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== Intro ==
== Intro ==
Coming Soon!
“Money (Instrumental)” by Pink Floyd plays as the packed Golden Gate Arena in San Francisco, California is alive and electric tonight. The crowd, normally very hostile to IC3 is quick to welcome him back for the first GGW branded event in 5 years as the owner of Golden Gate Wrestling and the President of the Prospect Wrestling Network makes his way to the ring.<br>
'''Julian Masterson:''' Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Isaac Cornelius The third.... I....C.....3!<br>
GGW's resident Ring Announcer and Janitor's booming voice echos over the PA system as IC3 makes his way down the ramp to the ring. Inside the ring there appears to be an object sitting on a table covered with a velvet covering over it. IC3 doesn't interact with the fans like he did recently in Maine, keeping his distance as he walks with a purpose to the ring. He walks up the steps as Masterson assists him inside the ring, sitting on the middle rope for him before handing off the microphone.<br>
'''IC3:''' Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the LIVE PREMIERE of Golden Gate Wrestling on the Prospect Wrestling Network!<br>
The crowd cheers as IC3 gives them a moment to make a bit of noise before continuing.<br>
'''IC3:''' I'm going to keep this short and sweet because we have a very busy night here tonight. But over a year ago I had a vision, a vision for a wrestling network for the fans, to provide content at the low, low price of $4.99 a month. I felt that wrestling fans needed a product that provided First Class entertainment in a First Class streaming platform and if you don't see what you want out there in the world? Sometimes you have to roll up your sleeves and create it yourself, you know? Sometimes you need to take action and put your money where your mouth is. One year later, after a lot of deals being made and a lot of ink drying on contracts, we're here, we're finally here. We're here in the great Golden State of California!<br>
The crowd cheers again as IC3 waits for them to finish.<br>
'''IC3:''' Just a week ago, I made an announcement that would bring LONE over to Prospect, to California and low and behold? The very same crooked little Maine Mayor that I called out for letting their city rot and decay, the same little crooked Maine Mayor that saw businesses leave in a mass exodus finally decided to try to do something about it! When I pulled the plug on LONE, their last big source of economic revenue to the region? That little Maine Mayor finally woke up from their little 3 year siesta down in Miami. That little Mayor finally realized that economic activity is dead! But make no mistake, that announcement was no bluff. When that little Mayor wouldn't work something out for the mutual benefit of everyone? I made my move, and just because that little Maine Mayor sees that I was serious now doesn't change a thing. LONE will no longer be known as the Ladies of New England because New England has been cut off!<br>
But we'll be keeping the letters, it'll still be known as LONE but you'll have to tune into this month's edition to find out what those four letters now stand for. Now why am I taking time to speak about that little debacle? Because the Prospect Wrestling Network is finally whole! While we will be continuing to update old and new content alike, all of the promotions under our umbrella are now aligned! Golden Gate Wrestling will run events once again periodically and in addition, events that have not yet ran for promotions yet to be introduced, they will be debuting in the coming weeks and months. And while I can't speak too much publicly right now, I don't want to steal the thunder of those fine and classy promotions, tonight will be the beginning of a new tradition. Tonight will usher in the inaugural Prospect Classic Cup! There will be a few surprises, but the Prospect Classic Cup will be an 8 person tournament that runs yearly on a rotational basis on the promotions within the Prospect Wrestling Network family; open to ALL members and promotions of the Prospect Wrestling Network family and occasionally free agents as well! LONE will be represented here tonight by Alison Crowne and Sister Catherine, Golden Gate Wrestling will also be represented by the well traveled veteran Billy Stilwell and up and coming rookie “The Wolf” Mark Briggs, two men that have recently signed!<br>
The crowd cheers, excited about the tournament and the announcement of some big time names.<br>
'''IC3:''' And tonight the Prospect Wrestling Network will get a taste of one of our promotions in Japan, as SAKURA PRO, the women's, or joshi, promotion based out of Japan will be represented by “Deadshot” Emily Emmett! SAKURA PRO seeks to set the bar high over in Japan and Ms. Emmett is part of the first graduating class of the SAKURA PRO Wrestling Dojo, trained by the great Japanese puroresu legend, Sojiro Yukimura! The winner of this 8 person tournament will win this!<br>
IC3 removes the cloth as a nice, polished and silver trophy cup stood on full display and glimmered in the light.<br>
'''IC3:''' Not only will their names go down in history but they will bring prestige and class to their home promotion as well as raise their own profile. So to the 8 fine men and women competing here tonight; go out and win with class!
== First Round Matches ==
== First Round Matches ==
=== Carl Whitaker Vs. Emily Emmett ===
=== Carl Whitaker Vs. Emily Emmett ===
'''Julian Masterson:''' This match is a Standard Match. On her way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 125 pounds, from Okinawa, Japan accompanied by Drew Stevenson, Emily Emmett!!! (crowd cheers ********)<br>
[Emily Emmett makes her way to the ring, wasting no time sliding in waiting for the opening bell. ]<br>
Julian Masterson  - and her opponent, weighing in at 228 pounds, from Beaumont, Texas accompanied by Alison Crowne, Carl Whitaker!!! (crowd boos ******)<br>
[Stonehands makes his way to the ring. Duke Dick checks Emily Emmett's boots and knee pads. (ding, ding, ding) Carl Whitaker drops Emily Emmett with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Emily Emmett whips Carl Whitaker's feet from under him with a side kick. Emily Emmett climbs to his feet. Emily Emmett hits Carl Whitaker with an elbow drop Emily Emmett climbs to his feet. Carl Whitaker is driven further into the mat by Emily Emmett with a diving elbow smash. Emily Emmett gets back to his feet. Emily Emmett rolls onto Carl Whitaker connecting with a knee. Now Carl Whitaker standing. Carl Whitaker goes for a Scorpion Death Drop but Emily Emmett dodges the attack. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – So early on we have Emily Emmett vs Carl Whitaker. For those who many not know Carl Whitaker is a professional wrestler and fighter with a boxing background. He has an overall combined fighting record of 17-4 and Alison Crowne, his manager and tag team partner is an MMA fighter and wrestler in her own right and recently had a record setting reign as LONE Champion, setting the mark at an astonishing 454 days. Meanwhile Emily Emmett is a rookie, at the age of 19 she's part of the first graduating class of the SAKURA PRO Wrestling Dojo and she recently won in her American debut against current LONE Champion Terri Thompson in another promotion in Atlanta. Terri said Emily would earn a LONE Championship opportunity at the end of this month if she beat her, and she did. Emily has also recently hit it off with Drew Stevenson who has appeared to have turned over a new leaf and has taken her under his wing in a mentor role.<br>
'''DIC''' – Did you have to mention Terri? The only reason why I agreed to work here tonight was because she wouldn't be here! I mean, it's really a shame though. Emily is kinda hot but Whitaker is going to ruin her pretty face by the end of this one! You know Alison can't be happy about someone leapfrogging her either when she hasn't even gotten her contractually obligated rematch!<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – Well, Jack E. Bux has approved the match so she'll have to face the winner at another date. That said, this is an excellent opportunity to scout one of her potential opponents. Emily Emmett could be the LONE Champion by the time Alison Crowne gets to exercise her rematch.<br>
'''DIC''' – Big IF though! I don't envy anybody who pulls ole Whitaker in the first round!<br>
[Carl Whitaker uses a snap mare takeover on Emily Emmett. Carl Whitaker covers Emily Emmett. The ref starts the count. ...1 Emily Emmett escapes. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – Swift kickout by Emily Emmett!<br>
[Emily Emmett moves back to his feet. Emily Emmett superkicks Carl Whitaker. Emily Emmett covers Carl Whitaker hooking the leg. Duke Dick counts. ...1 ...2 Carl Whitaker kicks out. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – That superkick rocked him, but not nearly enough to get the job done! He's got a very sturdy jaw, made of steel and not glass!<br>
'''DIC''' – A few people have managed to knock him out in a fight, but that's a very small and exclusive club!<br>
[Carl Whitaker stands up. Emily Emmett is hooked in a full nelson. Carl Whitaker hits Emily Emmett with an ear-ringer Carl Whitaker gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Emily Emmett. Carl Whitaker bounces Emily Emmett off the ropes and clotheslines her. Carl Whitaker goes for a pin. Referee Duke Dick makes the count. ...1 ...2 Emily Emmett kicks out. Emily Emmett is up again. Carl Whitaker bites Emily Emmett's arm out of desperation Emily Emmett leaps up, swings around Carl Whitaker and DDTs him onto the mat. Carl Whitaker is hooked in a full nelson. Duke Dick asks Carl Whitaker if he quits. ... Carl Whitaker tries to escape. ... ... ... Carl Whitaker escapes. Emily Emmett executes a corkscrew legdrop on Carl Whitaker. Emily Emmett climbs to her feet. Carl Whitaker climbs to his feet. Carl Whitaker comes from behind and bulldogs Emily Emmett. Emily Emmett moves back to her feet. Carl Whitaker holds his mouth after receiving an elbow smash to the face. Carl Whitaker gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Emily Emmett. Emily Emmett mule kicks Carl Whitaker. Carl Whitaker stands up. Carl Whitaker hiptosses Emily Emmett. Carl Whitaker rolls onto Emily Emmett connecting with a knee. Emily Emmett is back on her feet. A springboard dropkick by Emily Emmett sends Carl Whitaker to the mat. Emily Emmett chants start. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – Emily Emmett with the springboard dropkick and the crowd is getting behind her!<br>
[Now Emily Emmett standing. Emily Emmett and Carl Whitaker go to the floor Duke Dick starts the count (.1) Emily Emmett swings a Steel chair and hits Carl Whitaker. Carl Whitaker is bleeding as a result. Carl Whitaker gets kneed in the stomach by Emily Emmett when Emily Emmett jumped off the top rope. Carl Whitaker stands up. (..2) Emily Emmett executes a bulldog off of the top rope, bringing Carl Whitaker crashing face first to the floor. Emily Emmett gets up. (...3) Emily Emmett chokes Carl Whitaker with a microphone cable. ]<br>
'''DIC''' – Duke Dick is a real dick for letting something like that fly!<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – From what I've been told, the official has been instructed to exercise a lot of leeway here for this tournament to accommodate to every style under the sun. I may not agree with it, but if it's allowed to fly then it's fair game, right?<br>
[Carl Whitaker's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by Emily Emmett. Emily Emmett chants start. Carl Whitaker is back on his feet. A forearm choke by Emily Emmett nearly gets her disqualified. Emily Emmett takes Carl Whitaker into the ring. Emily Emmett tries for a tiger suplex but is unable to lift Carl Whitaker. Emily Emmett dropkicks Carl Whitaker to the knee. Emily Emmett climbs to her feet. Emily Emmett hits a Wrist-lock transitioned into a short-arm high knee strike to the head of Carl Whitaker!<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – Rook. Takes. King!<br>
Emily Emmett covers Carl Whitaker. Referee Duke Dick makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3<br>
'''Julian Masterson:''' The winner of this match, Emily Emmett!!!<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – What a massive upset! I can't believe it! She knocked Carl Whitaker out! WOW!<br>
'''DIC''' – For once I'm at a loss for words. Just who the hell is this kid?!<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – I don't know, but she has back to back victories over Terri Thompson AND Carl Whitaker! Two very big names in this industry! Sojiro Yuikmura has definitely been doing his job for one of his students to pull off that massive feat!<br>
=== "The Wolf" Mark Briggs Vs. Billy Stilwell ===
=== "The Wolf" Mark Briggs Vs. Billy Stilwell ===
'''Julian Masterson:''' This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 180 pounds, from Annapolis, MD, Billy Stilwell!!! (crowd cheers *********)<br>
[Billy Stilwell makes his way to the ring. ]<br>
'''Julian Masterson:''' and his opponent, weighing in at 179 pounds, from Brooklyn, New York, "The Wolf" Mark Briggs!!! (crowd cheers *****)<br>
["The Wolf" Mark Briggs makes his way to the ring. Billy Stilwell walks around the ring (ding, ding, ding) . "The Wolf" Mark Briggs drops Billy Stilwell with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Billy Stilwell hits a jumping elbow thrust on "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits a jumping elbow thrust on Billy Stilwell. Billy Stilwell stands up. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs neck snaps Billy Stilwell. Billy Stilwell attempts to kick "The Wolf" Mark Briggs, but "The Wolf" Mark Briggs catches his leg. Billy Stilwell flips around and kicks "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. ]<br>
Alex Smith - Billy Stilwell with a enzuigiri early on. Billy Stilwell is a journeyman that's traveled and wrestled all across the United States looking to finally strike out and make a name for himself. Mark Briggs meanwhile is pretty new to the industry but he has a lot of potential.<br>
'''DIC''' – Wolfie boy is going to have his work cut out for him, that's for sure!<br>
[Now Billy Stilwell standing. Billy Stilwell hits "The Wolf" Mark Briggs with an elbow drop Billy Stilwell gets up. Billy Stilwell hits "The Wolf" Mark Briggs with an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle. Billy Stilwell stands up. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs is back on his feet. Billy Stilwell whips "The Wolf" Mark Briggs's feet from under him with a side kick. Now Billy Stilwell standing. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs climbs to his feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs tries for a headscissors takeover but Billy Stilwell avoids it. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs sends Billy Stilwell to ringside. Duke Dick starts the count (.1) "The Wolf" Mark Briggs cuts Billy Stilwell with a blade. Billy Stilwell is bleeding as a result. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs with an exploder suplex on Billy Stilwell. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs chants start. ]<br>
Alex Smith - Good exploder suplex by "The Wolf" Mark Briggs.  Billy Stilwell has to be feeling that one!<br>
["The Wolf" Mark Briggs is back on his feet. (..2) "The Wolf" Mark Briggs swings a Steel chair and hits Billy Stilwell. Billy Stilwell is bleeding as a result. (...3) "The Wolf" Mark Briggs punches Billy Stilwell repeatedly. (....4) Billy Stilwell goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. ]<br>
'''DIC''' – You should've hit him with that chair harder, Wolfie boy, you idiot!<br>
[Billy Stilwell gets up. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Billy Stilwell and "The Wolf" Mark Briggs move back to ringside. Billy Stilwell and "The Wolf" Mark Briggs move back into the ring. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Billy Stilwell. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs gets back to his feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs kicks Billy Stilwell in the groin. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs short-arm clotheslines Billy Stilwell to the mat. Billy Stilwell moves back to his feet. Flying somersault drop kick by Billy Stilwell puts him back in the match. ]<br>
Alex Smith - Billy Stilwell is showing off his athleticism here tonight, you can tell how badly he wants this! Winning The Cup would go a long way to putting his name on the map!<br>
["The Wolf" Mark Briggs is up again. Billy Stilwell executes a rope-flip hiptoss on "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. Billy Stilwell hits "The Wolf" Mark Briggs with an elbow drop Billy Stilwell hits "The Wolf" Mark Briggs with an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs is driven further into the mat by Billy Stilwell with a diving elbow smash. Billy Stilwell climbs to his feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs is up again. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs goes for a chokelift but Billy Stilwell dodges the attack. ]<br>
'''DIC''' – You're going to have to try harder than that, stupid!<br>
["The Wolf" Mark Briggs nails Billy Stilwell with a double underhook suplex. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs puts Billy Stilwell in the double armbar submission. Referee Duke Dick is checking for a tap out. ... Billy Stilwell is fighting the hold. ... "The Wolf" Mark Briggs breaks the hold. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits a frog splash on Billy Stilwell. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs gets up. ]<br>
'''DIC''' – Oh stop showing off already!<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – You can't blame him for trying to get himself noticed! These two men are going back and forth and they're leaving it all in the ring here tonight!<br>
["The Wolf" Mark Briggs slingshot elbow drops Billy Stilwell. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs with executes a bearhug on Billy Stilwell. Duke Dick asks Billy Stilwell if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... Billy Stilwell is fighting the hold. ... ... Billy Stilwell escapes. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits a frog splash on Billy Stilwell. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs gets back to his feet. They lockup. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs sends Billy Stilwell to the corner of the ring. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs chants start. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits Billy Stilwell with the belly-to-belly suplex. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs gets up. Now Billy Stilwell standing. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits Billy Stilwell with a single arm DDT. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs stands up. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs howls like a wolf before hitting Billy Stilwell with a battering ram headbutt. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs calls that the Howl of the Wolf! Billy Stilwell is out cold! Billy Stilwell gets hit with the Mark of the Wolf (Dominator) from "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. Duke Dick counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]<br>
Alex Smith - "The Wolf" Mark Briggs has won the match!<br>
'''Julian Masterson:''' The winner of this match, "The Wolf" Mark Briggs!!!
=== Theo Vega Vs. Drew Stevenson ===
=== Theo Vega Vs. Drew Stevenson ===
Julian Masterson  - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Kansas City, Missouri accompanied by Emily Emmett, Drew Stevenson!!! (crowd cheers **************)<br>
[Drew Stevenson makes his way down to the ring, ready for business ]<br>
Julian Masterson  - and his opponent, weighing in at 266 pounds,, Theo Vega!!! (crowd boos *****)<br>
[Theo Vega makes his way to the ring Duke Dick checks Drew Stevenson's boots and knee pads. Drew Stevenson gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Theo Vega. (the bell rings) Drew Stevenson hits Theo Vega with the back of his elbow. Theo Vega with a thundering lariat on Drew Stevenson. Theo Vega stands up. Drew Stevenson hits a koppo kick on Theo Vega. Drew Stevenson knees Theo Vega and rolls back to his feet. Drew Stevenson covers Theo Vega hooking the leg. Duke Dick counts the pin. ...1 Theo Vega escapes. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – The surprises keep on coming, tonight! Theo Vega?! The last time we saw him he was with Frankie Cocheese and Clyde Chambers of the Capital Crew!<br>
'''DIC''' – Finally, a guy I can get behind! I hope he slices Drew up!<br>
[Theo Vega is back on his feet. Theo Vega hits a running knee on Drew Stevenson. Theo Vega sends Drew Stevenson to ringside. Duke Dick starts the count (.1) (..2) Theo Vega uses a snap mare takeover on Drew Stevenson. (...3) Theo Vega executes another running knee on Drew Stevenson. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – Theo Vega is being relentless right now! Knee after knee! Blow for blow! <br>
[Theo Vega gets up. (....4) Drew Stevenson gets knocked on the ground and Theo Vega elbow drops him. Theo Vega is back on his feet. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Drew Stevenson gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Theo Vega. Theo Vega is back on his feet. Drew Stevenson is back on his feet. Drew Stevenson gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Theo Vega. Theo Vega gets hit with a fisherman suplex by Drew Stevenson. Drew Stevenson stands up. Drew Stevenson jabs Theo Vega. Theo Vega bites Drew Stevenson's arm out of desperation. Drew Stevenson takes Theo Vega down with a knee. Theo Vega delivers a kick to the head of Drew Stevenson. Theo Vega puts Drew Stevenson in an arm grapevine submission. Theo Vega stomps Drew Stevenson's head. ]<br>
'''DIC''' – Split his melon head open!<br>
[Drew Stevenson picks up Theo Vega and hits him with a Back Suplex. Drew Stevenson chants start. Drew Stevenson moves back to his feet. Drew Stevenson grabs Theo Vega's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. Referee Duke Dick is checking for a tap out. ... Theo Vega is fighting the hold. ... ... ... Theo Vega is fighting the hold. Theo Vega escapes. Drew Stevenson leg drops Theo Vega. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – Drew's fighting back, he's not out of this yet! <br>
[Drew Stevenson and Theo Vega go to the floor Duke Dick starts the count (.1) ]<br>
'''DIC''' – Not even close!<br>
[Drew Stevenson grabs Theo Vega's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine. Drew Stevenson knee drops Theo Vega. Drew Stevenson takes Theo Vega into the ring. Drew Stevenson measures Theo Vega up and drops a closed fist. Theo Vega stands up. Drew Stevenson nails Theo Vega with a double underhook suplex. Now Theo Vega standing. Drew Stevenson Theo Vega with the HT3! Drew Stevenson covers Theo Vega. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – HT3, that's all she wrote!<br>
'''Julian Masterson:''' The winner of this match, Drew Stevenson!!!
=== Sister Catherine Vs. Alison Crowne ===
=== Sister Catherine Vs. Alison Crowne ===
'''Julian Masterson''' – This match is a Standard Match. On her way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 115 pounds, from Stone Mountain, GA, she is one half of the LONE Tag Team Champions Sister Catherine!!! (crowd boos ********)<br>
[Sister Catherine makes her way to the ring ]<br>
'''Julian Masterson:''' and her opponent, weighing in at 152 pounds, from Gainesville, Florida accompanied by Carl Whitaker, Alison Crowne!!! (crowd boos *****) <br>
[Alison Crowne comes to the ring with much fanfare and a lot of booes. Duke Dick checks Sister Catherine's boots and knee pads. Duke Dick checks Alison Crowne's boots and knee pads. (ring, ring, ring) Sister Catherine elbow smashes Alison Crowne in the nose. Alison Crowne takes Sister Catherine down with a knee. Sister Catherine gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Alison Crowne. Alison Crowne gets back to her feet. Sister Catherine moves back to her feet. Flying side kick by Sister Catherine takes Alison Crowne off her feet. Sister Catherine gets back to her feet. A flying shoulder block send Alison Crowne to the mat. Sister Catherine is back on her feet. Alison Crowne stands up. Alison Crowne kicks Sister Catherine in the groin. Sister Catherine tries for a top-rope German suplex but is not strong enough to lift Alison Crowne. Sister Catherine drags Alison Crowne to the floor. Duke Dick starts the count (.1) Sister Catherine cuts Alison Crowne with a blade. Alison Crowne is bleeding as a result. Alison Crowne gets up off the ground and Sister Catherine hits her with a flying dropkick. Sister Catherine sucks chants start in the crowd. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – Alison Crowne and Sister Catherine have been at each other's throats the last few months, with The Damned targeting Alison Crowne the month after she lost the LONE Championship. They've been on a collision course for a while and now they're finally facing off!<br>
'''DIC''' – I'd love to see if her God can save Cathy here! Alison... has been in a very bad mood recently and you know she's just looking to get out that aggression against her source of anger!<br>
[Sister Catherine climbs to her feet. Sister Catherine takes Alison Crowne into the ring. Sister Catherine chokes Alison Crowne. Sister Catherine covers Alison Crowne. Duke Dick counts. ...1 ...2 Alison Crowne kicks out. Now Alison Crowne standing. Alison Crowne is put into a double reverse chinlock. Duke Dick asks Alison Crowne if he quits. ... ... Sister Catherine tightens the hold. ... ... Sister Catherine tightens the hold. Alison Crowne escapes. A springboard bulldog by Sister Catherine sends Alison Crowne's head crashing into the mat. Sister Catherine is back on her feet. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – You can tell these two don't like each other! It's quickly devolving into a war zone in that ring between the two of them!<br>
'''DIC''' – And water is wet, Captain Obvious.<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – I missed you too, DIC. <br>
[Sister Catherine hits Alison Crowne with a flying senton. Sister Catherine and Alison Crowne go to the floor Duke Dick starts the count (.1) (..2) Sister Catherine hits Alison Crowne with an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle. Sister Catherine stands up. (...3) Sister Catherine hits Alison Crowne with an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle. Now Sister Catherine standing. Now Alison Crowne standing. (....4) Alison Crowne punches Sister Catherine in the gut. (.....5) Sister Catherine and Alison Crowne move back into the ring. Sister Catherine hits a flying karate chop right to Alison Crowne's neck. Sister Catherine elbows Alison Crowne in the stomach, trying to even the match. Sister Catherine pins Alison Crowne against the ropes and chokes her with her forearm. Sister Catherine goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Alison Crowne. Sister Catherine is up again. Sister Catherine jumps and elbow smashes the lying Alison Crowne. Sister Catherine is back on her feet. Sister Catherine puts Alison Crowne in an arm grapevine submission. Alison Crowne is back on her feet. Alison Crowne executes the brain buster on Sister Catherine. Alison Crowne sucks chants start in the crowd. Alison Crowne and Sister Catherine go to the floor Duke Dick starts the count (.1) ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – One count, Sister Catherine isn't even close to being done here! <br>
[Alison Crowne grabs Sister Catherine and applies an arm wrench. They fight into the aisle. (..2) (...3) Alison Crowne measures Sister Catherine up and drops a closed fist. Alison Crowne moves back to her feet. (....4) Alison Crowne executes a corkscrew legdrop on Sister Catherine. Alison Crowne moves back to her feet. Sister Catherine stands up. (.....5) Sister Catherine and Alison Crowne move back to ringside. Sister Catherine and Alison Crowne move back into the ring. Sister Catherine hits a jumping elbow thrust on Alison Crowne. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – Sister Catherine just drives that elbow right into Alison Crowne!<br>
'''DIC''' – The bloodsucker is just looking for more blood!<br>
[Alison Crowne is up again. Sister Catherine executes a rope-flip hiptoss on Alison Crowne. Sister Catherine hits Alison Crowne with an elbow drop Sister Catherine moves back to her feet. Alison Crowne is up again. Alison Crowne kicks Sister Catherine in the stomach. Alison Crowne hits Sister Catherine with the back of her elbow. Sister Catherine gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Alison Crowne. Alison Crowne spinning mule kicks Sister Catherine. Alison Crowne knees Sister Catherine and rolls back to her feet. Sister Catherine stands up. Sister Catherine gets set on top the turnbuckle then Sister Catherine hits Alison Crowne with a splash. ]<br>
'''DIC''' – Talk about a flying nun from hell!  <br>
[Sister Catherine jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Alison Crowne. Sister Catherine climbs to her feet. Sister Catherine runs in and leg drops Alison Crowne. Sister Catherine climbs to the top turnbuckle while Alison Crowne is down, and Sister Catherine jumps off with a 450 splash! Sister Catherine moves back to her feet. Sister Catherine grabs Alison Crowne's arm, drops down, and has her in the Sinner's Salvation, Anaconda Vice! Alison tries to fight out of the hold but eventually she has no way out and passes out!<br>
'''Julian Masterson:''' The winner of this match, Sister Catherine!!!<br>
== Teaser Promo ==
A voice could be heard as the footage plays.<br>
“What lies within the hearts of men; what makes them tick? Are we beings of compassion?”<br>
The deep voice echos in the video as the camera cuts to a group of inmates holding church services alongside guards, singing and praying together.<br>
“Is man worthy of redemption?”<br>
The footage then cuts to a prison riot in progress with in inmate getting stabbed with a shiv while alarms are  blaring and the footage cuts to prison security guards piling out of an armory to quell the riot.<br>
“Or are we all monsters in the end?”<br>
One man, the assailant, is being dragged away, his prison jumpsuit covered in blood as he wears a wicked grin as another is bleeding out on the pavement and being tended to by prison hospital staff.<br>
“What really lies within the hearts of man?”<br>
The music picks up a frenetic pace as gunshots can be heard, screams can be heard, various news headlines flash across the screen of various crimes and atrocities.<br>
“And can we really fight our nature?”<br>
The footsteps echo as the scenery changes to a pair of guards walking down a corridor as inmates can be heard yelling and heckling them as they pass.<br>
“Or should we just simply... embrace who and what we are?”<br>
As the guards are near the end of the hallway they turn the right corner and insert a key and unlock a door. The camera then shifts to a bald, heavyset man, towering somewhere north of 6'7 and looking like he weighted at least 350 pounds if not more, and while he certainly was no Adonis there was some serious muscle packed onto his body frame as well. The heavyset bald man was draped in a red velvet robe in a room that looked like it belonged in a 5 star luxury hotel. Fine Persian rugs, a mahogany desk, a California King sized bed with silk sheets and a very robust personal library of books. The man was sitting at his desk as what sounded like yelling, screaming, and fighting going on just beyond his walls as soft classical music played in the ground.<br>
Guard: The warden will see you now.<br>
The bald man, with a smile places bookmark in his book and closes it, the cover reading 'The Art of War'. He disrobes himself, hanging it up on a nearby rack, revealing his black and white striped prison jumpsuit. With a smile, he nods to the guards as he's flanked on each side by a guard and they exit the room, the prison door shutting behind them. The screen fades to black as the words flash across the screen.<br>
The letters fade as a new message appears.<br>
== Semi-Finals ==
== Semi-Finals ==
=== Match 1 ===
=== Match 1 ===
'''Julian Masterson:''' This match is a Standard Match. On her way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 125 pounds, from Okinawa, Japan accompanied by Drew Stevenson, Emily Emmett!!! (crowd cheers **********) <br>
[Emily Emmett makes her way to the ring, wasting no time sliding in waiting for the opening bell. ]<br>
'''Julian Masterson:''' and her opponent, weighing in at 179 pounds, from Brooklyn, New York, "The Wolf" Mark Briggs!!! (crowd cheers ******) <br>
["The Wolf" Mark Briggs makes his way to the ring Emily Emmett tests out the ropes. (the bell rings) "The Wolf" Mark Briggs executes a pumphandle suplex on Emily Emmett. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs catches Emily Emmett's leg, but Emily Emmett reverses it with an enzuigiri to "The Wolf" Mark Briggs's head. Emily Emmett is up again. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs climbs to his feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs executes a headlock takedown. Emily Emmett moves back to her feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs holds his head after receiving an ear-ringer from Emily Emmett. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs bounces Emily Emmett off the ropes and faceslams her onto the mat. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs gets back to his feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs punches Emily Emmett repeatedly. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits her with a back fist. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs double underhook faceslams Emily Emmett hard to the mat. Emily Emmett gets back to her feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs's head is smashed into the mat with a springboard DDT by Emily Emmett. Emily Emmett gets back to her feet. Emily Emmett covers "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. Duke Dick counts. ...1 ...2 "The Wolf" Mark Briggs escapes. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – Youth versus Youth here, in what could be considered the underdog's bracket! The winner of this match is going to the finals where they'll face either Drew Stevenson or Sister Catherine. <br>
'''DIC''' – I can't say I like either of their chances regardless of who the winner faces in the finals! Cathy is a blood sucking freakshow and Drew may not be a spring chicken anymore but he's got the knowledge and technique to put the best away still!<br>
["The Wolf" Mark Briggs whipped into the ropes, Emily Emmett sidesteps, catching "The Wolf" Mark Briggs in a choking sleeper. Referee Duke Dick is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Emily Emmett tightens the hold. Emily Emmett breaks the hold. Emily Emmett kicks "The Wolf" Mark Briggs in the stomach. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – What a nasty little kick there!<br>
["The Wolf" Mark Briggs uses a snap mare takeover on Emily Emmett. They lockup. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs sends Emily Emmett to the corner of the ring. Emily Emmett gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs uses a closed fist on Emily Emmett. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs is pounded to the ground by an off the top rope double axehandle smash. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs gets back to his feet. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – These two rookies are fighting their hearts out right now! They know what's on the line, a trip to the finals and a potential Prospect Classic Cup victory could be life and career altering!<br>
[Emily Emmett hits him with a back fist. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs executes a rope-flip hiptoss on Emily Emmett. Emily Emmett gets hit with the shooting star press from "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. Duke Dick counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Emily Emmett escapes. ]<br>
'''DIC''' – Where does she find the strength and the energy to kick out? No disrespect to Billy but Stonehands is a certified killer in the ring, Emily has already been through the ringer!<br>
[Emily Emmett is up again. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits a spinning leg lariat on Emily Emmett sending her to the mat. Emily Emmett climbs to her feet. Flying somersault drop kick by Emily Emmett puts her back in the match. Emily Emmett is back on her feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs is up again. Out of desperation, Emily Emmett dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. Emily Emmett covers "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hooking the leg. Duke Dick counts. ...1 "The Wolf" Mark Briggs kicks out. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs goes for a double underhook piledriver but Emily Emmett dodges the attack. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs lifts Emily Emmett up and drops her on his knee. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs slingshot elbow drops Emily Emmett. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs tries for a frog splash but Emily Emmett avoids it. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs applies a nerve hold on Emily Emmett. Referee Duke Dick is checking for a tap out. ... ... (AHHHH!) Emily Emmett escapes. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs sends Emily Emmett to ringside. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – Mark Briggs nearly just punched his ticket to the finals! He had Emily on the very verge of tapping out but she somehow, someway found a way to escape!<br>
'''DIC''' – She's going to get hurt! You already got the upset, just save yourself!<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – Are you actually pulling for her?<br>
'''DIC''' – I mean you're asking me if I like a hot chick or a dude better? Come on now, Alex, it's been four years since Missouri but you should know me well enough by now!<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – Oy...<br>
[Duke Dick starts the count (.1) ]<br>
'''DIC''' – The D.I.C. wants what the D.I.C. wants!<br>
[(..2) "The Wolf" Mark Briggs applies the clawhold on Emily Emmett. (...3) Emily Emmett takes "The Wolf" Mark Briggs down with a knee. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs is back on his feet. (....4) "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits Emily Emmett with the back of his elbow. (.....5) "The Wolf" Mark Briggs takes Emily Emmett into the ring. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs slaps Emily Emmett. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs rakes the face of Emily Emmett in attempt to make a come back. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs does a cartwheel and kicks Emily Emmett in the face. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs mule kicks Emily Emmett. Emily Emmett gets hit with the shooting star press from "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. Referee Duke Dick makes the count. ...1 ...2 Emily Emmett escapes. ]<br>
'''DIC''' – She kicked out?! HOW?!<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – That shooting star press was enough to put Billy Stilwell away last round but somehow, someway, perhaps nearly impossibly, Emily Emmett found the strength to kick out at the last second!<br>
[Emily Emmett climbs to her feet. Emily Emmett executes a neck scissors on "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – She's running on pure willpower at this point, this is incredible! The effort both of these rookies are putting out on this stage is incredible! This has the makings of an instant classic!<br>
[Emily Emmett measures "The Wolf" Mark Briggs up and drops a closed fist. Emily Emmett chants start. Now "The Wolf" Mark Briggs standing. Emily Emmett does a cartwheel and kicks "The Wolf" Mark Briggs in the face. Emily Emmett hits "The Wolf" Mark Briggs with an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle. Emily Emmett executes a corkscrew legdrop on "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. Now Emily Emmett standing. Emily Emmett catches Mark Briggs, lifting him up and planting him with Dead On Arrival, her Northern Lights Driver! Duke Dick counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 <br>
'''Julian Masterson:''' The winner of this match, Emily Emmett!!!<br>
'''DIC''' – Alex... I don't get it. I can't even joke around anymore. I'm... I'm in shock. If I was a betting man in Vegas I'd be very upset right now. I don't think any bracket out there had Emily Emmett, a 19 year old rookie making it to the finals of the Prospect Classic Cup. She somehow managed to knock out Stonehands, she managed to survive, albeit barely, against a very game Mark Briggs; she's traveled the tougher road and she's perhaps, impossibly, three seconds away from winning the whole thing! This kind of thing doesn't just happen, Alex!<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – The beauty of tournaments DIC, is sometimes you have a Cinderella Story unfold, the 8th seed that somehow makes it all the way to the end against all odds. Every tournament has a wildcard that can threaten to go the distance, and I think we've found one in Emily Emmett. We still have our second semi-finals match to go before the finals itself but regardless I have a feeling that we've got a wild finish still in store. <br>
=== Match 2 ===
=== Match 2 ===
'''Julian Masterson:''' This match is a Standard Match. On her way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 115 pounds, from Stone Mountain, GA, Sister Catherine!!! (crowd boos *******) <br>
[Sister Catherine makes her way to the ring ]<br>
'''Julian Masterson:''' and her opponent, already in the ring, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Kansas City, Missouri accompanied by Emily Emmett, Drew Stevenson!!! (crowd cheers ************) <br>
[Sister Catherine tests out the ropes. Drew Stevenson walks around the ring. (ding, ding, ding) Sister Catherine gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Drew Stevenson. Drew Stevenson gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Sister Catherine. Sister Catherine slaps both sides of Drew Stevenson's head out of desperation. Drew Stevenson gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Sister Catherine attempts to kick Drew Stevenson, but Drew Stevenson catches her leg. Sister Catherine flips around and kicks Drew Stevenson. Sister Catherine stands up. Drew Stevenson is back on his feet. Flying somersault drop kick by Sister Catherine puts her back in the match. Sister Catherine gets back to her feet. Sister Catherine jumps and elbow smashes the lying Drew Stevenson. Sister Catherine gets back to her feet. Drew Stevenson moves back to his feet. Sister Catherine tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block. Sister Catherine goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Drew Stevenson kicks out. Drew Stevenson stands up. Drew Stevenson uses a cradle suplex on Sister Catherine. Drew Stevenson moves back to his feet. Sister Catherine gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Drew Stevenson. Drew Stevenson climbs to his feet. Sister Catherine slaps both sides of Drew Stevenson's head out of desperation. Sister Catherine pins Drew Stevenson against the ropes and chokes him with her forearm. Drew Stevenson delivers a kick to the head of Sister Catherine. Sister Catherine climbs to her feet. Flying somersault drop kick by Sister Catherine puts her back in the match. Sister Catherine gets up. Sister Catherine goes for a pin. Duke Dick counts. ...1 Drew Stevenson escapes. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – Interestingly enough Emily Emmett has stayed at ringside for Drew's match, offering all of her support at ringside knowing that they could very well be facing each other in the finals! Sister Catherine is coming out like a woman possessed though, you know she wants to bring the glory of The Lord to the Cup!<br>
'''DIC''' – So far she appears to have the upper hand but honestly I'm not sure what to expect anymore. You know they're both tired, everyone still alive in the tournament is tired by this point but if Drew has one advantage it's his size. He's in phenomenal shape after many years away from regular competition. Age is a factor of course, but I'm not sure that outweighs his size.<br>
[Drew Stevenson stands up. Sister Catherine hits a jumping elbow thrust on Drew Stevenson. Sister Catherine hits Drew Stevenson with an elbow drop Sister Catherine stands up. Drew Stevenson stands up. Drew Stevenson dropkicks Sister Catherine to the face. Now Drew Stevenson standing. Sister Catherine stands up. Drew Stevenson lifts Sister Catherine into the air and delivers a spinebuster. Drew Stevenson chants start. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – HT3! Could this be it?<br>
'''DIC''' – I don't know, Alex, I think he's going to lock in that submission to try to be 100% sure!<br>
[Drew Stevenson chokes Sister Catherine with his boot. Drew Stevenson puts Sister Catherine in the torture rack. Duke Dick asks Sister Catherine if he quits. ... ... Sister Catherine tries to escape. ... Sister Catherine tries to escape. ... (AHHHH!) Drew Stevenson breaks the hold. Drew Stevenson piledrives Sister Catherine into the mat. Drew Stevenson spinning mule kicks Sister Catherine. Drew Stevenson chants start. Drew Stevenson has the advantage, and he grabs Sister Catherine with an arm wrench. Drew Stevenson chants start. Drew Stevenson rolls onto Sister Catherine connecting with a knee. Drew Stevenson quickly manages to reverse Sister Catherine's next move as he nails her with another HT3! Drew Stevenson goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 <br>
'''Julian Masterson:''' The winner of this match, Drew Stevenson!!!<br>
== Finals ==
== Finals ==
=== Final Match ===
=== Final Match ===
[Emily Emmett rolls into the ring to check on Drew, asking if he's able to go for the match. Drew nods in acknowledgment as the referee does a second check on him just to make sure he's able to go. With the ringside doctor giving the thumbs up to medically clear this match to begin, the two friends and tag team partners separate to their separate corners. Drew Stevenson walks around the ring. Emily Emmett walks around the ring. (the bell rings) Emily Emmett gets hit with a back heel kick. Emily Emmett moves back to her feet. Drew Stevenson gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Drew Stevenson leg sweeps Emily Emmett. ]<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – You can just see how badly both of these friends want this win. Drew wants this win to take him another step down his path towards redemption, to create a new legacy for himself, one that's pure. Emily wants this win, this upset of a lifetime to establish herself as a force in not only the Prospect Wrestling Network but in the wrestling scene in the United States as a whole! She's looking to show everyone that she made the right move to step inside the ring, that no matter where or what set of circumstances you come from, that you can make your dreams come true! They're fighting, they're pouring their hearts out in the middle of this ring as they seek their own personal redemption!<br>
[Drew Stevenson fist drops Emily Emmett on the mat. Drew Stevenson is back on his feet. Emily Emmett is back on her feet. Emily Emmett bounces Drew Stevenson off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Emily Emmett drags Drew Stevenson to the floor. Duke Dick starts the count (.1) Emily Emmett cuts Drew Stevenson with a blade. Drew Stevenson is bleeding as a result. Emily Emmett knee drops Drew Stevenson. Emily Emmett stands up. Now Drew Stevenson standing. (..2) Satellite scissors by Emily Emmett throw Drew Stevenson across the ringside. Now Emily Emmett standing. They fight into the aisle. (...3) Emily Emmett throws a chair at Drew Stevenson. ]<br>
DIC- She's not taking it easy on Drew, either!<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – It's all because of the respect they have for one another; go all out and leave nothing to chance! They both have to be running near empty though, Emily especially. Even if she's slightly fresher than Drew she's been through a murderer's row just to get here!<br>
'''DIC''' – They both have! Theo Vega won MSW's final match in the final main event! Sister Catherine has been incredibly successful wherever she's been! The lights are on brightest now, Drew's been here before! <br>
[(....4) Emily Emmett rolls onto Drew Stevenson connecting with a knee. Drew Stevenson is up again. (.....5) Drew Stevenson and Emily Emmett move back to ringside. Drew Stevenson and Emily Emmett move back into the ring. Drew Stevenson uses a closed fist on Emily Emmett. Emily Emmett uses a closed fist on Drew Stevenson. Drew Stevenson nails Emily Emmett with a belly-to-back suplex. Drew Stevenson is back on his feet. Emily Emmett executes a flying somersault bodyblock on Drew Stevenson from off the top rope. Emily Emmett climbs to her feet. Emily Emmett sends Drew Stevenson to ringside. Duke Dick starts the count (.1) Emily Emmett punches Drew Stevenson in the gut. Emily Emmett executes a rope-flip hiptoss on Drew Stevenson. Drew Stevenson climbs to his feet. Emily Emmett takes Drew Stevenson into the ring. Drew Stevenson is hit with a backward kick. Emily Emmett measures Drew Stevenson up and hits him with a swift kick to the head that manages to stun him on his feet. Emily sees her chance and grabs Drew into a Wrist-lock transitioned into a short-arm high knee strike to the head!<br>
Alex Smith - Rook Takes King! Rook Takes King!<br>
'''DIC''' – NO WAY!<br>
Emily quickly falls on top of Drew as referee Duke Dick counts. ...1 ...2 …3! <br>
'''Julian Masterson''' – Here is your winner and the 2020 Prospect Wrestling Classic Cup winner... Emily Emmett!!!<br>
Emily is in complete shock as she hears the bell ring as she rolls off of Drew. Confetti begins to fall from the ceiling as the crowd's cheers are deafening at this point as she looks around in a state of genuine shock. She slowly gets to her feet as it slowly begins to don on her that she just won the entire tournament as Feuer Frei! by Rammstein begins playing over the PA system as the referee raises her hand in victory. She's halfway between crying and breaking out into open celebration as she's overwhelmed with emotion in the moment.<br>
'''Alex Smith''' – The stage was not to big for her! She defeated Stonehands, Mark Briggs, and Drew Stevenson all within the same night! She may have not been the biggest dog in the fight but she had the biggest heart, soak it in kid, you deserve it!<br>
'''DIC''' – Terri Thompson had better be worried, she should be terrified by what she just saw! I don't see how Emily Emmett isn't the favorite going into their LONE Championship match now later this month!<br>
By this time Drew is back on his feet and gives Emily a hug as the two friends share a moment in celebration,Drew whispering something into her ear before raising her hand and rolling out of the ring to let her have her moment. Isaac Cornelius III makes his way over to ringside and grabs the Prospect Classic Cup and walks into the ring to personally present the trophy to Emily. By this point Emily has switched into full celebration mode as she gives IC3 a hug before receiving the Prospect Classic Cup The two share a photo op in front of the cameras as they flash rapidly before Emily begins to parade around the ring holding it high into the air! The crowd gives her a standing ovation and at this point everyone appears to be behind her after she managed to string one improbable victory after another together. <br>
'''Alex Smith''' – The Wildcard of the entire tournament, the Cinderella Story has been completed and emerged victorious! Damn, it's good to be back out here! For my broadcast partner DIC, I'm Alex Smith and thank you for welcoming us into your homes tonight! Catch us next time in Golden Gate Wrestling on the Prospect Wrestling Network and don't forget to catch our monthly LONE show at the end of this month where newly crowned 2020 Prospect Wrestling Classic Cup Winner Emily Emmett challenges Terri Thompson for the LONE Championship! Goodnight everyone!

Latest revision as of 22:45, 5 June 2020


“Money (Instrumental)” by Pink Floyd plays as the packed Golden Gate Arena in San Francisco, California is alive and electric tonight. The crowd, normally very hostile to IC3 is quick to welcome him back for the first GGW branded event in 5 years as the owner of Golden Gate Wrestling and the President of the Prospect Wrestling Network makes his way to the ring.

Julian Masterson: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Isaac Cornelius The third.... I....C.....3!

GGW's resident Ring Announcer and Janitor's booming voice echos over the PA system as IC3 makes his way down the ramp to the ring. Inside the ring there appears to be an object sitting on a table covered with a velvet covering over it. IC3 doesn't interact with the fans like he did recently in Maine, keeping his distance as he walks with a purpose to the ring. He walks up the steps as Masterson assists him inside the ring, sitting on the middle rope for him before handing off the microphone.

IC3: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the LIVE PREMIERE of Golden Gate Wrestling on the Prospect Wrestling Network!

The crowd cheers as IC3 gives them a moment to make a bit of noise before continuing.

IC3: I'm going to keep this short and sweet because we have a very busy night here tonight. But over a year ago I had a vision, a vision for a wrestling network for the fans, to provide content at the low, low price of $4.99 a month. I felt that wrestling fans needed a product that provided First Class entertainment in a First Class streaming platform and if you don't see what you want out there in the world? Sometimes you have to roll up your sleeves and create it yourself, you know? Sometimes you need to take action and put your money where your mouth is. One year later, after a lot of deals being made and a lot of ink drying on contracts, we're here, we're finally here. We're here in the great Golden State of California!

The crowd cheers again as IC3 waits for them to finish.

IC3: Just a week ago, I made an announcement that would bring LONE over to Prospect, to California and low and behold? The very same crooked little Maine Mayor that I called out for letting their city rot and decay, the same little crooked Maine Mayor that saw businesses leave in a mass exodus finally decided to try to do something about it! When I pulled the plug on LONE, their last big source of economic revenue to the region? That little Maine Mayor finally woke up from their little 3 year siesta down in Miami. That little Mayor finally realized that economic activity is dead! But make no mistake, that announcement was no bluff. When that little Mayor wouldn't work something out for the mutual benefit of everyone? I made my move, and just because that little Maine Mayor sees that I was serious now doesn't change a thing. LONE will no longer be known as the Ladies of New England because New England has been cut off!

But we'll be keeping the letters, it'll still be known as LONE but you'll have to tune into this month's edition to find out what those four letters now stand for. Now why am I taking time to speak about that little debacle? Because the Prospect Wrestling Network is finally whole! While we will be continuing to update old and new content alike, all of the promotions under our umbrella are now aligned! Golden Gate Wrestling will run events once again periodically and in addition, events that have not yet ran for promotions yet to be introduced, they will be debuting in the coming weeks and months. And while I can't speak too much publicly right now, I don't want to steal the thunder of those fine and classy promotions, tonight will be the beginning of a new tradition. Tonight will usher in the inaugural Prospect Classic Cup! There will be a few surprises, but the Prospect Classic Cup will be an 8 person tournament that runs yearly on a rotational basis on the promotions within the Prospect Wrestling Network family; open to ALL members and promotions of the Prospect Wrestling Network family and occasionally free agents as well! LONE will be represented here tonight by Alison Crowne and Sister Catherine, Golden Gate Wrestling will also be represented by the well traveled veteran Billy Stilwell and up and coming rookie “The Wolf” Mark Briggs, two men that have recently signed!

The crowd cheers, excited about the tournament and the announcement of some big time names.

IC3: And tonight the Prospect Wrestling Network will get a taste of one of our promotions in Japan, as SAKURA PRO, the women's, or joshi, promotion based out of Japan will be represented by “Deadshot” Emily Emmett! SAKURA PRO seeks to set the bar high over in Japan and Ms. Emmett is part of the first graduating class of the SAKURA PRO Wrestling Dojo, trained by the great Japanese puroresu legend, Sojiro Yukimura! The winner of this 8 person tournament will win this!

IC3 removes the cloth as a nice, polished and silver trophy cup stood on full display and glimmered in the light.

IC3: Not only will their names go down in history but they will bring prestige and class to their home promotion as well as raise their own profile. So to the 8 fine men and women competing here tonight; go out and win with class!

First Round Matches

Carl Whitaker Vs. Emily Emmett

Julian Masterson: This match is a Standard Match. On her way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 125 pounds, from Okinawa, Japan accompanied by Drew Stevenson, Emily Emmett!!! (crowd cheers ********)

[Emily Emmett makes her way to the ring, wasting no time sliding in waiting for the opening bell. ]

Julian Masterson - and her opponent, weighing in at 228 pounds, from Beaumont, Texas accompanied by Alison Crowne, Carl Whitaker!!! (crowd boos ******)

[Stonehands makes his way to the ring. Duke Dick checks Emily Emmett's boots and knee pads. (ding, ding, ding) Carl Whitaker drops Emily Emmett with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Emily Emmett whips Carl Whitaker's feet from under him with a side kick. Emily Emmett climbs to his feet. Emily Emmett hits Carl Whitaker with an elbow drop Emily Emmett climbs to his feet. Carl Whitaker is driven further into the mat by Emily Emmett with a diving elbow smash. Emily Emmett gets back to his feet. Emily Emmett rolls onto Carl Whitaker connecting with a knee. Now Carl Whitaker standing. Carl Whitaker goes for a Scorpion Death Drop but Emily Emmett dodges the attack. ]

Alex Smith – So early on we have Emily Emmett vs Carl Whitaker. For those who many not know Carl Whitaker is a professional wrestler and fighter with a boxing background. He has an overall combined fighting record of 17-4 and Alison Crowne, his manager and tag team partner is an MMA fighter and wrestler in her own right and recently had a record setting reign as LONE Champion, setting the mark at an astonishing 454 days. Meanwhile Emily Emmett is a rookie, at the age of 19 she's part of the first graduating class of the SAKURA PRO Wrestling Dojo and she recently won in her American debut against current LONE Champion Terri Thompson in another promotion in Atlanta. Terri said Emily would earn a LONE Championship opportunity at the end of this month if she beat her, and she did. Emily has also recently hit it off with Drew Stevenson who has appeared to have turned over a new leaf and has taken her under his wing in a mentor role.

DIC – Did you have to mention Terri? The only reason why I agreed to work here tonight was because she wouldn't be here! I mean, it's really a shame though. Emily is kinda hot but Whitaker is going to ruin her pretty face by the end of this one! You know Alison can't be happy about someone leapfrogging her either when she hasn't even gotten her contractually obligated rematch!

Alex Smith – Well, Jack E. Bux has approved the match so she'll have to face the winner at another date. That said, this is an excellent opportunity to scout one of her potential opponents. Emily Emmett could be the LONE Champion by the time Alison Crowne gets to exercise her rematch.

DIC – Big IF though! I don't envy anybody who pulls ole Whitaker in the first round!

[Carl Whitaker uses a snap mare takeover on Emily Emmett. Carl Whitaker covers Emily Emmett. The ref starts the count. ...1 Emily Emmett escapes. ]

Alex Smith – Swift kickout by Emily Emmett!

[Emily Emmett moves back to his feet. Emily Emmett superkicks Carl Whitaker. Emily Emmett covers Carl Whitaker hooking the leg. Duke Dick counts. ...1 ...2 Carl Whitaker kicks out. ]

Alex Smith – That superkick rocked him, but not nearly enough to get the job done! He's got a very sturdy jaw, made of steel and not glass!

DIC – A few people have managed to knock him out in a fight, but that's a very small and exclusive club!

[Carl Whitaker stands up. Emily Emmett is hooked in a full nelson. Carl Whitaker hits Emily Emmett with an ear-ringer Carl Whitaker gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Emily Emmett. Carl Whitaker bounces Emily Emmett off the ropes and clotheslines her. Carl Whitaker goes for a pin. Referee Duke Dick makes the count. ...1 ...2 Emily Emmett kicks out. Emily Emmett is up again. Carl Whitaker bites Emily Emmett's arm out of desperation Emily Emmett leaps up, swings around Carl Whitaker and DDTs him onto the mat. Carl Whitaker is hooked in a full nelson. Duke Dick asks Carl Whitaker if he quits. ... Carl Whitaker tries to escape. ... ... ... Carl Whitaker escapes. Emily Emmett executes a corkscrew legdrop on Carl Whitaker. Emily Emmett climbs to her feet. Carl Whitaker climbs to his feet. Carl Whitaker comes from behind and bulldogs Emily Emmett. Emily Emmett moves back to her feet. Carl Whitaker holds his mouth after receiving an elbow smash to the face. Carl Whitaker gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Emily Emmett. Emily Emmett mule kicks Carl Whitaker. Carl Whitaker stands up. Carl Whitaker hiptosses Emily Emmett. Carl Whitaker rolls onto Emily Emmett connecting with a knee. Emily Emmett is back on her feet. A springboard dropkick by Emily Emmett sends Carl Whitaker to the mat. Emily Emmett chants start. ]

Alex Smith – Emily Emmett with the springboard dropkick and the crowd is getting behind her!

[Now Emily Emmett standing. Emily Emmett and Carl Whitaker go to the floor Duke Dick starts the count (.1) Emily Emmett swings a Steel chair and hits Carl Whitaker. Carl Whitaker is bleeding as a result. Carl Whitaker gets kneed in the stomach by Emily Emmett when Emily Emmett jumped off the top rope. Carl Whitaker stands up. (..2) Emily Emmett executes a bulldog off of the top rope, bringing Carl Whitaker crashing face first to the floor. Emily Emmett gets up. (...3) Emily Emmett chokes Carl Whitaker with a microphone cable. ]

DIC – Duke Dick is a real dick for letting something like that fly!

Alex Smith – From what I've been told, the official has been instructed to exercise a lot of leeway here for this tournament to accommodate to every style under the sun. I may not agree with it, but if it's allowed to fly then it's fair game, right?

[Carl Whitaker's arm is just being TWISTED by an arm grapevine by Emily Emmett. Emily Emmett chants start. Carl Whitaker is back on his feet. A forearm choke by Emily Emmett nearly gets her disqualified. Emily Emmett takes Carl Whitaker into the ring. Emily Emmett tries for a tiger suplex but is unable to lift Carl Whitaker. Emily Emmett dropkicks Carl Whitaker to the knee. Emily Emmett climbs to her feet. Emily Emmett hits a Wrist-lock transitioned into a short-arm high knee strike to the head of Carl Whitaker!

Alex Smith – Rook. Takes. King!

Emily Emmett covers Carl Whitaker. Referee Duke Dick makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

Julian Masterson: The winner of this match, Emily Emmett!!!

Alex Smith – What a massive upset! I can't believe it! She knocked Carl Whitaker out! WOW!

DIC – For once I'm at a loss for words. Just who the hell is this kid?!

Alex Smith – I don't know, but she has back to back victories over Terri Thompson AND Carl Whitaker! Two very big names in this industry! Sojiro Yuikmura has definitely been doing his job for one of his students to pull off that massive feat!

"The Wolf" Mark Briggs Vs. Billy Stilwell

Julian Masterson: This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 180 pounds, from Annapolis, MD, Billy Stilwell!!! (crowd cheers *********)

[Billy Stilwell makes his way to the ring. ]

Julian Masterson: and his opponent, weighing in at 179 pounds, from Brooklyn, New York, "The Wolf" Mark Briggs!!! (crowd cheers *****)

["The Wolf" Mark Briggs makes his way to the ring. Billy Stilwell walks around the ring (ding, ding, ding) . "The Wolf" Mark Briggs drops Billy Stilwell with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Billy Stilwell hits a jumping elbow thrust on "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits a jumping elbow thrust on Billy Stilwell. Billy Stilwell stands up. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs neck snaps Billy Stilwell. Billy Stilwell attempts to kick "The Wolf" Mark Briggs, but "The Wolf" Mark Briggs catches his leg. Billy Stilwell flips around and kicks "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. ]

Alex Smith - Billy Stilwell with a enzuigiri early on. Billy Stilwell is a journeyman that's traveled and wrestled all across the United States looking to finally strike out and make a name for himself. Mark Briggs meanwhile is pretty new to the industry but he has a lot of potential.

DIC – Wolfie boy is going to have his work cut out for him, that's for sure!

[Now Billy Stilwell standing. Billy Stilwell hits "The Wolf" Mark Briggs with an elbow drop Billy Stilwell gets up. Billy Stilwell hits "The Wolf" Mark Briggs with an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle. Billy Stilwell stands up. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs is back on his feet. Billy Stilwell whips "The Wolf" Mark Briggs's feet from under him with a side kick. Now Billy Stilwell standing. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs climbs to his feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs tries for a headscissors takeover but Billy Stilwell avoids it. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs sends Billy Stilwell to ringside. Duke Dick starts the count (.1) "The Wolf" Mark Briggs cuts Billy Stilwell with a blade. Billy Stilwell is bleeding as a result. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs with an exploder suplex on Billy Stilwell. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs chants start. ]

Alex Smith - Good exploder suplex by "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. Billy Stilwell has to be feeling that one!

["The Wolf" Mark Briggs is back on his feet. (..2) "The Wolf" Mark Briggs swings a Steel chair and hits Billy Stilwell. Billy Stilwell is bleeding as a result. (...3) "The Wolf" Mark Briggs punches Billy Stilwell repeatedly. (....4) Billy Stilwell goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. ]

DIC – You should've hit him with that chair harder, Wolfie boy, you idiot!

[Billy Stilwell gets up. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Billy Stilwell and "The Wolf" Mark Briggs move back to ringside. Billy Stilwell and "The Wolf" Mark Briggs move back into the ring. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Billy Stilwell. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs gets back to his feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs kicks Billy Stilwell in the groin. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs short-arm clotheslines Billy Stilwell to the mat. Billy Stilwell moves back to his feet. Flying somersault drop kick by Billy Stilwell puts him back in the match. ]

Alex Smith - Billy Stilwell is showing off his athleticism here tonight, you can tell how badly he wants this! Winning The Cup would go a long way to putting his name on the map!

["The Wolf" Mark Briggs is up again. Billy Stilwell executes a rope-flip hiptoss on "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. Billy Stilwell hits "The Wolf" Mark Briggs with an elbow drop Billy Stilwell hits "The Wolf" Mark Briggs with an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs is driven further into the mat by Billy Stilwell with a diving elbow smash. Billy Stilwell climbs to his feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs is up again. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs goes for a chokelift but Billy Stilwell dodges the attack. ]

DIC – You're going to have to try harder than that, stupid!

["The Wolf" Mark Briggs nails Billy Stilwell with a double underhook suplex. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs puts Billy Stilwell in the double armbar submission. Referee Duke Dick is checking for a tap out. ... Billy Stilwell is fighting the hold. ... "The Wolf" Mark Briggs breaks the hold. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits a frog splash on Billy Stilwell. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs gets up. ]

DIC – Oh stop showing off already!

Alex Smith – You can't blame him for trying to get himself noticed! These two men are going back and forth and they're leaving it all in the ring here tonight!

["The Wolf" Mark Briggs slingshot elbow drops Billy Stilwell. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs with executes a bearhug on Billy Stilwell. Duke Dick asks Billy Stilwell if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... Billy Stilwell is fighting the hold. ... ... Billy Stilwell escapes. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits a frog splash on Billy Stilwell. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs gets back to his feet. They lockup. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs sends Billy Stilwell to the corner of the ring. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs chants start. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits Billy Stilwell with the belly-to-belly suplex. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs gets up. Now Billy Stilwell standing. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits Billy Stilwell with a single arm DDT. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs stands up. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs howls like a wolf before hitting Billy Stilwell with a battering ram headbutt. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs calls that the Howl of the Wolf! Billy Stilwell is out cold! Billy Stilwell gets hit with the Mark of the Wolf (Dominator) from "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. Duke Dick counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Alex Smith - "The Wolf" Mark Briggs has won the match!

Julian Masterson: The winner of this match, "The Wolf" Mark Briggs!!!

Theo Vega Vs. Drew Stevenson

Julian Masterson - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Kansas City, Missouri accompanied by Emily Emmett, Drew Stevenson!!! (crowd cheers **************)

[Drew Stevenson makes his way down to the ring, ready for business ]

Julian Masterson - and his opponent, weighing in at 266 pounds,, Theo Vega!!! (crowd boos *****)

[Theo Vega makes his way to the ring Duke Dick checks Drew Stevenson's boots and knee pads. Drew Stevenson gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Theo Vega. (the bell rings) Drew Stevenson hits Theo Vega with the back of his elbow. Theo Vega with a thundering lariat on Drew Stevenson. Theo Vega stands up. Drew Stevenson hits a koppo kick on Theo Vega. Drew Stevenson knees Theo Vega and rolls back to his feet. Drew Stevenson covers Theo Vega hooking the leg. Duke Dick counts the pin. ...1 Theo Vega escapes. ]

Alex Smith – The surprises keep on coming, tonight! Theo Vega?! The last time we saw him he was with Frankie Cocheese and Clyde Chambers of the Capital Crew!

DIC – Finally, a guy I can get behind! I hope he slices Drew up!

[Theo Vega is back on his feet. Theo Vega hits a running knee on Drew Stevenson. Theo Vega sends Drew Stevenson to ringside. Duke Dick starts the count (.1) (..2) Theo Vega uses a snap mare takeover on Drew Stevenson. (...3) Theo Vega executes another running knee on Drew Stevenson. ]

Alex Smith – Theo Vega is being relentless right now! Knee after knee! Blow for blow!

[Theo Vega gets up. (....4) Drew Stevenson gets knocked on the ground and Theo Vega elbow drops him. Theo Vega is back on his feet. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Drew Stevenson gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Theo Vega. Theo Vega is back on his feet. Drew Stevenson is back on his feet. Drew Stevenson gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Theo Vega. Theo Vega gets hit with a fisherman suplex by Drew Stevenson. Drew Stevenson stands up. Drew Stevenson jabs Theo Vega. Theo Vega bites Drew Stevenson's arm out of desperation. Drew Stevenson takes Theo Vega down with a knee. Theo Vega delivers a kick to the head of Drew Stevenson. Theo Vega puts Drew Stevenson in an arm grapevine submission. Theo Vega stomps Drew Stevenson's head. ]

DIC – Split his melon head open!

[Drew Stevenson picks up Theo Vega and hits him with a Back Suplex. Drew Stevenson chants start. Drew Stevenson moves back to his feet. Drew Stevenson grabs Theo Vega's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. Referee Duke Dick is checking for a tap out. ... Theo Vega is fighting the hold. ... ... ... Theo Vega is fighting the hold. Theo Vega escapes. Drew Stevenson leg drops Theo Vega. ]

Alex Smith – Drew's fighting back, he's not out of this yet!

[Drew Stevenson and Theo Vega go to the floor Duke Dick starts the count (.1) ]

DIC – Not even close!

[Drew Stevenson grabs Theo Vega's arm, drops down, and has him in an arm grapevine. Drew Stevenson knee drops Theo Vega. Drew Stevenson takes Theo Vega into the ring. Drew Stevenson measures Theo Vega up and drops a closed fist. Theo Vega stands up. Drew Stevenson nails Theo Vega with a double underhook suplex. Now Theo Vega standing. Drew Stevenson Theo Vega with the HT3! Drew Stevenson covers Theo Vega. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Alex Smith – HT3, that's all she wrote!

Julian Masterson: The winner of this match, Drew Stevenson!!!

Sister Catherine Vs. Alison Crowne

Julian Masterson – This match is a Standard Match. On her way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 115 pounds, from Stone Mountain, GA, she is one half of the LONE Tag Team Champions Sister Catherine!!! (crowd boos ********)

[Sister Catherine makes her way to the ring ]

Julian Masterson: and her opponent, weighing in at 152 pounds, from Gainesville, Florida accompanied by Carl Whitaker, Alison Crowne!!! (crowd boos *****)

[Alison Crowne comes to the ring with much fanfare and a lot of booes. Duke Dick checks Sister Catherine's boots and knee pads. Duke Dick checks Alison Crowne's boots and knee pads. (ring, ring, ring) Sister Catherine elbow smashes Alison Crowne in the nose. Alison Crowne takes Sister Catherine down with a knee. Sister Catherine gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Alison Crowne. Alison Crowne gets back to her feet. Sister Catherine moves back to her feet. Flying side kick by Sister Catherine takes Alison Crowne off her feet. Sister Catherine gets back to her feet. A flying shoulder block send Alison Crowne to the mat. Sister Catherine is back on her feet. Alison Crowne stands up. Alison Crowne kicks Sister Catherine in the groin. Sister Catherine tries for a top-rope German suplex but is not strong enough to lift Alison Crowne. Sister Catherine drags Alison Crowne to the floor. Duke Dick starts the count (.1) Sister Catherine cuts Alison Crowne with a blade. Alison Crowne is bleeding as a result. Alison Crowne gets up off the ground and Sister Catherine hits her with a flying dropkick. Sister Catherine sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Alex Smith – Alison Crowne and Sister Catherine have been at each other's throats the last few months, with The Damned targeting Alison Crowne the month after she lost the LONE Championship. They've been on a collision course for a while and now they're finally facing off!

DIC – I'd love to see if her God can save Cathy here! Alison... has been in a very bad mood recently and you know she's just looking to get out that aggression against her source of anger!

[Sister Catherine climbs to her feet. Sister Catherine takes Alison Crowne into the ring. Sister Catherine chokes Alison Crowne. Sister Catherine covers Alison Crowne. Duke Dick counts. ...1 ...2 Alison Crowne kicks out. Now Alison Crowne standing. Alison Crowne is put into a double reverse chinlock. Duke Dick asks Alison Crowne if he quits. ... ... Sister Catherine tightens the hold. ... ... Sister Catherine tightens the hold. Alison Crowne escapes. A springboard bulldog by Sister Catherine sends Alison Crowne's head crashing into the mat. Sister Catherine is back on her feet. ]

Alex Smith – You can tell these two don't like each other! It's quickly devolving into a war zone in that ring between the two of them!

DIC – And water is wet, Captain Obvious.

Alex Smith – I missed you too, DIC.

[Sister Catherine hits Alison Crowne with a flying senton. Sister Catherine and Alison Crowne go to the floor Duke Dick starts the count (.1) (..2) Sister Catherine hits Alison Crowne with an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle. Sister Catherine stands up. (...3) Sister Catherine hits Alison Crowne with an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle. Now Sister Catherine standing. Now Alison Crowne standing. (....4) Alison Crowne punches Sister Catherine in the gut. (.....5) Sister Catherine and Alison Crowne move back into the ring. Sister Catherine hits a flying karate chop right to Alison Crowne's neck. Sister Catherine elbows Alison Crowne in the stomach, trying to even the match. Sister Catherine pins Alison Crowne against the ropes and chokes her with her forearm. Sister Catherine goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Alison Crowne. Sister Catherine is up again. Sister Catherine jumps and elbow smashes the lying Alison Crowne. Sister Catherine is back on her feet. Sister Catherine puts Alison Crowne in an arm grapevine submission. Alison Crowne is back on her feet. Alison Crowne executes the brain buster on Sister Catherine. Alison Crowne sucks chants start in the crowd. Alison Crowne and Sister Catherine go to the floor Duke Dick starts the count (.1) ]

Alex Smith – One count, Sister Catherine isn't even close to being done here!

[Alison Crowne grabs Sister Catherine and applies an arm wrench. They fight into the aisle. (..2) (...3) Alison Crowne measures Sister Catherine up and drops a closed fist. Alison Crowne moves back to her feet. (....4) Alison Crowne executes a corkscrew legdrop on Sister Catherine. Alison Crowne moves back to her feet. Sister Catherine stands up. (.....5) Sister Catherine and Alison Crowne move back to ringside. Sister Catherine and Alison Crowne move back into the ring. Sister Catherine hits a jumping elbow thrust on Alison Crowne. ]

Alex Smith – Sister Catherine just drives that elbow right into Alison Crowne!

DIC – The bloodsucker is just looking for more blood!

[Alison Crowne is up again. Sister Catherine executes a rope-flip hiptoss on Alison Crowne. Sister Catherine hits Alison Crowne with an elbow drop Sister Catherine moves back to her feet. Alison Crowne is up again. Alison Crowne kicks Sister Catherine in the stomach. Alison Crowne hits Sister Catherine with the back of her elbow. Sister Catherine gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Alison Crowne. Alison Crowne spinning mule kicks Sister Catherine. Alison Crowne knees Sister Catherine and rolls back to her feet. Sister Catherine stands up. Sister Catherine gets set on top the turnbuckle then Sister Catherine hits Alison Crowne with a splash. ]

DIC – Talk about a flying nun from hell!

[Sister Catherine jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Alison Crowne. Sister Catherine climbs to her feet. Sister Catherine runs in and leg drops Alison Crowne. Sister Catherine climbs to the top turnbuckle while Alison Crowne is down, and Sister Catherine jumps off with a 450 splash! Sister Catherine moves back to her feet. Sister Catherine grabs Alison Crowne's arm, drops down, and has her in the Sinner's Salvation, Anaconda Vice! Alison tries to fight out of the hold but eventually she has no way out and passes out!

Julian Masterson: The winner of this match, Sister Catherine!!!

Teaser Promo

A voice could be heard as the footage plays.

“What lies within the hearts of men; what makes them tick? Are we beings of compassion?”

The deep voice echos in the video as the camera cuts to a group of inmates holding church services alongside guards, singing and praying together.

“Is man worthy of redemption?”

The footage then cuts to a prison riot in progress with in inmate getting stabbed with a shiv while alarms are blaring and the footage cuts to prison security guards piling out of an armory to quell the riot.

“Or are we all monsters in the end?”

One man, the assailant, is being dragged away, his prison jumpsuit covered in blood as he wears a wicked grin as another is bleeding out on the pavement and being tended to by prison hospital staff.

“What really lies within the hearts of man?”

The music picks up a frenetic pace as gunshots can be heard, screams can be heard, various news headlines flash across the screen of various crimes and atrocities.

“And can we really fight our nature?”

The footsteps echo as the scenery changes to a pair of guards walking down a corridor as inmates can be heard yelling and heckling them as they pass.

“Or should we just simply... embrace who and what we are?”

As the guards are near the end of the hallway they turn the right corner and insert a key and unlock a door. The camera then shifts to a bald, heavyset man, towering somewhere north of 6'7 and looking like he weighted at least 350 pounds if not more, and while he certainly was no Adonis there was some serious muscle packed onto his body frame as well. The heavyset bald man was draped in a red velvet robe in a room that looked like it belonged in a 5 star luxury hotel. Fine Persian rugs, a mahogany desk, a California King sized bed with silk sheets and a very robust personal library of books. The man was sitting at his desk as what sounded like yelling, screaming, and fighting going on just beyond his walls as soft classical music played in the ground.

Guard: The warden will see you now.

The bald man, with a smile places bookmark in his book and closes it, the cover reading 'The Art of War'. He disrobes himself, hanging it up on a nearby rack, revealing his black and white striped prison jumpsuit. With a smile, he nods to the guards as he's flanked on each side by a guard and they exit the room, the prison door shutting behind them. The screen fades to black as the words flash across the screen.


The letters fade as a new message appears.



Match 1

Julian Masterson: This match is a Standard Match. On her way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 125 pounds, from Okinawa, Japan accompanied by Drew Stevenson, Emily Emmett!!! (crowd cheers **********)

[Emily Emmett makes her way to the ring, wasting no time sliding in waiting for the opening bell. ]

Julian Masterson: and her opponent, weighing in at 179 pounds, from Brooklyn, New York, "The Wolf" Mark Briggs!!! (crowd cheers ******)

["The Wolf" Mark Briggs makes his way to the ring Emily Emmett tests out the ropes. (the bell rings) "The Wolf" Mark Briggs executes a pumphandle suplex on Emily Emmett. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs catches Emily Emmett's leg, but Emily Emmett reverses it with an enzuigiri to "The Wolf" Mark Briggs's head. Emily Emmett is up again. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs climbs to his feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs executes a headlock takedown. Emily Emmett moves back to her feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs holds his head after receiving an ear-ringer from Emily Emmett. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs bounces Emily Emmett off the ropes and faceslams her onto the mat. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs gets back to his feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs punches Emily Emmett repeatedly. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits her with a back fist. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs double underhook faceslams Emily Emmett hard to the mat. Emily Emmett gets back to her feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs's head is smashed into the mat with a springboard DDT by Emily Emmett. Emily Emmett gets back to her feet. Emily Emmett covers "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. Duke Dick counts. ...1 ...2 "The Wolf" Mark Briggs escapes. ]

Alex Smith – Youth versus Youth here, in what could be considered the underdog's bracket! The winner of this match is going to the finals where they'll face either Drew Stevenson or Sister Catherine.

DIC – I can't say I like either of their chances regardless of who the winner faces in the finals! Cathy is a blood sucking freakshow and Drew may not be a spring chicken anymore but he's got the knowledge and technique to put the best away still!

["The Wolf" Mark Briggs whipped into the ropes, Emily Emmett sidesteps, catching "The Wolf" Mark Briggs in a choking sleeper. Referee Duke Dick is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... Emily Emmett tightens the hold. Emily Emmett breaks the hold. Emily Emmett kicks "The Wolf" Mark Briggs in the stomach. ]

Alex Smith – What a nasty little kick there!

["The Wolf" Mark Briggs uses a snap mare takeover on Emily Emmett. They lockup. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs sends Emily Emmett to the corner of the ring. Emily Emmett gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs uses a closed fist on Emily Emmett. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs is pounded to the ground by an off the top rope double axehandle smash. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs gets back to his feet. ]

Alex Smith – These two rookies are fighting their hearts out right now! They know what's on the line, a trip to the finals and a potential Prospect Classic Cup victory could be life and career altering!

[Emily Emmett hits him with a back fist. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs executes a rope-flip hiptoss on Emily Emmett. Emily Emmett gets hit with the shooting star press from "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. Duke Dick counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Emily Emmett escapes. ]

DIC – Where does she find the strength and the energy to kick out? No disrespect to Billy but Stonehands is a certified killer in the ring, Emily has already been through the ringer!

[Emily Emmett is up again. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits a spinning leg lariat on Emily Emmett sending her to the mat. Emily Emmett climbs to her feet. Flying somersault drop kick by Emily Emmett puts her back in the match. Emily Emmett is back on her feet. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs is up again. Out of desperation, Emily Emmett dives from the second turnbuckle, shoulder blocking "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. Emily Emmett covers "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hooking the leg. Duke Dick counts. ...1 "The Wolf" Mark Briggs kicks out. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs goes for a double underhook piledriver but Emily Emmett dodges the attack. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs lifts Emily Emmett up and drops her on his knee. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs slingshot elbow drops Emily Emmett. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs tries for a frog splash but Emily Emmett avoids it. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs applies a nerve hold on Emily Emmett. Referee Duke Dick is checking for a tap out. ... ... (AHHHH!) Emily Emmett escapes. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs sends Emily Emmett to ringside. ]

Alex Smith – Mark Briggs nearly just punched his ticket to the finals! He had Emily on the very verge of tapping out but she somehow, someway found a way to escape!

DIC – She's going to get hurt! You already got the upset, just save yourself!

Alex Smith – Are you actually pulling for her?

DIC – I mean you're asking me if I like a hot chick or a dude better? Come on now, Alex, it's been four years since Missouri but you should know me well enough by now!

Alex Smith – Oy...

[Duke Dick starts the count (.1) ]

DIC – The D.I.C. wants what the D.I.C. wants!

[(..2) "The Wolf" Mark Briggs applies the clawhold on Emily Emmett. (...3) Emily Emmett takes "The Wolf" Mark Briggs down with a knee. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs is back on his feet. (....4) "The Wolf" Mark Briggs hits Emily Emmett with the back of his elbow. (.....5) "The Wolf" Mark Briggs takes Emily Emmett into the ring. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs slaps Emily Emmett. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs rakes the face of Emily Emmett in attempt to make a come back. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs does a cartwheel and kicks Emily Emmett in the face. "The Wolf" Mark Briggs mule kicks Emily Emmett. Emily Emmett gets hit with the shooting star press from "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. Referee Duke Dick makes the count. ...1 ...2 Emily Emmett escapes. ]

DIC – She kicked out?! HOW?!

Alex Smith – That shooting star press was enough to put Billy Stilwell away last round but somehow, someway, perhaps nearly impossibly, Emily Emmett found the strength to kick out at the last second!

[Emily Emmett climbs to her feet. Emily Emmett executes a neck scissors on "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. ]

Alex Smith – She's running on pure willpower at this point, this is incredible! The effort both of these rookies are putting out on this stage is incredible! This has the makings of an instant classic!

[Emily Emmett measures "The Wolf" Mark Briggs up and drops a closed fist. Emily Emmett chants start. Now "The Wolf" Mark Briggs standing. Emily Emmett does a cartwheel and kicks "The Wolf" Mark Briggs in the face. Emily Emmett hits "The Wolf" Mark Briggs with an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle. Emily Emmett executes a corkscrew legdrop on "The Wolf" Mark Briggs. Now Emily Emmett standing. Emily Emmett catches Mark Briggs, lifting him up and planting him with Dead On Arrival, her Northern Lights Driver! Duke Dick counts. ...1 ...2 ...3

Julian Masterson: The winner of this match, Emily Emmett!!!

DIC – Alex... I don't get it. I can't even joke around anymore. I'm... I'm in shock. If I was a betting man in Vegas I'd be very upset right now. I don't think any bracket out there had Emily Emmett, a 19 year old rookie making it to the finals of the Prospect Classic Cup. She somehow managed to knock out Stonehands, she managed to survive, albeit barely, against a very game Mark Briggs; she's traveled the tougher road and she's perhaps, impossibly, three seconds away from winning the whole thing! This kind of thing doesn't just happen, Alex!

Alex Smith – The beauty of tournaments DIC, is sometimes you have a Cinderella Story unfold, the 8th seed that somehow makes it all the way to the end against all odds. Every tournament has a wildcard that can threaten to go the distance, and I think we've found one in Emily Emmett. We still have our second semi-finals match to go before the finals itself but regardless I have a feeling that we've got a wild finish still in store.

Match 2

Julian Masterson: This match is a Standard Match. On her way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 115 pounds, from Stone Mountain, GA, Sister Catherine!!! (crowd boos *******)

[Sister Catherine makes her way to the ring ]

Julian Masterson: and her opponent, already in the ring, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Kansas City, Missouri accompanied by Emily Emmett, Drew Stevenson!!! (crowd cheers ************)

[Sister Catherine tests out the ropes. Drew Stevenson walks around the ring. (ding, ding, ding) Sister Catherine gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Drew Stevenson. Drew Stevenson gets thrown into the corner and gets boot choked by Sister Catherine. Sister Catherine slaps both sides of Drew Stevenson's head out of desperation. Drew Stevenson gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Sister Catherine attempts to kick Drew Stevenson, but Drew Stevenson catches her leg. Sister Catherine flips around and kicks Drew Stevenson. Sister Catherine stands up. Drew Stevenson is back on his feet. Flying somersault drop kick by Sister Catherine puts her back in the match. Sister Catherine gets back to her feet. Sister Catherine jumps and elbow smashes the lying Drew Stevenson. Sister Catherine gets back to her feet. Drew Stevenson moves back to his feet. Sister Catherine tries to even the match with a flying shoulder block. Sister Catherine goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Drew Stevenson kicks out. Drew Stevenson stands up. Drew Stevenson uses a cradle suplex on Sister Catherine. Drew Stevenson moves back to his feet. Sister Catherine gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Drew Stevenson. Drew Stevenson climbs to his feet. Sister Catherine slaps both sides of Drew Stevenson's head out of desperation. Sister Catherine pins Drew Stevenson against the ropes and chokes him with her forearm. Drew Stevenson delivers a kick to the head of Sister Catherine. Sister Catherine climbs to her feet. Flying somersault drop kick by Sister Catherine puts her back in the match. Sister Catherine gets up. Sister Catherine goes for a pin. Duke Dick counts. ...1 Drew Stevenson escapes. ]

Alex Smith – Interestingly enough Emily Emmett has stayed at ringside for Drew's match, offering all of her support at ringside knowing that they could very well be facing each other in the finals! Sister Catherine is coming out like a woman possessed though, you know she wants to bring the glory of The Lord to the Cup!

DIC – So far she appears to have the upper hand but honestly I'm not sure what to expect anymore. You know they're both tired, everyone still alive in the tournament is tired by this point but if Drew has one advantage it's his size. He's in phenomenal shape after many years away from regular competition. Age is a factor of course, but I'm not sure that outweighs his size.

[Drew Stevenson stands up. Sister Catherine hits a jumping elbow thrust on Drew Stevenson. Sister Catherine hits Drew Stevenson with an elbow drop Sister Catherine stands up. Drew Stevenson stands up. Drew Stevenson dropkicks Sister Catherine to the face. Now Drew Stevenson standing. Sister Catherine stands up. Drew Stevenson lifts Sister Catherine into the air and delivers a spinebuster. Drew Stevenson chants start. ]

Alex Smith – HT3! Could this be it?

DIC – I don't know, Alex, I think he's going to lock in that submission to try to be 100% sure!

[Drew Stevenson chokes Sister Catherine with his boot. Drew Stevenson puts Sister Catherine in the torture rack. Duke Dick asks Sister Catherine if he quits. ... ... Sister Catherine tries to escape. ... Sister Catherine tries to escape. ... (AHHHH!) Drew Stevenson breaks the hold. Drew Stevenson piledrives Sister Catherine into the mat. Drew Stevenson spinning mule kicks Sister Catherine. Drew Stevenson chants start. Drew Stevenson has the advantage, and he grabs Sister Catherine with an arm wrench. Drew Stevenson chants start. Drew Stevenson rolls onto Sister Catherine connecting with a knee. Drew Stevenson quickly manages to reverse Sister Catherine's next move as he nails her with another HT3! Drew Stevenson goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

Julian Masterson: The winner of this match, Drew Stevenson!!!


Final Match

[Emily Emmett rolls into the ring to check on Drew, asking if he's able to go for the match. Drew nods in acknowledgment as the referee does a second check on him just to make sure he's able to go. With the ringside doctor giving the thumbs up to medically clear this match to begin, the two friends and tag team partners separate to their separate corners. Drew Stevenson walks around the ring. Emily Emmett walks around the ring. (the bell rings) Emily Emmett gets hit with a back heel kick. Emily Emmett moves back to her feet. Drew Stevenson gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Drew Stevenson leg sweeps Emily Emmett. ]

Alex Smith – You can just see how badly both of these friends want this win. Drew wants this win to take him another step down his path towards redemption, to create a new legacy for himself, one that's pure. Emily wants this win, this upset of a lifetime to establish herself as a force in not only the Prospect Wrestling Network but in the wrestling scene in the United States as a whole! She's looking to show everyone that she made the right move to step inside the ring, that no matter where or what set of circumstances you come from, that you can make your dreams come true! They're fighting, they're pouring their hearts out in the middle of this ring as they seek their own personal redemption!

[Drew Stevenson fist drops Emily Emmett on the mat. Drew Stevenson is back on his feet. Emily Emmett is back on her feet. Emily Emmett bounces Drew Stevenson off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Emily Emmett drags Drew Stevenson to the floor. Duke Dick starts the count (.1) Emily Emmett cuts Drew Stevenson with a blade. Drew Stevenson is bleeding as a result. Emily Emmett knee drops Drew Stevenson. Emily Emmett stands up. Now Drew Stevenson standing. (..2) Satellite scissors by Emily Emmett throw Drew Stevenson across the ringside. Now Emily Emmett standing. They fight into the aisle. (...3) Emily Emmett throws a chair at Drew Stevenson. ]

DIC- She's not taking it easy on Drew, either!

Alex Smith – It's all because of the respect they have for one another; go all out and leave nothing to chance! They both have to be running near empty though, Emily especially. Even if she's slightly fresher than Drew she's been through a murderer's row just to get here!

DIC – They both have! Theo Vega won MSW's final match in the final main event! Sister Catherine has been incredibly successful wherever she's been! The lights are on brightest now, Drew's been here before!

[(....4) Emily Emmett rolls onto Drew Stevenson connecting with a knee. Drew Stevenson is up again. (.....5) Drew Stevenson and Emily Emmett move back to ringside. Drew Stevenson and Emily Emmett move back into the ring. Drew Stevenson uses a closed fist on Emily Emmett. Emily Emmett uses a closed fist on Drew Stevenson. Drew Stevenson nails Emily Emmett with a belly-to-back suplex. Drew Stevenson is back on his feet. Emily Emmett executes a flying somersault bodyblock on Drew Stevenson from off the top rope. Emily Emmett climbs to her feet. Emily Emmett sends Drew Stevenson to ringside. Duke Dick starts the count (.1) Emily Emmett punches Drew Stevenson in the gut. Emily Emmett executes a rope-flip hiptoss on Drew Stevenson. Drew Stevenson climbs to his feet. Emily Emmett takes Drew Stevenson into the ring. Drew Stevenson is hit with a backward kick. Emily Emmett measures Drew Stevenson up and hits him with a swift kick to the head that manages to stun him on his feet. Emily sees her chance and grabs Drew into a Wrist-lock transitioned into a short-arm high knee strike to the head!

Alex Smith - Rook Takes King! Rook Takes King!


Emily quickly falls on top of Drew as referee Duke Dick counts. ...1 ...2 …3!

Julian Masterson – Here is your winner and the 2020 Prospect Wrestling Classic Cup winner... Emily Emmett!!!

Emily is in complete shock as she hears the bell ring as she rolls off of Drew. Confetti begins to fall from the ceiling as the crowd's cheers are deafening at this point as she looks around in a state of genuine shock. She slowly gets to her feet as it slowly begins to don on her that she just won the entire tournament as Feuer Frei! by Rammstein begins playing over the PA system as the referee raises her hand in victory. She's halfway between crying and breaking out into open celebration as she's overwhelmed with emotion in the moment.

Alex Smith – The stage was not to big for her! She defeated Stonehands, Mark Briggs, and Drew Stevenson all within the same night! She may have not been the biggest dog in the fight but she had the biggest heart, soak it in kid, you deserve it!

DIC – Terri Thompson had better be worried, she should be terrified by what she just saw! I don't see how Emily Emmett isn't the favorite going into their LONE Championship match now later this month!

By this time Drew is back on his feet and gives Emily a hug as the two friends share a moment in celebration,Drew whispering something into her ear before raising her hand and rolling out of the ring to let her have her moment. Isaac Cornelius III makes his way over to ringside and grabs the Prospect Classic Cup and walks into the ring to personally present the trophy to Emily. By this point Emily has switched into full celebration mode as she gives IC3 a hug before receiving the Prospect Classic Cup The two share a photo op in front of the cameras as they flash rapidly before Emily begins to parade around the ring holding it high into the air! The crowd gives her a standing ovation and at this point everyone appears to be behind her after she managed to string one improbable victory after another together.

Alex Smith – The Wildcard of the entire tournament, the Cinderella Story has been completed and emerged victorious! Damn, it's good to be back out here! For my broadcast partner DIC, I'm Alex Smith and thank you for welcoming us into your homes tonight! Catch us next time in Golden Gate Wrestling on the Prospect Wrestling Network and don't forget to catch our monthly LONE show at the end of this month where newly crowned 2020 Prospect Wrestling Classic Cup Winner Emily Emmett challenges Terri Thompson for the LONE Championship! Goodnight everyone!