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{{Infobox Log
|name      = The Courier
|summary  = A group of Sabbat must switch out a couriers message for a fake
|icdate    = July 13, 2012
|ictime    = 3:00 A.M.
|players  = [[Griggs]], [[Van]], [[MaryOld|Mary]]
|location  = Shady Grove
|prptp    = Crusade Series
|spheres  = Vampire: [[Sabbat]]
== Shady Grove - Smoke Jumpers - The Bar ==
== Shady Grove - Smoke Jumpers - The Bar ==
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This early in the evening Smoke Jumpers has only a few people in. Not being a bar that specializes in Happy Hour or Ladies' Night, it is mostly populated by middle aged, working class men that handle the dirty, dangerous jobs around the docks. The bartender is lazily making his round, pouring boiler makers almost exclusively. Markus is alone in his customary booth, reading a large, leatherbound book. One eye is on the book, the other eye is on the door.
This early in the evening Smoke Jumpers has only a few people in. Not being a bar that specializes in Happy Hour or Ladies' Night, it is mostly populated by middle aged, working class men that handle the dirty, dangerous jobs around the docks. The bartender is lazily making his round, pouring boiler makers almost exclusively. Markus is alone in his customary booth, reading a large, leatherbound book. One eye is on the book, the other eye is on the door.
A hunched creature enters the bar, its features hidden by a long-draped cloak. Not particularly subtle, but then, Griggs does not have a plethora of options available to him in terms of disguises. The Ravnos moves towards where Markus sits, having been pointed in his direction earlier tonight, presumably.
A hunched creature enters the bar, its features hidden by a long-draped cloak. Not particularly subtle, but then, [[Griggs]] does not have a plethora of options available to him in terms of disguises. The Ravnos moves towards where Markus sits, having been pointed in his direction earlier tonight, presumably.
Markus motions for the hunched figure to join him at the booth. Once Griggs has made his way to the table he pulls the curtain closed to give them some privacy. "LaVey told me he was sending another, I assume you are he?" the vampire asks as he slowly removes the glove on his right hand. The sigil of the Black Hand is shown, then the glove is replaced. "Tell me who you are, and what you can do to aid our efforts in the Crusade of Shady Grove."
Markus motions for the hunched figure to join him at the booth. Once Griggs has made his way to the table he pulls the curtain closed to give them some privacy. "LaVey told me he was sending another, I assume you are he?" the vampire asks as he slowly removes the glove on his right hand. The sigil of the Black Hand is shown, then the glove is replaced. "Tell me who you are, and what you can do to aid our efforts in the Crusade of Shady Grove."
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"How you accomplish this is up to you. As he is embraced, I expect he will come at night, as the daylight would likely render final death upon him," Markus explains with a ghost of a smile on his face. "Most likely, he will be arriving tonight a few hours before dawn. To complicate things, you must not kill him nor let him know that you are Sabbat. I cannot stress enough how important that is. Now, when you locate him, you are to exchange his missive with one of our own." Reaching down again where he had his iPad, the arab pulls out an elegant envelope sealed with wax in an intricate pattern. "This should be an exact replica, save that it has a different message in it."
"How you accomplish this is up to you. As he is embraced, I expect he will come at night, as the daylight would likely render final death upon him," Markus explains with a ghost of a smile on his face. "Most likely, he will be arriving tonight a few hours before dawn. To complicate things, you must not kill him nor let him know that you are Sabbat. I cannot stress enough how important that is. Now, when you locate him, you are to exchange his missive with one of our own." Reaching down again where he had his iPad, the arab pulls out an elegant envelope sealed with wax in an intricate pattern. "This should be an exact replica, save that it has a different message in it."
Van blows on in, dusty, dirty, and flaunting his suntan in an oil stained white wife beater. Goggles rest upon his forehead and his ever present olive drab backpack is clutched in his left hand, dangling, much like the guitar case was from his right. Plodding over to the table he stands a bit away, a respectful distance, with his eyes to the ground.
[[Van]] blows on in, dusty, dirty, and flaunting his suntan in an oil stained white wife beater. Goggles rest upon his forehead and his ever present olive drab backpack is clutched in his left hand, dangling, much like the guitar case was from his right. Plodding over to the table he stands a bit away, a respectful distance, with his eyes to the ground.
Griggs takes the envelope carefully, then reaches into his robe to retrieve a plastic baggie. Envelope safely sealed away, he asks Markus, "This Brujah--is he local to Shady Grove, or if not, do we know where he'll be coming from?" He shifts over as Van joins their conversation.
Griggs takes the envelope carefully, then reaches into his robe to retrieve a plastic baggie. Envelope safely sealed away, he asks Markus, "This Brujah--is he local to Shady Grove, or if not, do we know where he'll be coming from?" He shifts over as Van joins their conversation.
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Well that craziness sure as shit stops the sedan dead in its tracks. It is impossible to see inside of it due to the extremely dark tint even with the spotlights on it. Instead of opening the windows like the rest of the drivers did, this one simply sits there idling.
Well that craziness sure as shit stops the sedan dead in its tracks. It is impossible to see inside of it due to the extremely dark tint even with the spotlights on it. Instead of opening the windows like the rest of the drivers did, this one simply sits there idling.
Van the Man approaches slowly, with caution. "NARCOTICS CHECK! EXIT THE VEHICLE!" he yells, gun pointed. Trying to make sure that the occupants knew for sure what they wanted.. Or, what they wanted them to /think/ they wanted. "Officer Dumas! Secure the drivers side door!" this directed at Mary.
Mary checs the sedan as she approaches for anything unusual. Using her caine given gifts. "Right. Out of the sedan. Narcotics check." she says in a quiet voice thats almost not even there.
The three squadcars idle, their sirens switched off, but lights still going. Each still has its spotlight on the black sedan. Griggs works yet another illusion.
A K-9 unit emerges from the middle squad car, human and dog both very straightforward, standing by, waiting for Van to direct them where to search.
The driver slowly steps out of the car with his hands up in the air. The man is wearing a chauffer's uniform, and seems oddly calm for all the fuss he is causing. "Is there a problem officers?" he asks, mellow as can be. Perhaps he visited the pharmacy truck before he got pulled over.
"Check the drivers, get them away from the vehicle." Van orders to Mary like hes top fucking cop on the block and then moves to start searching it. "Checkpoint, sir, we will get you on the road once we confirm your load is clean."
Mary gives a primal smile "Yes sir...commander. she says as she starts to check the drivers. "Get the hell out of the veichle. Now!"
The driver follows Marion with that same bizarrely calm expression on his face. As Van works over the vehicle, he immediately discovers a man sitting on the back of the sedan. This one is wearing a business suit, but no jaunty cap is on his head. Blandly, he looks up, revealing the snake tattoo on his neck. "Can I help you officer?" he asks, not moving, nor releasing the briefcase in his left hand.
The gun is immediately aimed point blank at the man in the back of the sedans face. "Narcotics check.. Put down the brief case and join your buddy with officer Dumas while I search the car for drugs.. GET THAT K9 UNIT OVER HERE!" he bellows, trying his best to just ooze and radiate confidence and authority to fit the part.
Mary continues to check the driver, her face espressionless. "Im going to need to go do a strip search." she motions to the veichle. Nothing like sneaking a little blood while she's at it.
The K-9 unit pads over and follows Van's directions as to where to search. Griggs maintains active control of the illusion. Yet when he sees what Mary seems to suggest, he throws a small rock at her.
Mary gets hit with the rock and stay where she is. "Ok, fine, later." she grumbles.
The driver, hands remaining above his head, follows the Officer's commands and starts walking. The rock is unnoticed, and he stops, looking at her with a confused expression. In the back seat, the passenger stares deeply into Van's eyes for a moment, then barks a sharp curse and grabs at his right eye with his hand. When he looks up again there is the telltale red stain of a popped blood vessel. "Very well," he says and releases the briefcase as he gets out of the car. "Be careful, my papers are quite sensitive. Corporate espionage is a real problem you know." The man slowly walks over to officer Dumas and stands next to his driver.
The K-9 unit's human half takes the briefcase, or at least appears to. Griggs again uses the illusion as a cover for his own rummaging / switch-making. This time for real though. Then, he runs away, back to cover, leaving his illusion to 'return' the briefcase to Van.
Van the Man fondles the case and frowns deeply at it...As Griggs takes it he watches, wondering if he will figure it out or not.
Before griggs had taken the case from him, he had figured it out..and skulks over to him and gives a low grunt, whispering quietly to him. "its got a false bottom...Make sure they dont see you fuck with it."
The driver and passenger are both still standing calmly with Officer Dumas. "Everything ok back there?" the tattooed man calls over his shoulder. His foot starts to tap, slowly for now, but increasingly quickly as his patience begins to wear thin.
"hold tight, boys!" Van yells back at the men. "We're almost done...You look clean, just need to make sure you ain't hiding nothing in the paneling of the back!" he nods down, and it seems Griggs has shit figured out well enough.
Griggs fumbles with the blasted fucking case to unswitch the four-lock switching mechanism before making the ACTUAL switch, but then double-checks for even MORE switches, just on the OFF-CHANCE that there are FIVE hidden lock-switching switches that will prevent him from making the ACTUAL switch.
"Alright officer, just on a schedule, you understand," Tattoo calls over his shoulder. The foot tapping has reached a rapid pace and the calm exterior is rapidly being replaced with one of severe annoyance. Over with the two other 'officers' the case pops smoothly and quietly opening, revealing the twin to the message Markus gave them.
Van the Man steps back and lets Griggs do his job.
Griggs quickly makes the exchange, under the pretense of the officer checking the contents, before in actuality scurrying off into the dark once again. And damn is he starting to get hungry! What vitae is left is starting to throb in his ears. The officer closes and hands the case to Van. "It's clean," he declares flatly, then whistles to beckon the dog back to him. Then, he returns to the squadcar. All three kill their lights, and one by one reverse out of the street.
Mary watches quietly herself, letting the professionals work. Her hand starts to clench a bit. Its obvious. She doesnt know what shes doing.
Griggs, meanwhile, looks for something to eat, continuing to run down a sidestreet, looking for a huddled body sleeping on a stoop, or under an overhang, anything. He is quite desperate.
The driver of the car is starting to give Marion the stinkeye as he waits with his boss becoming ever more pissed off. Obviously, he is gonna be the one receiving misdirected anger over the stop. Unfortunately for Griggs, even the alleys here are semi-lit and the police make sure to keep the homeless away from this nice part of town. It looks like it is a choice between a lone woman walking to her car, a few frat boys drunk off their ass waiting for a cab, or a stray dog with its pups curled up next to a dumpster.
Van the Man slips around the sedan and pats the side "Sorry about the wait, boys." he says with a little shrug. "Get on, then...And don't you fuckin run another checkpoint in my county again, you got me?" with that he waves for Officer Dumass to leave them be and drive off to make the delivery.
And Griggs springs into action, wasting no time with how-do-you-do-sirs, just straight up tackle-choke-biting the sleeping or perhaps merely dazed wino! Or maybe he fails epically, we'll see.
Mary keeps an eye on the driver while Griggs does his thing.
Griggs clicks the damn radio thinger three quick times!
"I hope this was -completely- necessary," the now extremely agitated passenger harumphs as he turns around and puts his hands down. The man stalks off to the car while his driver scurries to his seat as quickly as possible, lest he anger the boss further. Tattoo makes sure to eyefuck Van hard before sitting back down in the sedan. The briefcase is immediately opened and eyed with suspicion. However, after a few moments he seems content and visibly relaxes. The doors slam shut and the dark sedan drives off.
Over in the park, the wino is way too wasted to even mutter in his sleep as his body is drained away. He tastes... so... so fucking bad. All the Mad Dog in his system overwhelms Griggs' taste buds and gives him a little buzzy high of his own.
Griggs doesn't take much, just enough to calm the Beast. He releases his clasped hand from the unfortunate wino's mouth, and with his blood, seals the wound on the man's neck, then stumbles off into the night without so much as a thank you or a kiss on the cheek. Is he drunk? He trips on the curb and faceplants audibly, rights himself, then continues on, away from the park, and also away from the Tower. He gives the radio three more short-clicks.
Van? Oh, he is gone already. SLipped off, changed clothes, having put a duffle bag in a near by ally and is blending into the city, grinning down at the bottle of Oxycotton he stole from that pharma-truck. Nom nom nom...Going to be a good night.
Griggs eventually gets the good idea of going to pick up his van, though he tosses Mary the keys.
Well, he tosses the air not-very-near to Mary the keys. He is drunk on Mad Dog, after all. "C'mon now, fuckerth,"
== Shady Grove - Smoke Jumpers - The Bar ==
When the crew arrives at Smoke Jumpers, Markus is in his place, doing his thing. The bar is more raucous now, as the early shift of longshoremen are taking in a breakfast of greasy eggs, beer, and bourbon. Cigars light the room even moreso then the lights overhead, and the smoke is commensurately thick. Apparently the smoking ban in public spaces is simply ignored here.
Van the Man slips on in, did he beat the others? Who knows. But he heads over to the table Markus is at and stands next to it, nodding his head to the man and saying softly.. Assuming no one else beat him to it. "The drop is done."
Griggs nearly falls out the side-door of the van when Mary pulls up to Smoke Jumpers, holds his hand out straight to open the door and walks straight inside, towards that booth of Markus'. He pauses at the table, looks at Markus, then the seat. He reaches into his robe to reveal the envelope. He sets it on the table in front of Markus, its seal unmolested. Griggs sways slightly, finding his footing.
Mary drives quietly the whole time to Smoke and jumpers. When she gets done parking the car, she nods "Mission accomplished." She says quietly.
"Excellent, that is what I like to hear." Markus does not look at them, instead taking the envelope. A knife suddenly appears in his hand and he slices through the wax seal with expert care. A few sheets of oldschool lambskin vellum are removed and he reads in silence for a minute or two. When he is done, he whistles, and the bartender comes over. "Take these and burn them all," he instructs the man before dismissing them. "Were there any complications? Did he suspect anything?"
Griggs shakes his head slowly. "Nothing beyond irritating copth looking for drugth."
Van the Man nods and keeps himself quiet. Cutting a glance over yo Mary and resisting the urge to ask not to be tasked with her anymore..
"Very good. There are coffins in back for the two of you," Markus tells them, waving towards the door in the far corner of the bar. "He can find somewhere to lay his head." The latter is directed at Van, and continues the Hand's custom of all but ignoring the ghoul. Clearly a dismissal, he then slides the curtain to conceal the booth.
== Schrecknet Chatter ==
Topic: Did you see that shit?!
Subtopics: Court | Politics | Primogens | Giovanni | Brujah | Elysium
Posted By: RatSuck42@home.cn.nda.ftp
Message Reads:
Holy shit, so I was at Elysium tonight, you know, trying to fuck a Toreador, and I saw the craziest shit! The fucking Giovanni Primogen, that stuck up bitch Larissa, spat right in the Brujah Primogen (Erikk, ya ignorant fucks) face! Dude looked so fucking shocked I thought he shit vitae down those two grand slacks he likes to wear!
Posted By: ShitSlick11@slickmother.gpa.utt.edu
Message Reads:
If thats all you got you missed the best part, numbnuts. Turns out, the Brujah iced some toy Larissa liked to fuck her cold cunny and then sent a letter telling the Giovanni to stick it where the sun don't shine. Two AB pos chicks says outright war in a week~
Posted By: sEwErLURK@lookdown.sur.prise.net
Message Reads:
Dude, you two know less then shit about shit. It was the iconnu and anyone with half a brain....
Error: Data Lost, please try again later

Latest revision as of 14:45, 18 May 2023

The Courier
A group of Sabbat must switch out a couriers message for a fake
IC Date July 13, 2012
IC Time 3:00 A.M.
Players Griggs, Van, Mary
Location Shady Grove
Prp/Tp Crusade Series
Spheres Vampire: Sabbat

Shady Grove - Smoke Jumpers - The Bar

This early in the evening Smoke Jumpers has only a few people in. Not being a bar that specializes in Happy Hour or Ladies' Night, it is mostly populated by middle aged, working class men that handle the dirty, dangerous jobs around the docks. The bartender is lazily making his round, pouring boiler makers almost exclusively. Markus is alone in his customary booth, reading a large, leatherbound book. One eye is on the book, the other eye is on the door.

A hunched creature enters the bar, its features hidden by a long-draped cloak. Not particularly subtle, but then, Griggs does not have a plethora of options available to him in terms of disguises. The Ravnos moves towards where Markus sits, having been pointed in his direction earlier tonight, presumably.

Markus motions for the hunched figure to join him at the booth. Once Griggs has made his way to the table he pulls the curtain closed to give them some privacy. "LaVey told me he was sending another, I assume you are he?" the vampire asks as he slowly removes the glove on his right hand. The sigil of the Black Hand is shown, then the glove is replaced. "Tell me who you are, and what you can do to aid our efforts in the Crusade of Shady Grove."

Griggs takes the offered seat, pulling back the cowl of his cloak. "My name is Griggs, of the Ravnos Anti-clan. I am Proven to the Sect, and recently participated in a mass embrace and assualt against a bookstore the Camarilla were using as a front. I like to be in the thick of the action, though my proficiency is mainly diversions."

Mary comes on in, after a while. She moves to Markus and Grigg's table, bowing. "I see you have met another of us?" she asks quietly.

"Excellent. Our strength is not only in our resolve, but also our diversity of blood," Markus tells him in his thick arab accent. The creature taps his fingers on his table and nods at Marion. "Indeed I have, and I may have something for you to do." Reaching down beside him, he pulls out an iPad, flicks it on, and begins to manipulate its screen. "Did you have something in mind you would like to do, or did you want me to assign you something?"

Griggs nods, reaching out to look at the iPad. "By all means. What did you have in mind?"

Mary nods "I would be honored." the fiend says. "I am fine with observation. Though if there is something you need of me, I will fulfil it as well."

The iPad has on it a building layout and some background information on the Grove Towers complex downtown. "The brujah are sending a courier to deliver a message to the Giovanni Primogen. That particularly disturbed Kindred operates out of a suite of offices on the top floor of tower one in the complex," Markus explains as data scrolls across the screen in front of Griggs and Mary. "It is a letter suing for peace and disavowing any knowledge of the attack on the primogens favored Ghoul. They do not trust this letter to normal channels, and they are using a newly embraced Brujah to do the job. I do not have any reliable information on him, therefore you will have to identify him on your own."

Griggs thinks on this for a time, nodding his head slowly. "We should set up a watch outside the building. I'll rig a hidden camera best as I can out front to cover daytime. Night time, we should come up with a good cover to hang out and case the place."

"How you accomplish this is up to you. As he is embraced, I expect he will come at night, as the daylight would likely render final death upon him," Markus explains with a ghost of a smile on his face. "Most likely, he will be arriving tonight a few hours before dawn. To complicate things, you must not kill him nor let him know that you are Sabbat. I cannot stress enough how important that is. Now, when you locate him, you are to exchange his missive with one of our own." Reaching down again where he had his iPad, the arab pulls out an elegant envelope sealed with wax in an intricate pattern. "This should be an exact replica, save that it has a different message in it."

Van blows on in, dusty, dirty, and flaunting his suntan in an oil stained white wife beater. Goggles rest upon his forehead and his ever present olive drab backpack is clutched in his left hand, dangling, much like the guitar case was from his right. Plodding over to the table he stands a bit away, a respectful distance, with his eyes to the ground.

Griggs takes the envelope carefully, then reaches into his robe to retrieve a plastic baggie. Envelope safely sealed away, he asks Markus, "This Brujah--is he local to Shady Grove, or if not, do we know where he'll be coming from?" He shifts over as Van joins their conversation.

"The prevailing theory is he will be coming directly from the Brujah haven. Unfortunately, as with most of the Havens, it has not yet been identified. Our people believe he will be there, again this is not confirmed, between 3 AM and 5 AM when the tower is open but almost empty. In an effort to remain inconspicuous he may disguise himself as an actual courier, work with a delivery crew or driver service, or have some other type of cover. However, the Brujah are not known for being terribly subtle, so that may not apply at all. Any other questions?" Markus looks expectantly between the trio.

Mary nods "Right. As you were." She looks at Griggs. "This is your show tonight." she says. "We'll be at a disatdantage that close this sunrise. Perhaps we shoudl take some of our eyes with us."

Van the Man keeps quiet for most of it, furrowing his brows, and then glancing up. "do you have any details on the security of the building itself?" he poses softly.

Griggs nods to Van in agreement. "We'll have to make the exchange before we're in the building, or anywhere close enough to be on their cameras. Fucking Giovanni probably bugged every floor."

Mary offers "I can seap into the walls, in ways they cannot see me." she says. "And perhaps take out the cameras?" Van the Man hmms softly. "Security being...mysteriously destroyed, might spark some red flags.."

"I'm thinking we need to intercept the courier en route. I could invoke a police checkpoint, but we'd have to figure out their route," Griggs thinks aloud. "Maybe you could create some... conveniently timed and placed roadblocks, so that they'll only have one way to the building?"

"The details are all on the iPad. The main lobby has a half-dozen security guards manning desks and metal detectors. There will be four more rent-a-cops on the loading dock, signing off on shipments. Once inside the building proper, there will be very little security. Only a few guards making regular rounds of all sixty floors." Markus gives a nod to both Van and Marion. "Something that looked like a temporary outage would be fine, destruction would not. As Griggs pointed out, the Giovanni are paranoid, but they feel safe in their towers. Electronic surveillance will be no more then a standard building of its type will have, and likely no one in the know watching live feeds."

Van the Man crosses his arms and nods. "well, times is wasting...We need to find out what they are driving and cut that shit off. We don't need to fuck around with that tower unless we /have/ to. Griggs is right.." he says, blinking rapidly and then biting his bottom lip slightly. "At least, in this ones humble opinion."

"I leave it to your discretion as to how to proceed," Markus says with a bow of his head. "Boots on the ground always make the call in the Hand, and I will not second guess your decisions."

Mary pauses. "Sounds lke we need to get to their generators." she says. "Time's a wastng, like Van said. Let's get this show on the road."

Griggs nods to Mary, then says to Markus, "We will make the switch without the Giovanni or the Brujah catching wise. The Brujah will think it just an impediment, if we execute this properly."

Van the Man tightens his grip on his gear, and looks to griggs as if he expected the man to give him further instruction. He was, after all, just a ghoul...and he sure as hell wasn't about to look to /Mary/ for direction.

"Excellent," Markus says, stroking his goatee. "When you have completed your assignment, come to me for a debriefing. I will see you later this evening." With that, the arab pulls the curtain open and gestures for the other Cainites to leave him. Once they are out, he returns to his book.

Mary grumbles to herself. "Right. Let's get this over with." she says softly. SOmething about this situation seems to disturb her. Or is she always disturbed?

Griggs proceeds with Mary and Van. "We know where the building ith, and we have a map of the thtreetth in and out." He pulls out the iPad and taps the screen to bring up the diagram of the building again. He squeezes the image, zooming out. "No matter which way they're coming from, they need to end up here," he points to Grove Tower. He continues zooming out to show the surrounding streets, oriented around the cardinal directions."

Van the Man looks over Griggs shoulder, hming softly. "Then yeah...Road blocks. Slap some DEA logos on some Vans...Call it a narcotics check point." he offers in suggestion.

Mary nods "That's not a bad plan, Van." she says. "I second it."

Griggs nods to Mary. "I have an old Van. I can dithguithe it well enough. But I'll need thomeone to play the cop." He turns to Van.

Van the Man furrows his brows and pulls on a face like he might be constipated. "Sir, i'm going to need you to step out of the vehicle." he says, hurrumping slightly. "Mary...Can your fancy flesh bullshit give me a stash?" he says, wiggling his nose and upper lip slightly.

Mary Smiles. "But of course." she says. "Where would you like it?" she eyes Van's abdomen, thoughtfully.

Griggs nods again to Mary. "A 'thathce would be motht appropriate," he adds, pointing to Van's nose with a gnarled finger. "At leatht one here. The retht are dithcrethionary."

Van the Man just stares at Mary like she might be retarded. "mustache. Hair. upper lip." he glances over to Griggs then and nods, biting his bottom lip again as he holds back a spurt of laughter. The fuck did he just say?

Mary frowns "Ahh not a stash to hide things. A mustache. I can do that." she says. "Come here. Lemme stache you." she says.

Griggs continues walking with Mary and Van until they are somewhere away from prying eyes and ears. "Mary, can you cover the three roadblockth? Then, when we have them at one, I'll make thure Van'th backup lookth convinthing."

Mary nods "I can." she says. "I've got your back, brothers." yes. She called the ghoul a brother. Weird.

Van the Man nods. "Well, how will we know when we have the right vehicle stopped? I...Well, i can scan them.. They're cammies full out? Not ghouls...? I can see the lack of aura on them.." he says all this as if he doesn't quite want to admit to having the skill.

Griggs tilts his head slightly as he considers the gravity of Van's statement. "Well fuck me. That'th good. I figure we thet up the thtopth," he pauses, realizing that was barely even discenable to himself. "roadblockth, at ten minuteth to three. Thouldn't be too much traffic then."

Shady Grove - Downtown - Outside Grove Towers

Even in the dead of night downtown is alive with activity. Light foot traffic is accompanied by the occasional bicycle messenger. Most of the vehicle traffic consists of vans and light trucks servicing the commercial community. The streets are well lit by sodium lighting throwing off that vaguely disturbing orange glow. People move quickly, and with purpose here. Not out of fear for their safety, even though this would be the time for it, but Shady Grove is known as an extremely safe city. The three streets leading into the tower complex are mostly devoid of traffic, except for the occasional truck making its way to the loading dock.

Griggs grabs his van from the Argent, and makes an emergency stop to an old tow-yard. It's been converted to store the temporary concrete blocks that are used to restrict traffic around construction sites and such. With Mary and Van along, he opens up the back door and starts loading blocks. Once the task is done, they distribute the blocks at the three points, each of them taking up a position at one of them. Griggs provides them each with a simple two-way radio. "Three thhort clickth for a nobody," he demonstrates with the 'talk' button. "One long click for target. Three long clickth for real copth."

Mary nods "Confirmed." she says. "Should be easy enough." note to self: Get paramilitary training.

Van the Man loads as much as he can. Maybe all of it, being the only ghoul...Physical labor was sort of what he was made for, no? hming softly. "Right, you guys keep a close eye...I'm going to scan everyone who comes through my end of it." once all the briefing is done, is sets up shop..He even got himself some proper "im a narc" clothes. The stash? Really pulls it together...

The fauxlice do not have long to wait before their first customer arrives. A large white van marked with advertisements for a food delivery company comes up to the roadblock and stops. The driver rolls the window down and a middle-eastern man sticks his head out the window. "What are you doing!" he grumbles in a barely understandable accent, "I have deliveries to make! Food go bad! You not know this?!"

Mary is in proper narc attire herself. "I'm sorry. DEA." she syas showing fake credentials. "Random check. This won't take long." and yes. She does her best to hold up the driver.

The driver's aura is one of someone extremely annoyed to be held up, but is otherwise perfectly normal. Stepping out of his vehicle, the driver makes his way to the back and throws open the door. "See! I have fish, veg, steak! You want steak? I give you steak, you let me go. Ok? Ok." The man grabs a few packs of cube steaks, the cheap bastard, and thrusts them at Mary.

Griggs stays low and off to the side. At the signal received from Mary, he dashes from his roadblock to hers, and once within sight of it, begins to render a proper illusion, just in time for the van to roll up to it. Two cop cars, with lights rotating.

Van the Man keeps posted, chewing gum, thumbs hooked into his belt loops. Looks like a real fucking asshole...Showing his holstered gun as if to make up for the fact he was a wee little man. Oh yeah. total cop shit.

In the mean time, a large white van for a pharmeceutical company rolls up to a stop at Van's location. The driver sticks his head out the window and looks curiously at the moustachioed man. "There a problem officer?" he calls over to him.

Over at Marion's station, the man walks a few feet away from the truck while grumbling and still clutching his stakes. With body language screaming pissed off, he stands there as his truck gets warmer and waits for his load to spoil.

Van the Man comes comes slooowly and lazily ambling on up. "Sir, I'm asking the questions. Pop the back of the van...What are yall hauling today?" he inquires, perking his left eyebrow slowly as he gives the occupants a good long stare.

"Got a full resupply for the RiteAid in tower three," the delivery man says and waves his hand towards the tower complex. "Watch out back there, needles and some shit has to be kept cold. Lots of fragile glass to boot." This one seems cheerful enough as he pops the lock on the back doors and waits for the inspection.

Mary nods She looks up from the truck. "Clear!" she calls. to her radio, as she waves the guy on.

Van the Man hops into the back of the van and says. "I'm going to need yall to step away from the vehicle while I search it. Safety protocol." he then proceeds to search everything carefully. Pocketing some painkillers as he does...And then goes over to the drivers. "Ok, looks clear. Just need to do a pat down." and then attempts to search the occupants pockets and whatnot.

Both of the drivers close their vehicles up and get back into the drivers seat. Produce man puts the pedal to the metal and burns rubber in Mary's face. The pharmeceutical driver is almost... pharmeceutically calm as he heads out at a laxadaisical pace. Nothing happens for the next ten minutes, until a bicycle messenger rolls up on Van, hits the curb, and ignores the roadblock as he heads for the towers.

Van the Man is quick to pull out his gun and let the bike-boy know by yelling. "WEAPONS HOT! FREEZE!" and then clicks on his radio. "BACKUP NEEDED AT CHECKPOINT ALPHA! FREEZE, FUCKASS, ON THE GROUND!!" as he runs after the biker.

The biker looks up in terror and manages to slam his bike into a telephone poke. Bike and rider both hit the assphalt hard and his messenger bag goes flying across the pavement. Raising both hands the kid, certainly no older then 16, is clearly scared shitless. "Don... don't shoot mister!" he pleads, hands still up, "Look I was just doing as I was told! I didn't have any choice!"

One of the two patrol cars spins up its siren as the bike approaches. Griggs, having no means of appearing to be anything other than a monster, stays out of sight as he manipulates the illusion. When the biker hits the ground, he moves quickly to the bag, conjuring yet another illusion as he does so. A straight-laced police officer stepping out of the squad car, bending down, and picking up the bag to rifle through it while Van attends to the rider. Meanwhile, Griggs makes the switch and ducks back out of sight.

Mary curses and runs to the checkpoint, faster then most men should be able to move. "Right! Problem!" she tries to make it there in time to assist.

Van the Man rushes the kid, gun still aimed at him. "WHERE ARE THE DRUGS?!?!" Van screams like a fucking madman. a sadistic, homicidal gleam in his eyes. "Empty the bag! EMPTY THE FUCKING BAG!" but then griggs illusion is doing it, and Van just keeps the gun pointed. Making a big fuss, trying to make sure the kid is paying attention to HIM and not the bag, if a switch needs to be made.

"It's only weed man! They said it would be ok, all the guys on the nightshift gotta get stoned to get through the night!" the kid squeals as tears start to run freely down his face. As if things could get any worse a large, dark stain appears in the crotch of his pants and begins traveling down his right leg. The sniveling kid starts babbling about his mother and is on the verge of completely losing it.

And a wrinkle. With everyone away, a black sedan is cruising up to Mary's roadblock, and does not appear to be slowing down for it either.

Griggs does not make the switch. he three-short-clicks his radio instead.

Van the Man snatches Mary by the shoulder and shoves her in the direction of the van. "Stop it! Throw yourself in front of it, do something!" he yells as he aims his gun and runs for it himself.."PULL OVER!" he yells. "DEA, STOP THE VAN!"

Mary runs at the sedan. Yep. Right at it hands extended. "I dare you. Hit me mother..." oh yeah.

Three squadcars tear around the corner and cut-off the black sedan, sirens blaring. Three spotlights shine on the approaching car and a voice comes through the intercomm. "STOP THE CAR OR WE WILL OPEN FIRE!" Griggs takes cover behind a dumpster and orchestrates the chicanery.

Well that craziness sure as shit stops the sedan dead in its tracks. It is impossible to see inside of it due to the extremely dark tint even with the spotlights on it. Instead of opening the windows like the rest of the drivers did, this one simply sits there idling.

Van the Man approaches slowly, with caution. "NARCOTICS CHECK! EXIT THE VEHICLE!" he yells, gun pointed. Trying to make sure that the occupants knew for sure what they wanted.. Or, what they wanted them to /think/ they wanted. "Officer Dumas! Secure the drivers side door!" this directed at Mary.

Mary checs the sedan as she approaches for anything unusual. Using her caine given gifts. "Right. Out of the sedan. Narcotics check." she says in a quiet voice thats almost not even there.

The three squadcars idle, their sirens switched off, but lights still going. Each still has its spotlight on the black sedan. Griggs works yet another illusion.

A K-9 unit emerges from the middle squad car, human and dog both very straightforward, standing by, waiting for Van to direct them where to search.

The driver slowly steps out of the car with his hands up in the air. The man is wearing a chauffer's uniform, and seems oddly calm for all the fuss he is causing. "Is there a problem officers?" he asks, mellow as can be. Perhaps he visited the pharmacy truck before he got pulled over.

"Check the drivers, get them away from the vehicle." Van orders to Mary like hes top fucking cop on the block and then moves to start searching it. "Checkpoint, sir, we will get you on the road once we confirm your load is clean."

Mary gives a primal smile "Yes sir...commander. she says as she starts to check the drivers. "Get the hell out of the veichle. Now!"

The driver follows Marion with that same bizarrely calm expression on his face. As Van works over the vehicle, he immediately discovers a man sitting on the back of the sedan. This one is wearing a business suit, but no jaunty cap is on his head. Blandly, he looks up, revealing the snake tattoo on his neck. "Can I help you officer?" he asks, not moving, nor releasing the briefcase in his left hand.

The gun is immediately aimed point blank at the man in the back of the sedans face. "Narcotics check.. Put down the brief case and join your buddy with officer Dumas while I search the car for drugs.. GET THAT K9 UNIT OVER HERE!" he bellows, trying his best to just ooze and radiate confidence and authority to fit the part.

Mary continues to check the driver, her face espressionless. "Im going to need to go do a strip search." she motions to the veichle. Nothing like sneaking a little blood while she's at it.

The K-9 unit pads over and follows Van's directions as to where to search. Griggs maintains active control of the illusion. Yet when he sees what Mary seems to suggest, he throws a small rock at her.

Mary gets hit with the rock and stay where she is. "Ok, fine, later." she grumbles.

The driver, hands remaining above his head, follows the Officer's commands and starts walking. The rock is unnoticed, and he stops, looking at her with a confused expression. In the back seat, the passenger stares deeply into Van's eyes for a moment, then barks a sharp curse and grabs at his right eye with his hand. When he looks up again there is the telltale red stain of a popped blood vessel. "Very well," he says and releases the briefcase as he gets out of the car. "Be careful, my papers are quite sensitive. Corporate espionage is a real problem you know." The man slowly walks over to officer Dumas and stands next to his driver.

The K-9 unit's human half takes the briefcase, or at least appears to. Griggs again uses the illusion as a cover for his own rummaging / switch-making. This time for real though. Then, he runs away, back to cover, leaving his illusion to 'return' the briefcase to Van.

Van the Man fondles the case and frowns deeply at it...As Griggs takes it he watches, wondering if he will figure it out or not.

Before griggs had taken the case from him, he had figured it out..and skulks over to him and gives a low grunt, whispering quietly to him. "its got a false bottom...Make sure they dont see you fuck with it."

The driver and passenger are both still standing calmly with Officer Dumas. "Everything ok back there?" the tattooed man calls over his shoulder. His foot starts to tap, slowly for now, but increasingly quickly as his patience begins to wear thin.

"hold tight, boys!" Van yells back at the men. "We're almost done...You look clean, just need to make sure you ain't hiding nothing in the paneling of the back!" he nods down, and it seems Griggs has shit figured out well enough.

Griggs fumbles with the blasted fucking case to unswitch the four-lock switching mechanism before making the ACTUAL switch, but then double-checks for even MORE switches, just on the OFF-CHANCE that there are FIVE hidden lock-switching switches that will prevent him from making the ACTUAL switch.

"Alright officer, just on a schedule, you understand," Tattoo calls over his shoulder. The foot tapping has reached a rapid pace and the calm exterior is rapidly being replaced with one of severe annoyance. Over with the two other 'officers' the case pops smoothly and quietly opening, revealing the twin to the message Markus gave them.

Van the Man steps back and lets Griggs do his job.

Griggs quickly makes the exchange, under the pretense of the officer checking the contents, before in actuality scurrying off into the dark once again. And damn is he starting to get hungry! What vitae is left is starting to throb in his ears. The officer closes and hands the case to Van. "It's clean," he declares flatly, then whistles to beckon the dog back to him. Then, he returns to the squadcar. All three kill their lights, and one by one reverse out of the street.

Mary watches quietly herself, letting the professionals work. Her hand starts to clench a bit. Its obvious. She doesnt know what shes doing.

Griggs, meanwhile, looks for something to eat, continuing to run down a sidestreet, looking for a huddled body sleeping on a stoop, or under an overhang, anything. He is quite desperate.

The driver of the car is starting to give Marion the stinkeye as he waits with his boss becoming ever more pissed off. Obviously, he is gonna be the one receiving misdirected anger over the stop. Unfortunately for Griggs, even the alleys here are semi-lit and the police make sure to keep the homeless away from this nice part of town. It looks like it is a choice between a lone woman walking to her car, a few frat boys drunk off their ass waiting for a cab, or a stray dog with its pups curled up next to a dumpster.

Van the Man slips around the sedan and pats the side "Sorry about the wait, boys." he says with a little shrug. "Get on, then...And don't you fuckin run another checkpoint in my county again, you got me?" with that he waves for Officer Dumass to leave them be and drive off to make the delivery.

And Griggs springs into action, wasting no time with how-do-you-do-sirs, just straight up tackle-choke-biting the sleeping or perhaps merely dazed wino! Or maybe he fails epically, we'll see.

Mary keeps an eye on the driver while Griggs does his thing.

Griggs clicks the damn radio thinger three quick times!

"I hope this was -completely- necessary," the now extremely agitated passenger harumphs as he turns around and puts his hands down. The man stalks off to the car while his driver scurries to his seat as quickly as possible, lest he anger the boss further. Tattoo makes sure to eyefuck Van hard before sitting back down in the sedan. The briefcase is immediately opened and eyed with suspicion. However, after a few moments he seems content and visibly relaxes. The doors slam shut and the dark sedan drives off.

Over in the park, the wino is way too wasted to even mutter in his sleep as his body is drained away. He tastes... so... so fucking bad. All the Mad Dog in his system overwhelms Griggs' taste buds and gives him a little buzzy high of his own.

Griggs doesn't take much, just enough to calm the Beast. He releases his clasped hand from the unfortunate wino's mouth, and with his blood, seals the wound on the man's neck, then stumbles off into the night without so much as a thank you or a kiss on the cheek. Is he drunk? He trips on the curb and faceplants audibly, rights himself, then continues on, away from the park, and also away from the Tower. He gives the radio three more short-clicks.

Van? Oh, he is gone already. SLipped off, changed clothes, having put a duffle bag in a near by ally and is blending into the city, grinning down at the bottle of Oxycotton he stole from that pharma-truck. Nom nom nom...Going to be a good night.

Griggs eventually gets the good idea of going to pick up his van, though he tosses Mary the keys.

Well, he tosses the air not-very-near to Mary the keys. He is drunk on Mad Dog, after all. "C'mon now, fuckerth,"

Shady Grove - Smoke Jumpers - The Bar

When the crew arrives at Smoke Jumpers, Markus is in his place, doing his thing. The bar is more raucous now, as the early shift of longshoremen are taking in a breakfast of greasy eggs, beer, and bourbon. Cigars light the room even moreso then the lights overhead, and the smoke is commensurately thick. Apparently the smoking ban in public spaces is simply ignored here.

Van the Man slips on in, did he beat the others? Who knows. But he heads over to the table Markus is at and stands next to it, nodding his head to the man and saying softly.. Assuming no one else beat him to it. "The drop is done."

Griggs nearly falls out the side-door of the van when Mary pulls up to Smoke Jumpers, holds his hand out straight to open the door and walks straight inside, towards that booth of Markus'. He pauses at the table, looks at Markus, then the seat. He reaches into his robe to reveal the envelope. He sets it on the table in front of Markus, its seal unmolested. Griggs sways slightly, finding his footing.

Mary drives quietly the whole time to Smoke and jumpers. When she gets done parking the car, she nods "Mission accomplished." She says quietly.

"Excellent, that is what I like to hear." Markus does not look at them, instead taking the envelope. A knife suddenly appears in his hand and he slices through the wax seal with expert care. A few sheets of oldschool lambskin vellum are removed and he reads in silence for a minute or two. When he is done, he whistles, and the bartender comes over. "Take these and burn them all," he instructs the man before dismissing them. "Were there any complications? Did he suspect anything?"

Griggs shakes his head slowly. "Nothing beyond irritating copth looking for drugth."

Van the Man nods and keeps himself quiet. Cutting a glance over yo Mary and resisting the urge to ask not to be tasked with her anymore..

"Very good. There are coffins in back for the two of you," Markus tells them, waving towards the door in the far corner of the bar. "He can find somewhere to lay his head." The latter is directed at Van, and continues the Hand's custom of all but ignoring the ghoul. Clearly a dismissal, he then slides the curtain to conceal the booth.

Schrecknet Chatter

2wQz44DF.schreck.net/SGForum Topic: Did you see that shit?! Subtopics: Court | Politics | Primogens | Giovanni | Brujah | Elysium Posted By: RatSuck42@home.cn.nda.ftp

Message Reads: Holy shit, so I was at Elysium tonight, you know, trying to fuck a Toreador, and I saw the craziest shit! The fucking Giovanni Primogen, that stuck up bitch Larissa, spat right in the Brujah Primogen (Erikk, ya ignorant fucks) face! Dude looked so fucking shocked I thought he shit vitae down those two grand slacks he likes to wear!

Reponse1 Posted By: ShitSlick11@slickmother.gpa.utt.edu Message Reads:

If thats all you got you missed the best part, numbnuts. Turns out, the Brujah iced some toy Larissa liked to fuck her cold cunny and then sent a letter telling the Giovanni to stick it where the sun don't shine. Two AB pos chicks says outright war in a week~

Response2 Posted By: sEwErLURK@lookdown.sur.prise.net Message Reads:

Dude, you two know less then shit about shit. It was the iconnu and anyone with half a brain....

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