as he's known to be in life.</center><br>
== Bulldozer Brixton vs. Ryan Hawkins & Alex Andrews (1 on 2 Handicap Match) ==
<center>Coming off of the break, we're back at ring-side where standing on one side of the ring was the unlikely and randomly generated duo of Alex Andrews and Ryan Hawkins. They didn't know each other well and more than likely wouldn't team again after this-- but they had to deal with it for the moment. Alex Andrews had the presence of a star, his looks down to the way he carried himself spoke volumes regarding his future in the business. Hawkins on the other hand-- he had the look, but was missing something and it wasn't an easy fix. Nonetheless, standing on the OTHER end of the ring-- we see LEGACY's BIGGEST signing.. Bulldozer Brixton.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "And ladies and gentlemen.. to kick off the official era of LEGACY, what better than.. THE TITAN.. Bulldozer Brixton!?"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "I managed to get a word with the big man before we came out here tonight and it's safe to say that not only is Double-Bee ready for action-- but he's looking to do JUST as his name says. bulldoze through these two standing in front of him."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "It won't be an easy task though, despite the numerical odds, Brixton is about the same size as these two put together, Tracy!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "I'd say you'd need at least another, or even two stacked in Andrews and Hawkins corner to have the odds be put in their favor.."<br>
Early chants broke out for Brixton-<br>
Brixton-- being new to the company and well.. industry, took the cheers with smiles as the official for the match-- PJ Polaski signed for the bell. The crowd ERUPTED again for the OFFICIAL kickoff for LEGACY.. all as Andrews quickly jumped out of the ring and behind the ropes-- leaving Hawkins to square off against Brixton. With the fans still behind the big man, Hawkins sighed before launching himself in-- he was caught with a STRONG clothesline that dropped him to the mat pretty hard. Bouncing back up though, Hawkins tried to rush Brixton again, this time Bulldozer simply grabbed him by the head and shoved him backwards-- Hawkins hit the turnbuckle and went red in the face..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Look at the strength.. the way Brixton imposes his will out there!"<br>
On the outside, Andrews was cheering Hawkins on.. in a total mocking manner. Andrews wanted nothing of Brixton-- the kid was smart. Nonetheless, Hawkins dusted his hands off and moved towards the center of the ring.. he tried to lock up with Brixton but Double B shoved Hawkins down to the mat-- hitting it hard again, Hawkins grew frustrated with the situation and once more went with a head full of steam towards Brixton-- this time though, Bulldozer wouldn't knock him off to the side. Like an uncle would do with a younger nephew, as Hawkins closed it on Brixton, Brixton plucked him OFF of the mat and held him high in the air above his head--<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Len.. that's a LONG--"<br>
While facing Andrews, Brixton pressed Hawkins above his head a few times and at the peak of his arm extension, he let Hawkins fall.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' ".. down.. OUCH!"<br>
Once Hawkins hit the mat, the arena broke off in a CRAZY uproar, all as Brixton threw his right arm HIGH into the air..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "That's at least.. ten freakin' feet Hawkins fell from!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "I told you.. I told you that Brixton is in a class of his own. A man this powerful doesn't just coast.. he DOMINATES."<br>
Holding his gut as he rolled towards the corner, Hawkins slapped Andrews' thigh JUST as Andrews tried to jump backwards and off of the ring apron.. Brixton flashed Andrews a smile and waved him to get into the ring, all as THE TITAN carried a smirk-- one that just oozed confidence as he knew that he didn't need to do too much to get into the head of his opponents.. his sheer size did the trick. The Official Polaski shouted in Andrews' direction, warning him to get in the ring or risk disqualification and eventually.. he obliged. It was painfully obvious that he wanted nothing to do with Brixton in terms of physicality.. but he'd do it, because he was after all.. The Showstealer. Getting into the ring with a hop, Andrews sighed and nodded before looking for an angle to attack Brixton from.. which wasn't necessarily the easiest task.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Well.. Mister Showstealer has his opportunity to do just that-- if he can somehow STEAL one here from Bulldozer Brixton, it'd lend a heck of a lot of credibility to that alias!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Good luck with that."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "No faith in Alex Andrews?"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Oh I have faith in the kid, but I know he's going to fail."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' ".. aren't you an optimistic one!?"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "With twenty years in the books in terms of my career Len, there's no room for optimism. I think the kid has a good chance to show what he's got but ultimately? Brixton is going to smash his skull beneath his giant boot. Does it suck? Hell yeah it sucks, I wouldn't want to find myself standing across of that big bastard on debut night-- that's why I called it a career and retired. Andrews and Hawkins have had their work cut out for them since this match was announced.. Like I said-- good luck."<br>
Andrews faked a shoot, Brixton got as low as he could [which wasn't very low] which allowed Andrews to run, duck beneath Brixton's natural reflex to throw a clothesline. Popping up behind of Brixton, Andrews fired off a STIFF right kick to the inside of Brixton's leg which wobbled the big man.. but he didn't fall. Andrews quickly hit the turnbuckle and scaled it..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Andrews showing some speed here.."<br>
Pushing himself up on the turnbuckle, Andrews smiled and once Brixton turned towards him-- Andrews SAILED off of the top rope.. but the result was NOT what he had seen coming..<br>
The second Andrews took flight and got into Brixton's airspace, Brixton cocked his arm back and fired off a MMAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSIVVVVVVVVVE right hand that not only killed Andrews' flight, but more than likely knocked him out.. cold. Hitting the mat like a sack of potatoes, the crowd was LOVING Brixton's offense all as Brixton rubbed at his leg where he was kicked and he looked angry.. something that definitely wouldn't work in Andrews' favor. Leaning over, Brixton picked Andrews up and tossed him into the corner with an irish-whip.. as Andrews hit it and barely was able to stay standing, the four-hundred and twenty five pound flesh freight-train charged forward and with some amazing hops-- leaped into the air and CRASHED across of Andrews'..<br>
As Andrews crumbled down onto the mat, Hawkins who had taken his sweet time to recover from the quick beating he took from Brixton got into the ring and decided he'd try his luck with the big man being focused in on crushing Andrews..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "After that.. crushing running splash my colleague coined Freight Train 425.. Ryan Hawkins is looking to try his luck again!"<br>
Hitting Brixton across his massive back with a few solid forearms, but that didn't phase him. Turning around slowly, Brixton's eyes mapped out Hawkins' future-- pain and agony. Hawkins fired off another shot, this time Brixton actually caught the punch with his right hand and turned squeezed Hawkins' fist, all as he turned his arm to the side. Hawkins yelled and kicked as he tried to get Brixton to let go-- all that followed spelled doom for him. Firing off a HUGE kick to the gut, Hawkins doubled over as Brixton let go of his fist and scooped him up with ease-- and placed him across his MASSIVE shoulder..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' ".. good night Mister Hawkins.."<br>
With a slight jump, Brixton got airborne all as he fell down to his knees, causing Hawkins' back to crash across his [Brixton's] shoulders. The fans were loving it, as Hawkins hit the mat, Brixton made the cover with his right fist pressed down over Hawkins' chest-- Andrews had intelligently rolled out of the ring and fell down to the mat as Official Polanski got down..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Complete.. and utter.. domination. Wow.."<br>
Pushing himself up to a standing position, Brixton glanced down at a fallen and unconscious Ryan Hawkins and shrugged, all as he threw his right arm in the air. Official Polanski couldn't reach that high to hold his arm up to signal victory, so instead he just grabbed at Brixton's elbow.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "I'm telling you Ragatti, Brixton is the real deal. He's got aggression, strength.. and he was trained by a hell of a wrestler in his own right-- Chris Legion. Legion has gone on record saying Brixton is the best big man he's worked with and Legion has been around. That speaks volumes for where this guy is at.. and where he can be in his career."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "I was skeptical, but pencil me in as a believer.. I don''t think there's anyone that c--"<br>
Before Ragatti could finish his statement, an unfamiliar beat chimed in over the PA.. and not before long, it was apparent who it was. "My England" by Lady Sovereign slammed over the PA-- the female's high pitched, nasal flow sounded as moving through the curtain first we see the unmistakable face of Johnny Bonecrusher..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' ".. yeah, you'd better hold on to that statement."<br>
In the ring, Brixton didn't bother moving the angle of his body, instead he simply turned his head towards the stage and that's when his eyes met the man that he had a bit of a 'squabble' with over Twitter the past week..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Oh you wanna talk about big and bad? Bulldozer Brixton definitely falls into that category.. but let's not forget about this guy.."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' ".. Adrian.. Abernanthy.. Gates!"<br>
Straight out of England, The Gentlemen's Thug was no small man.. 6'7", 355lbs. of pure scrapper, AAG and Bulldozer exchanged words recently, Johnny Bonecrusher-- a HUGE talent over in LEGACY's sister promotion; Missouri State Wrestling was responsible for airing his client's thoughts. As Bonecrusher and AAG moved down the stage, AAG was dressed for the moment-- a wifebeater, a pair of slacks and of course trusty old Doc Martins. Hopping into the ring, light from above shined off of his head as he didn't pull any punches-- he got STRAIGHT into the face-- or well, chin of Brixton and the two was engaged in a pretty.. epic staredown.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Ohhhh.. This has the potential to get BAD.. really.. really quick."<br>
With the two big men not budging, Johnny Bonecrusher-- channeling his inner- Freddie Blassie without a mic begun to hurl a verbal tirade at Brixton-- with a grimace, Brixton simply stuck out his left hand-- placed it against JBC's face and shoved him backwards--<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' ".. Yep, it's gonna get bad."<br>
Watching his friend and associate take a fall-- Adrian Abernanthy Gates let loose and quickly hit Brixton in the gut with a shoulder and drove THE TITAN backwards into the turnbuckle.<br>
With the LEGACY fans already bursting into an uproar, officials from the back hit the ring-- including a man many recognized-- Talen Decaine. An immediate "IRX" chant broke out through the arena as Decaine, along side twelve others quickly got in between the two, all as it wasn't an easy task.<br>
The fans seemed split on who they were cheering for, all as finally, some order. In the midst of the quick fight, AAG had ripped his wifebeater off and tossed it into the crowd, the ladies in attendance loved what they saw as Brixton didn't look too thrilled with what had gone down neither. Holding both hands in the air as Decaine worded something in his direction, Brixton nodded and pushed himself backwards into the turnbuckle. The look in his eyes read 'murder, death, kill' though as his moment was ruined by someone who just.. didn't care in Johnny Bonecrusher and AAG.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "We're gonna need to relocate to the Coliseum to be able to hold these two monsters!"<br>
Decaine now spoke to AAG, urging him to hold his temper and wait it out-- as the staff got in between both men and was able to move Gates to the back, it didn't last long as Johnny Bonecrusher fueled the fire and himself tried to rush Brixton!<br>
Now his client; AAG had to control Bonecrusher all as Brixton kept calling for them to let him go so they could settle the problem.<br>
With JBC under control, both he and Adrian Abernanthy Gates showed restraint as they left the ring all as a few staff guided them in that direction. Moving towards the side of the ring that faced them, Bulldozer Brixton once again threw his right arm in the air-- to a solid pop.. all as the camera faded from ringside off to the back.<br>
''"What does it mean to be a Warrior?"''<br>
BOOM! A fist cracking against steel was heard.<br>
''"It's everything I offer, it's what I do to people who get in my way!"''<br>
BANG! Another fist hits steel, causing an echo this time.<br>
''"I've had to deal with this prissy little punk for too long, I've had enough of him. Tonight..  the dawning of WASTE, and you won't even see it coming. Like I told earlier, where's Leo Banks? Where's SVD? I'll tell you where they're at.. AFRAID. SCARED. NOT WILLING TO PUT THEIR BLOOD AND GUTS ON THE LINE LIKE I AM!"''<br>
Ward's words BROKE through the sound- barrier, all as he gave the camera a stern glare.<br>
'''Matt Ward:''' "I'm going to hurt you tonight Ian, I'm going to make an example out of you.. an example that puts WASTE at the top of the map, right next to The Jokers. We're not fighting for individuality, Ian.. We're fighting for survival. In this business, second place doesn't count which is why tonight, after I crush your face and leave you broken-- WASTE rises.. and WASTE takes over."<br>
After taping his fists, Ward slammed it into his hand.<br>
'''Matt Ward:''' "Othniel went off about The Purge he's going on-- well tonight? Let's all witness The Massacre of Ian Windermear."<br>
Slamming his taped fist back into his cupped hand, Ward kept his fist clenched all as the camera fizzled out from Ward and found it's way backstage to where Ian Windermear was standing. Stroking his goatee, Windermear, with a smirk nodded his head and pointed into the camera.<br>
'''Ian Windermear:''' "So the fat boy thinks he scares me.. That's cute. I've heard it all this week, I've heard the big.. scary rumors.."<br>
Throwing up 'scary fingers', Ian continued.<br>
'''Ian Windermear:''' "Of this fictional group you've assembled with your imaginary friends called WASTE.. That's fine, bring them. I hope ALL of WASTE is in attendance for what I do to you tonight because then.. it's show them that you're nothing but a fat.. useless.. broke.. failure."<br>
Windermear let off a chuckle as he rolled his shoulders forward.<br>
'''Ian Windermear:''' "You may be the Last Outlaw of Hardcore Wrestling.. But I'll be sure to send you straight to extinction with the rest of the glorified stuntmen you like to categorize yourself with. No Holds Barred, Matt-- do you understand what that means? Does it register in your head the ways I can beat you, and keep beating you until you no longer are able to hit your fat fingers against a keyboard and litter Twitter with your pitiful existence?!"<br>
With a resounding "HA" fired off, Windermear nodded.<br>
'''Ian Windermear:''' "I was paranoid about what you were bringing, but then I came to my senses and realized that Aiden Marx is a PUNK and he won't bother showing his face knowing that I'll have the tools necessary to smash it. Let his ass sit in the stands, let him be a by-stander because he knows damn well if he crosses that line I'll break his neck just like I'm planning on doing to you, Ward! And as far as your BITCH, Kimberly Pain? She's not contracted so I'd suggest she stops mouthing off before I decide to stick my foot so far down her throat my toes soak in estrogen. You're going to learn your lesson-- all of you.. Massacre of Ian Windermear? Ha.. More like Laying WASTE to the human waste.. Matt Ward, you're DONE."<br>
Shoving past the camera, Windermear didn''t bother with a laugh- with a smile, or anything of that nature. Instead he charged forward and left the area he was situated in. The camera tumbled backwards until it found itself fixed in on the face of one of LEGACY's newest additions; Hayden Phoenix. Phoenix came to LEGACY from a loose affiliate in ICWA.. A promotion that currently was on hiatus. With Hayden sitting on a black production crate, he smirked.<br>
'''Hayden Phoenix:''' "Even though I can't be out there tonight in front of the great fans of.. Caaaaaaaarrrrrrsoooooooon.. CEE- AYE!.. I''m there in spirit.. And just know that I won't bore you with unnecessarily long-winded threats and challenges.. I'm going to be quick and to the point. While I'm not able to compete in in-ring action tonight-- the next time LEGACY is broadcasting live from this beautiful city?! I''ll be there."<br>
The fans watching on the LEGACYvision, an oversized screen that was probably the biggest financial commitment LEGACY Officials had made popped for Hayden's words.<br>
'''Hayden Phoenix:''' "Whoever is the first? Don''t get mad-- don't be hurt by the fact that you're gonna be a statistic.. rather, be glad that you're the FIRST in a long line of opposition that'll fall victim to me. A phoenix.. especially HAYDEN PHOENIX.. he scorches the land and everything he flies over-- LEGACY just so happens to be the house that the phoenix rises in.. all the rest of you? You're just bound to be burnt to ashes. Carson, you're beautiful-- I'll be seeing you guys soon."<br>
And just like that, Hayden Phoenix kept it short and sweet as he promised and let off a wink with a cocky little smile all as AGAIN, we saw LEGACY Official- Decaine sprint through the corridor, all as he grabbed the camera man by the back of the shirt.<br>
As Decaine let go and sprinted in a direction, the camera man moved back towards Hayden Phoenix who shrugged..<br>
'''Hayden Phoenix:''' "Someone needs to change to decaf!"</center>
== Matt Ward vs. Ian Windermear (No Holds Barred Match) ==
<center>A few laughs sounded all as the camera once again flickered-- this time changing from a shot of Hayden Phoenix to a now brutal shot of Matt Ward mounted on Ian Windermear, throwing right after right after right. Each time his hand landed across Ian's skull- a sick >THUD< sounded.<br>
As Ward saw the devil in Windermear's face, it allowed Ian to get a leg up on the competition and fired off a quick palm strike to the nose which caused  Ward's head to snap back and sent him falling over and off of Ian. As Ian attempted to push himself up, Ward' fired himself back at Windermear, all as Windermear used Ward's momentum against him- side-stepped Chicago's Warrior and sent him sprinting into a wall and hit it with a crash. As Ward bounced off of the wall, Windermear dropped to a knee-- as Ward turned around in a daze, Windermear pushed himself up and darted towards Ward like a bat out of hell, lowered his shoulder and BLASTED through the drywall standing there.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "THIS IS A FIGHT! I LOVE IT!"<br>
The camera quickly moved through the door as a whole bunch of black shirt wearing production members scrambled out of the room, all as Windermear locked Ward in a side headlock and pulled his head up and begun to fire away rights and left, catching Ward across the forehead and face.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "These two do NOT like each other! They've both made mention to busting each other open during the week.. and with how this has kicked off, I wouldn't doubt  we see our first drop of blood within seconds!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "People underestimate the value that blood brings to pro wrestling, Len. That's the ULTIMATE sacrifice right there-- when you're bleeding, tired and on the verge of throwing in the towel, to say that you've battled through the odds to get your hand raised.. it's a rush, man."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Oh I believe it!"<br>
Finally allowing Ward's head to hit the ground, Windermear, who was a bit dazed from the shots he took himself earlier managed to get back to his feet and stood up, all as he moved backwards and threw his head back. The official responsible for counting three to end the match-- Official PJ Polanski, the same official that ref'd the last match had his hands across his bald head as he had NO idea what to do. Ward was covered in debris from being speared through a wall, Windermear was on the search for.. something, it was a challenging situation. As Windermear reappeared in the frame, he had one of those industrial brooms in his hands and had it raised high above his head-- as Ward got to both knees, Windermear brought the broom down across Ward's head letting off a SICK <THUD> as Ward crumbled down to the tiled floor, all as he threw a fight rights and lefts at the air from his position of being flat on his back. Windermear looked as evil and determined as possible brought the broom above his head again-<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' ".. we apologize for the language there, folks.."<br>
Breaking the broom over his knee, Windermear tossed the shorter end off to the side as he held the sharp, broken edge of the broom in his hands and admired it like Triple H did with his sledgehammers.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Uhh.. This.. Looks.. Odd.."<br>
Moving towards Ward-- Windermear stood over his fallen body as he turned the sharp edge down and held it like a stake-- bringing the stick above his head-- he fired off the sickest smile imaginable and nodded--<br>
'''Ian Windermear:''' "TIME TO END THE ILLINOIS DOUGH BOY!"<br>
As Windermear brought the sharp pointed stick down, it NARROWLY missed Matt Ward, as Ward managed to push himself away from the weapon strike. The amount of power behind the stab attempt hitting the floor sent a shockwave through Windermear's hands and caused him to drop the stick all as Ward rolled off to the side, picked  up the already folded steel chair sitting against the wall in the corner and with EVERYTHING he had.. which was still A LOT fired off a chair shot--<br>
The chairshot was SO brutal that it literally folded across Windermear's head. Windermear's body went limp as he fell backwards, the chair still fitted across his head and face like a brand new New Era cap. Ward stumbled towards Windermear's body and pulled the chair off of him-- where the chair had connected left a pretty gnarly looking welt, but no cut.. no blood. Tossing the chair aside, Ward reached down and picked Windermear up by his neck and moved him through the door that was open and whipped him towards the table that held the catering and beverages. Barely able to stand-- let alone move his legs in a walking motion from that vicious chairshot, it was more of instincts as Windermear hit it-- he doubled over the table as Ward neared his location-- once Ward reached out to grab Windermear's head-- Windermear, out of TOTAL desperation grabbed hold of a pretty thick glass that was sitting on the table and took a wild swing-- the glass connected off the side of Ward's face-- right over his left eye and shattered upon impact. Ward stumbled backwards and hit the floor, all as Windermear attempted to collect himself.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "In my twenty plus year career.. I've never.. EVER.. EVER.. seen something as brutal as this. Who needs a arm-drag?! Body slams?! Thrown out the window! We've seen spears through walls, Ian Windermear attempt to STAB Matt Ward with a broken stick-- Matt Ward try to leave Windermear in a coma with a chairshot straight out of hell-- and now?! Ian answer back with by breaking a freakin' mug across Ward's face! What WON'T these two do to each other to secure victory and bragging rights?!"<br>
Windermear had his hands over his face as he too tried to figure out what was needed to keep Wars down, as The Second City Warrior was already beginning to stir. Pushing himself up, Ian grabbed a metal cookie pan and dumped off the assortment of treats scattered across of it. Grabbing a handful, he held the cookies in one hand and the pan in the other. As Ward got to a knee, Windermear fired off a kick to Ward's stomach with caused him to gasp for breath, all as with that handful of cookies, he stuffed it into Ward's mouth.<br>
'''Ian Windermear:''' "MAYBE DIABETES WILL TAKE YOUR ASS OUT!"<br>
Ward spit some of the cookies out at Windermear, but that didn't stop his path of rage. Cracking Ward across the top of the head with the cookie pan, Ward fell backwards and spit out another round of chewed up and bloody cookies, all as Windermear fell on Ward's fallen body-- causing Official Polanski to make the count in a strange situation.<br>
'''<big>T- KICKOUT!</big>'''<br>
'''Len Raggati:''' ".. Ward's still in it!?"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "The kid has balls, Len.. Gotta give him that."<br>
Managing to get his second wind at the right time, Windermear's adrenaline coursed through his veins as he mounted Ward and grabbed Matt by the ears..<br>
'''Ian Windermear:''' "WHY WON'T YOU STAY DOWN?! HUH?!"<br>
Bringing Matt's head up- Windermear shouted..<br>
'''Ian Windermear:''' "STAY.."<br>
SLAMMING Matt's head against the floor, he shouted again..<br>
'''Ian Windermear:''' "DOWN!"<br>
Pulling Matt's head up again, he was able to slam it down, all as before he could-- Matt spit-sprayed a whole bunch of chewed up, nasty and blood cookie and spit into Windermear's eyes, blinding him. Ian threw himself off of Ward as he clawed at his eyes to try and ease the burn, all as Ward-- as dazed and probably confused as he was-- managed to get to his feet and picked Windermear up, leading him back to the table that was flushed against the wall. With a stiff right hand bouncing off of Windermear's head, Ian once again was stuck in a state of daze as Ward shoved him towards the table and then fixed his position so he was laying across the table.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "What the hell is Ward going to do here?!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "I don't know, but color me curious!"<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Yellow?"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' ".. what?!"<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "You said to color you curious-- and everyone knows Curious George eats bananas AND is fascinated by the Man with the Yellow Hat!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "I feel dumber by listening to that.."<br>
While Len and Tracy continued to trade barbs and build their commentary chemistry, Ward found himself a vantage point-- a few production crates stacked on one another. Two of them on another elevated to about.. eight feet, which was four feet above what Ian was off the ground. As Windermear continued to try and get himself up, Ward pointed down at Ian and then flipped him a DOUBLE BIRD as he launched himself OFF of the stacked production crates..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "WARD CATCHING SOME AIR HERE.."<br>
.. BUT NO! Before Ward could crash through Windermear AND the table, Ian rolled out of the way, which caused Ward to break through the table.. and slam off of the hard floor. With cookies, cups of stale coffee and even a salad or two scattered across Ward and his broken table, Windermear lifted his head to see the damage and let off a weak but funny laugh as he closed his eyes and threw his head backwards-- enjoying the sight of Ward which looks like he smashed through a gardening shop's window with a moped.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "This match.. If it's even considered a match has taken more twists and turns than a season of Game of Thrones!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "HAIL HOUSE LANNISTER!"<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "I think at the moment, Matt Ward feels like a member of House Stark. Unconscious, probably suffering from internal bleeding.. all he needs to do is get decapitated and he'd be on par to be LEGACY's own Ned Stark!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "This is LEGACY, not the Salem Witch Trials! There's no beheading going on, unless it's from a Tracy Race Guillotine Legdrop!"<br>
Pushing himself up, mustering everything he had left in the tank, Windermear hobbled towards Ward.. as he picked Ward up and lead him towards a opening in the hall straight ahead. Moving through there, the camera changed quickly to one outside of the curtain that separated the back from the ringside-- as Ward came flying through the curtain. Rolling down the stage, the crowd went wild as Windermear emerged through it next.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Well.. We're back at ringside!"<br>
Ward crawled towards the ring, he was beat up from the battle at hand but there wasn't a end in sight, Ward would rather DIE than give up. As Windermear continued to hobble after Ward, in the corner of his eye-- he caught the glimpse of someone sitting in the front row..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "As stated through the week-- Matt Ward's widely known tag team partner; Aiden Marx IS in attendance tonight for Friday the 20th. Last we heard, contract negotiations stalled and he's just here as a fan, nothing more."<br>
To his right was a pretty female-- one that WAS contracted in Angelica Night. As Windermear approached the barricade, he threw his hands up and shouted something in their way-- Marx did nothing aside of hold his right hand up-- with his middle finger extended, but in back of his finger was a ticket to the show. As Windermear and Marx exchanged words-- Ward managed to get to his feet and clobbered an unsuspecting Windermear behind the head with a hard right hand, sending Windermear forward and leaned up over the black barricade. Marx pointed at Ward-- Ward returned the gesture as Ward backed himself against the ring and darted forward throwing his leg OVER Windermear's body which was hanging over the barricade which caused it to adjust from the amount of weight suddenly hitting it.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Great environment manipulation!"<br>
Grabbing Windermear's legs and extending them out, Ward fired off a HUGE kick that looked low-- it probably was. Letting off a total shout of pain from that, Windermear grabbed at his throbbing oats as he rolled around on the matted floor, all as Ward took a deep breath, this was definitely a fight for the ages that'd be remembered for being as brutal as it was.<br>
''"WARD! WARD! WARD!"''<br>
The fans were BEHIND Matt Ward here, not an everyday situation but it was working in his favor as he was feeding off of it. Rolling Windermear into the ring, Ward stood him up and whipped him into the ropes-- as Windermear ricocheted off of it, Ward side-stepped a running elbow attempt from Windermear-- as he bounced back off of the ropes-- Ward snatched him and spun him around in rapid motion and PLANTED him with a HARD powerslam!<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "OH THAT'LL RATTLE THE SPINE!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "The ring actually SHOOK from that one! Good GOD, Ward!"<br>
Not bothering to make the cover, Ward pulled himself up to a knee and then also stood his opponent up-- stepping over the doubled-over head of Ian Windermear, Ward attempted to lift him above his head which got the crowd buzzing and standing as they knew what was coming..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Could we be seeing the end here?! What Ward likes to call The Vendetta?!"<br>
Attempting to balance Windermear on his shoulder-- Windermear managed to kick out of it and pull his momentum down. Hitting the mat, he threw himself into the ropes and fired forward-- as Ward turned around, Windermear CLEANED him with a HARD clothesline that got the fans into a frenzy..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "EAT HIS FOREARM!"<br>
Ward did a flip before he landed from how hard that clothesline was-- all as the camera fixed in on the shot of Aiden Marx and Angelica Night sitting-- not bothering to move  despite their team mates apparent struggles."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "That was.. VICIOUS! Windermear held NOTHING back on that shot!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "You've gotta wonder if that's all he had left-- if all that was put into that clothesline to get momentum back on his side!"<br>
Signaling with a cut-throat as he pointed down at Matt Ward, all as there was a split screen shot of Marx who stood up-- of course, to the fan's delight.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "What the hell!? Marx isn't even on the roster! He's not cleared to compete here, why is he acting as a distraction?!"<br>
Tracy Race: "Numbers never lie.. and in this case, numbers NEVER lose."<br>
Seeing Marx make his move, Windermear turned his attention to Marx and begun to shout at him.. all as hopping the barricade on the FAR side-- away from where Ian Windermear's line of vision was.. we see a figure move with grace..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "A FAN JUMPED THE BARRICADE!"<br>
The figure hit the ring and purposely stomped his feet-- as Windermear turned around--  the man rocking a plague mask darted forward and planted the sole of his boot across of Windermear's face-- knocking him down AND out in the process..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Wait a second.. THAT'S NOT A FAN! TH- T- THAT'S.."<br>
With the plague mask pulled off slowly, the man got a HELL of a lot of boos..<br>
Ward managed to see Cam standing there, all as Cam pointed at a downed Windermear and crawled towards him. Throwing his right arm over Windermear's fallen body, Official Polanski got into position, all as Cameron extended both arms out in the form of a crucifix and cocked his head back..<br>
Tracy Race: ".. Unbelievable."<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "They had us fooled. They had us thinking WASTE was Ward, Marx and Night.. Although Ward did say there was more than what met the eye, I didn't think Cameron Kaiser-- a guy who's Christ-complex is on par with Napoleon Bonaparte's.. would be that member."<br>
'''''ding.. ding.. ding..'''''<br>
Rob Hendricks: "Annnnnnnnnnnndddddddd your wiiiiiiinnnnnnerrrrrrr.. MMATTTTTTTTTTTTT.. WWWWWWAAAAARRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDD!"<br></center>
== WASTE Promo after the match ==
<center>As Ward attempted to get up, Aiden Marx and Angelica Night had hit the ring, Marx had ripped his shirt off and begun to fire off stomp after stomp across Windermear's body..<br>
Cameron Kaiser joined in on the fight and stomped at Windermear, all as Windermear attempted to cover up from the attack. Angelica Night shouted at Marx, urging him to hurt Windermear, all as Ward managed to secure the mic that Hendricks was using by ripping it away from him. In between breaths.. Ward raised the mic up to his lips..<br>
''"I-- I.. I to- told you. I- I told you ALL.. BUT NOBODY WOULD LISTEN!"''<br>
Rolling over towards Windermear, Ward threw the mic up as Marx snatched it out of mid-air as Ward begun to fire off right hands at Windermear's head.<br>
'''Aiden Marx:''' ".. I've said it time and time again-- it's not a saying it's a FACT. '''<u>W</u>'''E. '''<u>A</u>'''RE. '''<u>S</u>'''UPERIOR. '''<u>T</u>'''O.."<br>
Tossing the mic over towards Cameron Kaiser, he caught it and tilted his head back and smiled..<br>
'''Cameron Kaiser:''' ".. Evvvvveryyyyyyyonnnnnnnnneeeee."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "This gangland beating is sick!"<br>
Ward and Marx picked Windermear up and shoved him into the ropes-- Windermear was now tied up in the ropes all as Ward rushed forward and begun to BITE at Windermear's forehead-- the fans were beginning to shower WASTE with boos as not before long, blood begun to pour from Windermear's forehead. With bruises formed on Ward's body from the conflict, there was no blood drawn on him and after Marx hit a few stiff right hands across the gash across Windermear's forehead, blood begun to trickle-- then eventually gush through the wound-- all as Ward rubbed his palm against it and smeared Windermear's blood across his forehead. Marx followed suit, this time smearing the blood across his bare chest-- Cameron Kaiser balled his fist up and fired off a HUGE right hand-- his knuckles bloody with Windermear's blood, he rubbed it across his other hand as he extended both arms out again.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' ".. ladies and gentlemen.. WASTE.."<br>
With the four in the ring-- Ward, Marx, Kaiser and Night, the camera eventually cut off to break.. with a shot of a busted open and unconscious Ian Windermear and his head hanging in a awkward looking position.. WASTE though.. WASTE had finally arrived, and where better than LEGACY?</center>
== Zoe vs. Ruby Red (Promo) ==
<center>"I've picked up a few different nicknames through my career.. most recently.. The Crimson Queen. '''''Tout à fait approprié..'''''"<br>
The woman that took LEGACY by storm- Ruby Red, the French-Canadian beauty rolled her native language off of her tongue so well, she'd put men into a fluster. With a red body suit showcasing the curves that dazed she didn't look overly concerned with the situation at hand.. her match with Zoe. It seemed as if the rookie had got the jitters and didn't bother showing up on camera through the week to lend a hand in hyping her match but Ruby did, and she did a pretty damn good job about it too.<br>
'''Ruby Red:''' "Zoe, they say ''juenes'' is the key to success.."<br>
'Juenes' in French was translated into English as 'youth'.<br>
'''Ruby Red:''' ".. but in your case, it's not. In order for me to stake my claim as Queen of LEGACY, you first need to be used as an example. Despite trying to be something you're not Zoe, understand that in this business you're one of two things-- a tryer-- or a doer, and me ma chérie.. we'll see where I stand tonight."<br>
And just like that, she puckered her FIRETRUCK RED colored lips towards the camera and fired off a wink.. she was no doubt something else. Flickering from Ruby Red-- the camera changed shots now opening up on the black haired, pale-skinned youngster; Zoe. As mentioned by Ruby, Zoe was an 18 year old breaking into the business, her job to try and get one over on a veteran like The Crimson Queen was easier said than done, but stranger things have happened. Zoe sat in a steel chair near the corner of her locker, she had her elbows on her thighs as she looked straight ahead. For a rookie, debut night was always a task, but for someone like Zoe who was a California native, performing in front of her in-state people had a lot of pressure, maybe too much to ask a 18 year old to deal with at the moment.<br>
'''Zoe:''' "I've never had things given to me, I've always had to take them. For instance-- this opportunity in LEGACY. I'm a young girl, I'm 18 years old and people look at me like i'm crazy because I'm willing on sacrificing my body for the sport that I've loved since I was old enough to understand it. Tonight-- the biggest test in my life comes in the form of a buxom red-headed, red-lipped.. red EVERYTHING woman who wants nothing more than to cut me down and watch me crash and burn.."<br>
Trailing her words off- Zoe took a deep breath and stood up, all as she shook her head.<br>
'''Zoe:''' "It won't be that easy Ruby. See, you think you've got an advantage and ya know.. you might. But that won't stop me from leaving it ALL out there! I can tell that you're far from ordinary, that you want nothing more than to rule LEGACY with an Iron Fist, but I'm not ready to let you achieve that just yet! Tonight-- win.. lose.. or draw, the world finally meets Zoe-- it finally sees that I've arrived and it'll NEVER.. be the same.. again."<br>
Finally fixing her attention onto the camera, Zoe let off a confident nod as the camera cut off of her and into a different section of the back..</center>
== Petey Bauer/Kevin Moss (Promo) ==
<center>'''''"<big>WHERE'S MY LATTE?!</big>"'''''
Shouting at some poor, unsuspecting staff member.. Petey Bauer was already abusing his power.. and he didn't even have the position for THAT long. A staff member decked out in a black and white collared shirt sprinted off of the scene to get Bauer what he was asking for all as Bauer pointed past the camera--
Snickering into the camera, Bauer stepped off.. all as behind him.. a shot of newcomer to LEGACY; Kevin Moss. Moss was a tanned, handsome fellow from around CA-- after giving Bauer a pretty stern and disappointing stare, Bauer noticed it. Moving towards the man, Bauer crossed his arms over his chest and attempted to puff it out as much as he could-- Moss of course, found this behavior hilarious.. all as Bauer arched a brow at him.
'''Petey Bauer:''' "And what's so funny?"
'''Kevin Moss:''' "A lot of things-- try to elaborate."
Bringing both of his hands out, Bauer nodded very.. slowly after Moss' witty remark.
'''Petey Bauer:''' "Oh, so we've got a comedian! I'm pretty sure that I'm your boss.. So tell me, what's your name? You look like one of those.. Lords of Dogtown guys, skateboarding and surfing the night away.. let me guess! Moon Diggity Dog!? Or no.. Hows about.. WAVE RIDAH EXTREME?!"
With a face palm, Moss sighed.
'''Kevin Moss:''' "It's Kevin Moss.. And that's what you get for being stereotypical."
'''Petey Bauer:''' "OooOoOoOoOoOo.. Well let me tell YOU something Kevin Moss!"
Bauer wasn't exactly a big guy, a bit chubby maybe, but definitely not tall. He stepped up, knowing that his title and power would save him from catching a butt-whooping and got as close to Moss as possible without touching him. Staring into Moss' eyes, Bauer spoke.
'''Petey Bauer:''' "You better check that 'tude at the door, Moondoggy, this here?! This is MY wave!"
Throwing his arms out to emulate a surfing motion, Bauer smirked-
'''Petey Bauer:''' "This ain't no hippy retreat neither! I've got rules and regulat-"
Having enough of his powertrip, Moss waved Bauer off.
'''Kevin Moss:''' "WHOOOOOOOOA, slow down.. just.. take it down a notch. Look Bauer-- I heard what you said to kick the show off, you're the boss man.. cool! Good work, I'm sure your resume isn't padded and defrauding at all!"
Bauer tried to reply, but Moss kept going.
'''Kevin Moss:''' ".. BUT.. the fact of the matter is, most of us don't like our boss.. and you just so happen to fall into that category. So let me give you a bit of a heads up.. Yeah, I'm a California guy, I love the sun-- I'm pretty mellow, but don't get that confused with me forgetting where I'm at and what I'm here to do. The name ain't Moondoggy, it's Kevin Moss-- and whether you like it or not.. One day?"
Moss slapped his own shoulder, the left side.
'''Kevin Moss:''' "The LEGACY Heavyweight Championship will be sitting pretty right there. Now if you'll excuse me.. I've got some.. hippy stuff to do."
Completely mocking Bauer and being as condescending as possible, the fans were heard cheering and laughing at Bauer due to Moss putting him in his place, all as Moss gave Bauer a STIFF slap to the shoulder, a wink and stepped off. As Moss moved beyond Bauer-- the look on Petey's face was worth a thousand bucks.. he was FUMING.
'''Petey Bauer:''' "We'll see how much that hippy likes what I have in store for him at the next show.. He'll be 'wasted' alright.. he.. he.. he.."
The weasel like laugh that Eric Gordon from Billy Madison is so known for.. yeah, that's what Bauer just let off. Despite wanting Kevin Moss' soul at THAT very moment, he knew that there was something truly amazing waiting for him at LEGACY's next event-- so he needed to show some patience as he felt it'd teach him a lesson. Nonetheless, returning back to ringside-- Zoe was the first to enter the ring-- Ruby was just wrapping up her entrance all as Official Veronica Kraloso got the verbal confirmation from both participants and signaled the bell..</center>
== Zoe vs. Ruby Red (Women's Showcase Singles Match) ==
<center>'''Len Ragatti:''' "What you're seeing is NOT an illusion folks, LEGACY does in fact have a female official.. quite experienced at that! A former professional wrestler herself known formally as Krazy V, now known by her government name; Veronica Kraloso. Not only does she officiate our women's matches but she also will be in charge of men's matches as well-- all in a way to broaden the horizons!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Hopefully she doesn't catch a clothesline from someone like Brixton-- gooooooooood night!"<br>
Zoe and Ruby kicked things off with a traditional collar and elbow tie-up, Red quickly transitioned into a headlock, then a side headlock takeover.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Wow.. Look at'em move!"<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "TRACY! C'MON MAN!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "I'M TALKING ABOUT THE TWO IN THE RING!"<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "I'm sure you are!"<br>
Despite a warning from Official Kraloso, Ruby broke the headlock before the five count as Zoe had managed to get to the ropes. Pushing herself up, Ruby was all smiles as Zoe was obviously feeling the effects of being new to the industry. Once again Zoe tried to tie Ruby up, this time the vet showcased her experience and side-stepped the oncoming rookie, sending her into the ropes. As Zoe bounced off of it and headed back in Ruby's direction, Ruby threw a VICIOUS back elbow strike that knocked Zoe's head backwards causing a whiplash effect. Zoe hit the mat hard as Ruby simply chuckled at what was looking like an easy night for The French-Canadian Beauty.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Remorseless.. I like that!"<br>
Zoe tried to pick herself up but Ruby didn't give her an opening to recover-- struck with a few hard stomps pointed at Zoe's exposed ribs, each kick took more and more out of the youngster. Finally scooping Zoe up, Ruby once again moved towards the ropes-- and fired Zoe off with a irish-whip. Upon her comeback, Zoe managed to duck beneath a clothesline attempt from Ruby-- she hit the ropes and came DARTING towards Red, lifting herself in the air in the process and soared like an eagle..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' ".. OUCH!"<br>
Before Zoe could crash across Ruby Red, Ruby did the smart thing and grabbed onto the ropes and pulled herself down to the mat, causing Zoe to fly through the second and top rope and take a hard fall on the outside. Quickly grabbing her mid-section in pain from the fall, Zoe was down.. all as Ruby took the moment to flaunt her assets to the fans and tease them.<br>
'''Len Raggati:''' "Say what you want about the woman but she's shown so far that she's in a class far.. far above where Zoe is at."<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "It's hard to beat experience Len, especially when you're fresh out the gate and locking up with a veteran. Sure.. You see Ruby Red and you think she's just another one of these melodramatic.. dare I say without getting prosecuted, divas.. but beneath those ATTENTION SEEKING curves is a skilled and experienced professional wrestler."<br>
Official Krasolo was up to a 5 count before Ruby decided to roll out of the ring and break the count. Picking Zoe up who was hurting from the fall, she lead Zoe towards the barricade and lifted the 120lbs. woman up-- allowing her to fall throat first over the barricade..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Snakeeyes?! I LOVE this woman!"<br>
Once again Zoe hit hard, now grabbing her throat as she gagged and struggled for breath. Ruby was playing with her prey now, kicking and pushing at her with her feet-- not paying any mind or caring if Zoe would be able to formulate any kind of a comeback. As Official Krasolo shouted down at Ruby to get back in the ring, The Crimson Queen obliged knowing that it couldn't come to an end on the outside. Rolling Zoe into the ring, the crowd felt sympathetic towards Zoe all because of her age and her lack of experience. A few fans tried to start a chant in her favor, but each time they tried-- Ruby would suck the momentum out of the building with a perfectly placed stomp or kick that'd knock more.. and more energy out of her. Finally, Ruby hit the ropes as Zoe was down and dropped a HUGE elbow across Zoe's sternum. Hooking the leg in the process, she made a cover..<br>
<big>'''THRE- KICKOUT!'''</big><br>
At the LAST possible second, Zoe's right shoulder popped off of the mat, the crowd popped for her perseverance as Ruby looked over towards the official, slapped her hand three times together and begun to go off on a French-fueled rant.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "I guess Zoe isn't ready to call it a day yet, she's still got some gas left in the tank!"<br>
After insulting the ref in every possible way.. in French, of course-- she turned her attention back to Zoe who managed to pull herself up onto a knee. Ruby grabbed hold of Zoe's hair and shouted something at her-- all as Zoe fired off a STINGING right hand that connected across Ruby's mid-section-<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "She's got some fight in her!"<br>
The fans POPPED for Zoe's show of life, all as she cocked her right hand back and managed to land ANOTHER shot!<br>
Once again the fans let her hear it as she managed to throw herself back into the ropes- Ruby was holding the side of her face after taking that stiff right hand and Zoe fired forward-- as Ruby managed to fix her attention towards Zoe, it was too late as the raven-haired youngster FLOORED Ruby with a HUGE running Yakuza Kick!<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "And just.. like.. THAT! Zoe changed the tide of the match-up and Ruby is on the receiving end of a solid hit!"<br>
''"LET'S GO ZOE, LET'S GO!"'' stomp- stomp
''"LET'S GO ZOE, LET'S GO!"'' stomp- stomp
''"LET'S GO ZOE, LET'S GO!"'' stomp- stomp
There was a resounding cheer for Zoe now, all as her expression changed and she seemed to have found her groove. With Ruby getting back to her feet, Zoe moved to the side and grabbed Ruby in a waist-lock. Attempting to lift Ruby off of her feet, the vet quickly managed to hook her leg within Zoe''s blocking the attempt..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Nice block there.."<br>
Zoe heaved a few more times but was unsuccessful in her efforts so she managed to let go of the waist-lock and shoved Ruby into the ropes. Bouncing chest first off of the ropes, Zoe did what she was taught to do in her position when she was attacking with the element of surprise..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "ZOE WITH THE QUICK ROLLUP!"<br>
With the fans in a frenzy, Zoe tried to continue to keep thing falling in her favor as she struck Ruby with a stiff right hand upon standing. Ruby's head snapped back, Zoe's left hand snapped forward and caught the same area as the first punch-- the crowd popped again as Zoe shuffled to the side..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Two big hands there-- a right and a left and now it's looking like Zoe is gonna pull a page out of the Tracy Race handbook with a shuffle kick.."<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "She's on FIRE!"<br>
Indeed she looked for a shuffle kick to complete the trifecta but Ruby managed to avoid the strike by catching Zoe's leg. Leg hopped in place and then fired off a CRAZY looking enzuguri, but Ruby also ducked beneath that! As Zoe hit the mat from the failed attempt, Ruby, still reeling from those big punches she took to the jaw measured Zoe who was still working with an adrenaline rush. Zoe foolishly threw herself towards Ruby, Ruby ducked beneath her right arm and with a SNAPPING motion LIFTED Zoe and fell backwards-- planting Zoe face first into the mat as the fans let off a..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "A rookie mistake there.. Ruby Red caught Zoe.. RED-HANDED!"<br>
With a few deep breathes, Ruby got to her feet and managed to stand Zoe up in the process-- locking Zoe up in a inverted DDT position, Ruby let off a wink and blew a imaginary kiss to the camera as she quickly spun her leg around and placed it over Zoe's chest and head as she SPIKED her down into the mat.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' ".. and Zoe just took a trip through The Red Light District.."<br>
With her leg over Zoe's chest, Ruby threw her arm out into the air..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "I don't think there's gonna be any miraculous comeback this time around.."<br>
''ding.. ding.. ding..''<br>
"Blood" by In This Moment begun to sound over the PA signaling Rubys victory, all as Hendricks held her arm up.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Despite a valiant effort by the youngster.. in the end, it was a rookie mistake that did her in."<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Yep, you're right about that. She had something going on but she got TOO overconfident and you can't make that mistake.. it'll bite you."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "What a performance by these two.. but look at this! What the HELL is this PUNK doing out here?!"<br>
Moving down the ramp like it was no-one's business was the self-proclaimed 'Leader of The Purge'.. Christian Othniel. With a black denim vest on, of course unbuttoned and a pair of black denim jeans with black Chuck Taylors on, Othniel had both hands locked behind his head as he approached the ring-- his face was emotionless..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Christian Othniel is scheduled to face Bobby Langford and Brandon Marks later this evening in what turned into quite the personal battle.. but why is he out here now!?"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "He and Zoe have been mixing it up.. Or well, that's why my sources on Twitter tell me.."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Sources?! What sources?!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Exactly! *MY* sources, not yours! Othniel seemed to have taken a liking to this kid, he's been working with her and he probably feels as if he sho-"<br>
Before Race could finish his sentence, once Othniel reached the ring he stuck his hand out towards the apron as Ruby, who had also stepped onto the apron, took it.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' ".. well this.. is.. confusing.."<br>
Helping Ruby down off of the apron, they exchanged words before they turned their back on Zoe who was beginning to stir from being put down by Ruby earlier. As they made their way up the stage, they stopped right before moving through the curtain and turned, Christian smiled as he nodded his head in Zoe's direction.<br>
'''Christian Othniel:''' "We've got faith in you."<br>
Ruby let off a slight chuckle of her own as the two disappeared behind the curtain, the camera cut back to Zoe in the ring, all as she looked a mixture of hurt physically, hurt emotionally-- and just.. freakin'.. angry with the entire situation.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "I- I.. don't even know what to make of this.. Othniel and Ruby?! What the hell is this about?!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Power in numbers.. WASTE? The Treborns? The Lozios? NUMBERS, Len!.. The numbers game ALWAYS wins.."<br>
Zoe's look of hurt faded off-- allowing the camera to pick up where the front left off. With CO and Ruby strolling through the back-- an interviewer.. a brunette who didn't make the staff page or announcement through LEGACY's beginning popped a mic in CO's face.<br>
Pausing-- Othniel lowered his head for a second as Ruby rubbed his shoulder--<br>
'''Christian Othniel:''' ".. enemy? When did I ever make the claim that Ruby is my  enemy?"<br>
''"Well.. I'm just assuming.."''<br>
'''Christian Othniel:''' "Yeah, 'assuming' when you make an ass out of you and me. Don't assume anything-- Ruby.. she's special, she's able to help get me where I need to be. My purge, it can't be done with just one person.. I need an army, and who better to watch over that army than The Crimson Queen?"<br>
The interviewer was taken back by CO's words, all as Ruby stood by and smiled.<br>
''"But what about Zoe?! I thought you and.."''<br>
'''Christian Othniel:''' "There you go again.. 'thinking'. Don't think-- just watch. Zoe needed to be shown the hard way of the business, Ruby taught her that. Like I told Bobby through the week, the 'good path' always fails. Do things MY way and well.. you win. But we're not giving up on Zoe-- Ruby and myself, we're willing on taking her under our wing and ensuring that she not only becomes something in this business- but she uh, lives life through.. you know the deal.."<br>
Placing his clenched fists out, the tattoos across both set of knuckles read "EVIL WAYS" as he and Ruby didn't bother with anymore questions.. they just walked off the scene, leaving the brunette to stand there-- twiddling a mic in her hands.<br>
''"Well.. Got what I could out of them, boys.. back to you!"''</center>
== Noah Adelaide vs. Masen Dysen vs. Cameron Kaiser vs. Terry John (4-Way Dance) ==
<center>With a shrug, the camera cut off of the interviewer and back to Len Ragatti and Tracy Race at ring side, all as they were exchanging words. Once noticing the camera back on them, Len greeted the camera with a smile as Tracy did so with a nod--
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Our next match up is definitely going to be nothing short of.. electric. What do you get when you put the four fastest, most agile fellas in the ring together at the same time!? Guaranteed.. sparks."
'''Tracy Race:''' "I wish these guys were around when I was wrestling, I'm sure I'd have a hell of a match with either of the four."
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Absolutely, Tracy! These four are truly something special-- but speaking of special, I've been told that joining us on commentary for the duration of this match to get a first-hand look at one of the talents he's helped produce down in The Emerald Academy in Missour.."
Almost on cue-- the  camera cut to the stage where "RE-Education" by Rise Against fired off over the PA. The fans.. instantly recognizing the theme, jumped to their feet as making his way through the curtain, dressed for the moment in a black suit with a yellow tie..
'''Rob Hendricks:''' "Ladies and gentlemen.. please welcome.. FFRAAAAAAANKKKKKKKK.. WAAAAASHHHINNNNGGTTTTONNNNNNNNNNN!"
'''Tracy Race:''' "If I didn't know any better, I'd thought that the ROOF blown off the place!"
Frank made his way down towards the ring, slapping hands with fans and generally acknowledging their presence which was huge for then. Wrapping around the ring, he headed towards the commentary table and first shook hands with Tracy Race-- then Len Ragatti, all as he took a seat next to Ragatti and placed the headset on.
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Thanks for joining us out here Frank, tell me.. what do you have your eye on?"
'''Frank Washington:''' "Oh it's my pleasure to join you and Tracy out here for LEGACY's first show! And I'm here to watch over a client and student of mine, Noah Adelaide."
'''Tracy Race:''' "I've heard rave reviews for the kid, is he the real deal?"
'''Frank Washington:''' "I'm gonna say yeah, but I'm biased, he's my student-- of course I'm gonna give him all the praise in the world!"
With a few laughs bouncing through the table-- the participants in the 4-Way Dance made their respected entrances-- Terry John was first. The brash, ex-soccer player from the United Kingdom relished in the boos and jeers he received as he mocked the fans. Second out-- the crowd favorite that showed nothing but ENERGY upon his theme pumping over the PA.. Which was Masen Dysen. Third was Frank's student, Noah Adelaide as he hit the ring with an energy of his own.. and last-- the latest member of WASTE who was accompanied by The Lady of Babylon.. Cameron Kaiser. Kaiser of course took his time down to the ring, not caring about keeping his opposition waiting.
'''Frank Washington:''' "This kid-- Cameron Kaiser, he's got so much potential but he's too self-absorbed, it's gonna comeback to hurt him one of these days."
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Speaking of Cam.. What's your thoughts on WASTE and how they basically destroyed Ian Windermear earlier this evening?"
'''Frank Washington:''' "On one hand.. I know the importance of making an impact. Over in the loose affiliate.. the International Championship Wrestling Alliance, i banded with two guys and made an impact that was so deep, I found myself as close to the ICWA World Championship as possible. I know that you've gotta do what you've gotta do to get noticed.. but on the other hand I can't really respect that. It's three on one, c'mon man.. you''re better than that."
'''Tracy Race:''' "What do you think of Masen Dysen and Terry John?"
'''Frank Washington:''' "Dysen has.. an energy about him that looks exciting. John? I can't say much, I really haven't seen enough of him to properly judge."
With Kaiser handing his plague mask to his fellow plague masked Lady of Babylon outside of the ring-- the four individuals looked at each other and Official Polanski signaled for confirmation of the talent-- they all stood in a corner and once all 4 gave a nod- he signaled for the bell.
'''Len Ragatti:''' "If you're new to this, a Four-Way dance is when all participants are in the ring at the same time-- the any of the four can pin or submit the other. These matches are usually fast and frenzy-filled.. I'd suggest you DON'T blink."
'''Frank Washington:''' "Wise advice there Ragatti- you blink and you'll no doubt miss something."
''ding.. ding.. ding..''
It didn't take long for Adelaide and Dysen to team up against John and Kaiser. Adelaide went straight for John, knocking him back into the corner and firing off shoulder thrust after shoulder thrust. Dysen looked to have an advantage over Cam, but that changed as Cam threw a quick thumb to the eye and then knocked Dysen down with a headbutt to the nose which dropped the man they called Mesmerizing.
'''Frank Washington:''' "Noah goes straight for Terry John, this should be good.."
With Kaiser stomping on Dysen on the mat, Adelaide tried to whip John into the opposite side corner-- but John reversed it. As Noah sprinted towards the turnbuckle, the first true "HOLY $H!T" moment of the match came as he scaled the turnbuckle-- in one fluid motion back flipped OFF of the top turnbuckle, landed BEHIND of John who managed to stop himself before crashing into the turnbuckle and fired off a standing dropkick that send John sternum first into that said turnbuckle.
'''Tracy Race:''' "WOW THAT WAS FAST!"
The crowd was already set on fire by Adelaide's speed, all as John tried to recover from the blow he took to the back of the head- then chest. Adelaide put his head beneath John's left arm and hoisted him  up onto the top rope in a seated manner-- all as Noah too scaled the top rope again..
'''Frank Washington:''' "Noah's looking to set the arena ABLAZE!"
Before he was successful in his effort to further the damage on Terry John, Cameron Kaiser moved to that area as Dysen was recovering from the shots he took- with Noah's back turned to the ring, Cam reached up and CLOBBERED Noah across the back with a forearm shot that had Noah barely able to hold on. John was seated on the top turnbuckle, Noah was hanging on for dear life and Cam was standing on the second rope-- all as he fired off another right hand that set Noah tipping backwards..
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Cam is taking the fight to Noah now!"
Out of sheer instinct, John threw a back elbow shot that connected across Cam's chest-- which sent Cam crashing down to the mat. Noah didn't manage to clear the cobwebs quick enough as John hit Noah in the gut and threw his arm over his head..
Attempting to hoist Noah off of the top rope with a superplex-- Noah hooked his leg on the second rope, blocking the attempt.
'''Frank Washington:''' "John's looking for a pretty high risk here. If he can land a superplex, that'd take the wind out of Noah's sails.. really quickly.."
Noah blocked ANOTHER superplex attempt, all as Dysen-- who had recovered, managed to move towards the action and fired off of a forearm shot of his own across the low of John's back which broke the lock. As Dysen now climbed the second rope, he managed to secure John's body on the side of his and stood up-- with one quick heave he lifted John OFF of the top rope and sent him CRASHING down onto the mat-- BARELY missing Cam Kaiser with a SUPER BACK DROP!
'''Frank Washington:''' "And there's that energy I was talking about!"
The fall took a lot out of both men, but Masen Dysen managed to roll to the side and lift his head to admire his handy-work. As Cam was beginning to stir, as was Noah-- who was still on the top rope.. and he'd make it count. Once Cam had gotten to his feet and noticed there was just Dysen and John on the mat, he turned towards the turnbuckle where Adelaide GLIDED through the air, managed to land PERFECTLY in the form of a DDT and with a sudden change of movement, snapped BACKWARDS and planted Cam's skull into the mat!
'''Frank Washington:''' "Flying DDT!"
With the fans chanting LEGACY's name-- Noah once more showed that ability of his and kipped up.. a la HBK. Once back to his feet, Adelaide pumped his arms in the air, looking to draw energy from the fans as he changed his attention towards Terry John who pulled himself up in the corner. Masen Dysen was rocking John with all sorts of strikes-- from rights and lefts, to backhand chops-- to mid-section kicks.. he was pulling out all the stops to make sure John didn't get a chance to get going again. With John dazed in the corner-- Adelaide pressed his back against the turnbuckle across from where Dysen was working John over-- Dysen seen this and with a nod, he dropped down to the mat-- on his knees--
'''Frank Washington:''' "What the!?"
Noah with a nod sprung out of the corner, fired forward and used Dysen's back as a stepping stool-- once in air, he CLEANED Terry John out with a assisted, elevated clothesline from Masen Dysen, all as the crowd POPPED like crazy again!
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Noah and Masen seem to be putting their heads together here for the greater good at the moment!"
'''Tracy Race:''' "As sharp as that was, I don't anticipate it lasting long-- not when they realize there's only ONE winner."
'''Frank Washington:''' "Tracy speaks the truth there."
With Noah and Masen exchanging a quick handshake- the biggest man in terms of physical size in the match-- Cameron Kaiser darted forward and managed to BRUTALLY take Masen Dysen out of the equation with a Yakuza Kick to the side of the face..
'''Tracy Race:''' "DAS BOOT!"
Once his foot landed, he was already being attacked by Noah Adelaide who the fans were behind. Adelaide forced Cam into the corner as he was firing off stiff kick after stiff kick across Cam's legs and body. One kick in particular though-- a right kick that ALMOST connected against Cam's ribs as he had his hands up guarding his face was caught by Kaiser, all as Kaiser controlled Noah's movement. Hopping in place showcasing AMAZING balance-- Cam suddenly pulled Noah into him, keeping his leg tucked under his arm, Cam lifted Noah and threw him across the ring with a suplex that'd make Taz blush.
'''Frank Washington:''' "Now THAT'S a suplex. Great posture by Kaiser there.."
'''Len Ragatti:''' "You're cheering for the enemy?!"
'''Frank Washington:''' "I call a spade a spade, and that was a beautifully executed suplex there."
Cam was the only man standing for a brief second-- Masen Dysen had managed to [barely] get to his feet after eating that Yakuza kick to the side of the face, all as Cam once again begun to fire away at him. Precise strikes that hit it's mark each time, Cam fired off a HUGE right that knocked Dysen OFF of the mat and up onto the top turnbuckle in a laying position. Taking a step back while a wicked smile crossed his face, Cam jolted forward and fired off a kick that connected across Masen's stomach that sent him OFF of the top rope in laying motion and down onto the thinly padded floor outside, all as Cam did a 180 with his arms extended and slowly cocked his head back with the fans letting him hear it..
'''Tracy Race:''' "The people don't appreciate Cam's mannerisms it seems.."
'''Len Ragatti:''' "The kid is good.. from left field, but he's good."
'''Tracy Race:''' "There was no denying that."
John had pulled himself up and was moving towards the outside where Masen was in pain from that kick and landing. Firing a few stomps, he managed to pick Dysen up and whipped him INTO the barricade, causing it to shift from the weight hitting it. Dysen's fair back instantly went a light shade of red and was indented with the bars as John darted forward-- threw himself into the air and CRASHED across Dysen with a body pressed that knocked the guardrail over-- causing the fans to spread like crazy.
'''Frank Washington:''' "Hell of a risk taken there!"
With John coughing up a lung from the impact and Dysen not knowing where he was, Official Polanski didn't know what to do and couldn't start a 10 count because there was only two men on the outside! Cam, a brutal minded striker that would feast on whatever he could find like a vulture made his way outside of the ring despite Polanski's warning and reached the scene of chaos. Reaching down to pick Dysen up, Dysen threw a wild shot that connected across Cam's nose which sent him backwards. John had got back to his feet, he was using the guard rail to hold his body up.. all as Dysen did the same thing. With the three now looking to get back into the swing of things as they grouped outside of the ring-- the crowd EXPLODED when out of no where-- moving through the ring like the wind-- hitting the ropes, using the bottom rope to bounce to the middle rope- then the middle rope to bounce to the top-- Noah Adelaide-- showcased that high-flying ability and bounced OFF of the top rope, SOARED into the air from the ring and pulling off a PERFECTLY executed Shooting Star Press-- crashed down across the other three participants of the match!
'''Frank Washington:''' "ANOTHER risk!"
''"THIS IS AWESOME!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
''"THIS IS AWESOME!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
''"THIS IS AWESOME!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
Polanski was standing in the ring with his hands on his shaved head, not knowing.. again.. what to do with the chaos that broke out through the arena. The fans were in a frenzy, near riot-mode and he combatants was out on the floor hurting from Noah Adelaide's decision to throw caution to the wind-- truly unique circumstances. Finally Noah made a movement to get up, he rolled towards the ring and used the ring apron to stand up-- the fall had taken a toll on his body but he lived for the moment and that showed when he threw his arm into the air. The crowd of course popped for that, all as Masen also rolled back into the ring-- Terry John and Cameron Kaiser were the last two to get moving, but they too found themselves back in the squared circle. Noah leaned over to pick John up and was successful, all as he hit John with a few elbow strikes to the head-- staggering the man. Cam and Masen was back going at it near the ropes, they exchanged shot for shot-- but the bigger and stronger of the two-- Kaiser, got an advantage. Shoving Masen into the ropes, Cam threw a quick clothesline that connected and sent Dysen over the top rope and onto the apron. As Cam looked to follow that up, Dysen-- on the way up from his fall quickly threw his shoulder from outside of the ring apron and connected against Cam's stomach. Cam doubled over and Dysen slingshotted himself into the ring-- using Cam to roll off of. As he stood up, John shoved past Noah who he had managed to slow down with a left hand and looked to take Dysen's head off with a HUGE lariat-- but Dysen ducked. As John went soaring over Dysen's head-- Dysen fixed his position-- popped back up and when John turned around..
'''Len Ragatti:''' "OH.. MY.. GOD.. WHAT A SUPERKICK!"
John's body went limp the second Dysen's left foot extended and BLASTED across his jaw-- a superkick as Tracy Race said.. was called, Prescription Needed.
With the crowd in Dysen's side now, Cam got to his feet and Dysen moved towards him landed a HUGE right hand that rocked Cam..
Throwing another right hand the crowd chanted again..
Throwing yet ANOTHER right hand-- the crowd chanted AGAIN..
Winding his left arm up cartoon style as Cam stay dazed in place, the crowd broke off another chant..
BOOM! Once Dysen connected with a HUGE European Uppercut that sent Cam flying ALL the way back into the turnbuckle the crowd finished the chant..
Now a round of applause sounded from the fans in the house, the match was as advertised, nothing short of electric! With Dysen now on a roll, he and Noah squared off in the center of the ring-- both men looked around and accessed the damage and shrugged..
'''Frank Washington:''' "Here we go.."
With a handshake which got applause, both men tied up, Noah gained an advantage when he quickly shoved Masen into the ropes. As Dysen came off of it, Noah dropped down to the mat flat, Masen hopped over him and continued to the OTHER ropes. As he came off of it-- he didn''t even see Cameron Kaiser SHOOTING out of the corner like a bat from hell and connected with a lariat that turned him inside-out..
'''Tracy Race:''' "DEATH DEALER!"
The crowd jumped to their feet as Cam, in one fluid motion managed to fire off a knee into Noah's gut, and threw his arm over his head. Hooking his leg in the process-- Cam lifted Noah off of his feet in the form of a fisherman's DDT..
'''Frank Washington:''' "WHOA, where'd this come from!?"
.. BUT NO! Some how, Noah managed to wiggle his way OUT of the position and managed to land BEHIND of Cam.. Yanking him down in the process-- Noah locked in a standing Dragon Sleeper as the crowd went absolutely.. BALLISTIC!
'''Frank Washington:''' "VEE- TEE- ARE! VEE- TEE- ARE!"
With Cam scratching and clawing to get out of the attempt, at the LAST possible second-- the man who was almost knocked out cold by a superkick-- Terry John got himself back into the swing of things and managed to grab Noah from the blindside in the form of a inverted DDT..
Pulling himself back, Terry dropped Noah with a inverted DDT all as Cam's head also found it's way down to the mat with the dragon sleeper locked in. John rolled backwards and celebrated his show of offense, all as he turned around and almost caught ANOTHER superkick from Masen Dysen--
'''Tracy Race:''' "ANOTHER?!"
NO! John managed to avoid this one.. he ducked beneath the superkick and popped himself up into the air, before Dysen could see what was happening-- John grabbed hold of Dysen's head and brought it down over his knee in a facebuster manner. With Dysen flying backwards and eventually sprawled into the corner-- John shot himself forward and leaped into the air-- landing on Dysen's shoulders..
'''Len Ragatti:''' "What's this now!?"
Looking to hit a hurricaranna on Dysen, Masen managed to fight it off and instead sprinted forward with John on his shoulders and jumped into the air, using whatever he had left in the tank and yanked John down PLANTING him on the mat with a running sitout powerbomb..
'''Tracy Race:''' "OUCH!"
'''Frank Washington:''' "I'll go on record RIGHT NOW and say that these four-- they've got the ability to be the next generation in this business!"
Rolling backwards, Dysen jumped to his feet- and Cam was already up-- catching Dysen by surprise, he spun Dysen around and threw his arm over his head-- all the meanwhile Noah had managed to use the turnbuckle to pull himself up to his feet.. and then jumped UP onto the top turnbuckle with Terry John laying there-- motionless..
'''Frank Washington:''' "I think we're about to see sparks here..."
As Cam lifted Dysen up INTO the air with a Fisherman's Suplex-- he turned him and dropped him on the mat with a Fisherman's Driver..
'''Tracy Race:''' "STARKILLER DRIVER!"
The SECOND that Cam spiked Dysen's head and shoulder into the mat, which was a pin and hooked the leg-- Adelaide SOARED through the air and managed to send the crowd into another frenzy with a Corkscrew Shooting Star Press and landed over John's fallen body. Hooking the leg once he landed-- Polanski noticed there was TWO pins.. shrugged and went down..
Frank Washington: "Wrath of the Dragon!"
'''Len Ragatti:''' "THERES TWO PINS! THERE'S TWO PINS?!"
Both Cam and Noah threw their arms out..
Pumping their arms, both men got the two count..
Both men let go of their respected pin falls as the bell sounded.. There was no formal announcement with Rob Hendricks though-- Official PJ Polanski huddled with Hendricks in the corner..
'''Tracy Race:''' "Who got the win!? I think Cam had the pin on Dysen first!"
'''Frank Washington:''' "I don't think so Race, Noah hooked the leg and covered John before Cam could properly get Dysen into position!"
'''Rob Hendricks:''' "I've been informed by official PEE- JAY POLANSKI.. THAT THE WINNERS OF THE MATCH.."
'''Len Ragatti:''' "WINNERS?! PLURAL?"
Adelaide and Kaiser both looked completely SHOCKED at the decision-- all as Adelaide rolled out of the ring and went to confront Polanski about it-- not before Frank Washington got the headset off and went to see what was going on. In the ring-- Cameron Kaiser looked.. FURIOUS. Grabbing at his hair, yanking it out if he could, Kaiser turned his attention back to Dysen who was beginning to stir and pushed himself up onto the turnbuckle-- as Dysen got to his knees, Kaiser jumped off of the turnbuckle, brought his knees towards his chest in mid-air and then kicked them out across the back of Dysen's head--
Polanski called for the bell and attempted to roll into the ring but was cut off when of all people-- Matt Ward managed to roll in and took him out with a CRAZY lariat. Aiden Marx wasn't too far behind with Angelica Night all as WASTE begun to rip through Terry John and Masen Dysen much like they did to Ian Windermear earlier.
Angelica Night handed Kaiser a steel chair all as he cocked it back and blasted Masen Dysen across the head with it, while Ward and Marx held each of his arms. Continuing the assault with the chair. enough was enough as Noah Adelaide and Frank Washington rolled into the ring-- Frank seemed to be reluctant to do so, but wasn't about to have Adelaide get slaughtered by the numbers that WASTE had on him. Kaiser saw this and dropped the chair as he backed into WASTE's corner.. The fans popped like crazy for the heroics as Adelaide moved towards Dysen and held his arms out..
WASTE didn't bother with an attack, they proved their points already. Kaiser, Marx, Ward, Night and Kaiser's Lady of Babylon got out of the ring and with their backs turned to the curtain, slowly made their way towards the back. All five looked on towards the ring.. Washington bit his bottom lip as he looked down at Adelaide who potentially.. made quite the enemy with WASTE, all as Adelaide checked on Dysen-- that chairshot had split him open and EMT's was rushing down to check his condition..
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Despite Frank Washington and Noah Adelaide saving the day-- I fear the damage has been done, Masen Dysen.. he looks totally out of it.."
A camera shot from above the EMT's and Noah showed Dysen with his eyes sorta rolled into his skull, the crimson mask on.. all as it switched to WASTE on the stage, the fans of course boo'd the hell out of them for their actions but knew that Friday the 20th wasn't just the night and name of LEGACY's first show, but it was the night that WASTE had arrived..</center>
== Noah Adelaide promo ==
<center>Backstage-- there was no interviewers, no backdrops.. no nothing. All there was, standing in the center of the frame.. FUMING angry, was Noah Adelaide.<br>
'''Noah Adelaide:''' "So is that how you treat competition? You jump them?"<br>
Of course, Noah was making mention to what WASTE had done to Masen Dysen and possibly Terry John after the match where Noah AND Cameron was announced as winners. Noah was a man of honor, he didn't believe in gang-styled jumpings.. he believed in battling face to face, and this irritated him to no lengths.<br>
'''Noah Adelaide:''' "Yeah, you're a tough guy Cam. You're a badass when you've got Ward and Marx jumping people from out of no where. You should feel real proud of yourself that you BUMS may of cost a guy his career because YOU wanted to make an impact. You wanna make an impact so bad? Huh? Then at the next show why don't we see who the better of us is?! Tonight, you may of stroked lady luck-- but next time you won't be so lucky!"<br>
With a confident nod, Adelaide continued.<br>
'''Noah Adelaide:''' "Let's see if what Windermear said about Ward is true.. that you can't do SQUAT without your friends lurking to make the save. Are you THAT insecure that you've gotta have two or three people watching and waiting in case you fail!? Face me man to man.. Let's see what you've got, Kaiser. I mean.. you do call yourself The Last Emperor, right? I plan on putting that nickname to the test when this time-- you aren't so lucky to get out of The VTR and I make your ass TAP.. OUT!"</center>
== Nathanael Black vs. C4 (Singles Match) ==
<center>Showing some MAJOR aggression there, Adelaide stepped off of the scene, all as the camera swing back to Frank Washington who was just watching his pupil go to work and with a very.. very.. very light sigh, he nodded before he went to get Noah before he created any more problems for himself. From Washington's [sorta] disgruntled face-- we find ourselves back at ringside where standing in the ring already, we see C-4, the Arizona native. Finishing making his entrance though, the bruising Irishman, Nathanael Black. Once both were ready, the ref signaled for the bell-- and it didn't take long for Black to go to work..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "There's no better way to get that foul taste of.. disgust out of your mouth than a good old fashioned battle. That's exactly what we anticipate with Nathanael Black and C-4."<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "This kid Black, he's got a good look. I like the way he carries himself.. Plus the added fact that he comes from a boxing background? He's packing TNT in those fists, Len, let's hope C-4 doesn't get blown up by Black."<br>
With the bell sounding, C-4 tried to showcase some of that mat skill, but it didn't work. As he shot in, looking to take Black down, Black was ruthless enough to throw a knee that bounced OFF of C-4's head and took him out of the match from the start..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "BRUTAL!"<br>
Black smiled and laughed at C-4's failed attempt of offense, all as he leaned over and picked C-4 up, throwing him into the ropes, C-4 could barely make it there but once he did he came off of the ropes and Black plucked him off of the mat, had him across his back and with a battle roar, charged forward, jumped and PLANTED C-4 into the mat..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' ".. I love this; he calls that The Curse of Mary Malone!"<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "COMPLETE domination by Nathanael Black here!"<br>
Once he got back to his feet, Black held his right hand up into the air and slowly clenched his fist-- admiring his hand, C-4 slowly got back to his feet, and once he turned around-- Black lunged forward, with CRAZY amount of power behind his right hand he DRILLED C-4 right across the jaw with that feared right hand, C-4's body went limp as Black arrogantly placed his boot across C-4's chest as he made the cover..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' ".. WOW."<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "I told you.. fear that right hand, man. The Hammer of Sucellus-- was dropped on C-4."<br>
''ding.. ding.. ding..''<br>
Before his theme.. "Black" by Trivium could hit over the PA-- Black demanded a mic and Hendricks handed him his. Ripping the microphone away from Hendricks, Black moved to the center of the ring and placed his boot back on C-4's chest again-- as if it was land that was newly conquered.<br>
'''Nathanael Black:''' "Surely the new kid on the block-- LEGACY Wrestling has much betta' competition for me!?"<br>
Black's thick Irish accent poured through as the fans begun to throw boos in his direction.<br>
'''Nathanael Black:''' "No.. No.. don't boo me, boo the people who made this show! Boo the people who sign the talent! 'Cause whether you like it or not.. This here.."<br>
With the mic in his left hand, Nathanael brought his right hand up again and clenched his fist, all as he smiled in adoration at it.<br>
'''Nathanael Black:''' "The Hammer of Sucellus; the hardest hitting, the most DEVASTATING punch in ALL of combatant sports.. will take me to the promise land. I don't care who's put in front of me, The Hammer doesn't discriminate."<br>
And just like that-- Black let the mic fall to the mat as "Black" pounded through the PA.. C-4 still wasn't moving after that right hand from Nathanael Black, and it came with rightful cause-- that right hand was packing some serious heat. Whether or not anyone truly wanted to test Black's claims of having the hardest right hand in ANY combatant sport wasn't known, but it wouldn't be a good idea to openly take a straight hand hand to the face from a man of Black's size, with his boxing pedigree. With Black taunting the fans in the ring though, making fun of them for a reason or another-- the scene faded off to the back.. and there it was. One of the strongest professional wrestling families in the industry-- third generation of course, in Prince and Ripper Treborn. Both men were fixed in front of a monitor, a small Samsung television-- about a 32'. The camera swung around the Treborn's shoulders as Prince glanced over at the camera and with a smirk nodded towards the screen.<br>
'''Prince Treborn:''' "Ain't this cute?"<br>
What was showing on the monitor soon overtook the camera with Prince and Ripper-- it showed a bald, older looking man. He had icy blue eyes. he was husky in built and he had a black collared shirt on. His arms, despite being wrinkled and old, were littered with tattoos that looked more like faded designs. Standing in front of him, we see Miles and Dante Lozio, Miles had a vest with a gold streak running across the chest-- Dante simply rocked a pair of black and gold trunks. Miles had his head lowered-- Dante had his head cocked back.<br>
''"Boys, I never asked you to do anythin' in this industry.."''<br>
The man speaking-- from his voice, was Rocco "The Bull" Lozio, the patriarch of the Lozio family.<br>
'''Rocco Lozio:''' "I never pressured you boys to do anythin' that I didn't.. but this? This is somethin' else."<br>
Rocco's voice wasn't as strong as it once was, it wasn't necessarily shaky, but it wasn't booming neither.<br>
'''Rocco Lozio:''' "There's one obstacle that's stood in front of our family surviving.. that's stood in front of you boys earning the respect and admiration that you deserve. The Treborns, boys.. tonight, you need to take the Treborns out. Prince? Ripper? Or as I know them, Eli and Derek? Put an end to them, I want you to END THEM!"<br>
Despite not sounding overly powerful due to his age and general deterioration of the man's body.. that sounded strong. Once Rocco ended his sentence, Miles brought his head up and looked over at his father as Dante's expression also changed once he noticed how adamant his father was about securing a victory.<br>
'''Rocco Lozio:''' "I've supported your decisions to be wrestlers.. So tonight, make me see that I was right in that. Instead of pushin' you to be doctors-- or lawyers.. or firefighters.. I allowed you to compete in the same business that left me a broken old man. If you guys don't achieve anything else after tonight-- go out on the note that you beat the Treborns."<br>
Miles cocked his head back and nodded, Dante threw his arm on his brother's shoulder as Rocco moved towards his boys.<br>
'''Rocco Lozio:''' "Make your old man proud."<br>
And on that note-- Miles and Dante both earned taps on the left side of their face by their father with his rugged hand as he turned towards the camera. Miles and Dante took position to the left-- and right of him as Rocco balled his fists up as his boys did the same thing.<br>
'''Rocco Lozio:''' "Eli ya little bastard, you're just like your father. Cocky as them come-- you irritate me. And Derek? Your mother was a looker in the day, can't say the same now. You two boys, you've crossed too many lines when it comes to my boys and tonight? It all changes. You finally get what's coming to you.. And I couldn't be prouder."<br>
With their signature 'hooking arm' motion that linked them together as brothers, Miles and Dante held the pose.. all as the camera faded out.. but it didn't stay faded for too long as it returned back to a shot of The Treborns; Prince and Ripper as they were seen holding their stomachs and laughing-- amused at the sentiments of Rocco Lozio apparently.<br>
'''Prince Treborn:''' "Oh man, I guess it's true what they say about too much chairshots to the ol' noggin.."<br>
Knocking his right hand against his head, Prince smirked.<br>
'''Prince Treborn:''' "So not only are we out there tonight to beat Miles and Dante, but we've also learned that our task is to finally.. kick dirt on the Lozio grave, that's cool. See Rocco, once upon a time, I believe that you were a badass.. Anyone who survived that era of the business can't be denied that. You were probably a genuine tough guy, I can see the scars on your head that prove it.. but as I've said- you've NEVER been better than a Treborn. Not Uncle King-- not my father Ethan, not ANY OF THEM. You think your words of encouragement is going to some how change destiny? Like all of a sudden, she's going to be smiling down on your sad excuse for sons and allow them to beat.. US?!"<br>
Shaking his head in disgust, Prince sighed.<br>
'''Ripper Treborn:''' "The smoke and mirrors-- the dog and pony show, it's over. It's time we see how tough Miles and Dante REALLY is, by my estimate? Not too much. It shouldn't take long to send them back to their daddy with their tail in between their legs.. You both stepped into the wrong yard-- we RUN this-- ain't a damn thing you can do to change that fact."<br>
Ripper walked off the scene, Prince remained behind with a smug grin crossed over his face.<br>
'''Prince Treborn:''' "Now you've gone and woke the sleeping giant.. how stupid can you guys be?"<br>
With a 'tsk.. tsk' sound let off from his lips, Prince sarcastically shook his head before he too headed forward and off of the camera's frame.. all as we prepared to go ringside for the battle that was thirty years in the making. Treborn versus Lozio, it'd be a battle-- a fight, one that'd be absent of honor just because of the deep-seeded hatred between both sides. It'd be something special though.</center>
== The Treborn Legacy [Prince & Ripper] vs. The Lozios [Miles & Dante] (Tag Team Match) ==
<center>With a lot on the line in terms of bragging rights for the geographical location and for future generations-- the tension in the air as Miles and Dante Lozio stood on one side of the ring-- Miles standing IN the ring with his younger brother-- Dante, on the apron as they two talked strategy. Across of the ring stood Prince and Ripper Treborn, Prince was in the ring staring across at Miles as Ripper was outside the ring, standing on the apron with his left leg on the bottom rope. Official PJ Polanski had his job cut out for him tonight as he signaled for the bell-- and that was what both sides was waiting for. The crowd EXPLODED once the bell hit-- this was history in the making for 2014.<br>
''"LO-ZEE-OH! LO- ZEE- OH! LO- ZEE- OH!"''<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Overwhelming support for Miles and Dante here!"<br>
The case for both Miles and Prince was that they could wrestle-- they were phenomenal mat workers. But with all the history between the two sides, why waste time wrestling when violence was glorified and accepted under the banner of professional wrestling? The much bigger Miles Lozio rolled his head on his shoulders as Prince, the smallest man in the ring chuckled all as they moved towards the center of the ring-- Prince was talking some serious trash, all as Miles simply nodded his head and let Prince talk himself out of air..<br>
'''Leo Ragatti:''' "The hatred flowing between these two families is something else, Tracy!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Yeah, no kidding. I remember growing up in the business, you'd hear about the scuffles between Rocco and King all the time.. How the feud rolled over to a whole new generation just shows that neither family is ready to admit that either is wrong. This is truly the Hatfields and McCoys of Pro Wrestling!"<br>
With Prince continuing to run his mouth, Miles had enough of the talk and shoved Prince into the ropes-- Prince, almost as if he was expecting the reaction bounced off of it and Miles shoot forward-- Prince quickly slid between Miles' legs and as he stood up-- he ran DIRECTLY into Dante Lozio who managed to get himself in the action quickly, hopping over the top rope and showed some agility for a big man as he plucked Prince off of the mat as Prince jumped to his feet and PLANTED him into the mat with a quick, snapping spinebuster!<br>
Official Polanski quickly jumped to the scene of the crime, shouting at Dante and warning him about breaking the rules-- but as Polanski's back was turned, Ripper managed to jump into the ring and much like Dante did, he caught an unsuspecting Miles Lozio from the back-- locked him in a waist lock and before Miles could figure out whether he was going up or down, Ripper showcased that explosion and picked Miles up-- and threw him backwards and OVER his head with a STRONG Overhead Release German Suplex!<br>
''"LO- ZEE- OH! LO- ZEE- OH! LO- ZEE- OH!"''<br>
The fans was still 100% behind Miles and Dante despite Miles taking a pretty hard fall due to Ripper getting the jump on him. As Polanski turned around, Ripper already had managed to get out of the ring and back onto the apron, Dante was shouting and pointing-- making all sorts of noise regarding his brother getting dropped but what Polanski didn't see.. he couldn't enforce. As Prince got back up, holding his neck in pain, he moved towards Miles and hit him with a few knife-edged chops, each time a 'WHOOOOOOOOOO' sounded from the crowd within the Carson Community Center. Finally the chops had sent Miles back into the Treborn corner as Prince reached out and grabbed hold of Miles' arm and twisted it over his head. With his free hand, he reached out and was tagged by Ripper..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "First tag of the evening goes to Ripper Treborn.."<br>
Prince was definitely smaller than the Lozios but Ripper? Not so much. The size difference there was much more fair and as Prince had Miles arm twisted off to his side, Ripper backed into the ropes and sprung forward-- throwing a kick out that managed to connect across Miles' forearm and bicep- right on the crease that connected the elbow, Miles grabbed at his arm in pain, all as Ripper got low and EXPLODED up, hitting Miles with a STRONG European Uppercut. As Miles shot up, Ripper backed himself into the ropes and as Miles landed, he fired forward and leaped- throwing out his elbow he connected across Miles' forehead with a flying elbow shot.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Fun fact-- when Derek "Ripper" Treborn was 17, he was involved in a serious car accident where he broke his elbow in 4 different places. The only way to ensure proper bone growth was by placing steel there-- so when Ripper throws that elbow, it's a fusion of bone AND steel, which makes it THAT much more dangerous!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Nice! Where'd you pick that up from? Trebornipedia!?"<br>
The way Miles fell definitely showed that there was a little more in Ripper's [unpadded] elbow. Making a quick cover-- before Polanski could even start a count, Miles' shoulder popped off of the mat, all as Dante on the outside begun to stomp his feet and rile up the crowd, knowing his brother wasn't exactly in a good place at the moment.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Dante knows he needs to get in there ASAP or else they risk having Miles take A LOT of damage- but this is straight out of the Treborn book. When King Treborn and Lou Dayton had a run as tag champions, they were hard to beat for the fact that they'd cut the opposition off from two to one-- it'd was more like a handicap match."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "With a balance like Prince and Ripper-- speed meets power, it's definitely a road worth traveling!"<br>
Ripper had stood Miles up and kicked him in the midsection, as Miles doubled over-- Ripper stepped forward and over Miles' head and locked Miles' arms behind him in the form of a double underhook-- with complete EASE despite Miles' size, Ripper picked Miles up and in quick motion, flipped him over and connected with a pretty solid looking double underhook powerbomb, but didn't bother with the sitout portion of it all. Letting Miles fall flat on his back, which'd take the wind from his lungs, Ripper quickly made the pin as Prince jumped into the ring in case Dante had ideas of breaking the cover up..<br>
'''<big>T- KICKOUT!</big>'''<br>
Miles shoulder AGAIN popped off of the mat, Ripper didn't bother with arguing, instead he stood Miles up and whipped him into the ropes-- Ripper himself backed into the ropes and when Miles fired back at him, Ripper used this as a chance to move forward and once again looked to drill Miles with that fused elbow of bone and steel, but this time Miles managed to duck beneath it--<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "MILES DUCKED!"<br>
As Ripper hit the mat on his knees after missing a second bionic elbow, when he turned around, Miles stepped forward- managed to secure the [sorta] dazed Ripper Treborn in a front waist-lock and showcased his OWN suplex ability as he picked Ripper up off of his feet, and while keeping the waist-lock, he planted Ripper into the mat with a belly-to-belly suplex, the fans jumped to their feet as Miles broke the waist lock and rolled off to the side, all as he looked towards his brother Dante who was ready to get into the action..<br>
''"MILES! MILES! MILES!"''<br>
Miles reached his arm out and tried to crawl towards his brother, but before he was successful, Ripper managed to drop an elbow across the low of his [Miles] back, which killed the tag attempt cold. The fans let off a boo, all as Ripper grabbed hold of Miles' left leg and dragged him towards the Treborn corner and tagged Prince in-- Prince jumped up onto the top rope and was perched there all as Ripper picked Miles up and lifted him into the air as if he was going to drop him with a Stun Gun, but instead, Prince leaped OFF of the top rope and hit Miles with a crossbody, all as Ripper fell forward and added some extra impact..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Nice team work by the cousins there!"<br>
As Ripper rolled out of the ring, Prince managed to hook the leg..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Another cover!"<br>
'''<big>Tw- NO!</big>'''<br>
Before Polanski's hand could slap the mat to finish the 'two count', Dante Lozio had seen enough and jumped into the ring and put the boot right behind Prince Treborn's right ear- Prince grabbed at his head as Dante definitely wanted more, but Polanski once again got him into the corner and threatened him with a disqualification.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "You can't help but to feel bad for Dante Lozio here-- he can't do ANYTHING besides watch as Prince and Ripper execute a great gameplan to isolate one brother from another! He's beginning to grow frustrated with the situation and you can't blame him!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Absolutely Len. Tag-team wrestling is hard because at times, there's nothing you can legally do to save your partner except watch as he's broken down and left a hot mess!"<br>
With Polanski occupied in the corner, Prince slapped his own hand from his location of the mat which SOUNDED like a tag, allowing Ripper to get back into the ring. Reaching down, he grabbed hold of Miles again and stood him up-- as Miles tried to throw a right hand to knock across Ripper's head, Ripper blocked it and fired one of his own which connected-- Miles hit the ropes and bounced off of it, Ripper followed that up with a running knee to the gut which flipped Miles over and caused him to once again hit the mat hard. Ripper fired off a stomp that connected across of Miles' head which caused Miles to roll out of the ring-- and as he did, he dropped down to a knee, tired and beginning to show signs of wear and tear. As he pushed himself up, he wasn't going to get ANY air as the second he pushed himself backwards, Prince Treborn took a few quick steps and launched himself OFF of the ring apron..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "HEIR APPARENT GETTING SOME AIR.."<br>
<big>'''BUT NO!'''</big><br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "MILES CAUGHT HIM!"<br>
As Miles held Prince in a fallaway slam position, he quickly  darted towards the ring post and wrapped Prince around it-- the fans popped for Miles' show of offense as he dropped Prince down to the padded floor as he grabbed the low of his back. Rolling back into the ring, Ripper tried to fire off another stomp but Miles caught Ripper's leg in the process and stood up- with a QUICK dragon screw, he sent Ripper flipping to the mat and caused the bigger Treborn to grab his knee in pain--<br>
Pumping his arms now, Ripper tried to get to his feet but Miles dropped him with a clothesline. Bouncing back up after taking the clothesline, Miles locked up with him and turned him towards the Lozio turnbuckle-- forcing Ripper into the corner, Dante tagged himself in which got the crowd's blood PUMPING!<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "AND NOW THE NEW ERA BULL IS IN!"<br>
With Miles moving out of the way, Dante fired off a boot  to the midsection and connected-- Ripper stumbled forward as Dante picked him up with ease and threw him over his shoulder. Moving towards the turnbuckle and slamming Ripper's back off of the turnbuckle, he turned in a 180 degree manner and sprinted half way across the ring before leaping into the air and JAMMING Ripper down onto the mat with a jumping powerslam.<br>
''"DANTE! DANTE! DANTE!"''<br>
Feeling it from the crowd, Dante picked himself up and also stood Ripper up, forcing him into the ropes, Dante fired him forward and as Ripper came at him, Dante ducked his head and managed to let Ripper flip OVER him-- catching some serious air in the process, Ripper hit the mat hard off of that back body drop as his shoulders arched while he sat up and grabbed the low of his back in the process in obvious amounts of pain. Hitting the ropes as Ripper was in a seated position, Dante came off of it and threw a DIVING clothesline which connected ON-POINT and sent Ripper's head snapping backwards and [eventually] off of the mat. Dante made the cover now-<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "DANTE WITH THE PIN!"<br>
'''<big>T- KICKOUT!</big>'''<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Ripper ain't throwin' in the towel just yet!"<br>
Treborn's shoulder popped off of the mat, Dante seemed to be on fire here though and didn't care. Pulling Ripper up by his short[er] hair, he backed him into the turnbuckle and fired him across the way. Ripper hit the turnbuckle hard as Dante sprinted out of the corner and ducked his shoulder, picking Ripper OFF of the mat and running with him in his grasp, Dante backed him into the corner and slammed him against the turnbuckle. Firing off shoulder thrust after shoulder thrust, eventually Polanski got in between the two, all as Dante backed up with his hands up in an 'innocent' motion-- all as he threw his arms out to the side to which he got a MASSIVE pop!<br>
With the crowd in the palm of his hand, Dante kept pumping them up by throwing his arms in the air-- but he made a mistake during his time of enjoyment.. he forgot about Prince Treborn. As he backed towards the Treborn corner, Dante dropped to a knee, all as he was looking to possibly hit that spear that put A LOT of people down in the past.. clenching his fist, Dante POUNDED down on the mat as he dropped to a knee, all as he was staring in the direction of the stirring Ripper Treborn..<br>
As Ripper staggered forward, Dante looked to rush forward but Prince managed to grab at Dante's foot RIGHT at the last moment, which caused Dante to lose his footing. Stumbling forward, Dante stepped right into Ripper ducking BENEATH Dante's out-thrown right arm and hooking him in a waist-lock.. Picking Dante off of the mat and dropping him flat on his back with a perfectly executed German Suplex-- Ripper didn't let go..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "That's ONE!"<br>
Using all the strength he had left in his body, Ripper picked BOTH of them up and AGAIN picked the two-hundred and seventy five pound brickhouse OFF of his feet and dropped him with a SECOND consecutive German Suplex!<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "That's TWO! I think Ripper is looking for the hat-trick here.. Ripper Wrath Three as he calls it!"<br>
Despite being a bit sluggish, Ripper did manage to get to his feet and with the last of his energy, picked Dante  up and dropped him with a THIRD German Suplex, this time it was a release as the crowd broke off an ovation for Ripper Treborn's show of extreme strength there..<br>
During Ripper's Wrath III-- on the second German Suplex, Prince had managed to make a blind tag which Polanski saw and confirmed-- so when Ripper finished off his trifecta, Prince jumped into the ring and once his cousin was cleared from any damage, Prince hopped over Dante's fallen body-stepped towards the ropes-- hopped onto the second and with the hops he had from the second rope, got onto the third-- once he bounced there he leaped into the air and soared backwards-- landing ACROSS of Dante..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "DOUBLE JUMP MOONSAULT!"<br>
Hooking the leg-- Prince threw his arm in the air in a celebratory manner..<br>
'''Thre- KICKOUT!'''<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "DANTE KICKED OUT!"<br>
''"THIS IS AWESOME!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
''"THIS IS AWESOME!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
''"THIS IS AWESOME!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
'''Tracy Race:''' "You can hear the crowd's respect for both teams here-- these two California families are really going to push the end to see who can outlast who!"<br>
Grabbing at his head once he saw Polanski threw two fingers into the air, Prince didn't know what'd be needed to keep Dante down. On the outside, much like Dante was earlier, Miles was pumping his feet, clapping his hands all trying to get the fans to support Dante-- which they were. Miles looked rested now, all as Prince jumped to his feet, with Dante beginning to stir, Prince backed himself into the ropes and bounced forward-- jumping up onto the second rope-- Prince pulled off a pretty sweet looking springboard 180 back kick that sent Dante's head snapping back in the process, causing the near 300 pounder to tumble backwards and hit the mat hard once again..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "No wonder they call him Prince-- this kid is as good as his Uncle King!"<br>
Mocking Dante's pose by throwing his [Prince's] arms out to the crowd, he gathered a pretty solid round of boos, but it brought a smile to his cocky face. As the crowd continued to let him hear it, Prince moved towards Dante and tried to get the big man up but Dante fired off a right hand that knocked across of Prince's abdominal section which took the air out of the Littlest Big Man's lungs-- the fans begun to buzz as Dante managed to knock Prince with a left hand from a knee across Prince's face which sent Prince stumbling backwards-- Dante jumped to his feet and with everything he had left dived in the direction of Miles..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "TAG! DANTE GOT THE TAG!"<br>
The crowd POPPED again as Miles jumped into the ring-- Prince fired forward but was dropped with a clothesline, as Miles hit the ropes, Ripper tried his luck but he too was downed with a clothesline. As both Treborns rolled out of the ring and gathered together on the outside-- Miles pointed down at the two and shrugged as he hit the ropes, and leaped OVER the top rope-- pulling off a pretty looking plancha and landed on BOTH Treborns which nearly blew the roof off of the arena!<br>
''"LO- ZEE- OH! LO- ZEE- OH! LO- ZEE- OH!"''
''"MILES! MILES! MILES!"''<br>
With the crowd chanting and cheering like crazy for Miles and The Lozios, Miles got back to his feet and rolled Prince back into the ring.. Dante had recovered enough to catch the nod from his brother which meant that they were looking for an end. As Miles rolled into the ring, Prince jumped up and Miles caught him-- and with absolute EASE put Prince down and sent him crashing to the mat with a pretty hard Exploder Suplex..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "WHAT A SUPLEX BY MILES LOZIO!"<br>
The SECOND Miles had put Prince down with the exploder suplex, Dante had already hit the ropes and leaped into the air and came crashing down across Prince..<br>
Dante rolled off to the side as Miles ran his thumb across his throat, the camera panned backwards to catch a shot of as much of the crowd in the house as possible and they were ALL on their feet as they could sense that for the first time in a looooooooooooooong time.. The Lozio name would be back, synonymous with success. Picking Prince up and holding him in a bearhug, Dante squeezed at Prince's body, all as Miles scaled the top rope..<br>
As Miles got himself situated on the top rope and was about to leap off, Ripper Treborn jumped onto the ring apron and jumped back down onto the mat, slamming his arms across the top rope in the process which caused Miles to loose his footing and hit his family jewels across the top turnbuckle--<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "OUCH!"<br>
Dante tossed Prince aside like a ragdoll and saw his brother in pain across the top rope-- before Polanski could tell him to get out, Prince-- mustering up JUST enough to get as close to Dante as possible all as Ripper jumped up onto the apron and attempted to get into the ring. Once successful, Polanski turned his back to Prince and Dante-- allowing Prince to fire off a low blow which crippled Dante Lozio. Doubling over, and eventually falling to the side and rolling out of the ring, Prince moved towards the turnbuckle and again-- using all he had left in the tank fired off a kick to the side of Miles Lozio's head which caused him to fall onto the mat-- once down, Prince reached out and made the tag to Ripper- as Ripper climbed the top rope. Standing with his back to Miles-- he held his arms out..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "NOW WE'RE GONNA SEE A BIG TREBORN FLY!?"<br>
Showcasing absolutely GRACEFUL ability-- Ripper leaped off of the top rope and flipped himself in mid-air.. CRASHING over Miles Lozio with a moonsault, the fans popped like crazy again, all as Ripper didn't make the cover. Grabbing at his gut as he landed from the hard fall, he rolled back towards the turnbuckle and Prince tagged himself in, slingshotting himself INTO the ring from the apron and landing across Miles' body, Polanski got into position..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "WHAT.. A.. MATCH!"<br>
Grabbing at his head, realizing what had happened, Dante Lozio rolled into the ring all as he checked on his brother. Prince was still shaking off the cobwebs, Ripper was holding his gut from the hard landing from the moonsault.. and within SECONDS, the fight was back on!<br>
In a full-fledged fist fight, Dante and Ripper were throwing rights and lefts, all as they managed to get locked up and rolled off to the outside of the ring. Prince joined in, attacking Dante on the outside as Ripper held him in position, all as Miles-- a hurt Miles, rolled out of the ring and evened the odds..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "THESE FOUR MEN ARE STILL GOING AT IT!"<br>
As the fight continued, staff cleared out from the back much like they did earlier when Bulldozer Brixton and AAG was going at it, except this was a easier task to manage. With staff separating the two-- most of the staff managed to get The Lozios away from The Treborns as neither side wanted to stop the fight.. all as the camera switched away from the broken up melee in the front of the arena and once again to the back..</center>
== Christian Othniel vs. Brandon Marks vs. Bobby Langford (Triple Threat Match) ==
<center>''"The Steel City Dream gets a reality check tonight."''<br>
Cue in on the voice and image of 'The Ultra' Christian Othniel. After his 'successful' evening, courting what we now know as 'The Crimson Queen' into his army to 'purge', Othniel and Langford had quite the back and forth through the week where CO went as low as humanly possible.. and insulted a fan with cancer, a child with cancer. The third participant in the match, Brandon Marks was AWOL in terms of promo activity but he was around the back, he made it to the arena for the show.<br>
'''Christian Othniel:''' "Frank Washington can't save you, Bobby-- I've got you beat and you KNOW it."<br>
Firing off that creepy smile of his, Othniel nodded.<br>
'''Christian Othniel:''' "In a matter of minutes, the talking ceases to exist and the REAL challenge comes forth-- shutting you up and shutting you down. Your claims to detour Evil Ways.. It's nothing but talk. You're not strong, smart or good enough to stop what's coming-- you're just standing in the train tracks as the runaway comes through."<br>
Bumping both of his fists together, CO continued to allow that creepy smirk of his to shine through all as the camera cut to a quick round of static, only to reopen in another section of the back, this time on the smiling face of Bobby Langford. To his side-- his manager, Frank Washington as Frank took a deep breath.<br>
'''Frank Washington:''' "You ready big man?"<br>
'''Bobby Langford:''' "Never been as ready in my life brother."<br>
'''Frank Washington:''' "Remember-- no matter what he says-- no matter what he does do NOT fall victim to his plan. He wants you to lose focus, because then.. you're weak. Keep your head in the game Bobby, I'll be there to help you keep your priorities straight but there's only so much I can do from the outside. You're the one that's going to need to do the heavy-lifting."<br>
'''Bobby Langford:''' "No disrespect intended sir, but the heavy lifting SHOULD be left to me. I'm ready as ever for this, it's time for The Steel City Dream's career to take off."<br>
'''Frank Washington:''' "Good to hear, now let's get out there and work some magic."<br>
'''Bobby Langford:''' "Neither Brandon Marks or Christian Othniel will stop the steel curtain from falling on'em."<br>
'''Frank Washington:''' "Game time."<br>
With a nod, Bobby and Frank headed away from the camera and towards, more than likely ring-side. After a brief fade to black, the cameras reopened back at ringside, the three were already in the ring given the provided time to get everything going. Langford and Othniel were involved in a pretty epic stare down, Marks was enjoying not being the center of attention as it maybe allowed him to sneak one in. Official Polanski, probably the last match he'd be working for the evening called for the bell and instantly, Langford rushed in Othniel's direction, but Christian dropped down to the mat and rolled out of the ring before Langford could connect with any type of offense.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "And Othniel is avoiding conflict!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "It's a smart move, why engage in battle with Bobby when Marks is there!?"<br>
Christian moved around the ring, Langford's eyes kept following him despite where he was headed to, all as Marks used the opportunity to pounce and attempted to hit Langford with a strike of some kind. Barely phased by the attack, Langford turned towards Marks and with an effortless grace, he slammed his knee into Marks' gut, doubled the man over and once again showcased just how much of a natural talent he was.. plucked Marks OFF of the mat and dropped him down with a quick gut wrench powerbomb, Marks body hit the mat pretty hard as Langford jumped to his feet after the slam-- and once again shot his attention towards Othniel on the outside of the ring.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "It looked like Bobby didn't even have to try for that!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "And that's the scary thing.. this kid doesn't know his own strength.."<br>
''"BOBBY! BOBBY! BOBBY!"''<br>
With the crowd chanting in Langford's direction, Othniel was getting an earful from Polanski, but he didn't really care. When you had a guy Langford's size staring a hole through you, you didn't jump into the fire unless you wanted to get hurt.. and there's no way CO would risk falling victim to Langford this early in the match. With his heavily tattooed arms crossed over his chest, Othniel backed towards the stage and stood at the foot of the aisle, all as Langford put his hands out and waved Othniel to get involved.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "It's painfully obvious that Christian Othniel wants NOTHING to do with Bobby Langford!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "It's what Othniel calls.. Intellectual Vietnam. He's going to war with Langford, but it's all in their head.. Let's see if CO can keep the odds in his favor."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Bobby shouldn't forget ab-"<br>
As Ragatti was about to touch up on, Langford was so wrapped up in the moment trying to get CO into the ring that Marks had got to his feet and hit Langford from behind. Staggering Langford forward-- his manager, Frank Washington pounded on the mat and was pleading with Langford to stop paying attention to CO on the outside as Marks was recovering. Throwing a chop block that took Langford down to a knee, the crowd boo'd as FINALLY-- Christian Othniel slid into the ring. With Bobby Langford down, Othniel dropped a legdrop over the back of Langford's head, dropping The Steel City dream which erupted a chorus of boos.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "What an weasel!"<br>
Marked wasn't discriminating against who he was going for and tried to change his attention onto Othniel, but CO wasn't having none of it. Othniel was a proficient striker when needed, and here he fired off a series of kicks that connected across Marks' legs on each side and finished off the mini-combo with a running uppercut that sent Marks falling backwards and hitting the mat. Langford was beginning to stir but CO pounced on him like a lion on an antelope with a falling double axe-handle smash to the back of Langford's skull, which again took any sort of comeback right out of the cards for'em.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Now we're seeing the TRUE Christian Othniel emerge, and this guy has so much skill.. so much potential, yet he'd rather be this torn, miserable ESS- OH- BEE that just baffles those closest to the business. At one time he had the word by the short and curly's he rivaled some of the most popular for his alluring charm and personality-- as well as his ring ability but since that initial trip to Japan, he came back to the states a TOTALLY different guy!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Everyone finds their groove in different times of their career. Maybe the guy that you saw wasn't CO, but rather-- an experimental form? I know I may be the in the minority but I like where Othniel is, I like how this guy carries himself.. it's different. And his 'purge'? It gives him reason to continue and march on!"<br>
The one thing that LEGACY DIDN'T have which instantly made them stick out as different was what people liked to call 'rest-holds'. There was no slowing the pace, it wasn't wanted or needed. LEGACY Officials felt that the first show should be non-stop action, and they've been successful thus far as the show was going off without a hitch. In order to showcase it's talent in the ring and maximize their investment, LEGACY wanted it's talent to go all-out and have no regrets.. because if it didn't work out in LEGACY for them, somewhere else would see how good they were and that was the lost art in professional wrestling-- networking. To give talent a shot somewhere else even if things weren't working out here-- at the end of the day, to protect the industry and solidify it's future-- more sacrifices needed to make here. Anyway, Othniel got Langford back to his feet and fired off a knee to Langford's gut-- as Langford sucked for air through his mouth from the shot-- Othniel whipped the MUCH bigger man towards the ropes. As he came back, Othniel ducked beneath Langford's small clothesline attempt jumped into the air and grabbed Langford from behind and SPIKED Langford down onto the mat with a jumping reverse bulldog.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "OTHNIEL SHOWING THAT SPEED!"<br>
To mock Langford and his 'athleticism' that CO made several mentions of during the week, he looked at a downed Langford and did a few pushups, all as he counted LOUD when finishing. Brandon Marks, the forgotten third wheel in the match seemed to have a busted open mouth from the uppercut that Othniel landed and CO turned his attention to the man with Langford still dazed and down from the reverse bulldog he was hit with. With Marks in the corner, Othniel fired off a few knife-edged chops that AGAIN drew the "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO" from the crowd, all as Othniel grabbed hold of Marks wrist and took a step backwards-- whipping him forward into the opposite side turnbuckle. As Othniel was ABOUT to sprint after Marks, he saw the 6'8" BEAST jump from the ground to his feet and once again rolled out of the ring-- the crowd boo'd, CO didn't care. Langford though, he wasn't going to allow this to get in his head, Washington on the outside made sure of that as he pointed and shouted in Marks' direction.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "AGAIN, we see Othniel dip out of combat!"<br>
Not wasting anytime, Langford rushed towards Marks who JUST managed to push himself out of the turnbuckle and into Langford-- but The Steel City Dream was ready for it and before Marks could get one over on him, slapped BOTH of his hands across Marks' throat and with utter ease picked Marks up and THREW him into the turnbuckle..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "HIS POWER IS SCARY!"<br>
Marks hit the turnbuckle and bounced off of it-- as he shot forward, Langford did the same and raised his boot off of the mat-- CRUSHING Marks with a HUGE big boot!<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "THE IMMACULATE RECEPTION!"<br>
With the crowd pouring support for Langford, he heeded Washington's advice and made the cover--<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Can Marks get up from that kick!?"<br>
Just then-- Othniel jumped into the ring and again hit Langford behind the head with a diving double-axe handle smash.. But this time? Langford.. he didn't feel anything. Langford jumped to his feet and Othniel instantly looked as if he seen a ghost, attempting to hit the mat again, he wasn't fast enough as Langford's right arm stretched out and grabbed hold of the back of Othniel's hair, the same hair he had used to make fun of the surviving young cancer patient-- Bobby Langford's friend and inspiration; Tanya. As Othniel tried and tried to grab the ropes to get away from Langford, the crowd broke into a frenzy-<br>
''"FUCK'EM UP BOBBY, FUCK'EM UP!"'' stomp- stomp
''"FUCK'EM UP BOBBY, FUCK'EM UP!"'' stomp- stomp
''"FUCK'EM UP BOBBY, FUCK'EM UP!"'' stomp- stomp<br>
Bobby pulled Othniel towards him and much like he did with Marks a bit earlier, effortlessly he picked Othniel off of the mat-- this time holding him HIGH above his head in a gorilla press-- with Othniel shouting down at Langford and shaking his head as much as he could-- that didn't stop Langford from dropping Othniel and catching him in the form of a Oklahoma Slam and RATTLED CO's spine as he dropped him on the mic. The crowd POPPED like crazy as Othniel's face was colored with pain as he sat up and clutched it in pain, as Frank continued to shout instructions and guidance at Bobby Langford from outside of the ring-- it was hard to hear with the crowd as crazy-loud as they were at the moment.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "THE STEEL CITY DREAM HAS ARRIVED!"<br>
With OVERWHELMING support-- much like they showed The Lozios in the match prior to this, Bobby was on Cloud 9. Picking Othniel up and shoving him into the corner, Bobby fired off a few hard body shots which left Othniel gasping from air from Bobby's catcher-mitt sized hands catching him across the body. Whipping Othniel towards the opposite side of the turnbuckle with a little 'extra' behind it-- Othniel hit the turnbuckle with some power and bounced off of it- his back was still feeling the effects of that Oklahoma Slam earlier-- all as Bobby threw himself off the ropes and JUST managed to catch Othniel reeling off the turnbuckle and wrapped his arm around Othniel-- with a sudden heave, snapped himself [and Othniel] backwards and dropped CO on the back of his head with a STRONG-styled sambo slam..<br>
Clutching the back of his head after the initial impact, Christian's words through the week had brought this mean-streak to him and Bobby was enjoying every second of it. Marks had once again got back into the swing of things-- he tried his luck to catch an unsuspecting Langford from the side but Langford-- upon request from Washington on the outside avoided the attack. Marks moved forward and tried to catch himself but it was too late, Bobby already had figured out his next step of attack and showcased that power once more by ducking beneath Marks' right arm and picked him up onto his shoulders--<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "A torture rack!? A torture rack! It's been AGES since I've seen this!"<br>
''"BOBBY! BOBBY! BOBBY!"''<br>
With Marks across his shoulders in a torture rack, Langford nodded at the crowd before dipping his legs a bit and spinning Marks OFF of his shoulders and managing to catch him with a SICK neckbreaker! As Marks hit the mat after Langford's adjustment of placement, Langford floated over and made the cover--<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Marks just.. got.. BLASTED!"<br>
'''Tw- NO!'''<br>
Despite falling victim to Langford's strength, Othniel wasn't about to go down like that and dove towards the cover and managed to hit Langford JUST enough to break the pin. Once again Langford showed no sense of getting struck by Othniel, he jumped to his feet and leaned down to pick Othniel up-- all as CO's veteran presence showed. Langford grabbed hold of Othniel by the hair and attempted to yank him up but CO fired off a quick thumb to Langford's eye which no matter how strong, big or fast you were-- it was an effective attack. Langford grabbed at his face as he stumbled backwards-- Brandon Marks didn't know where he was after getting his neck jarred by Bobby and got up to both knees, causing Langford to stumble over him and topple to the ground. Othniel sprung to his feet and with Marks still attempting to get up, Othniel grabbed Marks' head from behind-- bent him over his back in inverted fashion and SNAPPED Marks down across his back, using his neck to bring him down.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "THE ODE TO INFAMY!"<br>
Securing that Inverted Headlock Backbreaker that he picked up from his mentor, Marks took a hard fall as CO made the cover--<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "DOES HE..!?"<br>
'''<big>TH- NO!</big>'''<br>
JUST when it looked like CO would steal one, Langford broke the pin attempt up and the crowd was ECSTATIC!<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Listen to the crowd Ragatti, they're on edge here!"<br>
''"LET'S GO BOBBY, LET'S GO!"'' stomp- stomp
''"CEE- OH!"'' clap- clap
''"LET'S GO BOBBY, LET'S GO!"'' stomp- stomp
''"CEE- OH!"'' clap, clap<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Somehow.. Someway, that cynical bastard has managed to get fans on his side?! WHY ARE THEY CHEERING FOR HIM!?"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Everybody likes a bad boy.. EVERYBODY."<br>
Despite the cheers and chants for Bobby TOTALLY eclipsing that of chants and cheers for Othniel-- which was slim, it just showcased the diversity of the LEGACY crowd. Othniel rolled to the side and managed to get back to his feet upon pushing himself up, Langford did the same and despite his right eye being stuck in a constant state of squint, he still threw a HUGE right hand that Othniel ducked beneath. A suplex was out of the question here-- there's no way Othniel would pick that near 300 pound frame off of the mat, instead-- CO compromised. With a quick kick to the back of Langford's right knee, the big man hit the mat-- Othniel nodded and smirked before darting towards the ropes and jumping off of the second rope-- using it to slingshot himself back at Langford-- Othniel turned his body and BOOM!<br>
With Othniel looking for that springboard superkick-- Langford fired himself forward and managed to CATCH Othniel's leg--<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "HE CAUGHT IT! HE CAUGHT OTHNIEL'S LEG!"<br>
In a TOTALLY TAZ moment, Langford SNAPPED backwards and dumped Othniel on his head and shoulders--<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "CAPTURE SUPLEX! CAPTURE SUPLEX!"<br>
Frank Washington was PLEADING with Langford to take advantage of the situation and make the cover-- and as Langford managed to do so, Polanski got into position..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "THAT'S HAD TO TAKE A LOT OUT OF OTHNIEL!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "IT DID!"<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "DOES LANGFORD HAVE HIM.."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "HE GOT'EM! HE GOT'EM!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "NO, LOOK AT OTHNIEL'S RIGHT LEG!"<br>
Surely-- BEFORE Polanski's hand slapped off of the mat, Othniel wisely put his leg on the bottom rope and Polanski caught that. Langford and Washington shouted at Polanski-- but once Othniel's leg was seen there, Langford let off a ROAR of rage as Frank covered his head with his arms--<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "IT DOESN'T GET ANY CLOSER THAN THAT!"<br>
Langford pounded on the mat, showing frustration as he thought it was over-- all as he managed to get to his feet and once again guided Othniel up. Shoving Othniel into the ropes, Christian bounced forward and Langford out of absolute NO-WHERE sprung Othniel HIGH into the air--<br>
As Langford looked for that CRAZY, HARD-HITTING European Uppercut, Othniel.. somehow.. someway managed to wrap his right arm around Langford's head after adjusting himself in mid-air and with ALL he had left, SNAPPED himself backwards and DRILLED Langford with a pretty sick and swift looking DDT!<br>
''"THIS IS AWESOME!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
''"THIS IS AWESOME!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
''"THIS IS AWESOME!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap<br>
Othniel rolled over and threw his right arm over Langford's chest all as Polanski got into position to make the pin again..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "CEE OH WITH THE COVER!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "DE JA VU!"<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "THE ULTRA'S PURGE IS ABOUT TO MOVE FOR-"<br>
Washington looked like he aged about 30 years, but a show of relief as he threw his hands in the air and turned towards the crowd. The fans was going BANANAS as Othniel rolled off of Langford and held the back of his head in pain, all as Marks got back to his feet but was in the corner looking over BOTH competitors. Like a hawk scouting his prey, Marks knew that he could take advantage of Othniel and Langford beating the hell out of each other-- and attempted to do just that..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "We've been so wrapped up in Langford and Othniel's battle that we forgot Brandon Marks is in the match and at the moment, he looks like he could be a darkhorse to steal one from either of those two individuals!"<br>
Centering his attention on Langford who was more recently hurt with that high angle DDT from Othniel, Marks let off a cocky grin and spread his arms out-- all as the crowd let off a chorus of boos for the man. As Langford reached for the ropes to get up and help himself to his feet, once he was-- Marks grabbed him in the form of a STO-- but Langford didn't budge when Marks tried to throw him backwards--<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "It's like trying to lift a brick house!"<br>
Marks tried to snap back again, looking for that reverse STO he's been working on since his comeback, but Langford stopped it again-- all as Langford fired off an elbow that bounced off the side of Marks' head. As Marks stumbled to the side, Langford's HUGE right hand came up and managed to lock over Marks' face..<br>
Marks kicked and yelled in pain as Langford's version of The Iron Claw looked absolutely terrifying. Marks' legs seemed to give out under him as Langford dropped him to the mat-- once Marks was flat on his back still attempting to break The Claw, Langford showcased a CRAZY amount of power as he lifted Marks OFF of the mat from his position-- then DROPPED him again with a HUGE modified for The Claw chokeslam!<br>
As Langford put MORE pressure on Marks, Marks right hand slapped against the mat, all as Polanski called for the bell..<br>
''ding.. ding.. ding''<br>
Releasing the submission, Langford threw his right arm in the air as the crowd erupted for him and his effort shown tonight. With a few deep breaths, Langford got back to his feet as Polanski held Bobby's arm in the air but the moment didn't last long as sneaking up behind Bobby Langford was the SOUR-GRAPES, Christian Othniel. As Othniel pounced on Langford from behind, throwing a flurry of wild punches, Polanski called for the bell several times but that didn't stop the situation.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "LOOK AT THIS GUY!"<br>
Before Frank could get to Othniel, Langford shoved CO off of him, causing The Ultra to fly backwards. Jumping to his feet, Langford rushed at Othniel but Othniel ducked beneath Langford's oncoming right hand.. as Langford turned around-- Othniel quickly reached into his right pocket and allowed Langford to get closer to him-- all as Othniel's arm extended forward in throwing motion and whatever he had in his hands-- ended up in Langford's face and eyes--<br>
Bobby was blinded by the foreign substance in his eyes and dropped down to a knee as he let off roars of pain. As Frank got into the ring seeing his client down, Othniel managed to escape the opposite side and backed up the ramp-- all as he fired a smile in their direction.. Frank put his arm on Langford's MASSIVE shoulder as he talked the man through the pain.. all as Bobby managed to get an eye open-- barely at that, but the mixture of actual salt- sweat all mixing and getting into his face definitely wasn't helping situations any. Once Bobby got a line of sight on Othniel, he tried to rush the ropes but Frank jumped in front of him and once again talked his client down--<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Langford is FURIOUS!"<br>
Langford shouted all sorts of stuff at Othniel, all as CO smirked and actually had the audacity to sit down on the aisle-- at the very top and cock his head back, almost WELCOMING Langford to come and find him. Washington was handed a mic from Hendricks, all as Frank turned towards Othniel.<br>
'''Frank Washington:''' "You just don't get it, do you?"<br>
Othniel shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.<br>
'''Frank Washington:''' "You're not gonna stop until either you're dead-- or Bobby's dead and hey-- I can respect that. I know where you're at in your career and how you're trying to find yourself but Christian.. Don't.. Poke.. the bear. I'm telling you, enough is enough. I don't want to see ANYONE get permanently injured but the rate you're going?! You're gonna force Bobby's hand and he can't be held liable for what he does!"<br>
Moving the mic from his lips, Washington worded something in Othniel's direction as Christian pushed himself off of the aisle and waved him off. Bobby grabbed hold of the mic and rested his massive frame against the ropes all as he pointed in CO's direction, his eyes still burning from the salt.<br>
'''Bobby Langford:''' "You managed to avoid defeat this time punk, but you won't be so lucky the next time we're standing in this ring! You were running and hiding the entire time, but I'm going to make sure that the next time we're standing across from each other?! I.. END.. YOU! BELIEVE THAT!"<br>
Dropping the mic in glorious fashion, "Real Man's Man" sounded over the PA-- all as Othniel chuckled at Langford's threats. Continuing to stare off in CO's direction.. Washington patted his client on his back as Frank, a vet that's been around the business for a while knew that this situation was just beginning-- there was no end in sight. Langford managed to get one up on Othniel and Othniel wouldn't stop until he's evened the odds.. Othniel and Langford exchanged shouts without a mic, all as Othniel ended his sentence the same way he always did-- by sticking out his clenched fists and allowing Bobby to read the ink across his knuckles.. tonight, despite not managing to secure a win-- after it was all said and done, Bobby learned that no matter the time or place, as long as Christian Othniel was around.. there'd ALWAYS be one way-- EVIL WAYS.</center>
== Scotty Addams/Drew Stevenson promos ==
<center>Coming off of a short sponsorship break, Scotty Addams was seen taping up his wrists, all as stepping into his open locker-room door, was Frank Washington with Bobby Langford. Langford had a wet wash-clothe over his face from the salt being thrown in his face by Christian Othniel. Nonetheless, Frank and Scotty exchanged quick handshakes, as did Scotty and Bobby as Scotty tossed the roll of tape to the side and hopped in place a few times.<br>
'''Scotty Addams:''' "Nice work out there, kid! I've been mixed with up with Othniel in the past-- you've gotta be careful when you're dealing with him."<br>
'''Frank Washington:''' "Same advice I gave-- but you ready for tonight? Got a lot on the line here in Carson, you're already being touted as a possible candidate for the LEGACY Heavyweight Championship whenever they decide to bring the title out and activate it."<br>
'''Scotty Addams:''' "I'm ready. Not thrilled with Edwards wanting to test me like he did but that's fine-- I'll show him why I am who I am and why I do what I do."<br>
'''Bobby Langford:''' "Kick some butt out there Scotty, we'll be cheering for you."<br>
Sharing another handshake, Bobby and Frank left Scotty to 'get into the zone' as Addams continued to hop in place, all as he stretched his arms out above his head. Cutting from Scotty--we open up with the same brunette interviewer;<br>
''"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm currently awaiting word with 'The Emerald' Drew Stevenson. I've been told that Mister Stevenson will answer ONE question regarding tonight and I plan on hitting him with the hardest question imaginable.."''<br>
The door opened to Stevenson's locker-room and standing there in all of his glory, we see 'The Emerald' as he has his arms in the air, soaking in the environment.<br>
'''"Mister Stevenson!"'''<br>
Drew narrowed his attention toward the woman and snickered..<br>
'''Drew Stevenson:''' "Who are you? Why are they allowing fans to show up with microphones to the biggest star in this company's dressing quarters?!"<br>
'''''"Rebecca Bradley, sir."'''''<br>
'''Drew Stevenson:''' "Well Rebecca, as I'm sure my publicist confirmed I'll answer ONE question for you-- no more."<br>
Rebecca Bradley-- as her name was now known smiled and nodded.<br>
'''Rebecca Bradley:''' ".. everyone wants to know.. are you going to show up for your match against Alyssa Pryde tonight? Social media is buzzing-- the forums is going crazy, we're hearing all sorts of stuff but I want to hear it from the horse's mouth.. Are we going to see Drew Stevenson and Alyssa Pryde tangle tonight?!"<br>
Not answering immediately, Drew cocked his head back and crossed his arms over his chest. Scrunching his brows, he tapped the tip of his chin.<br>
'''Drew Stevenson:''' "Becca-- Let me ask you a logical question.."<br>
'''Rebecca Bradley:''' "Sure..?"<br>
'''Drew Stevenson:''' "What do you think happens when someone who bench-presses well over four hundred pounds, squats closer to five hundred.. weighs about two hundred and fifty five pounds.. What happens when that figure, who also stands well above six feet three.. if he clashes with a WOMAN who barely comes in at a shade over one twenty?"<br>
'''Rebecca Bradley:''' "Any logical person would tell you that.. size, with a disparity like that makes a HUGE difference."<br>
'''Drew Stevenson:''' "My point exactly! This isn't some rinky-dink circus in Knoxville or Atlanta-- this isn't some SUSPEND BELIEF FOR DISCRIMINATION type of place.. LEGACY Wrestling, this is the real deal.. the closest we're EVER going to get to a top caliber promotion-- as it rivals Missouri State Wrestling as the best thing going today!"<br>
'''Rebecca Bradley:''' "So.. You're NOT going to compete against Alyssa Pryde tonight?"<br>
'''Drew Stevenson:''' "Compete? I don't like that term when we're talking about Pryde because she doesn't compete-- she eats people's faces. This is LEGACY, not the Silence of the Lambs! I'm a competitor! I compete on every level because I'm the absolute BEST. Alyssa Pryde? She has daddy issues and has a problem with the male species, she isn't a professional wrestler. She's no better than those kids who hit each other over the head with light tubes and say "I'M HARDCORE, I'M HARDCORE!" No, you're not hardcore, you're a FRAUD. Alyssa Pryde? She's a FRAUD, she HUMILIATES what it means to be a professional wrestler. There's no fear in this body-- what's there to be afraid of? I'd crush Alyssa in the palm of my hand, but I know her inability to compete with a MAN gives me an unfair advantage, and I don't like having handicaps involved in ANY match I participate in."<br>
'''Rebecca Bradley:''' "SoOoOoOo.. the match is off?"<br>
With a smirk and shrug, Drew turned around and stepped back into his locker-room. Before closing the door behind him though, he gazed over his shoulder.<br>
'''Drew Stevenson:''' "We'll see soon, won't we?"<br>
'''Rebecca Bradlley:''' "Well guys-- take what you want from that interview.. Drew TECHNICALLY answered the question but not with a straight answer.. I guess like everyone else in the house and at home tonight, we've gotta wait and see what happens once the time comes!"<br>
With a nod, Rebecca gave the camera a thumbs up as it flickered back to ring side where Scotty Addams and Joey Edwards was in the ring.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "I didn't know we had a Rebecca Bradley working for us!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Me neither, good call by Bauer hiring her though."<br></center>
== Scotty Addams vs. Joey Edwards w/ Richard Steen (Singles Match) ==
<center>'''Rob Hendricks:''' "Laaaaaadddddiiiiiiessssss.. and Geeeeennnttttttlllllleeeeemmmmmmmmmeeennnnnn.. It's time for the CO MAIN-EVENT OF THE EVENNNNNNNNNING!"<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "This should be a good one!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Joey Edwards has flown under the radar thus far in LEGACY, a multiple time World Champion he has the chance to-- as he said, help his career go out on a good note as he's beginning to dwindle down with a win over Scotty Addams and a possible shot to get himself into the limelight for a shot at the LEGACY Heavyweight Championship."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Let's not fail to mention that Scotty Addams is no slouch neither! WInning HIS first World Championship over a very capable [then] champion, Scotty's evolution is apparent, he's ready to continue his path to greatness.. and much like with Joey Edwards, Scotty can do himself some good here."<br>
'''Rob Hendricks:''' "Introducing first.. From Detroit, Michigan.. Weighing in at a total of two hundred and twenty six and a quarter pounds.. Thhhhhhhe Seeeelfffffffffffff-Prrrrooooooccclllllaaaaimmmmmmmmeddddd SPPPPPOKKKKKKKKEEEEEESSMANNNNNN OFFFFFFF AAAAAA GEEEENEEEEERRRAAATIIIIOOOOONN.. ACCOMPANIED TO THE RING BY RICHARD STEEEEEEEEEEEENN.. JOOOOOOOEEEEYYYYYY.. EEEEEEDDDDDDDWWWWWAAAAARRRRRDDDDDSSSSSSSS!"<br>
His manager-- 'The Son of Anarchy' Richard Steen, a sorta husky fellow with bleached blonde hair and a pair of black rimmed glasses jumped down OFF of the apron and touched the ground, all as he slapped the mat a few times. Edwards hopped in place a few times all before the camera changed off to his opponent standing across of him..<br>
The crowd seemed to have chosen a side-- Scotty Addams primarily but Joey Edwards had his share of support too. As lead official Ralphy Wilson signaled for the bell.. we were off. Edwards and Addams had a similar style-- Edwards possibly more of a 'strong style' guy with his time  spent across different continents. Neither man was going to back down though as they locked up in the center of the ring, and after a short exchange Edwards won an advantage with a quick side headlock takeover-- throwing Addams to the left, Scotty jumped back up to his feet and managed to connect with a arm-drag, Edwards now hit the mat. Joey jumped up and Scotty met him in the center of the ring-- both men were engaged in a staredown now..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Could these two be any more even!?"<br>
Edwards worded something in Scotty's direction, Scotty laughed it off and again they locked up, Scotty managed to secure the headlock this time as he backed up towards the ropes. Leaning against it, Edwards shoved Scotty forward-- breaking the headlock.. As Scotty came beaming [TRRREKKKIEEEEEEEEEEEE] back at Edwards, Joey looked for a hip-toss, but Scotty floated over Joey and landed to his side-- looking for a hip-toss of his own! Joey blocked that as well and grabbed hold of Scotty's wrist, cocking in and spinning, he managed to secure Scotty's [bent] arm behind Scotty's back all as he attempted to lift Addams into the air..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "The pace is unbelievable!"<br>
Managing to get Scotty into the air, Addams didn't stay there long as he wrapped his legs around Edwards' body from his position in the air and rolled Joey up in a QUICK sunset flip-<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Scotty win the pin attempt.."<br>
Throwing his weight backwards, Joey jumped to his feet before Scotty could get back to his feet and threw a front dropkick which connected across of Scotty's face, sending The Platinum Innovator backwards-- and hitting the mat.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Sharp!"<br>
Joey was no rookie, he knew when he had an opportunity and quickly made the cover while sorta hooking the leg..<br>
'''T- KICKOUT!'''<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Scotty got the shoulder up!"<br>
Joey wanted to push the pace, he wanted to keep Scotty working and it seemed like a good idea. Picking Addams off of the mat and backing him into the corner, Joey threw a right kick that connected to the side of Scotty's right leg-- a left kick which connected across the side of Scotty's left leg and finally, a spinning back kick in the style of RVD's, the kick connected across of Scotty's face, once more sending his head snapping back.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Beautiful three hit combo by Joey Edwards there!"<br>
Not making a cover this time, Joey picked Scotty's right arm up and fired off a stomp that connected across Scotty's ribs. With Scotty clutching his ribs in pain, he rolled off to the side, all as Joey hit the ropes, fired forward, leaped INTO the air and dropped a fist across the back of Scotty's head, furthering the pain through his body. Joey reached down and picked Scotty up and sent him into the ropes-- Scotty hooked his arms, stopping the momentum. Edwards rushed forward and looked to clothesline Scotty possibly over the top rope but Addams back flipped OVER the top rope and landed on the ring  apron, before Edwards could connect, Scotty lowered his shoulder and BOOMED it into Edward's gut-- Joey held his stomach and stumbled backwards-- keeping his footing on the mat, Scotty slung himself into the ring, catched some MAJOR hangtime and connected with a HUGE slingshot body press--<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "SLINGSHOT BODY PRESS!"<br>
As both men hit the mat, Scotty jumped back up to his feet and hit the ropes again, as Joey Edwards found himself back up at standing position Scotty leaped into the air and managed to take Joey down AGAIN with a head scissors takedown!<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Scotty is throwing everything at Joey Edwards-- don't be shocked to see the kitchen sink too!"<br>
Joey bounced back to his feet all as Scotty moved forward and connected with a STIFF chop that caused Edwards to fly back into the turnbuckle.<br>
Scotty pressed his palm against Joey's face and winded his arm up and fired off ANOTHER huge chop that caused Edwards' to grab his chest and moved out of the corner. As Scotty followed Edwards and reached out to grab him, Edwards fired off a chop of his own which caused Scotty to grimace in pain--<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "EDWARDS WITH THE ANSWER!"<br>
Scotty's chest instantly turned a shade of red as he fired back AAANOOOOOOOOOOTHER chop, this time Joey managed to block it and fired off a kick to the midsection-- followed by ANOTHER kick-- throwing himself into the ropes, Joey exploded forward but Scotty threw a back elbow that knocked Joey Edwards backwards and down onto the mat. Scotty fired off a few stomps aimed at Joey's head and picked him up once again, scooping him up-- Scotty planted him down onto the mat and backed himself up towards the turnbuckle. Hopping up onto the second turnbuckle, Scotty jumped forward and stuck his elbow out, connecting across Edward's chest with a front elbow drop, the fans POPPED as Scotty scurried and made the cover..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Addams with the pin again.."<br>
'''T- KICKOUT!'''<br>
Edwards' shoulder popped off the mat again, Scotty wrapped himself around Edwards' arm, jumped into the air while holding it between his legs and dropped down to the mat-- crushing it's weight beneath his own.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Addams is a true student of the game, he doesn't single out just ONE body part, he attacks from every angle which makes it easier when he decides to close the match out."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Very true, Tracy!"<br>
With Edwards rolling to the side and out of the ring towards the source of Richard Steen's voice-- and dropped down to the padded floor on his knees. Jerking his arm a few times to ensure that nothing was seriously damaged, Edwards was shaking it loose all as Scotty-- from inside the ring sprinted from inside the ring-- towards the turnbuckle, scaled it with absolute ease and soared off of the second rope from INSIDE the ring and to the outside-- Edwards pushed himself up at the RIGHT moment which caused Scotty's body to crash across his [Edwards] which sent them both down to the floor.<br>
Addams got back to his feet with the help of the guard rail that he was inches away from smashing into when he soared off of the top rope and got back to his feet, but leaned his weight against the steel for a second, catching his breath. Steen was shouting down at Edwards to get up and get going, but when Addams crashed across of him, Edwards' head bounced off of the padded floor, and that padding wasn't really forgiving.<br>
With the fans STILL in an uproar from the risk Scotty took, Addams plowed forward and reached down to grab Edwards, not before Joey threw a right hand that connected across of Scotty's gut-- Scotty took it in stride and continued to attempt to pick Edwards up, but the single shot turned into a quick flurry as Edwards fired off right after left, after right.. after left all as Scotty finally let go. Edwards grabbed hold of Scotty's wrist in the process and shoved himself forward-- pulling a 180, he sent Scotty darting towards the guard-rail in a irish-whip, but before Scotty could hit it, he jumped UP onto the guard-rail and threw a back elbow smash as he jumped backwards-- but Edwards ducked beneath it. As Scotty sailed backwards and landed pretty hard with his OWN head taking a slight bounce off of the padded floor, he pushed himself up-- all as Edwards threw his right leg out-- his foot bounced off of the tip of Scott's jaw, taking 'Never Say Die' down with a perfectly placed superkick--<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "KICK OF LIFE!"<br>
With Head Official Wilson already on '5' of a mandatory 10 count, Edwards rolled into the ring as Addams was down-- all as the crowd was beginning to buzz..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "ADDAMS TOOK A SERIOUS KICK TO THE FACE.. WOW..!"<br>
Scotty's right arm came up and grabbed hold of the ring apron as he used ALL the strength he had left in his body to pull himself up..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "We're at 7!"<br>
Edwards had moved towards the corner and kept himself standing by extending his arms over the ropes, all as he kept an eye on Scotty Addams on the outside who was struggling to get back to his feet, but did. Once he had his body up, he reached his hand up and grabbed hold of the bottom rope..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "I think Scotty can make it.. C'mon Scotty!"<br>
As Wiilson moved forward and about to count to ten, Scotty JUST rolled into the ring and beat the count, all as the fans broke into another frenzy!<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "That 'Never Say Die' attitude Addams has.. It's something else! Any ordinary man would be sleeping in La-La Land after eating that kick from Joey Edwards, but Addams managed to fight through adversity and get himself back up!"<br>
Edwards moved forward and reached down to grab Scotty's head-- as he did so, Scotty's left leg quickly popped out and kicked Edwards across the head, which caused Edwards to stumble backwards. Scotty got back to his feet now, still a bit wobbly from the kick he took a few moments ago and once again resorted to those CRAZY chops of his. After the fourth consecutive chop, Edwards' chest has busted open and was bloody from Scotty-- all as Scotty fired off a knee to the midsection which caused Edwards to double over. With Edwards dazed, Scotty threw his [Edwards] arm over his head and lifted Edwards off of the mat in the form of a suplex, but instead-- placed Edwards legs across the top rope. Grabbing Edwards' head, Scotty SNAPPED himself over and planted Edwards' head and face into the mat with a elevated spinning neckbreaker--<br>
Spinning Edwards over, Scotty once again made the cover--<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "He may have the cover here.."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "IS IT!?"<br>
'''<big>THR- KICKOUT!</big>'''<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "NO!"<br>
The crowd was on the verge of popping for an Addams' win, but Edwards was still able to go. Scotty closed his eyes tight and grimaced as he saw Official Wilson hold his hand out with two fingers extended, knowing that there was still more to go. Steen was pounding on the mat outside of the ring, shouting at Edwards to get his ass in gear, but it was easier said than done. Addams was a whole different beast, he was truly something else. To those spectating, Scotty Addams may not seem like anything special but once in the ring-- that all changed. His ability mixed with determination put him on a totally different level from anything else out there. Picking himself up and knowing that he had Edwards on the ropes, Scotty nodded his head as he stuck his right thumb out and ran it across his throat-- all as he pointed down at Joey Edwards who was barely moving from that spinning neckbreaker--<br>
Before Addams could move to pick Edwards up, Richard Steen did what any logical manager would do-- jump up onto the apron and begun to create a distraction for his client so he wasn't going to get finished off by Addams. The fans boo'd all of a sudden--<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "And there's the X-Factor; Richard Steen!"<br>
Steen was complaining about something random-- Scotty's lack of a respect by taunting-- all as Official Wilson moved towards him and tried to get him off of the ring apron and down onto the floor. Scotty moved towards Steen and reached over Official Wilson's shoulder and grabbed hold of Steen's collar, all as Steen suddenly dropped down onto the floor, causing Addams' throat to knock down off of the ropes.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "THAT SLIMEBALL!"<br>
As Steen and Wilson continued to exchange words as Steen proclaimed his innocence, Edwards rolled up Scotty, all as Steen pointed towards that direction which caused Official Wilson to turn and drop into position--<br>
'''<big>THRE- KICKOUT!</big>'''<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "THAT WAS A CLOSE CALL!"<br>
Edwards broke the pin attempt, all as Scotty jumped up and forced him into the corner-- blocking a right hand from Addams, Edwards fired off one of his own and ducked beneath Addams' extended arm as he jumped onto the second rope-- then the third, off of the third rope he did a backflip and landed behind Addams who rushed forward-- and grabbed Addams head as he fell backwards, planting Scotty's head on the mat, causing it to bounce.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "What a springboard inverted DDT by Joey Edwards!"<br>
Making the cover, Edwards hooked the leg completely as Wilson dropped back down to position--<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "L...!?"<br>
''"THIS IS AWESOME!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
''"THIS IS AWESOME!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
''"THIS IS AWESOME!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "It seems that the fans in attendance LOVE what they're seeing here.. And how couldn't they!? Match after freakin' match has been nothing short of excellent, action-packed goodness! There's a lot of promotions out there in this day and age, but I feel as if LEGACY has proved their worth! This is AMAZING!"<br>
With the crowd giving applause for both men, Edwards once again rolled off of Scotty and picked himself up, and was scouting Addams from his downed position. With Scotty slowly beginning to stir, Steen shouted out to Edwards..<br>
'''Richard Steen:''' "FINISH'EM JOEY!"<br>
Edwards fired a nod in Steen's direction all as once Scotty got back up, he delivered a kick to Scotty's gut and threw his arm over his head. Picking Scotty up in the form of a suplex-- he seemed to have him right where he wanted..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "THE END PRODUCT!?"<br>
Scotty SOMEHOW managed to get out of the suplex by throwing his legs out and landing off behind Edwards. Now sticking his head between Edwards' arm and ribs, he scooped Edwards up into the air and held him in the air on his shoulders--<br>
As Scotty attempted to keep Edwards in position, jumping onto the apron from absolutely NO WHERE we see a figure with a black hood over his head. Wilson tried to rush to the man but the man did a 180 and jumped up onto the top rope-- with ANOTHER 180, he managed to throw himself AT Addams, Scotty- stuck in a state of shock dropped Edwards off of his shoulders to block whatever was coming his way-- but rather, what Scotty saw.. Scotty recognized. He didn't drop Edwards because he wanted to make sure he didn't get hurt from whatever was coming next-- he dropped Edwards because this looked TOO familiar..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "A.. 720.."<br>
Off of the ropes, the hooded figure landed ON Scotty and with momentum working in his favor, dropped Scotty on his head with a DDT..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "A 720 DDT?! IN THAT FASHION!? I RECOGNIZE THAT! T- THAT'S.."<br>
Official Ralphy Wilson called for the bell as the fans let off a ROAR of boo's as Joey Edwards rolled out of the ring to be aided by Richard Steen in his effort to get back to his feet, the official announcement was made..<br>
Hitting Addams with rights and left, Wilson called for the bell a few times, all as he tried to intervene but caught a back elbow in the process..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "AND WILSON IS DOWN!"<br>
The hooded figure jumped back to his feet, unzipped the black jacket and then ripped the hood off of his head all as he threw the jacket down onto Addams..<br>
''"ZA-REK LYLE!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
''"ZA- REK LYLE!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
''"ZA- REK LYLE!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap<br>
Despite the DQ, the fans FLIPPED in opinion once they saw what was happening and who it was.. Zarek Lyle and Scotty Addams formed one of the most DOMINATE tag teams in recent memory named The New Revolution. TNR managed to capture tag title after tag title until they both decided to undertake a solo career.. Scotty boomed and Zarek vanished, no-one saw or heard from him.. until now. Zarek was shouting down at Scotty as he stood over his unconscious body-- all as Zarek looked up and cocked his head backwards.. throwing his arms out and garnered a mixed reaction for his actions.. the crowd was split as TNR was a solid group-- both men contributed equally and both had their share of flaws..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Zarek Lyle-- Len, I don't know if you're familiar with him, but 'The Foresaken'.. he's got a SERIOUS meanstreak about him-- one that rivals ANYONE I've ever come across in my career. Now that Lyle is here-- now that Lyle has made it perfectly clear that he's targeting his once best friend-- a man who he's captured tag team championships around the world with.. Things are NO DOUBT going to get interesting.."<br>
"Through My Eyes" by Threat Signal boomed over the PA-- all as the last shot before the camera faded out to the LAST sponsorship break of the evening.. was of Zarek Lyle still standing over Scotty Addams, his arms extended, that trademark scowl spread across his face.. The New Revolution.., IMPLODES!</center>
== Brandon Marks (Promo) ==
<center>After a rough night featured in the triple threat match with Bobby Langford winning-- we open up in the back on the sight of Brandon Marks who had an ice-pack pressed against his head. Sitting with his body leaned forward, he let off an EXTREMELY deep sigh, all as he shook his head-- seeming totally disgusted with the turn of events.<br>
'''Brandon Marks:''' "Was it a mistake coming back?"<br>
There was no one around him, at the moment it was more him talking to himself.<br>
'''Brandon Marks:''' "I couldn't get the job done on a big stage-- I had the opportunity to throw my name in the hat of possible contenders for the LEGACY Heavyweight Championship.. but I couldn't seal the deal. I hate to question myself but.. am I still cut out to do this?"<br>
Bringing the ice pack off of his head as she sighed again, he hung his head-- the after effect of losing was hitting him pretty hard. Marks never had the greatest of careers while he was at his peak, he never managed to capture the success that he felt he knew he could so the stunning loss.. it messed with his head, it got his mind moving in directions that it shouldn't.<br>
'''Brandon Marks:''' "Gotta think about my next step.. Definitely gotta think my next move over.."<br>
''"There won't be a next step."''<br>
Another voice instantly sounded in the room as Marks eyes lifted-- before he could jump to his feet though, from the left frame of the camera a black tube-sock came flying, all as the sock connected across of Marks' head, knocking him backwards. Whatever was in the sock-- it knocked Brandon Marks the EFF OUT! Marks was laying on his back, not moving-- all as the camera picked up a shiny black shoe stepping towards Marks.. eventually, the contents of the sock was emptied out onto Marks' body and it was shown to be rolls and rolls of quarters. The man let off a cocky laugh all as the camera pulled upwards and showed the attacker, all as he gazed into the camera with his hands in front of his chest..<br>
''"Now that the trash has been taken out, allow me to introduce myself to the city of Carson. For those of you dumb enough to NOT know who I am, my name is TJ Bryce-- The Most Valuable Asset. I make companies.. I break companies.. my name brings in the dollar signs. Not as much as what my company-- Bryce Enterprises manages to rake in, but close! See, while I'm enjoying my time in Missouri-- I figured that LEGACY was missing a key element in complete and total success and well heh.. You're looking at'em."''<br>
TJ Bryce-- a Canadian that has had MUCH success in The Great White North was a tough customer. Very cocky, brash but knowing that he was good at what he did made him able to act the way he did. Stroking his chin as he looked down at Brandon Marks, he let off a chuckle--<br>
'''TJ Bryce:''' "I did LEGACY a favor by putting a stop to the never-ending sob-story for the ultimate underachiever. Brandon Marks? He's always been a nobody-- I anticipate that he packs his bag and goes back to The Candy Factory where he belongs because.. he's.. SOFT. All you people need to know is that TJ Bryce has signed with LEGACY Wrestling and things will change, I'll make sure of that. As far as that bum goes though.."<br>
Pointing his thumb over his shoulder, towards Brandon Marks who was still unconscious.<br>
'''TJ Bryce:''' "There's enough quarters to catch a taxi back to Willy Wonka's, I heard UPS is hiring."<br>
With a shrug and a laugh that rivaled Ted DiBiase's in terms of how sinister it was, the scene cut off of TJ and back towards LEGACY's newest addition in terms of staff-- Rebecca Bradley. Becca was standing side by side with a VERY irritable looking Alyssa Pryde--<br>
'''Rebecca Bradley:''' "In a matter of minutes we're gonna find out if the anticipated main event between Drew Stevenson, and the woman to my right-- Alyssa Pryde will take place. I asked Mister Stevenson if the match was going to happen- he failed to give me a direct answer.. so Alyssa, before we find out what's going to happen-- do you have ANY comments?"<br>
Alyssa didn't bother to answer Rebecca, instead she shook her head and walked off, leaving Bradley standing by herself much like Stevenson had done earlier.<br>
'''Rebecca Bradley:''' ".. I guess Alyssa is ready.. Boys-- you know the deal!"</center>
== Drew Stevenson vs. Alyssa Pryde (Singles Match) ==
<center>Back at ringside, the camera cued back in on Len Ragatti and Tracy Race-- Ragatti welcomed the camera with a warm smile.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Thanks Rebecca! Before we get to what we THINK is going to be a match between Alyssa Pryde and Drew Stevenson-- we've been informed that at our next show.. Which details will be released AFTER we conclude our evening here on LEGACY dot com, we WILL be hearing from Zarek Lyle regarding his stunning return and costing his former tag team partner, Scotty Addams his match against Joey Edwards. We've been told that Addams is FURIOUS with Zarek for picking his spot to make sure Addams got a lost.. so we're anticipating what Zarek has to say for himself."<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Oh it's gonna be something else, man. Zarek and Scotty has potential fireworks between the two-- especially with Addams' boom in popularity and success as Zarek vanished into thin air. I'm one of the guys who wants to hear where Lyle has been-- and why he picked Scotty to be the return.."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "We've ALSO been told that at the next show-- the man that got into a brawl with Bulldozer Brixton; Adrian Abernanthy Gates WILL be in action and his manager, Johnny Bonecrusher has DEMANDED that Gates debut in similar fashion to Brixton and will ALSO face two competitors in a handicap match!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "That should be good!"<br>
''ding.. ding.. ding..''<br>
'''Rob Hendricks:''' "Ladies and gentlemen-- the MAIN EVENT.. of the eveeeeeeeeniiiiiiiinggggggggg!"<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Questions are swirling around this-- many are wondering if 'The Emerald' Drew Stevenson will be in active competition here tonight. We've heard him through the process of the week, he's made it perfectly clear that he feels as if he's too big, too strong-- and in a class far above Alyssa Pryde.. because he's a man."<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "I'm all for equal rights, I'd like to think that sometime within the next ten years we could potentially see a woman president of the United States-- but there's somethings that women and men SHOULD not mix up in-- Professional Wrestling is one of them. I'm an old-school guy, Len-- you know that. You know that I see wrestling as a sport and not as a attention-seeking hobby, so no-- I don't think Drew is necessarily wrong.. what happens if he snaps Alyssa's back? Or gives her a career-ending concussion?"<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "On the otherhand, Drew has to honor his agreement, and the agreement he made as Alyssa pointed out was he signed a contract-- and as a contracted worker, he's guaranteed to be in the ring against opposition and this time-- it just so happens to be Alyssa Pryde!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "We'll see.. We'll see.."<br>
'''Rob Hendricks:''' "Coming to the ring first.."<br>
"Spitfire" by Prodigy blasted over the PA-- within seconds, moving through the curtain looking as savage as ever with her white pupils, and all white painted face we see Alyssa Pryde..<br>
Due to her nature, Alyssa headed straight down to the ring and pulled herself up onto the ring apron, getting into the ring. Pryde moved to the far side turnbuckle and glared towards the stage-- all as she kept that death-seeking stare crossed over her face, having enough of the talk through the week.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' ".. if looks could kill.. man.."<br>
The music cut off of the PA, all as silence filled the arena. After a few awkward seconds that the fans knew were taking too long-- they let off a round of boos..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' ".. well I think it's apparent we know what's gonna happen with THIS match.."<br>
''"FUCK YOU STEVENSON, FUCK YOU!"'' stomp- stomp
''"FUCK YOU STEVENSON, FUCK YOU!"'' stomp- stomp
''"FUCK YOU STEVENSON, FUCK YOU!"'' stomp- stomp<br>
Pryde, having enough of the nonsense-- grabbed Head Official Wilson by the collar, pointed at the stage and worded something at him as his eyes got WIDE out of fear--<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "I'm no lip-reader but I'm sure that Pryde just DEMANDED Wilson start the mandatory 10 Count!"<br>
Getting into an argument over the rules, Alyssa sighed before she fired off a SOLID right hand that knocked Wilson down to the mat--<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "SHE JUST TOOK WILSON DOWN!"<br>
Grabbing the mic from Hendricks-- Pryde had a scowl across her face all as she raised it to her lips--<br>
'''Alyssa Pryde:''' "I guess your true colors show-- 'The Emerald'..'? More like THE COWARD."<br>
'''Alyssa Pryde:''' "Since no-one seems to want to do anything about it-- including this poor excuse for an official who you've got on your pay-roll.. I'm going to do it myself. I'm going to count to ten, and if you're not out here to answer the bell I don't care what YOUR history books will say-- MINE will say that on Friday June 20th, 2014.. the '30 time World Champion..'<br>
Alyssa's words were DRIPPING with sarcasm..<br>
'''Alyssa Pryde:''' ".. didn't honor his commitment and LOST to Alyssa Pryde-- and the zinger?! A WOMAN."<br>
'''Alyssa Pryde:''' "ONE!.. TWO!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Can she do this!?"<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "Who's gonna tell her otherwise?! You planning on talking to her?!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "I don't wanna have my face eaten."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "I think Drew isn't gonna answer the ten count!"<br>
'''Alyssa Pryde:''' "EIGHT!"<br>
'''Alyssa Pryde:''' "Oh look-- the stooge-- NINNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEE!"<br>
Moving through the curtain with a PURPOSE, we see Petey Bauer and he didn't seem happy. Surely, Alyssa's mic was cut off, she was tapping it, all before she flew it over her shoulder and into the crowd-- of course a slight ruckus broke out as the fans tried to grab the instrument. Bauer got into the ring and went face to face with Alyssa, Bauer was right at six-foot, or a bit over that so he pretty much towered over Alyssa's five foot five frame.<br>
'''Petey Bauer:''' "There will be NO hijacking of MY show-- who the HELL do you think you are?!"<br>
Shoving Alyssa's shoulder-- Alyssa's body went back all as her eyes got small with murderous intent.<br>
'''Petey Bauer:''' "You know why Drew isn't out here?! Huh?!"<br>
''"SHUT THE FUCK UP!"'' clap. clap- clap, clap, clap
''"SHUT THE FUCK UP!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
''"SHUT THE FUCK UP!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "What?! What's Bauer talking about?!"<br>
The crowd's chants seemed to have died down-- allowing Bauer to STOP shouting into the mic.<br>
'''Petey Bauer:''' "And I'm not a stupid general manager-- nooooooo, siiiiirrrrrrrr I am not! So what I told Drew was.. Don't bother, it's not worth it-- because as off now-- It's a BAUER MANDATED RULE-- that there will be NO.. INTERGENDER MATCHES UNDER MY WATCH! NONE! ZILTCH!"<br>
'''Petey Bauer:''' "Don't blame Stevenson-- take it out on me.. The Boss.. THE BRASS, BABY!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "Bauer banned men versus women! It was him!"<br>
With a funky, mocking laugh-- Bauer nodded his head and took in ALL the boos and jeers he was given.. but he didn't foresee what happened next. He totally underestimated Alyssa as she rushed forward and picked Bauer off of the mat, spiking him down with a spear. The fans broke into a HUGE frenzy now as Pryde fired shot after shot across Bauer's head and face, he tried to cover up but wasn't successful. Jumping to her feet, Pryde reached into her pocket and pulled out a pair of brass knuckles, all as she slipped it over her hand..<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "THIS IS INSANE!"<br>
With Bauer getting to his feet-- the SECOND he turned to Pryde's direction, she punched Bauer RIGHT across the head with the brass knuckles-- the impact from the shot BUSTED Bauer open upon landing the shot. With Bauer's face instantly covered in blood from the shot-- Pryde continued the assault-- all as sprinting out from the back we see Decaine making yet ANOTHER appearance for the evening. With Decaine sliding into the ring-- Alyssa raised her hand to take a shot at Decaine but Decaine threw his hands up-- showing his innocence.<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "SHE ALMOST HIT DECAINE, WOW!"<br>
Decaine was talking her down-- telling her something as Pryde engaged in a shouting contest with him. Bauer was out of it, he was bloody, probably out cold all as Alyssa stood over him like a predator over it's prey, not wanting to concede any space. Decaine kept his hand up as he kneeled down slowly and grabbed hold of the mic..<br>
'''Decaine:''' ".. Alyssa-- Alyssa-- come on, it's me. We talked, I helped get you into LEGACY-- I'm not trying to steer you wrong but you've gotta let Bauer go.. he's the boss.."<br>
Shouting without a mic but DEFINITELY audible, Pryde was heard..<br>
'''Alyssa Pryde:''' "YOUR BOSS, NOT MINE!"<br>
As she looked to move down to begin to swing on Bauer again and probably stretch that gash across his head, Decaine's tone of voice raised--<br>
Stopping-- the usually savage personality would of taken over by now as Decaine nodded--<br>
'''Decaine:''' "I can get you Drew Stevenson.. I can GUARANTEE YOU.. Drew Stevenson."<br>
The fans cheered, all as Decaine reached his hand out.<br>
'''Decaine:''' "Give me the brass knuckles, let Bauer go and we'll talk about it. I've got stroke in LEGACY-- You know that! YOU KNOW THAT ALYSSA!"<br>
Shaking her head, she wasn't going to oblige with Decaine's request. As Decaine took a step forward, Alyssa's right hand jerked backwards as if she was going to smack Decaine with it too, all as he jumped backwards and again held his hands up.<br>
With her free hand, Alyssa lifted it and SHOT Decaine the bird-- all as Decaine's eyes went wide--<br>
'''Decaine:''' ".. Have it your way.."<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "WHAT THE FU-"<br>
As Pryde was distracted with Decaine's pleads, darting through the crowd and managing to slide into the ring was Drew Stevenson-- and Stevenson LEVELED Alyssa Pryde from the back with a kendo stick. The stick's impact zipped in the ring and connected across the back of her head-- taking her down.<br>
Decaine, all of a sudden-- his demeanor changed as he pointed down at Alyssa--<br>
Drew raised the kendo stick HIGH above his head and brought it down across Alyssa's back, her shoulders arched as she rolled off to the side.<br>
Bringing the kendo stick down AGAIN across of Alyssa's head, the stick CRASHED off of her skulll, all as the crowd continued to let Drew have it--<br>
''"YOU'RE A PUSSY!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
''"YOU'RE A PUSSY!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
''"YOU'RE A PUSSY!"'' clap, clap- clap, clap, clap<br>
Decaine and Drew helped pick a BLOODY and beaten Petey Bauer up, as Bauer's arm was thrown across Drew's shoulders with The Emerald keeping him up, Bauer-- through Decaine's advice starting speaking in a totally slow, slurred and almost incoherent manner.<br>
'''Petey Bauer:''' "yyoouuu.. lllittttlleee.. BIIIITCCCHHHHHHHH!"<br>
Bauer tried to fire forward at Pryde but Drew held him back--<br>
'''Petey Bauer:''' "o- o- on.. beeeeehaaalfff.. of.. LE- LE- LL- LEGA- CY wreeeesssstlllling.. Y-"<br>
Almost passing out suddenly from the blood lost that formed on the mat like a puddle, Decaine helped keep him up as he pointed down at Alyssa..<br>
'''Petey Bauer:''' "I- I- SUS- SUSPEND YOU.. arghhh.. INDEFINITELY!"<br>
'''Tracy Race:''' "You can't put your hands on the boss, man.. That's a total no-no."<br>
With Bauer barely clinging to consciousness, Decaine and Drew exchanged handshakes.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "And these two.. Stevenson and Decaine, what the hell!?"<br>
Holding Bauer's arm in the air, blood dripped off of his face as his legs finally went limp. The Brass fell totally unconscious-- all as in the center of the ring, Decaine and Drew stood, Decaine holding Drew's arm up in the air in a moment of victory.<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "I can't believe.. They got to Bauer!? Decaine URGED Bauer to 'drop the hammer' on Pryde, what the hell else are these two able to do!?"<br>
Decaine, with a mic in his hand pointed down at Bauer..<br>
'''Decaine:''' "Now listen very.. very closely. This is dedicated to the ENTIRE LEGACY Roster-- both current and upcoming. I asked people on Twitter what it meant to be a 'Decaine Guy' and despite all the answers I got that made total sense-- there was ONE answer I didn't get.."<br>
'''Decaine:''' "That answer was.. BEING A CHAMPION! And Drew Stevenson, despite our past?! He DEFINES being a champion! So ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to YOU.. the latest in a long line of Decaine Guys.. THEEEE EMMEERRRRRALLLLLLLDD.. DDDDDREEEWWWWWW SSSTTEEVVEEENNNSSSOONNN!"<br>
Suddenly, Alyssa Pryde jumped up and attempted to launch herself at Decaine-- Drew stepped forward and like Yasiel Puig in the top of the 9th, down 2 runs with bases fully loaded-- UNLOADED ON Pryde with the kendo stick, using it like a baseball bat. The sick thud echoed through the arena, all as when Pryde fell-- darting from the back to the tune of "Born with Nothing, Die with Everything" by Papa Roach-- was an old adversary of Drew Stevenson and Decaine's..<br>
'''Len Ragatti:''' "MATT MATLOCK! IT'S MATLOCK!"<br>
As Matlock rolled into the ring, Decaine and Drew dropped out of it. As they backed up the ramp, the crowd broke into a frenzy all as Matlock grabbed the mic and told them to cut the music with a swipe of his thumb across his throat.<br>
'''Matlock:''' "i always knew you to be a gutless prick, but to attack someone you're obviously ducking with the help of the albino shrek there?!"<br>
Matlock shook his head, all as Drew's eyes went wide and pointed in his direction.<br>
'''Matlock:''' "There's no doubt Pryde is a tough chick, but Drew-- why don't you try that underhanded bullshit with me!? I've got a Monkey Wrench with YOUR name on it!"<br>
'''Matlock:''' "You two son of a bitches, you're gonna get what's coming to you.. And YOU.."<br>
Bauer-- who had rolled out of the ring and crawled towards the aisle where Decaine and Drew was, he left a trail of blood behind him.<br>
'''Matlock:''' "You god-damned sellout-- Best believe that while you can flex your muscle on someone who's out cold from more shots with a kendo stick than ANY ordinary man may be able to take-- you're no better than those two ass-clowns! Pryde gave you EXACTLY what you deserved you son of a bitch. All and all-- I may not be the best, or the most technical guy around but Stevenson-- you and Decaine know me, you know what I bring and what I'm able to do! I'LL PUT AN END TO YOU BEFORE YOU CAN GET STARTED!"<br>
Throwing the mic off to his side, EMT's rushed the ring-- some stopped to get Bauer some attention as the other half went to Alyssa Pryde in the ring. With Matlock engaged in a pretty intense staredown with Drew, Decaine patted Drew on the shoulder and was selling his client with hype.. all as WITHIN the ring, Alyssa had got back to her feet, despite a hematoma that formed on her forehead from the brutal kendo stick shot, she didn't stay down and ripped through the EMT's, dropping two with a shot from her right hand as she tried to move forward..<br>
With the crowd changing up in the chants, Decaine and Drew was at the safety of the top of the aisle, a camera shot of a bloody Petey Bauer who was literally babbling from a possible concussion.. then finally, a shot of EMT's restraining Pryde and shouting down at her..<br>
With the crowd still chanting in Pryde and Matlock's way, the night definitely ended with something people already knew-- not even discriminating against someone for their gender like Bauer was attempting to do would work-- the heart of a warrior was something special-- and despite Alyssa's past of being known as 'the savage bad girl' that people DIDN'T necessarily like, for the people in Carson, California? They couldn't get enough of her-- she had more balls than most guys and could take a beating just as they could.. How they would all be figured out in the future would be something to see- until then? Keep tuned.. You never know WHAT'S gonna happen in LEGACY Wrestling.</center>

Latest revision as of 21:36, 8 April 2020

LEGACY Wrestling Presents: Friday the 20th (6/20/14)

The Carson Community Center in Carson, California

w/ Leo Ragatti & Tracy Race on Commentary

Preview & Card Summary

On May 9th, 1980-- a film came along that lifted a genre above the rest. 34 years later-- in 2014, a professional wrestling promotion is coming along that's looking to replicate what Friday the 13th did for the horror genre. To say it's a 'new day' would be totally cliche, so let's just say.. LEGACY Wrestling wants to reinvent the wheel. Taking a concept so tested and true and change it-- not because they want to, but because they HAVE to. The only way to properly introduce yourself intot he game is by throwing everything you've got into it, and that's exactly what LEGACY is out to do.

Equipped with heavy ammo-- names like 'The Emerald' Drew Stevenson, 'The Platinum Innovator' Scotty Addams- local talents such as 'The Ultra' Christian Othniel-- representing the PRESTIGIOUS Treborn Family from Los Angeles; Prince and Ripper.. and even looking to restore a sense to THEIR family name in Miles and Dante Lozio. But that's not all- the debut of 'THE TITAN' Bulldozer Brixton, a 6'10" 420lbs. BEAST!

Speaking of the mountain of a man-- kicking the night off, looking to hook the fans from the start there will be the HIGHLY anticipated debut of 'THE TITAN' Bulldozer Brixton-- but much like Brixton-- it won't be ordinary. Instead, to test Brixton, LEGACY wants to see how he does against not one but TWO very capable opponents in a handicap match. Brixton looks to 'bulldoze' his way through Ryan Hawkins AND Alex Andrews to prove that there's still a place in pro wrestling for a big man-- a place as LEGACY Heavyweight Champion! Ryan Hawkins-- a man who's pretty big on the internet on the other hand, wants to show that he won't be no pushover and WON'T take being a stepping stone for Brixton-- and when you're called 'The Showstealer' as Alex Andrews is, the last thing he wants is to be used as a sacrificial lamb! Will the unlikely duo of Hawkins and Andrews throw a wrench into the plans of Bulldozer Brixton-- or is the MASSIVE Canadian going to STORM his way to the top of LEGACY?

With prior issues lingering-- 'The Second City Warrior' Matt Ward will battle Ian Windermear in what we're anticipating will be nothing short of a brutal fight. Ward and Windermear's problems go back to an unknown location and spilled over on Twitter which essentially led to Windermear's signing with LEGACY.. Will these two be able to walk out of The Carson Community Center when it's all said and done!?

Living true to the statement of giving the fans a little bit of something-- the show wouldn't be complete without a showcase of what our LEGACY Females offer. 18 year old rookie and LA native, Zoe looks to get her feet wet here as she faces off against Ruby Red. While Zoe is breaking into the business and looking to get herself started, Ruby Red can be guaranteed to NOT be a pushover, both ladies have the chance to surely impress LEGACY officials here.

There's going to be a little bit of everything for our kickoff show- so it wouldn't be complete without a 4-Way Dance featuring 4 of LEGACY's quickest- most agile and promising stars of the future! Noah Adelaide, formally a tag team wrestler is looking to test his skills as a solo competitor as he takes on the lovable and charming Masen Dysen- the egomaniac Cameron Kaiser and all-around bad-boy Terry John. Expect ELECTRIFYING action!

Irishman- Nathanael Black who's made a living for himself in bare-knuckle and boxing brawls squares off against the New Mexico native C-4- both men seem intent to prove they belong so this should be a hard-hitting, very old-school fight with the winner looking to cement themself as 'the enforcer' of LEGACY.

In what may be the most bitter brawl of them all though.. decades upon decades come to a head here as in TAG TEAM action.. The Treborn Legacy; Prince Treborn and Derek 'Ripper' Treborn, two third generation stars from the lengthy Treborn family bloodline will battle the Easy Bay native second generation stars- Miles and Dante Lozio; The Lozios.. In-state, the rivarly between both families have raged since 1977 so there's the opportunity that things may.. get out of control here but it's been a long time coming.

LA Native- 'The Ultra' Christian Othniel squares off against 'The Candy Man' Brandon Marks and recent graduate of The Emerald Academy.. Bobby Langford in a Triple Threat match, just to showcase how versatile LEGACY's shows can be! Langford will be accompanied by Frank Washington-- this may very well be a match showcasing a future LEGACY Heavyweight Championship!

In our semi main-event, Scotty Addams will battle Joey Edwards in what we're hearing has SERIOUS implications of how officials will determine a challenger for the LEGACY Heavyweight Championship. Scotty has come a long way in the industry, he has his shot to continue stepping towards greatness as standing in his way is Joey Edwards-- who will have 'The Son of Anarchy' Richard Steen in his corner. Edwards is said to be on the brink of shattering through superstar status so a win versus 'The Platinum Innovator' will just move the process along!

And concluding the evening-- the main event will see 'The Emerald' Drew Stevenson, a multiple time World Champion square off against Alyssa Pryde.. Who.. eats faces. Sounds ridiculous? It's not, Alyssa is as brutal and capable as they come, Drew however, has seen a lot through his career and never underestimates his opposition. It's said that Drew and Alyssa have hard words in the past where Drew told Alyssa to 'earn a shot' at him-- in LEGACY? It's GONNA happen!

Make sure you DON'T miss the kickoff event for the Summer for LEGACY-- as they said 34 years ago.. Fridays will NEVER be the same again!

- Drew Stevenson vs. Alyssa Pryde (Singles Match)
- Scotty Addams vs. Joey Edwards w/ Richard Steen (Singles Match)
- Christian Othniel vs. Brandon Marks vs. Bobby Langford (Triple Threat Match)
- The Treborn Legacy [Prince & Ripper] vs. The Lozios [Miles & Dante] (Tag Team Match)
- Nathanael Black vs. C4 (Singles Match)
- Noah Adelaide vs. Masen Dysen vs. Cameron Kaiser vs. Terry John (4-Way Dance)
- Zoe vs. Ruby Red (Women's Showcase Singles Match)
- Matt Ward vs. Ian Windermear (No Holds Barred Match)
- Bulldozer Brixton vs. Ryan Hawkins & Alex Andrews (1 on 2 Handicap Match)

Show Intro

Inside of the Carson Community Center, it was a mad house. Not because of 'bingo' night.. not because there was a local indy act blowing out the speakers, but rather because for the first time in a long time.. the state of California was housing a FRESH new kid on the block in terms of professional wrestling, a company that called Carson.. home. Set up in the arena, it wasn't anything too fancy. A ring, standard size-- the mat was black, the ropes was black, white black and the turnbuckle matched the rope color scheme. Outside of the ring-- the barricades that kept the fans back? It was done in the old-style, steel.. of course they too was painted black to match the rest of it.


A THUNDEROUS ovation sounded once their city name was announced.


Over the PA System the classic sound of Jason Voorhes' "chi.. chi.. chi..", "ha.. ha.. ha.." which gave the crowd yet ANOTHER reason to pop.


The crowd had yet to meet the man who ran LEGACY on-air.. most of them would wish they hadn't once this was all said and done. Then- suddenly..


"I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred pulsated through the arena as within seconds, shoving through the curtain we see Peter Bauer with a turtle neck on and a sports coat. His hair looked ridiculous, the expression on his face said 'powertrip' and mixed with his pick of theme music, this was a classic experience. Some fans within the arena begun to let Bauer hear it already, not appreciating the ear-ache they were beginning to get from the nuisance of music, but he laughed it off and headed down towards the ring-- not bothering to interact with the fans at all.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to LEGACY Wrestling's Friday the 20th-- My name is Len Ragatti.."

".. and I'm Tracy Race."

"And we're you're commentary team from here, on out! We're proud to be able to call the action for you.. and as it was said earlier; the man making his way to the ring now is Peter Bauer, or as he likes to be called.. The Brass."

Tracy Race: "I'm not calling another man The Brass, that's absolutely ridiculous."

Len Ragatti: "You don't have to Tracy, I'm just telling the people what Mister Bauer prefers!"

As Right Said Fred's one hit wonder continued to looped over the PA, Bauer eventually got into the ring and was handed a mic-- gazing it over, he nodded before with a sudden movement-- he stuck the mic into the air- the theme cut off as there was nothing aside of a few boos, a whole lot of buzzing and totally random "YOU SUCK BAUER" chant booming through.

Len Ragatti: "Seems like Bauer is.. taking in the moment?"

Tracy Race: "Oh, he's taking in something alright."

In a total obnoxious manner, Bauer slowly moved the mic to his lips while twirling the mic in his hand all before he stopped near his lips and threw his head back.



Len Ragatti: "Looks like the fans here in the LEGACY Center isn't too keen on The Brass!"

Race: "It's hard being keen on ANYONE who refers to themselves as a synonym for 'the boss'.. Plus, has Bauer even wrestled a match in his life?!"

Len Ragatti: "I have no idea Tracy, I'm sure I'll add that to the list for my Q and A after the show."

Petey Bauer: "Now since this is all new to you, allow me to break it down so you're understanding what's going on here! This isn't just a professional wrestling company that boomed out of no where.. no, this is a professional wrestling company ran by the single.. GREATEST.. promoter in PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING HISTORY!"


Len Ragatti: "It seems like Mister Bauer holds himself in a VERY high regard!"

Petey Bauer: "Don't boo! Don't boo me, I'm your friend! I'm someone that's looking out for YOUR best interest! If you wanna boo something, I could have a list typed up and made out to each and everyone of you for better things to jeer at! Like for starters.. the city of Carson, California.."

Tracy Race: ".. really?!"




Len Ragatti: "I'm not too sharp on the business side of things but I'm pretty sure.. alienating your audience during the first 10 minutes of your show isn't the particular way you wanna do things.. but there's a reason why Bauer has a mic in his hand at the moment and I'm doing commentary."

Tracy Race: "It's 'cause Bauer interviews well and you don't."

Len Ragatti: "Touche."

Petey Bauer: "But I'm not here to talk about the Trojans.. I'm not here to talk about Carson Palmer or even how much of a rat-trap Carson, California is.. I'm here to tell you that my name is PETEY BAUER AND I'M YOUR NEW GOD, BABY!"

Sprinting towards the turnbuckle, Bauer scaled it and took a bow, all as the fans continued to boo his presence. Kissing his hands and throwing it out to the side to mock the people in attendance, Bauer even wiped away a trace of a tear that never really emerged from his left eye as he allowed himself to fall back down onto the mat and move back to the center of the ring. Taking a second to collect himself and form his thoughts, Bauer once again moved the mic to his lips.

Petey Bauer: "Despite me urging to relocate LEGACY to somewhere more classy- like Santa Monica or even Long Beach, we're stuck here so.. so we've gotta make-do with what we've got. I can assure you that under my watch, not only will LEGACY fill the HUGE void left in your lives by the constant robberies you're victim of due to it's terrible economy and lack of any occupational system-- but I.. Peter.. Doyle.. Bauer personally guarantees that LEGACY Wrestling will be the answer to ALL your prayers! The prayers asking for something-- anything to keep you folk having faith in the industry due to the massive amount of suckitude that's been offered lately. I GUARANTEE-- that names like.. "The Emerald" Drew Stevenson.."


Petey Bauer: "Alyssa Pryde.."

A mixed reaction was given for Pryde-- compared to the OVERWHELMING boo's that Drew's name received.


Letting off a creepy grin, Bauer nodded.



Len Ragatti: "A truly interesting way to address the fans of LEGACY Wrestling.."

Tracy Race: "This guy burns more bridges than California's City and County system."

Len Ragatti: "I wouldn't doubt it.. Not one.. bit."

With Bauer waving off at the fans as he made his way up the stage and towards the back.. the camera cut out to the first 'sponsorship break' of the evening.. all as Bauer was seen standing at the top of the stage, waving and smiling as if he was just elected president of the United States. Was he the right man to lead LEGACY to the promised land? It remained to be seen so far, but if anything-- Bauer's debut and opening address would be remembered for being as negative and insulting as he's known to be in life.

Bulldozer Brixton vs. Ryan Hawkins & Alex Andrews (1 on 2 Handicap Match)

Coming off of the break, we're back at ring-side where standing on one side of the ring was the unlikely and randomly generated duo of Alex Andrews and Ryan Hawkins. They didn't know each other well and more than likely wouldn't team again after this-- but they had to deal with it for the moment. Alex Andrews had the presence of a star, his looks down to the way he carried himself spoke volumes regarding his future in the business. Hawkins on the other hand-- he had the look, but was missing something and it wasn't an easy fix. Nonetheless, standing on the OTHER end of the ring-- we see LEGACY's BIGGEST signing.. Bulldozer Brixton.

Len Ragatti: "And ladies and gentlemen.. to kick off the official era of LEGACY, what better than.. THE TITAN.. Bulldozer Brixton!?"

Tracy Race: "I managed to get a word with the big man before we came out here tonight and it's safe to say that not only is Double-Bee ready for action-- but he's looking to do JUST as his name says. bulldoze through these two standing in front of him."

Len Ragatti: "It won't be an easy task though, despite the numerical odds, Brixton is about the same size as these two put together, Tracy!"

Tracy Race: "I'd say you'd need at least another, or even two stacked in Andrews and Hawkins corner to have the odds be put in their favor.."

Early chants broke out for Brixton-


Brixton-- being new to the company and well.. industry, took the cheers with smiles as the official for the match-- PJ Polaski signed for the bell. The crowd ERUPTED again for the OFFICIAL kickoff for LEGACY.. all as Andrews quickly jumped out of the ring and behind the ropes-- leaving Hawkins to square off against Brixton. With the fans still behind the big man, Hawkins sighed before launching himself in-- he was caught with a STRONG clothesline that dropped him to the mat pretty hard. Bouncing back up though, Hawkins tried to rush Brixton again, this time Bulldozer simply grabbed him by the head and shoved him backwards-- Hawkins hit the turnbuckle and went red in the face..

Len Ragatti: "Look at the strength.. the way Brixton imposes his will out there!"

On the outside, Andrews was cheering Hawkins on.. in a total mocking manner. Andrews wanted nothing of Brixton-- the kid was smart. Nonetheless, Hawkins dusted his hands off and moved towards the center of the ring.. he tried to lock up with Brixton but Double B shoved Hawkins down to the mat-- hitting it hard again, Hawkins grew frustrated with the situation and once more went with a head full of steam towards Brixton-- this time though, Bulldozer wouldn't knock him off to the side. Like an uncle would do with a younger nephew, as Hawkins closed it on Brixton, Brixton plucked him OFF of the mat and held him high in the air above his head--

Tracy Race: "Len.. that's a LONG--"

While facing Andrews, Brixton pressed Hawkins above his head a few times and at the peak of his arm extension, he let Hawkins fall.

Tracy Race: ".. down.. OUCH!"

Once Hawkins hit the mat, the arena broke off in a CRAZY uproar, all as Brixton threw his right arm HIGH into the air..

Len Ragatti: "That's at least.. ten freakin' feet Hawkins fell from!"

Tracy Race: "I told you.. I told you that Brixton is in a class of his own. A man this powerful doesn't just coast.. he DOMINATES."

Holding his gut as he rolled towards the corner, Hawkins slapped Andrews' thigh JUST as Andrews tried to jump backwards and off of the ring apron.. Brixton flashed Andrews a smile and waved him to get into the ring, all as THE TITAN carried a smirk-- one that just oozed confidence as he knew that he didn't need to do too much to get into the head of his opponents.. his sheer size did the trick. The Official Polaski shouted in Andrews' direction, warning him to get in the ring or risk disqualification and eventually.. he obliged. It was painfully obvious that he wanted nothing to do with Brixton in terms of physicality.. but he'd do it, because he was after all.. The Showstealer. Getting into the ring with a hop, Andrews sighed and nodded before looking for an angle to attack Brixton from.. which wasn't necessarily the easiest task.

Len Ragatti: "Well.. Mister Showstealer has his opportunity to do just that-- if he can somehow STEAL one here from Bulldozer Brixton, it'd lend a heck of a lot of credibility to that alias!"

Tracy Race: "Good luck with that."

Len Ragatti: "No faith in Alex Andrews?"

Tracy Race: "Oh I have faith in the kid, but I know he's going to fail."

Len Ragatti: ".. aren't you an optimistic one!?"

Tracy Race: "With twenty years in the books in terms of my career Len, there's no room for optimism. I think the kid has a good chance to show what he's got but ultimately? Brixton is going to smash his skull beneath his giant boot. Does it suck? Hell yeah it sucks, I wouldn't want to find myself standing across of that big bastard on debut night-- that's why I called it a career and retired. Andrews and Hawkins have had their work cut out for them since this match was announced.. Like I said-- good luck."

Andrews faked a shoot, Brixton got as low as he could [which wasn't very low] which allowed Andrews to run, duck beneath Brixton's natural reflex to throw a clothesline. Popping up behind of Brixton, Andrews fired off a STIFF right kick to the inside of Brixton's leg which wobbled the big man.. but he didn't fall. Andrews quickly hit the turnbuckle and scaled it..

Len Ragatti: "Andrews showing some speed here.."

Pushing himself up on the turnbuckle, Andrews smiled and once Brixton turned towards him-- Andrews SAILED off of the top rope.. but the result was NOT what he had seen coming..



The second Andrews took flight and got into Brixton's airspace, Brixton cocked his arm back and fired off a MMAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSIVVVVVVVVVE right hand that not only killed Andrews' flight, but more than likely knocked him out.. cold. Hitting the mat like a sack of potatoes, the crowd was LOVING Brixton's offense all as Brixton rubbed at his leg where he was kicked and he looked angry.. something that definitely wouldn't work in Andrews' favor. Leaning over, Brixton picked Andrews up and tossed him into the corner with an irish-whip.. as Andrews hit it and barely was able to stay standing, the four-hundred and twenty five pound flesh freight-train charged forward and with some amazing hops-- leaped into the air and CRASHED across of Andrews'..



As Andrews crumbled down onto the mat, Hawkins who had taken his sweet time to recover from the quick beating he took from Brixton got into the ring and decided he'd try his luck with the big man being focused in on crushing Andrews..

Len Ragatti: "After that.. crushing running splash my colleague coined Freight Train 425.. Ryan Hawkins is looking to try his luck again!"

Hitting Brixton across his massive back with a few solid forearms, but that didn't phase him. Turning around slowly, Brixton's eyes mapped out Hawkins' future-- pain and agony. Hawkins fired off another shot, this time Brixton actually caught the punch with his right hand and turned squeezed Hawkins' fist, all as he turned his arm to the side. Hawkins yelled and kicked as he tried to get Brixton to let go-- all that followed spelled doom for him. Firing off a HUGE kick to the gut, Hawkins doubled over as Brixton let go of his fist and scooped him up with ease-- and placed him across his MASSIVE shoulder..

Tracy Race: ".. good night Mister Hawkins.."

With a slight jump, Brixton got airborne all as he fell down to his knees, causing Hawkins' back to crash across his [Brixton's] shoulders. The fans were loving it, as Hawkins hit the mat, Brixton made the cover with his right fist pressed down over Hawkins' chest-- Andrews had intelligently rolled out of the ring and fell down to the mat as Official Polanski got down..




Len Ragatti: "Complete.. and utter.. domination. Wow.."


Pushing himself up to a standing position, Brixton glanced down at a fallen and unconscious Ryan Hawkins and shrugged, all as he threw his right arm in the air. Official Polanski couldn't reach that high to hold his arm up to signal victory, so instead he just grabbed at Brixton's elbow.

Tracy Race: "I'm telling you Ragatti, Brixton is the real deal. He's got aggression, strength.. and he was trained by a hell of a wrestler in his own right-- Chris Legion. Legion has gone on record saying Brixton is the best big man he's worked with and Legion has been around. That speaks volumes for where this guy is at.. and where he can be in his career."

Len Ragatti: "I was skeptical, but pencil me in as a believer.. I dont think there's anyone that c--"

Before Ragatti could finish his statement, an unfamiliar beat chimed in over the PA.. and not before long, it was apparent who it was. "My England" by Lady Sovereign slammed over the PA-- the female's high pitched, nasal flow sounded as moving through the curtain first we see the unmistakable face of Johnny Bonecrusher..

Tracy Race: ".. yeah, you'd better hold on to that statement."

In the ring, Brixton didn't bother moving the angle of his body, instead he simply turned his head towards the stage and that's when his eyes met the man that he had a bit of a 'squabble' with over Twitter the past week..

Tracy Race: "Oh you wanna talk about big and bad? Bulldozer Brixton definitely falls into that category.. but let's not forget about this guy.."

Len Ragatti: ".. Adrian.. Abernanthy.. Gates!"

Straight out of England, The Gentlemen's Thug was no small man.. 6'7", 355lbs. of pure scrapper, AAG and Bulldozer exchanged words recently, Johnny Bonecrusher-- a HUGE talent over in LEGACY's sister promotion; Missouri State Wrestling was responsible for airing his client's thoughts. As Bonecrusher and AAG moved down the stage, AAG was dressed for the moment-- a wifebeater, a pair of slacks and of course trusty old Doc Martins. Hopping into the ring, light from above shined off of his head as he didn't pull any punches-- he got STRAIGHT into the face-- or well, chin of Brixton and the two was engaged in a pretty.. epic staredown.

Tracy Race: "Ohhhh.. This has the potential to get BAD.. really.. really quick."

With the two big men not budging, Johnny Bonecrusher-- channeling his inner- Freddie Blassie without a mic begun to hurl a verbal tirade at Brixton-- with a grimace, Brixton simply stuck out his left hand-- placed it against JBC's face and shoved him backwards--

Tracy Race: ".. Yep, it's gonna get bad."

Watching his friend and associate take a fall-- Adrian Abernanthy Gates let loose and quickly hit Brixton in the gut with a shoulder and drove THE TITAN backwards into the turnbuckle.


With the LEGACY fans already bursting into an uproar, officials from the back hit the ring-- including a man many recognized-- Talen Decaine. An immediate "IRX" chant broke out through the arena as Decaine, along side twelve others quickly got in between the two, all as it wasn't an easy task.


The fans seemed split on who they were cheering for, all as finally, some order. In the midst of the quick fight, AAG had ripped his wifebeater off and tossed it into the crowd, the ladies in attendance loved what they saw as Brixton didn't look too thrilled with what had gone down neither. Holding both hands in the air as Decaine worded something in his direction, Brixton nodded and pushed himself backwards into the turnbuckle. The look in his eyes read 'murder, death, kill' though as his moment was ruined by someone who just.. didn't care in Johnny Bonecrusher and AAG.

Tracy Race: "We're gonna need to relocate to the Coliseum to be able to hold these two monsters!"

Decaine now spoke to AAG, urging him to hold his temper and wait it out-- as the staff got in between both men and was able to move Gates to the back, it didn't last long as Johnny Bonecrusher fueled the fire and himself tried to rush Brixton!


Now his client; AAG had to control Bonecrusher all as Brixton kept calling for them to let him go so they could settle the problem.


With JBC under control, both he and Adrian Abernanthy Gates showed restraint as they left the ring all as a few staff guided them in that direction. Moving towards the side of the ring that faced them, Bulldozer Brixton once again threw his right arm in the air-- to a solid pop.. all as the camera faded from ringside off to the back.

"What does it mean to be a Warrior?"

BOOM! A fist cracking against steel was heard.

"It's everything I offer, it's what I do to people who get in my way!"

BANG! Another fist hits steel, causing an echo this time.

"I've had to deal with this prissy little punk for too long, I've had enough of him. Tonight.. the dawning of WASTE, and you won't even see it coming. Like I told earlier, where's Leo Banks? Where's SVD? I'll tell you where they're at.. AFRAID. SCARED. NOT WILLING TO PUT THEIR BLOOD AND GUTS ON THE LINE LIKE I AM!"

Ward's words BROKE through the sound- barrier, all as he gave the camera a stern glare.

Matt Ward: "I'm going to hurt you tonight Ian, I'm going to make an example out of you.. an example that puts WASTE at the top of the map, right next to The Jokers. We're not fighting for individuality, Ian.. We're fighting for survival. In this business, second place doesn't count which is why tonight, after I crush your face and leave you broken-- WASTE rises.. and WASTE takes over."

After taping his fists, Ward slammed it into his hand.

Matt Ward: "Othniel went off about The Purge he's going on-- well tonight? Let's all witness The Massacre of Ian Windermear."

Slamming his taped fist back into his cupped hand, Ward kept his fist clenched all as the camera fizzled out from Ward and found it's way backstage to where Ian Windermear was standing. Stroking his goatee, Windermear, with a smirk nodded his head and pointed into the camera.

Ian Windermear: "So the fat boy thinks he scares me.. That's cute. I've heard it all this week, I've heard the big.. scary rumors.."

Throwing up 'scary fingers', Ian continued.

Ian Windermear: "Of this fictional group you've assembled with your imaginary friends called WASTE.. That's fine, bring them. I hope ALL of WASTE is in attendance for what I do to you tonight because then.. it's show them that you're nothing but a fat.. useless.. broke.. failure."

Windermear let off a chuckle as he rolled his shoulders forward.

Ian Windermear: "You may be the Last Outlaw of Hardcore Wrestling.. But I'll be sure to send you straight to extinction with the rest of the glorified stuntmen you like to categorize yourself with. No Holds Barred, Matt-- do you understand what that means? Does it register in your head the ways I can beat you, and keep beating you until you no longer are able to hit your fat fingers against a keyboard and litter Twitter with your pitiful existence?!"

With a resounding "HA" fired off, Windermear nodded.

Ian Windermear: "I was paranoid about what you were bringing, but then I came to my senses and realized that Aiden Marx is a PUNK and he won't bother showing his face knowing that I'll have the tools necessary to smash it. Let his ass sit in the stands, let him be a by-stander because he knows damn well if he crosses that line I'll break his neck just like I'm planning on doing to you, Ward! And as far as your BITCH, Kimberly Pain? She's not contracted so I'd suggest she stops mouthing off before I decide to stick my foot so far down her throat my toes soak in estrogen. You're going to learn your lesson-- all of you.. Massacre of Ian Windermear? Ha.. More like Laying WASTE to the human waste.. Matt Ward, you're DONE."

Shoving past the camera, Windermear didnt bother with a laugh- with a smile, or anything of that nature. Instead he charged forward and left the area he was situated in. The camera tumbled backwards until it found itself fixed in on the face of one of LEGACY's newest additions; Hayden Phoenix. Phoenix came to LEGACY from a loose affiliate in ICWA.. A promotion that currently was on hiatus. With Hayden sitting on a black production crate, he smirked.

Hayden Phoenix: "Even though I can't be out there tonight in front of the great fans of.. Caaaaaaaarrrrrrsoooooooon.. CEE- AYE!.. Im there in spirit.. And just know that I won't bore you with unnecessarily long-winded threats and challenges.. I'm going to be quick and to the point. While I'm not able to compete in in-ring action tonight-- the next time LEGACY is broadcasting live from this beautiful city?! Ill be there."

The fans watching on the LEGACYvision, an oversized screen that was probably the biggest financial commitment LEGACY Officials had made popped for Hayden's words.

Hayden Phoenix: "Whoever is the first? Dont get mad-- don't be hurt by the fact that you're gonna be a statistic.. rather, be glad that you're the FIRST in a long line of opposition that'll fall victim to me. A phoenix.. especially HAYDEN PHOENIX.. he scorches the land and everything he flies over-- LEGACY just so happens to be the house that the phoenix rises in.. all the rest of you? You're just bound to be burnt to ashes. Carson, you're beautiful-- I'll be seeing you guys soon."

And just like that, Hayden Phoenix kept it short and sweet as he promised and let off a wink with a cocky little smile all as AGAIN, we saw LEGACY Official- Decaine sprint through the corridor, all as he grabbed the camera man by the back of the shirt.


As Decaine let go and sprinted in a direction, the camera man moved back towards Hayden Phoenix who shrugged..

Hayden Phoenix: "Someone needs to change to decaf!"

Matt Ward vs. Ian Windermear (No Holds Barred Match)

A few laughs sounded all as the camera once again flickered-- this time changing from a shot of Hayden Phoenix to a now brutal shot of Matt Ward mounted on Ian Windermear, throwing right after right after right. Each time his hand landed across Ian's skull- a sick >THUD< sounded.



As Ward saw the devil in Windermear's face, it allowed Ian to get a leg up on the competition and fired off a quick palm strike to the nose which caused Ward's head to snap back and sent him falling over and off of Ian. As Ian attempted to push himself up, Ward' fired himself back at Windermear, all as Windermear used Ward's momentum against him- side-stepped Chicago's Warrior and sent him sprinting into a wall and hit it with a crash. As Ward bounced off of the wall, Windermear dropped to a knee-- as Ward turned around in a daze, Windermear pushed himself up and darted towards Ward like a bat out of hell, lowered his shoulder and BLASTED through the drywall standing there.



The camera quickly moved through the door as a whole bunch of black shirt wearing production members scrambled out of the room, all as Windermear locked Ward in a side headlock and pulled his head up and begun to fire away rights and left, catching Ward across the forehead and face.

Len Ragatti: "These two do NOT like each other! They've both made mention to busting each other open during the week.. and with how this has kicked off, I wouldn't doubt we see our first drop of blood within seconds!"

Tracy Race: "People underestimate the value that blood brings to pro wrestling, Len. That's the ULTIMATE sacrifice right there-- when you're bleeding, tired and on the verge of throwing in the towel, to say that you've battled through the odds to get your hand raised.. it's a rush, man."

Len Ragatti: "Oh I believe it!"

Finally allowing Ward's head to hit the ground, Windermear, who was a bit dazed from the shots he took himself earlier managed to get back to his feet and stood up, all as he moved backwards and threw his head back. The official responsible for counting three to end the match-- Official PJ Polanski, the same official that ref'd the last match had his hands across his bald head as he had NO idea what to do. Ward was covered in debris from being speared through a wall, Windermear was on the search for.. something, it was a challenging situation. As Windermear reappeared in the frame, he had one of those industrial brooms in his hands and had it raised high above his head-- as Ward got to both knees, Windermear brought the broom down across Ward's head letting off a SICK <THUD> as Ward crumbled down to the tiled floor, all as he threw a fight rights and lefts at the air from his position of being flat on his back. Windermear looked as evil and determined as possible brought the broom above his head again-


Len Ragatti: ".. we apologize for the language there, folks.."

Breaking the broom over his knee, Windermear tossed the shorter end off to the side as he held the sharp, broken edge of the broom in his hands and admired it like Triple H did with his sledgehammers.

Tracy Race: "Uhh.. This.. Looks.. Odd.."

Moving towards Ward-- Windermear stood over his fallen body as he turned the sharp edge down and held it like a stake-- bringing the stick above his head-- he fired off the sickest smile imaginable and nodded--



As Windermear brought the sharp pointed stick down, it NARROWLY missed Matt Ward, as Ward managed to push himself away from the weapon strike. The amount of power behind the stab attempt hitting the floor sent a shockwave through Windermear's hands and caused him to drop the stick all as Ward rolled off to the side, picked up the already folded steel chair sitting against the wall in the corner and with EVERYTHING he had.. which was still A LOT fired off a chair shot--



The chairshot was SO brutal that it literally folded across Windermear's head. Windermear's body went limp as he fell backwards, the chair still fitted across his head and face like a brand new New Era cap. Ward stumbled towards Windermear's body and pulled the chair off of him-- where the chair had connected left a pretty gnarly looking welt, but no cut.. no blood. Tossing the chair aside, Ward reached down and picked Windermear up by his neck and moved him through the door that was open and whipped him towards the table that held the catering and beverages. Barely able to stand-- let alone move his legs in a walking motion from that vicious chairshot, it was more of instincts as Windermear hit it-- he doubled over the table as Ward neared his location-- once Ward reached out to grab Windermear's head-- Windermear, out of TOTAL desperation grabbed hold of a pretty thick glass that was sitting on the table and took a wild swing-- the glass connected off the side of Ward's face-- right over his left eye and shattered upon impact. Ward stumbled backwards and hit the floor, all as Windermear attempted to collect himself.

Tracy Race: "In my twenty plus year career.. I've never.. EVER.. EVER.. seen something as brutal as this. Who needs a arm-drag?! Body slams?! Thrown out the window! We've seen spears through walls, Ian Windermear attempt to STAB Matt Ward with a broken stick-- Matt Ward try to leave Windermear in a coma with a chairshot straight out of hell-- and now?! Ian answer back with by breaking a freakin' mug across Ward's face! What WON'T these two do to each other to secure victory and bragging rights?!"

Windermear had his hands over his face as he too tried to figure out what was needed to keep Wars down, as The Second City Warrior was already beginning to stir. Pushing himself up, Ian grabbed a metal cookie pan and dumped off the assortment of treats scattered across of it. Grabbing a handful, he held the cookies in one hand and the pan in the other. As Ward got to a knee, Windermear fired off a kick to Ward's stomach with caused him to gasp for breath, all as with that handful of cookies, he stuffed it into Ward's mouth.


Ward spit some of the cookies out at Windermear, but that didn't stop his path of rage. Cracking Ward across the top of the head with the cookie pan, Ward fell backwards and spit out another round of chewed up and bloody cookies, all as Windermear fell on Ward's fallen body-- causing Official Polanski to make the count in a strange situation.



Len Raggati: ".. Ward's still in it!?"

Tracy Race: "The kid has balls, Len.. Gotta give him that."

Managing to get his second wind at the right time, Windermear's adrenaline coursed through his veins as he mounted Ward and grabbed Matt by the ears..

Ian Windermear: "WHY WON'T YOU STAY DOWN?! HUH?!"

Bringing Matt's head up- Windermear shouted..

Ian Windermear: "STAY.."

SLAMMING Matt's head against the floor, he shouted again..

Ian Windermear: "DOWN!"

Pulling Matt's head up again, he was able to slam it down, all as before he could-- Matt spit-sprayed a whole bunch of chewed up, nasty and blood cookie and spit into Windermear's eyes, blinding him. Ian threw himself off of Ward as he clawed at his eyes to try and ease the burn, all as Ward-- as dazed and probably confused as he was-- managed to get to his feet and picked Windermear up, leading him back to the table that was flushed against the wall. With a stiff right hand bouncing off of Windermear's head, Ian once again was stuck in a state of daze as Ward shoved him towards the table and then fixed his position so he was laying across the table.

Len Ragatti: "What the hell is Ward going to do here?!"

Tracy Race: "I don't know, but color me curious!"

Len Ragatti: "Yellow?"

Tracy Race: ".. what?!"

Len Ragatti: "You said to color you curious-- and everyone knows Curious George eats bananas AND is fascinated by the Man with the Yellow Hat!"

Tracy Race: "I feel dumber by listening to that.."

While Len and Tracy continued to trade barbs and build their commentary chemistry, Ward found himself a vantage point-- a few production crates stacked on one another. Two of them on another elevated to about.. eight feet, which was four feet above what Ian was off the ground. As Windermear continued to try and get himself up, Ward pointed down at Ian and then flipped him a DOUBLE BIRD as he launched himself OFF of the stacked production crates..


.. BUT NO! Before Ward could crash through Windermear AND the table, Ian rolled out of the way, which caused Ward to break through the table.. and slam off of the hard floor. With cookies, cups of stale coffee and even a salad or two scattered across Ward and his broken table, Windermear lifted his head to see the damage and let off a weak but funny laugh as he closed his eyes and threw his head backwards-- enjoying the sight of Ward which looks like he smashed through a gardening shop's window with a moped.

Len Ragatti: "This match.. If it's even considered a match has taken more twists and turns than a season of Game of Thrones!"


Len Ragatti: "I think at the moment, Matt Ward feels like a member of House Stark. Unconscious, probably suffering from internal bleeding.. all he needs to do is get decapitated and he'd be on par to be LEGACY's own Ned Stark!"

Tracy Race: "This is LEGACY, not the Salem Witch Trials! There's no beheading going on, unless it's from a Tracy Race Guillotine Legdrop!"

Pushing himself up, mustering everything he had left in the tank, Windermear hobbled towards Ward.. as he picked Ward up and lead him towards a opening in the hall straight ahead. Moving through there, the camera changed quickly to one outside of the curtain that separated the back from the ringside-- as Ward came flying through the curtain. Rolling down the stage, the crowd went wild as Windermear emerged through it next.

Len Ragatti: "Well.. We're back at ringside!"

Ward crawled towards the ring, he was beat up from the battle at hand but there wasn't a end in sight, Ward would rather DIE than give up. As Windermear continued to hobble after Ward, in the corner of his eye-- he caught the glimpse of someone sitting in the front row..

Len Ragatti: "As stated through the week-- Matt Ward's widely known tag team partner; Aiden Marx IS in attendance tonight for Friday the 20th. Last we heard, contract negotiations stalled and he's just here as a fan, nothing more."

To his right was a pretty female-- one that WAS contracted in Angelica Night. As Windermear approached the barricade, he threw his hands up and shouted something in their way-- Marx did nothing aside of hold his right hand up-- with his middle finger extended, but in back of his finger was a ticket to the show. As Windermear and Marx exchanged words-- Ward managed to get to his feet and clobbered an unsuspecting Windermear behind the head with a hard right hand, sending Windermear forward and leaned up over the black barricade. Marx pointed at Ward-- Ward returned the gesture as Ward backed himself against the ring and darted forward throwing his leg OVER Windermear's body which was hanging over the barricade which caused it to adjust from the amount of weight suddenly hitting it.

Tracy Race: "Great environment manipulation!"

Grabbing Windermear's legs and extending them out, Ward fired off a HUGE kick that looked low-- it probably was. Letting off a total shout of pain from that, Windermear grabbed at his throbbing oats as he rolled around on the matted floor, all as Ward took a deep breath, this was definitely a fight for the ages that'd be remembered for being as brutal as it was.


The fans were BEHIND Matt Ward here, not an everyday situation but it was working in his favor as he was feeding off of it. Rolling Windermear into the ring, Ward stood him up and whipped him into the ropes-- as Windermear ricocheted off of it, Ward side-stepped a running elbow attempt from Windermear-- as he bounced back off of the ropes-- Ward snatched him and spun him around in rapid motion and PLANTED him with a HARD powerslam!


Tracy Race: "The ring actually SHOOK from that one! Good GOD, Ward!"

Not bothering to make the cover, Ward pulled himself up to a knee and then also stood his opponent up-- stepping over the doubled-over head of Ian Windermear, Ward attempted to lift him above his head which got the crowd buzzing and standing as they knew what was coming..

Len Ragatti: "Could we be seeing the end here?! What Ward likes to call The Vendetta?!"

Attempting to balance Windermear on his shoulder-- Windermear managed to kick out of it and pull his momentum down. Hitting the mat, he threw himself into the ropes and fired forward-- as Ward turned around, Windermear CLEANED him with a HARD clothesline that got the fans into a frenzy..

Tracy Race: "EAT HIS FOREARM!"

Ward did a flip before he landed from how hard that clothesline was-- all as the camera fixed in on the shot of Aiden Marx and Angelica Night sitting-- not bothering to move despite their team mates apparent struggles."

Len Ragatti: "That was.. VICIOUS! Windermear held NOTHING back on that shot!"

Tracy Race: "You've gotta wonder if that's all he had left-- if all that was put into that clothesline to get momentum back on his side!"

Signaling with a cut-throat as he pointed down at Matt Ward, all as there was a split screen shot of Marx who stood up-- of course, to the fan's delight.

Len Ragatti: "What the hell!? Marx isn't even on the roster! He's not cleared to compete here, why is he acting as a distraction?!"

Tracy Race: "Numbers never lie.. and in this case, numbers NEVER lose."

Seeing Marx make his move, Windermear turned his attention to Marx and begun to shout at him.. all as hopping the barricade on the FAR side-- away from where Ian Windermear's line of vision was.. we see a figure move with grace..


The figure hit the ring and purposely stomped his feet-- as Windermear turned around-- the man rocking a plague mask darted forward and planted the sole of his boot across of Windermear's face-- knocking him down AND out in the process..

Len Ragatti: "Wait a second.. THAT'S NOT A FAN! TH- T- THAT'S.."

With the plague mask pulled off slowly, the man got a HELL of a lot of boos..


Ward managed to see Cam standing there, all as Cam pointed at a downed Windermear and crawled towards him. Throwing his right arm over Windermear's fallen body, Official Polanski got into position, all as Cameron extended both arms out in the form of a crucifix and cocked his head back..



Tracy Race: ".. Unbelievable."


Tracy Race: "They had us fooled. They had us thinking WASTE was Ward, Marx and Night.. Although Ward did say there was more than what met the eye, I didn't think Cameron Kaiser-- a guy who's Christ-complex is on par with Napoleon Bonaparte's.. would be that member."

ding.. ding.. ding..

Rob Hendricks: "Annnnnnnnnnnndddddddd your wiiiiiiinnnnnnerrrrrrr.. MMATTTTTTTTTTTTT.. WWWWWWAAAAARRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDD!"

WASTE Promo after the match

As Ward attempted to get up, Aiden Marx and Angelica Night had hit the ring, Marx had ripped his shirt off and begun to fire off stomp after stomp across Windermear's body..


Cameron Kaiser joined in on the fight and stomped at Windermear, all as Windermear attempted to cover up from the attack. Angelica Night shouted at Marx, urging him to hurt Windermear, all as Ward managed to secure the mic that Hendricks was using by ripping it away from him. In between breaths.. Ward raised the mic up to his lips..

"I-- I.. I to- told you. I- I told you ALL.. BUT NOBODY WOULD LISTEN!"

Rolling over towards Windermear, Ward threw the mic up as Marx snatched it out of mid-air as Ward begun to fire off right hands at Windermear's head.

Aiden Marx: ".. I've said it time and time again-- it's not a saying it's a FACT. WE. ARE. SUPERIOR. TO.."

Tossing the mic over towards Cameron Kaiser, he caught it and tilted his head back and smiled..

Cameron Kaiser: ".. Evvvvveryyyyyyyonnnnnnnnneeeee."

Len Ragatti: "This gangland beating is sick!"

Ward and Marx picked Windermear up and shoved him into the ropes-- Windermear was now tied up in the ropes all as Ward rushed forward and begun to BITE at Windermear's forehead-- the fans were beginning to shower WASTE with boos as not before long, blood begun to pour from Windermear's forehead. With bruises formed on Ward's body from the conflict, there was no blood drawn on him and after Marx hit a few stiff right hands across the gash across Windermear's forehead, blood begun to trickle-- then eventually gush through the wound-- all as Ward rubbed his palm against it and smeared Windermear's blood across his forehead. Marx followed suit, this time smearing the blood across his bare chest-- Cameron Kaiser balled his fist up and fired off a HUGE right hand-- his knuckles bloody with Windermear's blood, he rubbed it across his other hand as he extended both arms out again.

Len Ragatti: ".. ladies and gentlemen.. WASTE.."



With the four in the ring-- Ward, Marx, Kaiser and Night, the camera eventually cut off to break.. with a shot of a busted open and unconscious Ian Windermear and his head hanging in a awkward looking position.. WASTE though.. WASTE had finally arrived, and where better than LEGACY?

Zoe vs. Ruby Red (Promo)

"I've picked up a few different nicknames through my career.. most recently.. The Crimson Queen. Tout à fait approprié.."

The woman that took LEGACY by storm- Ruby Red, the French-Canadian beauty rolled her native language off of her tongue so well, she'd put men into a fluster. With a red body suit showcasing the curves that dazed she didn't look overly concerned with the situation at hand.. her match with Zoe. It seemed as if the rookie had got the jitters and didn't bother showing up on camera through the week to lend a hand in hyping her match but Ruby did, and she did a pretty damn good job about it too.

Ruby Red: "Zoe, they say juenes is the key to success.."

'Juenes' in French was translated into English as 'youth'.

Ruby Red: ".. but in your case, it's not. In order for me to stake my claim as Queen of LEGACY, you first need to be used as an example. Despite trying to be something you're not Zoe, understand that in this business you're one of two things-- a tryer-- or a doer, and me ma chérie.. we'll see where I stand tonight."

And just like that, she puckered her FIRETRUCK RED colored lips towards the camera and fired off a wink.. she was no doubt something else. Flickering from Ruby Red-- the camera changed shots now opening up on the black haired, pale-skinned youngster; Zoe. As mentioned by Ruby, Zoe was an 18 year old breaking into the business, her job to try and get one over on a veteran like The Crimson Queen was easier said than done, but stranger things have happened. Zoe sat in a steel chair near the corner of her locker, she had her elbows on her thighs as she looked straight ahead. For a rookie, debut night was always a task, but for someone like Zoe who was a California native, performing in front of her in-state people had a lot of pressure, maybe too much to ask a 18 year old to deal with at the moment.

Zoe: "I've never had things given to me, I've always had to take them. For instance-- this opportunity in LEGACY. I'm a young girl, I'm 18 years old and people look at me like i'm crazy because I'm willing on sacrificing my body for the sport that I've loved since I was old enough to understand it. Tonight-- the biggest test in my life comes in the form of a buxom red-headed, red-lipped.. red EVERYTHING woman who wants nothing more than to cut me down and watch me crash and burn.."

Trailing her words off- Zoe took a deep breath and stood up, all as she shook her head.

Zoe: "It won't be that easy Ruby. See, you think you've got an advantage and ya know.. you might. But that won't stop me from leaving it ALL out there! I can tell that you're far from ordinary, that you want nothing more than to rule LEGACY with an Iron Fist, but I'm not ready to let you achieve that just yet! Tonight-- win.. lose.. or draw, the world finally meets Zoe-- it finally sees that I've arrived and it'll NEVER.. be the same.. again."

Finally fixing her attention onto the camera, Zoe let off a confident nod as the camera cut off of her and into a different section of the back..

Petey Bauer/Kevin Moss (Promo)


Shouting at some poor, unsuspecting staff member.. Petey Bauer was already abusing his power.. and he didn't even have the position for THAT long. A staff member decked out in a black and white collared shirt sprinted off of the scene to get Bauer what he was asking for all as Bauer pointed past the camera--


Snickering into the camera, Bauer stepped off.. all as behind him.. a shot of newcomer to LEGACY; Kevin Moss. Moss was a tanned, handsome fellow from around CA-- after giving Bauer a pretty stern and disappointing stare, Bauer noticed it. Moving towards the man, Bauer crossed his arms over his chest and attempted to puff it out as much as he could-- Moss of course, found this behavior hilarious.. all as Bauer arched a brow at him.

Petey Bauer: "And what's so funny?"

Kevin Moss: "A lot of things-- try to elaborate."

Bringing both of his hands out, Bauer nodded very.. slowly after Moss' witty remark.

Petey Bauer: "Oh, so we've got a comedian! I'm pretty sure that I'm your boss.. So tell me, what's your name? You look like one of those.. Lords of Dogtown guys, skateboarding and surfing the night away.. let me guess! Moon Diggity Dog!? Or no.. Hows about.. WAVE RIDAH EXTREME?!"

With a face palm, Moss sighed.

Kevin Moss: "It's Kevin Moss.. And that's what you get for being stereotypical."

Petey Bauer: "OooOoOoOoOoOo.. Well let me tell YOU something Kevin Moss!"

Bauer wasn't exactly a big guy, a bit chubby maybe, but definitely not tall. He stepped up, knowing that his title and power would save him from catching a butt-whooping and got as close to Moss as possible without touching him. Staring into Moss' eyes, Bauer spoke.

Petey Bauer: "You better check that 'tude at the door, Moondoggy, this here?! This is MY wave!"

Throwing his arms out to emulate a surfing motion, Bauer smirked-

Petey Bauer: "This ain't no hippy retreat neither! I've got rules and regulat-"

Having enough of his powertrip, Moss waved Bauer off.

Kevin Moss: "WHOOOOOOOOA, slow down.. just.. take it down a notch. Look Bauer-- I heard what you said to kick the show off, you're the boss man.. cool! Good work, I'm sure your resume isn't padded and defrauding at all!"

Bauer tried to reply, but Moss kept going.

Kevin Moss: ".. BUT.. the fact of the matter is, most of us don't like our boss.. and you just so happen to fall into that category. So let me give you a bit of a heads up.. Yeah, I'm a California guy, I love the sun-- I'm pretty mellow, but don't get that confused with me forgetting where I'm at and what I'm here to do. The name ain't Moondoggy, it's Kevin Moss-- and whether you like it or not.. One day?"

Moss slapped his own shoulder, the left side.

Kevin Moss: "The LEGACY Heavyweight Championship will be sitting pretty right there. Now if you'll excuse me.. I've got some.. hippy stuff to do."

Completely mocking Bauer and being as condescending as possible, the fans were heard cheering and laughing at Bauer due to Moss putting him in his place, all as Moss gave Bauer a STIFF slap to the shoulder, a wink and stepped off. As Moss moved beyond Bauer-- the look on Petey's face was worth a thousand bucks.. he was FUMING.

Petey Bauer: "We'll see how much that hippy likes what I have in store for him at the next show.. He'll be 'wasted' alright.. he.. he.. he.."

The weasel like laugh that Eric Gordon from Billy Madison is so known for.. yeah, that's what Bauer just let off. Despite wanting Kevin Moss' soul at THAT very moment, he knew that there was something truly amazing waiting for him at LEGACY's next event-- so he needed to show some patience as he felt it'd teach him a lesson. Nonetheless, returning back to ringside-- Zoe was the first to enter the ring-- Ruby was just wrapping up her entrance all as Official Veronica Kraloso got the verbal confirmation from both participants and signaled the bell..

Zoe vs. Ruby Red (Women's Showcase Singles Match)

Len Ragatti: "What you're seeing is NOT an illusion folks, LEGACY does in fact have a female official.. quite experienced at that! A former professional wrestler herself known formally as Krazy V, now known by her government name; Veronica Kraloso. Not only does she officiate our women's matches but she also will be in charge of men's matches as well-- all in a way to broaden the horizons!"

Tracy Race: "Hopefully she doesn't catch a clothesline from someone like Brixton-- gooooooooood night!"

Zoe and Ruby kicked things off with a traditional collar and elbow tie-up, Red quickly transitioned into a headlock, then a side headlock takeover.

Tracy Race: "Wow.. Look at'em move!"

Len Ragatti: "TRACY! C'MON MAN!"


Len Ragatti: "I'm sure you are!"

Despite a warning from Official Kraloso, Ruby broke the headlock before the five count as Zoe had managed to get to the ropes. Pushing herself up, Ruby was all smiles as Zoe was obviously feeling the effects of being new to the industry. Once again Zoe tried to tie Ruby up, this time the vet showcased her experience and side-stepped the oncoming rookie, sending her into the ropes. As Zoe bounced off of it and headed back in Ruby's direction, Ruby threw a VICIOUS back elbow strike that knocked Zoe's head backwards causing a whiplash effect. Zoe hit the mat hard as Ruby simply chuckled at what was looking like an easy night for The French-Canadian Beauty.

Tracy Race: "Remorseless.. I like that!"

Zoe tried to pick herself up but Ruby didn't give her an opening to recover-- struck with a few hard stomps pointed at Zoe's exposed ribs, each kick took more and more out of the youngster. Finally scooping Zoe up, Ruby once again moved towards the ropes-- and fired Zoe off with a irish-whip. Upon her comeback, Zoe managed to duck beneath a clothesline attempt from Ruby-- she hit the ropes and came DARTING towards Red, lifting herself in the air in the process and soared like an eagle..

Len Ragatti: ".. OUCH!"

Before Zoe could crash across Ruby Red, Ruby did the smart thing and grabbed onto the ropes and pulled herself down to the mat, causing Zoe to fly through the second and top rope and take a hard fall on the outside. Quickly grabbing her mid-section in pain from the fall, Zoe was down.. all as Ruby took the moment to flaunt her assets to the fans and tease them.

Len Raggati: "Say what you want about the woman but she's shown so far that she's in a class far.. far above where Zoe is at."

Tracy Race: "It's hard to beat experience Len, especially when you're fresh out the gate and locking up with a veteran. Sure.. You see Ruby Red and you think she's just another one of these melodramatic.. dare I say without getting prosecuted, divas.. but beneath those ATTENTION SEEKING curves is a skilled and experienced professional wrestler."

Official Krasolo was up to a 5 count before Ruby decided to roll out of the ring and break the count. Picking Zoe up who was hurting from the fall, she lead Zoe towards the barricade and lifted the 120lbs. woman up-- allowing her to fall throat first over the barricade..

Tracy Race: "Snakeeyes?! I LOVE this woman!"

Once again Zoe hit hard, now grabbing her throat as she gagged and struggled for breath. Ruby was playing with her prey now, kicking and pushing at her with her feet-- not paying any mind or caring if Zoe would be able to formulate any kind of a comeback. As Official Krasolo shouted down at Ruby to get back in the ring, The Crimson Queen obliged knowing that it couldn't come to an end on the outside. Rolling Zoe into the ring, the crowd felt sympathetic towards Zoe all because of her age and her lack of experience. A few fans tried to start a chant in her favor, but each time they tried-- Ruby would suck the momentum out of the building with a perfectly placed stomp or kick that'd knock more.. and more energy out of her. Finally, Ruby hit the ropes as Zoe was down and dropped a HUGE elbow across Zoe's sternum. Hooking the leg in the process, she made a cover..




At the LAST possible second, Zoe's right shoulder popped off of the mat, the crowd popped for her perseverance as Ruby looked over towards the official, slapped her hand three times together and begun to go off on a French-fueled rant.

Len Ragatti: "I guess Zoe isn't ready to call it a day yet, she's still got some gas left in the tank!"

After insulting the ref in every possible way.. in French, of course-- she turned her attention back to Zoe who managed to pull herself up onto a knee. Ruby grabbed hold of Zoe's hair and shouted something at her-- all as Zoe fired off a STINGING right hand that connected across Ruby's mid-section-

Tracy Race: "She's got some fight in her!"


The fans POPPED for Zoe's show of life, all as she cocked her right hand back and managed to land ANOTHER shot!


Once again the fans let her hear it as she managed to throw herself back into the ropes- Ruby was holding the side of her face after taking that stiff right hand and Zoe fired forward-- as Ruby managed to fix her attention towards Zoe, it was too late as the raven-haired youngster FLOORED Ruby with a HUGE running Yakuza Kick!

Len Ragatti: "And just.. like.. THAT! Zoe changed the tide of the match-up and Ruby is on the receiving end of a solid hit!"

"LET'S GO ZOE, LET'S GO!" stomp- stomp "LET'S GO ZOE, LET'S GO!" stomp- stomp "LET'S GO ZOE, LET'S GO!" stomp- stomp
There was a resounding cheer for Zoe now, all as her expression changed and she seemed to have found her groove. With Ruby getting back to her feet, Zoe moved to the side and grabbed Ruby in a waist-lock. Attempting to lift Ruby off of her feet, the vet quickly managed to hook her leg within Zoes blocking the attempt..

Tracy Race: "Nice block there.."

Zoe heaved a few more times but was unsuccessful in her efforts so she managed to let go of the waist-lock and shoved Ruby into the ropes. Bouncing chest first off of the ropes, Zoe did what she was taught to do in her position when she was attacking with the element of surprise..








With the fans in a frenzy, Zoe tried to continue to keep thing falling in her favor as she struck Ruby with a stiff right hand upon standing. Ruby's head snapped back, Zoe's left hand snapped forward and caught the same area as the first punch-- the crowd popped again as Zoe shuffled to the side..

Len Ragatti: "Two big hands there-- a right and a left and now it's looking like Zoe is gonna pull a page out of the Tracy Race handbook with a shuffle kick.."

Tracy Race: "She's on FIRE!"

Indeed she looked for a shuffle kick to complete the trifecta but Ruby managed to avoid the strike by catching Zoe's leg. Leg hopped in place and then fired off a CRAZY looking enzuguri, but Ruby also ducked beneath that! As Zoe hit the mat from the failed attempt, Ruby, still reeling from those big punches she took to the jaw measured Zoe who was still working with an adrenaline rush. Zoe foolishly threw herself towards Ruby, Ruby ducked beneath her right arm and with a SNAPPING motion LIFTED Zoe and fell backwards-- planting Zoe face first into the mat as the fans let off a..


Tracy Race: "A rookie mistake there.. Ruby Red caught Zoe.. RED-HANDED!"

With a few deep breathes, Ruby got to her feet and managed to stand Zoe up in the process-- locking Zoe up in a inverted DDT position, Ruby let off a wink and blew a imaginary kiss to the camera as she quickly spun her leg around and placed it over Zoe's chest and head as she SPIKED her down into the mat.

Tracy Race: ".. and Zoe just took a trip through The Red Light District.."

With her leg over Zoe's chest, Ruby threw her arm out into the air..



Len Ragatti: "I don't think there's gonna be any miraculous comeback this time around.."


ding.. ding.. ding..


"Blood" by In This Moment begun to sound over the PA signaling Rubys victory, all as Hendricks held her arm up.

Len Ragatti: "Despite a valiant effort by the youngster.. in the end, it was a rookie mistake that did her in."

Tracy Race: "Yep, you're right about that. She had something going on but she got TOO overconfident and you can't make that mistake.. it'll bite you."

Len Ragatti: "What a performance by these two.. but look at this! What the HELL is this PUNK doing out here?!"

Moving down the ramp like it was no-one's business was the self-proclaimed 'Leader of The Purge'.. Christian Othniel. With a black denim vest on, of course unbuttoned and a pair of black denim jeans with black Chuck Taylors on, Othniel had both hands locked behind his head as he approached the ring-- his face was emotionless..

Len Ragatti: "Christian Othniel is scheduled to face Bobby Langford and Brandon Marks later this evening in what turned into quite the personal battle.. but why is he out here now!?"

Tracy Race: "He and Zoe have been mixing it up.. Or well, that's why my sources on Twitter tell me.."

Len Ragatti: "Sources?! What sources?!"

Tracy Race: "Exactly! *MY* sources, not yours! Othniel seemed to have taken a liking to this kid, he's been working with her and he probably feels as if he sho-"

Before Race could finish his sentence, once Othniel reached the ring he stuck his hand out towards the apron as Ruby, who had also stepped onto the apron, took it.

Tracy Race: ".. well this.. is.. confusing.."

Helping Ruby down off of the apron, they exchanged words before they turned their back on Zoe who was beginning to stir from being put down by Ruby earlier. As they made their way up the stage, they stopped right before moving through the curtain and turned, Christian smiled as he nodded his head in Zoe's direction.

Christian Othniel: "We've got faith in you."

Ruby let off a slight chuckle of her own as the two disappeared behind the curtain, the camera cut back to Zoe in the ring, all as she looked a mixture of hurt physically, hurt emotionally-- and just.. freakin'.. angry with the entire situation.

Len Ragatti: "I- I.. don't even know what to make of this.. Othniel and Ruby?! What the hell is this about?!"

Tracy Race: "Power in numbers.. WASTE? The Treborns? The Lozios? NUMBERS, Len!.. The numbers game ALWAYS wins.."

Zoe's look of hurt faded off-- allowing the camera to pick up where the front left off. With CO and Ruby strolling through the back-- an interviewer.. a brunette who didn't make the staff page or announcement through LEGACY's beginning popped a mic in CO's face.


Pausing-- Othniel lowered his head for a second as Ruby rubbed his shoulder--

Christian Othniel: ".. enemy? When did I ever make the claim that Ruby is my enemy?"

"Well.. I'm just assuming.."

Christian Othniel: "Yeah, 'assuming' when you make an ass out of you and me. Don't assume anything-- Ruby.. she's special, she's able to help get me where I need to be. My purge, it can't be done with just one person.. I need an army, and who better to watch over that army than The Crimson Queen?"

The interviewer was taken back by CO's words, all as Ruby stood by and smiled.

"But what about Zoe?! I thought you and.."

Christian Othniel: "There you go again.. 'thinking'. Don't think-- just watch. Zoe needed to be shown the hard way of the business, Ruby taught her that. Like I told Bobby through the week, the 'good path' always fails. Do things MY way and well.. you win. But we're not giving up on Zoe-- Ruby and myself, we're willing on taking her under our wing and ensuring that she not only becomes something in this business- but she uh, lives life through.. you know the deal.."

Placing his clenched fists out, the tattoos across both set of knuckles read "EVIL WAYS" as he and Ruby didn't bother with anymore questions.. they just walked off the scene, leaving the brunette to stand there-- twiddling a mic in her hands.

"Well.. Got what I could out of them, boys.. back to you!"

Noah Adelaide vs. Masen Dysen vs. Cameron Kaiser vs. Terry John (4-Way Dance)

With a shrug, the camera cut off of the interviewer and back to Len Ragatti and Tracy Race at ring side, all as they were exchanging words. Once noticing the camera back on them, Len greeted the camera with a smile as Tracy did so with a nod--

Len Ragatti: "Our next match up is definitely going to be nothing short of.. electric. What do you get when you put the four fastest, most agile fellas in the ring together at the same time!? Guaranteed.. sparks."

Tracy Race: "I wish these guys were around when I was wrestling, I'm sure I'd have a hell of a match with either of the four."

Len Ragatti: "Absolutely, Tracy! These four are truly something special-- but speaking of special, I've been told that joining us on commentary for the duration of this match to get a first-hand look at one of the talents he's helped produce down in The Emerald Academy in Missour.."

Almost on cue-- the camera cut to the stage where "RE-Education" by Rise Against fired off over the PA. The fans.. instantly recognizing the theme, jumped to their feet as making his way through the curtain, dressed for the moment in a black suit with a yellow tie..

Rob Hendricks: "Ladies and gentlemen.. please welcome.. FFRAAAAAAANKKKKKKKK.. WAAAAASHHHINNNNGGTTTTONNNNNNNNNNN!"



Tracy Race: "If I didn't know any better, I'd thought that the ROOF blown off the place!"

Frank made his way down towards the ring, slapping hands with fans and generally acknowledging their presence which was huge for then. Wrapping around the ring, he headed towards the commentary table and first shook hands with Tracy Race-- then Len Ragatti, all as he took a seat next to Ragatti and placed the headset on.

Len Ragatti: "Thanks for joining us out here Frank, tell me.. what do you have your eye on?"

Frank Washington: "Oh it's my pleasure to join you and Tracy out here for LEGACY's first show! And I'm here to watch over a client and student of mine, Noah Adelaide."

Tracy Race: "I've heard rave reviews for the kid, is he the real deal?"

Frank Washington: "I'm gonna say yeah, but I'm biased, he's my student-- of course I'm gonna give him all the praise in the world!"

With a few laughs bouncing through the table-- the participants in the 4-Way Dance made their respected entrances-- Terry John was first. The brash, ex-soccer player from the United Kingdom relished in the boos and jeers he received as he mocked the fans. Second out-- the crowd favorite that showed nothing but ENERGY upon his theme pumping over the PA.. Which was Masen Dysen. Third was Frank's student, Noah Adelaide as he hit the ring with an energy of his own.. and last-- the latest member of WASTE who was accompanied by The Lady of Babylon.. Cameron Kaiser. Kaiser of course took his time down to the ring, not caring about keeping his opposition waiting.

Frank Washington: "This kid-- Cameron Kaiser, he's got so much potential but he's too self-absorbed, it's gonna comeback to hurt him one of these days."

Len Ragatti: "Speaking of Cam.. What's your thoughts on WASTE and how they basically destroyed Ian Windermear earlier this evening?"

Frank Washington: "On one hand.. I know the importance of making an impact. Over in the loose affiliate.. the International Championship Wrestling Alliance, i banded with two guys and made an impact that was so deep, I found myself as close to the ICWA World Championship as possible. I know that you've gotta do what you've gotta do to get noticed.. but on the other hand I can't really respect that. It's three on one, c'mon man.. youre better than that."

Tracy Race: "What do you think of Masen Dysen and Terry John?"

Frank Washington: "Dysen has.. an energy about him that looks exciting. John? I can't say much, I really haven't seen enough of him to properly judge."

With Kaiser handing his plague mask to his fellow plague masked Lady of Babylon outside of the ring-- the four individuals looked at each other and Official Polanski signaled for confirmation of the talent-- they all stood in a corner and once all 4 gave a nod- he signaled for the bell.

Len Ragatti: "If you're new to this, a Four-Way dance is when all participants are in the ring at the same time-- the any of the four can pin or submit the other. These matches are usually fast and frenzy-filled.. I'd suggest you DON'T blink."

Frank Washington: "Wise advice there Ragatti- you blink and you'll no doubt miss something."

ding.. ding.. ding..

It didn't take long for Adelaide and Dysen to team up against John and Kaiser. Adelaide went straight for John, knocking him back into the corner and firing off shoulder thrust after shoulder thrust. Dysen looked to have an advantage over Cam, but that changed as Cam threw a quick thumb to the eye and then knocked Dysen down with a headbutt to the nose which dropped the man they called Mesmerizing.

Frank Washington: "Noah goes straight for Terry John, this should be good.."

With Kaiser stomping on Dysen on the mat, Adelaide tried to whip John into the opposite side corner-- but John reversed it. As Noah sprinted towards the turnbuckle, the first true "HOLY $H!T" moment of the match came as he scaled the turnbuckle-- in one fluid motion back flipped OFF of the top turnbuckle, landed BEHIND of John who managed to stop himself before crashing into the turnbuckle and fired off a standing dropkick that send John sternum first into that said turnbuckle.

Tracy Race: "WOW THAT WAS FAST!"


The crowd was already set on fire by Adelaide's speed, all as John tried to recover from the blow he took to the back of the head- then chest. Adelaide put his head beneath John's left arm and hoisted him up onto the top rope in a seated manner-- all as Noah too scaled the top rope again..

Frank Washington: "Noah's looking to set the arena ABLAZE!"

Before he was successful in his effort to further the damage on Terry John, Cameron Kaiser moved to that area as Dysen was recovering from the shots he took- with Noah's back turned to the ring, Cam reached up and CLOBBERED Noah across the back with a forearm shot that had Noah barely able to hold on. John was seated on the top turnbuckle, Noah was hanging on for dear life and Cam was standing on the second rope-- all as he fired off another right hand that set Noah tipping backwards..

Len Ragatti: "Cam is taking the fight to Noah now!"

Out of sheer instinct, John threw a back elbow shot that connected across Cam's chest-- which sent Cam crashing down to the mat. Noah didn't manage to clear the cobwebs quick enough as John hit Noah in the gut and threw his arm over his head..


Attempting to hoist Noah off of the top rope with a superplex-- Noah hooked his leg on the second rope, blocking the attempt.

Frank Washington: "John's looking for a pretty high risk here. If he can land a superplex, that'd take the wind out of Noah's sails.. really quickly.."

Noah blocked ANOTHER superplex attempt, all as Dysen-- who had recovered, managed to move towards the action and fired off of a forearm shot of his own across the low of John's back which broke the lock. As Dysen now climbed the second rope, he managed to secure John's body on the side of his and stood up-- with one quick heave he lifted John OFF of the top rope and sent him CRASHING down onto the mat-- BARELY missing Cam Kaiser with a SUPER BACK DROP!


Frank Washington: "And there's that energy I was talking about!"


The fall took a lot out of both men, but Masen Dysen managed to roll to the side and lift his head to admire his handy-work. As Cam was beginning to stir, as was Noah-- who was still on the top rope.. and he'd make it count. Once Cam had gotten to his feet and noticed there was just Dysen and John on the mat, he turned towards the turnbuckle where Adelaide GLIDED through the air, managed to land PERFECTLY in the form of a DDT and with a sudden change of movement, snapped BACKWARDS and planted Cam's skull into the mat!

Frank Washington: "Flying DDT!"



With the fans chanting LEGACY's name-- Noah once more showed that ability of his and kipped up.. a la HBK. Once back to his feet, Adelaide pumped his arms in the air, looking to draw energy from the fans as he changed his attention towards Terry John who pulled himself up in the corner. Masen Dysen was rocking John with all sorts of strikes-- from rights and lefts, to backhand chops-- to mid-section kicks.. he was pulling out all the stops to make sure John didn't get a chance to get going again. With John dazed in the corner-- Adelaide pressed his back against the turnbuckle across from where Dysen was working John over-- Dysen seen this and with a nod, he dropped down to the mat-- on his knees--

Frank Washington: "What the!?"

Noah with a nod sprung out of the corner, fired forward and used Dysen's back as a stepping stool-- once in air, he CLEANED Terry John out with a assisted, elevated clothesline from Masen Dysen, all as the crowd POPPED like crazy again!

Len Ragatti: "Noah and Masen seem to be putting their heads together here for the greater good at the moment!"

Tracy Race: "As sharp as that was, I don't anticipate it lasting long-- not when they realize there's only ONE winner."

Frank Washington: "Tracy speaks the truth there."

With Noah and Masen exchanging a quick handshake- the biggest man in terms of physical size in the match-- Cameron Kaiser darted forward and managed to BRUTALLY take Masen Dysen out of the equation with a Yakuza Kick to the side of the face..

Tracy Race: "DAS BOOT!"

Once his foot landed, he was already being attacked by Noah Adelaide who the fans were behind. Adelaide forced Cam into the corner as he was firing off stiff kick after stiff kick across Cam's legs and body. One kick in particular though-- a right kick that ALMOST connected against Cam's ribs as he had his hands up guarding his face was caught by Kaiser, all as Kaiser controlled Noah's movement. Hopping in place showcasing AMAZING balance-- Cam suddenly pulled Noah into him, keeping his leg tucked under his arm, Cam lifted Noah and threw him across the ring with a suplex that'd make Taz blush.

Frank Washington: "Now THAT'S a suplex. Great posture by Kaiser there.."

Len Ragatti: "You're cheering for the enemy?!"

Frank Washington: "I call a spade a spade, and that was a beautifully executed suplex there."

Cam was the only man standing for a brief second-- Masen Dysen had managed to [barely] get to his feet after eating that Yakuza kick to the side of the face, all as Cam once again begun to fire away at him. Precise strikes that hit it's mark each time, Cam fired off a HUGE right that knocked Dysen OFF of the mat and up onto the top turnbuckle in a laying position. Taking a step back while a wicked smile crossed his face, Cam jolted forward and fired off a kick that connected across Masen's stomach that sent him OFF of the top rope in laying motion and down onto the thinly padded floor outside, all as Cam did a 180 with his arms extended and slowly cocked his head back with the fans letting him hear it..


Tracy Race: "The people don't appreciate Cam's mannerisms it seems.."

Len Ragatti: "The kid is good.. from left field, but he's good."

Tracy Race: "There was no denying that."

John had pulled himself up and was moving towards the outside where Masen was in pain from that kick and landing. Firing a few stomps, he managed to pick Dysen up and whipped him INTO the barricade, causing it to shift from the weight hitting it. Dysen's fair back instantly went a light shade of red and was indented with the bars as John darted forward-- threw himself into the air and CRASHED across Dysen with a body pressed that knocked the guardrail over-- causing the fans to spread like crazy.



Frank Washington: "Hell of a risk taken there!"

With John coughing up a lung from the impact and Dysen not knowing where he was, Official Polanski didn't know what to do and couldn't start a 10 count because there was only two men on the outside! Cam, a brutal minded striker that would feast on whatever he could find like a vulture made his way outside of the ring despite Polanski's warning and reached the scene of chaos. Reaching down to pick Dysen up, Dysen threw a wild shot that connected across Cam's nose which sent him backwards. John had got back to his feet, he was using the guard rail to hold his body up.. all as Dysen did the same thing. With the three now looking to get back into the swing of things as they grouped outside of the ring-- the crowd EXPLODED when out of no where-- moving through the ring like the wind-- hitting the ropes, using the bottom rope to bounce to the middle rope- then the middle rope to bounce to the top-- Noah Adelaide-- showcased that high-flying ability and bounced OFF of the top rope, SOARED into the air from the ring and pulling off a PERFECTLY executed Shooting Star Press-- crashed down across the other three participants of the match!

Frank Washington: "ANOTHER risk!"


"THIS IS AWESOME!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap "THIS IS AWESOME!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap "THIS IS AWESOME!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap

Polanski was standing in the ring with his hands on his shaved head, not knowing.. again.. what to do with the chaos that broke out through the arena. The fans were in a frenzy, near riot-mode and he combatants was out on the floor hurting from Noah Adelaide's decision to throw caution to the wind-- truly unique circumstances. Finally Noah made a movement to get up, he rolled towards the ring and used the ring apron to stand up-- the fall had taken a toll on his body but he lived for the moment and that showed when he threw his arm into the air. The crowd of course popped for that, all as Masen also rolled back into the ring-- Terry John and Cameron Kaiser were the last two to get moving, but they too found themselves back in the squared circle. Noah leaned over to pick John up and was successful, all as he hit John with a few elbow strikes to the head-- staggering the man. Cam and Masen was back going at it near the ropes, they exchanged shot for shot-- but the bigger and stronger of the two-- Kaiser, got an advantage. Shoving Masen into the ropes, Cam threw a quick clothesline that connected and sent Dysen over the top rope and onto the apron. As Cam looked to follow that up, Dysen-- on the way up from his fall quickly threw his shoulder from outside of the ring apron and connected against Cam's stomach. Cam doubled over and Dysen slingshotted himself into the ring-- using Cam to roll off of. As he stood up, John shoved past Noah who he had managed to slow down with a left hand and looked to take Dysen's head off with a HUGE lariat-- but Dysen ducked. As John went soaring over Dysen's head-- Dysen fixed his position-- popped back up and when John turned around..


Len Ragatti: "OH.. MY.. GOD.. WHAT A SUPERKICK!"


John's body went limp the second Dysen's left foot extended and BLASTED across his jaw-- a superkick as Tracy Race said.. was called, Prescription Needed.


With the crowd in Dysen's side now, Cam got to his feet and Dysen moved towards him landed a HUGE right hand that rocked Cam..


Throwing another right hand the crowd chanted again..


Throwing yet ANOTHER right hand-- the crowd chanted AGAIN..


Winding his left arm up cartoon style as Cam stay dazed in place, the crowd broke off another chant..


BOOM! Once Dysen connected with a HUGE European Uppercut that sent Cam flying ALL the way back into the turnbuckle the crowd finished the chant..


Now a round of applause sounded from the fans in the house, the match was as advertised, nothing short of electric! With Dysen now on a roll, he and Noah squared off in the center of the ring-- both men looked around and accessed the damage and shrugged..

Frank Washington: "Here we go.."

With a handshake which got applause, both men tied up, Noah gained an advantage when he quickly shoved Masen into the ropes. As Dysen came off of it, Noah dropped down to the mat flat, Masen hopped over him and continued to the OTHER ropes. As he came off of it-- he didnt even see Cameron Kaiser SHOOTING out of the corner like a bat from hell and connected with a lariat that turned him inside-out..

Tracy Race: "DEATH DEALER!"

The crowd jumped to their feet as Cam, in one fluid motion managed to fire off a knee into Noah's gut, and threw his arm over his head. Hooking his leg in the process-- Cam lifted Noah off of his feet in the form of a fisherman's DDT..

Frank Washington: "WHOA, where'd this come from!?"

.. BUT NO! Some how, Noah managed to wiggle his way OUT of the position and managed to land BEHIND of Cam.. Yanking him down in the process-- Noah locked in a standing Dragon Sleeper as the crowd went absolutely.. BALLISTIC!

Frank Washington: "VEE- TEE- ARE! VEE- TEE- ARE!"




With Cam scratching and clawing to get out of the attempt, at the LAST possible second-- the man who was almost knocked out cold by a superkick-- Terry John got himself back into the swing of things and managed to grab Noah from the blindside in the form of a inverted DDT..


Pulling himself back, Terry dropped Noah with a inverted DDT all as Cam's head also found it's way down to the mat with the dragon sleeper locked in. John rolled backwards and celebrated his show of offense, all as he turned around and almost caught ANOTHER superkick from Masen Dysen--

Tracy Race: "ANOTHER?!"

NO! John managed to avoid this one.. he ducked beneath the superkick and popped himself up into the air, before Dysen could see what was happening-- John grabbed hold of Dysen's head and brought it down over his knee in a facebuster manner. With Dysen flying backwards and eventually sprawled into the corner-- John shot himself forward and leaped into the air-- landing on Dysen's shoulders..

Len Ragatti: "What's this now!?"

Looking to hit a hurricaranna on Dysen, Masen managed to fight it off and instead sprinted forward with John on his shoulders and jumped into the air, using whatever he had left in the tank and yanked John down PLANTING him on the mat with a running sitout powerbomb..

Tracy Race: "OUCH!"

Frank Washington: "I'll go on record RIGHT NOW and say that these four-- they've got the ability to be the next generation in this business!"

Rolling backwards, Dysen jumped to his feet- and Cam was already up-- catching Dysen by surprise, he spun Dysen around and threw his arm over his head-- all the meanwhile Noah had managed to use the turnbuckle to pull himself up to his feet.. and then jumped UP onto the top turnbuckle with Terry John laying there-- motionless..

Frank Washington: "I think we're about to see sparks here..."

As Cam lifted Dysen up INTO the air with a Fisherman's Suplex-- he turned him and dropped him on the mat with a Fisherman's Driver..


The SECOND that Cam spiked Dysen's head and shoulder into the mat, which was a pin and hooked the leg-- Adelaide SOARED through the air and managed to send the crowd into another frenzy with a Corkscrew Shooting Star Press and landed over John's fallen body. Hooking the leg once he landed-- Polanski noticed there was TWO pins.. shrugged and went down..

Frank Washington: "Wrath of the Dragon!"



Both Cam and Noah threw their arms out..


Pumping their arms, both men got the two count..


Both men let go of their respected pin falls as the bell sounded.. There was no formal announcement with Rob Hendricks though-- Official PJ Polanski huddled with Hendricks in the corner..

Tracy Race: "Who got the win!? I think Cam had the pin on Dysen first!"

Frank Washington: "I don't think so Race, Noah hooked the leg and covered John before Cam could properly get Dysen into position!"

Rob Hendricks: "I've been informed by official PEE- JAY POLANSKI.. THAT THE WINNERS OF THE MATCH.."

Len Ragatti: "WINNERS?! PLURAL?"


Adelaide and Kaiser both looked completely SHOCKED at the decision-- all as Adelaide rolled out of the ring and went to confront Polanski about it-- not before Frank Washington got the headset off and went to see what was going on. In the ring-- Cameron Kaiser looked.. FURIOUS. Grabbing at his hair, yanking it out if he could, Kaiser turned his attention back to Dysen who was beginning to stir and pushed himself up onto the turnbuckle-- as Dysen got to his knees, Kaiser jumped off of the turnbuckle, brought his knees towards his chest in mid-air and then kicked them out across the back of Dysen's head--


Polanski called for the bell and attempted to roll into the ring but was cut off when of all people-- Matt Ward managed to roll in and took him out with a CRAZY lariat. Aiden Marx wasn't too far behind with Angelica Night all as WASTE begun to rip through Terry John and Masen Dysen much like they did to Ian Windermear earlier.


Angelica Night handed Kaiser a steel chair all as he cocked it back and blasted Masen Dysen across the head with it, while Ward and Marx held each of his arms. Continuing the assault with the chair. enough was enough as Noah Adelaide and Frank Washington rolled into the ring-- Frank seemed to be reluctant to do so, but wasn't about to have Adelaide get slaughtered by the numbers that WASTE had on him. Kaiser saw this and dropped the chair as he backed into WASTE's corner.. The fans popped like crazy for the heroics as Adelaide moved towards Dysen and held his arms out..


WASTE didn't bother with an attack, they proved their points already. Kaiser, Marx, Ward, Night and Kaiser's Lady of Babylon got out of the ring and with their backs turned to the curtain, slowly made their way towards the back. All five looked on towards the ring.. Washington bit his bottom lip as he looked down at Adelaide who potentially.. made quite the enemy with WASTE, all as Adelaide checked on Dysen-- that chairshot had split him open and EMT's was rushing down to check his condition..

Len Ragatti: "Despite Frank Washington and Noah Adelaide saving the day-- I fear the damage has been done, Masen Dysen.. he looks totally out of it.."

A camera shot from above the EMT's and Noah showed Dysen with his eyes sorta rolled into his skull, the crimson mask on.. all as it switched to WASTE on the stage, the fans of course boo'd the hell out of them for their actions but knew that Friday the 20th wasn't just the night and name of LEGACY's first show, but it was the night that WASTE had arrived..

Noah Adelaide promo

Backstage-- there was no interviewers, no backdrops.. no nothing. All there was, standing in the center of the frame.. FUMING angry, was Noah Adelaide.

Noah Adelaide: "So is that how you treat competition? You jump them?"

Of course, Noah was making mention to what WASTE had done to Masen Dysen and possibly Terry John after the match where Noah AND Cameron was announced as winners. Noah was a man of honor, he didn't believe in gang-styled jumpings.. he believed in battling face to face, and this irritated him to no lengths.

Noah Adelaide: "Yeah, you're a tough guy Cam. You're a badass when you've got Ward and Marx jumping people from out of no where. You should feel real proud of yourself that you BUMS may of cost a guy his career because YOU wanted to make an impact. You wanna make an impact so bad? Huh? Then at the next show why don't we see who the better of us is?! Tonight, you may of stroked lady luck-- but next time you won't be so lucky!"

With a confident nod, Adelaide continued.

Noah Adelaide: "Let's see if what Windermear said about Ward is true.. that you can't do SQUAT without your friends lurking to make the save. Are you THAT insecure that you've gotta have two or three people watching and waiting in case you fail!? Face me man to man.. Let's see what you've got, Kaiser. I mean.. you do call yourself The Last Emperor, right? I plan on putting that nickname to the test when this time-- you aren't so lucky to get out of The VTR and I make your ass TAP.. OUT!"

Nathanael Black vs. C4 (Singles Match)

Showing some MAJOR aggression there, Adelaide stepped off of the scene, all as the camera swing back to Frank Washington who was just watching his pupil go to work and with a very.. very.. very light sigh, he nodded before he went to get Noah before he created any more problems for himself. From Washington's [sorta] disgruntled face-- we find ourselves back at ringside where standing in the ring already, we see C-4, the Arizona native. Finishing making his entrance though, the bruising Irishman, Nathanael Black. Once both were ready, the ref signaled for the bell-- and it didn't take long for Black to go to work..

Len Ragatti: "There's no better way to get that foul taste of.. disgust out of your mouth than a good old fashioned battle. That's exactly what we anticipate with Nathanael Black and C-4."

Tracy Race: "This kid Black, he's got a good look. I like the way he carries himself.. Plus the added fact that he comes from a boxing background? He's packing TNT in those fists, Len, let's hope C-4 doesn't get blown up by Black."

With the bell sounding, C-4 tried to showcase some of that mat skill, but it didn't work. As he shot in, looking to take Black down, Black was ruthless enough to throw a knee that bounced OFF of C-4's head and took him out of the match from the start..

Tracy Race: "BRUTAL!"

Black smiled and laughed at C-4's failed attempt of offense, all as he leaned over and picked C-4 up, throwing him into the ropes, C-4 could barely make it there but once he did he came off of the ropes and Black plucked him off of the mat, had him across his back and with a battle roar, charged forward, jumped and PLANTED C-4 into the mat..

Tracy Race: ".. I love this; he calls that The Curse of Mary Malone!"

Len Ragatti: "COMPLETE domination by Nathanael Black here!"

Once he got back to his feet, Black held his right hand up into the air and slowly clenched his fist-- admiring his hand, C-4 slowly got back to his feet, and once he turned around-- Black lunged forward, with CRAZY amount of power behind his right hand he DRILLED C-4 right across the jaw with that feared right hand, C-4's body went limp as Black arrogantly placed his boot across C-4's chest as he made the cover..

Len Ragatti: ".. WOW."

Tracy Race: "I told you.. fear that right hand, man. The Hammer of Sucellus-- was dropped on C-4."




ding.. ding.. ding..


Before his theme.. "Black" by Trivium could hit over the PA-- Black demanded a mic and Hendricks handed him his. Ripping the microphone away from Hendricks, Black moved to the center of the ring and placed his boot back on C-4's chest again-- as if it was land that was newly conquered.

Nathanael Black: "Surely the new kid on the block-- LEGACY Wrestling has much betta' competition for me!?"

Black's thick Irish accent poured through as the fans begun to throw boos in his direction.

Nathanael Black: "No.. No.. don't boo me, boo the people who made this show! Boo the people who sign the talent! 'Cause whether you like it or not.. This here.."

With the mic in his left hand, Nathanael brought his right hand up again and clenched his fist, all as he smiled in adoration at it.

Nathanael Black: "The Hammer of Sucellus; the hardest hitting, the most DEVASTATING punch in ALL of combatant sports.. will take me to the promise land. I don't care who's put in front of me, The Hammer doesn't discriminate."

And just like that-- Black let the mic fall to the mat as "Black" pounded through the PA.. C-4 still wasn't moving after that right hand from Nathanael Black, and it came with rightful cause-- that right hand was packing some serious heat. Whether or not anyone truly wanted to test Black's claims of having the hardest right hand in ANY combatant sport wasn't known, but it wouldn't be a good idea to openly take a straight hand hand to the face from a man of Black's size, with his boxing pedigree. With Black taunting the fans in the ring though, making fun of them for a reason or another-- the scene faded off to the back.. and there it was. One of the strongest professional wrestling families in the industry-- third generation of course, in Prince and Ripper Treborn. Both men were fixed in front of a monitor, a small Samsung television-- about a 32'. The camera swung around the Treborn's shoulders as Prince glanced over at the camera and with a smirk nodded towards the screen.

Prince Treborn: "Ain't this cute?"

What was showing on the monitor soon overtook the camera with Prince and Ripper-- it showed a bald, older looking man. He had icy blue eyes. he was husky in built and he had a black collared shirt on. His arms, despite being wrinkled and old, were littered with tattoos that looked more like faded designs. Standing in front of him, we see Miles and Dante Lozio, Miles had a vest with a gold streak running across the chest-- Dante simply rocked a pair of black and gold trunks. Miles had his head lowered-- Dante had his head cocked back.

"Boys, I never asked you to do anythin' in this industry.."

The man speaking-- from his voice, was Rocco "The Bull" Lozio, the patriarch of the Lozio family.

Rocco Lozio: "I never pressured you boys to do anythin' that I didn't.. but this? This is somethin' else."

Rocco's voice wasn't as strong as it once was, it wasn't necessarily shaky, but it wasn't booming neither.

Rocco Lozio: "There's one obstacle that's stood in front of our family surviving.. that's stood in front of you boys earning the respect and admiration that you deserve. The Treborns, boys.. tonight, you need to take the Treborns out. Prince? Ripper? Or as I know them, Eli and Derek? Put an end to them, I want you to END THEM!"

Despite not sounding overly powerful due to his age and general deterioration of the man's body.. that sounded strong. Once Rocco ended his sentence, Miles brought his head up and looked over at his father as Dante's expression also changed once he noticed how adamant his father was about securing a victory.

Rocco Lozio: "I've supported your decisions to be wrestlers.. So tonight, make me see that I was right in that. Instead of pushin' you to be doctors-- or lawyers.. or firefighters.. I allowed you to compete in the same business that left me a broken old man. If you guys don't achieve anything else after tonight-- go out on the note that you beat the Treborns."

Miles cocked his head back and nodded, Dante threw his arm on his brother's shoulder as Rocco moved towards his boys.

Rocco Lozio: "Make your old man proud."

And on that note-- Miles and Dante both earned taps on the left side of their face by their father with his rugged hand as he turned towards the camera. Miles and Dante took position to the left-- and right of him as Rocco balled his fists up as his boys did the same thing.

Rocco Lozio: "Eli ya little bastard, you're just like your father. Cocky as them come-- you irritate me. And Derek? Your mother was a looker in the day, can't say the same now. You two boys, you've crossed too many lines when it comes to my boys and tonight? It all changes. You finally get what's coming to you.. And I couldn't be prouder."

With their signature 'hooking arm' motion that linked them together as brothers, Miles and Dante held the pose.. all as the camera faded out.. but it didn't stay faded for too long as it returned back to a shot of The Treborns; Prince and Ripper as they were seen holding their stomachs and laughing-- amused at the sentiments of Rocco Lozio apparently.

Prince Treborn: "Oh man, I guess it's true what they say about too much chairshots to the ol' noggin.."

Knocking his right hand against his head, Prince smirked.

Prince Treborn: "So not only are we out there tonight to beat Miles and Dante, but we've also learned that our task is to finally.. kick dirt on the Lozio grave, that's cool. See Rocco, once upon a time, I believe that you were a badass.. Anyone who survived that era of the business can't be denied that. You were probably a genuine tough guy, I can see the scars on your head that prove it.. but as I've said- you've NEVER been better than a Treborn. Not Uncle King-- not my father Ethan, not ANY OF THEM. You think your words of encouragement is going to some how change destiny? Like all of a sudden, she's going to be smiling down on your sad excuse for sons and allow them to beat.. US?!"

Shaking his head in disgust, Prince sighed.

Ripper Treborn: "The smoke and mirrors-- the dog and pony show, it's over. It's time we see how tough Miles and Dante REALLY is, by my estimate? Not too much. It shouldn't take long to send them back to their daddy with their tail in between their legs.. You both stepped into the wrong yard-- we RUN this-- ain't a damn thing you can do to change that fact."

Ripper walked off the scene, Prince remained behind with a smug grin crossed over his face.

Prince Treborn: "Now you've gone and woke the sleeping giant.. how stupid can you guys be?"

With a 'tsk.. tsk' sound let off from his lips, Prince sarcastically shook his head before he too headed forward and off of the camera's frame.. all as we prepared to go ringside for the battle that was thirty years in the making. Treborn versus Lozio, it'd be a battle-- a fight, one that'd be absent of honor just because of the deep-seeded hatred between both sides. It'd be something special though.

The Treborn Legacy [Prince & Ripper] vs. The Lozios [Miles & Dante] (Tag Team Match)

With a lot on the line in terms of bragging rights for the geographical location and for future generations-- the tension in the air as Miles and Dante Lozio stood on one side of the ring-- Miles standing IN the ring with his younger brother-- Dante, on the apron as they two talked strategy. Across of the ring stood Prince and Ripper Treborn, Prince was in the ring staring across at Miles as Ripper was outside the ring, standing on the apron with his left leg on the bottom rope. Official PJ Polanski had his job cut out for him tonight as he signaled for the bell-- and that was what both sides was waiting for. The crowd EXPLODED once the bell hit-- this was history in the making for 2014.


Len Ragatti: "Overwhelming support for Miles and Dante here!"

The case for both Miles and Prince was that they could wrestle-- they were phenomenal mat workers. But with all the history between the two sides, why waste time wrestling when violence was glorified and accepted under the banner of professional wrestling? The much bigger Miles Lozio rolled his head on his shoulders as Prince, the smallest man in the ring chuckled all as they moved towards the center of the ring-- Prince was talking some serious trash, all as Miles simply nodded his head and let Prince talk himself out of air..

Leo Ragatti: "The hatred flowing between these two families is something else, Tracy!"

Tracy Race: "Yeah, no kidding. I remember growing up in the business, you'd hear about the scuffles between Rocco and King all the time.. How the feud rolled over to a whole new generation just shows that neither family is ready to admit that either is wrong. This is truly the Hatfields and McCoys of Pro Wrestling!"

With Prince continuing to run his mouth, Miles had enough of the talk and shoved Prince into the ropes-- Prince, almost as if he was expecting the reaction bounced off of it and Miles shoot forward-- Prince quickly slid between Miles' legs and as he stood up-- he ran DIRECTLY into Dante Lozio who managed to get himself in the action quickly, hopping over the top rope and showed some agility for a big man as he plucked Prince off of the mat as Prince jumped to his feet and PLANTED him into the mat with a quick, snapping spinebuster!


Official Polanski quickly jumped to the scene of the crime, shouting at Dante and warning him about breaking the rules-- but as Polanski's back was turned, Ripper managed to jump into the ring and much like Dante did, he caught an unsuspecting Miles Lozio from the back-- locked him in a waist lock and before Miles could figure out whether he was going up or down, Ripper showcased that explosion and picked Miles up-- and threw him backwards and OVER his head with a STRONG Overhead Release German Suplex!



The fans was still 100% behind Miles and Dante despite Miles taking a pretty hard fall due to Ripper getting the jump on him. As Polanski turned around, Ripper already had managed to get out of the ring and back onto the apron, Dante was shouting and pointing-- making all sorts of noise regarding his brother getting dropped but what Polanski didn't see.. he couldn't enforce. As Prince got back up, holding his neck in pain, he moved towards Miles and hit him with a few knife-edged chops, each time a 'WHOOOOOOOOOO' sounded from the crowd within the Carson Community Center. Finally the chops had sent Miles back into the Treborn corner as Prince reached out and grabbed hold of Miles' arm and twisted it over his head. With his free hand, he reached out and was tagged by Ripper..

Len Ragatti: "First tag of the evening goes to Ripper Treborn.."

Prince was definitely smaller than the Lozios but Ripper? Not so much. The size difference there was much more fair and as Prince had Miles arm twisted off to his side, Ripper backed into the ropes and sprung forward-- throwing a kick out that managed to connect across Miles' forearm and bicep- right on the crease that connected the elbow, Miles grabbed at his arm in pain, all as Ripper got low and EXPLODED up, hitting Miles with a STRONG European Uppercut. As Miles shot up, Ripper backed himself into the ropes and as Miles landed, he fired forward and leaped- throwing out his elbow he connected across Miles' forehead with a flying elbow shot.

Len Ragatti: "Fun fact-- when Derek "Ripper" Treborn was 17, he was involved in a serious car accident where he broke his elbow in 4 different places. The only way to ensure proper bone growth was by placing steel there-- so when Ripper throws that elbow, it's a fusion of bone AND steel, which makes it THAT much more dangerous!"

Tracy Race: "Nice! Where'd you pick that up from? Trebornipedia!?"

The way Miles fell definitely showed that there was a little more in Ripper's [unpadded] elbow. Making a quick cover-- before Polanski could even start a count, Miles' shoulder popped off of the mat, all as Dante on the outside begun to stomp his feet and rile up the crowd, knowing his brother wasn't exactly in a good place at the moment.

Tracy Race: "Dante knows he needs to get in there ASAP or else they risk having Miles take A LOT of damage- but this is straight out of the Treborn book. When King Treborn and Lou Dayton had a run as tag champions, they were hard to beat for the fact that they'd cut the opposition off from two to one-- it'd was more like a handicap match."

Len Ragatti: "With a balance like Prince and Ripper-- speed meets power, it's definitely a road worth traveling!"

Ripper had stood Miles up and kicked him in the midsection, as Miles doubled over-- Ripper stepped forward and over Miles' head and locked Miles' arms behind him in the form of a double underhook-- with complete EASE despite Miles' size, Ripper picked Miles up and in quick motion, flipped him over and connected with a pretty solid looking double underhook powerbomb, but didn't bother with the sitout portion of it all. Letting Miles fall flat on his back, which'd take the wind from his lungs, Ripper quickly made the pin as Prince jumped into the ring in case Dante had ideas of breaking the cover up..




Miles shoulder AGAIN popped off of the mat, Ripper didn't bother with arguing, instead he stood Miles up and whipped him into the ropes-- Ripper himself backed into the ropes and when Miles fired back at him, Ripper used this as a chance to move forward and once again looked to drill Miles with that fused elbow of bone and steel, but this time Miles managed to duck beneath it--

Len Ragatti: "MILES DUCKED!"

As Ripper hit the mat on his knees after missing a second bionic elbow, when he turned around, Miles stepped forward- managed to secure the [sorta] dazed Ripper Treborn in a front waist-lock and showcased his OWN suplex ability as he picked Ripper up off of his feet, and while keeping the waist-lock, he planted Ripper into the mat with a belly-to-belly suplex, the fans jumped to their feet as Miles broke the waist lock and rolled off to the side, all as he looked towards his brother Dante who was ready to get into the action..



Miles reached his arm out and tried to crawl towards his brother, but before he was successful, Ripper managed to drop an elbow across the low of his [Miles] back, which killed the tag attempt cold. The fans let off a boo, all as Ripper grabbed hold of Miles' left leg and dragged him towards the Treborn corner and tagged Prince in-- Prince jumped up onto the top rope and was perched there all as Ripper picked Miles up and lifted him into the air as if he was going to drop him with a Stun Gun, but instead, Prince leaped OFF of the top rope and hit Miles with a crossbody, all as Ripper fell forward and added some extra impact..

Tracy Race: "Nice team work by the cousins there!"

As Ripper rolled out of the ring, Prince managed to hook the leg..

Len Ragatti: "Another cover!"


Tw- NO!

Before Polanski's hand could slap the mat to finish the 'two count', Dante Lozio had seen enough and jumped into the ring and put the boot right behind Prince Treborn's right ear- Prince grabbed at his head as Dante definitely wanted more, but Polanski once again got him into the corner and threatened him with a disqualification.

Len Ragatti: "You can't help but to feel bad for Dante Lozio here-- he can't do ANYTHING besides watch as Prince and Ripper execute a great gameplan to isolate one brother from another! He's beginning to grow frustrated with the situation and you can't blame him!"

Tracy Race: "Absolutely Len. Tag-team wrestling is hard because at times, there's nothing you can legally do to save your partner except watch as he's broken down and left a hot mess!"

With Polanski occupied in the corner, Prince slapped his own hand from his location of the mat which SOUNDED like a tag, allowing Ripper to get back into the ring. Reaching down, he grabbed hold of Miles again and stood him up-- as Miles tried to throw a right hand to knock across Ripper's head, Ripper blocked it and fired one of his own which connected-- Miles hit the ropes and bounced off of it, Ripper followed that up with a running knee to the gut which flipped Miles over and caused him to once again hit the mat hard. Ripper fired off a stomp that connected across of Miles' head which caused Miles to roll out of the ring-- and as he did, he dropped down to a knee, tired and beginning to show signs of wear and tear. As he pushed himself up, he wasn't going to get ANY air as the second he pushed himself backwards, Prince Treborn took a few quick steps and launched himself OFF of the ring apron..



Len Ragatti: "MILES CAUGHT HIM!"

As Miles held Prince in a fallaway slam position, he quickly darted towards the ring post and wrapped Prince around it-- the fans popped for Miles' show of offense as he dropped Prince down to the padded floor as he grabbed the low of his back. Rolling back into the ring, Ripper tried to fire off another stomp but Miles caught Ripper's leg in the process and stood up- with a QUICK dragon screw, he sent Ripper flipping to the mat and caused the bigger Treborn to grab his knee in pain--


Pumping his arms now, Ripper tried to get to his feet but Miles dropped him with a clothesline. Bouncing back up after taking the clothesline, Miles locked up with him and turned him towards the Lozio turnbuckle-- forcing Ripper into the corner, Dante tagged himself in which got the crowd's blood PUMPING!


With Miles moving out of the way, Dante fired off a boot to the midsection and connected-- Ripper stumbled forward as Dante picked him up with ease and threw him over his shoulder. Moving towards the turnbuckle and slamming Ripper's back off of the turnbuckle, he turned in a 180 degree manner and sprinted half way across the ring before leaping into the air and JAMMING Ripper down onto the mat with a jumping powerslam.



Feeling it from the crowd, Dante picked himself up and also stood Ripper up, forcing him into the ropes, Dante fired him forward and as Ripper came at him, Dante ducked his head and managed to let Ripper flip OVER him-- catching some serious air in the process, Ripper hit the mat hard off of that back body drop as his shoulders arched while he sat up and grabbed the low of his back in the process in obvious amounts of pain. Hitting the ropes as Ripper was in a seated position, Dante came off of it and threw a DIVING clothesline which connected ON-POINT and sent Ripper's head snapping backwards and [eventually] off of the mat. Dante made the cover now-

Len Ragatti: "DANTE WITH THE PIN!"




Tracy Race: "Ripper ain't throwin' in the towel just yet!"

Treborn's shoulder popped off of the mat, Dante seemed to be on fire here though and didn't care. Pulling Ripper up by his short[er] hair, he backed him into the turnbuckle and fired him across the way. Ripper hit the turnbuckle hard as Dante sprinted out of the corner and ducked his shoulder, picking Ripper OFF of the mat and running with him in his grasp, Dante backed him into the corner and slammed him against the turnbuckle. Firing off shoulder thrust after shoulder thrust, eventually Polanski got in between the two, all as Dante backed up with his hands up in an 'innocent' motion-- all as he threw his arms out to the side to which he got a MASSIVE pop!


With the crowd in the palm of his hand, Dante kept pumping them up by throwing his arms in the air-- but he made a mistake during his time of enjoyment.. he forgot about Prince Treborn. As he backed towards the Treborn corner, Dante dropped to a knee, all as he was looking to possibly hit that spear that put A LOT of people down in the past.. clenching his fist, Dante POUNDED down on the mat as he dropped to a knee, all as he was staring in the direction of the stirring Ripper Treborn..


As Ripper staggered forward, Dante looked to rush forward but Prince managed to grab at Dante's foot RIGHT at the last moment, which caused Dante to lose his footing. Stumbling forward, Dante stepped right into Ripper ducking BENEATH Dante's out-thrown right arm and hooking him in a waist-lock.. Picking Dante off of the mat and dropping him flat on his back with a perfectly executed German Suplex-- Ripper didn't let go..

Tracy Race: "That's ONE!"

Using all the strength he had left in his body, Ripper picked BOTH of them up and AGAIN picked the two-hundred and seventy five pound brickhouse OFF of his feet and dropped him with a SECOND consecutive German Suplex!

Tracy Race: "That's TWO! I think Ripper is looking for the hat-trick here.. Ripper Wrath Three as he calls it!"

Despite being a bit sluggish, Ripper did manage to get to his feet and with the last of his energy, picked Dante up and dropped him with a THIRD German Suplex, this time it was a release as the crowd broke off an ovation for Ripper Treborn's show of extreme strength there..


During Ripper's Wrath III-- on the second German Suplex, Prince had managed to make a blind tag which Polanski saw and confirmed-- so when Ripper finished off his trifecta, Prince jumped into the ring and once his cousin was cleared from any damage, Prince hopped over Dante's fallen body-stepped towards the ropes-- hopped onto the second and with the hops he had from the second rope, got onto the third-- once he bounced there he leaped into the air and soared backwards-- landing ACROSS of Dante..


Hooking the leg-- Prince threw his arm in the air in a celebratory manner..




Len Ragatti: "DANTE KICKED OUT!"

"THIS IS AWESOME!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap "THIS IS AWESOME!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap "THIS IS AWESOME!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap
Tracy Race: "You can hear the crowd's respect for both teams here-- these two California families are really going to push the end to see who can outlast who!"

Grabbing at his head once he saw Polanski threw two fingers into the air, Prince didn't know what'd be needed to keep Dante down. On the outside, much like Dante was earlier, Miles was pumping his feet, clapping his hands all trying to get the fans to support Dante-- which they were. Miles looked rested now, all as Prince jumped to his feet, with Dante beginning to stir, Prince backed himself into the ropes and bounced forward-- jumping up onto the second rope-- Prince pulled off a pretty sweet looking springboard 180 back kick that sent Dante's head snapping back in the process, causing the near 300 pounder to tumble backwards and hit the mat hard once again..

Tracy Race: "No wonder they call him Prince-- this kid is as good as his Uncle King!"

Mocking Dante's pose by throwing his [Prince's] arms out to the crowd, he gathered a pretty solid round of boos, but it brought a smile to his cocky face. As the crowd continued to let him hear it, Prince moved towards Dante and tried to get the big man up but Dante fired off a right hand that knocked across of Prince's abdominal section which took the air out of the Littlest Big Man's lungs-- the fans begun to buzz as Dante managed to knock Prince with a left hand from a knee across Prince's face which sent Prince stumbling backwards-- Dante jumped to his feet and with everything he had left dived in the direction of Miles..

Len Ragatti: "TAG! DANTE GOT THE TAG!"

The crowd POPPED again as Miles jumped into the ring-- Prince fired forward but was dropped with a clothesline, as Miles hit the ropes, Ripper tried his luck but he too was downed with a clothesline. As both Treborns rolled out of the ring and gathered together on the outside-- Miles pointed down at the two and shrugged as he hit the ropes, and leaped OVER the top rope-- pulling off a pretty looking plancha and landed on BOTH Treborns which nearly blew the roof off of the arena!



With the crowd chanting and cheering like crazy for Miles and The Lozios, Miles got back to his feet and rolled Prince back into the ring.. Dante had recovered enough to catch the nod from his brother which meant that they were looking for an end. As Miles rolled into the ring, Prince jumped up and Miles caught him-- and with absolute EASE put Prince down and sent him crashing to the mat with a pretty hard Exploder Suplex..


The SECOND Miles had put Prince down with the exploder suplex, Dante had already hit the ropes and leaped into the air and came crashing down across Prince..


Dante rolled off to the side as Miles ran his thumb across his throat, the camera panned backwards to catch a shot of as much of the crowd in the house as possible and they were ALL on their feet as they could sense that for the first time in a looooooooooooooong time.. The Lozio name would be back, synonymous with success. Picking Prince up and holding him in a bearhug, Dante squeezed at Prince's body, all as Miles scaled the top rope..


As Miles got himself situated on the top rope and was about to leap off, Ripper Treborn jumped onto the ring apron and jumped back down onto the mat, slamming his arms across the top rope in the process which caused Miles to loose his footing and hit his family jewels across the top turnbuckle--

Tracy Race: "OUCH!"

Dante tossed Prince aside like a ragdoll and saw his brother in pain across the top rope-- before Polanski could tell him to get out, Prince-- mustering up JUST enough to get as close to Dante as possible all as Ripper jumped up onto the apron and attempted to get into the ring. Once successful, Polanski turned his back to Prince and Dante-- allowing Prince to fire off a low blow which crippled Dante Lozio. Doubling over, and eventually falling to the side and rolling out of the ring, Prince moved towards the turnbuckle and again-- using all he had left in the tank fired off a kick to the side of Miles Lozio's head which caused him to fall onto the mat-- once down, Prince reached out and made the tag to Ripper- as Ripper climbed the top rope. Standing with his back to Miles-- he held his arms out..


Showcasing absolutely GRACEFUL ability-- Ripper leaped off of the top rope and flipped himself in mid-air.. CRASHING over Miles Lozio with a moonsault, the fans popped like crazy again, all as Ripper didn't make the cover. Grabbing at his gut as he landed from the hard fall, he rolled back towards the turnbuckle and Prince tagged himself in, slingshotting himself INTO the ring from the apron and landing across Miles' body, Polanski got into position..





Len Ragatti: "WHAT.. A.. MATCH!"


Grabbing at his head, realizing what had happened, Dante Lozio rolled into the ring all as he checked on his brother. Prince was still shaking off the cobwebs, Ripper was holding his gut from the hard landing from the moonsault.. and within SECONDS, the fight was back on!


In a full-fledged fist fight, Dante and Ripper were throwing rights and lefts, all as they managed to get locked up and rolled off to the outside of the ring. Prince joined in, attacking Dante on the outside as Ripper held him in position, all as Miles-- a hurt Miles, rolled out of the ring and evened the odds..


As the fight continued, staff cleared out from the back much like they did earlier when Bulldozer Brixton and AAG was going at it, except this was a easier task to manage. With staff separating the two-- most of the staff managed to get The Lozios away from The Treborns as neither side wanted to stop the fight.. all as the camera switched away from the broken up melee in the front of the arena and once again to the back..

Christian Othniel vs. Brandon Marks vs. Bobby Langford (Triple Threat Match)

"The Steel City Dream gets a reality check tonight."

Cue in on the voice and image of 'The Ultra' Christian Othniel. After his 'successful' evening, courting what we now know as 'The Crimson Queen' into his army to 'purge', Othniel and Langford had quite the back and forth through the week where CO went as low as humanly possible.. and insulted a fan with cancer, a child with cancer. The third participant in the match, Brandon Marks was AWOL in terms of promo activity but he was around the back, he made it to the arena for the show.

Christian Othniel: "Frank Washington can't save you, Bobby-- I've got you beat and you KNOW it."

Firing off that creepy smile of his, Othniel nodded.

Christian Othniel: "In a matter of minutes, the talking ceases to exist and the REAL challenge comes forth-- shutting you up and shutting you down. Your claims to detour Evil Ways.. It's nothing but talk. You're not strong, smart or good enough to stop what's coming-- you're just standing in the train tracks as the runaway comes through."

Bumping both of his fists together, CO continued to allow that creepy smirk of his to shine through all as the camera cut to a quick round of static, only to reopen in another section of the back, this time on the smiling face of Bobby Langford. To his side-- his manager, Frank Washington as Frank took a deep breath.

Frank Washington: "You ready big man?"

Bobby Langford: "Never been as ready in my life brother."

Frank Washington: "Remember-- no matter what he says-- no matter what he does do NOT fall victim to his plan. He wants you to lose focus, because then.. you're weak. Keep your head in the game Bobby, I'll be there to help you keep your priorities straight but there's only so much I can do from the outside. You're the one that's going to need to do the heavy-lifting."

Bobby Langford: "No disrespect intended sir, but the heavy lifting SHOULD be left to me. I'm ready as ever for this, it's time for The Steel City Dream's career to take off."

Frank Washington: "Good to hear, now let's get out there and work some magic."

Bobby Langford: "Neither Brandon Marks or Christian Othniel will stop the steel curtain from falling on'em."

Frank Washington: "Game time."

With a nod, Bobby and Frank headed away from the camera and towards, more than likely ring-side. After a brief fade to black, the cameras reopened back at ringside, the three were already in the ring given the provided time to get everything going. Langford and Othniel were involved in a pretty epic stare down, Marks was enjoying not being the center of attention as it maybe allowed him to sneak one in. Official Polanski, probably the last match he'd be working for the evening called for the bell and instantly, Langford rushed in Othniel's direction, but Christian dropped down to the mat and rolled out of the ring before Langford could connect with any type of offense.

Len Ragatti: "And Othniel is avoiding conflict!"

Tracy Race: "It's a smart move, why engage in battle with Bobby when Marks is there!?"

Christian moved around the ring, Langford's eyes kept following him despite where he was headed to, all as Marks used the opportunity to pounce and attempted to hit Langford with a strike of some kind. Barely phased by the attack, Langford turned towards Marks and with an effortless grace, he slammed his knee into Marks' gut, doubled the man over and once again showcased just how much of a natural talent he was.. plucked Marks OFF of the mat and dropped him down with a quick gut wrench powerbomb, Marks body hit the mat pretty hard as Langford jumped to his feet after the slam-- and once again shot his attention towards Othniel on the outside of the ring.

Len Ragatti: "It looked like Bobby didn't even have to try for that!"

Tracy Race: "And that's the scary thing.. this kid doesn't know his own strength.."


With the crowd chanting in Langford's direction, Othniel was getting an earful from Polanski, but he didn't really care. When you had a guy Langford's size staring a hole through you, you didn't jump into the fire unless you wanted to get hurt.. and there's no way CO would risk falling victim to Langford this early in the match. With his heavily tattooed arms crossed over his chest, Othniel backed towards the stage and stood at the foot of the aisle, all as Langford put his hands out and waved Othniel to get involved.

Len Ragatti: "It's painfully obvious that Christian Othniel wants NOTHING to do with Bobby Langford!"

Tracy Race: "It's what Othniel calls.. Intellectual Vietnam. He's going to war with Langford, but it's all in their head.. Let's see if CO can keep the odds in his favor."

Len Ragatti: "Bobby shouldn't forget ab-"

As Ragatti was about to touch up on, Langford was so wrapped up in the moment trying to get CO into the ring that Marks had got to his feet and hit Langford from behind. Staggering Langford forward-- his manager, Frank Washington pounded on the mat and was pleading with Langford to stop paying attention to CO on the outside as Marks was recovering. Throwing a chop block that took Langford down to a knee, the crowd boo'd as FINALLY-- Christian Othniel slid into the ring. With Bobby Langford down, Othniel dropped a legdrop over the back of Langford's head, dropping The Steel City dream which erupted a chorus of boos.

Len Ragatti: "What an weasel!"

Marked wasn't discriminating against who he was going for and tried to change his attention onto Othniel, but CO wasn't having none of it. Othniel was a proficient striker when needed, and here he fired off a series of kicks that connected across Marks' legs on each side and finished off the mini-combo with a running uppercut that sent Marks falling backwards and hitting the mat. Langford was beginning to stir but CO pounced on him like a lion on an antelope with a falling double axe-handle smash to the back of Langford's skull, which again took any sort of comeback right out of the cards for'em.

Len Ragatti: "Now we're seeing the TRUE Christian Othniel emerge, and this guy has so much skill.. so much potential, yet he'd rather be this torn, miserable ESS- OH- BEE that just baffles those closest to the business. At one time he had the word by the short and curly's he rivaled some of the most popular for his alluring charm and personality-- as well as his ring ability but since that initial trip to Japan, he came back to the states a TOTALLY different guy!"

Tracy Race: "Everyone finds their groove in different times of their career. Maybe the guy that you saw wasn't CO, but rather-- an experimental form? I know I may be the in the minority but I like where Othniel is, I like how this guy carries himself.. it's different. And his 'purge'? It gives him reason to continue and march on!"

The one thing that LEGACY DIDN'T have which instantly made them stick out as different was what people liked to call 'rest-holds'. There was no slowing the pace, it wasn't wanted or needed. LEGACY Officials felt that the first show should be non-stop action, and they've been successful thus far as the show was going off without a hitch. In order to showcase it's talent in the ring and maximize their investment, LEGACY wanted it's talent to go all-out and have no regrets.. because if it didn't work out in LEGACY for them, somewhere else would see how good they were and that was the lost art in professional wrestling-- networking. To give talent a shot somewhere else even if things weren't working out here-- at the end of the day, to protect the industry and solidify it's future-- more sacrifices needed to make here. Anyway, Othniel got Langford back to his feet and fired off a knee to Langford's gut-- as Langford sucked for air through his mouth from the shot-- Othniel whipped the MUCH bigger man towards the ropes. As he came back, Othniel ducked beneath Langford's small clothesline attempt jumped into the air and grabbed Langford from behind and SPIKED Langford down onto the mat with a jumping reverse bulldog.


To mock Langford and his 'athleticism' that CO made several mentions of during the week, he looked at a downed Langford and did a few pushups, all as he counted LOUD when finishing. Brandon Marks, the forgotten third wheel in the match seemed to have a busted open mouth from the uppercut that Othniel landed and CO turned his attention to the man with Langford still dazed and down from the reverse bulldog he was hit with. With Marks in the corner, Othniel fired off a few knife-edged chops that AGAIN drew the "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO" from the crowd, all as Othniel grabbed hold of Marks wrist and took a step backwards-- whipping him forward into the opposite side turnbuckle. As Othniel was ABOUT to sprint after Marks, he saw the 6'8" BEAST jump from the ground to his feet and once again rolled out of the ring-- the crowd boo'd, CO didn't care. Langford though, he wasn't going to allow this to get in his head, Washington on the outside made sure of that as he pointed and shouted in Marks' direction.

Len Ragatti: "AGAIN, we see Othniel dip out of combat!"

Not wasting anytime, Langford rushed towards Marks who JUST managed to push himself out of the turnbuckle and into Langford-- but The Steel City Dream was ready for it and before Marks could get one over on him, slapped BOTH of his hands across Marks' throat and with utter ease picked Marks up and THREW him into the turnbuckle..

Len Ragatti: "HIS POWER IS SCARY!"

Marks hit the turnbuckle and bounced off of it-- as he shot forward, Langford did the same and raised his boot off of the mat-- CRUSHING Marks with a HUGE big boot!




With the crowd pouring support for Langford, he heeded Washington's advice and made the cover--

Len Ragatti: "Can Marks get up from that kick!?"


Just then-- Othniel jumped into the ring and again hit Langford behind the head with a diving double-axe handle smash.. But this time? Langford.. he didn't feel anything. Langford jumped to his feet and Othniel instantly looked as if he seen a ghost, attempting to hit the mat again, he wasn't fast enough as Langford's right arm stretched out and grabbed hold of the back of Othniel's hair, the same hair he had used to make fun of the surviving young cancer patient-- Bobby Langford's friend and inspiration; Tanya. As Othniel tried and tried to grab the ropes to get away from Langford, the crowd broke into a frenzy-


"FUCK'EM UP BOBBY, FUCK'EM UP!" stomp- stomp "FUCK'EM UP BOBBY, FUCK'EM UP!" stomp- stomp "FUCK'EM UP BOBBY, FUCK'EM UP!" stomp- stomp

Bobby pulled Othniel towards him and much like he did with Marks a bit earlier, effortlessly he picked Othniel off of the mat-- this time holding him HIGH above his head in a gorilla press-- with Othniel shouting down at Langford and shaking his head as much as he could-- that didn't stop Langford from dropping Othniel and catching him in the form of a Oklahoma Slam and RATTLED CO's spine as he dropped him on the mic. The crowd POPPED like crazy as Othniel's face was colored with pain as he sat up and clutched it in pain, as Frank continued to shout instructions and guidance at Bobby Langford from outside of the ring-- it was hard to hear with the crowd as crazy-loud as they were at the moment.


With OVERWHELMING support-- much like they showed The Lozios in the match prior to this, Bobby was on Cloud 9. Picking Othniel up and shoving him into the corner, Bobby fired off a few hard body shots which left Othniel gasping from air from Bobby's catcher-mitt sized hands catching him across the body. Whipping Othniel towards the opposite side of the turnbuckle with a little 'extra' behind it-- Othniel hit the turnbuckle with some power and bounced off of it- his back was still feeling the effects of that Oklahoma Slam earlier-- all as Bobby threw himself off the ropes and JUST managed to catch Othniel reeling off the turnbuckle and wrapped his arm around Othniel-- with a sudden heave, snapped himself [and Othniel] backwards and dropped CO on the back of his head with a STRONG-styled sambo slam..


Clutching the back of his head after the initial impact, Christian's words through the week had brought this mean-streak to him and Bobby was enjoying every second of it. Marks had once again got back into the swing of things-- he tried his luck to catch an unsuspecting Langford from the side but Langford-- upon request from Washington on the outside avoided the attack. Marks moved forward and tried to catch himself but it was too late, Bobby already had figured out his next step of attack and showcased that power once more by ducking beneath Marks' right arm and picked him up onto his shoulders--

Tracy Race: "A torture rack!? A torture rack! It's been AGES since I've seen this!"


With Marks across his shoulders in a torture rack, Langford nodded at the crowd before dipping his legs a bit and spinning Marks OFF of his shoulders and managing to catch him with a SICK neckbreaker! As Marks hit the mat after Langford's adjustment of placement, Langford floated over and made the cover--

Len Ragatti: "Marks just.. got.. BLASTED!"


Tw- NO!

Despite falling victim to Langford's strength, Othniel wasn't about to go down like that and dove towards the cover and managed to hit Langford JUST enough to break the pin. Once again Langford showed no sense of getting struck by Othniel, he jumped to his feet and leaned down to pick Othniel up-- all as CO's veteran presence showed. Langford grabbed hold of Othniel by the hair and attempted to yank him up but CO fired off a quick thumb to Langford's eye which no matter how strong, big or fast you were-- it was an effective attack. Langford grabbed at his face as he stumbled backwards-- Brandon Marks didn't know where he was after getting his neck jarred by Bobby and got up to both knees, causing Langford to stumble over him and topple to the ground. Othniel sprung to his feet and with Marks still attempting to get up, Othniel grabbed Marks' head from behind-- bent him over his back in inverted fashion and SNAPPED Marks down across his back, using his neck to bring him down.

Len Ragatti: "THE ODE TO INFAMY!"

Securing that Inverted Headlock Backbreaker that he picked up from his mentor, Marks took a hard fall as CO made the cover--



Len Ragatti: "DOES HE..!?"


JUST when it looked like CO would steal one, Langford broke the pin attempt up and the crowd was ECSTATIC!

Tracy Race: "Listen to the crowd Ragatti, they're on edge here!"

"LET'S GO BOBBY, LET'S GO!" stomp- stomp "CEE- OH!" clap- clap "LET'S GO BOBBY, LET'S GO!" stomp- stomp "CEE- OH!" clap, clap

Len Ragatti: "Somehow.. Someway, that cynical bastard has managed to get fans on his side?! WHY ARE THEY CHEERING FOR HIM!?"

Tracy Race: "Everybody likes a bad boy.. EVERYBODY."

Despite the cheers and chants for Bobby TOTALLY eclipsing that of chants and cheers for Othniel-- which was slim, it just showcased the diversity of the LEGACY crowd. Othniel rolled to the side and managed to get back to his feet upon pushing himself up, Langford did the same and despite his right eye being stuck in a constant state of squint, he still threw a HUGE right hand that Othniel ducked beneath. A suplex was out of the question here-- there's no way Othniel would pick that near 300 pound frame off of the mat, instead-- CO compromised. With a quick kick to the back of Langford's right knee, the big man hit the mat-- Othniel nodded and smirked before darting towards the ropes and jumping off of the second rope-- using it to slingshot himself back at Langford-- Othniel turned his body and BOOM!


With Othniel looking for that springboard superkick-- Langford fired himself forward and managed to CATCH Othniel's leg--


In a TOTALLY TAZ moment, Langford SNAPPED backwards and dumped Othniel on his head and shoulders--


Frank Washington was PLEADING with Langford to take advantage of the situation and make the cover-- and as Langford managed to do so, Polanski got into position..



Tracy Race: "IT DID!"




Len Ragatti: "HE GOT'EM! HE GOT'EM!"


Surely-- BEFORE Polanski's hand slapped off of the mat, Othniel wisely put his leg on the bottom rope and Polanski caught that. Langford and Washington shouted at Polanski-- but once Othniel's leg was seen there, Langford let off a ROAR of rage as Frank covered his head with his arms--


Langford pounded on the mat, showing frustration as he thought it was over-- all as he managed to get to his feet and once again guided Othniel up. Shoving Othniel into the ropes, Christian bounced forward and Langford out of absolute NO-WHERE sprung Othniel HIGH into the air--


As Langford looked for that CRAZY, HARD-HITTING European Uppercut, Othniel.. somehow.. someway managed to wrap his right arm around Langford's head after adjusting himself in mid-air and with ALL he had left, SNAPPED himself backwards and DRILLED Langford with a pretty sick and swift looking DDT!


"THIS IS AWESOME!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap "THIS IS AWESOME!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap "THIS IS AWESOME!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap

Othniel rolled over and threw his right arm over Langford's chest all as Polanski got into position to make the pin again..



Tracy Race: "DE JA VU!"





Washington looked like he aged about 30 years, but a show of relief as he threw his hands in the air and turned towards the crowd. The fans was going BANANAS as Othniel rolled off of Langford and held the back of his head in pain, all as Marks got back to his feet but was in the corner looking over BOTH competitors. Like a hawk scouting his prey, Marks knew that he could take advantage of Othniel and Langford beating the hell out of each other-- and attempted to do just that..

Len Ragatti: "We've been so wrapped up in Langford and Othniel's battle that we forgot Brandon Marks is in the match and at the moment, he looks like he could be a darkhorse to steal one from either of those two individuals!"

Centering his attention on Langford who was more recently hurt with that high angle DDT from Othniel, Marks let off a cocky grin and spread his arms out-- all as the crowd let off a chorus of boos for the man. As Langford reached for the ropes to get up and help himself to his feet, once he was-- Marks grabbed him in the form of a STO-- but Langford didn't budge when Marks tried to throw him backwards--

Len Ragatti: "It's like trying to lift a brick house!"

Marks tried to snap back again, looking for that reverse STO he's been working on since his comeback, but Langford stopped it again-- all as Langford fired off an elbow that bounced off the side of Marks' head. As Marks stumbled to the side, Langford's HUGE right hand came up and managed to lock over Marks' face..


Marks kicked and yelled in pain as Langford's version of The Iron Claw looked absolutely terrifying. Marks' legs seemed to give out under him as Langford dropped him to the mat-- once Marks was flat on his back still attempting to break The Claw, Langford showcased a CRAZY amount of power as he lifted Marks OFF of the mat from his position-- then DROPPED him again with a HUGE modified for The Claw chokeslam!


As Langford put MORE pressure on Marks, Marks right hand slapped against the mat, all as Polanski called for the bell..


ding.. ding.. ding


Releasing the submission, Langford threw his right arm in the air as the crowd erupted for him and his effort shown tonight. With a few deep breaths, Langford got back to his feet as Polanski held Bobby's arm in the air but the moment didn't last long as sneaking up behind Bobby Langford was the SOUR-GRAPES, Christian Othniel. As Othniel pounced on Langford from behind, throwing a flurry of wild punches, Polanski called for the bell several times but that didn't stop the situation.

Len Ragatti: "LOOK AT THIS GUY!"

Before Frank could get to Othniel, Langford shoved CO off of him, causing The Ultra to fly backwards. Jumping to his feet, Langford rushed at Othniel but Othniel ducked beneath Langford's oncoming right hand.. as Langford turned around-- Othniel quickly reached into his right pocket and allowed Langford to get closer to him-- all as Othniel's arm extended forward in throwing motion and whatever he had in his hands-- ended up in Langford's face and eyes--


Bobby was blinded by the foreign substance in his eyes and dropped down to a knee as he let off roars of pain. As Frank got into the ring seeing his client down, Othniel managed to escape the opposite side and backed up the ramp-- all as he fired a smile in their direction.. Frank put his arm on Langford's MASSIVE shoulder as he talked the man through the pain.. all as Bobby managed to get an eye open-- barely at that, but the mixture of actual salt- sweat all mixing and getting into his face definitely wasn't helping situations any. Once Bobby got a line of sight on Othniel, he tried to rush the ropes but Frank jumped in front of him and once again talked his client down--

Len Ragatti: "Langford is FURIOUS!"

Langford shouted all sorts of stuff at Othniel, all as CO smirked and actually had the audacity to sit down on the aisle-- at the very top and cock his head back, almost WELCOMING Langford to come and find him. Washington was handed a mic from Hendricks, all as Frank turned towards Othniel.

Frank Washington: "You just don't get it, do you?"

Othniel shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

Frank Washington: "You're not gonna stop until either you're dead-- or Bobby's dead and hey-- I can respect that. I know where you're at in your career and how you're trying to find yourself but Christian.. Don't.. Poke.. the bear. I'm telling you, enough is enough. I don't want to see ANYONE get permanently injured but the rate you're going?! You're gonna force Bobby's hand and he can't be held liable for what he does!"

Moving the mic from his lips, Washington worded something in Othniel's direction as Christian pushed himself off of the aisle and waved him off. Bobby grabbed hold of the mic and rested his massive frame against the ropes all as he pointed in CO's direction, his eyes still burning from the salt.

Bobby Langford: "You managed to avoid defeat this time punk, but you won't be so lucky the next time we're standing in this ring! You were running and hiding the entire time, but I'm going to make sure that the next time we're standing across from each other?! I.. END.. YOU! BELIEVE THAT!"

Dropping the mic in glorious fashion, "Real Man's Man" sounded over the PA-- all as Othniel chuckled at Langford's threats. Continuing to stare off in CO's direction.. Washington patted his client on his back as Frank, a vet that's been around the business for a while knew that this situation was just beginning-- there was no end in sight. Langford managed to get one up on Othniel and Othniel wouldn't stop until he's evened the odds.. Othniel and Langford exchanged shouts without a mic, all as Othniel ended his sentence the same way he always did-- by sticking out his clenched fists and allowing Bobby to read the ink across his knuckles.. tonight, despite not managing to secure a win-- after it was all said and done, Bobby learned that no matter the time or place, as long as Christian Othniel was around.. there'd ALWAYS be one way-- EVIL WAYS.

Scotty Addams/Drew Stevenson promos

Coming off of a short sponsorship break, Scotty Addams was seen taping up his wrists, all as stepping into his open locker-room door, was Frank Washington with Bobby Langford. Langford had a wet wash-clothe over his face from the salt being thrown in his face by Christian Othniel. Nonetheless, Frank and Scotty exchanged quick handshakes, as did Scotty and Bobby as Scotty tossed the roll of tape to the side and hopped in place a few times.

Scotty Addams: "Nice work out there, kid! I've been mixed with up with Othniel in the past-- you've gotta be careful when you're dealing with him."

Frank Washington: "Same advice I gave-- but you ready for tonight? Got a lot on the line here in Carson, you're already being touted as a possible candidate for the LEGACY Heavyweight Championship whenever they decide to bring the title out and activate it."

Scotty Addams: "I'm ready. Not thrilled with Edwards wanting to test me like he did but that's fine-- I'll show him why I am who I am and why I do what I do."

Bobby Langford: "Kick some butt out there Scotty, we'll be cheering for you."

Sharing another handshake, Bobby and Frank left Scotty to 'get into the zone' as Addams continued to hop in place, all as he stretched his arms out above his head. Cutting from Scotty--we open up with the same brunette interviewer;

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm currently awaiting word with 'The Emerald' Drew Stevenson. I've been told that Mister Stevenson will answer ONE question regarding tonight and I plan on hitting him with the hardest question imaginable.."

The door opened to Stevenson's locker-room and standing there in all of his glory, we see 'The Emerald' as he has his arms in the air, soaking in the environment.

"Mister Stevenson!"

Drew narrowed his attention toward the woman and snickered..

Drew Stevenson: "Who are you? Why are they allowing fans to show up with microphones to the biggest star in this company's dressing quarters?!"

"Rebecca Bradley, sir."

Drew Stevenson: "Well Rebecca, as I'm sure my publicist confirmed I'll answer ONE question for you-- no more."

Rebecca Bradley-- as her name was now known smiled and nodded.

Rebecca Bradley: ".. everyone wants to know.. are you going to show up for your match against Alyssa Pryde tonight? Social media is buzzing-- the forums is going crazy, we're hearing all sorts of stuff but I want to hear it from the horse's mouth.. Are we going to see Drew Stevenson and Alyssa Pryde tangle tonight?!"

Not answering immediately, Drew cocked his head back and crossed his arms over his chest. Scrunching his brows, he tapped the tip of his chin.

Drew Stevenson: "Becca-- Let me ask you a logical question.."

Rebecca Bradley: "Sure..?"

Drew Stevenson: "What do you think happens when someone who bench-presses well over four hundred pounds, squats closer to five hundred.. weighs about two hundred and fifty five pounds.. What happens when that figure, who also stands well above six feet three.. if he clashes with a WOMAN who barely comes in at a shade over one twenty?"

Rebecca Bradley: "Any logical person would tell you that.. size, with a disparity like that makes a HUGE difference."

Drew Stevenson: "My point exactly! This isn't some rinky-dink circus in Knoxville or Atlanta-- this isn't some SUSPEND BELIEF FOR DISCRIMINATION type of place.. LEGACY Wrestling, this is the real deal.. the closest we're EVER going to get to a top caliber promotion-- as it rivals Missouri State Wrestling as the best thing going today!"

Rebecca Bradley: "So.. You're NOT going to compete against Alyssa Pryde tonight?"

Drew Stevenson: "Compete? I don't like that term when we're talking about Pryde because she doesn't compete-- she eats people's faces. This is LEGACY, not the Silence of the Lambs! I'm a competitor! I compete on every level because I'm the absolute BEST. Alyssa Pryde? She has daddy issues and has a problem with the male species, she isn't a professional wrestler. She's no better than those kids who hit each other over the head with light tubes and say "I'M HARDCORE, I'M HARDCORE!" No, you're not hardcore, you're a FRAUD. Alyssa Pryde? She's a FRAUD, she HUMILIATES what it means to be a professional wrestler. There's no fear in this body-- what's there to be afraid of? I'd crush Alyssa in the palm of my hand, but I know her inability to compete with a MAN gives me an unfair advantage, and I don't like having handicaps involved in ANY match I participate in."

Rebecca Bradley: "SoOoOoOo.. the match is off?"

With a smirk and shrug, Drew turned around and stepped back into his locker-room. Before closing the door behind him though, he gazed over his shoulder.

Drew Stevenson: "We'll see soon, won't we?"


Rebecca Bradlley: "Well guys-- take what you want from that interview.. Drew TECHNICALLY answered the question but not with a straight answer.. I guess like everyone else in the house and at home tonight, we've gotta wait and see what happens once the time comes!"

With a nod, Rebecca gave the camera a thumbs up as it flickered back to ring side where Scotty Addams and Joey Edwards was in the ring.

Len Ragatti: "I didn't know we had a Rebecca Bradley working for us!"

Tracy Race: "Me neither, good call by Bauer hiring her though."

Scotty Addams vs. Joey Edwards w/ Richard Steen (Singles Match)

Rob Hendricks: "Laaaaaadddddiiiiiiessssss.. and Geeeeennnttttttlllllleeeeemmmmmmmmmeeennnnnn.. It's time for the CO MAIN-EVENT OF THE EVENNNNNNNNNING!"

Len Ragatti: "This should be a good one!"

Tracy Race: "Joey Edwards has flown under the radar thus far in LEGACY, a multiple time World Champion he has the chance to-- as he said, help his career go out on a good note as he's beginning to dwindle down with a win over Scotty Addams and a possible shot to get himself into the limelight for a shot at the LEGACY Heavyweight Championship."

Len Ragatti: "Let's not fail to mention that Scotty Addams is no slouch neither! WInning HIS first World Championship over a very capable [then] champion, Scotty's evolution is apparent, he's ready to continue his path to greatness.. and much like with Joey Edwards, Scotty can do himself some good here."

Rob Hendricks: "Introducing first.. From Detroit, Michigan.. Weighing in at a total of two hundred and twenty six and a quarter pounds.. Thhhhhhhe Seeeelfffffffffffff-Prrrrooooooccclllllaaaaimmmmmmmmeddddd SPPPPPOKKKKKKKKEEEEEESSMANNNNNN OFFFFFFF AAAAAA GEEEENEEEEERRRAAATIIIIOOOOONN.. ACCOMPANIED TO THE RING BY RICHARD STEEEEEEEEEEEENN.. JOOOOOOOEEEEYYYYYY.. EEEEEEDDDDDDDWWWWWAAAAARRRRRDDDDDSSSSSSSS!"

His manager-- 'The Son of Anarchy' Richard Steen, a sorta husky fellow with bleached blonde hair and a pair of black rimmed glasses jumped down OFF of the apron and touched the ground, all as he slapped the mat a few times. Edwards hopped in place a few times all before the camera changed off to his opponent standing across of him..


The crowd seemed to have chosen a side-- Scotty Addams primarily but Joey Edwards had his share of support too. As lead official Ralphy Wilson signaled for the bell.. we were off. Edwards and Addams had a similar style-- Edwards possibly more of a 'strong style' guy with his time spent across different continents. Neither man was going to back down though as they locked up in the center of the ring, and after a short exchange Edwards won an advantage with a quick side headlock takeover-- throwing Addams to the left, Scotty jumped back up to his feet and managed to connect with a arm-drag, Edwards now hit the mat. Joey jumped up and Scotty met him in the center of the ring-- both men were engaged in a staredown now..

Tracy Race: "Could these two be any more even!?"

Edwards worded something in Scotty's direction, Scotty laughed it off and again they locked up, Scotty managed to secure the headlock this time as he backed up towards the ropes. Leaning against it, Edwards shoved Scotty forward-- breaking the headlock.. As Scotty came beaming [TRRREKKKIEEEEEEEEEEEE] back at Edwards, Joey looked for a hip-toss, but Scotty floated over Joey and landed to his side-- looking for a hip-toss of his own! Joey blocked that as well and grabbed hold of Scotty's wrist, cocking in and spinning, he managed to secure Scotty's [bent] arm behind Scotty's back all as he attempted to lift Addams into the air..

Tracy Race: "The pace is unbelievable!"

Managing to get Scotty into the air, Addams didn't stay there long as he wrapped his legs around Edwards' body from his position in the air and rolled Joey up in a QUICK sunset flip-

Len Ragatti: "Scotty win the pin attempt.."



Throwing his weight backwards, Joey jumped to his feet before Scotty could get back to his feet and threw a front dropkick which connected across of Scotty's face, sending The Platinum Innovator backwards-- and hitting the mat.

Tracy Race: "Sharp!"

Joey was no rookie, he knew when he had an opportunity and quickly made the cover while sorta hooking the leg..



Len Ragatti: "Scotty got the shoulder up!"

Joey wanted to push the pace, he wanted to keep Scotty working and it seemed like a good idea. Picking Addams off of the mat and backing him into the corner, Joey threw a right kick that connected to the side of Scotty's right leg-- a left kick which connected across the side of Scotty's left leg and finally, a spinning back kick in the style of RVD's, the kick connected across of Scotty's face, once more sending his head snapping back.

Len Ragatti: "Beautiful three hit combo by Joey Edwards there!"

Not making a cover this time, Joey picked Scotty's right arm up and fired off a stomp that connected across Scotty's ribs. With Scotty clutching his ribs in pain, he rolled off to the side, all as Joey hit the ropes, fired forward, leaped INTO the air and dropped a fist across the back of Scotty's head, furthering the pain through his body. Joey reached down and picked Scotty up and sent him into the ropes-- Scotty hooked his arms, stopping the momentum. Edwards rushed forward and looked to clothesline Scotty possibly over the top rope but Addams back flipped OVER the top rope and landed on the ring apron, before Edwards could connect, Scotty lowered his shoulder and BOOMED it into Edward's gut-- Joey held his stomach and stumbled backwards-- keeping his footing on the mat, Scotty slung himself into the ring, catched some MAJOR hangtime and connected with a HUGE slingshot body press--


As both men hit the mat, Scotty jumped back up to his feet and hit the ropes again, as Joey Edwards found himself back up at standing position Scotty leaped into the air and managed to take Joey down AGAIN with a head scissors takedown!

Tracy Race: "Scotty is throwing everything at Joey Edwards-- don't be shocked to see the kitchen sink too!"

Joey bounced back to his feet all as Scotty moved forward and connected with a STIFF chop that caused Edwards to fly back into the turnbuckle.


Scotty pressed his palm against Joey's face and winded his arm up and fired off ANOTHER huge chop that caused Edwards' to grab his chest and moved out of the corner. As Scotty followed Edwards and reached out to grab him, Edwards fired off a chop of his own which caused Scotty to grimace in pain--


Scotty's chest instantly turned a shade of red as he fired back AAANOOOOOOOOOOTHER chop, this time Joey managed to block it and fired off a kick to the midsection-- followed by ANOTHER kick-- throwing himself into the ropes, Joey exploded forward but Scotty threw a back elbow that knocked Joey Edwards backwards and down onto the mat. Scotty fired off a few stomps aimed at Joey's head and picked him up once again, scooping him up-- Scotty planted him down onto the mat and backed himself up towards the turnbuckle. Hopping up onto the second turnbuckle, Scotty jumped forward and stuck his elbow out, connecting across Edward's chest with a front elbow drop, the fans POPPED as Scotty scurried and made the cover..

Len Ragatti: "Addams with the pin again.."




Edwards' shoulder popped off the mat again, Scotty wrapped himself around Edwards' arm, jumped into the air while holding it between his legs and dropped down to the mat-- crushing it's weight beneath his own.

Tracy Race: "Addams is a true student of the game, he doesn't single out just ONE body part, he attacks from every angle which makes it easier when he decides to close the match out."

Len Ragatti: "Very true, Tracy!"

With Edwards rolling to the side and out of the ring towards the source of Richard Steen's voice-- and dropped down to the padded floor on his knees. Jerking his arm a few times to ensure that nothing was seriously damaged, Edwards was shaking it loose all as Scotty-- from inside the ring sprinted from inside the ring-- towards the turnbuckle, scaled it with absolute ease and soared off of the second rope from INSIDE the ring and to the outside-- Edwards pushed himself up at the RIGHT moment which caused Scotty's body to crash across his [Edwards] which sent them both down to the floor.



Addams got back to his feet with the help of the guard rail that he was inches away from smashing into when he soared off of the top rope and got back to his feet, but leaned his weight against the steel for a second, catching his breath. Steen was shouting down at Edwards to get up and get going, but when Addams crashed across of him, Edwards' head bounced off of the padded floor, and that padding wasn't really forgiving.


With the fans STILL in an uproar from the risk Scotty took, Addams plowed forward and reached down to grab Edwards, not before Joey threw a right hand that connected across of Scotty's gut-- Scotty took it in stride and continued to attempt to pick Edwards up, but the single shot turned into a quick flurry as Edwards fired off right after left, after right.. after left all as Scotty finally let go. Edwards grabbed hold of Scotty's wrist in the process and shoved himself forward-- pulling a 180, he sent Scotty darting towards the guard-rail in a irish-whip, but before Scotty could hit it, he jumped UP onto the guard-rail and threw a back elbow smash as he jumped backwards-- but Edwards ducked beneath it. As Scotty sailed backwards and landed pretty hard with his OWN head taking a slight bounce off of the padded floor, he pushed himself up-- all as Edwards threw his right leg out-- his foot bounced off of the tip of Scott's jaw, taking 'Never Say Die' down with a perfectly placed superkick--

Tracy Race: "KICK OF LIFE!"

With Head Official Wilson already on '5' of a mandatory 10 count, Edwards rolled into the ring as Addams was down-- all as the crowd was beginning to buzz..



Scotty's right arm came up and grabbed hold of the ring apron as he used ALL the strength he had left in his body to pull himself up..


Tracy Race: "We're at 7!"


Edwards had moved towards the corner and kept himself standing by extending his arms over the ropes, all as he kept an eye on Scotty Addams on the outside who was struggling to get back to his feet, but did. Once he had his body up, he reached his hand up and grabbed hold of the bottom rope..


Len Ragatti: "I think Scotty can make it.. C'mon Scotty!"

As Wiilson moved forward and about to count to ten, Scotty JUST rolled into the ring and beat the count, all as the fans broke into another frenzy!

Tracy Race: "That 'Never Say Die' attitude Addams has.. It's something else! Any ordinary man would be sleeping in La-La Land after eating that kick from Joey Edwards, but Addams managed to fight through adversity and get himself back up!"

Edwards moved forward and reached down to grab Scotty's head-- as he did so, Scotty's left leg quickly popped out and kicked Edwards across the head, which caused Edwards to stumble backwards. Scotty got back to his feet now, still a bit wobbly from the kick he took a few moments ago and once again resorted to those CRAZY chops of his. After the fourth consecutive chop, Edwards' chest has busted open and was bloody from Scotty-- all as Scotty fired off a knee to the midsection which caused Edwards to double over. With Edwards dazed, Scotty threw his [Edwards] arm over his head and lifted Edwards off of the mat in the form of a suplex, but instead-- placed Edwards legs across the top rope. Grabbing Edwards' head, Scotty SNAPPED himself over and planted Edwards' head and face into the mat with a elevated spinning neckbreaker--



Spinning Edwards over, Scotty once again made the cover--

Tracy Race: "He may have the cover here.."



Len Ragatti: "IS IT!?"


Len Ragatti: "NO!"


The crowd was on the verge of popping for an Addams' win, but Edwards was still able to go. Scotty closed his eyes tight and grimaced as he saw Official Wilson hold his hand out with two fingers extended, knowing that there was still more to go. Steen was pounding on the mat outside of the ring, shouting at Edwards to get his ass in gear, but it was easier said than done. Addams was a whole different beast, he was truly something else. To those spectating, Scotty Addams may not seem like anything special but once in the ring-- that all changed. His ability mixed with determination put him on a totally different level from anything else out there. Picking himself up and knowing that he had Edwards on the ropes, Scotty nodded his head as he stuck his right thumb out and ran it across his throat-- all as he pointed down at Joey Edwards who was barely moving from that spinning neckbreaker--


Before Addams could move to pick Edwards up, Richard Steen did what any logical manager would do-- jump up onto the apron and begun to create a distraction for his client so he wasn't going to get finished off by Addams. The fans boo'd all of a sudden--

Len Ragatti: "And there's the X-Factor; Richard Steen!"

Steen was complaining about something random-- Scotty's lack of a respect by taunting-- all as Official Wilson moved towards him and tried to get him off of the ring apron and down onto the floor. Scotty moved towards Steen and reached over Official Wilson's shoulder and grabbed hold of Steen's collar, all as Steen suddenly dropped down onto the floor, causing Addams' throat to knock down off of the ropes.

Len Ragatti: "THAT SLIMEBALL!"

As Steen and Wilson continued to exchange words as Steen proclaimed his innocence, Edwards rolled up Scotty, all as Steen pointed towards that direction which caused Official Wilson to turn and drop into position--







Edwards broke the pin attempt, all as Scotty jumped up and forced him into the corner-- blocking a right hand from Addams, Edwards fired off one of his own and ducked beneath Addams' extended arm as he jumped onto the second rope-- then the third, off of the third rope he did a backflip and landed behind Addams who rushed forward-- and grabbed Addams head as he fell backwards, planting Scotty's head on the mat, causing it to bounce.

Tracy Race: "What a springboard inverted DDT by Joey Edwards!"

Making the cover, Edwards hooked the leg completely as Wilson dropped back down to position--




Len Ragatti: "L...!?"



"THIS IS AWESOME!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap "THIS IS AWESOME!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap "THIS IS AWESOME!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap

Len Ragatti: "It seems that the fans in attendance LOVE what they're seeing here.. And how couldn't they!? Match after freakin' match has been nothing short of excellent, action-packed goodness! There's a lot of promotions out there in this day and age, but I feel as if LEGACY has proved their worth! This is AMAZING!"

With the crowd giving applause for both men, Edwards once again rolled off of Scotty and picked himself up, and was scouting Addams from his downed position. With Scotty slowly beginning to stir, Steen shouted out to Edwards..

Richard Steen: "FINISH'EM JOEY!"

Edwards fired a nod in Steen's direction all as once Scotty got back up, he delivered a kick to Scotty's gut and threw his arm over his head. Picking Scotty up in the form of a suplex-- he seemed to have him right where he wanted..

Len Ragatti: "THE END PRODUCT!?"


Scotty SOMEHOW managed to get out of the suplex by throwing his legs out and landing off behind Edwards. Now sticking his head between Edwards' arm and ribs, he scooped Edwards up into the air and held him in the air on his shoulders--


As Scotty attempted to keep Edwards in position, jumping onto the apron from absolutely NO WHERE we see a figure with a black hood over his head. Wilson tried to rush to the man but the man did a 180 and jumped up onto the top rope-- with ANOTHER 180, he managed to throw himself AT Addams, Scotty- stuck in a state of shock dropped Edwards off of his shoulders to block whatever was coming his way-- but rather, what Scotty saw.. Scotty recognized. He didn't drop Edwards because he wanted to make sure he didn't get hurt from whatever was coming next-- he dropped Edwards because this looked TOO familiar..

Len Ragatti: "A.. 720.."

Off of the ropes, the hooded figure landed ON Scotty and with momentum working in his favor, dropped Scotty on his head with a DDT..


Official Ralphy Wilson called for the bell as the fans let off a ROAR of boo's as Joey Edwards rolled out of the ring to be aided by Richard Steen in his effort to get back to his feet, the official announcement was made..



Hitting Addams with rights and left, Wilson called for the bell a few times, all as he tried to intervene but caught a back elbow in the process..


The hooded figure jumped back to his feet, unzipped the black jacket and then ripped the hood off of his head all as he threw the jacket down onto Addams..




"ZA-REK LYLE!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap "ZA- REK LYLE!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap "ZA- REK LYLE!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap

Despite the DQ, the fans FLIPPED in opinion once they saw what was happening and who it was.. Zarek Lyle and Scotty Addams formed one of the most DOMINATE tag teams in recent memory named The New Revolution. TNR managed to capture tag title after tag title until they both decided to undertake a solo career.. Scotty boomed and Zarek vanished, no-one saw or heard from him.. until now. Zarek was shouting down at Scotty as he stood over his unconscious body-- all as Zarek looked up and cocked his head backwards.. throwing his arms out and garnered a mixed reaction for his actions.. the crowd was split as TNR was a solid group-- both men contributed equally and both had their share of flaws..

Tracy Race: "Zarek Lyle-- Len, I don't know if you're familiar with him, but 'The Foresaken'.. he's got a SERIOUS meanstreak about him-- one that rivals ANYONE I've ever come across in my career. Now that Lyle is here-- now that Lyle has made it perfectly clear that he's targeting his once best friend-- a man who he's captured tag team championships around the world with.. Things are NO DOUBT going to get interesting.."

"Through My Eyes" by Threat Signal boomed over the PA-- all as the last shot before the camera faded out to the LAST sponsorship break of the evening.. was of Zarek Lyle still standing over Scotty Addams, his arms extended, that trademark scowl spread across his face.. The New Revolution.., IMPLODES!

Brandon Marks (Promo)

After a rough night featured in the triple threat match with Bobby Langford winning-- we open up in the back on the sight of Brandon Marks who had an ice-pack pressed against his head. Sitting with his body leaned forward, he let off an EXTREMELY deep sigh, all as he shook his head-- seeming totally disgusted with the turn of events.

Brandon Marks: "Was it a mistake coming back?"

There was no one around him, at the moment it was more him talking to himself.

Brandon Marks: "I couldn't get the job done on a big stage-- I had the opportunity to throw my name in the hat of possible contenders for the LEGACY Heavyweight Championship.. but I couldn't seal the deal. I hate to question myself but.. am I still cut out to do this?"

Bringing the ice pack off of his head as she sighed again, he hung his head-- the after effect of losing was hitting him pretty hard. Marks never had the greatest of careers while he was at his peak, he never managed to capture the success that he felt he knew he could so the stunning loss.. it messed with his head, it got his mind moving in directions that it shouldn't.

Brandon Marks: "Gotta think about my next step.. Definitely gotta think my next move over.."

"There won't be a next step."

Another voice instantly sounded in the room as Marks eyes lifted-- before he could jump to his feet though, from the left frame of the camera a black tube-sock came flying, all as the sock connected across of Marks' head, knocking him backwards. Whatever was in the sock-- it knocked Brandon Marks the EFF OUT! Marks was laying on his back, not moving-- all as the camera picked up a shiny black shoe stepping towards Marks.. eventually, the contents of the sock was emptied out onto Marks' body and it was shown to be rolls and rolls of quarters. The man let off a cocky laugh all as the camera pulled upwards and showed the attacker, all as he gazed into the camera with his hands in front of his chest..


"Now that the trash has been taken out, allow me to introduce myself to the city of Carson. For those of you dumb enough to NOT know who I am, my name is TJ Bryce-- The Most Valuable Asset. I make companies.. I break companies.. my name brings in the dollar signs. Not as much as what my company-- Bryce Enterprises manages to rake in, but close! See, while I'm enjoying my time in Missouri-- I figured that LEGACY was missing a key element in complete and total success and well heh.. You're looking at'em."

TJ Bryce-- a Canadian that has had MUCH success in The Great White North was a tough customer. Very cocky, brash but knowing that he was good at what he did made him able to act the way he did. Stroking his chin as he looked down at Brandon Marks, he let off a chuckle--

TJ Bryce: "I did LEGACY a favor by putting a stop to the never-ending sob-story for the ultimate underachiever. Brandon Marks? He's always been a nobody-- I anticipate that he packs his bag and goes back to The Candy Factory where he belongs because.. he's.. SOFT. All you people need to know is that TJ Bryce has signed with LEGACY Wrestling and things will change, I'll make sure of that. As far as that bum goes though.."

Pointing his thumb over his shoulder, towards Brandon Marks who was still unconscious.

TJ Bryce: "There's enough quarters to catch a taxi back to Willy Wonka's, I heard UPS is hiring."

With a shrug and a laugh that rivaled Ted DiBiase's in terms of how sinister it was, the scene cut off of TJ and back towards LEGACY's newest addition in terms of staff-- Rebecca Bradley. Becca was standing side by side with a VERY irritable looking Alyssa Pryde--

Rebecca Bradley: "In a matter of minutes we're gonna find out if the anticipated main event between Drew Stevenson, and the woman to my right-- Alyssa Pryde will take place. I asked Mister Stevenson if the match was going to happen- he failed to give me a direct answer.. so Alyssa, before we find out what's going to happen-- do you have ANY comments?"

Alyssa didn't bother to answer Rebecca, instead she shook her head and walked off, leaving Bradley standing by herself much like Stevenson had done earlier.

Rebecca Bradley: ".. I guess Alyssa is ready.. Boys-- you know the deal!"

Drew Stevenson vs. Alyssa Pryde (Singles Match)

Back at ringside, the camera cued back in on Len Ragatti and Tracy Race-- Ragatti welcomed the camera with a warm smile.

Len Ragatti: "Thanks Rebecca! Before we get to what we THINK is going to be a match between Alyssa Pryde and Drew Stevenson-- we've been informed that at our next show.. Which details will be released AFTER we conclude our evening here on LEGACY dot com, we WILL be hearing from Zarek Lyle regarding his stunning return and costing his former tag team partner, Scotty Addams his match against Joey Edwards. We've been told that Addams is FURIOUS with Zarek for picking his spot to make sure Addams got a lost.. so we're anticipating what Zarek has to say for himself."

Tracy Race: "Oh it's gonna be something else, man. Zarek and Scotty has potential fireworks between the two-- especially with Addams' boom in popularity and success as Zarek vanished into thin air. I'm one of the guys who wants to hear where Lyle has been-- and why he picked Scotty to be the return.."

Len Ragatti: "We've ALSO been told that at the next show-- the man that got into a brawl with Bulldozer Brixton; Adrian Abernanthy Gates WILL be in action and his manager, Johnny Bonecrusher has DEMANDED that Gates debut in similar fashion to Brixton and will ALSO face two competitors in a handicap match!"

Tracy Race: "That should be good!"

ding.. ding.. ding..

Rob Hendricks: "Ladies and gentlemen-- the MAIN EVENT.. of the eveeeeeeeeniiiiiiiinggggggggg!"

Len Ragatti: "Questions are swirling around this-- many are wondering if 'The Emerald' Drew Stevenson will be in active competition here tonight. We've heard him through the process of the week, he's made it perfectly clear that he feels as if he's too big, too strong-- and in a class far above Alyssa Pryde.. because he's a man."

Tracy Race: "I'm all for equal rights, I'd like to think that sometime within the next ten years we could potentially see a woman president of the United States-- but there's somethings that women and men SHOULD not mix up in-- Professional Wrestling is one of them. I'm an old-school guy, Len-- you know that. You know that I see wrestling as a sport and not as a attention-seeking hobby, so no-- I don't think Drew is necessarily wrong.. what happens if he snaps Alyssa's back? Or gives her a career-ending concussion?"

Len Ragatti: "On the otherhand, Drew has to honor his agreement, and the agreement he made as Alyssa pointed out was he signed a contract-- and as a contracted worker, he's guaranteed to be in the ring against opposition and this time-- it just so happens to be Alyssa Pryde!"

Tracy Race: "We'll see.. We'll see.."

Rob Hendricks: "Coming to the ring first.."

"Spitfire" by Prodigy blasted over the PA-- within seconds, moving through the curtain looking as savage as ever with her white pupils, and all white painted face we see Alyssa Pryde..


Due to her nature, Alyssa headed straight down to the ring and pulled herself up onto the ring apron, getting into the ring. Pryde moved to the far side turnbuckle and glared towards the stage-- all as she kept that death-seeking stare crossed over her face, having enough of the talk through the week.

Len Ragatti: ".. if looks could kill.. man.."

The music cut off of the PA, all as silence filled the arena. After a few awkward seconds that the fans knew were taking too long-- they let off a round of boos..

Tracy Race: ".. well I think it's apparent we know what's gonna happen with THIS match.."


Pryde, having enough of the nonsense-- grabbed Head Official Wilson by the collar, pointed at the stage and worded something at him as his eyes got WIDE out of fear--

Len Ragatti: "I'm no lip-reader but I'm sure that Pryde just DEMANDED Wilson start the mandatory 10 Count!"

Getting into an argument over the rules, Alyssa sighed before she fired off a SOLID right hand that knocked Wilson down to the mat--


Grabbing the mic from Hendricks-- Pryde had a scowl across her face all as she raised it to her lips--

Alyssa Pryde: "I guess your true colors show-- 'The Emerald'..'? More like THE COWARD."


Alyssa Pryde: "Since no-one seems to want to do anything about it-- including this poor excuse for an official who you've got on your pay-roll.. I'm going to do it myself. I'm going to count to ten, and if you're not out here to answer the bell I don't care what YOUR history books will say-- MINE will say that on Friday June 20th, 2014.. the '30 time World Champion..'

Alyssa's words were DRIPPING with sarcasm..

Alyssa Pryde: ".. didn't honor his commitment and LOST to Alyssa Pryde-- and the zinger?! A WOMAN."


Alyssa Pryde: "ONE!.. TWO!"

Tracy Race: "Can she do this!?"

Len Ragatti: "Who's gonna tell her otherwise?! You planning on talking to her?!"

Tracy Race: "I don't wanna have my face eaten."


Len Ragatti: "I think Drew isn't gonna answer the ten count!"

Alyssa Pryde: "EIGHT!"


Alyssa Pryde: "Oh look-- the stooge-- NINNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEE!"


Moving through the curtain with a PURPOSE, we see Petey Bauer and he didn't seem happy. Surely, Alyssa's mic was cut off, she was tapping it, all before she flew it over her shoulder and into the crowd-- of course a slight ruckus broke out as the fans tried to grab the instrument. Bauer got into the ring and went face to face with Alyssa, Bauer was right at six-foot, or a bit over that so he pretty much towered over Alyssa's five foot five frame.

Petey Bauer: "There will be NO hijacking of MY show-- who the HELL do you think you are?!"

Shoving Alyssa's shoulder-- Alyssa's body went back all as her eyes got small with murderous intent.

Petey Bauer: "You know why Drew isn't out here?! Huh?!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" clap. clap- clap, clap, clap "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap




Len Ragatti: "What?! What's Bauer talking about?!"



The crowd's chants seemed to have died down-- allowing Bauer to STOP shouting into the mic.

Petey Bauer: "And I'm not a stupid general manager-- nooooooo, siiiiirrrrrrrr I am not! So what I told Drew was.. Don't bother, it's not worth it-- because as off now-- It's a BAUER MANDATED RULE-- that there will be NO.. INTERGENDER MATCHES UNDER MY WATCH! NONE! ZILTCH!"


Petey Bauer: "Don't blame Stevenson-- take it out on me.. The Boss.. THE BRASS, BABY!"

Tracy Race: "Bauer banned men versus women! It was him!"

With a funky, mocking laugh-- Bauer nodded his head and took in ALL the boos and jeers he was given.. but he didn't foresee what happened next. He totally underestimated Alyssa as she rushed forward and picked Bauer off of the mat, spiking him down with a spear. The fans broke into a HUGE frenzy now as Pryde fired shot after shot across Bauer's head and face, he tried to cover up but wasn't successful. Jumping to her feet, Pryde reached into her pocket and pulled out a pair of brass knuckles, all as she slipped it over her hand..


Tracy Race: "THIS IS INSANE!"

With Bauer getting to his feet-- the SECOND he turned to Pryde's direction, she punched Bauer RIGHT across the head with the brass knuckles-- the impact from the shot BUSTED Bauer open upon landing the shot. With Bauer's face instantly covered in blood from the shot-- Pryde continued the assault-- all as sprinting out from the back we see Decaine making yet ANOTHER appearance for the evening. With Decaine sliding into the ring-- Alyssa raised her hand to take a shot at Decaine but Decaine threw his hands up-- showing his innocence.


Decaine was talking her down-- telling her something as Pryde engaged in a shouting contest with him. Bauer was out of it, he was bloody, probably out cold all as Alyssa stood over him like a predator over it's prey, not wanting to concede any space. Decaine kept his hand up as he kneeled down slowly and grabbed hold of the mic..

Decaine: ".. Alyssa-- Alyssa-- come on, it's me. We talked, I helped get you into LEGACY-- I'm not trying to steer you wrong but you've gotta let Bauer go.. he's the boss.."

Shouting without a mic but DEFINITELY audible, Pryde was heard..

Alyssa Pryde: "YOUR BOSS, NOT MINE!"

As she looked to move down to begin to swing on Bauer again and probably stretch that gash across his head, Decaine's tone of voice raised--


Stopping-- the usually savage personality would of taken over by now as Decaine nodded--

Decaine: "I can get you Drew Stevenson.. I can GUARANTEE YOU.. Drew Stevenson."

The fans cheered, all as Decaine reached his hand out.

Decaine: "Give me the brass knuckles, let Bauer go and we'll talk about it. I've got stroke in LEGACY-- You know that! YOU KNOW THAT ALYSSA!"

Shaking her head, she wasn't going to oblige with Decaine's request. As Decaine took a step forward, Alyssa's right hand jerked backwards as if she was going to smack Decaine with it too, all as he jumped backwards and again held his hands up.


With her free hand, Alyssa lifted it and SHOT Decaine the bird-- all as Decaine's eyes went wide--

Decaine: ".. Have it your way.."


Len Ragatti: "WHAT THE FU-"

As Pryde was distracted with Decaine's pleads, darting through the crowd and managing to slide into the ring was Drew Stevenson-- and Stevenson LEVELED Alyssa Pryde from the back with a kendo stick. The stick's impact zipped in the ring and connected across the back of her head-- taking her down.



Decaine, all of a sudden-- his demeanor changed as he pointed down at Alyssa--


Drew raised the kendo stick HIGH above his head and brought it down across Alyssa's back, her shoulders arched as she rolled off to the side.


Bringing the kendo stick down AGAIN across of Alyssa's head, the stick CRASHED off of her skulll, all as the crowd continued to let Drew have it--

"YOU'RE A PUSSY!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap "YOU'RE A PUSSY!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap "YOU'RE A PUSSY!" clap, clap- clap, clap, clap

Decaine and Drew helped pick a BLOODY and beaten Petey Bauer up, as Bauer's arm was thrown across Drew's shoulders with The Emerald keeping him up, Bauer-- through Decaine's advice starting speaking in a totally slow, slurred and almost incoherent manner.

Petey Bauer: "yyoouuu.. lllittttlleee.. BIIIITCCCHHHHHHHH!"

Bauer tried to fire forward at Pryde but Drew held him back--

Petey Bauer: "o- o- on.. beeeeehaaalfff.. of.. LE- LE- LL- LEGA- CY wreeeesssstlllling.. Y-"

Almost passing out suddenly from the blood lost that formed on the mat like a puddle, Decaine helped keep him up as he pointed down at Alyssa..


Petey Bauer: "I- I- SUS- SUSPEND YOU.. arghhh.. INDEFINITELY!"



Tracy Race: "You can't put your hands on the boss, man.. That's a total no-no."

With Bauer barely clinging to consciousness, Decaine and Drew exchanged handshakes.

Len Ragatti: "And these two.. Stevenson and Decaine, what the hell!?"

Holding Bauer's arm in the air, blood dripped off of his face as his legs finally went limp. The Brass fell totally unconscious-- all as in the center of the ring, Decaine and Drew stood, Decaine holding Drew's arm up in the air in a moment of victory.

Len Ragatti: "I can't believe.. They got to Bauer!? Decaine URGED Bauer to 'drop the hammer' on Pryde, what the hell else are these two able to do!?"

Decaine, with a mic in his hand pointed down at Bauer..

Decaine: "Now listen very.. very closely. This is dedicated to the ENTIRE LEGACY Roster-- both current and upcoming. I asked people on Twitter what it meant to be a 'Decaine Guy' and despite all the answers I got that made total sense-- there was ONE answer I didn't get.."


Decaine: "That answer was.. BEING A CHAMPION! And Drew Stevenson, despite our past?! He DEFINES being a champion! So ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to YOU.. the latest in a long line of Decaine Guys.. THEEEE EMMEERRRRRALLLLLLLDD.. DDDDDREEEWWWWWW SSSTTEEVVEEENNNSSSOONNN!"


Suddenly, Alyssa Pryde jumped up and attempted to launch herself at Decaine-- Drew stepped forward and like Yasiel Puig in the top of the 9th, down 2 runs with bases fully loaded-- UNLOADED ON Pryde with the kendo stick, using it like a baseball bat. The sick thud echoed through the arena, all as when Pryde fell-- darting from the back to the tune of "Born with Nothing, Die with Everything" by Papa Roach-- was an old adversary of Drew Stevenson and Decaine's..


As Matlock rolled into the ring, Decaine and Drew dropped out of it. As they backed up the ramp, the crowd broke into a frenzy all as Matlock grabbed the mic and told them to cut the music with a swipe of his thumb across his throat.

Matlock: "i always knew you to be a gutless prick, but to attack someone you're obviously ducking with the help of the albino shrek there?!"

Matlock shook his head, all as Drew's eyes went wide and pointed in his direction.

Matlock: "There's no doubt Pryde is a tough chick, but Drew-- why don't you try that underhanded bullshit with me!? I've got a Monkey Wrench with YOUR name on it!"


Matlock: "You two son of a bitches, you're gonna get what's coming to you.. And YOU.."

Bauer-- who had rolled out of the ring and crawled towards the aisle where Decaine and Drew was, he left a trail of blood behind him.

Matlock: "You god-damned sellout-- Best believe that while you can flex your muscle on someone who's out cold from more shots with a kendo stick than ANY ordinary man may be able to take-- you're no better than those two ass-clowns! Pryde gave you EXACTLY what you deserved you son of a bitch. All and all-- I may not be the best, or the most technical guy around but Stevenson-- you and Decaine know me, you know what I bring and what I'm able to do! I'LL PUT AN END TO YOU BEFORE YOU CAN GET STARTED!"


Throwing the mic off to his side, EMT's rushed the ring-- some stopped to get Bauer some attention as the other half went to Alyssa Pryde in the ring. With Matlock engaged in a pretty intense staredown with Drew, Decaine patted Drew on the shoulder and was selling his client with hype.. all as WITHIN the ring, Alyssa had got back to her feet, despite a hematoma that formed on her forehead from the brutal kendo stick shot, she didn't stay down and ripped through the EMT's, dropping two with a shot from her right hand as she tried to move forward..



With the crowd changing up in the chants, Decaine and Drew was at the safety of the top of the aisle, a camera shot of a bloody Petey Bauer who was literally babbling from a possible concussion.. then finally, a shot of EMT's restraining Pryde and shouting down at her..


With the crowd still chanting in Pryde and Matlock's way, the night definitely ended with something people already knew-- not even discriminating against someone for their gender like Bauer was attempting to do would work-- the heart of a warrior was something special-- and despite Alyssa's past of being known as 'the savage bad girl' that people DIDN'T necessarily like, for the people in Carson, California? They couldn't get enough of her-- she had more balls than most guys and could take a beating just as they could.. How they would all be figured out in the future would be something to see- until then? Keep tuned.. You never know WHAT'S gonna happen in LEGACY Wrestling.