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Revision as of 20:36, 27 June 2019

Kendra un top1.jpg

Kendra un info1.jpg
Full Name: Kendra Michelle Moore
Date of Birth: March 29, 1978
Birthplace: Madison Heights, MI
Occupation: Administrative Assistant
& Full-Time Mom
Marital Status: Married
Children: Lana - daughter
b. May 10, 2004
Nicolette - daughter
b. Nov. 20, 2006
Eva - daughter
b. Jan. 16, 2009
Jessica - daughter
b. Mar. 16, 2012
Height: 5'3" (1.61m)
Weight: 119lbs. (54kg)
Demeanor: Caregiver
Nature: Traditionalist
Kendra un sep.jpg

Notable Stats

Charisma: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png
Appearance: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png

Medicine: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.png
First Aid: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png

Alternate Identity: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png
Kendra un sep.jpg


Well, her daughter came home one afternoon
And didn't even stop to play
And she said, "mom, I got a note here from the Harper Valley PTA!"
Well, the note said, "Mrs. Johnson,
You're wearin' your dresses way too high
It's reported you've been drinking
And a-running 'round with men and goin' wild
And we don't believe you oughta be a-bringin' up
Your little girl this way!"
And it was signed by the Secretary, Harper Valley PTA

- Harper Valley PTA - Jeannie C. Riley

Roleplay HooksKendra un sep.jpg
Mysterious Past
Kendra's not from Prospect. She's not even from California, and why on earth anyone would move themselves and their family to a whole other state simply for a low-paying secretarial job is a head-scratcher - though her prompt marriage to a wealthy lawyer upon arrival might solve some of the mystery. On paper, she doesn't even seem to exist before May of 2019, at least not in any real way. Oh, there are fragments of records here and there that can be found on the internet, but they're very scant on detail, and there aren't nearly enough of them to convince a sharp mind that she's not hiding something.
Do Your Squats!
Working very, very hard at keeping herself fit is a struggle, but it's a struggle she overcomes most days. It didn't used to be this difficult when she was twenty! She spends her lunch break in the gym four times a week, unless something comes up, and if it does she'll almost always make up for it on the weekends. If anyone were ever trying to find her, the gym is the next best place to start after her job.
'Me' Time
Juggling kids and marriage and career doesn't leave her with a lot of opportunity to go out and have fun, but she makes the most of it when she gets the chance. With few friends in the city, "making the most of it" usually means going out alone and trying to figure out which bar or club mixes the best sea breeze.
Money Trouble
Those high up the corporate ladder might be well-compensated financially, but those on the lower rungs are definitely not. Kendra's on one of those lower rungs, and though her husband makes decent money, her tastes are expensive and she has a lot of extracurriculars that she can't cover with the shared housefold finances. Her salary just doesn't cover it all. Though she has no idea where she could possibly find the time, she's still actively looking for some kind of part-time job to help alleviate the financial stress at least a little bit, even as the credit card debt she's keeping secret rapidly mounts.

Biographical InfoKendra un sep.jpg

Most of Kendra's life was lived in happiness and safety among people she'd known since birth in Michigan, though she was a wilful and precocious child who always seemed to yearn for something beyond the quiet suburban life of a Detroit suburb. As childhood progressed into the terrible teenage years, this feeling and desire to rebel only progressed.

Still, she was able to find contentment in post-college life as a trauma nurse, work that she loved, and also a few years later in starting a family with her by-then husband, her college boyfriend who married her after they discovered she was pregnant. Her life with him was mostly happy, and she filled their home with children that she dearly loves, but it always felt to her as though something was missing from it, a sense of greater purpse or destiny.

This led to the eventual end of her first marriage in divorce ten years ago. There was no good reason for it that she could give her friends and family; he hadn't mistreated her, he hadn't wronged her, he hadn't cheated on her. She loved him. But it just didn't feel like what she was meant to be doing. She tried again, getting remarried three years later, this time to a police officer who'd been divorced himself, and while their relationship had excited her when it began, she felt the same old feelings of discontentment start to bubble up even faster than they had during her first marriage.

It was this gnawing sense of dissatisfaction that led her to Prospect, and led her to completely abandon most of the vestiges of what she now thinks of as her "old" life. She abandoned both her job and her husband without so much as a whisper of notice, leaving in the night with her children and no more concrete a plan than to take an entry-level job offer with a corporate conglomerate in the sun-soaked Southern Californian city. She's here to start over and live the life the way she wants, following that sense that there's more out there than quiet domestic tranquility.

Those She KnowsKendra un sep.jpg

  • Craig - Dear husband. Dear, boring husband. Dear, boring, clueless husband. A great stepfather for the girls.

Friends & Neighbors
  • Hudson - Helpful, handy, and generous. Much too good for a sleazy trailer park! Though the sleaze can be kinda fun.

The Other Life
  • Izayah - Confident, for sure, but to what end?
  • Eris - Didn't really meet you, did I?

Gallery SelectionKendra un sep.jpg

Kendra un 01.jpgKendra un 02.jpgKendra un 22.jpgKendra un 05.jpgKendra un 04.jpg