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== Spice & Ice Promo ==
== Cinnamon Promo ==
"Cinnamon Girl" by Neil Young starts up on the PA as Cinnamon steps through the gorilla curtain.<br>
"Cinnamon Girl" by Neil Young starts up on the PA as Cinnamon steps through the gorilla curtain.<br>
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The video fades and the arena lights come back on.<br>
The video fades and the arena lights come back on.<br>
== Cinnamon vs. "Fly" Felicia Hawkins ==
== Cinnamon vs. "Fly" Felicia Hawkins ==
Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! And is the first match in the Queen of the Castle Tournament! Already in the ring, from Annapolis, Maryland! She is... CINNAMOOOOOOOOON!<br>
Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! And is the first match in the Queen of the Castle Tournament! Already in the ring, from Annapolis, Maryland! She is... CINNAMOOOOOOOOON!<br>
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== 5 ==
== Ashley Lopez vs. Hannah Kix ==
Coming Soon!<br>
Baxter: The Following Contest is the 2nd match in the Queen of the Castle tournament!<br>
Britney Spears' "Piece of Me" plays as Ashley Lopez steps out from the curtain, a red carpet already drawn for her.<br>
Baxter: Coming to the ring! From Hollywood, California! She is.. ASHLEEEEY LOOOPEEEEEEEEEEEEZ!<br>
Ashley walks down the aisle holding up her hand to fans that try to touch her, pat her on the back or otherwise interact with her paying no mind or attention to them. At the end of the ramp she strikes a pose for LONE cameras as the flash goes off before sliding into the ring.<br>
Suddenly “La Rage” by Keny Arkana blares to life and Hannah steps out onto the stage with her head covered underneath a hoodie. Standing there for a moment, as to gather her emotions and focus. She then starts shadowboxing and afterwards walks to the ring while mouthing some of the french rap in her ring music 'Parce qu'on a la rage!'<br>
Baxter: And her opponent! Coming to the ring, from Paris, France, she is... HANNAAAAH KIIIIIIIX!<br>
When she gets to the ring area, she hurries up the ring steps, steps through the ropes and starts to shadowbox some more before going to the center and pulling down her hood. She spreads her arms out and dips her head back.<br>
Before the bell can even ring Ashley Lopez and Hannah Kix go after one another, brawling and throwing fists all over the ring. The two former allies turned hated foes appear to be stuck to each other like glue , neither really having much, or if any breathing room as they're quickly pressed up against the ropes, each woman having roughly the same amount of time in a position of control over the other. The referee seeing them pressed against the ropes immediately tries to get in between them and separate them, knowing that a count will go ignored.<br>
Washington: Everyone, buckle in for a wild ride! Ashley Lopez and Hannah Kix have been escalating in a war of words over the last few months after their partnership dissolved in... well, unpleasant terms to put it nicely. This could reach a level of animosity we've only seen recently with Terri and Alison and there's a lot on the line with this being a Queen of the Castle match to boot!<br>
North:I don't envy the official assigned to that match.<br>
Washington: I for one hope he manages to stay upright; there's only one more referee on standby in the back tonight. If they both go down I'll be forced into emergency duty! I already faced two martial artists several months ago and I'm not exactly chomping at the bit to deal with a third; not when I don't even have my ring gear on me!<br>
North: Hannah Kix commands respect in any ring she's in, regardless of the sport. She's as lethal as they come in the kickboxing game!<br>
Washington: Truth, but Ashley Lopez is a little spitfire herself. What she lacks in training and experience she makes up for in raw talent and passion. This match could truly go either way.<br>
The referee manages to bravely insert himself between the two and tries to order them back to separate corners but this only turns into a shoving competition as Lopez and Kix continue to shove the referee back and forth towards the other with increasing aggression. The referee attempts to stand his ground but is eventually shoved to the ground as Kix goes, literally, for Lopez's throat and tries to press it down on the ropes!<br>
North: These women aren't wasting any time! The referee, he's doing his best but he's already facing a lot of abuse! Save it for each other!<br>
Washington: I'd almost expect something like that out DIC but, you're right. The referee is not a competitor, he's a judge, their beef ain't with him.<br>
The referee calls for the break immediately as he gets back up to his feet.<br>
The referee gets in the middle again and physically separates them!<br>
Washington: Man, I respect his guts. I don't envy his next medical bill, but I respect his guts.<br>
North: It's a thankless job but he's trying to keep this match as clean as he possibly can.<br>
Kix shoves the referee back and onto the ground and goes after Lopez once more. Lopez, out for blood more than a win immediately hooks her fingers into Kix's nose and yanks back with a vicious fish hook right in front of the referee! Kix screams and covers her face as Lopez yanks her down by the back of her hair onto the mat and begins choking her with her hands wrapped around her throat! The referee immediately gives Lopez a verbal warning, his patience increasingly wearing thin as he tries to once again insert himself physically between the two! He manages to pry Lopez off of Kix and this time Lopez low blows the referee for his trouble!<br>
North: Oh come on, that was completely uncalled for! Come on!<br>
Washington: Low blow from Ashley, a shove and a pointed finger from Hannah Kix, I knew I should've worn my zebra union suit under this blazer...<br>
North: Don't forget the fish hook...<br>
Washington: I was referring to the referee's ongoing abuse, but if you're shooting for broad illegalities, yeah, let's throw that one in too.<br>
With the referee out of commission Lopez goes back to her attempts to strangle Kix.. Kix not to be outdone shoves her thumb hard into Lopez's eye! Lopez, fueled by bitter hatred grits her teeth and holds on anyway in spite of being blinded in one eye! There's a little bit of panic in Kix's face as she begins to turn purple and blue at this realization and she goes again, trying to physically dig and remove the eye from Lopez's skull! This finally makes Lopez let go but not without a 12-6 elbow shot on Kix's nose forcing her to let go as well!<br>
North: Throw the match out, throw it out!<br>
The referee is immediately calling for the bell, still doubled over on the mat and giving pained instructions to Baxter.<br>
Baxter: The official in charge has officially ruled this match a double disqualification! Neither will advance in Queen of the Castle!<br>
The referee gives another pained instruction to Baxter.<br>
Baxter: Also, security! Security, the referee is requesting immediate security!<br>
Security piles out from the back and rushes the ring to immediately separate Kix and Lopez, both of them trying to fight off security as they make several more desperate lunges for each other.<br>
== 6 ==
Washington: That's all she wrote. Sometimes the thirst for blood has a brighter shine under the bright lights than any opportunity for championship gold! Ironic, the one thing that brought them together is now the one thing they've mutually denied the other!<br>
Coming Soon!<br>
== 7 ==
North: Well, that's all the time we have for tonight! I'm Kevin North, for my partner Frank Washington we hope you all have a wonderful evening and drive home safe! Join us next month as we continue the Queen of the Castle, right here on the Prospect Wrestling Network!<br>
Coming Soon!<br>
As Frank Washington and Kevin North sound off for the night Kix and Lopez can be seen brawling with each other and security as the feed slowly fades out.

Latest revision as of 00:42, 13 August 2020



A video package begins to play.

The video starts with an image of a small ballerina in a pink dress, situated in a music box. A finger touches the box and the box audibly clicks. The ballerina starts to spin. The music box begins to play a tune:


As the music plays, the camera switches to another view. A window, with the silhouette of long tree branches over the sight of the full moon. The pale moonlight lights up the room just enough to see floorboards, and a figure off to the right just barely within the light.

The figure is Stitches, on her knees and holding a doll.

The camera moves now to a shot just behind her, peering down over her shoulder. Stitches fingers start to run through a porcelain doll of Alison Crowne's likeness, complete with her arm wrapped up and her knee brace. "Broken. Broken, but I'll fix you soon." Stitches whispers.

Stitches leans forward, setting Alison next to another doll.

Stitches: Hmm, who to play with next?

Stitches points to that other doll, which is one in Gutter Trash Terri Thompson's likeness. It has her little vest and a small LONE Championship around her waist. Stitches hovers her right forefinger in front of the doll.

Stitches: No..... Not yet.

The camera cuts to another doll as she points at it; Hannah Kix.

Then another cut; Qent.

One more; Homeless Hannah.

Then one last one. Her finger falls on Cinnamon and Violent Violet. The duo known as Spice and Ice. Stitches starts to laugh maniacally as her finger moves to touch Cinnamon's hair.

Stitches: Such pretty hair. The both of you.

It curls in those red locks before a door is heard creaking open.

Sister Catherine steps in, eyes narrowing in judgment at her.

Stitches looks over her right shoulder and nods in compliance, standing up and moving towards her as the camera now focuses on what she was kneeling in front of the whole time.

There's a giant display of porcelain dolls, all of the LONE Roster and its Staff.

The camera fades out as the music distorts, warps, and then slows to a stop.

Bux Announcement

After the previous video ends, we fade in to Jack E. Bux sitting behind his desk in his office. He gets right to it, so the show can start!

Bux: Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen and Welcome to Supremacy: LONE 34 Queen of the Castle Night 1. Much like the tag team classic last year, we're splitting the Queen of the Castle tournament into two nights. In case you don't know, the Queen of the Castle tournament will feature 8 women and the winner will be given a Queen's Tiara. They will be able to use that crown to invoke a LONE Championship opportunity at any time. They have until the next Queen of the Castle tournament to use it. But that's not actually why I am on your screen tonight. Tonight, I have a special announcement.

A smile spreads on his lips.

Bux: I wanted to announce that, going forward, on Queen of the Castle night 2, we will be LIVE on the Prospect Wrestling Network! All of our past, present, and future content will be on the Prospect Wrestling Network. You can register for an account at the link below.

A link is flashed on the screen.

Bux: You will be paying the same amount as you pay for our i-Pay-Per-Views, but you'll have access to other wrestling content such as LEGACY Wrestling, Golden Gate Wrestling, Missouri State Wrestling and others! So please, join us as we feature on the Prospect Wrestling Network. We look forward to everything we are going to do with them. Thank you and enjoy.

Bux continues to smile for the camera as we fade out.

Cinnamon Promo

"Cinnamon Girl" by Neil Young starts up on the PA as Cinnamon steps through the gorilla curtain.

She's got a microphone in her hand. "Cut the music! Cut the music!" She demands as she walks down the aisle.

She marches to the ring, hurrying up the ring steps and stepping through the ropes.

Cinnamon: So tonight is the Queen of the Castle and you're looking at your future Queen, Queen Cinnamon!


Cinnamon: Ooh, what? You don't like the sound of that? Well you better get used to it. Because not only are you looking at your future queen, but you're looking at one half of your future tag team champions. The SPICE in Spice & Ice! That's right. You think I'm scared of the Damned? Do you know how many blood suckers and religious zealots I've had to deal with in my life growing up? I've seen people like Sister Catherine and Stitches and let me tell you something about people like them! They're LOST! They're lost in their own fantasy world but let me tell you something...

Cinnamon steps towards the ropes, facing the hard camera as she licks her lips.

Cinnamon: Mmmmh... a little sex and violence will bring them back to reality.

A knowing smirk on her lips before her expression wears a scowl.

Cinnamon: Now why don't you bring out this little hoodlum I'm supposed to face so I can be one step closer to my crown?

That hoodlum she's referring to is "Fly" Felicia Hawkins, but her music does not come on. Instead, the arena darkens before being bathed in a crimson light.

The titantron lights up with Sister Catherine and Stitches in their usual position. Sister Catherine has a copy of the holy bible in hand, flipped open to a certain part. She begins to read it.

Sister Catherine: Galatians 5:19-21. The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Sister Catherine starts to smile after reading the verse.

Sister Catherine: Good Evening, Cinnamon. Yes. We are familiar with your past. We know you are guilty of sexual immorality and debauchery, and that's not all you're guilty of...

Sister Catherine casually flips through the bible.

Sister Catherine: Your ego is running wild already. You are knocking on God's door and you won't stop until we answer. Don't worry, the answer you're looking for will be coming soon. If that's what you really want...

Cinnamon nods vehemently.

Cinnamon: Oh yeah, yeah that's what I want! You answer and you bring those Tag Titles with you!

Sister Catherine stops on another verse in the bible.

Sister Catherine: 1 Corinthians 6:13. Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food—and God will destroy both one and the other. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. If only, Cinnamon, you've given your body to the Lord and not these men willing to pay you for sexual gratification...

Stitches stops petting the doll of Sister Catherine's likeness and takes a moment to look up into the camera.

Stitches: ..... Whore!

Cinnamon kicks the bottom rope, livid now.

Cinnamon: You better stop with this holier than thou bullshit before Violent Violet and I put you both down like the parasites that you are, if Alison Crowne doesn't do it first!

Sister Catherine tilts her head to her right, as if she's studying Cinnamon.

Sister Catherine: Does it upset you? Does it upset you to be called a whore? Does a hurt dog not holler when it is kicked? As for Alison Crowne, well, we have already taken care of her. Were you not watching?

Cinnamon: You call me whore now, but soon you'll be calling me QUEEN!

Sister Catherine: ... Heh... Very well... Have a good evening...

The video fades and the arena lights come back on.

Cinnamon vs. "Fly" Felicia Hawkins

Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! And is the first match in the Queen of the Castle Tournament! Already in the ring, from Annapolis, Maryland! She is... CINNAMOOOOOOOOON!

"Stay Fly" by 3 6 Mafia hits the speakers and a big cheer from the crowd comes alive as "Fly" Felicia Hawkins makes her way from behind the curtain.

Baxter: And her opponent! On the way to the ring, from Boston Massachusetts, she "Fly" Feliciaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaawkiiiiiiiiiins!

She makes her way down to the ring and gives high fives to all of her fans along the way. Felicia wears a backwards cap with a a flag on it, half USA on the left and half Japan on the right and a big smile on her face. She looks ready for action, sliding into the ring and jump into different corners with her arms up and getting the love from the crowd.


Washington: Hello everyone, I'm Frank Washington, Executive Vice President of LONE alongside my good friend and broadcast partner Kevin North. I'm once again filling in for DIC as he continues to protest the reign of current and record setting three time LONE Champion Terri Thompson and it looks like I may be here for the forseeable future. Opening things tonight in action are Cinnamon and “Fly” Felicia Hawkins in the opening round of the Queen of the Castle tournament! Kevin, let the wonderful people watching at home know what they're fighting for!

North: As always Frank, it's a pleasure to work alongside you! Yes, Queen of the Castle, 8 women will compete in a tournament over the next few months, starting tonight to determine the very first LONE Queen of the Castle winner. The winner will not only get the title of Queen of the Castle but they will have also earned the right to challenge for the LONE Championship at a time and place of their choosing! Everyone always remembers the first and with such a big prize on the line you can expect the unexpected as everyone puts everything out on the line!

Washington: And what a way to start off. These two women are very familiar with one another having faced off in several tag team matches over the years, sometimes with the tag titles at stake. Usually they're with their respective partners but tonight, for the first time ever these two are squaring off one on one!

Felicia starts off quickly shooting out of the corner at Cinnamon trying to overwhelm her old rival with a series of kicks and punches. Cinnamon is quick to backpedal off towards the ropes to try to slip under the top rope to try to force a rope break. The referee tells Felicia to make a clean break and she does, but not before Cinnamon kicks her in the knee trying to cut her down and force her feet out from under her. Felicia wavers but manages to stand up right. Cinnamon goes to hit a low dropkick to Felicia and drops her down to the mat, but Felicia is quick to sweep the leg with her arms to catch Cinnamon off guard and sends her down to the mat as well!

North: Cinnamon and Felicia are going move for move early on, they know each other well. Cinnamon thought she could catch her with that low dropkick but Felicia quickly followed up with a sweep to the leg to even things out!

Washington: A change of pace outside the norm from these two. Of course Felicia can come out like a turbo charged rocket bunny at any time but to see this increased pace from the start you can tell that there's a certain sense of urgency with this unique opportunity in play. Don't let her name fool you though, Cinnamon is anything but nice between the bells and she's got a mean streak like no other.

Felicia tries to get back to her feet quickly to attempt a standing moonsault but Cinnamon rolls out of the way. Felicia manages land on her feet and catches Cinnamon with a feint kick on the way back up. Cinnamon staggers into the ropes as Felicia manages to dump her over the top rope to the outside with a clothesline!

North: Felicia dumps Cinnamon to the outside with that devastating clothesline!

Washington: That's big, but how Cinnamon responds will be even bigger. This could easily become an avalanche of momentum for Felicia but if Cinnamon is smart she could turn this into a blessing in disguise for her efforts. I know what I'd be expecting in this situation but will Felicia see it? The next move could dictate the flow of the match.

Felicia slips outside the ring to pursue Cinnamon but Cinnamon is quick to get back to her feet and begins running around the ring. Felicia is in hot pursuit as the referee yells at them to get back into the ring!





Cinnamon manages to just evade Felicia's reach barely as her fingertips just managed to miss her hair as she hops over the ring steps to put a little more separation.



Cinnamon slips and slides back into the ring.


Felicia slides in after her only for Cinnamon to set herself just in time to boot her directly in the face!

Washington: OOOOH! Cinnamon caught her! Just as I anticipated!

North: Well, how would you have handled that? Felicia did need to break the count or else she'd lose the match by count out?

Washington: I wouldn't have given chase. I would've tried to press the advantage on the outside but if it became a chase I would've beaten Cinnamon to the punch and slid into the ring first. Now I'd have the high ground and she'd have to come to me or essentially forfeit her spot via count out. Sure, Cinnamon could take a few seconds to recover but by then I will have already had plotted out my next three moves.

North: Ever the strategist, even on this side of the table!

Washington: Hey, Sun Tzu's The Art of War applies to all aspects of life; I've just happened to have a lot of success throughout my career in the ring too because of it.

Felicia clutches her face in pain as Cinnamon presses her foot on her throat and begins pressing down with her hands gripping the top rope for more leverage! The referee immediately calls for a clean break but Cinnamon continues to ignore him!





Cinnamon breaks just before 5 and begins to argue with the referee.

North: Cinnamon with the blatant illegal choke! This is uncalled for!

Washington: F for Sportsmanship but A for Effectiveness. Cinnamon was wise to the fact that she had till 5 and she milked every second of the referee's count. That's potentially a big swing of momentum in this match, Felicia's is dead in the water after that. If you can dictate the terms of the match you can often dictate the outcome as well.

Cinnamon gets in the referee's face as their argument continues with Cinnamon jabbing her index finger into the referee's chest several times backing him up into a corner. Felicia manages to catch her breath during all of this and makes it back to her feet and quickly rolls up Cinnamon from behind as the referee is quick to count. 1...2...KICKOUT!

North: Felicia almost had her with that roll-up!

Washington: That was nearly a fatal mistake, you NEVER take your eye off of your opponent!

Cinnamon pops the shoulder up and kicks out as she was almost done in while taken by surprise. Felicia is quick to trap her in a side headlock to keep her grounded to the mat, looking to wear her down and put a halt to her momentum. Cinnamon manages to force them both back up to their feet and manages to push out of the hold and catch Felicia in a hammerlock from behind. Felicia strains against the pressure but manages to escape as she manages to flip and relieve the pressure as Cinnamon holds onto her. Cinnamon tries to pull her in close for a clothesline but Felicia expertly ducks and counters with an armdrag! Felicia holds on and pulls Cinnamon back up with her and nails a swift DDT!

North: DDT! DDT! Felicia just nailed her!

Washington: This could be the turning point!

Felicia instead of going for the pin takes a moment to play to the crowd as Cinnamon crawls closer to the center of the ring before collapsing back down to the mat. Felicia eyes the turnbuckle as the crowd cheers and begins to slowly climb it, looking to keep her balance as she nearly slips and falls. She looks for her Swanton Bomb, the Bye, Felicia! As Felicia begins to take flight Cinnamon pops up and catches her with the Sugar & Spice standing heel kick just as she begins to flip over, catching her right in the back of the head and causing Felicia to plummet like a stone in a lake, flat on her back on the mat! Cinnamon quickly goes for the pin with a devilish grin on her face. 1.....2.....3!

Baxter: Here is your winner.... Cinnamon!

Washington: Felicia nearly had the victory but she took just a little too long and Cinnamon snatched victory from the jaws of defeat with a highlight worthy kick heard round the world!

North:That precision was frightening, Frank. If Cinnamon goes on to win the entire thing, this moment will become immortalized as the one that lit the fire to making history!

Alison Crowne Promo

The camera starts rolling on a prerecorded message as Alison Crowne's silhouette can be seen cast on the roof overlooking the city skyline at sunset. As the camera pans it becomes apparent that Alison is standing just outside a luxury penthouse suite at the top of a tower as she's surrounded by a rooftop garden flowing with life; flowing but on the edge of darkness. Alison could be seen wearing a black Vegeta shirt ( https://i.imgur.com/KS1dFXT.jpg ) tanktop style, her arm still heavily bandaged up from the the brutal match with Terri Thompson just two months ago along with a pair of black jeans with her right kneebrace on over it. It was apparent that the fact that she was wearing the knee brace over her pants when she normally only wore it during in-ring competition may be a sign that she's no longer using it just as a legalized foreign object (as many have long suspected) but as a reminder of what her body went through when her record breaking reign as the LONE Champion came to an end after 456 days.

Alison's eyes scan the city skyline as the harbor and bay can be seen in the distance. Just like the the sun had finally set on her reign she could feel an impending and very long, dark night coming imminently for her. At war on two fronts, dealing with The Damned's Sister Catherine and Stitches on one front while she still has her eyes on her blood rival Terri Thompson and the LONE Championship on the other. To have to fight a war on two fronts would spell certain disaster even for the largest of armies and greatest tacticians and yet Alison wasn't an army; she was a single person surrounded on three sides. No allies to speak of, save for her attorney Gordon Barrows, and he wasn't about to lace up a pair of boots to stand beside her on the front lines. It was quite apparent though that just like this garden taking bloom in the change of seasons that the seed of hate Alison claimed Terri planted within her was thriving and vibrant as well; in her eyes, her actions, and her words.

Alison: I should be the two time Ladies of New England Champion right now. Last month was supposed to be the month when I righted a wrong and reclaimed what I should've never lost! I had a chance, a legally guaranteed chance, and a right to challenge for what was once mine. A chance to push myself harder, a chance to show my resolve; a chance to finally purge myself of the final weakness in my life that is Terri Thompson. To put all of that anger and grief... and regret behind me; to cast it aside!

Alison's eyes drift downward for a moment, briefly betraying her resolve.

Alison: To earn what my blood, sweat, and tears had sown into the very fabric and identity of LONE over the last four years. The security and compensation I busted my ass for. To set the bar so that others that came before and after me could demand healthcare and fair compensation for putting their bodies on the line and shortening their lives. Nobody wants to see someone like me get paid but they all want to collect after I've done all the leg work for them and pad their own bank accounts; ain't that right, Terri?

Alison flashed a smug grin as if she were addressing her rival face to face for just a brief second.

Alison: Love me or hate me, I am who I am, I am the Highlight of the Night and I always give nothing less than my all. People don't understand what the LONE Championship means to me, people don't understand what hell I'm willing to put myself through endure just to collect my pound of flesh and gallon of blood when someone makes an issue personal. I signed my waiver, holding Jack E. Bux and LONE completely harmless and waived all legal responsibly on their behalf; I went against the medical advice of my doctors at the risk of serious injury just to be cleared to exercise my rematch clause last month. I did that because if I couldn't beat Terri Thompson; if I couldn't recapture the LONE Championship after she betrayed me the way she did, how she avoided paralysis like a karmic thief and managed to steal from me AGAIN then quite frankly, I don't deserve to compete in LONE. My physical condition is irrelevant; she's beat to dog shit too and I got the blood on my ring gear to prove it. I was willing to put my career on the line; not officially, but medically speaking, to take what was mine!

Alison crosses her arms and shakes her head, a scowl slowly forming on her face as the mental imagery of The Damned, of Sister Catherine and Stitches, could make her blood physically boil.

Alison: So what does that say that I'm willing to do to you, Sister Catherine, Stitches? You came in, you interrupted me; that was your first mistake. Your second mistake was getting involved in my personal business and trying to make an example out me, and for what? For more everlasting silence from your invisible man in the sky while you suffer concurrent, twin psychoses? You think drinking and bathing in blood is going to keep you forever young Catherine, you think that it's going to save your damned soul if you listen to the voices in your mind demanding that you mete out puritanical judgment? Do you honestly think you're serving some Higher Power and Grand Plan; that you're doing 'God's Work' by going after me? I don't remember you ever answering my open challenges during Chasing The Crowne, when I was giving open title shots to literally whoever was the first person to walk out form the back. You come after me for valuing 'material possessions' when you're carrying around the Tag Team Championships? How long have you had those now, at least half a year?

Alison paces around, methodically weaving through the garden, the flowers in bloom and glowing in the sunset.

Alison: Probably longer. I'm no LONE Historian but I'm pretty damn sure that makes The Damned the longest reigning Tag Team Champions and if you're not; you're awfully close. You have no problems carrying those around with you to the ring, holding them up to some lofty ideal of being part of 'God' Bounty' for doing His work. It was 'God's Will' that brought those to you, right? A God that hates you, a God that damned you, a God that despises your very existence? What you call spreading His word is what anyone else would call an abusive relationship! Even if by some chance there really is an invisible man in the sky that made everything out of nothing, it ain't the dude you claim to follow! It's ALL inside your head! You're sick!

Alison jabs her index finger into her temple several times.

Alison: You're sick, you're deranged! And what does that say about Stitches, the lost little girl that follows you around like a little sick puppy? She looks up to you, she admires you, she hangs on your every word. She looks like the daughter of Frankenstein, sewn together from murder victims left in the morgue to rot. When you say jump, she giggles and asks 'how high?' and when you point at someone she attacks like a loyal dog. But I hate to break it to you Stitches, but Alison Crowne is NOBODY'S doll, I'm not your little plaything. I'm not your toy, I'm not something you can play with and discard when you're bored and I'm NOT your friend. I don't like you, I think you smell like rotting flesh, and as sick and deranged as I think Catherine is? You're worse! You don't even have the capacity to think for yourself or act in your own interest, hell, I seriously doubt you hold a single belief inside your little head that wasn't pre-programmed and sanitized to meet the standards of your little False Prophet of a Failed Nun. You're a husk, a vessel, a drone that gets a sick and twisted enjoyment of pain inflicted on you because nothing else makes you feel quite alive than the nerve endings signaling to your brain and reminding you for just a brief moment in time that you exist outside of the environment created for you. YOU'RE A PUPPET!

Alison's eyes go wide as she shouts that proclamation, fired up and ready to get her revenge.

Alison: Anyone else would've saw the war path I was on, the necks I've snapped, the careers I've ended in pursuit of a single, solitary goal and stayed out of my way... and you WILLINGLY stepped on the tracks and crossed my path! You saw what I did to Ami, you saw what I did to Wendy... you saw what I did to Terri; so what does that say about what I plan to do to the two of you? Catherine, Stitches, you made this personal, you fired the first shot and your first shot wasn't good enough. I'm here, I'm standing and I'm issuing a challenge. I'm not asking for the Tag Titles but I'll take em anyway if Bux makes the match but I want the two of you in the ring. I don't care what I have to go through to get this match, I don't care what the stipulation; handicap tornado, No DQ, steel cage, falls count anywhere, Last Woman Standing, I don't care if I have to endure another bloody bullrope match. I'll do it FOR FREE! Until I deal with the two of you I know I'm not going to reach my ultimate goal; you're another set of obstacles for me to overcome, another trial to conquer and another way to showcase how I am without a shadow of a doubt THE Highlight of the Night!

But remember one thing; not all monsters are fictional. Dracula, Frankenstein; they're stories children are told at night to shine a light on the horrors of humanity. Some are real, some walk around in broad daylight, out in the open without feeling the need to hide who they are. Some now reside in the history books, having met their final rest while others are alive and breathing as I speak. Others... are just getting started... history in the making, history that will be etched in stone...

Alison pauses as she lifts up her shirt for full, unobstructed view to the camera, lifting it just enough to reveal a portion of her still-taped ribs.

Alison: I'm not the monster you think I am...

...I'm worse.

Terri Thompson Promo

We cut to Terri Thompson now, seated in a black steel chair against a grey painted wall. She has her vest on, with her Surgeon General's Warning t-shirt on under it and the rest of her normal ring gear. Over her left shoulder is the LONE Championship.

She's leaning forward, smiling all the while towards the camera. She begins to sing.

Terri: California... knows how to paaaarty!

She starts to sway her body left to right, holding her hands up in the air as she does so.

Terri: 'eyyyy 'eyyyyy Californiaaaaa.... knows how to paaaarty!... Ooo!

She winces.

Terri: Yeah, Alison's right about one thing. She beat the dog shit outta me. We beat the dog shit outta each other! Only thing is...

She pats the title twice. Pat-pat!

Terri: I've got something to show for it. Heh. But I suppose I have Alison to thank, right? Yeah, she's been padding my pockets... She's been doing all the leg work. She's been carrying me since I broke into the business, busting my ass working retail jobs to make enough money to start taking training classes at 4WA, and earning my way to become what I am today while she was in Missouri, not even realizing that I exist. Thank you, Alison.

Terri was, of course, being sarcastic.

Terri: You know what, though? Things have been looking up for me, actually. Isn't it kinda funny that when things start looking down for you, Alison, things look up for me? Yeah. I started getting calls when I broke that record. I'm singing about Cali because I actually got the opportunity to go out there and helped with promoting the PWN. My wife, Wendy, I love you, baby...

She kisses two fingers and holds them to the camera for a moment.

Terri: She's recovering. That's the best part about it all. You know what else is good, though? I've been talking with Bux. I've given him ideas... Ideas that he loves. Ideas that you're going to see come about soon. As for the Queen of the Castle tournament? Good luck to everyone involved! I'll be waiting for whenever you decide to relinquish the crown. And if you think any different, well, I'll just have to put your Mind in the Gutter. Heh, isn't it funny that someone named Alison Crowne isn't going to be getting one? Oh well! Instead she's gotta deal with two weirdo vampires that can't stand her guts like the rest of us!

Terri stands up and walks off camera towards her left. She can be heard singing.

Terri: I'm going-going! Back-to-back-to Cali-Cali! Cali got gunplay, models on the runway scream Biggie Biggie give me one more chance...!

Ashley Lopez vs. Hannah Kix

Baxter: The Following Contest is the 2nd match in the Queen of the Castle tournament!

Britney Spears' "Piece of Me" plays as Ashley Lopez steps out from the curtain, a red carpet already drawn for her.

Baxter: Coming to the ring! From Hollywood, California! She is.. ASHLEEEEY LOOOPEEEEEEEEEEEEZ!

Ashley walks down the aisle holding up her hand to fans that try to touch her, pat her on the back or otherwise interact with her paying no mind or attention to them. At the end of the ramp she strikes a pose for LONE cameras as the flash goes off before sliding into the ring.

Suddenly “La Rage” by Keny Arkana blares to life and Hannah steps out onto the stage with her head covered underneath a hoodie. Standing there for a moment, as to gather her emotions and focus. She then starts shadowboxing and afterwards walks to the ring while mouthing some of the french rap in her ring music 'Parce qu'on a la rage!'

Baxter: And her opponent! Coming to the ring, from Paris, France, she is... HANNAAAAH KIIIIIIIX!

When she gets to the ring area, she hurries up the ring steps, steps through the ropes and starts to shadowbox some more before going to the center and pulling down her hood. She spreads her arms out and dips her head back.


Before the bell can even ring Ashley Lopez and Hannah Kix go after one another, brawling and throwing fists all over the ring. The two former allies turned hated foes appear to be stuck to each other like glue , neither really having much, or if any breathing room as they're quickly pressed up against the ropes, each woman having roughly the same amount of time in a position of control over the other. The referee seeing them pressed against the ropes immediately tries to get in between them and separate them, knowing that a count will go ignored.

Washington: Everyone, buckle in for a wild ride! Ashley Lopez and Hannah Kix have been escalating in a war of words over the last few months after their partnership dissolved in... well, unpleasant terms to put it nicely. This could reach a level of animosity we've only seen recently with Terri and Alison and there's a lot on the line with this being a Queen of the Castle match to boot!

North:I don't envy the official assigned to that match.

Washington: I for one hope he manages to stay upright; there's only one more referee on standby in the back tonight. If they both go down I'll be forced into emergency duty! I already faced two martial artists several months ago and I'm not exactly chomping at the bit to deal with a third; not when I don't even have my ring gear on me!

North: Hannah Kix commands respect in any ring she's in, regardless of the sport. She's as lethal as they come in the kickboxing game!

Washington: Truth, but Ashley Lopez is a little spitfire herself. What she lacks in training and experience she makes up for in raw talent and passion. This match could truly go either way.

The referee manages to bravely insert himself between the two and tries to order them back to separate corners but this only turns into a shoving competition as Lopez and Kix continue to shove the referee back and forth towards the other with increasing aggression. The referee attempts to stand his ground but is eventually shoved to the ground as Kix goes, literally, for Lopez's throat and tries to press it down on the ropes!

North: These women aren't wasting any time! The referee, he's doing his best but he's already facing a lot of abuse! Save it for each other!

Washington: I'd almost expect something like that out DIC but, you're right. The referee is not a competitor, he's a judge, their beef ain't with him.

The referee calls for the break immediately as he gets back up to his feet.





The referee gets in the middle again and physically separates them!

Washington: Man, I respect his guts. I don't envy his next medical bill, but I respect his guts.

North: It's a thankless job but he's trying to keep this match as clean as he possibly can.

Kix shoves the referee back and onto the ground and goes after Lopez once more. Lopez, out for blood more than a win immediately hooks her fingers into Kix's nose and yanks back with a vicious fish hook right in front of the referee! Kix screams and covers her face as Lopez yanks her down by the back of her hair onto the mat and begins choking her with her hands wrapped around her throat! The referee immediately gives Lopez a verbal warning, his patience increasingly wearing thin as he tries to once again insert himself physically between the two! He manages to pry Lopez off of Kix and this time Lopez low blows the referee for his trouble!

North: Oh come on, that was completely uncalled for! Come on!

Washington: Low blow from Ashley, a shove and a pointed finger from Hannah Kix, I knew I should've worn my zebra union suit under this blazer...

North: Don't forget the fish hook...

Washington: I was referring to the referee's ongoing abuse, but if you're shooting for broad illegalities, yeah, let's throw that one in too.

With the referee out of commission Lopez goes back to her attempts to strangle Kix.. Kix not to be outdone shoves her thumb hard into Lopez's eye! Lopez, fueled by bitter hatred grits her teeth and holds on anyway in spite of being blinded in one eye! There's a little bit of panic in Kix's face as she begins to turn purple and blue at this realization and she goes again, trying to physically dig and remove the eye from Lopez's skull! This finally makes Lopez let go but not without a 12-6 elbow shot on Kix's nose forcing her to let go as well!

North: Throw the match out, throw it out!


The referee is immediately calling for the bell, still doubled over on the mat and giving pained instructions to Baxter.

Baxter: The official in charge has officially ruled this match a double disqualification! Neither will advance in Queen of the Castle!

The referee gives another pained instruction to Baxter.

Baxter: Also, security! Security, the referee is requesting immediate security!

Security piles out from the back and rushes the ring to immediately separate Kix and Lopez, both of them trying to fight off security as they make several more desperate lunges for each other.

Washington: That's all she wrote. Sometimes the thirst for blood has a brighter shine under the bright lights than any opportunity for championship gold! Ironic, the one thing that brought them together is now the one thing they've mutually denied the other!

North: Well, that's all the time we have for tonight! I'm Kevin North, for my partner Frank Washington we hope you all have a wonderful evening and drive home safe! Join us next month as we continue the Queen of the Castle, right here on the Prospect Wrestling Network!

As Frank Washington and Kevin North sound off for the night Kix and Lopez can be seen brawling with each other and security as the feed slowly fades out.