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Arriving in a nice looking Audi, is Noah. He climbs out of the car, retrieving a couple of bags of foodstuffs. Chips, buns, bread, veggie plates - all the stuff to bring for a party. He's helping! He carries the two bags in, looking around at those present. "Uh... hey." He smiles. "Where did folks want me to put these groceries?"
Arriving in a nice looking Audi, is Noah. He climbs out of the car, retrieving a couple of bags of foodstuffs. Chips, buns, bread, veggie plates - all the stuff to bring for a party. He's helping! He carries the two bags in, looking around at those present. "Uh... hey." He smiles. "Where did folks want me to put these groceries?"
Tabi's face cracks into a smile. The guy's got the gift of gab, she'll give him that.
Johanna moves along with Khol, and leans in to speak with him a moment before the story time begins. She listens with rapt attention to it all.
Paul hugs Erin against him andthen moves over to help himself to a heaping plate full of veggies and some of the fish. He pauses and turns to listen to Taika. He grins and gives a thumbs up before he grabs one of those meads and moves to find a seat.
Mrs. Marry, an older Kinfolk of the Get, hears Noah's question and directs him to one of the tables at the mouth of the shop where the food's been put out on display. She thanks the guy with a smile and tells him to make sure he gets in line to get a plate.
Mrs. Marry, an older Kinfolk of the Get, hears Noah's question and directs him to one of the tables at the mouth of the shop where the food's been put out on display. She thanks the guy with a smile and tells him to make sure he gets in line to get a plate.
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In the back of the crowd, Heidi starts to laugh. One hand rests up by her chin, and then she has to turn away a second to sip some of her mead. "That. Was awesome."
In the back of the crowd, Heidi starts to laugh. One hand rests up by her chin, and then she has to turn away a second to sip some of her mead. "That. Was awesome."
Tabi's face cracks into a smile. The guy's got the gift of gab, she'll give him that.
Johanna moves along with Khol, and leans in to speak with him a moment before the story time begins. She listens with rapt attention to it all.
Paul hugs Erin against him andthen moves over to help himself to a heaping plate full of veggies and some of the fish. He pauses and turns to listen to Taika. He grins and gives a thumbs up before he grabs one of those meads and moves to find a seat.
Khol moves slowly with Johanna, speaking softly to her and indicating a couple people with gestures.
Fiona listens quietly as people introduce themselves. She sets down her empty plate to take a swing of the bottle. Once Taika starts his story her eyes shift to him curiously
Noah sets his plate down on his lap, carefully. Then it's a round of applause for the story told by Taika. He can appreciate the story and the wild adventure that must have spun it into existance. Then it's back to his food!
Late to the party, but arriving nonetheless. Julia lifts one hand to rub at the corner of one eye, looking over the rather large crowd with slightly squinted eyes as she considers her options. She spots Calvin easily enough, making her way over in his direction near the fire.
Dalibor nods to Taika, though he doesn't seem to find the story as humorous as others did. Or maybe he did? It's often hard to get a read on the young Modi.
Theron smirks at the story told and takes another swig of the drink. "Thats a new one for me." he muses with a shrug. "All sorts of new Fenrir." the warrior kin notes to Sten beside him.
===Scene Pose: Axe Throwing===
Bergin walks to the center of the fire pit after the traveler's tale and offers the man a few claps of lingering applause before he moves the crowd to the next part of the gathering. "So...I know it maybe beyond some of ya to think of running or throwing stuff after all that good food." He smiles and rubs his belly in appreciation of Mrs. Marry's good cookin. <br><br>
"But let's start with the axe-throwing first. Those interested in testing your skill should line up over by the end of the shop where we have the throwing axes and targets set up. Let's see how good ya are." He digs into his belt and produces a ornately carved hand axe and holds it up for people to see, "And the winner will get this."<br><br>
(OOC: Reference .games/axe for how this will work. Make all rolls private to Bergin so as not to spam the others. Scores will be posted to .games/results after all rolls are complete. Poses should follow once the results have been posted.
Erin follows Paul to the food table to help herself. She can't help to keep looking back as Taika tell's his story. She tilts her head and looks like eshe is thinking about what he is saying and then looks to Paul before she piles on a bunch of food on her plate a little bit of everything cuz that's what you do try a bit of everything of course. When Taika is done telling his tale she puts her plate aside so she can clap and gives a little wolf wistle and then looks around blushing that no one was being that loud and looks away like nope I didn't totally just do that. She sighs a little and grumbles before she follows after Paul to sit down by him and Robert. She tilts her head "Oh should we totally play and see how good we do?" she asks the two that she seems to be her lifeline.
Robert finishes off his drink, flexes his (apparent lack of) muscle and gets in line to give it a try
Taika was already heading towards the location of the axes and whistles loudly to have people look his way if anyone wants to follow them. He is certainly ready for a little friendly competition. He does allow others to queue in line first though. Perhaps he is being polite or perhaps he is scoping out the competition.
Johanna hmms, and looks to her husband, "You think I should give it a try?"
Noah makes short work of the food he'd taken, sipping it all down with water. As people are getting up, he looks over to what they are heading off to do. Ah! Axe throwing. Sure! He can try that! It's a doctor thing to do, right? He tosses his plate, wipes his hands on his jeans, then heads over towards the axe-throwing area.
Tabi cocks her head. As a firefighter, she does know her way around an axe - but throwing them isn't really her thing. But what the heck? She takes a swig of mead (because that's always a great idea before throwing sharp, metal objects) and goes to where the group of competitors is gathering.
Khol smiles to Johanna "I dont see why not." he motions "That is a fine hand axe, and we could definately display it for you." he doesnt seem to have a lack of faith in her.
Paul notices Johanna and Khol and waves to them, "Hey there Miss Johanna, Khol, how's it going? Real good seeing you." He seems surprised when Robert gets up to get in line. "Good luck, Bobby!"
Chip finishes his meat and then wipes his hands on his pants, that done he reaches for his banjo, to start strumming some quiet music while others go to through axes. He chats with the people near his part of the fire for now.
Johanna smiles, "Hey Paul! It has been awhile! It is good to see you!" She is looking toward the Axe throwing and is really considering trying it out.
Aldric sits with his beer, drinking as he looks around from face to face. He listens to Taika as he tells his tale, a small smile at the end. He leans back, propping himself up as he watches people decide if they're going to compete or not, watching Bergin as he herds people around.
Dalibor makes his way through the crowd, joining the crowd by the targets.
Fiona finishes her beer and grabs another, her empty plate going in the trash. She then moves closer to the knife throwing area so she can get a better seat
Well, Theron cant just /not/ take part in an axe throwing contest. The Get of Fenris kinfolk rises and says, "Hold my beer, Im about to either win an axe or embarass myself truly." he chuckles and sets his beer down to head over.
Johanna pages: I read that. Is there an order for people to roll to you? Do I need to prove my totem to you as well for the diff-reductions?
Khol waves to Paul "it has been a while." he then throws a smile to Chip along with a nod as he hears the cigar box banjo's distinctive sound. Finally he tosses a wave to Tabi "Hey tabi." he calls over to her.
Heidi looks like she would like to step up and give the axe a try. Thereon however beats her to it. She suddenly grins back to Theron as she holds his beer along with her own now. "Good luck." A mead in each hand, she walks over to stand with Sten.
Erin looks at her food then at the line then at her food and shrugs "Come on Paul we should totally give it a try" she puts her food down and then pulls Paul towards the line with her.
Tabi pauses on her way to the axe throwing to return Khol's wave, with a smile. "Hi, Khol!" She spots Johanna and grins. "And you must be his better half?"
Chip gives a smile and a nod to Khol as he plays some quiet folksy music and talks to the other Gnawers near him. Though the vibe is friendly enough that others can wonder over if they like.
Robert:  1=Bullseye,2-First Ring,3-Edge<br>
Taika:  1-Missed, 2-First Ring, 3-First Ring<br>
Noah:    1-Bullseye, 2-Second Ring, 3-First Ring<br>
Theron:  1-Bullseye, 2-Bullseye, 3-Missed<br>
Dalibor: 1-First Ring, 2-Bullseye, 3-Missed<br>
Tabi:    1-Second Ring, 2-Second Ring, 3-Bullseye<br>
Erin:    1-Edge, 2-First Ring, 3-First Ring<br>
Johanna: 1-Miss, 2-Bullseye, 3-First Ring<br>
Robert gets up to the line, and takes his first shot. Axe flinging wildy, and aooming straight for the bullseye. He gives s showy flex as he picks up the next axe... and hits the outer ring. Frownig a moment, he picks up the third and carefully lines up his shot... but apparently, he finishes quickly and the third barely nicks the target.
Taika swings and a misses with the first axe he throws. He shakes his head, smiles nervously, and then picks up the next one. He holds the axe in front of him, feels its weight and hits the first ring on the board. Success. He grabs the next axe and tries again. It is very close to the last axe, which is great accuracy, but not great precision. He goes and grabs his axes when it is safe to do so and hands them to the next person.
Well, when its Theron's turn he lifts the axe and tests the weight. He glances over to Heidi and points at his eyes with two fingers and then at the her, then to the Bullseye, classic 'watch this' body language. He then turns and flings the first axe with a little bit of a grunt, it spins end over end and strikes clean. *BULLSEYE!*
Well, this just makes him smile and shrug, you know...see..what did I tell you? He then hefts his second axe. Once more, end over end it spins and strikes clean. *BULLSEYE!*
The Get of Fenris kin is really feeling it now, he hefts the third and final axe, kisses the blade and then with a confident look around he tosses it. End over...wait...no...this time it careens off and misses totally. "Son of a bitch."
Dalibor tests the heft of the axe and lets his first one fly. *thunk* First ring. Not bad, but he can do better. The second axe flashes through the air. *thunk* Bullseye. He nods. Better. And his last axe whips through the air. *whiff* And the last axe misses the swinging target entirely. His jaw tightens slightly. Well. That ended badly.
Tabi cocks her head and tosses the first axe, getting the second ring. She grins. At least she hit the darn thing. Again, throwing axes isn't her speed. She adjusts her throw and tries again. This time she catches the second ring on the other side of the target. Still happy, though she has clearly overcompensated. She pulls it back a bit and hopes that bracketing the target pays off. She throws the last axe - bullseye! Her face breaks out into a wide smile. Win or lose, she's happy... having done better than she thought she would have. Maybe she's better at this throwing thing than she thought.
Johanna nods to Khol, "Yes you did." She waits for Tabi to return from her own time throwing the axes so she can introduce herself to her.
Well one thing Erin never claimed to be good at throwing stuff and the first throw proves it she got close she almost missed but by the hair of her chiny chin chin she hit the edge. She then hits a little better but no bullseyes for the red heade. She grins and gives a little shrug before she returns to her plate of food hoping it's still there.
Heidi dies laughing after she sees the third axe throw by Theron. "You shouldn't have kissed it. Almost had it there, buddy." As consolation, she offers him back his bottle of mead. "Still impressive." Keeping her head up tall and proud, "You represented."
Noah's tosses are not too bad for a pacifist! He chuckles the first axe, squarely hitting a bullseye. The Kin grins. The second axe is a bit off - hitting the second ring. The last axe closes in again - hitting the first ring.
Johanna excuses herself a moment from Khol and those he is greeting to take part in the axe throwing contest. Not her forte by any means, but she is willing to give it a go. The first throw is more learning the axe itself. She lets it fly and it sadly misses the target. No biggie, she shrugs it off and takes the second axe in her hands. Tossing it now with fervor, it smacks and lands dead center in the bullseye! Taking one more shot, she must have been a bit distracted and it just gets into the first ring. She grins and walks back toward her husband and says, "I gave it a go. Might be worth working on that some more." Now it is time to meet those she does not know.
Fiona takes a long gulp from the bottle, not exactly lady like but she was eager to try other beers. When the throwers hit their targets she lets out a hearty cheer
Khol grins to Johanna as he watches her throws "Ill set up targets at home.. and get some things forged for us to practice with." he then nods waiting for Tabi to be done before he offers "This is, indeed, My Wife Johanna.. Jo, I mentioned Tabi to you I believe."
===Scene Pose: Wrap Up and Cleansing===
The Get theurge once again walks up to the center of the yard as the Boyz (tm) take the last of the big down from the spit to be carved up for folks. "That was some impressive throwing. I'll admit that with skill like that we got some impressive warriors among us. But at the recommendation of Mrs. Marry, we're going to skip the foot race tonight because she doesn't want people throwing up all her good food on, and I'm quoting her, 'some stupid race'. So we'll hold that for next time." Bergin smiles brightly over to the older woman with a wrench in her hand and a look in her eyes that suggest she's willing and able to throw it at anyone who crosses her.
"To wrap things up tonight, can I ask anyone interested in performing or learning the Cleansing to follow us back into the Stacks. Everyone else is welcome to stay and enjoy the fire and the food. I'm sure there's plenty of left overs to take home with ya if you want. Just talk to Mrs. Marry."
"Once again I want to thank everyone for coming by tonight and I hope you enjoyed what hospitality we could provide. If ya like it well enough, maybe we could get together again and do something like it next weekend. Gaia knows we have plenty of mouths to feed, warriors to train and bonds to build if we're going to win the War." He smiles widely to the crowd and makes eye contact with a few of those gathered before finishing his thought. "But in parting, let us all raise our drinks to the Mother...and Fenris, the Wolf."
Paul is steadily eating and watching the ax throwing, cheering and ahhhing as appropriate. He grins at Robert and Erin both, "Hey, you didn't do bad at all."
Bergin walks over and hands the prized axe to Theron.
Heidi watches Theron getting the axe and she raises her fist to give him a silent cheer. In good nature she does tease him and points out Noah, "But that guy over there hit it three times." She chuckles.
You know, some people win giant teddy bears, Theron wins axes. He smiles and nods to Bergin as the weapon is brought to him. "Thanks, it was fun." he admits as he heads back over towards Heidi, "Hey...do you know how to through an axe?" he wonders with a chuckle as he shows off the prize.
Dalibor nods and raises his glass joining the toast.
Tabi still smiling, she makes her way back towards Khol and Johanna. She pauses as Bergin makes his next pronouncement. She nods and raises her mead in toast. "To the Mother... and Fenris." And then she offers her raised drink to the victor of tonight's contest Theron. The man deserves some respect too, after all.
Aldric nods to Theron as the axe is handed out, then looks back to Bergin as he speaks again. He lifts his beer in silent toast, then tilts it back to finish it off in a couple of swallows.
Johanna doesn't have a drink at the moment, but she joins in with the toast in spirit and says with the others, "To the Mother.. and Fenris." Then adds, "And Mammoth."
The Maori has to find a drink again and manages to snag one just as the toast is thrown back. "To the Mother and Fenris!" Taika calls out after the fact. As Tabi notes Theron's victory, Taika gives him a nod of the head, a salute, and throws another back. Taika heads back into the stacks for those who need help finding the way.
Wait? What? Noah hears the commentary from Heidi, the Kin blushing scarlet. "Uh... yeah, but he got two bullseyes." He says, with a wave of his hand. "No worries. Really." Yep, that spotlight burns.
Khol echo's the toast, though he too has no drink. He then offers to Tabi "you did well, also." to her. He then offers to Johanna "Did you want a drink or anything, I can go get something for us?"
Fiona raises her drink with a cheer before she looks back to the table and snags a cookie. She picks up the basket and leaves the muffins and canned smoked trout behind
Paul glances over at Johanna and Khol, "You both did great too." He lifts his second drink with the toast and grins.
Heidi also lifts her drink up to Bergin's toast. "Do I know how to use an axe?" She replies back to Theron, "Not like you throw them. Maybe chopping firewood." A grin goes right to Noah. "It was not so bad."
Theron glances over to Noah and then to Heidi, "I mean...I totally could have hit all three times but I think there was a fly that buzzed in my eye and..." he makes an excuse in jest. "Plus I needed to get back to my drink..." he grins.
Erin gives Johanna and Khol a little wave "hey!" she smiles then gets closer to Tabi and gives her a hug cuz you know hugs.
Johanna waves to Erin as well. As Tabi has arrived back, she offers her a personal greeting, "You did well there with the axe throwing. We haven't formally met, but I have heard your name about from my mate. I am Johanna Cooper, rite named Starchaser, born on two legs beneath the Half Moon, Elder of the Stargazers. Beta of Kandula's Hope, children of Mammoth. It is very nice to meet you."
"Well Heidi, I think now that I won you a prize, maybe its time for us to grab Sten and take off?" Theron looks around for the other Get of Fenris. "A Fenris Kinfolk winning the prize at the event was somewhat poetic I think, may as well leave on a high note." he then looks to the others, specifically the Get of Fenris that hosted, "Thank you for the event, I am sure we will see you around."
Bergin wanders around through the crowd to shake hands, offer hugs, to meet and greet folks as they continue to socialize, eat and drink. He's appreciative of all who showed up and encourages people to take home some of the leftovers because there's no way that they could eat it all.
To Theron, he walks over and congratulates the man at his skill and offers that maybe next time it'll be spears - with a wink.
Khol gives Erin a smile as well "Hey there." as she arrives with Tabi. "seems a rather lively event.. thats good to see." he comments.
Erin will smile at Bergin "Cool party, thanks for the invite it was pretty awesome" she rocks a little nervousely on her heels "Can't wait for the next one" she sagely nodsnods
Heidi finishes off her drink in one go. "It's mine?" She grins back to Theron, "This isn't a carnival you know." She looks around at the people, and then opens up her left hand as if she wants to hold the weight of the winner's axe. "I think I saw Sten already walking out by your truck." The bezerker thanks the host of the party and she gives a wave as well. "Thank you."
Bergin shrugs a bit at Erin and smiles at the thought, "Well, there's always next Friday. We could try and make it a thing if people are down to come out and chill." After a long sip of his beer he looks around to the other faces and sees if folks are liking the vibe.
With a wide grin, Tabi returns Erin's hug. "Hey, you! How's my favorite mechanic?" And then she's drawn into Johanna's greeting. She draws herself up and puts on her serious face. "Thank you. You did well, also." She bows her head respectfully. "Well met, I'm Tabitha Danes, but my friends call me Tabi. Among the People I am known as Jumps-through-Fire. I am a Daughter of Bear - a Kovi Kieh..." If you know your Gurahl lore and how their auspices work, she seems a bit young to be a Kieh. Introductions done, she relaxes a little and her smile returns. "While we haven't met, it almost feels like we have. Your husband speaks of you fondly and often."
Blushing as Tabi calls her her favorite mechanic. Erin smiles "you did awesome " she quiets down as they are doing intro's and just rocks on her heels. Boy she moves a lot and can't seem to stand still.
Johanna blushes a bit and winks to Khol and then looks back to Tabi. "He is a gem. Lucky for me the stars brought us together. We have been friends with other Gurahl in the area, so it is wonderful to have you join us here."
Well - that was a thing. He cleans up any mess he'd left behind, offering a wave to those still present. He nods, heading towards his sedan, climbing in to take off.
Khol gives Johanna a light hug with one arm, just being close to her "We both know that I married /way/ above my league." he then grins and offers to Tabi and Erin "im glad to see both of you here. I do hope everything is going well?"

Latest revision as of 19:21, 23 October 2020

Setting: A Nice Spread

Food: The big bay doors of the machine shop have been opened and tables set in the openings laiden with food. Large aluminum pans of mashed tatters, corn, biscuits are set up to cater to whatever sized group shows up. The main attraction is the whole pig that's been slow roasted over a fire nearly all day long. Sections of the beast have been cut off and mixed with a secret barbeque sauce and set in aluminum pans at start of the food line.

Drinks: At the end of the line are a mixture of different coolers, each one filled with ice and drinks in a set up where people take what they want and move on.

Seats: Chairs, benches and everything in between have been set in a large circle around the central fire where the pig is still being slowly turned over the flames.

A beat up old truck that's seen better days pulls up outside and Chip hops out the back, his bag and banjo slung over one shoulder. He heads into the junkyard while the Gnawer Kin driving the truck go to park it.

Taika is carrying in bags of chips from table to table. He breaks open the bags and starts refilling whatever container he finds to be empty. With the last of the bags, he holds it over his head, opens his mouth, and lets the last of the crumbs slide into his mouth. Half of them though fall onto his white shirt. He looks down and notes to himself, "Bugger, it had to be the cheatos...well now it's an orange and white shirt."

A dusty gray Jeef Cherokee hauling a flat bed trailor drives up and parks along side the others. Paul hops out of the driver's seat and looks around.

Dalibor pulls up on a street bike, parking among the small (but growing) collection of vehicles parked out front. He pulls off his helmet, stowing it - before running his fingers through his hair. And then he makes his way into the 'yard proper and the gathering crowd.

Arriving in a nice looking Audi, is Noah. He climbs out of the car, retrieving a couple of bags of foodstuffs. Chips, buns, bread, veggie plates - all the stuff to bring for a party. He's helping! He carries the two bags in, looking around at those present. "Uh... hey." He smiles. "Where did folks want me to put these groceries?"

Tabi's face cracks into a smile. The guy's got the gift of gab, she'll give him that.

Johanna moves along with Khol, and leans in to speak with him a moment before the story time begins. She listens with rapt attention to it all.

Paul hugs Erin against him andthen moves over to help himself to a heaping plate full of veggies and some of the fish. He pauses and turns to listen to Taika. He grins and gives a thumbs up before he grabs one of those meads and moves to find a seat.

Mrs. Marry, an older Kinfolk of the Get, hears Noah's question and directs him to one of the tables at the mouth of the shop where the food's been put out on display. She thanks the guy with a smile and tells him to make sure he gets in line to get a plate.

At one point, Therons truck was nice. The last few year of adventures(Get life) has left it in rougher shape. How did that dent get there?

Finally pulling it to a stop. "I guess here we are." The berserker kinfolk grunts to Sten and Heidi as he glances around and then opens the door to climb out.

That tow truck is one of the vehicles that made its way from the city of Prospect towards the outskirts and the scrap yard. Calvin driving painfully slow like he is sight-seeing or something before parking off amongst all the others starting to arrive at whatever area has been tucked aside for vehicles. He is in the back of the first group to come in and start mingling.

Robert hops out of the jeep's passenger seat, pulling out a tray of smoked fishes to add to the food selection. "Good evening folks. Heard there was a reverse scrap driving going on." Another Jeep pulls up - this one a classic white Laredo. After a moment, Tabi gets out and pauses to stretch - and smooth her dress. She checks the GPS again. Yup, this is the place. Course the growing paking lot of vehicles is probably a big clue too. She grabs a small purse, feeling almost naked without her rucksack, and locks the Jeep.

Heidi also pops out of the truck alongside the Frostbite pack members, and stretches upward. "It's not easy being stuck between two giants. My legs are cramped. Next time, we drive my SUV." She gestures to the back of the pickup where the meade is. "Give me a hand guys?" Clearly, Heidi brought the booze.

Taika tosses the empty bags of chips in a garbage bin. Even though this is a scrapyard, he is keeping it tidy. Looking around, he shrugs and wipes his dirty hands on his orange-stained white T. Hey, if it is dirty already, why not. Taika makes his way to wave people over and in. Even with a smile on his face, his Maori ta moko, or facial tattoos, make him a little off putting. To Robert, Taika laughs, "Yeah you have to shovel all of this food into your mouth to get rid of it."

Sten gets out of Therons truck, moving to the back of it getting two large crates that he hoists over his shoulders. "You grabbing the last crate Theron?" nodding to those in the back, heading over "Where you want the mead?!" the large Fenrir moves to see if there was someone who claimed this party and organized it.

Paul waves as he approaches the group, a big grin on his face, "Hey there, how's it going?" He glances around again but doesn't see any familiar faces. It doesn't quell the smile any. He glances over at Robert and nods his head, "I didn't want to show up empty handed."

Right! Directions on where to go. Noah clings to those as more people show up. Yep, he's out of his element. Still, he sets down his food offerings and then hurries to get in line. Food is a good plan, almost always.

"Yeah I got it." Theron remarks, he tosses his sword so its slung across his back and then moves to grab a crate from the back. "Shit...am I DD?" he realizes, muttering to himself. The Boyz(tm), the four sons of the married kinfolk couple who run the scrapyard, can be seen running around helping people put the food and drink they've brought where it needs to go. Cars are parked, people are directed to where to get in line for food, additional seats are placed around the central fire as more and more people arrive.

Fiona arrives with a basket of assorted muffins and canned smoked trout. Another covered bowl containing a smoked trout dish is held as well. She looks about at the mountains of cars and junk heaps, smiling to the passing people with a hearty hello and bright smile

Scene Pose: Welcome

Bergin walks into the center of the yard, taking up a position near the pig slowly roasting over the fire pit and raises a bottle to get people's attention. However, with everyone eating and drinking and enjoying the spread set by the kinfolk owners of the Scrapyard, it takes a while for people to realize that he's trying to get people's attention. Thankfully, Mrs. Marry is there to let out of her ear-piercing whistles that can't easily be missed.

The young, bearded theurge smiles at the kinfolk's summons and clears his throat with a faint smile. "I'm Jay Bergin, called Foe Hammer by the People but most people know me simply as Bergin or Berg. I wanted to welcome you good folks to this Gathering. As you can see we have plenty of food and drink for ya tonight and you're welcome to take your fill." He takes a sip from his beer and smacks his lips with an audible 'Ah' in enjoyment.

Heidi follows along behind Theron as she brings cup souvenirs with her companies logo branded on the front, -Vardanyan Brewery-. "I doubt anyone with your metabolism is going to have to worry about that tonight. But if someone spikes it, I'll be your DD." She smiles, and puts the cups wherever the kinfolk boys point out.

Better late than never is that troublesome red head known as Erin. She has a few party platters of some brownies and halloween cookies, obviously she bought them and didnt make them herself cuz have you tasted her baking good grief. She looks around to see where the food goes as she takes a breath at all the people.

Taika looks up as the shrill whistle goes off. He appears to be directing traffic in terms of helping people to find spots on the tables for the food and drinks they are bringing. He is mentioning the various places they can sit and enjoy there food, and he is also handing out plates for people to partake in the merriment.

Robert gives Erin a big wave when she pops up, and helps himself to some random drink. "And here I thought it would be all motor oil and car batteries..."

Noah was in line, when the whistle happened. He pauses, offering a wave to Berg after the introduction. He's sure there will be time to introduce himself to others. Yep. Right now, he's got a plate and is intent on getting some foods.

Paul eyes all the food and grins wider, "Wow, you really know how to put out a spread." He makes sure the smoked fish is placed with the meat and then waves to Erin, "Hey there Miss Erin, sure good to see you here. Not many faces I know tonight." He hears the whistles and turns to Bergin as he introduces himself.

Aldric joins the growing group trickling in through the entrance and getting into various lines. He's got a half keg in each hand, walking over towards the area where it looks as though liquid refreshments are being put out to add his offerings to the pile. Chip goes to snag some meat from the tables, and then goes to sit down on the ground somewhere. He takes off his duffle and his banjo to set on the ground next to him and just people watches for now.

Calvin moves slowly, following along first towards the food line because who doesn't like food! Just some smaller things to pick out that he can eat without a plate for the moment. A bottle plucked from the assortment of drinks before he moves out of the way to see what this gathering is going to turn into.

Sten drops the two crates of mead by the drinks, cracking them open to show the bottles of mead from Heidis company. "Frostbite offers mead to the feast!" the Skald proclaims with a loud booming voice which could easily be heard. Grabbing one for himself and offering one each to Theron and Heidi. Looking about the people there.

Tabi nods to the familiar faces and gives a friendly smile to those that aren't so familiar. She makes her way through the crowd to grab some of that pig before it's all gone.

If anyone jumps at the whistle would be Erin cuz she does and almost loses the cookies "Shit!" she grumbles a little bit looking at the man as he speaks. She blows some air and there is a bit more grumbling before she puts the cookies down. Robert's and Paul's wave are definately noticed and once she puts her shit down she kinda sneaks over towards them avoiding as many people as she can before she hugs them as if her life totally was just in danger and they were the saving grace. "Sup" she tries to play it of though like she's cool.

Accepting the mead, Theron grins wide. "I may take you up on that." he declares to Heidi, a nod to Sten and then the first swig of the drink as he checks out all the gathered. Fiona moves along towards the food table, not knowing too many. Then again if she left her cabin more she'd meet more people. Once at the table she sets the stuff down before going after the other stuff. Soon her plate is semi piled and she grabs a bottled drink

Scene Pose: Introductions

The bearded Get theurge gives people a bit to take in his welcome before he explains how he has planned the evening. "We've got a really interesting story from one of our Tribesmen who's come a -stupidly- long way to get here and also got some fun planned in the form of a foot race around the scrapyard and some axe-throwing for those interested. And after -all- of that - if you can pick your bellies up off the ground from eating all this fine food - we can head back to the Stacks." He points to a narrow path leading between the rows of crushed cars to direct people's attention before adding, "I would ask any familiar with the Rite of Cleansing -or- anyone who wishes to learn it to accompany us to help prepare the space for a ritual circle."

Bergin smiles at the gathering of folks and concludes his welcoming remarks. "So, since I'm still new to the area and we may have more than a few unknown faces in the crowd, I thought we'd start things off with a quick bit of introduction. Please stand and tell us about yourself. Like I said, I am Jay Bergin, called Foe Hammer by the People, Cliath Godi of the Get of Fenris."

Heidi accepts the mead handed over to her and she smiles when opening it. "There's so many people here." And she knows absolutely no one, save the Fenris she arrived with. A nod goes to Theron, "I'll have the one then, and no more. Want me to take the keys?" Her hand goes out.

For Noah, it's a plate full of food and a bottle of water. Yep, with all the liquor and such, water is for this guy. He moves over to where folks are seated, taking a seat carefully. No need to dump the plate over!

Dalibor eyes the gathering crowd warily, before nodding his head to Bergin. The master of ceremonies might even get just a hint of a smile. Maybe. So far, things seem to be going according to plan.

Robert looks around a moment.. "You know, Erin, I think your friends old look might have gone over better around here.. but then again... magnets."

Taika continues to hand out plates. He had eaten somewhat before, you know..making sure the merchandise wasn't poisoned before the party goers sampled it. The Maori man grins and welcomes any who come near. Once it looks like everyone who wants food has a plate, he goes to grab himself a bit of liquid courage too.

Noah ohs. See? He was right about introductions. He looks to the others, waiting - not going to be the first. His eyes go from this person to that, fidgety. So many people.

"I left the keys in the truck." Theron shrugs, "I didnt think anyone would try and steal my truck." he points out with a widening grin. "I mean...why?" he notes as he sips his drink, "I bet there is some good steel here I could use..."

Looking curiously at Robert at that Erin tilts her head "My friends old look? " She looks confused at him as she looks around "There are a lot of people here" she scoots closer to Robert and Paul. Chip will stand up and introduce himself since Bergin called for a round of intros, "I go by Chip. Rite named Strums-With-Trash, Cliath wolf-born Galliard of the Bone Gnawers." and with a smile and a nod he sits back down. After a moment he waves to Noah, indicating the spot next to him, incase the other man wants familiar company.

Heidi waits for the others to start giving introductions as her eyes fall on the kegs that recently got carried in. She keeps an eye on the booze competition here until Theron distracts her. "Good point. I doubt anyone is going to steal from a berzerker." A nod is given back to Jay Bergin with a smile. "Another Fenris. See Theron, we're growing already." She claps Theron on the back of his shoulder.

With a plate of pig and corn and taters in one hand, and a liberated bottle of mead in the other, Tabi grins and steps forward. Someone's gotta be first, right? "The name's Tabitha Danes. But my friends call me Tabi." Her voice is loud and clear - not surprising for someone her size (though among the gathered Get, she's not that big). "Among the People I am known as Jumps-through-Fire." She grins as she relishes this next bit - people's reactions are always so fun. "I am a Daughter of Bear - a Kovi Kieh..."

Aldric takes a bottle of beer for himself, moving to hunt himself a place to sit. "I am Ironsides, known amongst humans at Aldric Hegdahl. Modi Elev of the Get of Fenris, born on four legs. Descendant of Tarjei Hardrule, Great grandson of Ragnar 'Spirits Way', Grandson of Hilde 'Battlemaiden' and child of Thurston 'War Hammer' Ahroun leader of the Sept of the Endless Moon."

Robert chuckles and nods. "Cringers." and then spreads his arms wide and hops up on some scrap. "Robert Daw. Kin to the Momoke Membe. Guardian of Sunhome. Mystic and all around nice guy." before hopping back down and winking at the pair with him and grabbing another drink. Paul's driving.

OK. He's not first. "Uh..." He stands up, clearly a bit nervous in his body language. "Noah Layton. Kin of the Children of Gaia.... uh, Chiropractor." He nods, shifting from foot to foot. After that, he quickly takes his seat, digging into the food.

Paul looks around and waits for most to introduce before he says, "I'm Paul Barakat, kin to those who walk the dark sands of Khem, the Children of Bast. Bobby here," Points over to Robert, "and I take care of Sunhome, where I handle the Forge and I make recycle scrap metal and turn it into useful things."

Sten smiles "I am Sten Blixt, Adren Skald of the Fenrir, Alpha of Frostbite. Not really a cityboy myself, but a feast is a feast and Frostbite has always been known for our hospitality" nodding to Theron and Heidi with a smile. Keeping his intro short to not bog down the festivities "We brought mead for all to share and enjoy! Thank you Heidi" motioning towards the crates

There are alot of people here which makes introductions tough but since everyone else is, "Theron Santorini, Kinfolk of the Get of Fenris. Berserker, follower of Hildisvini and member of Frostbite."

Erin waves to Tabi as she hears her intro before she waits for Robert and Paul to introduce themselves. She does wait for a few others before she also adds in "I'm Erin Harrison, kinfolk to Mother Ananasa and related to the Fae" she looks aside a moment then ohs and grumbles "Mechanic and fixer about just about anything... Just not relathinships that's another fucking mess and don't look at me for that shit" she nodsnods then hides a little bit behind Robert and Paul. She does answer Robert "Oh Kringer would be fine here.. I didn't think he would be welcome so he is staying on his side" she shrugs.

Dalibor sighs and joins the chorus of introductions, stepping forward. "I am Dalibor Gataric. Rite-named Burns-the-Night." His voice is heavily accented - an almost comedically stereotypical Eastern European accent. "Son of Andrej 'Cleaves-the-Sky' Gataric. I am Cliath Modi of Get."

OH RIGHT! Introductions. With this many people, it means the formal formal introduction is happening. He'll stand back up from where he was sitting to wait his turn. "I am Calvin Holden, rited Drinks with Spirits of Rat's children. Adren Theurge of the Nation. Mate to Julia Martin, of the Children of Gaia." Formal enough. He'll lift his beer bottle to the others befoe sitting back down again.

A car arrives out front, and parks close enough to the Salvage yard for a short walk. Together, Khol and Johanna walk inside and wait a moment to figure out who is here and where to go and all that. There are quite a few here tonight.

Heidi holds up her bottle of mead. "You are welcome, Sten." She offers her name up next with a smile. "I am Heidi Vardanyan. Recently traveled from Sweden, and a guest of Frostbite. I am kinfolk to the Get of Fenris. My family has a new brewery in the city, and I do hope you enjoy what we have to offer!"

Scene Pose: Storytime

Once people have finished introducing themselves to the crowd, Bergin stands back up and walks back to the center of the fire to address the crowd. "Thank you folks...really. It is great to see all of us gathered under Luna's light like this. Some have come all the way from the steel and stone of the city to enjoy this time and I thank them for making such a journey."

"But one of us has made one -hell- of a journey to be with us tonight and I wanted all of you to hear the story first hand. The Mother must truely be looking down favorably upon this guy to get him here in one piece." He glances to Taika to call the man forward to tell his tale, "Good people, I give you my Tribesmen, Taika of the Get."

Taika walks over to where Bergin is as he is introduced and looks out at those gathered. He states, "Kia Ora. For those I haven't met, which is practically all of you, I am Taika Ngata. Maori Warrior turned Get Warrior. Born of woman, Cliath Skald rited Calls-Forth-The-Wyrm." As he says that last bit, he drops lower in a horse-back stance and smacks his thighs with his hands. His eyes grow full and his mouth opens wide to stick out his long, thick tongue. He shouts, "Aaaaah!" This is the traditional Maori Haka pose. He stands tall after a moment of staring like that.
As he begins to speak, his voice starts to carry a fiercely proud tone to it. The tone radiates charm and defiance of the Wyrm (Enchanting Voice Merit). He speaks smoothly and without the 'umms' and stammers that would befall a lesser speaker. He truly has a Way with Words (also a merit).
"So Bergin wanted for me to tell you a story of my travels here. Now, I come from the wop wops of New Zealand, a Kiwi of course. I was raised as a Warrior of my people. When I turned, it was bloody, but that is a story for another time. I was munted when the Nation found me. They sent me away to Australia's Sept of the Tower Hill. That is where I learned who I was, what I was, and was rited."
Taika scans the crowd and looks around, "It was from Australia that I was ordered here to help where I can. I tramped through South East Asia, rode a bus through most of China, and finally took a boat from there to get here. Now, most of the journey was boring, but the one fun bit was the bus ride through China."
Taika starts walking back and forth, gesturing with his hands as he speaks, "I was riding on the bus when my insides started twisting. I yelled at the bus driver to pull over, but the egg didn't know what I was saying. My fault really, but I started seeing red from the pain and the confusion. The bus driver must have caught a wiff of the Delirium and let me out. We stopped right in front of a long wall on one side and a cliff on the other. There was a set of stairs, so I levitated up them, careful not to make any sudden moves or else the damn was going to burst. At the top of the stairs was a temple...nah, yeah, lucky me. So I proceeded to find the first thing that looked like a bowl and unleashed the spirit of cramping that was in my bowls."
"After what seemed like hours, I eventually felt better. When I unclenched my buttocks and looked up, I realized that a group of monks was staring at me. Deathly embarrassed, I pulled me stubbies up, bowed deeply, apologized profusely, and started to leave. It was at that time one of the monks walked over, grabbed the lighter fluid, sprayed it over my fecal afront, and lit it on fire. He bowed back to me and said, /Thank you for your burnt offering/." Taika's whole countenance shifts from seriousness to joking with a face-splitting grin, "I laughed the entire way here, but honestly, I think that's what kept me safe on my journey." He shrugs his shoulders and adds, "At least that's the story that I'm sticking to." He winks and heads to join back in with the crowd.

Khol is holding Johanna's arm in his own, he looks around at all the people, most of which he doesnt know , at least not well. "Quite a gathering" he murmers to Johanna, a little bit of a smile on his face. He pauses and falls quiet for a moment as he listens to the story, his eyebrows raising a little.

In the back of the crowd, Heidi starts to laugh. One hand rests up by her chin, and then she has to turn away a second to sip some of her mead. "That. Was awesome."

Tabi's face cracks into a smile. The guy's got the gift of gab, she'll give him that.

Johanna moves along with Khol, and leans in to speak with him a moment before the story time begins. She listens with rapt attention to it all.

Paul hugs Erin against him andthen moves over to help himself to a heaping plate full of veggies and some of the fish. He pauses and turns to listen to Taika. He grins and gives a thumbs up before he grabs one of those meads and moves to find a seat.

Khol moves slowly with Johanna, speaking softly to her and indicating a couple people with gestures.

Fiona listens quietly as people introduce themselves. She sets down her empty plate to take a swing of the bottle. Once Taika starts his story her eyes shift to him curiously

Noah sets his plate down on his lap, carefully. Then it's a round of applause for the story told by Taika. He can appreciate the story and the wild adventure that must have spun it into existance. Then it's back to his food!

Late to the party, but arriving nonetheless. Julia lifts one hand to rub at the corner of one eye, looking over the rather large crowd with slightly squinted eyes as she considers her options. She spots Calvin easily enough, making her way over in his direction near the fire.

Dalibor nods to Taika, though he doesn't seem to find the story as humorous as others did. Or maybe he did? It's often hard to get a read on the young Modi.

Theron smirks at the story told and takes another swig of the drink. "Thats a new one for me." he muses with a shrug. "All sorts of new Fenrir." the warrior kin notes to Sten beside him.

Scene Pose: Axe Throwing

Bergin walks to the center of the fire pit after the traveler's tale and offers the man a few claps of lingering applause before he moves the crowd to the next part of the gathering. "So...I know it maybe beyond some of ya to think of running or throwing stuff after all that good food." He smiles and rubs his belly in appreciation of Mrs. Marry's good cookin.

"But let's start with the axe-throwing first. Those interested in testing your skill should line up over by the end of the shop where we have the throwing axes and targets set up. Let's see how good ya are." He digs into his belt and produces a ornately carved hand axe and holds it up for people to see, "And the winner will get this."

(OOC: Reference .games/axe for how this will work. Make all rolls private to Bergin so as not to spam the others. Scores will be posted to .games/results after all rolls are complete. Poses should follow once the results have been posted.

Erin follows Paul to the food table to help herself. She can't help to keep looking back as Taika tell's his story. She tilts her head and looks like eshe is thinking about what he is saying and then looks to Paul before she piles on a bunch of food on her plate a little bit of everything cuz that's what you do try a bit of everything of course. When Taika is done telling his tale she puts her plate aside so she can clap and gives a little wolf wistle and then looks around blushing that no one was being that loud and looks away like nope I didn't totally just do that. She sighs a little and grumbles before she follows after Paul to sit down by him and Robert. She tilts her head "Oh should we totally play and see how good we do?" she asks the two that she seems to be her lifeline.

Robert finishes off his drink, flexes his (apparent lack of) muscle and gets in line to give it a try

Taika was already heading towards the location of the axes and whistles loudly to have people look his way if anyone wants to follow them. He is certainly ready for a little friendly competition. He does allow others to queue in line first though. Perhaps he is being polite or perhaps he is scoping out the competition.

Johanna hmms, and looks to her husband, "You think I should give it a try?"

Noah makes short work of the food he'd taken, sipping it all down with water. As people are getting up, he looks over to what they are heading off to do. Ah! Axe throwing. Sure! He can try that! It's a doctor thing to do, right? He tosses his plate, wipes his hands on his jeans, then heads over towards the axe-throwing area.

Tabi cocks her head. As a firefighter, she does know her way around an axe - but throwing them isn't really her thing. But what the heck? She takes a swig of mead (because that's always a great idea before throwing sharp, metal objects) and goes to where the group of competitors is gathering.

Khol smiles to Johanna "I dont see why not." he motions "That is a fine hand axe, and we could definately display it for you." he doesnt seem to have a lack of faith in her.

Paul notices Johanna and Khol and waves to them, "Hey there Miss Johanna, Khol, how's it going? Real good seeing you." He seems surprised when Robert gets up to get in line. "Good luck, Bobby!"

Chip finishes his meat and then wipes his hands on his pants, that done he reaches for his banjo, to start strumming some quiet music while others go to through axes. He chats with the people near his part of the fire for now.

Johanna smiles, "Hey Paul! It has been awhile! It is good to see you!" She is looking toward the Axe throwing and is really considering trying it out.

Aldric sits with his beer, drinking as he looks around from face to face. He listens to Taika as he tells his tale, a small smile at the end. He leans back, propping himself up as he watches people decide if they're going to compete or not, watching Bergin as he herds people around.

Dalibor makes his way through the crowd, joining the crowd by the targets.

Fiona finishes her beer and grabs another, her empty plate going in the trash. She then moves closer to the knife throwing area so she can get a better seat

Well, Theron cant just /not/ take part in an axe throwing contest. The Get of Fenris kinfolk rises and says, "Hold my beer, Im about to either win an axe or embarass myself truly." he chuckles and sets his beer down to head over. Johanna pages: I read that. Is there an order for people to roll to you? Do I need to prove my totem to you as well for the diff-reductions?

Khol waves to Paul "it has been a while." he then throws a smile to Chip along with a nod as he hears the cigar box banjo's distinctive sound. Finally he tosses a wave to Tabi "Hey tabi." he calls over to her.

Heidi looks like she would like to step up and give the axe a try. Thereon however beats her to it. She suddenly grins back to Theron as she holds his beer along with her own now. "Good luck." A mead in each hand, she walks over to stand with Sten.

Erin looks at her food then at the line then at her food and shrugs "Come on Paul we should totally give it a try" she puts her food down and then pulls Paul towards the line with her.

Tabi pauses on her way to the axe throwing to return Khol's wave, with a smile. "Hi, Khol!" She spots Johanna and grins. "And you must be his better half?"

Chip gives a smile and a nod to Khol as he plays some quiet folksy music and talks to the other Gnawers near him. Though the vibe is friendly enough that others can wonder over if they like.


Robert: 1=Bullseye,2-First Ring,3-Edge
Taika: 1-Missed, 2-First Ring, 3-First Ring
Noah: 1-Bullseye, 2-Second Ring, 3-First Ring
Theron: 1-Bullseye, 2-Bullseye, 3-Missed
Dalibor: 1-First Ring, 2-Bullseye, 3-Missed
Tabi: 1-Second Ring, 2-Second Ring, 3-Bullseye
Erin: 1-Edge, 2-First Ring, 3-First Ring
Johanna: 1-Miss, 2-Bullseye, 3-First Ring

Robert gets up to the line, and takes his first shot. Axe flinging wildy, and aooming straight for the bullseye. He gives s showy flex as he picks up the next axe... and hits the outer ring. Frownig a moment, he picks up the third and carefully lines up his shot... but apparently, he finishes quickly and the third barely nicks the target.

Taika swings and a misses with the first axe he throws. He shakes his head, smiles nervously, and then picks up the next one. He holds the axe in front of him, feels its weight and hits the first ring on the board. Success. He grabs the next axe and tries again. It is very close to the last axe, which is great accuracy, but not great precision. He goes and grabs his axes when it is safe to do so and hands them to the next person.

Well, when its Theron's turn he lifts the axe and tests the weight. He glances over to Heidi and points at his eyes with two fingers and then at the her, then to the Bullseye, classic 'watch this' body language. He then turns and flings the first axe with a little bit of a grunt, it spins end over end and strikes clean. *BULLSEYE!*
Well, this just makes him smile and shrug, you know...see..what did I tell you? He then hefts his second axe. Once more, end over end it spins and strikes clean. *BULLSEYE!*
The Get of Fenris kin is really feeling it now, he hefts the third and final axe, kisses the blade and then with a confident look around he tosses it. End over...wait...no...this time it careens off and misses totally. "Son of a bitch."

Dalibor tests the heft of the axe and lets his first one fly. *thunk* First ring. Not bad, but he can do better. The second axe flashes through the air. *thunk* Bullseye. He nods. Better. And his last axe whips through the air. *whiff* And the last axe misses the swinging target entirely. His jaw tightens slightly. Well. That ended badly.

Tabi cocks her head and tosses the first axe, getting the second ring. She grins. At least she hit the darn thing. Again, throwing axes isn't her speed. She adjusts her throw and tries again. This time she catches the second ring on the other side of the target. Still happy, though she has clearly overcompensated. She pulls it back a bit and hopes that bracketing the target pays off. She throws the last axe - bullseye! Her face breaks out into a wide smile. Win or lose, she's happy... having done better than she thought she would have. Maybe she's better at this throwing thing than she thought.

Johanna nods to Khol, "Yes you did." She waits for Tabi to return from her own time throwing the axes so she can introduce herself to her.

Well one thing Erin never claimed to be good at throwing stuff and the first throw proves it she got close she almost missed but by the hair of her chiny chin chin she hit the edge. She then hits a little better but no bullseyes for the red heade. She grins and gives a little shrug before she returns to her plate of food hoping it's still there.

Heidi dies laughing after she sees the third axe throw by Theron. "You shouldn't have kissed it. Almost had it there, buddy." As consolation, she offers him back his bottle of mead. "Still impressive." Keeping her head up tall and proud, "You represented."

Noah's tosses are not too bad for a pacifist! He chuckles the first axe, squarely hitting a bullseye. The Kin grins. The second axe is a bit off - hitting the second ring. The last axe closes in again - hitting the first ring.

Johanna excuses herself a moment from Khol and those he is greeting to take part in the axe throwing contest. Not her forte by any means, but she is willing to give it a go. The first throw is more learning the axe itself. She lets it fly and it sadly misses the target. No biggie, she shrugs it off and takes the second axe in her hands. Tossing it now with fervor, it smacks and lands dead center in the bullseye! Taking one more shot, she must have been a bit distracted and it just gets into the first ring. She grins and walks back toward her husband and says, "I gave it a go. Might be worth working on that some more." Now it is time to meet those she does not know.

Fiona takes a long gulp from the bottle, not exactly lady like but she was eager to try other beers. When the throwers hit their targets she lets out a hearty cheer

Khol grins to Johanna as he watches her throws "Ill set up targets at home.. and get some things forged for us to practice with." he then nods waiting for Tabi to be done before he offers "This is, indeed, My Wife Johanna.. Jo, I mentioned Tabi to you I believe."

Scene Pose: Wrap Up and Cleansing

The Get theurge once again walks up to the center of the yard as the Boyz (tm) take the last of the big down from the spit to be carved up for folks. "That was some impressive throwing. I'll admit that with skill like that we got some impressive warriors among us. But at the recommendation of Mrs. Marry, we're going to skip the foot race tonight because she doesn't want people throwing up all her good food on, and I'm quoting her, 'some stupid race'. So we'll hold that for next time." Bergin smiles brightly over to the older woman with a wrench in her hand and a look in her eyes that suggest she's willing and able to throw it at anyone who crosses her.

"To wrap things up tonight, can I ask anyone interested in performing or learning the Cleansing to follow us back into the Stacks. Everyone else is welcome to stay and enjoy the fire and the food. I'm sure there's plenty of left overs to take home with ya if you want. Just talk to Mrs. Marry."

"Once again I want to thank everyone for coming by tonight and I hope you enjoyed what hospitality we could provide. If ya like it well enough, maybe we could get together again and do something like it next weekend. Gaia knows we have plenty of mouths to feed, warriors to train and bonds to build if we're going to win the War." He smiles widely to the crowd and makes eye contact with a few of those gathered before finishing his thought. "But in parting, let us all raise our drinks to the Mother...and Fenris, the Wolf."

Paul is steadily eating and watching the ax throwing, cheering and ahhhing as appropriate. He grins at Robert and Erin both, "Hey, you didn't do bad at all."

Bergin walks over and hands the prized axe to Theron.

Heidi watches Theron getting the axe and she raises her fist to give him a silent cheer. In good nature she does tease him and points out Noah, "But that guy over there hit it three times." She chuckles.

You know, some people win giant teddy bears, Theron wins axes. He smiles and nods to Bergin as the weapon is brought to him. "Thanks, it was fun." he admits as he heads back over towards Heidi, "Hey...do you know how to through an axe?" he wonders with a chuckle as he shows off the prize.

Dalibor nods and raises his glass joining the toast.

Tabi still smiling, she makes her way back towards Khol and Johanna. She pauses as Bergin makes his next pronouncement. She nods and raises her mead in toast. "To the Mother... and Fenris." And then she offers her raised drink to the victor of tonight's contest Theron. The man deserves some respect too, after all.

Aldric nods to Theron as the axe is handed out, then looks back to Bergin as he speaks again. He lifts his beer in silent toast, then tilts it back to finish it off in a couple of swallows.

Johanna doesn't have a drink at the moment, but she joins in with the toast in spirit and says with the others, "To the Mother.. and Fenris." Then adds, "And Mammoth."

The Maori has to find a drink again and manages to snag one just as the toast is thrown back. "To the Mother and Fenris!" Taika calls out after the fact. As Tabi notes Theron's victory, Taika gives him a nod of the head, a salute, and throws another back. Taika heads back into the stacks for those who need help finding the way.

Wait? What? Noah hears the commentary from Heidi, the Kin blushing scarlet. "Uh... yeah, but he got two bullseyes." He says, with a wave of his hand. "No worries. Really." Yep, that spotlight burns.

Khol echo's the toast, though he too has no drink. He then offers to Tabi "you did well, also." to her. He then offers to Johanna "Did you want a drink or anything, I can go get something for us?"

Fiona raises her drink with a cheer before she looks back to the table and snags a cookie. She picks up the basket and leaves the muffins and canned smoked trout behind

Paul glances over at Johanna and Khol, "You both did great too." He lifts his second drink with the toast and grins.

Heidi also lifts her drink up to Bergin's toast. "Do I know how to use an axe?" She replies back to Theron, "Not like you throw them. Maybe chopping firewood." A grin goes right to Noah. "It was not so bad."

Theron glances over to Noah and then to Heidi, "I mean...I totally could have hit all three times but I think there was a fly that buzzed in my eye and..." he makes an excuse in jest. "Plus I needed to get back to my drink..." he grins.

Erin gives Johanna and Khol a little wave "hey!" she smiles then gets closer to Tabi and gives her a hug cuz you know hugs.

Johanna waves to Erin as well. As Tabi has arrived back, she offers her a personal greeting, "You did well there with the axe throwing. We haven't formally met, but I have heard your name about from my mate. I am Johanna Cooper, rite named Starchaser, born on two legs beneath the Half Moon, Elder of the Stargazers. Beta of Kandula's Hope, children of Mammoth. It is very nice to meet you."

"Well Heidi, I think now that I won you a prize, maybe its time for us to grab Sten and take off?" Theron looks around for the other Get of Fenris. "A Fenris Kinfolk winning the prize at the event was somewhat poetic I think, may as well leave on a high note." he then looks to the others, specifically the Get of Fenris that hosted, "Thank you for the event, I am sure we will see you around."

Bergin wanders around through the crowd to shake hands, offer hugs, to meet and greet folks as they continue to socialize, eat and drink. He's appreciative of all who showed up and encourages people to take home some of the leftovers because there's no way that they could eat it all.
To Theron, he walks over and congratulates the man at his skill and offers that maybe next time it'll be spears - with a wink.

Khol gives Erin a smile as well "Hey there." as she arrives with Tabi. "seems a rather lively event.. thats good to see." he comments.

Erin will smile at Bergin "Cool party, thanks for the invite it was pretty awesome" she rocks a little nervousely on her heels "Can't wait for the next one" she sagely nodsnods

Heidi finishes off her drink in one go. "It's mine?" She grins back to Theron, "This isn't a carnival you know." She looks around at the people, and then opens up her left hand as if she wants to hold the weight of the winner's axe. "I think I saw Sten already walking out by your truck." The bezerker thanks the host of the party and she gives a wave as well. "Thank you."

Bergin shrugs a bit at Erin and smiles at the thought, "Well, there's always next Friday. We could try and make it a thing if people are down to come out and chill." After a long sip of his beer he looks around to the other faces and sees if folks are liking the vibe.

With a wide grin, Tabi returns Erin's hug. "Hey, you! How's my favorite mechanic?" And then she's drawn into Johanna's greeting. She draws herself up and puts on her serious face. "Thank you. You did well, also." She bows her head respectfully. "Well met, I'm Tabitha Danes, but my friends call me Tabi. Among the People I am known as Jumps-through-Fire. I am a Daughter of Bear - a Kovi Kieh..." If you know your Gurahl lore and how their auspices work, she seems a bit young to be a Kieh. Introductions done, she relaxes a little and her smile returns. "While we haven't met, it almost feels like we have. Your husband speaks of you fondly and often."

Blushing as Tabi calls her her favorite mechanic. Erin smiles "you did awesome " she quiets down as they are doing intro's and just rocks on her heels. Boy she moves a lot and can't seem to stand still.

Johanna blushes a bit and winks to Khol and then looks back to Tabi. "He is a gem. Lucky for me the stars brought us together. We have been friends with other Gurahl in the area, so it is wonderful to have you join us here."

Well - that was a thing. He cleans up any mess he'd left behind, offering a wave to those still present. He nods, heading towards his sedan, climbing in to take off.

Khol gives Johanna a light hug with one arm, just being close to her "We both know that I married /way/ above my league." he then grins and offers to Tabi and Erin "im glad to see both of you here. I do hope everything is going well?"