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Revision as of 19:03, 1 July 2020



The show starts off with the arena darkening and the titantron turning on to a black screen.

Fading into the screen is cursive font in a blood red hue reading:

Exodus 14:14

We now see Sister Catherine and Stitches on the screen with the scene covered in the same blood red hue.

Sister Catherine has the hood of her habit pulled down, and she raises her LONE Tag Team Championship in her right hand high and towards the camera.

Stitches is standing to Sister Catherine's left, holding the doll of Sister Catherine's likeness but unlike the usual, she's got the doll facing forward as she strokes the top of its head lovingly. Her tag team title is wrapped around her waist while the Sister Catherine doll also has a tiny version of the LONE Tag Team Championship wrapped around its waist.

The two begin to grin sadistically, and then Sister Catherine spits her red mist towards the screen and we fade out.

In-ring Segment: Jack E. Bux

North: HELLO EVERYONE and WELCOME to Supremacy: LONE 26 - August Assault! I'm Kevin North alongside my broadcast partner DIC.

DIC: I can't WAIT because TONIGHT... my Queen Alison Crowne is hosting Terri Thompson's funeral, so we can finally get past that sewer rat and bury her for good!

North: *exasperated sigh* We've got a great night of action for you but first, we've got our owner and head of operations, Jack E. Bux who wants to come out and say a few words. He has some announcements to make tonight for everyone.

DIC: That fraud. Unless he's going to announce that Alison Crowne is the true Queen of LONE and he's gonna stop his cronies from harassing her, I don't want to hear it.

North: Well I'm sure our fans out there do!

Fame by David Bowie starts up over the PA and Jack E. Bux steps out.

Crowd: BUX! BUX! BUX! BUX!

Bux starts to bend forward and lower his hands down repeatedly as if he's bowing to them, as if he's not worthy. The crowd responds doing the same thing and Bux makes his way to the ring. He slaps hands with a few fans before heading up the steel steps at ringside and stepping through the ropes. He goes to the opposite side of the ring and a stage hand gives him a microphone with the LONE logo on it.

Bux: What's going on everyone?! Hope you're enjoying yourselves out there!


Bux: That's what I like to hear! Well, I hope not to take too much of your time tonight. As you all know, I've been dealing with a thorn in my side but I'm not here to talk about that. I've actually got some announcements to make for the future! And the future looks bright, let me tell you. Not just for me, but for everyone in the back too as next month.....

Bux pauses for a moment.

Bux: The Rumble is coming back!


Bux: That's right! Next month! 30 women will compete in an over the top rope Battle Royale to determine the #1 Contender for the LONE Championship! Not only that, but...

Another pause.

Bux: The Tag Team Classic is coming back too!


Bux smiles real big.

Bux: Yes, however, the winner of that will be the #1 Contender to the Tag Team Titles after The Damned and Generations have their match to determine the Champions. Now, after those announcements, two events coming back, I would also like to announce something new. Yes. We will have a tournament called Queen of the Castle. Now, what that tournament is, is a singles tournament where the Winner will be given a crown, and will be dubbed the Queen of the Castle around here. At any point, for a full year, they can come out and do something called 'Relinquish the Crown' where they give up the crown for an opportunity at the LONE Championship whenever they desire. More details on that and the Tag Team Classic will come at a later date. All in all, I hope you enjoy tonight's show and --

Neil Young's "Cinnamon Girl" kicks in, but not for long as Cinnamon starts stomping out with Violent Violet at her side. She looks upset, and when she gets to ringside, she slides into the ring and starts to get into Bux's face while Violet circles ringside and snatches a mic from a stage hand before hopping up onto the apron and getting into the ring. She hands the mic to Cinnamon.

Cinnamon: You know what, Bux? Spice & Ice has been held back for too long! You want to make all of these announcements? Fine, but we're going to be a part of them! That's right! We're entering the Tag Team Classic and we're going to win it and you know what? I'm entering the Queen of the Castle and you will ALL call me Queen Cinnamon!

The crowd starts to boo and Cinnamon turns to look out at everyone.

Cinnamon: And if anyone has a problem with THAT! ... Come out here and tell me so!

Jennifer Stewart: Me me me me me me me me meeeeeee!

Jennifer Stewart shows up on the stage with a LONE microphone in her hand, dressed in a glittering red dress.

Jennifer Stewart: The Queen of the Castle will be me / as I will take the crooooooown! / Sit back and relax / and watch me take down a clooooown! / I --

Cinnamon: NO! You know what?!

Jennifer Stewart looks bewildered, surprised and upset that she's been cut off.

Cinnamon: First it was Kayoko walking around here thinking she's a pop idol and now some hoodlum, and now YOU

Cinnamon points.

Cinnamon: Come out here thinking you're some singer! You got a problem with us entering? If you didn't, you wouldn't be out here! So fine! I want you in the Queen of the Castle tournament!

Jennifer Stewart: Far be it from me to make demands, I'm not one to make commands, but if you want a fight let's go! I'll be the one to steal the shoooooow!

Cinnamon looks disgusted: Shut up already! We get it!

Bux: How about both of you pipe down! You two want each other, that's fine. I'll work something out. Queen of the Castle is still being worked out, but maybe you two can have each other before hand. Ms. Stewart, since you're already out here, your match is up next! Spice & Ice, leave the ring NOW and don't start any trouble or I'll consider the two of you disqualified from both tournaments!

Cinnamon clenches her fist and then spikes the mic down, which catches some feedback.

Jennifer Stewart: In that case....... Send in... the clooooowns! Send in the clowns,
Those daffy, laffy clowns,
Send in those soulful and doleful
Shmaltz.....-by-the-bowlful clooooooowns.
Send in...the clowns.

Cinnamon and Violent Violet eye Jennifer Stewart while they make their way backstage and Jennifer pays them no mind.

Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! On the way to the ring, from San Antonio, Texas, JENNIFEEEEEEEEER STEEEEEEEEEEEWAAAAAAAAAART!

Jennifer enters the ring from the stairs and takes a bow.

Baxter: And her opponent, from the Big Tent on 9th Street.

Chickin' Huntin by ICP kicks in as Slapp and Tick L. come through the curtain, trying to wave their hands in the air and hype the crowd up, and then jeer at them and wave their hands towards them in rejection.

Baxter: Accompanied by her tag team partner Tick L., she is..... SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPP!

Jennifer Stewart vs. Slapp w/Tick L.


Stewart circles Slapp around the ring, rather perplexed by her style of dress and facepaint. Slapp scrunches her face up at her foe for all the glitz and glamour about her as the sequin sparkles and dazzles under the lights. Tick L. almost seems lost inside her own head as she stares into the ring from the outside, almost mesmerized by the same sparkle. Slapp, having enough of this dance just causally walks up to Stewart and shoves her.

Slapp: Juggalo fam, represent, WHOOP WHOOP!

A section of the crowd actually responds with a 'WHOOP WHOOP!' back much to Stewart's amusement as she can't help but crack a small smile.

North: It appears we have a few of the juggalos in the house tonight.

DIC: I mean.... what's with the face paint anyway? Did they get kicked out of the American Union of Industrial Convention Clown Workers Association for their taste in bad music?

North: I mean... I wish I had the answer to that. Regardless Jennifer Stewart is going to need to keep eyes in the back of her head for this one; while their antics seldomly succeed there's always a chance as they say...

DIC: They lack discipline; it's that simple. A headbutt that always misses, a yakuza kick that never quite strikes true all for some almost flat soda.

North: They're entertainers, DIC. They're having a good time and it appears some people enjoy having a good time with them.

DIC: That's a step away from calling it 'performance art'.

North: This isn't Broadway now but let's not make leaps in logic. They're unique, Slapp and Tick L. You can't always judge a book by its cover; at the end of the day they want to win and win their way.

Stewart then rears her fist back and clocks Slapp dead center in the face causing her to stumble back and grab her nose, checking for blood. Stewart immediately whips Slapp to the ropes and drops down as Slapp rebounds and unwittingly steps over her. As Slapp comes back on the second rebound Stewart hits a crisp looking arm drag, sending her swiftly to the mat. Slapp pops back up almost as quickly as she went down only to get hit by another in succession. Slapp pops up once more and tries to lunge and wrap her arms around Stewart but she was just too quick on her feet and sidestepped as Slapp crashed comically to the mat empty handed. Stewart seeing this begins to catch Slapp with open palms to the face as she tried again and again to no avail. Finally when it looked like Slapp finally caught her, her arms wrapped around her she unwittingly put herself in the perfect position for a counter as she tried to drive her back and Stewart was more than happy to oblige with a DDT!

North: Slapp isn't having much luck early on and she's already fallen victim to a deadly DDT.

DIC: I almost wonder if she greased her hands a little too much with the fried chicken from catering before the match. I mean; I'll admit it, the chicken was actually pretty good for once but if you're going to get your hands on some of that sizzling hotness in Jennifer Stewart you're going to need to do better than that!

Tick L. laments this as her mind snaps back into reality; her friend was losing! Tick L. was quick to hop onto the apron and tried to grab someone; anyone's attention. The referee turned over to her first; almost not taking her seriously as he let his arms raise and fall to his sides, saying 'This again?' while Stewart turned her attention soon after her way as well. Slapp gets up and turns Stewart around and catches her with a sucker punch, doubling her over before tossing her into the turnbuckle. Slapp then immediately motions for Tick L. to procure the Faygo as she quickly obliges by pulling out what appeared to be sun-bleached bottle of the famous brand from under the ring and tossed it to her.

North: They're back to their old tricks, one that they usually end up as the intended victims! This never goes well but they're still willing to take the risk for the Hail Mary.

DIC: This never ends well...

Slapp prepares for The Joke, intending to spray the fizzy drink into Stewart's eyes as she returns to her feet but right on cue the soda sprays directly into Slapp's eyes instead!

Slapp: It burns........... soo........goood!

Slapp screams in what could be assumed(?) to be agony as she's temporarily blinded, walking right into Stewart who wastes no time dropping her with The Mic Drop; her piledriver! Tick L. quickly tries to remedy the situation by giving her partner an assist as she climbs onto the apron and onto the top rope and goes for the Laugh Now, Die Later, her diving headbutt! Stewart manages to snatch Tick L. out of mid-air only to drop her with a Mic Drop as well! Stacking them on top of one another with both of their shoulders on the mat Stewart goes for the cover on both of the Juggalettes at once! The referee drops down to count.... 1......2.....3!

Baxter: Here is your winner, Jennifer Stewart!

North: Well there you have it, Jennifer Stewart makes quick work of both Juggalettes and notches up yet another impressive win early on in her career in LONE.

DIC: I mean when you got class like her I mean how could you ever doubt greatness? That's my kind of woman!

Backstage Segment: Funeral of "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson's career

The camera shifts away from the action to an undisclosed location in what could be described as an auxiliary building occasionally used for church services as the sounds of a somber church organ recording filled the air. The walls were white with some of the paint peeling off, a clear plastic podium stood in the center with a second hand microphone attached to it with a shoddy, dented casket slightly behind it to the left. To the camera's right, at the foot of the casket is a portrait set up on a wooden easel. It looks like the portrait is one of Terri's old 8x10s blown up, with her in a Trailer Park Legend tanktop, standing on a grassy lawn with her back against a trailer and she's smoking a cigarette.

Alison Crowne stood behind the podium with the LONE Championship resting at the top, proudly displayed as she was clad in all black, from her jacket with a white rose attached to it down to her pants and boots with Gordon Barrows in his standard suit standing next to her on her right. As the camera pans through the room most of the people appear to have been literally pulled off the street; there was a woman with a stroller with what appeared to just be 'junk' inside it, an old man casually smoking a cigar with a long grey beard, one middle aged man was wearing nothing but overalls and a red trucker cap while drinking a can of dollar store beer; a silver can that just said 'BEER' in red letters. Homeless Hannah was actually there as well as she was eating a sloppy joe and getting the sauce everywhere from her clothes to the floor. Almost nobody in the room was dressed even somewhat appropriately for the setting.

Alison: Ladies and gentlemen... and I use that term /very/ loosely here today...

Alison casts her gaze across the room as Homeless Hannah unleashed a roaring burp that echoed a little against the wall.

Alison: My point exactly. No, today we're here to celebrate the life and career and mourn the passing of Terri Thompson. I mean physically her soul has not left her body, she still breathes, she can... well she can't even turn her head, much less anything else but... you already knew that.

With a smug grin Alison motions for Gordon Barrows to display the image as he pulls out a small remote and clicks the button as an image of Terri is projected against the wall; of her laying on a stretcher in a neckbrace.

Alison: And while she may yet draw breath for many decades more she's been reduced to a prisoner within her own body, paralyzed from the neck down and forever dependent on a system that'll artificially keep her alive until the money runs out before sending her to a nursing home to slowly rot away. Never again will she walk or disgrace the world of professional wrestling, never again will she be a blight upon my sanctuary that is the squared circle. Ah, but I'm getting a little ahead of myself; there will be time for reflecting upon the end in a bit but I know time is a very valuable, precious asset. I've taken time out of my extremely busy schedule now that I'm free from LONE's monthly grind, I've taken a rare day off in my pursuit of my Olympic dream, to join and captain Team USA's Women's Boxing team, which I mean let's be honest; they're going to need me, to celebrate the life and times of my former best friend and to send her off to the great retirement home in the.... I can't do this...

Alison shakes her head and steps back appearing distraught as her attorney Gordon Barrows tries to console her. Alison swiftly steps back to the podium after trying her best to compose herself.

Alison: Who am I kidding? Wendy's almost out of money and soon they're both going to get shipped to some roach infested nursing home... the staff... the staff is always drunk and the head physician allegedly lost his license almost a decade ago for malpractice... it's... it's... like a Thompson family reunion!

While Alison can't hear the crowd inside the LONE arena as they watch on the screen the viewers at home hear a deafening chorus of boos at Alison's false, insulting guise of sincerity and remorse. Alison pulls herself away and tries to choke back what almost anyone watching would call crocodile tears as she tries to fan herself before burying her face in her hands.

Barrows: I know, I know. It's difficult, just let it all out. It's okay.

Gordon Barrows puts his arm around her in a hug as she 'sobbed' into his shoulder in an exaggerated fashion.

Barrows: I know she meant a lot to you. I know you two were extremely close; it's not your fault that she decided to stab you in the back to put these events into motion. It's not your fault that she never had your back with Qent or The Glorious One, it's not your fault that she was only looking out for herself at your expense. She took advantage of your kindness and your heart of gold; she took for granted that you only wanted to see her happy and thrive as she did nothing but take and take and take again and again. You opened your heart up and she tried to manipulate you; that's not your fault. Do not feel bad about being a good person; Alison, okay? You snapped her neck in self-defense, okay? You didn't throw the first punch; she did and it was a heinous and unprovoked assault against you and me. I mean Bux can't even sue over something like that; and I know he wishes he could.

Gordon Barrows flashed a very cocky and arrogant smirk towards the camera as he waved knowing that Jack E. Bux had to be watching as he consoled his client; or at least acted the part in what was clearly an elaborate and exaggerated performance of faux sympathy.

Barrows: You're doing the right thing today, by seeking closure and even finding it in your heart to be so generous to a company that has done nothing but try to screw you over and over again to have this broadcast to LONE at no cost to them. To invite what... I'm assuming are friends and family of Terri Thompson here to pay their respects.

Man: Where's the beer ya pencil necked basssstard? Ya promised free beer!

The man in overalls yelled as he tossed aside his now empty can of beer, slurring just a little as he clearly had alcohol swimming and thriving inside his system.

Barrows: I mean just look at how distraught this poor man is; self-medicating with alcohol to hide his grief! But we will not judge this man, no, we will stand with him through these troubling times!

The cigar smoking old man tosses a can of beer to the man in overalls as they crack open a few beers and clang their cans together. Homeless Hannah unleashes another roaring burp as she licks her fingers from the sloppy joe before pulling a hotdog, bun and all out of her pocket! Alison finally manages to 'pull herself together', patting her attorney on the shoulder to indicate that she's ready to continue her eulogy.

Alison: Thank you, Gordon and you're right. I opened my heart, my home to Terri several years ago. when I moved here for LONE. We traveled up and down these roads together, we trained students at 4WA together, broke bread and spent Thanksgivings together. I was there for her during some very difficult times and lifted her up when she needed it most. I'm sad... I'm sad that our friendship was ultimately a one way street. I'm sad that when I needed her most that she was nowhere to be found, that she was wrapped up in her own little distorted world and her own little distorted desires. I'm sad that she let this...

Alison taps the center plate of the LONE Championship.

Alison: ...come between us. That all she cared about was advancing her own career at the cost of our friendship; that she put it on the backburner, assuming she ever cared to begin with, and left me to the whims and wanton aggression of a dangerous felon. But now that we stand here at the end... I'm going to choose to remember her as the person I thought she was and who she may have used to be; my best friend. I wish we could tag together for one last run, I wish we could've won the inaugural tag team classic and held tag team gold together. I wish we could've taken Royal Plunder and personally written our names into the history books as the greatest tag team of all time. I wish that you would've done the right thing so that one day we could've been standing on a grand stage together, being inducted into the Hall of Fame as two individuals that became sisters; that became family and celebrate one another as we became immortalized. I wish you would've made it to the point where we're still making appearances at conventions and podcasts together at the age of 60 and passing on our wisdom and amazing stories for generations to come. I wish you could've helped me train my little cousin Alex someday in the event that he choose to follow in our footsteps. I wish... I wish we could've changed the world of professional wrestling... together.

Alison fell into silence as she hung her head after she spoke with more and more conviction and maybe even sincerity at points as she went on and on.

Alison: But alas, I'm the only one left standing to carry the torch; the only one capable of reaching the finish line, left to carry your hopes and dreams on my back. My only solace in this is that I brought you and Wendy so much closer together than anyone could've ever imagined. Nevermore will you have the burden of taking care of her Terri, no, now you're both someone else's collective burden, laying in a pool of your own filth together, side by side, withering away very, very slowly. But you'll at least always have each other; till death do you part. I won't forget you, either of you, and one day I'm going to start a charity to help take care of people just like you.

Homeless Hannah belches once more at the most inappropriate of moments as Alison scrunches up her face in disgust before whispering to her attorney.

Alison: Who let her in again?

Barrows shrugs.

The casket lid opens as the two of them are completely oblivious as the crowd in the LONE arena begin cheering loudly as Qent sits up inside it and begins to quietly pull herself out of it.

Alison: So with that, I hereby pledge to not only win Olympic gold in your name and memory but I am dedicating the rest of my career from here on out in your honor. To Terri...

Alison turns around, her attention briefly on the casket as almost like she was preparing to grab something out of it before her eyes fixate on the Fallcoast born and raised bruiser that emerged from it. Alison's eyes grow wide before Qent catches her with a heavy right that knocks her into the podium and knocks it over! Gordon Barrows immediately tries to put distance between him and Qent as Alison tries to pick herself up. The people in attendance begin to scatter out of the room as Qent yanks Alison up by her hair and tosses her into a row of chairs as the skid and clang against the floor. Alison gets up as Qent quickly closes their distance and throws a few heavy rights of her own knocking Qent back, but Qent grabs her by the head and hits a thundering headbutt that immediately sends the champion to the ground. Gordon Barrows grabs one of the assorted chairs, this one being made almost entirely out of plastic and slams it into Qent's back, causing it to snap! Qent however just remains standing and slowly turns around as Gordon Barrows turns pale and drops the chair to throw his hands up. Qent grabs him by the collar and lifts him above her head before throwing him right at the portrait of Terri; causing him to break through it and hit the wall. He slides off the wall like a bug splattering against a windshield.

Alison manages to grab her championship as this is going on and smashes it into the back of Qent's head sending her to the ground momentarily as she mounts her and begins pummeling her with with her unprotected fists, causing those lethal hands to connect with more impact than usual until Qent struggles to put her hands up to protect herself. Alison then grabs Qent and forces her to her feet as she drags her over to the casket with all intentions of smashing her head in. Qent however would have none of it as she shot her elbow up in a wild but accurate motion, stunning the champion on her feet. Qent then grabs Alison's head and smashes it on the lid of the casket! Then she does it again and again and again! Qent not satisfied then opens the lid and place's Alison's head inside it and begins to slam it repeatedly over and over ontop of her until the upper portion of her body just slumps into the casket. With that Qent stuffs Alison into the casket and slams the lid shut! As Qent is about to leave she spots the LONE Championship on the floor and scoops it up, gazing into the center plate as she slings it over her shoulder. She poses with it in front of the camera for a moment before draping it over the casket and walking out of view as the feed cuts back to the arena.

Hannah Kix vs. Rook

Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Crowd: ONE FALL!

Suddenly “La Rage” by Keny Arkana blares to life and Hannah steps out onto the stage with her head covered underneath a hoodie. Standing there for a moment, as to gather her emotions and focus. She then starts shadowboxing and afterwards walks to the ring while mouthing some of the french rap in her ring music 'Parce qu'on a la rage!'

Baxter: Coming to the ring, from Paris, France, she is... HANNAAAAH KIIIIIIIX!

When she gets to the ring area, she hurries up the ring steps, steps through the ropes and starts to shadowbox some more before going to the center and pulling down her hood. She spreads her arms out and dips her head back.

Kernkraft 400's "Zombie Nation (Original Version)" starts up. Rook steps out from behind the curtain, standing on stage and lowering her glasses some as she looks out over the crowd. She takes a few steps before taking her glasses off and tossing them out towards whichever lucky fan will catch them, before retrieving another pair and sliding them on.

Baxter: And her opponent! From Deer Lodge County, Montana! ROOOOOOOOOOK!

She hops up onto the apron, taking a few steps and then putting one leg through the middle and top rope, but pauses to lower her glasses and look out at the crowd before fully stepping through.


North: This is a feud that has been going on for a long time and something tells me that it's going to have to come to a head sometime very soon. This all started with Rook and Ashley Lopez when Ashley was upset that she felt she wasn't getting the same chances Rook was. Soon after Hannah Kix would join her against Rook feeling slighted that despite her nearly flawless record she has never had a shot at the LONE Championship only for Katrina to get herself involved coming to Rook's aid to even the odds for her friend. Ultimately; this is about the LONE Championship and initiative and jealousy. I'm sure all four would love to take a crack at the champion; however Bux manages to agree on her next appearance but for tonight you could say it's all about respect and the lack thereof.

DIC: I mean, you're going to tell me Kix and Lopez are wrong? Rook debuted against Alison Crowne for the LONE Championship and with a bit of luck and a bit of cheating nearly stole it too!

North: Rook fought fair and square and caught Alison Crowne red handed when she wasn't taking her as a serious challenger. It was an open challenge; why didn't Hannah Kix or Ashley Lopez respond before or after that night? Why didn't they try to beat Rook to the front of the line? It was first come, first served. You can't blame Rook for taking the opportunity in front of her.

Kix is quick to keep Rook just out of range with her kicks, kicking low trying to tag her before shooting for a high roundhouse. Rook ducks and tries to quickly close the gap only to be caught by a spinning backfirst, stunning her on her feet. Kix is quick to whip her to the ropes and kick her in the midsection, causing her to double over and skid to her knees from the sudden halt in her momentum. Kix sees this and goes for a kick to the temple but Rook sees it coming and wills herself into a very low lunge as she wraps her arms around her planted leg and drags her down to the mat off balance. Kix appeared to be taken off guard by the rookie's ring awareness and quickly tried to reach for the ropes only to be pulled away. Kix tries to kick her off but Rook hangs on with impressive tenacity and manages to weather the storm as she manages to transition for the heel hook, the devastating submission that almost put Alison Crowne away in her debut. Kix tries her best to block the attempt but Rook manages to finally flip it over and get it locked in tight!

North: Discretion clearly isn't the better part of valor here tonight, they're both looking for the quick finish be it by knockout of submission!

DIC: They hate each other and it shows! They're not paid by the hour; why should they take their time if they think they might have the other in checkmate? Kix can win at any time with a wide variety of lethal kicks with her MMA and kickboxing background; do you know she won the Paris Kickboxing Invitational several years back?

North: She did. One could say there are merits to this strategy but all it takes is one miscalculation to end up on your back for that three second tan. High risk.

DIC: But high reward; don't forget that. Sometimes you need to take a gamble or two in life!

Kix screams in pain knowing the damage that's being done to her leg, a big part of her offensive repertoire. Kix tries to slip out and manages to roll over to relieve some of the pressure on her leg as she kicks down with her free leg at Rook's head, getting several nasty blows in that nearly forces her to let go but Rook manages to roll back over! Kix grits her teeth but sees a silver lining as the second roll manage to place the bottom rope within reach and she reaches out and grasps onto it! The referee quickly calls for a break, Rook only relinquishing the hold at the count of 3.

North: Rook breaks at the count of three, she has until five before the referee can call for a disqualification or attempt to force a break himself at his discretion. I have a feeling he's going to let these two go a bit and show some leniency given the circumstances but you can't count on that.

DIC: I mean of course Rook is going to milk every bit she can and cut every corner; she hasn't paid her dues like Hannah Kix!

North: Rook hasn't exactly had an easy road to this point and yet she still finds a way to thrive. She's battle tested and earning her stripes early if you ask me.

Rook gets up with a grin having got one over on the veteran kickboxer taking a little time to jaw off.

Rook: Not so tough without your bag of tricks and sneak attacks, are ya?

Rook stomps on Kix's leg causing her to scream.

North: This is personal; no doubt about it. I would hate to be the official in the ring right now; you got to let them fight it out but you still have to know where to draw the line both as far as the rules go and their respective health. That said, I can't really say I blame Rook all too much given the circumstances.

DIC: It's dirty is what it is! But what comes around goes around; she'll get her receipt soon enough, just you watch!

Rook goes to pick up Kix only to get a thumb jabbed rather harshly into her eye which draws a stiff rebuke from the official. Kix follows it up with a rather cheap uppercut to a relatively defenseless Rook stunning her further as she just starts throwing heavy hands, going for rabbit punches when possible. Rook tries to clinch her against the ropes trying to force a break which the referee attempts to do and manages to pull them apart for just a moment before Kix shoves the referee aside and lands a very nasty, unprotected kidney punch!

DIC: OH HO! That may not exactly be kosher or halal in the boxing ring but that's completely legal here! There's your receipt right there, Rook!

North: The punch may be, yes, but putting her hands on an official like that absolutely isn't! Hannah Kix is flirting with disqualification after that one and she's pretty close to the edge.

Rook nearly collapses from the hit and reels against the ropes as the referee is quick to get in Kix's face. Kix starts insulting the referee in French as Ashley Lopez slinks her way to ringside and drags Rook out of the ring! Lopez starts to drive her knees into her repeatedly on the outside taking advantage of the distraction by her partner directing the referee's attention away. Rook groans as Ashley Lopez takes a moment to back off and gloat after getting in a few cheap shots, giving Rook the perfect opportunity to grab a fan's drink with her back turned and splashed it into her face, the cola drenching Ashley's face! Rook is quick to drive the blinded Lopez head first into the turnbuckle, which is the only part of this exchange the official manages to see as Kix turns her attention back to her opponent.

North: I should've known! It was only a matter of time before Ashley would come running out to get in a few cheap shots and Hannah Kix is doing her best to cover for her!

DIC: All's far in love and war and you better bet your ass this is war! Good for Ashley!

Kix quickly hops to the outside as the official orders them both to go back into the ring. The referee is promptly ignored as Kix and Rook are trading haymakers at this point. Ashley Lopez manages to shake the cobwebs out and tries to join the fray leaving Rook to briefly try to fight off two women at once until Kartina ran out from the back to even the odds, taking up Ashley's attention.

North: Katrina isn't going to have any of this, she's coming out to even the odds once more!

DIC: Just like a hurricane to come on out uninvited and unwanted! When will she ever learn to keep her nose out of other people's business?! She just wants a shot at the LONE Champion, her friendship with Rook is about as genuine as a three dollar bill!

North: That's not true; it's possible to have and make lifelong friends in this business and these two as part of LONE's new wave happen to have a lot in common inside and out of the ring. Regardless I have a feeling this isn't going to be returning to the ring, the referee is already to the count of five and fists are just flying everywhere; he's quickly losing control of this!

The referee's count is up to 6 by now as all of this quickly unfolds at once as the match has quickly devolved into total anarchy.




With no signs of stopping the brawl begins to make it's way up the aisle towards the curtain and to the back.


The bell rings as the match will more than likely be ruled a double count-out.

North: Well, this match will with all certainty go down in the record books as a double count-out. But this fight is far from over and it's spilling over to the back!

DIC: This is Rage and Fortune's chance to end it all right here! Give those two some good old fashioned street justice!

Lopez and Kix finally manage to put some space between them and Rook and Katrina as Kix grabs a hot coffee pot and flings the contents and then the pot at them; narrowly missing both times as they immediately begin to sprint down the hallway looking for a strategic retreat. Rook and Katrina are swift to give chase almost immediately after dodging the obstacles thrown at them. The camera is quick to catch up with Kix and Lopez who appear to be tipping over every table and object behind them to try to slow the chase down at least until they have an opportunity to regroup. The strategy eventually works as Lopez and Kix slowly pull away and cut a sharp corner to disappear from view. The camera continues to follow them as they fast walk towards the locker room.

Lopez: Let's get our stuff and split. They need to learn that we fight on our time and on our terms.

Kix gives no argument against this, the adrenaline the only thing keeping the pain from the heel hook front and center in her mind and body's awareness. They slip into the locker room just in time for Rook and Kartina to catch them in their line of sight. The locker room appears to be crowded with members of the roster as people are getting ready to go home. Kix and Lopez push their way through to grab their bags as Katrina and Rook burst in through the door, damn near short of just kicking the door down. A hint of panic can be seen in the eyes of Lopez and Kix as Rook and Katrina force their way through the log jam and start brawling again! This time the entire locker room joins in; Generations initially go after Lopez and Kix before Spice and Ice cut them off; Jennifer Stewart gets into a brawl with the Juggalettes who are at the same time trying to spray Faygo root beer around the room; The Gucci Gals look to get in cheap shots on whoever seems to be closest whether that's Hip O., Hookah Jones, Homeless Hannah, or No Fly Zone's Kayoko Ichikawa just to name a few. The lights suddenly cut out before flashing back on with a sinister red tint as The Damned join the fray as they quickly make their way over to Generations as fists continue to fly.

North: The LONE locker room has become a warzone! A brawl between four has now become a brawl for all!

DIC: Don't remind me of that... hey come on Gucci Gals, give it to em Spice and Ice, come on Hannah, Ashley!

North: If this is any preview of the Rumble I think we're going to have our work cut out for us!

At this point security begins to pile into the room by the droves as they're knocked down in almost comical fashion like bowling pins as errant and intentional blows from the locker room riot striking true. Eventually security stops piling in as police officers begin to attempt to break it up as Steven O'Reilly is shouting and waving them in to the locker room.

North: Steven O'Reilly and Fallcoast's finest are trying to restore order but it's going to take some time but unfortunately we're all out of time for tonight! For my broadcast partner DIC we thank you for welcoming us into your homes for another month; drive home safely. Goodnight everyone! We'll see you at The Rumble!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!