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{{Infobox Log
<br><br>{{Infobox Log
|name = 2023.03.15 Dude, Where’s My Robe?
|name = 2023.03.15 Dude, Where’s My Robe?
|summary  = Dasia and JJ bring Damon to the apartment to try and explain things to him more clearly. Kieran gets voluntold to help. Erin gets updated.  
|summary  = Dasia and JJ bring Damon to the apartment to try and explain things to him more clearly. Kieran gets voluntold to help. Erin gets updated.  

Revision as of 07:54, 16 March 2023

2023.03.15 Dude, Where’s My Robe?
Dasia and JJ bring Damon to the apartment to try and explain things to him more clearly. Kieran gets voluntold to help. Erin gets updated.
IC Date 03.15.23
Players Dasia, Damon,Erin, Janneke, Kieran
Location Upstairs from Detonation Boulevard
Spheres Changeling

Detonation Boulevard -- Loft Apartment(#3139RAM)

This loft apartment is all open spaces and light. The wooden floors are well maintained and polished. The walls are a soft eggshell white and covered in art of all sorts, from framed concert posters to colorful art prints. The huge room is lined in windows that have white wood-slat blinds, most left open to reveal the view of Prospect beyond. The bathroom is the only separate space, and it's decorated in sea colors -- pale blue, aqua, midnight -- and white cabinetry.

There is exactly as much furniture as is needed, most of it in contemporary and Scandi-modern style. There's ample space in between for wandering. The modern kitchen is streamlined and immaculate, with white glass-fronted cabinetry, black granite tops with silver and blue veining, and stainless steel appliances. The sectional sofa is plush and comfy, done in a sand tone with a riot of colored boho-pattern pillows tucked into its corners.

The sleeping area is hidden from immediate view by tall cubicle bookshelves front the living area that hold mementoes, art, books, discs, and a large-screen TV. The bed's platform frame, and the matching night tables, dresser, and armoire are all in a rich teak, with bedding in night-sky colors of midnight, rich purple, and gold and silver accents.

Glamour rushes through this space, particularly in the kitchen. On occasion one of the little chimerical creatures from the shop below will set up residence for a time, and they seem to favor perching on the memorabilia displayed here.

It didn't take long to get to the building on the corner of D and Fifth. The parking was accessed by an alley behind the building, since the main portion of the street is foot traffic only. JJ leads the way up the stairs to the second floor, and opens the door to reveal the large, airy apartment. It looks comfy, despite all the space. Maybe it's the excess of pillows on the couch, or the soft-looking rugs. Or maybe it's just because the whole place feels like someone's home and not just a designer's idea of same. The posters framed on the walls, the pieces of art and other knick-knacks all feel personal.

"So, what can I get everyone to drink? The bathroom is over there," she motions, "And there's a clean robe in there I keep for guests, so it should fit, Damon." She takes off her shoes by the door -- in socked feet, she's a lot shorter.

"Dasia, what's yours?" She walks toward the fridge in the kitchen, clearly planning to make drinks. "I have a blender if you want something weird."


Damon looks to JJ and seem a touch more at peace as he takes off his boot, those old and worn out things look like they are ready for the trash, "Water is fine for me.. " He does however walks right over to JJ and gives her a big warm hug, "Thank you for letting me use your shower, it is very very kind of you." He is strong and warm and then he break away from the pair of lady to head to the bathroom for the long desired shower!


Being a guest and all, Dasia slips out of her wedges... still not as short as JJ, but maybe the normal height difference. Depends on those platforms. "Just an appletini, if you've got one of those little straws," Dasia says. "If not, something.... fruity, as long as it's still in the bottle." She might look offended at her drink order not being known! Her eyes do sort of drift after Damon, until he's around the corner and out of sight. She doesn't... sigh wistfully, or anything. But only just! "So this is homey," she says. There is a hint of a compliment there. Somewhere. The mask is hard to let slip. "Definitely better than my place. All the tasteful nude paintings and being forced to wear my kimono after a shower just might pit him off again, for a bit."


Janneke smiles and returns the hug. She's squishy. Pleasantly so, if you like squish. "My pleasure," she says, with utter sincerity. She's a Boggan. Being a hostess goes with the territory.

Once he's in the shower, she looks to Dasia. "We need to get him some new clothes. And a place other than his truck to live in. I mean, even if he doesn't have much, we could find him something clean and decent. He deserves better than living in his damn truck." She twists her lips. "I *know* Erin is paying him better than him having to live like that. And if she's not, we're going to have *words*." Uh oh. Pissed off Boggan.

"Thank you. I like it to feel like someplace people can get comfy. But clean and neat at the same time." Does she have those little straws? Hmph! This is a BOGGAN home, madame! She pulls out an oversized martini glass and mixes up an appletini in a flash of an eye, with a little straw, of course. That goes onto the gorgeous black granite countertop on a neat little cloth cocktail napkin. CLOTH. Seriously. She then puts on a pot of coffee -- good beans. The delightful smell alone could raise a voice to the heavens. That's for her, and possibly Damon, depending on his preferences when he's there to voice them.

"I have a feeling this is going to be interesting."


the sounds of clothing hitting the floor and the shower going is the first sign of the man washing up, The door partial crackle open, "Your water is AMAZING HERE." a cries of absolute joy from the bathroom as the man finally feels clean.


"Clothes I can handle, but I don't know if he would appreciate going all bespoke. At least not until he's finished the Chrysalis," Dasia says, already thinking about tailors and everything. "Maybe he's got some loan shark he's got to pay off, or something." A pause. "He did say something about a secret, or whatever. If it's his own mess that's keeping things messy, there's not a ton we can do. Can only force his hand so far..." Two fingers on either side of the stem of the martini glass, she slides is (and the CLOTH NAPKIN) closer, while she gets to work on coffee. Damon shouts, and she smirks. "Sounds like me after a week on a hiking trip," she murmurs, lifting the glass to sniff the drink. When JJ glances back her way, she lifts the glass to 'cheers', before lowering it a bit, giving it one last quick swirl with the straw, and siiiiiipping some of the beverage.


JJ mmms thoughtfully and says, "Maybe not even then, he seems like a self-reliant sort of guy. But still, we can help. Maybe." She draws in a breath, and then laughs at the call from the bathroom. "If nothing else, at least I can offer the use of my shower and washer-dryer. Though I do have space in the basement that used to be an apartment. It's partly my workshop now, but I'm not using all the space."

She begins to prep the foamed milk, as well, her expression pensive. "I don't know about his mess, so much as... I've kind of gotten the feeling that life's just *been* messy for him, and he's wandered some. And this change is really doing a number on him."


Damon climbs out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his lower half, the 'guest' robe only going around his mid waist, "Hmmmm.. I don't think your robe was designed for guys like me." He chuckles a bit, "But that shower was great.. I feel almost human again." He looks to his clothing and the dirty upon before frowning a bit, "I will dry off and get dressed here in a second girls and then we can talk ok?" He starts to make his way back into the bathroom to dry off and put his clothing back on, "If you want, I can talk from here to start."


"It's always messy, even if you've got family there who knows what's happening," Dasia replies, setting the martini glass back on the napkin. She's still got her fingers on the straw, idly spinning it as she thinks. When the VERY TALL Damon comes out and has robe issues, she arches a thin, microbladed brow, and then sighs. "I'm going to need a fresh drink after this," she laments. Before further explanation, she lifts the glass and dumps it all into her mouth, already quick-stepping over to Damon and puts her hands behind his head... tilts it down so there is a biiiig bugs bunny kiss. Except she's got to pass him some of that applietini, too. Just a bit. The chaos and distraction of the moment at its peak, she's got those perfectly manicured fingers bunched up around the bottom of the robe, and the towel underneath. She gives them both a sharp tug towards the floor...


<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dasia rolls Metamorphosis + Prop vs 5 for 3 successes.
+9 +10 +10


Janneke ... stares.

Then she begins to make Dasia another appletini.

I mean, what else is a Boggan to do? "Um, so. Damon? Coffee or a cold drink or... something stiffer, your call, whatever will make this all easier?" She's back to working on putting together what looks like a latte for herself, absently making a pattern in the foamed milk with a stencil. No, she's not the least bit flustered, why would she be flustered?

... and while the towel is removed in a very locker room manner, the robe is the impressive part. It is no longer mid-thigh/hip level. It now reaches to the floor, like it's strait out of a faerie tale. "That should keep you comfortable until your clothes are clean." She returns to the little stool she was sitting on. Satisfied.


One moment, Damon was talking, clean and WEARING A TOWEL! The next moment, a beautiful woman was kissing him, there was tasty booze in his mouth and his dick is flopping in the wind as the robe was never closed.. it was never once closed.... "I.. hmmm.. I... I think I will take a harder drink now.. " Yes, lady she is a shower AND a grower it would seem, one doesn't get the sex appeal merit without it! "Dasia... Janneke.. what just happened."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Damon rolls Appearance + Seduction + 2 vs 3 for 10 successes.
2 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +7 +8 +8 +10 +10


<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Damon rolls 2 vs 3 for 2 successes.
+4 +8

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Janneke rolls Perception(4) + Alertness(2) (6 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes.
3 4 4 +7 +8 +10

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dasia rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 3 successes.
1 +6 +8 +9 10


"I just convinced the robe that it should fit you a little bit better, is all," Dasia replies. Totally innocently. Like this wasn't planned or anything. She gives a quick glance down, then back up. That smile sure is... no wait. For the first time that JJ has seen, the smile isn't just lips and dimples! There is the smallest of wrinkles there, at the corner of her eye! And then it is gone, a moment later. But it was there! "You might want to tie that robe closed," she adds. So innocent.

Janneke facepalms, eyes widening, and slaps a hand over her mouth. She murmurs something inaudible, and then clears her throat, hand moving away, saying, audibly, "I have most of the standard types of booze on hand, wine, beer. Pick something..." She doesn't sound angry, just... trying really, really hard not to do something that would be regretted later. Or not regretted, which would somehow be worse, given the givens of the relatively innocent young man she's sorta dating.

JJ adds a healthy slug of whisky to her coffee. It's shaping up to be that kinda situation. She considers the bottle, then takes a slug straight from it. It's a from-the-bottle-kinda party. She then pours for Damon and slides Dasia's fresh appletini across the bar to the Eshu. "Just shoot me now," she murmurs to the Eshu.


Damon is embarrassed and a touch anger, his eyes flicker with glamour and power, there is a shake to the room as he starts to step form and tie his robes and as he does, the pair of women find that their clothing has shift, morph and changed into 1600 garb including a VERY VERY tight corset, "Thou shalt not do that again mi'lady or my wrath and lust will be upon thee both, do thou understand!" His tone and language shift to a different persona, he looks to them both very Regal and Majestic.


JJ blinks and tilts her head, the powdered wig sliding out of place. "Well, fuck," she says succinctly, grabbing the wig and tossing it aside but snatching the little hat off the top and putting it on her own head. Speaking of which... "Dasia? Would you be so kind as to unlace this tourniquet a touch? I can't breathe!"

Janneke turns and looks over at Damon, now that his robes are tied. "She did not mean to mock you, m'lord," she says, with a soft sigh. "She was trying to make the robe fit you properly. You're taller than my usual guests, and I'm sorry I didn't consider that when I offered you the robe." Inhale. Exhale. Well, not really, more like 'sip air, cough out a puff.' Aside from the corset's tightness, though, she's down with wearing the garb. Why not? She's worn weirder in her days.


<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dasia rolls Willpower vs 6 for 2 successes.
3 3 +7 +10


The glamour washes through the room and hits even Dasia's heartspun voile. Fantastic attire dreamed up by Louis Vuitton is infused and the dream is changed, for a little while. The skirt lengthens, splits... wraps around each leg in a pretty baggy manner. The top shapes itself into a corset, thrusting her bust up after shoving her sides in with a squeeeeeeze. It's a slow exhale and she adjusts her posture to breathe easier. "Wrath and lust are fine, big boy... but we need to make sure you can handle your liquor first," she teases. The sleeves of her top are now arm wraps, and she adjusts the hijab that has appeared, but doesn't take it off. So stylish!

She turns to JJ, helping to free up some breathing room. "I don't see any laces on there, I think we're stuck like this for a while," she says. "Here, lean over like this, maybe you can stretch the material a bit so you can get a bit more air."

She glances back to Damon. "Yeah. You can tell I wasn't mocking on account of how I wasn't laughing, I was staring and sizing it up like I wanted a bite." A pause. "Or something. Maybe not a *bite*..."


Damon storm over to Dasia and looks to her with fiery passion of command, "I am Lord Casimir Beaumayn and you will respect the name." He looks about the room, "What madness is this? where am I and who are you?" He commands of the woman before starting to wince a touch, grabbing his head, "Damn it lad, You are not the master of this house.." Then there is a flicker as Damon is back, "OUCH!" he mutter a bit, "why do you like that you two?" He sigh and looks to the glass of bourbon in his hand, he shakes his head and down the whole glass, "You see.. this is the weird shit I was talking about?!?!"


"Biting would be bad." JJ exhales after having managed to get to the point of breathability, at least, and discovers she can inhale. Bonus! She picks up the boozified latte and chooses a chair in the living room, spinning it to face the dining area in case the others stay there. "Lord Casimir... Damon..."

She stops, then raises her voice impressively. "BOTH OF YOU, KINDLY TAKE A DAMN BREATH."

Once she's sure she's being heard, she goes on. "Okay, Damon. We should all sit and start from the beginning with what is happening. Lord Casimir, would it be possible to let Damon hear our counsel and not miss anything or be confused internally? I know this is chaotic, but if you could help him stay present by not taking over for a time so we can help him understand, it will be much easier for him."

The Boggan smiles, then, no challenge in her expression, and takes a sip from her latte. "And Damon... your other self did this. The garb, I mean."


<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Janneke rolls Intelligence(4) + Lore Changeling(3) (7 dice) vs 6 for 6 successes.
2 +6 +6 +8 +8 +9 +10

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dasia rolls Intelligence + Lore Changeling vs 6 for 0 successes.
3 4 4 5 5

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dasia rolls Royal Lineage vs 6 for 3 successes.
2 +7 +8 +8


"Oh, I'll do more than just respect your name," Dasia teases. They're in a name-off. Who is more Important. She's trained for this. She was BORN for this. "I am Damawiy Nasrin, neice of Sultana Talitha al-Hajr, and heir to Al-Ahlam Alealiqa." It's not boomy. And the corset and comical clothing kind of undercut it. But it's there. The Wyrd may not recognize her as a Lofty Noble, but her words are true. She is *technically* a princess. Just. Not where she has any authority.

She is in JJ's house, after all. She would be a poor guest to deny her request. "Yes, of course," she says, toning things down. Revenge... can come later. Perhaps with feathers. For now. she's here to help!


<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Dasia rolls Torture vs 6 for 1 successes.
2 +9

There is a knocking upon the door, coming from the direction of D St. and Fifth Ave. - Alley.


Damon looks between the two with Fae and nods before closing his eyes, and then Lord Casimir returns with that noble bearing his his, He make a bathroom look regal. "Lady Janneke, As this is your home and it shall be respected as such." He sigh gently, "Please continue with your explain, the confusion will continue, but I think Damon and I are coming to some form of accord.. " His Fae name on full display, it is only then that he hears the knock at the door.


Kieran is at the top of the stairs, looking about.


Janneke opens the door. She's in 1600s garb. "Hey, Kee. Wanna help? Good." And with that, she grabs the Clurichaun and tugs her inside.


Kieran gets pulled inside with a squawk, "Help?! Help with what?? And what're you wearing? Jordan said you hadn't been in all day..."

Sent>@emit %tJJ is about to answer when the doorknock interrupts. She holds up a finger, and says, "One second." Then she disappears for a few seconds, returning with a Clurichaun being tugged inside. "Aha. Okay. Kieran, I think you've met Damon, but I do NOT think you have met Lord Casimir ap Beaumayn. He is... agreeing to let us speak with Damon about what is happening to him. Which is likely obvious at the moment. Would you like a drink to help wash down the insanity?" %r%tWith that, she pours Kee a drink, hands it over, and then returns to her seat. "I had promised him lunch for fixing my car. We met up to have said lunch. And he's been experiencing... weird things. Which Dasia and I have concluded is the beginning of a Dream Dance."


JJ is about to answer when the doorknock interrupts. She holds up a finger, and says, "One second." Then she disappears for a few seconds, returning with a Clurichaun being tugged inside. "Aha. Okay. Kieran, I think you've met Damon, but I do NOT think you have met Lord Casimir ap Beaumayn. He is... agreeing to let us speak with Damon about what is happening to him. Which is likely obvious at the moment. Would you like a drink to help wash down the insanity?"

With that, she pours Kee a drink, hands it over, and then returns to her seat. "I had promised him lunch for fixing my car. We met up to have said lunch. And he's been experiencing... weird things. Which Dasia and I have concluded is the beginning of a Dream Dance."

to add: Damon has wet hair and is in a long tied robe. Dasia is in a Middle Eastern version of said garb, including harem pants.


Hijab, arm-wraps, harem pants, and ridiculous corset that Dasia shouldn't be able to breathe in, but beauty is suffering, so she's used to it. Mostly. She's also got a bath towel in her hands, still. For some reason.


Lord Casimir ap Beaumayn gives a firm look at Dasia and attempts to reclaim his missing bath towel, "If you would be so kind as to give it back." His voice is deep and soothing as he looks Dasia in the eyes, before turning to the new arrival, he release the towel and Dasia wins this round as he walks over to Kieran and formally bows to her, "Good Evening Mi'Lady, it is a pleasure to be grace by your presence. How maybe be of service to you?" His violet eyes look up to her with a a unknowable depths within them.


Dasia passes the towel back over, even though it totally isn't needed... the bathrobe got Metamorphosis'd into a large, wizardly, even regal robe. He just has to tie it shut. IS it still hanging in the breeze? Is JJ's honor still... honorable? The Weird Harem outfit she is in is still the heartspun fabric of her normal Voile, just... not designer in fashion. It's also the rich green and black of House Leanhaun, though the corset ribbing are gold, and the red roses of her personal banner splash here and there.


Kieran cocks her head /very/ slowly at what's going on. "I am not dru-" Then JJ hands her a drink, and she looks down at it for a very long moment before looking back up at... Lord Casimir? And then the drink is drunk. But Kee is not. What she /is/, however, is attired like an escapee from a Final Fantasy game, in thigh-high leather boots, and white leggings, with an emerald green naval surcoat out of the Age of Said, complete with matching vest/corset/weskit, and a rapier at her hip.

What she /says/ she is, though, is, "still not drunk enough for this..."

When Lord Casimir bows, she gives a slow nod. Freakin' Irish, so ill-mannered. "Kieran Mac Con Mara... and I thank you for the consideration, but I have to warn you, my presence is usually anything but 'grace'-ing for proceedings. Still, a pleasure to meet you."


Janneke explains a bit further, rising to refill Kee's drink, "So. Given that this is right near the Rath, we thought being here would be good in case he slips fully into the Dream Dance. But Damon has no idea what's happening, and he's been sleeping a lot, and seeing weird shit, and I wanted to have another person here who could help us explain the situation."

She turns to look at Damon directly. "Okay. To the Damon part of you, you're part of a two-person team, in essence. There is the mortal, normal-world part of you, which is Damon. And there is the... different part of you that you're just starting to encounter right now, who is Lord Casimir ap Beaumayn. And *he* is one of the Fair Folk. Changelings. Like me, too, though he's a lot prettier than I am." She grins at that with wryness. "When someone is born with a fae soul and a human one, eventually the fae soul bursts free, and the two have to learn to coexist in two different worlds. Which is what you're seeing right now -- the fae world, and the mortal world." A pause. "Is this completely confusing?"


Damon looks between the women, "Pardon my state of dress.. It would seem my counterpart Damon was bathing before possibly laying with a consort." It is unclear as to whom he was refering too. At which point Damon assume control and looks to the surround of women, "Yes, I understand.. So far.. if I am this thing.. why do I not have any control over it right now?" he walks over to the bourbon and pour himself another glass, "I am not drunk enough for this conversation either." He sigh and then leans against the wall, using the towel to dry his hair, yes the robe is tied up so nothing is showing at least to Damon's knowledge. "I am getting it in bit and pieces, I got alot of pain with this.. my mind feels split open over and over and over again." A frown crosses that perfect face, "I just wish I wasn't so tired and hungry all the time.. sometime I will eat like my life depends on it, other food make me sick to look at."


Kieran nods slowly, "That's because... technically... you're going insane." She takes the new drink from JJ as she continues to explain, "For howevermany years you've been you, your mind's been conditioned to see... /part/ of the world. But only part of it. Because the rest of it... is too big, too much. But now... the rest of your is waking up, and /that/ part... it can handle the 'too much'... so.." She gives a sheepish little shrug as she takes a drink, "your mind is breaking so it can fit the new pieces into place."


“Do you think you could eat now, Damon?" She's leaving that whole 'consort' thing alone entirely, at least for now. "Keeping you fed is going to matter. It will help you stay grounded, as much as that is possible for you to do right now. I could make you something simple and quick. A sandwich or something."

Oh, boy, JJ's gone Full Tilt Boggan. She must be worried.

Janneke sips from her booze latte and considers her next words carefully. "Your head hurts because you're not used to having two people there. You don't have control over it because the Dreams are pushing through you to come out, and like Kee just said... your mind is starting to see a whole new set of things that you didn't know existed. And that... is the world of Dreams, and when this process finishes, it shouldn't hurt any longer.”


Damon looks to Janneke with a frown and takes her hand, "Mi'lady, don't you fret for me. " He slips between personality for a moment, "I mean you are fine, don't sweat it Janneke, I just need a coffee in my truck, a gas station sandwich and a few hours rest and I will be right as rain.. " He looks back and forth between the three, "As for what trigger this all for me. It was a choice.. When I stay too long in one place.. I get this itch in my mind to get up and leave, just pack up everything and move to the next city, find a shop to make some money and live out of the truck.. " He look down, "I.. well.. I dated Angie for a while, so I stay longer then I was expecting already, got used to the idea of settling down, but then I split with her and I had loaded my truck up and looks to the shop... and then just turn the truck off. I made a choice, it was to stay, not run, not live alone forever.. I hate being alone, I hate going to sleep in my truck night after night with nothing more then myself and a old novel to keep me company."


Kieran nods slowly taking another drink, "Well... the odds of you being 'alone' at any given moment have dropped significantly. You /may/ have trouble keeping the imaginary friends away. I mean, you might not, so don't panic, but you're going to be seeing a lot more little flitter-y things that look like someone decided to breed Tinkerbell with basically anything they could find. Basically, if you can imagine it, so can someone else, and it's probably out there somewhere... so... new pets, maybe?" Another sip of her drink, "Sorry, that bit was a lot less cohesive than my first one... didn't have to explain that bit before."


Janneke squeezes his hand gently. "But you have homemade coffee with excellent beans and a good sandwich made by a friend instead. So have a seat, I'll fuss a little and get you fed while we talk, and if you need to rest, you can rest safely here. I have a spare bed in the couch, and we'll put your clothes in so they're fresh for you in the morning."

Kee's comments make her nod ruefully. "Look around the room, you might see a few here and there. They're chimera -- beings of the Dreaming." She considers him, and then says, assessingly, "By choosing to stay, you chose not to deny yourself. You chose to find what is offered to you by fate. It's hard, but nothing worth doing is easy, really, is it? At least not the first time. Being alone sucks. But you don't have to be. And really, you won't be. There's a whole bunch of us who get it firsthand."


Damon nods to her, "I wouldn't want to inconvenience you." He looks about the room, "My vision flicker between this state of being and another." He looks to her and frown a bit, "A sandwich and coffee would be good.. I am.. I just hate being a burden on anyone really." He turns to Kieran, "I.. don't want to think about people breeding tinkerbells ok.. that seem.. different." he chuckles a bit and takes a seat on the couch, he looks tired.. very tired. "Techically I have money.. I just kept banking it for when I drifted away again. When I ran again..." He looks at Janneke as if this ordeal has taxed him. "I am sorry for all the trouble."


Kieran nods, "Yeah, nobody likes to think about Tinkerbell breeding... except, you now, Tinkerbell. Cuz /that/ girl was seriously hot for Peter and I don't even wanna /think/ about how she planned to make that work..." And, with that deep insight, Kieran finishes off her second drink and just kind of settles in, frowning into the empty glass.


Janneke offers, "Part of not being alone is accepting that sometimes, you are gonna have to accept help." She moves back to the kitchen, voile-dress rustling as she bustles, making a sandwich and some coffee, adding some handcut chips on the side. "Anyone else hungry while I'm in here?" It really isn't an imposition, it seems. "Or want a refill?" She sighs softly and says, "You don't need to apologize, this isn't something you *did*, it's something you *are*, if you follow me." She puts together all the refills and brings out a tray with drinks and nibbles as well as the sandwich and coffee, placing it on the coffee table with an actual linen napkin. "Clearly," she tells Kee, "It was all about the Meta."


Damon start to looks at the food and then to Kieran, Dasia and finally Janneke and he just starts devouring every ounce of food in sight, his body is almost burning it as fast as he is eating it, it is really quite impressive as it is uncertain if he maybe part redcap at this point.. "Sorry.. the hunger hit me.. I .. thank you for your kindness." He attempt to at least taste the coffee instead of inhaling it. "Oh god, what am I going to tell Erin, she doesn't know anything about all of this, she is going to think I am skipping work?!?!"


Kieran says, “I dunno, I think she was just a size queen. Tink, I mean, not Erin... I mean, she could be, but I got no reason to think that.. Anyway... we'll just have someone clue her into what's going on. She'll be fine. Hell, she'll probably get a kick out of being able to tell 'Lord Casimir' to change someone's oil.”


At some point, Dasia slipped out of the homey little room to the restroom, where she was for, PERHAPS, longer than she should have been. When the returns, the Hijab is down around her neck, but still on. The arm wraps she didn't even bother trying to unwrap. Damn chimerical shenanigans. Buy now she's come back into the room and gives a glance around. "Ah... What did I miss?" she asks.


Janneke doesn't make any comments about Damon's hunger, except to go to the kitchen as she talks and assemble two more sandwiches. As Kee answers, she realizes he probably has no idea that his boss is also Fae, and smiles ruefully. "I guess we may as well mention it, then," she explains. "She's one of us, as well. She'll understand." She places the plate with the additional sandwiches in front of Damon, then puts down a plate of cookies for the group to share. She hopes. "Do you have any questions at the moment?" She looks up at Dasia. "Fae Chrysalis 101," she says. "Basics of what's happening."


Damon looks to her with a frown, "Only two, How long until this settles down and my mind feels...somewhat normal again?" He has decided if Dasia was going to torture him, she will have to pay the piper and he attempt to snag her up on the couch next to him and accept some kind of hug/cuddle/kindness instead of nudity torture. "My second question is.. do you have blankets and pillow I could use, I don't think I am in any condition to drive anywhere?" He is wiped.


Janneke hrms. She looks to the others for a moment, and then opines, "Within a few days, I think. Maybe less, given how strongly your other self is manifesting. But... it'll feel different, after. Not bad. Not painful. Just... different." JJ isn't sure how he's going to like that truth, but it *IS* truth, so she tells it to him. She smiles warmly at the next question, and says, "And yes, I do. We'll get you all set up, I promise. You don't need to go anywhere, you're safe here, I promise." There's a gentleness in her tone that sounds sincere.


"Chrysalis 101, so I haven't missed much, then," Dasia replies, sliding onto the couch next to Damon before he can even start to grab for her. How...


"And yeah, food and sleep, big guy. You're going to need to save up your energy. It's, uh... a whole thing." She also, at some point, picked up her new, fresh appletini that was totally made after she used the first one in a bunk. But it's been sitting, so she gives it a swirl with the straw before she gets to sipping at it. "You know, you might have better luck making the clothes big enough to fit him better," she says. "I don't think he's going to trust me to do it for him, after... well..." She just sort of gestures at the robe situation.


Kieran considers, "And /then/ all the really annoying crap begins... like a year and a day of fosterage, and then a lifetime of political bullshit..."


Janneke ughs. "Let's not get into the politics, I was just feeling my mood settle to something resembling calm." She moves into the bedroom area, gathering some things, including a large pair of Bermuda short PJ bottoms and an oversized tee for Damon to sleep in, spare blankets, sheets, and pillows. When she returns, she's loaded up to her eyeballs, literally, and drops her burdens on an armchair. She shooes everyone off the sofa and sets up the bed for Damon, efficient as always, including plumping pillows. She hands him the clothing and says, "Hopefully these should work."


Damon looks to her and just gives her a little ruffle of her hair, playful and sweet, at the end of the day, he is a sweetheart. "You are absolutely going to be like this with me forever aren't you?" He eyes Dasia with those newly minted violet eyes, "All of you are going to be like this aren't you?" He seems to be slipping into a dream sleep state until he is chase off the couch, he then takes the clothing and goes to the bathroom to change, for the most part, it works. He comes out and everything he is wearing is damn near skin tight, but at least he is covered, "Thanks Janneke." He moves over to the couch and flops down to slumber for the night.


"It should wear off after a little while, maybe a day, at the most," Dasia replies, very nearly glaring daggers at her hair getting ruffled. The excuse to escape by moving off the couch is a grand life-line that she takes and bounces back to the counter. "The only way to make something like this permanent is to Unleash, and that's more like a fire-hose of Glamour than anything... sane," she explains. Wait. Doesn't she Unleash all the time?

Mind your business.


Kieran says, “We'll still be us, yes." She nods, and moves to set down her empty glass, "That's the part of all of this that's most guaranteed.”

Sent>"Says the Queen of the Unleash," JJ teases Dasia. She tucks him in, dimming the lights so he can sleep. "We can go downstairs or onto the roof to talk, whichever. I want to let him rest. Poor guy is wiped. Oh, I better call Erin before it gets any later." She takes her phone and keys, and says, "I can drag the booze with if people want. I think I've had as much as I intend to drink.


“Says the Queen of the Unleash," JJ teases Dasia. She tucks him in, dimming the lights so he can sleep. "We can go downstairs or onto the roof to talk, whichever. I want to let him rest. Poor guy is wiped. Oh, I better call Erin before it gets any later." She takes her phone and keys, and says, "I can drag the booze with if people want. I think I've had as much as I intend to drink.”

Sent>ch Your mechanic is sleepipng on my couch. Will be calling to let you know what's up.


Damon is out cold within seconds after his head hit the pillow, not moving, not talking, just in a DEEP DEEP sleep,


<Phone> (You to Erin's speaker) JJ is calling!

<Phone> (Erin to you) Hello?

<Phone> (You to Erin's speaker) I just wanted to let you know, Damon is here, he's safe, and...

<Phone> (You to Erin's speaker) Um, he's on the verge of a Dream Dance.

<Phone> (Erin to you) I am glad he is safe, but where is here? Wait what?!

<Phone> (You to Erin's speaker) Sorry, should have said -- he's asleep on the couch at my apartment, which is upstairs from my store. He's completely wiped.

<Phone> (Erin to you) I am sure that he is.. Dream dance huh?

<Phone> (You to Erin's speaker) It's not what you think, I swear. He's been going in and out of his fae self tonight, hallucinating, all kinds of stuff. He was really worried you'd be angry, so I promised I'd call. Dasia, Kee, and I have been giving him the basics on what's happening."

<Phone> (Erin to you) Thank you, No not mad, do you need me to come up or would that make it worse?

<Phone> (You to Erin's speaker) Oh, it'd be fine but he's asleep. We left him to sleep, he says he's been having crazy dreams, which tracks, and sleeping a lot, so... just figured, best to let him rest.

<Phone> (Erin to you) Well yes I didn't mean right now I meant later

<Phone> (You to Erin's speaker) Oh, of course! Yeah, I figured bringing him here was good because there's a rath nearby. But yeah, definitely.

<Phone> (Erin to you) Ok i'll come by tomorrow, anything you want me to bring with me or you guys need?

<Phone> (You to Erin's speaker) I think we're good, but I'm pretty sure it will help him a lot to talk to you about it.

<Phone> (Erin to you) Ok, let him know that I'm thinking about him and that i'll see him soon.

<Phone> (You to Erin's speaker) I will!

<Phone> (Erin to you) :shhhs a little as you hear Eric fussing "Ok I will see you later hugs to you all and thank you for taking care of him and letting me know what is going on"

<Phone> (You to Erin's speaker) My pleasure. Be well!

<Phone> (Erin to you) you too (click)