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Latest revision as of 18:13, 23 January 2023

“I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.” - Jane Austin

I am Laofhan Swiftarm, so named during my service in the County of Green Hills under Count Elessor McNamara ap Fiona. Chrysalized, sained and fostered in the green isles, trainer of mounts and keeper of horses. Wielder of Icewind and boon companion of Angus. Known to the mortal folk as Laoise Mahoney. Owner of Windstorm Stables. If you are in need, and your cause is worthy, my axe is at your service.

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  • Boggans: Small, but mighty in their own way. Don't underestimate them, don't fail to appreciate them.
  • Eshu: The stories they tell are enthralling. We need our bards.
  • Pooka: Slippery little things, but so easy to talk to. Just don't believe them.
  • Redcaps: Never forget that we need our nightmares, too. Try to look past the surface, there can be good under it.
  • Satyrs: Frivolous, for the most part, though they throw a damned good party.
  • Arcadian Sidhe: Beautiful, noble. But I can't forget that they left us. I'll serve, but it's hard to fully trust.
  • Autumn Sidhe: I will never forget that they stayed. They deserve our loyalty, our strength, and our compassion.
  • Sluagh: Never forget to listen. Their voices may be quiet, but their worthiness is vast. These folk are too often underestimated.
  • Vampires: Uh. Please don't try to bite me, we'll all just regret it.
  • Mages: That's a lot of power. I hope they use it to craft dreams, not nightmares.
  • Shifters: Anger can be a strength, but too much of it turns to weakness.
  • Demons: I wish I didn't understand, but in a way I do. We make bad choices in moments of weakness.
  • Wraiths: The sluagh whisper of those caught in this world after passing. They have my sympathy, though I can't see them.
  • Mortals: We need you. I just wish you realized that you need us, too. Please remember how to dream.

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  • Angus: He is a very pretty horse, I tell him all the time. Wee bit of a temper at times, though.
  • Sark - I found a dragon. I. Found.. a dragon.
  • Bun - Bun. Bunbun. Bunbun. Shaaark. Hey, it's better than launching into a certain song about a shark family.
  • Persy - One half of a twinset, possibly with pearls. New motley. I'm the tall one.
  • Clementine - The other half of the twinset who is the new motley. The nice one.

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Race: Changeling
Full Name: Laoise (Lee-sha) Shannon Mahoney
Date of Birth: November 30, 1999
Heritage: Irish
Demeanor: Cavalier
Kith: Troll
Court: Seelie
Legacies: Paladin/Knave
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Height: 6'2to the mundane view, 7'2" in her mien

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RP Hooks
  • Do you lift, sis?: Because Laoise does. She can lift a lot. Like... seriously, a lot. She makes a lot of gym bros feel bad about their prowess, unintentionally.
  • Horses: She's a horse girl, though in her case she breeds, trains and lodges them. Laoise has come to open a new stable. Want riding lessons? Want a place for your horse to live? Talk to Laoise.
  • Troll Grrl: Or, actually, just girl. She's huge, she's tough, she's strong as Atlas. She also happens to think the colour pink is quite nice, and lace is pretty. Feminine and strong at once.
  • Irish: With the accent to prove it, though no red hair here. She's dark Irish, thanks.
  • Closet Geek: When you raise Friesians and train them, it's only a matter of time before the SCA comes knocking. That was Laoise's initial introduction to that kind of person. Now, she's hooked. Even had a D&D group back in Ireland, where she invariably played sorcerers, bards and clerics rather than fighters. A gaming group can be a great source of glamor.
  • Sbnowfang - Along with her newly forming motley, Laoise is taking over Snowfang Peak to keep it going. The boggans need someone to reach the top shelves, after all.

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