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Fungus Amungus! Part 1
Part of the Wyrm sphere plot revolving around the Resonance change in the Pit of Shattered Souls.
IC Date June 17, 2020
IC Time Night
Players Russ ST, Eris ST
Emi, Eztilpoc, Pembroke, Stefan, Pax, Raquel, Kurt, Jackson
Location Alanna's Flower Shop - Fungal Basement // High Umbra
Spheres Wyrm

Alanna's Flower Shop - Fungal Lounge

The alley door at the back of the shop lets onto a sturdy flight of stairs leading down to the basement. The first thing to hit you is the smell; an earthy, moldy, dark and slightly rotten scent hits the nostrils, growing stronger as one descends down into the large, dim, and clammy basement room. UV lights hang over tables where carnivorous and poisonous plants grow in neat rows of planters, adding their perfumes and whiff of rotting meat to the scent of compost and mold. There's a little bit of lab equipment set up near the plants, neatly kept out of the way of possible breakage when not in use, with a mini fridge containing various experiments and plant foods. Speaking of mold, the cool walls of the basement are bedecked with great swaths of the stuff and dotted with tiny clumps of mushrooms. Greens, greys, browns, and even a rather suspect looking black mold paint the walls in tye dye patterns of probably toxic fuzz. Clusters and rings of different mushrooms fill corners or invade the dark spaces under and near furnishings. A ratty old couch and some plush chairs have fabric that's spotted by molds as well, the stuff building up in fuzzy lines and patches on the under sides of the coffee and end tables, and polka dotting the lamp shades. A corner of the basement is taken up by a small storage closet where gardening supplies and chemicals are kept.

The black and sickly toxic green mold growth in the Fungal Lounge is more rampant than ever and the tendrils of fuzzy spores reach out across every inch of the ceiling and walls. The once lightly spotted couch is now covered in a heap of black fuzz that appears to be /slowly/ consuming the piece of furniture. Truly, fully, consuming it- the end table and coffee table have already been reduced to solid piles of mold that writhe invitingly when people enter the room. Russ, The Ritemaster, was supposed to meet folks here today to talk about the problem but he is nowhere to be found. Eris has arrived.

Alanna's is at least near the Box, but that doesn't mean Pax is going to actually physically walk there. Instead, he simply steps out of the door at the base of the stairway, as though he'd been walking down the steps when he had not, in fact, been doing so. His duffle bag over his shoulders, the Nephandus pauses there to take in the room, a slight grin spreading across his features as he steps further inside to wait for others to arrive. The joint and lighter don't come out this time, but instead he seems to be chewing some type of bubble gum as a substitute.

Jackson walks in slowly with a cigrette handrolled between his teeth, dressed in a long dusting as he exhales the smoke into the air. As he looks around with a wicked little chuckle, as he watches that bright green smoke fired into the air in a shape of a skull. Waiting now, his eyes drifting so many unkown faces, so little give a fuck to introduce himself on his face, as he waits now his shined up wingtips made out of some sort of flesh, hard to tell what from a distance.

Pembroke has got on his mud walking shoes, Good shoes in here? Nooooo. And old pants. Still a nice shirt. He doesn't stepon the mold, just kinda gingerly checks it out.. "That is.. a lot of penicilin..." You paged Pax with ‘5 succs, this is spirit activity and if you guys want to talk to the spirit causing this someone might want to Awaken it.’

Stefan comes in after Pembroke and looks around, frowning. "I sure don't recognize that. But I'm no expert on fungus or molds, just a few that got on my plants." Once upon a time, there was a nice little Hispanic lady that worked in medical waste management. Times change, and so do faces too, but some habits are just too hard to shake. Raquel is currently going completely overboard, wearing one of those clear-faced gas masks for bio-hazard containment. Rubber gloves, long sleeves of denim, and boots, with a side bag full of different cleaning supplies and accessories. "Hey, sweety!" Her slightly muffled voice sing-songs to her beloved Pax, and her green eyes gleam excitedly for taking on a new cleaning challenge!

Eris is, unsurprisingly, not far after her Kinfolk. Not that the Queen of Mean could be seen up until they steo through the door of the lounge and her strange eyes glitter as she takes in the overgrowth. She comments to no one but herself really, "Here too." She makes a noise in the back of her throat.

"Oh. It's -you-." Raquel's enthusiasm is squelched by an unhealthy amount of dissappointment and disgust as she eyes the growing mass of fungal spores. Almost as if she has a personal beef with the thing. Ah, well. She tosses a thumb at the black mold while turning to Pax. "Would you mind waking it up? It's spiritual stuff." Her Bond to her Nephandus fills in any missing details that might be missed.

Jackson watches it slowly, as he looks at the others."I can speak with it, if needed. I have the gift of the speach." His voice is cold, as he looks over the others flicking his cigrette down, stomping on it with a thump of his boot.

Pax proceeds to blow a slow bubble with his gum, which pops as he turns his attention to Raquel and grins. "Look at you, all kitted out. I forgot you had all that shit." he teases her, along with a nudge in the side, before he turns his attention towards the fold and fungus spread about the room. "Some spirit doin this shit, yea. Anyone else wanna wake that shit up? I wanna look at somethin." Pax says, as he seems more preoccupied with stepping over to the sofa and plucking some of the black fuzz to rub between his fingers and examine closely, his eyes gaining a light glint of reddish-yellow to them as he does so.

Pembroke checks out Raquel and Eris' reaction. "Someone you both know?"

Eris glances towards Jackson and nods to him once but otherwise she remains behind the kinfolk. Pembrokes words get a non-commital grunt from the pale Elder. She continues to look around the basement with a steadily unreadable expression.

Eris glances towards Jackson and nods to him once but otherwise she remains behind the kinfolk. Pembrokes words get a non-commital grunt from the pale Elder. She continues to look around the basement with a steadily unreadable expression.

Jackson exhales the last of the green smoke into the air, as he nods towards Eris with a wicked smile."I see, I can't wake it up. But I can talk to it once it's up. Anyone got some spirit coffee this bastard." His voice is teasing, as he watches them with a wide smile, as he looks at it now. As he nods towards Pax and Raquel, as his hand is resting inside of his jacket.

Raquel's staring at Pax's back as he goes to get a sample. "If I am not mistaken, I believe it is an aspect of Black Fungus." Her expression turns into a grimace, hate simmering underneath, as she remembers the vision she was given when Novak introduced them. The Totem had attempted to show her the futility of all those she had lost, and that her immortality meant nothing. Leave behind a legacy and die, it said. Her fist tightens by her side, but no movement is made towards the pile of decay.

Stefan steps a bit closer to Eris, looking a bit wary, "We really want to wake that shit up?"

"I got it." Pax hums after he seems to finish examining that bit of fuzz, which he idly tosses back onto the sofa. Reaching back into his duffle bag, a vial of red liquid is brought out, and after growing his index finger into what appears to be a claw, he dips it inside the vial and steps forward to begin drawing the Garou glyph for 'Awaken' onto the fuzz-covered sofa. Particularly only on the mold itself. "You're right, dear. It's a manifestation of Khaaloobh." he agrees, as he splashes the remainder of the vial across the glyph once it's made. That done, the vial is crushed and tossed onto the sofa, before he extends his hand over the couch and says 'Expergisci.' is pronounced clearly, only for the blood to sink into the fuzzy mold like a sponge.

Once the mold has been Awakened it starts to bubble up and slither over itself without spreading out across the room yet, a undulating mass of black that grows upward... roughly into the shape of small man. It stops when its about four feet tall and the mass is more muppet than man, a twisted lump where the coffee table existed just days ago. A lump that speaks from a slimy black toothless maw. The maw begins flapping open like a piece of loose furry skin as the sounds leak out, those who understand Spirit Speech hear its word and those who don't simply experience the /sound/ of sloppy wet kisses as it says,

"Is that you Jack? Come a little closer and give your ol'pal a hug."

The voice which speaks has the cadence of a 1950s car salesman from Brooklyn and it cajoles the inhabitants of the room closer with a showmanship in its tone that belies is strikingly dangerous appearance.

"I've been keepin' an eye on ya, Jack. I've been watching yer progress from the shadows and its time to let you in on a little secret.... the mold knows, Jack. I know what you need, I know how to help all of you.."

Jackson listens slowly, his eyes narrowing on the mold as he slides off his glass quickly. His hand is folding them placing it inside of his inner pocket, those silver eyes watching it all."Do you need me to translate?" His voice is cold, as he watches, them out of the corner of his eyes, waiting for the answer before he is starts to speak back.

Eris glances between Pembroke and Stefan her expression remains unflinching but also without emotion as well. She's still back near the door and she watches as the mold thickens and gathers. Still the Ragabash says nothing even as the thing forms itself, listens to it speak with a narrowed gaze.

Pembroke watches Pax do his thing, interested if uncomprehending. "I'm better with meat than vegetables." He gives Eris a lean and checks out MossMan a moment. "Yeah, translation might help."

Stefan shakes out a hand rolled cigarette and lights it as he stares at the man shaped fungus. "I need to learn that."

Once the mold has been Awakened it starts to bubble up and slither over itself without spreading out across the room yet, a undulating mass of black that grows upward... roughly into the shape of small man. It stops when its about four feet tall and the mass is more muppet than man, a twisted lump where the coffee table existed just days ago. A lump that speaks from a slimy black toothless maw. The maw begins flapping open like a piece of loose furry skin as the sounds leak out, those who understand Spirit Speech hear its word and those who don't simply experience the /sound/ of sloppy wet kisses as it says,

"Is that you Jack? Come a little closer and give your ol'pal a hug."

The voice which speaks has the cadence of a 1950s car salesman from Brooklyn and it cajoles the inhabitants of the room closer with a showmanship in its tone that belies is strikingly dangerous appearance.

"I've been keepin' an eye on ya, Jack. I've been watching yer progress from the shadows and its time to let you in on a little secret.... the mold knows, Jack. I know what you need, I know how to help all of you.."’

Pax can more than likely understand it, but he steps back a few paces and removes the gum from his mouth, only to toss it in such an arc so that it lands within easy digestion distance of the moldy form itself. Following this, he motions to Jackson, as if to invite the man to proceed with his translating and such. Reaching over, he places a hand on Raquel's shoulder however and gives it a light squeeze, though he seems focused on what the fungus has to say.

Once the mold has been Awakened it starts to bubble up and slither over itself without spreading out across the room yet, a undulating mass of black that grows upward... roughly into the shape of small man. It stops when its about four feet tall and the mass is more muppet than man, a twisted lump where the coffee table existed just days ago. A lump that speaks from a slimy black toothless maw. The maw begins flapping open like a piece of loose furry skin as the sounds leak out, those who understand Spirit Speech hear its word and those who don't simply experience the /sound/ of sloppy wet kisses as it says,

"Is that you Jack? Come a little closer and give your ol'pal a hug."

The voice which speaks has the cadence of a 1950s car salesman from Brooklyn and it cajoles the inhabitants of the room closer with a showmanship in its tone that belies is strikingly dangerous appearance.

"I've been keepin' an eye on ya, Jack. I've been watching yer progress from the shadows and its time to let you in on a little secret.... the mold knows, Jack. I know what you need, I know how to help all of you.."’

Eris snorts at Pembroke, lifting a hand to flick against the Doctors wave of hair. The Elder nods towards Jackson as well but seems disinclined to speak at all.

Jackson takes out a fresh cigrette black paper placing it between his teeth, as he says what the fungus say slowly. His fingers removing the cigrette from his lips, as he nibbles it slowly with his teeth. Not lighting it for fire, fungus bad bad bad.<Hello there, I'm Jackson. Rited The Posion. It is an honor to meet you.> As he speaks the words, he translates it slowly for the others, once again not in the tongue.

When it speaks again, /everyone/ can understand the riddles.

The Mold wants to be understood but it has no time for introduction and pleasantries:

"A metal neither black nor red,
As heavy as man's golden greed.
What you do to stay ahead,
With friend or foe or arrow and steed?"

Taking in an uneeded breath to stabilize her composure, Raquel's tongue unsticks and she replies easily. "It's Lead, or lead, spelled the same but with different meanings..." What was it? Oxymoron? Homonyms? No, it's Homographs. She had to study quite a bit to understand the complexities of the English language to blend in better in America. Raquel realizes that Pax had given her his Magick for the Speech, and is grateful for it.

"Lead?" The Mold Incarna perks up and the mass of its body starts to swell, small pustules of black pop excitedly as it speaks again, the smell of death radiating off of it in waves with each word, "You wish to lead? To be lead, Jack? You only needed to ask... I'll show you the way, you all wallow in that empty void of Apathy but I will teach you the meaning of emptyness. Of voids..."

"I am an empty void. Throw in all the gold in the world, not a single inch of me will be filled. I resound in everything, everyone... release me, if you can, and you will reach peace.

What am I?"

There, from the strands of hair, of white, there comes a small thing with eyes very red, very bright. It yawns, there, amidst Eris' hairs -- then the Elder fucking moves as she does! Leaving the scrambling chiropteran to fall but, mid-way through that fall the form burbles like boiling blood and erupts, tearing itself to pieces of crimson 'cloth' that reform - thread by thread, piece by piece - into the tall Nahuatl man. You know the one - with the teeth? Scarred and tattooed, he stands there nude as day to gaze with red eyes around the room, giving a dismissive gesture to - something. Before turning eyes onto the horrid sight of The Mold, head cocking with animal wit and instinct only, perplexed? He sniffs.

Which is a mistake, clearly.

"GREED." Twice, now. Twice! The Totem is surely aiming it's mocking words at the Mule, her very element that of the purest metals. Avarice runs in her blood, and Vorus is her Patron. But this? Outrageous. Raquel is now seething with her hate, the only saving grace is that she does not frenzy like the Spirals do. Her voice squeals as she struggles to reign it in, booted heel stomps in displeasure made known to the room.

Is this that moment, where once creature of myth and legend snaps?

"Greed, yes, greed. I am the spore than spreads indefinitely, I am the fungus that engulfs the world and rebuilds it the image of the Wyrm. I am rot and rebirth, I consume only to consume again... in a room of empty space."

Pax isn't the /best/ student of riddles, but he at least grasps some of it. That being said, Raquel clearly has a better mind for it, and so once she begins her answers he simply directs a grin towards her and crosses his arms across his chest to await further information from the pile of... Stuff. Though she's quite obviously getting somewhat angry, Pax does nothing but watch Raquel's building displeasure at the spirit, with a momentary glance in Eztlipoc's direction as he arrives from somewhere on Eris. "It burns." he warns, only after the sniff has taken place.

Eris remains on the other side. She pets the strange head of her tiny golem-like familiar as it perches on her shoulder. Watching the room from the other side and wandering the length of the lounge, carefukly picking her way along.

Sniff. Snif-Sniff. The result is a hellish screech from Eztlipoc that causes a grasping of his face, a face that momentarily splits itself open to reveal a leaf-shaped nose and wicked fangs. The Nahuatl man backing away, holding at his nose yet still, before it returns to normal and the creature releases a cacophony of baleful hissing at the Mold Thing. Pembroke tugs his shirt a bit, looking the creature over, "But which image are we talking about?"

Stefan says, “Think about those stuffed ones you like a lot." He looks at Pembroke and says quietly, "Mushroom”

Really? Raquel can see through the Gauntlet just fine. Eris is off scouting the other side, while her pets are left behind confused and easy prey. No matter. Her fury is thoroughly shocked as Eztlipoc is screeching his head off, and Raquel rolls her eyes from behind the clear-faced respirator. Luckily, Stefan has his moment of inspiration, and the Mule is off the hook.

"That's the key, Jack. Rooms are just empty spaces, and no one can ever dream of making a delicacy out of nothing. The only real room, the room you'll ever need... is the mushroom..."

The voice comes from everywhere all at once and the room lights up with a toxic green biolumescence, from every spore the light and words vibrate through the room. The heavy feeling surrounds them on all sides and the air goes out of the room for a moment. Oppressive, choking and then still and calm. The spores dim and the room darkens once more to the original lighting... except, several large glowing mushrooms are now sticking out of the mold mass in the center of the room.

"That's the key, Jack. Rooms are just empty spaces, and no one can ever dream of making a delicacy out of nothing. The only real room, the room you'll ever need... is the mushroom..."


Pembroke rubs his finger in his ear a moment. "Well, that wasn't exactly the image I had in mind. But then I'm not paid to be a forward thinker. Are we about to get wasted?"

Pax watches quietly as the fungus causes the room to sprout out those mushrooms all around it, his usually present grin growing larger at the sight of it. "It's an aspect of the Father, so I'd suggest we obey." he acknowledges, though he makes no motion to eat them himself, and instead steps over to one so he can crouch down to peer intently at it. Presumably while the others go about their own activities.

The pale Elder's walk through the Umbral half of the Lounge is a slow one. Hands not touching anything, just barely not touching anything, but her fingers seem to caress the air above the mold. She looks no less disgusted and though she wanders almost aimlessly she does pick up one of the umbral growths and rolsl it in her fingers. She breaks off the stem and breaks it in half, feeding a portion to her spirit familiar and taking a very alice in wonderland type bite of the cap herself.

Pembroke reaches down to pluck one of the growths. "Well hell, all you big bad killing machines, afraid of a little buzz." And the perpetually substance abusing doctor takes a bite, because.. fuck it..

Pembroke eats the Mushroom and his body falls to the floor limp... close to dangerous flesh eating mold.

Oh no, not -this- again! "Really?" Raquel pouts as Pax makes his suggestion known. She already knew that that was going to be the answer, but stubborness is still very much part of her nature. Even on the days she's being agreeable. Detaching the respirator, is shoved into a side pocket of that bag of cleaning supplies before it's all deposited on the floor next to the entryway. Raquel is also partaking, muttering curses about sauteeing.

Stefan scowls as he watches Pax and then Pembroke, not moving towards the growths. He looks around, he and Pembroke. He's pretty sure Eris is still there, but would feel better if he could see her. He mutters, "Shit I gotta make one of those charms..." His words trail off as Pembroke falls, "What the fuck... Pemmy!?"

Emi was wearing her spotlessly clean O'Tolley's uniform, as she enters the Fungal Lounge of Alanna's flower shop. She carried a small basket of duck fries and stuffed her face occasionally. Looking for a place to sit, as the Kitsune waved politely at the festering wall growth. "We should put you on our new mushroom and swiss burgers.", she says with a smirk. Eyeing the group slowly, apparently not very afraid of the green glow and spores in the atmosphere. Watching Pembroke eat the fungus. A grin forming on her face. Lifting her feet and placing them on Pembroke like a makeshift ottoman. "He looks fine."

Turning his gaze up from the mushroom in front of him, Pax reaches over to grip Raquel's hand. Though he doesn't say anything, and after a moment he releases it to allow her to do her thing. "He's fine, eat the mushrooms." Pax tells Stefan, only to then slip his duffle bag off his back. He opens it up, then proceeds to undress as he pulls out pieces of riot gear, which he begins to dress himself in. What follows are a variety of instruments, some of which attach to his belt, and some of which go into ready-made holsters on the armor. Once he's done, he proceeds to lay down on the floor and close his eyes before going fairly still himself.

Eris does see Pembroke slump and the umbral Elder turns to move her way back towards the others. She appears back in the lounge as she goes. "Thank you, Emi." The Elder speaks quietly and moves to check Pembroke, though she doesn't seem concerned with feeling for a pulse. She gestures for the others, "Go on then. I'll stay here and keep an eye on everyone."

The Mold in the room tries to crawl over the knocked out bodies but it hasn't reached any of them yet and a few of the glowing mushrooms are still available for anyone willing to Take The Trip.

Kurt's in his bespoke suit and looking non-whelmed as usual. A quick glance around the flower shop and he watches folks taking bites and whisking off to neverland with some amusement. A few sniffniffs and he catches Paxel's instructions with a hint of skepticism. Double down on that when Eris offers to be the lookout, "Not going on the magic carpet ride?" he wonders of the other Elder with a half-smile. He looks at the mold that's crawling rather everywhere and hums to himself. He'll pluck a glowy mushroom and inspect it a bit as he finds himself a corner to lean against while he considers.

Eztlipoc's red eyes hone in on each individual as they fall. His bestial instincts kick in when Pembroke falls, then Raquel, and with a seething chatter of fangs, so will the man-shape split apart in a shredding of 'cloth'. The result is the immense Death Bat, screeching at The Mold with a bared maw. Talons reaching out to gather, and pile the bodies one by one away from the crawling Mold. The large leaf-like nose turning and twitching, while red eyes that glow stare to Eris, then the others.

Stefan drops down beside his fallen friend, checking him over. He seems relieved to see Eris back, "He ate one of those damned things."

Eris's eyes flick to Kurt and she shakes her head in reply. "No. Someone should stay and make sure that no one wakes up half decayed. Everyone else should, if Pax says it's safe enough I'f believe him. There must be a reason for this and it's best we listen to our Spirits... from time to time."

Emi looks to Eris, "Oh no.... I feel the ragabash urge. I.... I just can't help myself.", pulling out a black sharpie from her uniform while chewing on duck fries. The kitsune then straddles the assumedly passed out Pax. Emi pops the cap off and begins drawing penises and crude remarks on his face. Looking to Eris, "It wasn't me.", and tucking the sharpie away. Slowly standing, Emi snapped off a cap and mushed it into tiny pieces to sprinkle on her duck fries. "Welp, I'm going too.", knocking back some fries and laying on the couch. "Nobody tell Pax when he wakes up. Promise me!"

The fungus that was covering the sofa starts to eat the flesh and clothing away from Emi's entire backside.

Eris says, “He'll know anyway, Emi." She murmurs and gestures for people to take the spores. Already she's working on getting Emi picked-up and her bottom dusted of spores before moving her over away from the every hungry growth. "Your bodies will be mostly unmolested while you all trip the light fantastic or whatever.”

Kurt gives Eris a rather heavy sigh, disappointment more than anything else, before finding the cleanest patch of floor to sit on before popping his shroomy-doom. He'll relax into a rather heavy pile of man on the floor and let the wave take him.

The taste of the mushroom starts off exceedingly foul but slowly the acidic edge gives way to something springy and meaty, there is a metallic element like raw flesh but even stronger are the undertones of rotten earth. The aftertaste of decay... a richer, fuller flavor than death.

Stefan works at getting Pembroke up off the floor. "Get back and don't let that stuff get on him!" Stefan looks at Eris after getting Pembroke at least to a clean area, then sits down on him before holding one of the mushrooms and looking at her questioningly.

So long as the people still awake, take care to protect the people knocked out... nothing bad happens, for awhile... Eris gestures for Stefan to get on with it. "I've got things covered." She explains dryly as she smirks a bit. "Enjoy your trip."

Stefan looks doubtful but then nods and stuffs the mushroom into his mouth.

Even Kurt gets lifted, carefully, and moved away from the fungal growths. The Ragabash Elder seems at least intent on keeping thigns together. "To preserve a sense of community, now that the Pit is open, you should eat some as well, Batty."

The bodies drop, one, two, three... good thing Eris is here to watch over them. Eris plants herself between the fungus and the bodies. Keeping an eye on everyone and the fungus as well.

STPOSE: An elaborate series of riddles gives Eris the answer our questers seek and she is able to contact them over the special communication earcuffs that she and Pax share. Eris was co-ST on this and has been helping out with the Umbral plot.

To (RussST, Pax), Eris pages: Over the earcuff: Seek the cave of greed.

To (RussST, Pax), Eris pages: EC: Mmhmm, stay safe, your bodies will be fine when you return.

The taste of the mushroom starts off exceedingly foul but slowly the acidic edge gives way to something springy and meaty, there is a metallic element like raw flesh but even stronger are the undertones of rotten earth. The aftertaste of decay... a richer, fuller flavor than death.

Upon waking up in the Umbra everyone who ate the Mushrooms finds themselves confused and on the verge of being sick, (no matter how well you rolled your stamina) everyone continues to feel queasy uneasy for the duration of the trip. 


The current area is covered in a heavy purple fog and not much can be gleaned beyond a brick path that leads deeper into the fog. Where they stand is a large yellow brick circle that bisects the path which runs through it. The bricks that compose the path are made of the same yellow and have no visible markings on them. The sky is purple fog, the horizon is purple fog, the whole area is purple fog; and a yellow brick road... that leads off into more purple fog. There is a knocked out Pembroke nearby.

Upon waking up in the Umbra everyone who ate the Mushrooms finds themselves confused and on the verge of being sick, everyone continues to feel queasy uneasy for the duration of the trip.

The current area is covered in a heavy purple fog and not much can be gleaned beyond a brick path that leads deeper into the fog. Where they stand is a large yellow brick circle that bisects the path which runs through it. The bricks that compose the path are made of the same yellow and have no visible markings on them. The sky is purple fog, the horizon is purple fog, the whole area is purple fog; and a yellow brick road... that leads off into more purple fog. There is a knocked out Pembroke nearby and an awake Raquel.

Phew! Pax had caught the bitter Raquel before she actually partook of the fungal body. High Umbra is good enough for her! A metallic hand-mirror polished from olden times gets her across. It's purple. Everywhere. Unlike the others, Raquel can choose not to breathe. Unless she needs to speak... The Hispanic cleaning lady strides over to the prone Pembrook, hoisting his body into a sitting upright position before gently slapping and pinching his cute little cheeks. "Wakey, wakey!"

Stefan is passed the eff out and probably needs sometime before he can even consider waking up.

It's shortly later that, from a seemingly random direction outside the purplish fog, Pax simply materializes at a fairly quick speed. He's donned in his suit of black riot gear, which he seems to have managed to keep kitted out and equipped fully across to this side of the Gauntlet. His hands, however, are replaced with long, black claws, his eyes are burning a fiery reddish-yellow and have slits like a reptiles, and his body seems more ideal in this place, less undereating and more regular exercise. As he steps out, a hand goes to his hip, and his attention turns to the nearby Raquel and Pembroke as his nose wrinkles. "Where the fuck are the others?" Looking around further, he grunts out, "What were we coming here for, dear? This path works like the portal doors we've been installing."

Pembroke yawns, stretches, smacks his lips, makes a dunny face for a moment. "Well, that tastes terrible... but not such a bad siht to wake up to. I'd ask for a kiss, but my breath must be terrible."

Upon waking up in the Umbra everyone who ate the Mushrooms finds themselves confused and on the verge of being sick, everyone continues to feel queasy uneasy for the duration of the trip.

The current area is covered in a heavy purple fog and not much can be gleaned beyond a brick path that leads deeper into the fog. Where they stand is a large yellow brick circle that bisects the path which runs through it. The bricks that compose the path are made of the same yellow and have no visible markings on them. The sky is purple fog, the horizon is purple fog, the whole area is purple fog; and a yellow brick road... that leads off into more purple fog. There is a knocked out Pembroke nearby and an awake Raquel. Oohh look Pax just ran in from out of the Fog and he loooks WEIRD...

Kurt's eyes flutter open eventually, and he grunts a bit before hocking a bit from the back of his throat, "Gross," he decides. Pushing himself upward he wobbles a bit and clutches at his gut, "Double gross," he drawls before trying to just ignore it for the time being. Then he's staring at Pax, "Why you so fuckin weird lookin?" He stretches and has to catch the shiver of nausea that works through him before he can shake it off again. "Yellow brick road?"

The current area is covered in a heavy purple fog and not much can be gleaned beyond a brick path that leads deeper into the fog. Where they stand is a large yellow brick circle that bisects the path which runs through it. The bricks that compose the path are made of the same yellow and have no visible markings on them. The sky is purple fog, the horizon is purple fog, the whole area is purple fog; and a yellow brick road... that leads off into more purple fog. There is an awake Pembroke, Kurt and Raquel. Oohh look Pax just ran in from out of the Fog and he loooks WEIRD...

"Aww, how adorable. I'd rather eat your face." Raquel grins wickedly, before manhandling the groggy Pembrook like he was a rag-doll. Now, he's on his feet, probably swaying a bit as the olympian super-woman makes him upright way too soon. Pax arrives, in his monstrous visage, and the poor Kinfolk is released and promptly forgotten. Green eyes move from lover to Board Director, and Raquel snorts!

Pembroke holds the bile, cheeks bulging, yes wide.... "Oh, oh my.. this is goig to be a bad trip...

Grinning in Kurt's direction Pax raises his clawed hand up to rub at his chin as those reddish-yellow eyes turn to search the area once more. "Unfortunately Fungus didn't tell us what we were coming here to find. But we're in the High Umbra." he explains to those that might not know, only to motion towards the yellow brick road before them. "If we know where we're going, we will it, and this road will take us there. You that ate the mushroom, stop fucking complaining and try to focus. Did it give you any insight into what the fuck we're supposed to find here?"

The current area is covered in a heavy purple fog and not much can be gleaned beyond a brick path that leads deeper into the fog. Where they stand is a large yellow brick circle that bisects the path which runs through it. The bricks that compose the path are made of the same yellow and have no visible markings on them. The sky is purple fog, the horizon is purple fog, the whole area is purple fog; and a yellow brick road... that leads off into more purple fog. There is an awake Pembroke, Stefan, Kurt and Raquel. Oohh look Pax just ran in from out of the Fog and he loooks WEIRD...

Kurt nods matter of factly like that was a perfectly reasonable explanation. "Sure sure," he drawls before shaking his head, "No inspirations, though maybe I'll hold off trying to burn off the toxins and see if it leads me somewhere important," he decides in a rather measured response. "I will for us to find the fucking thing we're looking for then," and promptly he's pointing and taking steps in that direcion. Stefan wakes up having no idea how long he had been out and sits up groggily to glance around. He blinks his eyes and smirks slightly, "I sound be hearing 'Purple Haze' or something..."

As the questing group tries to follow the yellow brick road they soon find that the purple fog just gets more dense and once it starts to clear they find themselves in another yellow brick circle along the same stretch of path.

Pembroke checks out the circle, to see if he sees any identifiying marks

The circle and the whole area looks identical to the one where they woke up.

Emi rubs her face, slowly getting up. "Ugh, I haven't felt this gross and slimey all over since I snuck into that Wyrm frat house.", rubbing her back and trying to get fungus out of her hair. "Fungus amongus! What do you want?", calling out into the purple mist. "I can get you a nice contract with a food distributor. Make you a rock star in the spirit world. Go down in history."

Pembroke hmms.. "Well, following the yellow brick road is one thing, but maybe not this thing." Soo.. he steps into the circle of brick, "Just throw the squish kin at it..." he mumbles

The Yellow Brick Road of Imagination is one of the most direct paths through the Vulgate... if intrepid questers can figure out how to use and where it is that they need to end up.

Humming as Kurt's idea doesn't seem to work out, and as he's idly milling about the area in thought, he reaches up to touch a piercing on his ear as though listening for a moment. "Alright, we need to reach the Cave of Greed." he decides suddenly, and simply starts walking off down the pathway, willing it to take them where they may or may not need to go!(Pax)

The purple fog choking the road starts to break up and the area around our heroes slowly becomes visible for miles in either direction.

The Fields of Wealth and Want extend on either side of the path in rolling hills and valleys composed of every gem and precious metal on earth. Fields of blue-white grass waving in the wind with the shimmer of a million diamonds, stalks of emerald and gold corn, flowers made of opals growing under a sapphire sky without a sun. Every where the eye went a new example of wealth confused with food and other natural necessities; humans have spent a long time mixing up want and need.

Pembroke trippin'

Kurt huhs and stares at the stones as they make a full circle and he grunts. Well that didn't work out. It's fine. "Cave of Greed." he repeats with a bit of trepidation and skepticism, no time for that here it seems because he's quickly distracted by the nausea again. "Alright," he says with a shrug and then the cloud lifts and he blinks with a soft hum to himself.

Stefan unsteadily moves over to stand by Pembroke and his eye sharpen. He tugs on the other man's arm and says drunkily, "We might need to leave the Path, Pemmy..."

"Oh man. I think we can retire.", Emi says while walking off the yellow brick road. "Gold and Diamonds! I could finally make one of those crazy expensive fetishes to murder a Mokole with - or Thomas!", grinning sadistically. "I wouldn't really murder Thomas, just a tiny murder. Collect enough feathers from him to give a cloak to Azoth.", reaching out to touch the corn. "How the fuck will a blind Metis fly? Gonna pull a maneuver and screech like bat?", mainly questions to herself.

When she touches the corn her finger tips turn to gold but revert the second she pulls her hand away.

Kurt lifts his nose to the sky and he sniffs a few times because that's how wolves operate alright? A glance to the side and then back again before he starts to scan the horizon. "Alright...a cave'd be by those probably?" he points at the crevices out in the fields. "Guess the Yellow Brick Road only goes so far?" he shrugs and then pauses, wondering if the road's gonna adjust now that they have a heading - or at least the headstrong Dox thinks so again.

Once Kurt points out the Crevices, everyone else can start to spot them in the distance.

Careful! The rolling hills of Wealth hide pockets of deep dangerous Want(deep crevices in the fields, very Minecraft style) and just a single misstep is enough to send any being deep into those crevices. Long narrow cracks in the landscape can be easily missed, looking down into one is a sad experience and the dark hole seems to go on forever. Disembodied arms stick out of the walls reach up and clinging at the air above. They reach up, grasping and grabbing at the world beyond the yawning crack in the field, never making it out of their Pits of Want.

Stefan looks to the others, perhaps for guidance, and chuckles at Emi, "Man, if this is like a normal trip you fuckin' with brass or something." He laughs then. "Everthing that glitters ain't gold, right?"

Finally! Direction has been set, and Raquel was almost looking forward to the trip. Until Pax mentions Greed, and then she's all pouty again. It's a constant mockery of her, and Black Fungus can get torched with a Firebolt for all she cares! "Ohhh!" She squeals happily, once the glittering light and colors of stones and metals catch her eye. Still food she can't eat, but the thought that counts.

When Emi's fingertips begin to turn to gold, Raquel smirks triumphantly. "I am already gold!" After unlacing and kicking off the boots made for human feet, she shakes, and shimmers, and now a hybrid of Mule and human becomes a statue of gold with hair and claws and -HOOVES- of platinum! The party might be on a mission, but La Moneda might easily stray.

Golden Raquel is fine in the fields and she can pluck as many flowers as she wants... apparently. Fuckin' Bygones.

Turning his attention to the crevices Kurt points out, Pax sighs as he starts off somewhat carefully in that direction. Careful to avoid contact with the various... Things that could cause trouble. "Looks like you've found a place you like, dear. We'll have to come back sometime soon." the man muses as the group heads towards the crevices, attempting to keep his attention on the lookout for a cave nearby.

The Yellow Brick Road of Imagination starts to grow new bricks and it branches off across the Field of Weather and over the side of one of the Crevices... down, down, down.
The Ephemera whispers, “ A voice in your head says: Jump IN!” to Kurt.
The Ephemera whispers, “ A voice in your head says: Push your friend in!” to Pax.
The Ephemera whispers, “ A voice in your head says: Give it to us!” to Emi.

Kurt seems rather self-satisfied as his feet step onto yet more yellow bricks as they stretch out into the hills and over the chasms and gaps that look...mildly exhilerating. Hell, the Elder has stared into the Void before, this doesn't seem much different, he's drifting a bit, lulled but not quite convinced to throw himself over the edges just yet. He's too damn CURIOUS about what's at the end of the road!

The Ephemera whispers, “ A voice in your head says: Push your friend in!” to Stefan and Pembroke.
The Ephemera whispers, “ A voice in your head says: Give it to us!” to Kurt.
The Ephemera whispers, “ A voice in your head says: Jump IN!” to Pax, Raquel, and Emi.
The Ephemera whispers, “ A voice in your head says: We NEED you. Help Us.” to Kurt, Pax, Emi, Raquel, Pembroke, and Stefan.

Pembroke follows behind Pax, figuring he'll know the safest way. Or at least the one most possible to return from. "What? Oh, well crap. Auditory hallucinations are not a good sigh here, right? I mean, not entirely unexpected. If anyone pushes me, I'm taking you with me..."

It's at this point Emi does the most ninja thing possible in her O'Tolley's uniform and summon her dedicated flying hoverboard from her skin. Doing a kick flip she slowly ascends out of the field of wealth. "I don't do drugs.", she says defiantly to Stefan. Eyes flashing to Kurt and Pax, "So this is a place of imagination? Do you think we can imagine monsters to fight would they come?", perhaps pulling a ghostbusters and imagining a giant state puff marshmallow man. But letting the Fungus speak and listening. "It wants Pax. I heard it."

Emi's imagination tricks don't work, that's not... exactly how the Vulgate works but points for trying! Stefan follows the others and then smirks as he hears Pembroke, "I didn't say I was going to push you, but I sure the fuck /want/ to." He looks to Emi then glances to Pax, "Oh... /that/ friend."

As Pax strolls along the road, he simply scoffs at those voices that others are apparently hearing, and proceeds to flip off the crevasses around them. "Fuck off, only I tell me what to do." he tells them plainly, "And we got shit to do." Continuing on his way, Pax's hand wanders back to the back of his belt, where he removes that cylindrical tube so he can keep it firmly in his grip.

Everyone is just -dying- to know what happens, all that way down. The cries for pittance are heard by the Pishtaco, and she cuts one of the stalks of gold and emerald corn. Getting close to the edge, her magical feet adhere to the very ground just in case. The offering is tossed over, and she watches with eager eyes to see the avaristic vegetable's demise.

The arms grasp blindly and they make no apology for whatever they grope, catching Raquel's test stalk and once in the Pit the arms on the opposite side of the crevice form a series of strange faces using creative finger posing, speaking in a layered voice, "Up or Down?"

Pembroke watches the face, looks down, looks up. "Very... binary." but lets Kurt and Pax answer the actual question.

Kurt eyeflashes at Emi and is suddenly closing his eyes thinking up the Stay-Puft Marshmallowman because what else do you think of?! He grunts with some disappointment when he cracks an eye open to nothing. The golden plants, the reaching hands, so far the scenery has been very distracting but not nearly as interesting as what is at the end of their path. Now he's commited which is probably the most danerous thing. "Emi, I love your ideas, I'm just sad when they don't work," he confesses as they continue.

Stefan almost giggles as he watches Raquel and the arms. He pauses on moving forward and watches for the response.

Pembroke may, in fact, be thinking of a 50 foot flesh Voltron where Karumi and Raquel form the legs, Poppet and Pax form the arms, and Eris forms the head.

Emi goes into a lazy laying position on her board, "Thanks big fella, I appreciate you too.", she offers with a wink to Kurt. Looking at Pax, "What is your plan master magi?", whistling lightly to regroup the hazy and tripping minds. "How can we work together to succeed?", she says almost drunkenly, slipping off her board but catching herself with fox tails.

Well Raquel did it, and something happened, so Pax pauses as she causes the face to appear in the crevasse. Squinting in that direction, Pax gives a mmmm of thought, then looks over to Raquel and says, "I mean, caves are down, right? Probably down?" Makes sense to him, apparently, and he waits even as he returns that tube to its secure place on the back of his belt.

DOWN! Down, down, down, the stalk goes... disappearing into darkness, passed along by a thousand helping hands.. feeding the greed.

Extraordinarily pleased with herself, La Moneda feels more right in the world. The question was for the stalk, not for them. "Ok! We should find those caves! Let me see..." She peers around the landscape, trying to find whatever misshappen outcroppings will lead them on their way.

Kurt watches the corn get handed down and he can't help but wonder aloud, "Do we throw ourselves in? Or like...not yet."

Stefan glances over at Kurt at his question, "Well, you're the Elder."

Sniffing in the direction of the crevasse, Pax turns and peers over the edge of the path as it drops down on its own. "I choose to jump the fuck off." he decides, because it's important obviously that he chooses what he wants to do dammit, so once that's said Pax just steps forward and walks the fuck off the edge rather that leaping, because he seems somewhat confident that he probably won't die from it.

Kurt cackles like a hyena for a moment and then he flashes Stefan a toothsome grin. "You can follow if you want, but I'm not responsible if you splat," and then he just steps off the side much like Pax, he's fairly confident he can survive any fall at this point anyways.

Pembroke sighs, looking down.. "Well... fuck." he checks his pockets to see if anything he took with him is still there

Emi pops up on her hoverboard and twirls around, "Let's do this. Someone hold my beer, watch this...", burping and gliding down the crevice like a surf boarder. A few hands reach out and grope her, coping a feel of fine Kitsune booty. But that doesn't stop our anti-hero as she holds her O'Tolley's skirt down. Gliding to the bottom to look at Pax and finishing her run time in epic fashion.

Falls. Fire. Bullets. All sorts of nasty endings that would fell more mortal forms. It's nice to be impervious! La Moneda notices that Pax has already chosen to jump off, ruining her idea of a superhero landing. Or... did it? Pembroke and Stefan are woefully underprepared when it comes to Umbral travels. Whomever decides to go with Emi on her hoverbaord, the opposite are being lifted off the ground, bridal style. "DO YOU WANT TO LIVE FOREVAH!" Quoting Conan: The Barbarian, the Bygone leaps with a terrified Stefan in arms.

Stefan looks back at Kurt and either its the 'rooms or he is sure his charms are still in his pocket that give him such confidence as he gives the others an innocent smile as he shrugs and hops off the edge, taking the hands.

Pembroke does not cop a feel, being to terrified of the wild ride dosn into the hole, but isn't much help in stopping any either, Hold on for dear life. It may not kill him, but being left behind with a busted leg would suck

Stefan looks back at Kurt and either its the 'rooms or he is sure his charms are still in his pocket that give him such confidence as he gives the others an innocent smile as he shrugs and considering hopping off but is instead grabbed and taken along with a would be Valeria. "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!"

At base of the Pit a large cavernous opening exists and at the back corner of that opening is a huge stone doorway covered in a pulsing, glowing menagerie of fungi in the form of reddish purple mosses and large carnivorous mushrooms. Due to a thick growth of vegetation, the entrance to the Cave of Greed, thrives with an unnatural Presence.

"Oh, man. Look at that cave. It's so colorful...", pointing out the entrance, Emi peered from the hoverboard. Holding Pembroke's hand but also having three Fox tails keeping him tucked in like a seat belt system. "Well, the voices say we need to sacrifice someone to desecrate the entrance. Good thing we brought extras to our little soiree.", joking or not.

The Yellow Brick Road of Imagination! Hey look, there it goes again! A path of yellow stones setting themselves down with each new step the group takes closer to the Cave.

Pembroke wobbles. Blinks. Does his best to not throw up from the fresh wave of nausea. Stumbles toward the cave. "Seriously. Why couldn't we have gone to the realm of loose interns?" And stumbles toward the cave whenever the tailbelts let him go. Or maybe he just sled dogs Emi toward the cave on her hoverboard.

"No one said anything about a sacrifice." Pax acknowledges with a little flopping of his hand, as he starts off after Pembroke, apparently perfectly happy to let the Kin take the lead there if he'd like! If the road is growing as they walk, then they're likely going in the first direction, after all.

Superhero landing! With clinging bystander! La Moneda stands with ease, while depositing poor Stefan upon his feet. Even if he does wobble a bit. "Loose interns? Your dick wouldn't touch the sides!" She doesn't know that for certain. Maybe it's the reason why Eris keeps them around for so long. The Bygone now approaches the looming stone door, and wonders what it will take to open it up. "Shall I kick it down, darling?"

Stefan wobbles, ashen faced as Raquel deposits him at the bottom and he looks as if he is fighting not to puke as he looks around trying to orient himself.

Emi can see Pembroke can't handle fox boarding, and soon up chucks the boogie - Kid Rock style as the Kitsune pushes him off the board, three feet from the ground. "Oh god man, pull yourself together. No way we can go to the land of loose interns now.", sighing and looking to Kurt. "Yeah we can still go."

Kurt is there at the bottom and only Pax watched him land like a rock. He is straightening his tie some and adjusting his cufflinks before smiling at the landings. "What's this about the land of loos interns?" he wonders with a quizzical brow arch at Emi and a smirk, "Why are we going there? I mean I'm not opposed, but it's sort of like eating at the place you work?" You mean literally, Director.

Superhero landing! With clinging bystander! La Moneda stands with ease, while depositing poor Stefan upon his feet. Even if he does wobble a bit. "Loose interns? Your dick wouldn't touch the sides!" She doesn't know that for certain. Maybe it's the reason why Eris keeps them around for so long. The Bygone now approaches the looming stone doorway, wondering what's on the other side.

Emi slowly leads her board into the cave, "Last one in is a rotten fungus!", wondering if she should collect the different colored samples and specimens. But she wasn't a scientist.

INSIDE THE CAVE: A rather dim, disorienting bioluminescence acts as a source of light; it only emits light in areas that are occupied. As explorers traverse the tunnel system the glowing fungus lights up around them and falls dark in their wake. This leaves both the path ahead and the way behind pitch black. The fungus itself is a moist blanket that glows a warm pink... patches of yellow brick are barely visible below the moss.