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(Created page with "{{Infobox Log |name = How Dare He |summary = A team is summoned from Stonecreek to clean up an idiot's mess |icdate = January 28th |ictime = Evening-ish |players...")
(One intermediate revision by one other user not shown)
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|icdate    = January 28th
|icdate    = January 28th
|ictime    = Evening-ish
|ictime    = Evening-ish
|players  = [[Branton]](ST), [[Dale]], [[Theron]], [[Leif]], [[Evonna]], [[Stephen]], [[Kaia]], [[Ben]], [[Frigg]]
|players  = [[Branton]](ST), [[Dale]], [[Theron]], [[Leif]], [[Evonna]], [[Stephen_White_Mountain|Stephen]], [[Kaia]], [[Ben]], [[Frigg]]
|location  = Stonecreek / and an unspecified meadow in the greek countryside
|location  = Stonecreek / and an unspecified meadow in the greek countryside
|prptp    = Iphigenia's sorrow
|prptp    = Iphigenia's sorrow
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[[Category:Stephen White Mountain]]

Latest revision as of 08:40, 4 June 2022

How Dare He
A team is summoned from Stonecreek to clean up an idiot's mess
IC Date January 28th
IC Time Evening-ish
Players Branton(ST), Dale, Theron, Leif, Evonna, Stephen, Kaia, Ben, Frigg
Location Stonecreek / and an unspecified meadow in the greek countryside
Prp/Tp Iphigenia's sorrow
Spheres Gaian Garou
Theme Song Martina McBride - Concrete Angel

OOC NOTE- Content tags- implied sexual assault, implied violence against children. This story was inspired by tumblr user thestuffedalligator’s response to a writing prompt.

Kaia and Stephen are both standing outside their cabin while Astrid, the platinum haired toddler.. or pretty pretty Get Princess, if you ask her, plays in a nearby sandbox. Theron and Ben are just approaching. Kaia seems to be making sure introductions happen, and hastens to add, "Stephen's presence was requested by Leif. I am going to be letting him use the loft above my shop in town, and in return he's promised to keep myself and the other kinfolk working there safe."

Ben nods to Kaia with a smile. "She is good. She is ready for our child to be here." He offers. Looking to Stephen, he offers a nod of respect. "I am Benjamin Godwyn, Patience Of Eikþyrnir, Athro Forseti of the Fenrir. Son of Stephen Godwyn, Clenched Jaw of the North. Grandson of Thunder's Reprieve. Great-Grandson of Tusk-Breaker. Packed with Wild Raven under the name Munnin's Talons. Pleased to meet you."

Branton comes along the path into the cabin area and looks around before approaching the group "Hey there. Leif and Evonna around somewhere?" Then he notices Stephen "Oh hey, this might need a theurge's attention. So stick around if you can yeah?"

Stephen gives Ben a bit more of a respectful bow of his head as the introduction is returned, before nodding along with Kaia's description of the situation, "I am not sure what Leif-rhya wishes to see or know, it was only relayed to me that I should come with. I have spent most of my time studying my tribe's rites and working on fetishes..." When Brandon makes his way in, the man gets more of a smile of recognition and a nod of his head, "Of course! I would be honored to help, if I can."

Theron nods to Kaia and then Stephen, "Awesome. Well thanks for help keeping everyone safe." he says as he settles down in a chair, "Good to make sure everyone is looked after." he exhales, "Not sure what Leif wants, if he shared it wasnt to me...sure its nothing major."

"I bet she is. I remember being at that stage, and how ready I felt to get to the part where Astrid was out," Kaia notes. She turns towards Branton, and nods her head at him. "I know Leif is here somewhere, as he knows that I was bringing Stephen. He'll show up soon. And, Theron, I think he just needs to give Stephen a basic sniff test. Protective Elder type thing. I've got Mara working there, too."

Frigg steps out of the Godwynn cabin and has her hands pressed to her lower back. She stretches a bit before she walks along the porch to find a pair of easy to go on flip flops. It also appears as if she just woke up from a nap and she is very very pregnant. Like anytime now soon preggers. "Oh a crowd. Hey everyone."

Astrid actually notices Frigg first, and she abandons the sandbox to trot over to pick one of Kaia's flowers from the little garden, and scampers over and holds it up to Frigg with one hand. And tries to pat her belly with the other. "Hello, baby," the toddler chirps, happily.

Ben's eyes turn to the cabin as Frigg exits, and grins at the greeting from Astrid. A wink to Frigg and a nod. "Sleep well?" He asks, before looking to the others. "I am sure he'll be by shortly - I'm not sure if there was something more to what he needed? If it's just determining if Stephen's mettle, that's a Leif thing." A chuckle.

Branton nods and finds himself a seat and plops down heavily "I'll hang out and catch my breath for a bit. Spirits have sent me visions before but this one was a bit rough. I just want to go over it once though so I'll wait."

Theron starts to wave to Frigg but then is distracted by something Branton says, "Something wrong? Visions can be...important." be says underselling it.

Frigg would normally be a cranky kinfolk at getting her belly felt. But not when it comes to Astrid. The younger girl gets all the special treatment and maybe the nice part of Frigg comes out. "Hello my dear." She gives quiet time to Astrid to show her where the baby is now kicking and it's like science time on the porch. "I learned today it's where baby's moonbridge in to have their spirits join us in this world!" Lies. Sort of. It's plainly obvious she's stretching portal truths. The kin is grinning, and accepts the flower. "Thank you. If your mom says it's ok, I got brownies I can bring out. Our kitchen is overloaded with sweets from Ben's mom sending us packages. Our kid is going to turn into a Willie Wonka cookie monster soonish before they are even born, Ben." She also pauses, looking to Branton. "If a brownie fixes it, you can have one too."

Stephen slowly retakes his spot in the grass after the others have come in and traded introductions, grunting a little as his butt hits the grass again, though he offers Branton a nod and murmurs, "Sometimes the spirits do not withhold the punches when communicating. It usually means the message is rather important, however." But with that said, he addresses Ben with an affirmative grunt, "I am here for whatever he wishes to find out."

Kaia turns a worried look onto Branton, and then murmurs a soft, "Be right back." And scoots off into the house. She's back a moment later with a glass of lemonade which gets pushed into Branton's hands. At least she's not pouring it down his throat. Then, she returns to Stephen's side, like she feels responsible for him, casting a glance over to make sure Astrid is, in fact, behaving herself. And only wincing a little at the desecration of her flower garden. "Boot her off if she's bothering you, sugar," the southern girl calls out, but nods her approval to brownies, which makes Astrid quite a happy girl. To her credit, she does more or less pay attention to science time. Also. Everyone should probably take the fact that she knew to bribe Frigg with a flower as a warning of things to come.

Branton is cradling his lemonade and sipping at it "Someone, not me, done fucked up. Bad. And I was clearly directed to bring it here to get seen to. Which is not without precedent still would not have been my first choice. Still though, I'll do as I'm told."

Branton adds to Frigg "Brownies are always good, though a full fix is gonna take more than that. It would be a start tho"

Ben smirks. "She bakes to share her love." He explains, to any who might care. "And my mother is going to be a proper grandmother for the first time. She's excited." The man muses. He looks to Stephen and nods, then to Branton. "Someone caused a problem?" The philodox questions.

Kaia winds up settling down on the grass next to Stephen, keeping a careful watch on how her daughter is acting around Frigg, listening to Branton.

Theron glances to the others and then he turns back to Branton. "If we are needed to help, you know you have it." he says the rather obvious.

Stephen chuckles softly and smiles a little more, "Baking is love. Occassionally someone shares homemade brownies at one of the gathers and it makes me greatful it is hard to get fat with all the running we do." When Ben seems to include him in the question, he guestures towards Branton, indicating him as the source of the report, "I am here to help if I can. I do not know the nature of the problem yet, I believe Branton was waiting on Leif so it would not be necessary to repeat a difficult vision."

Frigg steps in the cabin with Astrid and both come out with brownies. Frigg steals a smile across the yard at Ben when he looks her way and she steps off the porch with a plate of goodies. "I love your Mom. I love you more, but your mother is definitely in the keeper list of special family." She grins and passes the plate around the group. There's cookies, brownies, fruit tartes, little tiny pies the size of your thumb, and what looks to be lemon drops wrapped in special wax paper. "We always have the farm to evacuate to if the going gets to be rough. Which reminds me, at some point we should take our new people over and show them around. We have a community farm everyone is welcome to work at, or stay over, or just go and pet the animals." The last bit is more for Astrid's benefit. "We have a mean llama named Jack Jack. He's very fast. But if you give him one of Ben's socks, he seems happy. And crazy. But happy. Don't ask me how this happened."

Astrid is helping. She's a big girl. Even if only compared to, say, misty. But she's /helping/. She's got a plate and everything, and starts trotting around, offering goodies like a proper Southern little lady. Kaia murmurs a soft question to Frigg about nuts, and chooses something that is nut free, and didn't come into contact with nuttier things. She and Stephen are sitting on the grass amidst a knot of folks.

Ben nods to Frigg. "She approves of you, and loves you dearly." He smirks. "So expect no end of baked goods." A wink. A look to Stephen, then to Branton with a shrug. "Know anything about this, Theron?" He wonders.

Theron looks to Ben, "The vision? Not at all." he remarks, "Im out of the loop for the most part it would seem" the Berserker says with a little bit of a chuckle. "But I am here to help when time."

Frigg points out the plate doesn't have nuts. "It's safe. Cleared it." She smiles at Kaia. It's possible she already had this conversation on the phone with Ben's mom earlier last week. "We share everything we have most times so if one has an allergy, we all adapt to buzz about it." She watches Astrid serving brownies, and cookie goods and gives her praise. "Done so perfectly. Hospitality is very important to the Fenris." She's going to take up a chair somewhere if Ben helps her out. The round lady needs to sit down!

Stephen accepts a tiny pie from Astrid with a smile and a murmured thank you, chuckling to himself as he watches the little one toddling around offering the sweets out, though he glances back at Frigg as she gets some help taking a seat. Popping the pie in his mouth to munch on it quietly, he follows the discussion back around to Branton and nods once at the man, content to wait for the story or Leif's appearance, whichever happens first.

Astrid nods. "Mama says hostility is real important." Well. That's close to what Kaia probably said. One can hope so, anyway. Or else maybe people should wonder what the kin is teaching her daughter. But the little blonde kid carries that plate around proudly to everyone, though not without snitching an occasional treat for herself, likely getting chocolate on her face.

Leif drives up in his pickup truck that looks like it's held together with dirt and duct tape. Or at least some JB Weld. He hurries around to the other side and opens the door, flips up the seat and extracts the little baby carrier from inside. Baby is sound asleep. Freya, who is a mostly grown wolf hops out and sprints for... FOOD! And Frigg! And Ben! And Kaia! And Oooh! TINY HUMAN! Freya hurries over that way and tries REALLY hard to steal some food from the little one, but Leif makes a noise and Freya ducks her head and instead just decides to be the assistant.

Leif, who has been left alone with the baby FAR too long. As he sets the carrier down, giving Stephen a very long look over, he uncovers the little one. Leopard head band. Queen T-shirt, ripped jeans, boots, and a light jacket sort of hanging over all of it. It's ridiculous. AND cute. Also, there's a tiny little ponytail on the 8 month old's head.

Evonna wanders back in from running around patrolling Stonecreek. She's dressed for running, and begins her stretches by her cabin to cool down when she starts to notice there is a lot going on here. She drinks from her water bottle, and takes it all in. "Did I miss we all had tickets to a rock concert?"

Theron laughs and says to Astrid, "Focused hostility can be important." he agrees. "Just wait until you are old enough to wield..." oh geez, Theron has become obsessed with training a little army of warriors.

Stephen chuckles low and deep in his throat when he catches little Astrid's explanation, though the arrival of Evonna and Leif is enough for him to sit up again and lightly knock the grass off of his pantlegs - not interrupting, just waiting to see how it falls out from here, though he does shoot a slightly quizzical look at Kaia, perhaps to just confirm the two are expected.

Moving quickly, Ben fetches a chair for Frigg, making sure she's able to ease into it. A look over as Leif drives up, and Evonna arrives. "It looks like Misty is getting her own style." He grins, offering a wave to his arriving packmates.

Kaia rises when Leif drives up, and there is also a happy squeal from Astrid, who starts shamelessly feeding Freya anything that doesn't have chocolate. Kaia looks down at Misty, then up again, raising a sardonic eyebrow. "That's certainly... a look. Leif... I brought Stephen, as requested." She nods to the Wendigo as Leif starts giving him the side eye. "And Branton has something important to tell you and Evonnna... ah. There she is." Stephen gets a nod of reassurance, though.

Frigg parks her butt somewhere, and grins when Misty is seen. Freya gets a hand to be patted when greeted and she offers a tiny tidbit of sugar cookie to the wolf. "Misty is going to lead our children into a new fashion era. I see it now. I'm going to teach her knitting when she's a bit older. Because knitting trendy clothes is all the rage." Her attention shifts back to Astrid and Theron, "Knitting needles can be a weapon. Teach her how to pokey poke one." And now she gets a good look at Stephen. "I'm Frigg by the way. Before things get all convoluted here." She's proud she used a big word, as she's simple folk.

"This is what happens when both Becks and mama are busy to go to the kinfolk house with me. She gets new clothes. I put them on. I think it works together nicely," he says, sort of re-draping the blanket over the sleeping child. He's pretty proud of himself. Astrid gets a little finger wiggle and a wink from Leif, then his attention turns to Stephen and he nods. "Welcome," he says. "We'll do intros here in a minute." Then back to Branton. "What's up, Branton?"

Branton was distracted making sure there was a fire going of significant size and that it had plenty of fuel. He takes a deep breath as he stands by the fire “I had a dream. And I woke with the sureness and certainty that I needed to come here and share it. That there is something that needs to be done. First though you need to know what has been done. What harm there is to remedy.”

Stephen slowly lumbers back to his feet, offering a warmer smile without showing teeth and looking like he's going to address Frigg, but when Leif says they will handle introductions in a moment, he shifts his attention to Branton, keeping his hands clasped behind his back to listen to the coming story.

"Knitting needles? She will get a proper sword..." Theron grumbles and then looks to Kaia, "Uh, if inclined?" he concedes.

Leif eyes Theron briefly, then glances to Astrid, then looks back to Branton. He waves Stephen back to his seat and he flops down, also on the ground, next to Misty. Freya's off playing with Astrid, of course. Because she MIGHT get some foodie snackos. "Sounds important," he says to Branton. "Let's hear it."

Evonna wanders over to the group just before Branton starts speaking. She gives a nod of respect to Stephen, but will hold off on an introduction untilt he appropriate time. Her attention is on Branton as he speaks, although she takes a sip of water periodically. "I'm sure I can say we are all glad that you have come here so soon and are sharing with us. Bitte, do tell all you can."

Ben keeps near to Frigg, making sure she's comfortable in her chair - and handing her snacks when needed. Of course, he takes a brownie for himself, while there. His eyes are on the fire-building and Branton.

Kaia glances off as Astrid toddles away with Freya. Out of earshot, not out of sight, though a youngish kin with black hair and violet streaks appears from a cabin to watch over the kids. That would be Mara. Kaia nods her thanks, then turns back, sitting down again and giving Branton her attention.

Branton nods as the attention gathers and the fire flares up behind him and his eyes start to glow like they do sometimes when walking in the Umbra. He turns to extend a hand to the fire and begins shaping images as he says “Milíste kai akoúste pnévmata lýpis”

As the shapes begin to form first...there’s a grassy hillside, where tumbled bits of mossy stone are scattered through a meadow around what used to be a pile blocking off a cave. Now though the pile is scattered and the barrow hill broken into.
A thick-limbed muscular man with the markings of a sorcerer trained in a Nordic tradition strides into what seems to be, from the markings on the wall, an old ruin but dedicated to the gods of Olympus not Asgard. The sorcerer is trespassing, his face a mask of greed as he examines the walls (the display has an audio track, that’s new) “I was right! They do have a War Spirit slumbering here. Its power will be mine!”

When Leif waves him off, Stephen does take up his spot again in the grass, leaning back on his hands, but levelling his full attention on Branton and the image he is creating in the fire...though the mention of a War Spirit almost immediately brings a small frown to the theurge's face, like what he heard is Not a Good Sign.

Being greek born, but Fenrir raised, Theron arches a brow. "Hmm..." he turns intently. "What...is this?" he asks carefully.

Kaia leans forward, elbows on knees, watching the fire. It's impressive, yes, but mostly she's serious and focusing on what her friend is trying to show them all, though being a Sorcerer herself she does eye the fellow with displeasure.

Leif's brow arches a little at the soundtrack, but.. I mean, he's hung out with Journey, so this isn't TOO far out in left field. He glances down to make sure that Misty's still okay and then turns his full attention back to Branton

Frigg settles in her chair and accepts a brownie square that Ben offers her. It's show time, and she's watching along with everyone else. One hand rests on her belly as she nibbles baked goods. Yeah, she draws her lips into a thin line when she hears the part about stealing power.

Ben does shift position to be an interposing wall between the fire and the children - blocking what they can see. A look to Leif, then Evonna. "Where is our stoic Godi?" He wonders, quietly.

The Scene in the flames shifts again...Eventually he reaches the central chamber, struck briefly by how small the altar seems. There are glyphs on it that he glances at in confusion, he can’t read them but those watching Branton’s display recognize them as garou markings of warning against waking the Spirit. This place isn’t like what an Uktena would make to confine a bane though, some elements of it look like its a tomb rather than a temple or shrine. Someone was buried here.

The Sorcerer doesn’t seem to notice any of that, or if he does it doesn’t matter to him. He takes out some jars of pigments and starts marking up a spell circle and diagram around the altar, having found the name-sigil and thinking that’s all he needs.

Stephen squints a little and leans forward, as if that's going to help him read those glyphs any better at this distance. That frown on his face only deepens as he recognizes some of the marking, to the point of looking a little irritated as he watches the sorcerer start to prepare a ritual circle. There might even be a soft mutter in a native language under his breath!

Leif's brow arches and then collapses on itself and he also leans forward. Quietly, he says, in case Kaia can't read the glyphs, "Those are glyphs that speak of warnings against waking the spirit. But it looks like he's doing it anyway." But he's LISTENING

Theron rises and begins to pace as he watches the scene unfold. His sword and scabbard in hand, fingertips drumming on the scabbard. Excess energy let out. "Foolish, greedy..." he begins to growl under his breath.

Frigg comments beside Ben quietly, "This is like watching a horror movie. Don't go outside.. Look behind you." She eyes Branton and murmurs to Ben, "This is going to end badly." Already she is gauging Theron's reaction, and once she hears him growl, she says... "Told you so."

As the tale continues...There’s some chanting and gesturing and then a blinding flash and a billowing cloud of smoke. The Sorcerer thrusts his hands into the air and exclaims “YES!”

Then the smoke clears and there’s a young teen girl in an archaic style of dress with a pair of enormous charcoal grey vulture wings grown from her back. Her long black hair hangs limp and long as her shoulders shake with quiet sobs.

Evonna shakes her head, "Nicht gute." She looks from Leif to Theron to Ben. There are no good words for any of this.

"Oh, fuck. You gotta watch out for the pretty ones," Leif says quietly, glancing up at Theron, but then nodding to Evonna. "Exactly."

"I always watch out for the pretty ones..." Theron defends.

Stephen nods slowly at Leif's summary to Kaia and sighs as his eyes stay fixated on the 'movie', while keeping his voice down to a low murmur, "People playing with things they do not understand nor respect. He was not spanked enough as a cub."

Ben nods to Frigg. "It almost always is. Seeing someone overstep or act stupidly." He says, still watching the scene unfold.

Frigg is eating her brownie but watching the girl with the giant vulture wings with suspicion. She glances to the movie playing and then back to the pack, the gathering, and then she's really glad Ben's giant form blocks the view from any prying kids with curiosity.

Kaia has been still in quiet as she sits on the grass next to Stephen, merely nodding a silent thanks at Leif's deciphering of the glyphs. She is, however, growing increasingly tense as she watches, her eyes hardening. "We're not all that foolish," she eventually murmurs. As if worried about being compared to the dangerous idiot in the fire. But she mostly looks... worried.

The sorcerer in the image is confused “What is this?! I was expecting one of Ares servants, a mighty War Spirit.”

Almost in audibly the child spirit replies “Ares is a god of slaughter, not war.”
Slightly less sure then he shakes his head “You must be one of Athena’s then, Olympus has too many gods.”
The girl gives a strangled sound somewhere between a laugh and a sob “Tactics. She is a goddess of Tactics. Not War.”

Evonna puts a hand over her chest. This is hard to watch, but important and taking in all she can learn about this. There is a reason they all need to see it.

Stephen winces when the Sorcerer pretty much insults the being he might have just freed or summoned and lightly shakes his head once, in that manner that suggests he thinks someone needs to be getting slapped quite a few times already. Preferably with open claws. But he stays quiet, clearly not wanting to miss anything juuuust in case.

"Wisdom, an absence of wisdom." Theron grumbles as he stops his pacing to watch more intently now.

The image of the sorcerer stands transfixed, baffled and confused and maybe starting to be just a little afraid “Who are you then, I have the sigil from your altar you should obey me!”

There is a long ugly silence as the huge vulture wings shifted with the sound of brushing feathers “My name is – was – Iphigenia. Daughter of Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, commander of the Greeks who stormed the walls of Troy. When my father disgraced Artemis, and the winds of Greece would not blow her battleships to Troy I was brought to Aulis. For my wedding, I was told. I was -” the child-god's body is wracked by sobs once more.

"I didn't say foolish. Still dangerous," Leif chides lightly, quietly. But his eyes never leave the fire. His head tips a little to one side as he REALLY zeroes in on everything. He's leaned forward, legs crossed, but also leaning up just a little bit on his hands. "She's gonna fuck this idiot up," he says quietly, but with a certain amount of glee.

Kaia frowns. which is to say, she frowns more, drawing her knees up and hugging them to her chest. She tears her eyes away for a moment, to glance around at everyone's faces, then returns her gaze to the story unfolding. "I don't think I like where this is going."

Stephen glances down for a moment, shaking his head again when Leif mentions how things are going to go, but nods slightly along with Kaia's assessment, "And we are going to have a mess we need to clean up. Probably a very bad one."

"The kids aren't watching are they?" Theron asks as he looks around for a second.

Astrid remains some distance off, being distracted by Mara and Freya, and also with Ben's bulk blocking her line of sight.

Misty's still sleepin', like the rock and roll queen she is

Evonna asks, "And this already happened? Do we know when? Can we figure out when?" She shakes her head as well. "What can we do?"

Kaia sighs softly, and nods her agreement with Stephen, leaning over to bump her shoulder against him before straightening. "It usually is others who have to clean up the messes of idiots." She does, as well, cast a glance to check on Astrid and, in fact, calls out, "Mara? Would you be a doll and take her in for supper? I'll fill you in later." The twenty year old nods, and scoops a still laughing Astrid up in her arms to carry her off for food. Freya being welcome to come too for good pup treats, or to return to Leif and Misty.

Branton does not seem to be able to answer questions at this point. He's just a conduit.

Oh, Freya's going! Children are walking doggo chow dispensers! She chases after astrid, grabbing her shoe and giving her a little shake. Very careful. Very light. "I don't think it has, Evonna," Leif says quietly, still focused on Branton

Frigg points out, "Free the child bride from the horror... that's what." The story gets all dark and twisty and she nibbles on more brownie.

In the flames the spirit sobs. Teardrops dribbled off her chin and fell to the shrine floor “I was fourteen. And then I was brought to the highest altar in Aulis, and – and then – and -”

Another wrenching sob, the sorcerer is held still by the weight of the spirit’s regard and the thickness of her emotions in the air. Such things have weight. She says, sounding now to be angry along with the measure of her sadness “I was fourteen!” She tightens the wings around her, hiding beneath them as the sorcerer is held in place by the hammer blows of her wracking sobs. But then the wings part and she looks up at him and he staggers backwards at the look of battle-shocked hollowness in her eyes and he can do naught but listen “I am the true spirit of war” The child-god said “I am the goddess of bloodshed, of sacrifice, of the slaughter of innocents. I am invoked when men ravage, burn, and pillage. I am invoked when mothers cry out, when sons die, when daughters are stolen. I hear it all. I have heard it all since the fall of Troy.”
The child-god loomed over the fallen man, twenty, thirty feet tall. Now the Sorcerer screams and cries as the voice of wrath and sorrow booms out “How dare you call upon my name!”
As the images dissolve back into the flames all that echoes is the screams of the sorcerer and the child-god’s sobs. Eventually even those fade to silence and Branton's eyes stop glowing and he sits down heavily.

Leif sits up a little straighter as things get a little more dicey for the poor shit. But then... oh. The adrenaline he was trying to build up sort of floooshes out of him and he sits back a little bit. While he was hoping to see an ass beating, the seriousness of the whole thing hits him a little hard and he glances down at Misty, then back to Branton. "Where?"

Stephen closes his eyes when the flame vision ends and slowly shakes his head, letting a long breath go in a sigh. It takes him a moment to open his eyes again and glance around at the other kin and wolf faces, lightly sucking on a fang while he sizes up the reactions from the others present. When Leif asks for a location, he slowly nods and glances back at Branton, "I did not see enough of that location to recognize it or offer a guess, but perhaps in your vision you got a more recognizable look?"

Frigg looks on trying to absorb it all. "Crap." Clearly she's shocked at how big and tall the girl became at the end. "Who was the husband to be? Did I miss that part, which jackass she was being bound to?" She looks at Evonna. "And is she dead dead, and a spirit? Or an awakened spirit gone into a body. I'm always confused when spirits manifest. Did her spouse sacrifice her? Still confused on the dead vs living thing. Where's the Godi when you need him?" She hasn't quite met Stephen yet... to know things.

Kaia draws her knees up to her chest, looking... well, naturally troubled. Probably everyone looks troubled. She also looks... well. It's a toss between worried and like maybe there's just a tinge of empathy for the child-goddess in there, and perhaps a touch of guilt, too. "She's not summoned by violent loss, is she?" she asks.

Branton takes a second to catch his breath and looks over to Leif first "If your totem can open gate-bridge I can feed them the destination. As for when? The last few days. He...he's still alive. Still screaming. I don't know if she knows how to stop." Then to Kaia "I don't think you have anything to worry about from her, she maybe could use some sympathy from someone who knows what its like for war to bring them loss." Then Frigg "She was taken by the man her father sold her to. And from what I was able to figure out she took her own life. This would have made her one of the darker sorts of ghosts except a theurge of my Tribe used a powerful gift to change the nature of spirit she would become, hoping for a gentler fate and that shrine was built for her to Slumber in."

Evonna growls a bit. "Our totem can bridge us. We need to prepare first." She looks to the others around them. "As soon as we can."

Stephen murmurs, "And someone had to come along and kick the hornet's nest and rip the top off. It sounds as if the work your Theurge did, did not have enough time to do what they had hoped it would...or at least, that sorcerer undid what the Theurge had hoped to do. She is...powerful, at least appears to be. A challenge for a prepared pack." He glances at Evonna's comment and nods slightly in agreement with her.

Leif growls as well, softly. He's a scary dude, ya'll, even when he's just sitting and chillin'. "Kaia will stay here." His gaze sliiiiiiiiiiides over STephen, though. "You will come with us, though." What better way to see if someone can handle some light bodyguard duty than to throw them at an angry god? Seems legit.

Frigg considers what Branton says and looks at the women gathered around. "If you are going then you need to take her gifts. And a woman seriously pissed off is going to want a few things. Like a few people to see her point of view, and some things for comfort I would imagine. I'll put a few things together from my family as an offering that can be from the women supporting her in her grief." She listens as the team is getting assembled.

Kaia nods slowly to Branton's words, though she continues to look troubled. Still, she turns her eyes to the actual pack members. It's really their show and their call. And Leif makes that call, and Kaia inclines her head, accepting it. "Yes, Leif," she murmurs. Stephen gets a bit of a look, and a helpless shrug. Yeah. You see. You come out to be all friendly, and you get dragged along into dang... er... an adventure.

Stephen glances over and bobs his head at Leif when he indicates the theurge is coming, murmuring, "Of course, rhya. How long does the group need to prepare before we leave?" He catches the glance from Kaia and offers the woman a small smile. Was he trying to be reassuring? Who knows.

Kaia gets to her feet and reaches out to pat Stephen's shoulder. "Stay safe." Then she's padding over to the alpha and making grabby hands in the direction of the sleeping infant. "Gimme," she orders. Assuming Becks is somewhere being busy and pregnant. "I'll look after her."

Leif rises to his feet and hands Misty over to Kaia. "There's everything she needs in the diaper bag in the truck. Thank you, Miss Kaia. Becks should be home any time." Then he takes a deep breath and turns to Branton. "We go now." He glances over to see if STephen's in or out, then looks back to Branton.

Kaia nods. "You bring your ass home safe and sound to her, and to Becks and the new one." Yes, she can be stern. She takes the baby, carrier and all, heading to nab the diaper bag from the pickup. She's had practice. Misty in her care, she looks around. "Stay safe," she says, then heads off to the cabin Mara shepherded Astrid off to, cooing softly down at the sleeping rockbaby.

Frigg gets up from her chair, and looks to see where Ben went off to. "I'll see if Ben is going with you. I'm sure he won't want to miss out on this adventure." She glances to Branton and the rest, "I wish you god speed and good fortune on this one." She toddles off to pack a go bag for the Forseti in case he catches up with the rest.

Stephen bobs his head once at Leif when he gets glanced at. The lupus is ready to head off when someone is ready to open said bridge or...whatever is determined to be the most accurate way there. Kaia is given another smile when she tells him to stay safe and murmurs, "Tell the little one we will be back soon."

Dale shows up walking in through the trees in his sunshine yellow pants and looks over the crowd gathered that is dispersing. "Dayum, I must have missed the local corn pone meetin'. How is everyone and what did I miss.." He looks at Evonna as if she's the one to give the gossip details. Either her, or Theron. He waggles his brows and looks over the new folk. "Delightful. New people, hello."

Branton gestures over at where he left his truck and his duffle bag comes floating through the air to his hand "I'm set. Gating is essential, its in Greece. Its going to be super dark when we get there, fun with timezones."

Evonna watches Frigg leave and has just a lovely smile seeing her in all her glowing glory toddle off. But back to business. "Ja wohl. I'll get my go bag ready." As Dale arrives she grins, "Hey stranger. You got the fashion world on fire? Want to come with us to save the cheerleader, save the world?"

Leif glances over as Dale comes along and he laughs. "Those yellow pants are about to get fucked up. You've been drafted. Whatever you need to do to prepare, do it. We're leaving in five to go make a Goddess feel better." There is the sound of a rooster crowing off in the distance and Leif's eyes widen ever so slightly. "Come on then, big boy!" he calls and out comes a GIGANTIC rooster, hop-flying toward Leif and lands on his shoulder, talons digging into the huge man's shoulder and it drops back its head and lets out a mighty 'COCKADOOOOODLE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!'

Stephen clasps his hands behind his back, furrowing his brow a little when Branton warns they are going to be stepping into nighttime - clearly something he hadn't considered at the moment, but nods at instead, indicating he understood. Of course, the appearance of the Giant Cock is enough to make the lupus give Leif a second look and a raised brow, just no commentary.

Dale pats his pockets as Evonna asks him to save the world, "I'm always ready, lovely." He's even got one of his best tailored suit jackets on. "Save one cheerleader and you never know what she might be inspiring to do next. It's what they do." Someone must be filling him in while everyone is packing up to go. "Just throw me in along with my pants!" HE chuckles as he goes to find a flashlight to tote along with the party. "Good thing I have extra pants, yush."

Branton is really glad his weirdness threshold had already been broken or Leif's Familiar would have done it right there. "I actually have a Gift that will link me in so I can share the location with your pack totem to open the gate. Its actually one that any garou or kinfolk can learn. We can go over the details later if anyone's interested." And he holds out a hand to Leif "I just need permission and to be welcomed."

Leif reaches out, clasping Branton's arm just above his wrist (Below his wrist? However that works) "Please, join us and be welcome," he says simply. He knows about the gift. It's probably been used a time or two in his days before he came here.

As the gift takes effect Branton shares the need to travel with the Totem and the feel and shape of the destination and the Gate forms as is usual for this spirit. Branton hefts his Duffle and gestures to the actual shifters "After you."

Dale does a brief intro, but does believe he's seen Branton before a few times. "I'm Dale in case anyone needs to holler at me. Cliath Raga Fenris. Knockout Queen." It's the down and dirty, fast exchange pending what is about to happen next. "Might be fodder but it will be delicious either way." He grasps his flashlight and checks his lapel pocket for the bright pink kerchief he last tucked in there. "Here we go!" Theron gets dragged in... because he won't want to miss a Greek Goddess.

Stephen grunts softly at Dale's introduction and murmurs, "Broken Fang. Wendigo Theurge here for random other reasons, came for the snacks. Or something like that." He even flashes a faint smile at Dale, before straightening up, ready to head out.

The Gate opens up in the meadow by the cave mouth from Branton's vision. The pained and horrified screams can be heard a bit, echoing from inside the cave. As Branton warned its the darkest part of the night here and the half moon is just risen.

Gifts. Candy, chocolates, good food from Frigg's family and anything that Mari might have had for potential company. Weapons too, of course, just in case, but hopefully not. All those things, brought to hopefully soothe the angry god. And, of course, a war cock, who has sat on Leif's shoulder the entire time, occasionally pecking him on the head and those talons dug in and leaving just a little blood smeared on his shirt.

Dale bounces in his steps through the gate. As they trek he mentions to Stephen, "A Wendigo? Wonderfully met my good Sir. But you are the rare spice of the season then. Not many like you I've met so far within the Sept but glad to meet you." The screaming on the other side as they draw closer has him simmer down to a complete quiet, wtf. His eyes widen. Screaming cheerleader? He looks at Evonna. More like horror screaming cheerleader. Oh wait, is that the dude? Yeah the dude is a girlie screamer, right? He'll help carry the bribing loot, ir... good fortune loot if needed.

Evonna has gotten changed and her go bag packed and strapped around her. Sword in dagger form at her belt, and bow tucked around her as well. Her bag has some extras too for more chiminage as she sees fit, and stands with her pack.

Branton as everyone gets settled post transit Branton starts rummaging through his duffle and beckons Dale over to brief him about the fourteen year old assualt victim who died and got turned into a god. And the idiot sorcerer who woke her from her slumber and has now been screaming in fear on and off for days.

Leif takes a breath and lays all his things down. "Who goes through first? A female or a Theurge?" He looks to Evonna, then to Branton, then over at Stephen. Theurge..... right?

Arriving with everyone Theron has his sword at the ready, not the best guy to walking first. His life is built on war, to be ready for war, to make himself equal a garou in war. Its...in some ways, all he knows. "Not me." he mutters, understanding that he isn't the best to be first to approach the emotionally wounded girl.

Dale peppers in to hear every drop and word Branton tells him with a nod. He finger waggles in the direction of the screamer. "If she's long gone, then we might have to put that man out of his misery. But I do hope she's here. Someone long dead awoken is in serious need of a pampering. And lip balm." He glances to Leif for his leadership decisions. "If no one votes I will certainly go." He's got gumption. But he looks to Stephen and Ev with a grin. "If anyone speaks that jilted bitches language? It's probably one of us." He counts himself in as a girl. Go figure.

Stephen rolls a shoulder at Leif and rumbles softly, "I'll go, unless someone has better touch with spirits here. I admit I do not know what gifts the rest of you have available." He's actually already stepping forward, perhaps assuming someone else isnt going to try and take precedence.

Evonna looks to Stephen, "We go together. Female first, with you right behind. Shows that a male is not leading." Adjusting her gear a bit, she's ready to go toward whatever they will face together.

Branton nods at Evonna's plan and adds "I speak the language the poor girl spoke in life but she's a spirit now, if any of you have the gift of Spirit Speech you should be able to understand her regardless and from her interaction with the sorcerer she can obviously make herself understood to anyone."

Leif nods as Evonna takes over and he takes a step back. The two of you first, then Branton, then the rest of us will come in. He doesn't like it. He can't be a WALL from back here. That makes him uneasy. "Dale and I will bring the lesser gifts in."

Stephen bows his head at Evonna and flashes a faint smile, "It is a good plan. You should probably take point in the conversation if one can be struck up. I can be...deferential if it will help the interaction, but I will suppose we will see how she is when we arrive."

Dale pulls some fruity lip balm from one of his pockets. "That counts me out," he whispers to the group. "No spirit speechy woo woo language memorized by me yet. It's on the ever growing list. I wish you both fantastic luck and a million gazillion karma." He nods his head to the lesser gifts talk. "I'm so there," he tells Leif. Yes, backing up the Wall.

Theron glances over to Dale with an arch of his brow, then to Leif he nods his head, "Plan is as good as you can make right now." he agrees and then he just waits, but his hand is on his sword. Always so ready for a fight this one.

Its a little creepy walking into the cave that turns into the hall of a buried shrine that was just in the vision Branton rendered in flame. On the plus side you can make out more of the markings on the walls and the murals detail things not from the child-god's life but things much brighter and happier.

Evonna nods, "I do know know Spirit Speech. I can handle that." She approaches carefully, cautiously. There is much to see and she does not want to insult this spirit.

Leif looks at the symbols all around and he frowns. He reaches up and grabs the gigantic rooster by the neck and flings him back out of the cave. "Wait out there, you noisy fuck," he says, not even really in a mean way. Just a quiet place is not where a rambunctious cock should be. The rooster makes a startled, angry 'BGAWWWWWWWWWK*gurgle*' sound, but as it's flung out of the cave... he doesn't return.

Dale watches the rooster go away as he applies lip balm to himself. "Those symbols don't look real good." He's not letting on he can't read jack squat. Not with screaming sorcerer guy, and chicken gurgles. He's still putting forth the zest of wanting to assist, "Did you name him?" The question is on the war rooster. Sometimes, you just have to know things. But his eye is on Evonna going in first, and Stephen second.

Stephen frowns a little as he follows Evonna in, first making sure there isn't Something here that's about to make their day much worse, then focusing more on what's left of the breached spirit seals. There IS a glance back when Leif tosses the Rooster out, but just a glance, before turning his attention back to the task at hand. He murmurs at Evonna, "I am pretty certain this is not something I would be able to repair. I believe the phrase is, the genie cannot go back into the bottle, unless someone has better insight?"

"This...is Fury work." Theron says looking around Leif, "I was raised Fenrir but I still...well, I've visited my mother and sister." the berserker considers the pack for a few moments. "This isn't my wheel house, but...these rites old I think..."

Evonna looks with awe to what is on the cave walls. "I do not think anyone possibly alive now could fix this. We need another solution. But first, we will need to get her favor."

Branton is hanging near the back of the group, following along even though the whole thing has creeped him out more than a little. The group recognizes enough clearly from the vision to know when they are about to make the final approach to the central chamber. The screams have quieted some to whimpers and sobs from the sorcerer. The child-god can not be heard but the air still feels thick with her rage and sadness.

"Usually Dipshit," Leif says, rubbing his shoulder where the rooster has been dug in all this time. "This was supposed to be a place of rest and relaxation and sleep for the goddess and that ....... " Whatever word he can bring up from the German language that is the ultimate insult to masculinity - that's the one he says. It comes out sounding dirty too. "Evonna... do you want me up there or back there?"

Dale is a bit wide eyed at the rooster being called dipshit but he cracks a grin. No further comment from him on the war chicken/rooster. He also looks to Evonna to see what she needs, as he's holding lesser gifts like a train offering in the back.

Stephen sighs softly and nods in agreement with Evonna, glancing back at Theron as he goes into more detail, which just brings a deeper frown to the Wendigo's face and a soft, "...wonderful." He does, however, suck in a deep breath and clasp his hands behind his back, tilting his head back to Evonna to follow her lead, or at least LOOK like it since the spirit is around here somewhere.

Evonna keeps her hand on her sword/dagger, and moves forward toward the sounds. She isn't sure when she should speak yet, plus they need to find shere they are. She's directed the all in a line at this point, which is generally shorter to taller. That puts Leif last. Step by step she is getting closer to the sound, her eyes open and body ready for anything.

Theron stays with the pack, but he has gone quiet just watching, observing, looking for a sign of what he can do to help...but its not so clear to him, not yet.

With Evonna on point as she approaches she can hear, from the shadows of the central chamber, rustling feathers and a scared small voice "Who's there?"

Leif moves forward. With the small voice, he wants to call out something heroic, but he keeps his mouth shut instead, pausing in his steps and holding his breath for a moment

Evonna is up! She speaks clearly and kindly, "My name is Evonna Kummerow. My friends and I have come to help. Please, may we approach. We mean no harm. Only help. We have come a very long way."

Stephen hesitates a step when the voice calls out in the shadows, glancing down at the ground in front of Evonna, then up at her face. He shoots a glance behind them at the whimpering Sorcerer as if considering doing something to shut him up, but refrains from taking such action - attention needs remain focused ahead of the group, frowning a little more as he tries to concentrate on the presence Evonna is addressing.

Dale gives a wiggle of the flashlight to encourage Evonna to step into the light, and be front and center. He musters a look of encouragement on his face and smiles forward. They might die. But with so much bravery! He glances over to Stephen and reminds... gift offerings, by raising his packages lot.

There's sniffing and rustling from the shadows, even if the flashlight beam looks for the child-god naught is seen but a glimpse of grubby linen or dark feathers. She does answer though "I don't get visitors. Not for a very long time." There's a pause before she adds "/He/ doesn't count."

Over the totem (Keep talking Evonna...hopefully we can end this without a fight.) Theron says encouraging his packmate as he lingers in the back, he looks too much like a man of war to help this.

"We mean no harm and come bearing gifts and hope to bring you back to a restful peace once again," Leif says, trying very hard to keep his voice smaller than is actually possible, especially in an echoey cave

There is more rustling and sniffling before she answers "Gifts? I can't tell if you have a good singing voice." It almost sounds like she's settling down between Evonna and Leif. Then, sounding a little frustrated, she adds "Could you take /him/ with you when you go? I've been pushing so hard and he won't leave."

Stephen whispers softly at Evonna, "I can shut the sorcerer up and make him suffer a little more if it will help appease her. And take the popsicle with us." But leaves the information relay at that with a lick of his lips rather than give her too much more to focus on him for.

Dale phhts, sucking in air between his lips. "We'd love to take the mean bad guy away from here." And under his breath he says, "And let the rooster have him for later for being an idjuto."

Evonna replies, after hearing from the others. "Yes. We would be glad to take him with us. Our gifts we bring are from the heart and offered with honor for you. Nothing can make up for the great suffering you have experienced, but we will do all we can to assist so you can be at peace." She nods to Stephen.

"We'll take him, yes," Leif says from way back, but moves forward since he isn't immediately smited. "One of ours had a vision to come here to you and here we are - to help however we can."

The spirit is still staying back out of sight, to the point that its obvious that she's using some sort of power to do it. You can see the 'altar' that the sorcerer vandalized though, and the diagrams he mussed on the floor around it. Only its not an altar at all, now that you get a better look. Its a coffin, small and made of old worn stone. You have her talking though "Everything is a mess though, its not nice for visitors to see."

When Evonna nods, Stephen glances back at the sorcerer, though at the mention of the damage that has been done, he chooses to offer in a low voice (that probably smacks more of his reservation heritage than anything else), "When we remove him, we can clean off what he has done to your place of rest. He will not be returning."

Dale says to the group, "Should we help tidy things up then?" He's swinging the light over to the coffin and the mess the sorcerer made. If there's debris, and things need fixing, that might be a bit harder when it comes to broken sigils or wards. But cleaning, he's not finding it unappealing. "Maybe some nicer bedding in that sarcophagus there. Who brought the quilt?" Branton is a crafty man isn't he? He gets THE look of, maybe they need to glamour this tomb up some with all the stuff they brought.

Evonna holds up the men a second. "With all respect, the state of your place of rest is not your mess. It was his. He made this and we are more than honored to help you by cleaning it up along with removing him. This was the ultimate disrespect and I will go so far as to apologize for him to you. Whatever we can do, we will to make contrition."

"We don't care if it's a mess or not," Leif says quietly, honestly. "We are here only for your comfort. What can we do for you, Goddess? Can we restore these runes for you? We don't want to make things worse." He falls quiet once he realizes that Evonna has basically said the same thing, and lets her take the lead.

The spirit replies, still hiding and her distress ticking back up "I guess if you can clean it some. I'm not sure how though. It wasn't supposed to be this way. Everything's gone so wrong."

Stephen takes a step or two back to kneel down beside the whimpering sorcerer, placing a hand on the man's chest as he hisses, "You have done quite enough damage. Hush." He doesn't trigger anything yet, listening to the exchange with the spirit for now, just to make sure he doesn't make the situation worse.

Evonna takes out something made of leather from her bag. She holds it out in her hands and approaches the spirit with her palms up and head bowed down. "I brought this for you. I braided it myself, and strung it together. I added the glyphs for strength, peace, and honor on it. I wish for you to have it. For you are worthy, strong, honorable, and deserve peace. It is not magic, but I give it freely with all my being and respect to you. None of us can guarantee what tomorrow will bring, but today we will make it better for you." She gets as close as she can, and then down on her knees, and if possible on her belly.

Leif follows suit, sort of slumping down a little bit to be less.. big. Then also goes to his knees, bringing along the blanket that Frigg sent. "And a beautiful, comfortable blanket, made with love by one of ours and sent here just for you. He sets the blanket aside, so that it doesn't get dirty, and also goes lower... and then all the way to his belly as well.

The spirit isn't visible to approach but her altar-coffin is. And if you think about it she is in there after a fashion. The Sorcerer passes out after making a barely audible hoarse 'ack' noise, he's had entirely enough. The offerings go to the shrine's heart, easy enough for the Garou to figure out since they figured out that this was a garou made structure. Even of a different tribe, some things are the same regardless. The gifts and the contrition are enough to get her to approach and be seen. She keep the Altar between her and the garou but she reaches across to gently touch the blanket "Soft...."

Stephen attempts to conceal the faintest hint of amusement as the Sorcerer finally passes out, deciding he wont be needing to do anything to put him under after all. Instead he focuses his attention back up to the two attempting to offer contrition to the spirit, making a point to keep his own head down while he kneels, in his own effort to look cowed and respectful even though he's not approaching.

Evonna places all the gifts in the shrine's heart. She steps back and after a respectful bit, and hearing her enjoying the blanket she says, "We shall begin to remove and repair all we can." She signals the others and is ready to get to work. She'll start closest to the shrine heart and work out from there.

Leif just stays where he is for a time until Evonna starts to do things, then he rises to his feet, keeping his gaze down and, taking Evonna's lead, he starts to work outward as well in silent reverence for the poor damaged spirit

When Evonna says they will begin, Stephen gets back to his feet as well to join them, leaving the sorcerer where he is for the time being. His ritual marks can be removed with enough elbow grease, and once they've restored that damage, the offender can easily be hefted over a shoulder like so much cargo and carted out of the place.

It becomes clear that while you can clean up and remove what the sorcerer did the original magic of the shrine would require rites that are lost to time. A choice will need to be made, leave her here with her gifts or...well Leif is pretty strong, he could carry the coffin out and bring the spirit home with you. The original spell wound up not being as much of a kindness as it was intended anyways.

Also what's going to be done to or with the Sorcerer. That needs to be decided as well.

Evonna speaks to the others as they are cleaning up. "What do you all think? We cannot fix what was originally intended. We cannot leave her here with such bad memories. What do you say that we bring her home with us to care for her? Although I would not want to offend the locals, but they were not sent the vision either. There is a reason we were called, and I think we need to discover that."

Leif nods a little. "I think you're right. Let's... Out of HERE for sure.. but.. maybe... Branton can you talk to the locals about this? See what they want? See... I don't even know the right questions to ask."

Stephen considers Evonna's proposal and glances at Leif before nodding in agreement and offering, "We would be taking her a very long way from the home she is used to, but perhaps the idea of inviting her to a place she would be welcomed and respected would work?"

Branton nods at Leif and says "If I re-open myself to my own totem bond I can ask my Lady for introductions to some of the local spirits and get word. I think though that this whole operation was my Lady's idea in the first place. I'll step out to speak with Herself and see if she has any input. I think Stephen and Evonna have the right of it though." Then he steps out.

Iphigenia looks back and forth between Leif and Evonna, her eyes not looking nearly as horrifying as they did in Branton's vision when she smote the Sorcerer. "Is it nice where you are from? You feel like Snow and stone and steel. I don't know if I would like it somewhere...cold."

Evonna shakes her head, "While many of Fenrir, and Wendigo are from snow and cold, we live in a warm place. Almost always warm. We live in the forest there, with nature. We respect it, and care for it. As we would do for you if you chose to come with us. I swear on my ancestors and Fenrir himself, if you do not like it, I will be sure to return you to wherever you wish." She gets down on her knees and bows her head while she makes this promise.

Leif nods his agreement with Evonna. "We all will. You will be welcome at Stonecreek or we will put you wherever else you want to go. There is a whole new world out there that you could be in." He doesn't go to his knees again, but he keeps his gaze low and his body as small as he possibly can.

Stephen glances at Evonna and Leif, slowly nodding along with their words before adding in a lower voice, "California has deserts, forests, grasslands, and a long, open coastline. You can be close to people or surrounded by the wyld, but our people will indeed welcome you and offer you the respect you deserve, while we deal with this one for his arrogance and lack of respect."

Branton steps back in after a bit as Iphigenia considers the offers and promises "The Local Furies have been contacted. They're claiming the right to judge and punish shit-for-brains. Also they said they'd see what they could find out about whoever built this place. They are also willing to accept that we came on a spirit quest and aren't even mad about it."

Evonna looks pleased. "Branton, please, you and Stephen can help bring the man for judgment. Leif and I can help escort our honored guest back to Stonecreek and get her setup in the most appropriate location, assuming she is alright with all of this. It is her decision."

Leif lets out a breath of relief when Branton comes back. "Good." He steps forward a little bit and says, "I'm Leif Pederson. I am ritenamed The Wall and I am Homid Athro Modi by birth and rank and auspice. I am the great Grandson of Dies Twice, ranked grand elder before he was returned to the cycle in honorable battle against the wyrm. My pack, Munin's Talons, has dedicated itself to Wild Raven, to give us strength and wisdom and the ability to defeat our foes. In service to Gaia and by the will of my tribe, I am also the Tribal Leader for the Get of Fenris in Prospect, California where we will take you and vow to protect you. It would be my honor to carry you and your altar to a new home."

Stephen nods once at Branton and shifts the Sorcerer over his shoulder like adjusting a sack of, well, we all know what he's a sack of at this point. He looks like he's about to say something, but stops and nods at Evonna as she pretty much takes the words out of his mouth. Instead he looks curiously at Branton and arches both brows, "I think you are the pathfinder here, my friend, and I the pack mule. Lead the way?"

Branton shows Stephen where he was told to have the Sorcerer stashed. The local furies will be by to pick him up in a bit. Iphigenia sort of vanishes, letting her visible manifestation collapse back into whatever is sealed inside the altar as the group opens a gate and departs for home.