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== In ring Segment: Gucci Gals ==
== In ring Segment: Gucci Gals ==
Coming Soon!<br>
"Gucci Gang" by Lil' Pump starts to play, meaning only that the newly crowned Tag Team Champions the Gucci Gals are coming! Out steps Ms. Gucci through the gorilla curtain, with Prada Paula off to her left. Gucci has her title belt slung over her right shoulder while Paula wears hers around her waist.<br>
North: Well, that music can only mean one thing. Ms. Gucci and Prada Paula are coming out. Ever since they stole one from No Fly Zone they've been letting everyone know they're the new Tag Team Champs and I'm sure that's what they're going to do tonight.<br>
Ms. Gucci shows her 4 finger ring that reads GUCCI to a fan and then turns her hand around and lunges it forward as if to pie face him, wearing a look of disgust while Paula flicks her hair behind her shoulder sarcastically at a fan that jeers at her.<br>
When the two get to ringside, they hop up onto the apron. Gucci stands up on the apron and holds her title up in the air, while Paula sits on the apron and pats the title around her waist. The two smile before Gucci steps through the ropes and Paula rolls underneath the bottom one.<br>
Paula stands in the center of the ring, unhooking her title and holding it up while the fans boo loudly and Gucci moves to the other side of the ring and asks for two microphones from the stagehands. Gucci joins Paula and gives her a microphone.<br>
Gucci: First of all, I gotta say.<br>
The fans boo louder and Gucci cuts herself off. She looks surprised all of a sudden, staring out at the fans and wearing an expression as if to say 'Really?'<br>
Gucci: Uhh, excuse me? I have the microphone. This is -my- time!<br>
She points at herself<br>
Gucci: And you have all paid to see me, so quiet down! Damn, no manners!<br>
Prada: What did you expect? They're all from the backwoods. Terri Thompson's hometown, after all.<br>
The two giggle now, which only gets them more boos.<br>
Gucci: ANYWAY, as I was going to say..... Wasn't it funny just now seeing Jack E. Bux finally get what's coming to him?<br>
Prada: Haha! Yeah! He was all like.... Ooooo! Oooooo!<br>
Prada starts to grab at her ankle as she does her best Jack E. Bux feeling pain impersonation.<br>
Gucci: HAHAHAHA! That felt SO good to see! You know what else feels good?<br>
Gucci and Prada raise their titles now high above their heads.<br>
Gucci: Yeeeeah! That's right! It feels good. It feels good to finally show each and every one of you what we've been saying ALL ALONG! It feels good to FINALLY get what you've got coming to you. We showed the second rate Gucci Gals in Spice and Ice, we showed those two weirdos that think they're Fly Girls from In Living Color, we showed them ALL that we're the most dominant tag team in LONE!<br>
Prada: That's right! Not only did we punk those two teams, but if you look at it, we're the cause of a few of them splitting, aren't we?<br>
Gucci: Hey, you know what? You're right! Because, I mean, think about it. Wait... if these imbeciles tried to think, it would hurt.<br>
The two take a moment to laugh.<br>
Gucci: But aaanyway! If you think about it, there's not many teams left anymore that we haven't decimated, is there? I was the spark that lit the fuse to cause Terri and Alison to split up. I mean, it's great to see Alison finally grew a brain and left the Gutter Slut anyway!<br>
Prada: That was funny, too, seeing her eyes wide when Alison clobbered her after she won the title.<br>
Gucci: And that weirdo Vixen finally grew a brain too and left that other weirdo... what's her name... The Perfect Shot?<br>
Prada: The only thing perfect about her is how perfectly annoying she is! I mean, she's got it down to a SCIENCE!<br>
Gucci: I mean, who else is there? I'm sure No Try Zone will come whining back that they deserve their shot, and that they didn't get pinned to lose the belts.<br>
Prada: Yaaaaaaaawn! You know what you signed up for, Ladies. You don't need to be pinned to lose them.<br>
Gucci: Aww, too bad for you! So we just thought we would come out here and remind each and every one of you brain dead morons, because we know you'd forget, you people have the memory of a goldfish, that WE are your LONE Tag Team Champions and we are here to stay! Who out there can really dethrone us now? The Juggalettes? Those clown painted---<br>
The lights suddenly go out. Fans start to pull out their camera phones to try and pierce the darkness.<br>
The titantron lights up to a blood red background, with the forms of Sister Catherine and Stitches on the screen. This causes the fans to roar with cheers. It has been a long time since they've seen the, some would call strange, team of The Damned.<br>
Sister Catherine has the hood of her nun habit pulled down and her eyes down on the Holy Bible which she has open in her hands.<br>
Stitches has her head lowered, blonde locks concealing her face. Clutched to her bosom is the doll in Sister Catherine's likeness. She strokes its hair lovingly as Sister Catherine begins to speak.<br>
Sister Catherine: The Lord Almighty planned it, to bring down her pride in all her splendor and to humble all who are renowned on earth. Isaiah 23:9.<br>
Sister Catherine then slams the book closed. This causes Stitches to snap her head upwards. Stitches still has those mock stitches on the corners of her mouth done up with face paint, along with the long one going from the top of her right eye, across the bridge of her nose and towards the other side of her jaw. Stitches smiles in a sinister manner while she continues to stroke the doll.<br>
Sister Catherine: So much pride. So much pride in the souls of the two of you. Lost... Lost in a world of glamour and materialism. The Lord has given you a gift and what do you do? You flaunt it in the face of the people instead of thanking him and praising his name! Disgusting!<br>
Stitches: You have forgotten about us...<br>
Sister Catherine: You have. And we have been waiting. We have been waiting for a sign. A sign from God. Tonight... Tonight you have given us that sign. God and his infinite wisdom is showing us that you must be humbled. GOD has given us that sign, and that is how we read it.<br>
Stitches: God is good...<br>
Sister Catherine: When the time is right, we will strike in his name. The Good Lord will always show us the way.<br>
A spotlight shines now on the Gucci Gals in the center of the ring as the camera cuts to them.<br>
Gucci: Oh yeah? Why can't that time be right now, huh?<br>
Prada: They probably have bible study after this.<br>
The Gucci Gals giggle some more.<br>
Sister Catherine: Oh how foolish. To laugh and mock him.<br>
Stitches: God is perfect...<br>
Gucci: Okay, Paula. I guess we know who is left now, huh? First we took out Lice & Mice and Go Die Zone, and now LONE's version of the Addams Family in the Dumbed.<br>
Sister Catherine: So quick to sling barbs with pop culture references, but what will that tongue do when it is faced with the judgment of the Almighty? Will it recite more quotes and characters from your irreverent works of fiction?<br>
Gucci: Works of fiction? You mean like that book you've got in your hands?<br>
Sister Catherine stares coldly at them now.<br>
Prada: Ooo! Struck a nerve?<br>
Sister Catherine: You will realize your mistake. Lord willing, you will realize what you have done. We are tools of the Lord, and we will make you recognize his glory.<br>
Stitches: We are retribution.<br>
Sister Catherine: We are almighty.<br>
The Damned: We are Damned.<br>
Stitches: And we will make you lay down for the Lord.<br>
Sister Catherine: We will make you tap out to GOD!<br>
The two start to laugh, and Sister Catherine bares her fangs before spraying a blood red mist into the camera before the titantron fades out.<br>
The Gucci Gals just stare as if they're unimpressed before leaving the ring and the lights slowly turn back on.<br>
== Backstage Segment: Anne "Flying" Grayson ==
== Backstage Segment: Anne "Flying" Grayson ==
Coming Soon!<br>
Coming Soon!<br>

Revision as of 06:53, 27 June 2020



Unlike the last show, there is no promo reel going on at the beginning. The pyro however does shoot off in the purple and pink hue of LONE. *Boom! Ba-boom! Brrooooom boom boom booom!*

North: Welcome everyone to Supremacy: LONE 18 - Holiday Hell 2! I'm Kevin North and as you can see... I am alone at the table tonight.

He takes a very serious tone now.

North: Tonight, something happened that our cameras caught in the back earlier and we're going to show you in a moment. Because of this, DIC will not be joining me tonight and there's no word yet on when he will return. While I do not agree with what happened, I can understand why it did. Let's roll the footage.

We cut to footage now of Terri Thompson in the backstage area, locking DIC in a dragon sleeper. DIC is immediately tapping on Terri's arm, but Terri doesn't relent.


DIC screams for help, but it is muffled by Terri's arm.


DIC has been tapping on her arm this whole time. Finally, Terri lets go and starts to shoulder past Steven O'Reiley, who has just come into the scene.

Steven: Get out of here! You've done enough! Somebody, get him some help!

Steven screams, waving for officials as DIC clutches his throat and coughs loudly.

We cut back to North.

North: Get well soon, DIC. Now let's start off tonight with some action! We've got Vixen taking on The Perfect Shot.

Vixen vs. "The Perfect Shot" Penelope Silven

"I Can't Decide" by the Scissor Sisters hits over the public address sound system as the fans give Vixen a solid round of boos.

Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring, hailing from Hanging Hills, Maine — she is — VIXXXEEENNNN!

Vixen nonchalantly walks to the ring trying to ignore the fans as she rolls in and leans back into the corner, kind of half slumping into it as she waits for her opponent.

Sabaton's "White Death" soon starts and out from the curtain emerges "The Perfect Shot" Penelope Silven. She makes gun motions with both hands and points them towards the ring. Bang bang!

Baxter: And her opponent, from The Other Side of the Scope, she is THE PERFECT SHOT PENELOPEEEEEEEEEEE SIIIIILVEEEEEEEEN!

Penelope Silven walks down the aisle, slapping hands with a few fans before climbing the stairs and stepping through the ropes. She climbs onto the middle ropes of the nearest turnbuckle and throws her hands up into the air, then makes the gun motion again towards the fans. She jumps down and then hops in place, waiting for the match to start.


North: There is no love lost between these two. Ever since Vixen turned her back on her former best friend The Perfect Shot, Penelope Silven has been wanting to get her hands on her. She had her chance before, but Vixen bested her. She has one more chance tonight for revenge.

Vixen quickly darts for Silven as she pushes her into a corner and starts throwing elbows at her face roughly and with ill discipline; seemingly only caring about hurting her one time friend. The referee is quick to call for a break but Silven manages to shove her off. Vixen charges back forward but Silven kicks her in the gut and whips her into the corner herself for a taste of her own medicine. Silven throws several vicious looking knife edge chops causing Vixen to try to cover up and protect her chest. The referee calls for another clean break, this time trying to get Silven off of Vixen and Silven throws her hands up as she backs off. Vixen emerge from the corner and darts sharply to the left trying to circle around the Perfect Shot and she darts low for her legs. Silven tries to dart out of the way but appears to get tangled up with her own feet and falls flat on her face on the mat, something Vixen takes immediate advantage of.

North: Vixen wasting no time, coming out hot and trying to give her former friend no breathing room! Silven taking advantage for a moment, but Vixen showing that crafty side and helping to cause The Perfect Shot to trip over her own feet.

Vixen gets on top of her former friend and acts like she's trying to claw her eyes out with her fingers, something that draws a a sharp rebuke from the referee. Vixen seems to ignore the official as she digs and claws her eyes in deeper as the referee calls for a clean break.





Vixen lets go right before the count of 5. Silven swings wildly and almost by pure happenstance happens to catch Vixen upside the head, knocking her off to the side. Silven rubs her eyes and blinks them rapidly trying to regain her vision as she gets up slowly from the mat. Shaking her head Silven finally seems to have regained her vision and catches Vixen, throwing her arm over her shoulder as she grabbed her around the neck and shoulder area looking to slam her down on the mat with an STO, looking to hit the Target Acquired. Vixen blocks the attempt by hooking her leg inside with Silven's and shooting a few elbows to the side of her head to force her to let go.

North: Vixen now clawing the eyes out of her former best friend. Referee Triple D trying to break it up, but Vixen doesn't care. Completely unnecessary! Oh! It looks like The Perfect Shot got in a literal blind shot. The window of offense is opening up for her. She's about to hit the Target Acquired! No! Vixen knows her former partner too well!

Silven staggers back as Vixen springboards off the ropes and catches her on the side of the head with a kick. Silven's body bounces off the ropes as she falls backward and soon enough as her body slumps it falls through the ropes as she rolls and falls to the outside. The referee looks over to the outside and begins get ready to count but Hannah Kix jumps over the barricade from the crowd and punt kicks Silven right in the head! The referee immediately calls for the bell, disqualifying Vixen.

North: Beautiful springboard into a kick by Vixen. Silven's gotta get her head back on straight and get back into the ring. Hey! Who's this? What in the? That's Hannah Kix! Why is she getting involved?!

Silven appears to be out like a light but Kix repeatedly kicks and stomps at the head just to make sure,turning around and hitting a nasty buzzsaw kick to her head as it looked like she might be trying to get up. Whether unconsciously or by pure instinct on Silven's part Kix quickly and swiftly nipped that in the bud. Vixen seems to be somewhere between apathetic and entertained as she sees this display and she arches her eyebrow with intrigue as Kix rolls into the ring next. Vixen claps and shows her approval, complimenting her and patting her on the shoulder, drawing Kix's pure, unadulterated annoyance and scorn. Vixen appears oblivious to this however and goes to raise Kix's arm as well as her own much to the crowd's displeasure. As Vixen attempts to showboat however Kix kicks her right in the legs, causing her to fall to her knee before making her Eat Her Kixs by kicking her straight in the temple. This draws a rather decidedly mixed reaction out of the crowd this time as Kix literally.... kicks Vixen out of the ring and demands a microphone from the timekeeper.

North: Oh! God what a kick to Silven's head. She's out. She's gotta be out. Oh, no Vixen. I don't know. I don't think she wants any part of you either. OH! She just made Vixen Eat Her Kixs! Vixen is out like a light. Kix just disposed of Vixen as well and is calling for a microphone. Let's hear what she has to say.

Kix: The Land of Opportunity. That's what America is supposed to be, right?

Kix lowers her microphone for a second, her Parisian accent piercing through the chatter in the crowd.

Kix: Once upon a time I was told by Jack E. Bux that he had a vision. That he wanted to take women's wrestling mainstream, into the spotlight. He wanted to give any woman who need an opportunity her chance to shine in the spotlight, to make a living and earn the big paydays that he said we were all due. The Ladies of New England were going to be the legends of the new era... if all we did was give him a chance to execute his vision. But it might as well be a who's who of Animal Farm where some are more equal than others. Terri Thompson isn't the only one who's been here since day one, the Gucci Gals weren't the only ones here since day one and Alison Crowne, please, contrary to what she'd lead you all to believe, she certainly wasn't only person who got the ball rolling. Yet as the months go by I see The Glorious One get her shot, I've seen the Fallcoast Favorites get more opportunities than everyone else combined, and I've seen a sexist pig strut around with his enslaved wife acting like he owns this place and everyone in it. But what about me, what about Hannah Kix? When is Hannah Kix going to get her due? When is Hannah Kix going to get the recognition she so rightly deserves?

How many times do I have to be fed a pair of fuck ups because Bux gets off on seeing blood and carnage on his way to the bank? “Oh hey Hannah, yeah go give so and so a hell of a fight out there tonight”. What, was Ami Reeves not enough when I knocked her so silly she looked like a striking image of Christopher Reeve laying in hospice? Do I have to go punk some excon at catering and treat her like my bottom bitch to catch a break here? Do you want me to smear my face in clown makeup Jack E. Bux? Would you recognize me then?! Bilingual not enough for you, you want me to speak Russian too after I've given Frankie boy the Bob Barker treatment and given him a box full of nuts? Would you recognize me then Bux? Do I need to take Kayoko and Felicia to the All Die Zone? Do I have to drive a stake through Sister Catherine's black and still heart?! When does Hannah Kix get her shot?!

Kix is fired up and she loaded the proverbial barrel and started shooting straight from the hip and while the crowd is mostly booing she ignores them completely, not once losing her stride.

Kix: I want my opportunity! I want the LONE Championship! And if you're not going to give me my due Bux... if you're not going to give me a slice of the American Dream... then I'll be LONE's Nightmare. My record speaks for itself and one way or another I'm going to feast!

Hannah Kix violently spikes the microphone on the mat and rolls out of the ring, Taking one last kick at Vixen and Silven on her way to the back.

Hannah Kix's theme music, "La Rage" by Keny Arkana starts to play.

North: Hannah Kix making a statement tonight. She ruined what could have been a great rematch and made some statements at the boss that I've got to say is untrue from knowing the man, but she made a statement. Hannah Kix is hungry and plans on keeping her opponents fed when she makes them Eat Her Kix.

In ring Segment: "The Highlight of the Night" Alison Crowne

“As I Am” by Dream Theater hits the arena as the lights dim save for one lone spotlight just in front of the curtain. Alison Crowne slowly steps out, her hair tied up in a high ponytail, her attire black with the silver crowns and logo on the front of her tights with a black metal brace on her right knee, complete with a black leather jacket. As she slowly steps out she uses her hands to open her jacket revealing both the LONE Championship around her waist and a black shirt in bold white font reading “I BROKE WENDY'S NECK” which immediately draws a deafening round of boos. She radiates an aura of pure, unadulterated, unfiltered arrogance, her eyes filled with evil intent as a mischievous smirk emerges on her face. She takes her time walking down the ramp, savoring every single moment she can, almost as if she was having her very own victory parade in this moment in time, the boos, and jeers and insults may have well been music to her eyes, the middle fingers and obscene gestures from the more rowdy members of the crowd may as well just been as good as people bowing before her feet.

Baxter: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome at this time... she has insisted on being announced as both The Highlight of the Night and The Woman Who Broke Wendy's Neck...


Baxter: She is the NEW Ladies of New England Champion... Alison Crowne!

North: Alison looks like she's coming out alone tonight, despite having her friend Lexi Pryce make a surprise return and assist her. You know, I can't stand this new attitude of Alison's. Such raw ability and talent and she's advancing her career like this with cheap tactics and breaking the necks of innocent people. It's sickening!

Alison Crowne gives a bow towards the crowd in a very grandiose way that just oozes of confidence; she was treating this as her homecoming and it showed... even if the city of Fallcoast appeared to want nothing to do with her judging by the reaction of this area. Nobody was going to ruin her moment, the moment she felt she rightfully earned and deserved.

As she took a slow, long walk around the ring she took turns pointing to her belt, having unbuckled it and holding it up like a trophy and talking trash with the crowd and pointing to the words on her shirt. She suddenly comes to a stop as she sees the lone empty seat in the front row the seat where Wendy normally sat . She twists her face into one feigning sadness before reaching under the ring and pulling out a neckbrace. She holds it up for the crowd, and as if the booing couldn't get any louder she managed to find the volume control once again and tossed it on the empty chair, laughing over their insults and patting her belt on the center plate.

One angry fan could be heard yelling at her from the front row as the cameras were in perfect view.


Alison stops and glares at the man and shouts back at him “I'M FROM GAINESVILLE YOU IDIOT!”

Alison hops onto the ring apron and flexes her bicep as she straddles the ropes, locking eyes with the rowdy crowd member that erroneously told her to go back to a town she's not even from as she held onto her belt with her other arm. As she entered the ring she walked over and snatched the microphone out of Baxter's hands, who quickly throws them up and backs off.

Alison: Sometimes you just can't have the world. Sometimes the self-proclaimed hero looks for a third way out of a bad situation when the two obvious choices amount to a loss in some form. Terri... you thought you could have the title and the girl! And yet... yet you ended up with /neither/. Wendy sat in the hospital all alone with no feeling in her arms and legs all because of your love for the gold, you bet double or nothing and went home with the big O; ZERO!

Alison made a “0” with her free hand as a point of emphasis.

Alison:You tried Chasing the Crowne and you got left behind just like everybody else; reduced to just another highlight on my reel. You should've listened to Frank because he was 100% right. You should've taken his warning seriously and you should've backed off while you still were able to. Maybe if you did Wendy wouldn't be sipping soup out of a feeding tube laying catatonic state in some MRSA infested waste dump Fallcoast calls a hospital. It's just like I told you last month Terri... for better or worse we know what makes the other tick. I know what makes that brain of yours shut off, what makes those raw emotions stir out of control.

Alison swirls her finger in the air before cupping her palm and making a stirring motion with the microphone.

Alison: I know what you hold close and I know how to attack it in such a way that brings the trailer trash out of the trailer park. I knew that Wendy would get involved during our match if I just let her be, let her come out holding your hand or sitting in the front row. I know from experience that a restraining order or a pair of handcuffs isn't going to stop that little overgrown beanpole from peaking her little bleach covered head over the fence and into the spotlight. And yet... you delivered her to /me/! You let her come to the arena because you needed your little emotional support dog because you were terrified of being exposed as the scared and selfish little gutter bug that you are. You were scared to death because you bit the hand that fed you and realized that she bites back and a lot harder than you could ever dream of. You finally had to put your money where your mouth was and you realized you already blew through and overdrafted your account by writing checks your mouth couldn't cash. No surprise there; Terri can't even stick to a budget because she blows it all on junk food, believe me I've seen her fridge. Must be a thing here, I see a bunch of broken News Years Resolutions just waiting to happen in the crowd already.


Alison: You didn't even make me /work/ for it, Terri! You left her alone... you left her alone! Again, no surprise there, speaking from experience.

Alison paused as a wry smile spread across her lips, taking a moment to adjust the belt on her shoulder.

Alison: Only this time you didn't have anyone to bail you out. I see how nobody approaches you in the back, how you sit alone at catering and nobody wants to be stuck with the locker next to yours. You're radioactive and you're an island all by yourself now. They saw what happened to me when I stuck my neck out for you and they learned from my mistakes.

But... if I can turn the page here for a moment, in my first address as champion there are a few people I want to thank. First, I'd like to thank you Terri, sincerely. Thank you. Thank you for opening my eyes, for showing me the person that you truly are and have always been deep inside. Thank you for opening my eyes to your unbridled selfishness and appetite for betrayal. Thank you for showing me that Royal Plunder was always about putting this belt around your waist, as a vehicle of getting you off food stamps and Pabst and onto imitation crab and Bud Lite. Thank you for reminding me that in this business the only people you can truly count on are your family, those that were with you since day one. Had it not been for that I'd still be waiting in line believing that you were still my friend and that we'd be BFFs for life.

The sarcasm; so much sarcasm dripped off that final line.

Alison: Second of all, I'd like to thank my /best friend/ Lexi Pryce!The one that has always been there since day one! The one I broke into this business with and always had my back just like I had hers! The one who I terrorized the southeast United States with many years ago as we captured tag title after tag title. To Lexi Pryce, the one who showed me that family isn't always about those who share the same blood in your veins but those that have spilled theirs alongside you. To...

“Fame” by David Bowie cuts Alison off abruptly as Jack E. Bux, The Boss, has finally heard enough! He stands on the stage with a microphone already in hand as he motions for his music to be cut off with his hand over his throat several times.

Bux: You should be thanking /me/ for the fact that you still have a job! The way you carried yourself last month was totally unbecoming of a champion. You attacked a doctor... a civilian Alison! A man that has given an oath to 'do no harm', a man who has a job to make sure everyone is taken care of. Alison, I could get sued for what you did. I have every right to fire you over that. I /should/ fire you over that.

The crowd cheers at this revelation.

Bux: But at the same time I'm not stupid. I do that, you make it out of this arena with this belt or even if you don't. One of my competitors is going to sign you just to spite me and that's going to be money coming out of everyone's pockets. I'd be putting a spotlight on my competition after one of my top athletes just stole the headlines. At least while you're under contract to LONE you have to play by /my/ rules. You want to talk about actions having consequences? You're screwing up just like your Jaguars Alison because when you put your hands on a doctor you pay the price! Five Thousand Dollars! I'm fining you five Gs over that little stunt you pulled last month and I'd be fining you another five if Wendy didn't waive her rights to enter litigation with LONE. She feels that if I did that or took it a step further you'd find a way to escalate over Terri. While I disagree with her stance I'm not going to put any more stress on that woman than she already has for having her life changed at your hands. She may never walk again. There's never a price you could pay that's big enough for what you've done. Maybe Terri should be the one who delivers justice for Wendy; what do you all think of that?

The crowd cheers as Alison doesn't seem to be all that impressed, rolling her eyes and flapping her hand like a mouth blabbering on and on.

Alison: Cute, Bucko The Clown. How long did it take you to have your secretary write that one for you? 'OOOOOHWAAAAAAH! Yeah Alison is a poopy head, Terri the Trash Super Girl is gonna make it right!' What, you going to start selling 'Hashtag Justice for Wendy' shirts too? You like to think you're a cut above the rest, hailing from the 'Drama City' you know what it means to stop the buck from being passed and calling as you see it. Yet there's a situation you won't exploit for your own financial gain if you see a dollar to be made. So what, you going to give Terri a pass too because you have a soft spot in your heart for little Fallcoast orphans? You going to fine her less because she attacked someone who most people don't like? Say what you will about Dexter, you'd probably be right on most counts, but at least he gives an alternative view and doesn't follow the company guidelines of rooting for the big merchandise sellers all because you want to sell a few more silly shirts with a little scope, little corporate catchphrases, and spooky horror dolls or heaven forbid... the irony of a highflying duo called the 'No Fly Zone'. Don't even get me started on the 'Flying Grayson' who's been grounded longer than a plane stuck in North Korea. At least Dexter went to bat for the people who were being shunned by corporate... even if he is /far/ too easily excited.

Bux rubs his chin, perhaps thinking about the Wendy shirt idea before furrowing his brow listening to the rest of what she had to say.

Bux: You know what, okay. Terri should also be fined for that, so I'll also be fining her five thousand dollars. But at least DIC will be able to walk at the end of the day and go about his daily life; to be able to do the things that we all took for granted. The things you robbed Wendy of. Alison, I hope it was worth it for your sake, I hope that belt is everything you think it is and more to you. Because Terri still has her rematch clause in her contract and she wants to cash it in.

The crowd cheers loudly.

Alison: It's going to have to wait because it's not going to be tonight!


Alison: See, Steve over in talent relations was kind enough to sign a match for me earlier, before you arrived at the arena. I don't plan on being the champion who holds the belt for four months before having her first title defense. Unlike Terri I want to give back to wrestling, to LONE! I want to give people opportunities, opportunities that they deserve. A chance to be seen in front of a larger audience, to live forever in a highlight that'll go viral and watched over and over again. So tonight I will be defending my LONE Championship as Chasing the Crowne will be coming back in the main event. Against one lucky woman who has never gotten the opportunity to wrestle in the bigger stage that LONE has to offer. A chance to spin the wheel of fate in the gamble of a lifetime. Steve thought it was a great idea so he made it official. Now, unless you want to be sued for a certain breach of contract... I'm afraid your and Terri's hands are tied for this month.

Bux: Okay, you want to play that way? Fine, Alison. Fine. I'll let you have this one but if Terri happens to cost you that belt of yours like a certain friend of yours did to her... I guess my hands are tied there. But be careful what you wish for Alison, you just might get more than what you... AAAAAAAUUUGGGGGGGHH!

Alison grins like a Cheshire cat as it appears just as Bux might be getting ready to drop a bombshell of a stipulation or an added condition Lexi Pryce appears behind Bux and cracks him hard in the ankle with a wooden crutch! Lexi smacks him repeatedly as Alison rolls out of the ring and quickly snatches Wendy's chair from the front row, folding it up and making a bee line up the ramp. Alison and Lexi take turns stomping on Bux's ankle as the two women laugh at him.

Alison: You want to fine me? Five thousand?


Alison: Ten thousand?


Alison: Fifteen thousand?


Alison: You want a reason money man?! I'm about to give you one, you corporate stooge!

Alison unfolds the chair just enough to wedge Bux's ankle within it. Alison and Lexi look to one another as they each count down with their fingers from three to one before they each stomp on the chair at the same time, causing Bux to scream in agonizing, blood curdling pain. Alison then holds out her palm and stars fanning out imaginary money as Lexi starts snatching the invisible bills out of the air. The duo quickly spit like bowling pins however as Terri sprints out from the back, just barely missing Alison as she snatched at her jacket. Both Alison and Lexi quickly make it backstage and Terri is quick to chase behind all while EMT's rush to Bux.

The camera shifts back to the backstage area as Alison was the first down the hallway, taking a sharp turn at the right. Lexi is next into view as she's running on what's supposed to be her bad leg with her crutch in her hand as Terri is hot on her heels.

North: Oh God! I can't believe what they just did to Bux. Knowing Bux like I know him, he still won't fire Alison even if he should. Look at Lexi's leg now. Now it's healed completely when she has to run away. She must have the same doctor as Mark Robertson.

Lexi scrambles as she takes a sharp turn left as this time Terri just falls a fingertip's reach away from grabbing her by the collar. Lexi sprints as she rapidly begins to close in on a fork, darting into the room on the right, locking it and placing her crutch behind the doorknob to barricade herself in. Terri pounds violently on the door several times out of frustration, before she grabs a nearby fire extinguisher and throws it against the door before finally giving up. Terri finally walks away having both been eluded by her main target and thwarted by her partner in crime. There would be other opportunities later.

In ring Segment: Gucci Gals

"Gucci Gang" by Lil' Pump starts to play, meaning only that the newly crowned Tag Team Champions the Gucci Gals are coming! Out steps Ms. Gucci through the gorilla curtain, with Prada Paula off to her left. Gucci has her title belt slung over her right shoulder while Paula wears hers around her waist.

North: Well, that music can only mean one thing. Ms. Gucci and Prada Paula are coming out. Ever since they stole one from No Fly Zone they've been letting everyone know they're the new Tag Team Champs and I'm sure that's what they're going to do tonight.

Ms. Gucci shows her 4 finger ring that reads GUCCI to a fan and then turns her hand around and lunges it forward as if to pie face him, wearing a look of disgust while Paula flicks her hair behind her shoulder sarcastically at a fan that jeers at her.

When the two get to ringside, they hop up onto the apron. Gucci stands up on the apron and holds her title up in the air, while Paula sits on the apron and pats the title around her waist. The two smile before Gucci steps through the ropes and Paula rolls underneath the bottom one.

Paula stands in the center of the ring, unhooking her title and holding it up while the fans boo loudly and Gucci moves to the other side of the ring and asks for two microphones from the stagehands. Gucci joins Paula and gives her a microphone.

Gucci: First of all, I gotta say.

The fans boo louder and Gucci cuts herself off. She looks surprised all of a sudden, staring out at the fans and wearing an expression as if to say 'Really?'

Gucci: Uhh, excuse me? I have the microphone. This is -my- time!

She points at herself

Gucci: And you have all paid to see me, so quiet down! Damn, no manners!

Prada: What did you expect? They're all from the backwoods. Terri Thompson's hometown, after all.

The two giggle now, which only gets them more boos.

Gucci: ANYWAY, as I was going to say..... Wasn't it funny just now seeing Jack E. Bux finally get what's coming to him?

Prada: Haha! Yeah! He was all like.... Ooooo! Oooooo!

Prada starts to grab at her ankle as she does her best Jack E. Bux feeling pain impersonation.

Gucci: HAHAHAHA! That felt SO good to see! You know what else feels good?

Gucci and Prada raise their titles now high above their heads.

Gucci: Yeeeeah! That's right! It feels good. It feels good to finally show each and every one of you what we've been saying ALL ALONG! It feels good to FINALLY get what you've got coming to you. We showed the second rate Gucci Gals in Spice and Ice, we showed those two weirdos that think they're Fly Girls from In Living Color, we showed them ALL that we're the most dominant tag team in LONE!

Prada: That's right! Not only did we punk those two teams, but if you look at it, we're the cause of a few of them splitting, aren't we?

Gucci: Hey, you know what? You're right! Because, I mean, think about it. Wait... if these imbeciles tried to think, it would hurt.

The two take a moment to laugh.

Gucci: But aaanyway! If you think about it, there's not many teams left anymore that we haven't decimated, is there? I was the spark that lit the fuse to cause Terri and Alison to split up. I mean, it's great to see Alison finally grew a brain and left the Gutter Slut anyway!

Prada: That was funny, too, seeing her eyes wide when Alison clobbered her after she won the title.

Gucci: And that weirdo Vixen finally grew a brain too and left that other weirdo... what's her name... The Perfect Shot?

Prada: The only thing perfect about her is how perfectly annoying she is! I mean, she's got it down to a SCIENCE!

Gucci: I mean, who else is there? I'm sure No Try Zone will come whining back that they deserve their shot, and that they didn't get pinned to lose the belts.

Prada: Yaaaaaaaawn! You know what you signed up for, Ladies. You don't need to be pinned to lose them.

Gucci: Aww, too bad for you! So we just thought we would come out here and remind each and every one of you brain dead morons, because we know you'd forget, you people have the memory of a goldfish, that WE are your LONE Tag Team Champions and we are here to stay! Who out there can really dethrone us now? The Juggalettes? Those clown painted---

The lights suddenly go out. Fans start to pull out their camera phones to try and pierce the darkness.

The titantron lights up to a blood red background, with the forms of Sister Catherine and Stitches on the screen. This causes the fans to roar with cheers. It has been a long time since they've seen the, some would call strange, team of The Damned.

Sister Catherine has the hood of her nun habit pulled down and her eyes down on the Holy Bible which she has open in her hands.

Stitches has her head lowered, blonde locks concealing her face. Clutched to her bosom is the doll in Sister Catherine's likeness. She strokes its hair lovingly as Sister Catherine begins to speak.

Sister Catherine: The Lord Almighty planned it, to bring down her pride in all her splendor and to humble all who are renowned on earth. Isaiah 23:9.

Sister Catherine then slams the book closed. This causes Stitches to snap her head upwards. Stitches still has those mock stitches on the corners of her mouth done up with face paint, along with the long one going from the top of her right eye, across the bridge of her nose and towards the other side of her jaw. Stitches smiles in a sinister manner while she continues to stroke the doll.

Sister Catherine: So much pride. So much pride in the souls of the two of you. Lost... Lost in a world of glamour and materialism. The Lord has given you a gift and what do you do? You flaunt it in the face of the people instead of thanking him and praising his name! Disgusting!

Stitches: You have forgotten about us...

Sister Catherine: You have. And we have been waiting. We have been waiting for a sign. A sign from God. Tonight... Tonight you have given us that sign. God and his infinite wisdom is showing us that you must be humbled. GOD has given us that sign, and that is how we read it.

Stitches: God is good...

Sister Catherine: When the time is right, we will strike in his name. The Good Lord will always show us the way.

A spotlight shines now on the Gucci Gals in the center of the ring as the camera cuts to them.

Gucci: Oh yeah? Why can't that time be right now, huh?

Prada: They probably have bible study after this.

The Gucci Gals giggle some more.

Sister Catherine: Oh how foolish. To laugh and mock him.

Stitches: God is perfect...

Gucci: Okay, Paula. I guess we know who is left now, huh? First we took out Lice & Mice and Go Die Zone, and now LONE's version of the Addams Family in the Dumbed.

Sister Catherine: So quick to sling barbs with pop culture references, but what will that tongue do when it is faced with the judgment of the Almighty? Will it recite more quotes and characters from your irreverent works of fiction?

Gucci: Works of fiction? You mean like that book you've got in your hands?

Sister Catherine stares coldly at them now.

Prada: Ooo! Struck a nerve?

Sister Catherine: You will realize your mistake. Lord willing, you will realize what you have done. We are tools of the Lord, and we will make you recognize his glory.

Stitches: We are retribution.

Sister Catherine: We are almighty.

The Damned: We are Damned.

Stitches: And we will make you lay down for the Lord.

Sister Catherine: We will make you tap out to GOD!

The two start to laugh, and Sister Catherine bares her fangs before spraying a blood red mist into the camera before the titantron fades out.

The Gucci Gals just stare as if they're unimpressed before leaving the ring and the lights slowly turn back on.

Backstage Segment: Anne "Flying" Grayson

Coming Soon!

Backstage Segment: "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson

Coming Soon!

"The Highlight of the Night" Alison Crowne's Chasing the Crowne

Coming Soon!