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Latest revision as of 09:47, 30 September 2015

Bad End to Great Day
Kyra and Samuel start the day well, end up with an unexpected visitor at the firestation
IC Date 2015.09.15
IC Time Day into Night
Players Kyra and Samuel
Location Some local batting cages, ends up in Fire Station near UC Prospect
Prp/Tp PRP (Afoot at the PDF) prior log: Not Funny at All
Spheres Mortal, Shifter, Wraith?
Theme Song A theme song for the log

It happened to be one of those great days, not hot as a summer day, not too cold either. A crisp wind carrying off the Pacific carries a cool breeze. Perfect for batting cages, if ever there was such perfect weather. Grey clouds gathered over head, helping with that tinge of coolness in the air, but no rain drops falling as of yet, all was good. Sam preferred a half sleeve shirt, Prospect's local baseball team, maybe rubbing it in. White torso, logo on the front, blue sleeves down to his forearm. It was sort of tight, but those shirts seemed to want to be that way. And he wore good jeans even, not just shorts, like he was sprucing himself up just a little. Even his hair, finger combed, but finger combed in one direction, go figure.

Just agreeing to meet there, he shows up with a couple of wooden bats, seemingly his preference. Even in a bag, what a baseball nerd. There are probably other things to do around the cages, like arcade or pizza or something, but he parked near the cages and went there to wait. He's even stretching out. Watching for Kyra to arrive in her vehicle, when she'a approaching, he won't give her time to start trash talking, he'll start it himself. "Welcome to my house, hope you printed the shirt about losing with dignity." Versus the champion shirt she did last time with iron ons. Maybe he should of waited to see what was on her shirt even before opening his mouth there.

Kyra arrives also, meeting him there, and she has no bats with her nor any balls. On her person though, is the unmistakable colors of the Boston Red Sox. White capri pants make up for lack of wearing the knee length baseball pants and her deck shoes are nowhere near the cleats, but her hair is pulled back into a messy bun and she's wearing a baseball cap. Backwards. She walks up to where she finds him and grins at his trash talk. She doesn't say anything, just pulls out a packet of big league chew. "You're in the big leagues now, rookie, let's go show you how to play ball.

Kyra arrives also, meeting him there, and she has no bats with her nor any balls. On her person though, is the unmistakable colors of the Boston Red Sox. White capri pants make up for lack of wearing the knee length baseball pants and her deck shoes are nowhere near the cleats, but her hair is pulled back into a messy bun and she's wearing a baseball cap. Backwards. She walks up to where she finds him and grins at his trash talk. She doesn't say anything, just pulls out a packet of big league chew. "You're in the big leagues now, rookie, let's go show you how to play ball." She chews a little wad of gum and mocks like she's spitting off to the side before offering him the packet.

In fairness, that was damn cute, her dressed like that. Sam can't lie, his eyes can't lie, but in the same vein, her competitive streak was a blast for him too, a hit or miss edge there and he wasn't going to ruin it with some offhanded remark about how adorable she looked in dressed like that. He is partially smiling, but looses his control and chuckles a little when the big league chew comes out. He might of seen that commercial, for the gum. "You're killing me smalls." He tries to act straight faced like Ham does when he says it, using one hand to hold out, palms up, stress the point. But he can't let go of the bag, can only do it one handed. "You win for attitue alone Kyra, but that wasn't the bet." That smile remains, "Do I get a dip?" Of the gum, he asks, turning, hip checking a little towards her to go snag a batting cage for them. He has some rolls of quarters in a back pocket, ready to go it seems.

Kyra wasn't going for cute, but she grins at him when she sees that look in his eyes. She even turns a full circle, "You like it?" Laughter is in her eyes, something that had been more guarded up until recently. She straightens her ball cap and says with mock ferocity. "No laughing, Rookie, we'll make a player out of you yet." She does offer the entire packet over, letting him have it as she chews her own small wad of the unflavored gum. "I see you're all decked out and ready to play," her own concession to how good he looks in what he is wearing. The movie quote is noted and she laughs. "Yeah? Well you play ball like a girl." She adds for him as they head over for one of the cages.

"I do," admits Samuel with a grin, and a nod of his head. He even holds that hand up to his chin as if looking at some piece of art. Serious that she is cute by saying he likes it, but teasing playful with the that chin grabbing at least. Taking the packet, he helps himself to a small wad too, he doesn't go for the cheek buster to act like he's playing 70s and 80s baseball. Still grinning, "This rookie's about to show you up, mind you. And totally decked out, the more serious you dress for batting cages, the better you do. I'm underdressed I think." Cause white capri pants win in his boo. And he tries not to chuckle, but that mock ferocity catches at him, he likes that fiesty in her it seems. A jaw drop at playing like a girl, "Yeah, well some lady gave it to him ... she even signed it, Ruth ... baby Ruth or something."

He'll move to open a door for them, she can go in first. Leaving his bag inside the cage, claiming it for them, and unzipping, several bats to choose from. "I'm thinking, one practice round, then best of three rounds. Most hits, and if that's close, most hits to the net above the pitching machine?" Offering her a selection of bats, but taking one himself. He offers a donut to slip onto the end for extra weight if she wants to loosen up even. "You get first round?"

Kyra grins when he says he likes her clothing. "I'm from Boston, originally," she tells him with a half shrug, one shoulder lifting. Watching him rub his chin, she smirks and shakes her head, "The day the Rookie shows me up is the day the Rookie wins his bet. So what are the stakes we're playing for today?" Barely refraining laughing at his jaw drop and the Baby Ruth moment. Once inside, she picks a random bat and shakes her head at the donut, opting to move over to the side and swing it. Once she feels warmed up, she smirks and quotes from another baseball movie. "Do you play baseball?" *Mock spit* She taps the very end of her shoe with the bat. "We play baseball too." With a grin, she assumes he won't get the reference, but she points towards the ball thing. "You're on," she agrees to the rules. "Stakes first though."

And purse of his lips, impressed about being from Boston maybe, it goes with her nature as far as he can tell. Plus explains why liking the red sox so much. "Explains a lot," about Boston, but he puts more tease in that than anything else, like a whole world of who knows what is explained by that comment. "Wasn't it dinner for two? Or maybe those stakes are too rich for Kyra?" At least he puts that out there, dinner sans a gathering at least. She needs to tack on some of her own stakes though, she got the tour, he owes smoking meat of choice for group of friends (or the original fish like he'd intended so long ago even). He swings his with a donut, loosening up some more. "When the rookie wins, you might cry ... and there is no crying in baseball." Smiking more at the mock spit, chuckling and shaking his head, knowing if he tried, he'd probably drool a little and be more embarassed himself at the mock spit.

"We already had a bet, I won, it's a cookout with friends. You're telling me you want the same old tired stakes, then you got it. If I win though, you're taking me to Universal Studios." Kyra greatly ups the stakes on her part. "I've never been and I want to go, but not alone." With a grin at his teasing, she walks over to him, bat down at her side, and nudges him deliberately with her shoulder, "Them's fightin' words, son. Put your bat where your mouth is... wait that might hurt." She pauses then does something so unKyra like. "PLAY BALL!" she yells out, laughing.

Grinning, he turns to give some room in the cage, but she catches him on the new stakes. upping them even, and he points accusation at her with a finger, "So cheating, I was going low stakes, you so upped this." A big smile, flashing teeth, "But now I'll play harder, cause even after I win, plenty more competition left in this horse." Though Universal Studios does sound rather fun. Dang, she totally upped it, he'll have to keep an eye on her. Good thing he already does. Even if she's not showing off any curves, he may see some there. Nudged on the shoulder he grins, then laughs about hurting himself. "Yeah, I'll stick to money ..." where his mouth is, then she yells and laughs. It catches him and he's laughing too. He can't say more, she umped it, but he moves out of the cage to let her have the first go. He'll pump in quarters, so it can start when she's ready, then out of the cage safter first. He'll get behind her, and totally start chanting, "Hey batter batter .... We need a batter, not a belly scratcher." Its all fair in baseball, if she looks at him he'll hold his arms up and do a little dance even, some distraction doesn't hurt in this battle of the bats.

Batting Practice Round: Kyra rolls Dexterity + Athletics vs 6 for 4 successes. 4 5 +7 +8 +9 +10

Samuel rolls Dexterity(4) + Athletics(2) (6 dice) vs 6 for 2 successes. 1 2 5 +8 +8 9

Grinning, he turns to give some room in the cage, but she catches him on the new stakes. upping them even, and he points accusation at her with a finger, "So cheating, I was going low stakes, you so upped this." A big smile, flashing teeth, "But now I'll play harder, cause even after I win, plenty more competition left in this horse." Though Universal Studios does sound rather fun. Dang, she totally upped it, he'll have to keep an eye on her. Good thing he already does. Even if she's not showing off any curves, he may see some there. Nudged on the shoulder he grins, then laughs about hurting himself. "Yeah, I'll stick to money ..." where his mouth is, then she yells and laughs. It catches him and he's laughing too. He can't say more, she umped it, but he moves out of the cage to let her have the first go. He'll pump in quarters, so it can start when she's ready, then out of the cage safter first. He'll get behind her, and totally start chanting, "Hey batter batter .... We need a batter, not a belly scratcher." Its all fair in baseball, if she looks at him he'll hold his arms up and do a little dance even, some distraction doesn't hurt in this battle of the bats.

Definitely the stakes were upped and greatly, but Kyra doesn't seem to have any shame in her game for what she had asked. When he laughs, she grins and steps up to the 'plate'. "Better watch out, I'm ready to win. Papa needs a new pair of shoes." She swings in her practice run, makes the hit and grins back at him as she steps out of the cage and allows him in. "Nice try with the distractions, but I am an expert." She's bluffing. Totally bluffing.

"Oh yeah, I can see that from here," that she's an expert, at what is left to anyone's thoughts. Samuel taunts, but after the first ball or two on her volley, he settles in and watches. Even with a few "Nice hits," on good swings, or "I'm definitely in trouble." Nodding as she shows off a good round at the cages, then when its his turn, he'll go to change over, "You sure you didn't come earlier today and practice a few rounds?" Asked to say she totally came to get better once they agreed to batting cages of course. As she passes, he'll mock a little dance even, there could be uncharacteristic butt shaking, "Keep you focus." He'll say, but then, wait, that should be done to when she's batting not when he's batting. She may taunt, or not, but either her distracting, or him distracting for now reason before his goe, it shows as he doesn't get as many good clean hits as she does. Bat to shoulder when he finishes his round, he says, "Its like I'm not taking these games seriously." All in jest of course, when he moves to let her back in for another go, he does comment, "Thanks, for playing." As in, giving it her all, not realizing she's better and figuring his male ego needs the win, he wants her to play as herself as she is, far better that way.

Kyra takes the opportunity to do her own taunts, cheers and jeers. As soon as he takes his place and swings, she grins, "I've seen better swings on a porch!" After a few more, she starts in again, "If you had another eye, you'd be a cyclops!" She's totally playing though and as he continues, so does she. "Off your knees, Fireman, you're blowing it!" When his round ends, she walks back in to take her turn, all serious now. She straightens her ball cap and goes all snake eyed on him. "Prepare for total domination." Unable to hold the face, she laughs and steps up. "Here we go now. Best of three? Or ten was it?" Either way, whatever his answer, she will do that amount.

After some of the balls and swings, he does eye her and her taunts. "Are you mocking me, I think you're mocking me." Swings, miss or hit, back over his shoulder, "You may be in trouble if you wake the sleeping dragon. You won't like it when I harness my baseball chi." Said with full gusto of a complete non-believer in the extra ordinary to be far. When he's done and lost the practice round, he laughs. "Off my knees ... but you said, put my bat where my mouth is," he can't help but laugh at that tease coupled with earlier comments. "Best of three, cause I want a slice of pizza or maybe some BBQ after this too." He's totally adding more onto the day than just batting cages it seems.

When she gets going, "Come on now, George Clooney was a better bat-man than you." Nerd joke maybe, but he keeps up, "You're doing great kid, if you're teaching the Rookie how to strike out, that's it, show me the way."

Total successes over three plays in batting cages for overall best batter: Samuel rolls Dexterity(4) + Athletics(2) (6 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes. 1 3 +6 +6 +8 9 Samuel rolls Dexterity(4) + Athletics(2) (6 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes. 2 4 4 +10 +10 +10 Samuel rolls Dexterity(4) + Athletics(2) (6 dice) vs 6 for 0 successes. 1 1 4 5 6 7 Kyra rolls Dexterity + Athletics vs 6 for 0 successes. 1 -1 3 4 5 7 Kyra rolls Dexterity + Athletics vs 6 for 2 successes. 1 4 5 +7 +8 9 Kyra rolls Dexterity + Athletics vs 6 for 5 successes. 3 +7 +7 +9 +9 +9

"Food after would be good, we'll add in winner pays for that too. Smoke and Barley because they have the best barbecue." Rolling her eyes at taunt because it was kind of cute, but she doesn't let on it was. It was time to buckle down and get serious and so Kyra does. Taunts and mocking aside, she gets up to bat and handles it like any competition. She sets out to win. Squared up at the plate, she waits the pitches and fwoom, there comes one. It's a miss. Okay, now she's ready. Another pitch, a swing, a hit. Looked good. Next pitch, *CRACK* She hits it like she means it and the speeds register pretty impressively, for a girl, and she turns around to look at Samuel, blowing the end of the bat like it's a smoking pistol or something. "Beat that." She's cocky and she swaggers over to the gate to step out so he can take his turn. There's no taunting him this time when he goes up to bad, no, she wants to win by athletic prowess alone.

She had a slow start, and magically turns it around towards the end, a virtual powerhouse there. "You haven't tried mine yet, mind," BBQ that is. But he settles down, the taunts stop as she progresses. In fact, after she blows the smoke from that hot gun, he chuckles. Though his eyes show something else, he can't help but look at lips when she does that. "I admit it, you're impressing me, I might have to take some pointers." He moves into the cage, walking with a swagger to the batting box, "That or beat the pants off you." It just came out as a taunt, but he doesn't look back realizing what he said and trying to stay funny friendly. "Get it to go, maybe go back to the firehouse?" Just so he makes his shift on time, cause sitting at Smoke and Barley might lead to him stalling just a little.

Then he's going, and he starts strong, or steady at least. Not power housing, but consistent right back at the batting machine. Even as he's doing great, he wants to step up his game, she was down right amazing at the end there with those hits. He tries, too hard. Approaching a victory, he completely botches in trying to hard. Knowing he's chocking even, he teases a look over his shoulder like she is jinxing him, which she isn't, and that tease comes with a smile and refocus; but he doesn't pull together. If its by athletic prowess alone that she wins.

Coming back, bat on shoulders, both hands over it now, "Its you fare and square, I'm wondering if there is anything I can beat you at. I think I'll totally have to put on the rookie shirt next time." He starts putting bats into bag at least, half watching her.

Kyra is interested in how he's going to do and she remains there out of the cage, quiet as she watches. With his two strong hits in a row, she thinks she's a goner and even wears her 'losing' look, a good natured smile with a touch of disappointment, because she doesn't like to lose, but she has before. His third hit is a stunner and she looks at him suspiciously, like he may have thrown it. She realizes soon enough though he is as competitive as she is and when he comes over, she smiles, offering her hand to his. "Well done, Universal Studious partner. You're paying, but the way, I wasn't sure if I clarified that before hand. As for Smoke and Barley, we can eat it there if you have time, or at the firehouse if you don't. I don't want you to lose your job or anything." She tilts her head. "Or you could go back to the firehouse and I'll go get the food and meet you back there?"

"I don't mind at all, but you'll have to get some of those silly pictures. You know, dress up and pose with monsters or old west, or whatever they're selling these days." Since he's paying and all, she has to play along now. Though Samuel is grinning the whole while. Hand taking in a shake at her winning. Fair and square even. "I'm starting to think my only chance with you, would be a blindfold." Chance at winning, should of clarified that. He considers about the food. "Can't lose the job if I'm paying now can I, need to have the most fun possible. And yeah, if you don't mind, meet me there, I can run home and change over even. We'll call it dinner." Not a date. Then as they may be parting at some point, its that moment of saying good by to a good friend who is more adorable and cute then he'd like to admit too. Can't hug cause could be awkward, can't just wave, she's way to much fun. So he holds up his hand to fist bump/tap. "I'd make a race of it, but I'd be the one to get the speeding ticket, and they wouldn't let up on that at the station."

Hands shaken, Kyra nods, pleased at the way the day had gone. "I'm bringing cheesecake too, because I love cheesecake. Those mini ones, enough for the guys at the station too, because I know how men eat." Yes she does. Like animals sometimes.. in her experience anyway. At the offered fistbump, she taps hers against his and even does the explosion thing from Big Hero 6. "Of course you'd get the ticket, but you could be racing to the fire." She grins and heads out with him. "I had a good time, I'll see you in about half an hour or so." She gets into her Hummer and heads off.

"To the fire," he quips back, big grin, initiated by her Big Hero 6 explosion, Baymax. His eyes squint, as if teasing that any fire he's going to at the station could well be her. Trying to keep it friendly at least in his mind though. "You're making me hungry, smalls. Cheesecake, you're going to spoil them all you know. I had a good time too, 30 minutes, can't wait." Then he moves to his truck, heading off to clean up and get to work, fire station tee shirt again, cargo pants, the usual work like attire.

He'll be getting settled perhaps as she gets there. And they guys will be awake this time, early enough unlike the tour. This will mean of course, once Kyra is let in and lead to where they can eat and all, they're could be some chatter. "Oh, that's the one," sort of things, "That's where he's in a hurry to go." And, "I can see why he's smiling." Teases all the same, who knows what Sam does or says when she's not there, but her coming with food livens the atmosphere, even if only cheesecakes for them. Samuel will come to meet as word spreads, if he hears anything, "Ignore them, they're a bunch of hams." And may even have just a hint of pink to his cheeks if he hears some of what they say. Trying harder to clench jaw and not have that pink there even. Looking around at the group, he does say, "I have an office, we don't have to eat with this rabble." Office enough, except when bells go, he's out with the crew, directing them in his capacity.

Kyra gets the food, it doesn't take long at Smoke and Barley and since she was waiting there, she does order brisket sandwiches for the men at the station and she calls in an order for the mini raspberry swirl cheesecakes in the cupcake wrappers. They are boxed and ready when she comes by. Now it was time to go to the station. Wearing her Boston gear, in California no less, she heads in amid the catalls, and the heavy teasing. She smirks at the guys. "I come bearing gifts. The cook gets a night off." She's amused though and smiles her thanks as one of the crew take the large bag and one of the boxes from her, their own food, leaving her with the bag and smaller box for her and Samuel. She finger waggles them before going to Samuel's office. Once inside she laughs. "You have quite a crew. And they got cheesecake and sandwiches. We have sliced brisket dinners with all of the sides imaginable. And our cheesecake is a sample platter, meaning there's chocolate too." She also has a thermos of iced tea for them both. And two styrofoam cups.

He's laughing too, joining with her as she comes into his office. Clean mostly, there are piles of paperwork, not his favorite perhaps. His eyes light up at the cheesecake sampler. "You shouldn't have, but I'm so going to rub it in too." Even if raspberry swirl sounds just as good to him as all the rest, maybe one or two want chocolate, or one of the other kinds. "And you have to stay until they start going to sleep, they won't let up if they're still awake." On teasing Samuel that is. Though his smile suggests he doesn't mind, he'll just have to give it back to them.

He'll give a hand to halping get food out as needed, not to be in the way with his larger mitts at all. "Smells so good. Mine's still better, but nothing bits brisket." Except maybe some fish, and some pork, all depends on preparation. "For a boston girl, you're not half bad you know." Meaning way more than not half, more full deal, she's awesome in his book. "But its gonna come down to the studio lot tour they do up there at Universal, if you jump when the shark comes out of the water, all bets are off." Teasing, the one thing most people probably know about from the amusement park, the tour and the shark. He hopes so at least, or he spoiled it.

Kyra takes the help from him and once the food is doled out, she settled down in the chair across from his desk, so it's like they are at a table. When the drinks are poured, she looks down at the feast, adding a few of the sides to her own styrofoam divider to go box that now has the lid torn off so that she can use it as her plate. The brisket was so tender, the coleslaw, potato salad, baked beans, all smelled so good. Even a cup of fried okra in the center of the table. She takes her fork and begins eating, not wanting to wait, not being shy, because she's hungry and she eats like she's hungry. "Maybe they'll eat and get full bellies and sleep. Maybe there won't be any calls or ghosts tonight."

Following her, a gentleman at heart in there, Samuel collects sides too, and cornbred if that came along. He digs in right away too, right for the baked beans first. "Full bellies I can hope, I was going to spring pool upstairs or a movie on the TV or something, see if I can convince you to stay a while longer." Completely being up front and honest at least, friends do that stuff after all. After beans, its okra, mmmmm, then brisket. "That is, if you don't mind the mustahce song." He leaves it to her to figure out that reference. "Hopefully I don't get a full belly either. And no, no ghosts, no such thing. There's an explanation, some crack pot. I think I'll look for that PI, to just check around here at least."

"The Mustache Song?" Kyra pauses between bites, because there totally was cornbread and it's all wonderful. She tilts her head to the side, "From the movie A Millions Ways to Die in the West?" It's the only one she knows! "Pool," she contemplates while eating another several bites. "I can play pool, but just for fun, only one competition a day." She grins. At the mention of the PI, she mentions the one she recently heard of, "Drake Marshall, I think?"

A nod and a grin from Samuel, "Yes, that's the one, if you don't mind sheep. Its upstairs in the blue ray right now." As in, only need to turn it on and watch it, but after the rest of them tuck in. Quiet fire station, waiting for an alarm or hopefully none. He takes more brisket sandwhich, but then uses corn bread to dip at his beans even. "Only for fun, and cheating allowed in fun. Too early for next competition, I'm gonna be in the whole with you. Might have to start writing IOUs or something." Half a chuckle, a thought comes to mind, "Or you know, One Soap on a Rope, Slightly Used." Benny and Joon cards where they bet weird stuff, no cousins in the mix alas. He takes the name, "Drake Marshall, I think I've heard of a Drake, dating a friend, but he's former cop or something. Never asked what he's doing now."

"A movie. That sounds good, especially that one. It's so hilarious, I want to watch it again." Kyra continues her food, enjoying it immensely. "You're not going to be in the hole with me, I don't let you, because Friday night, we're having the cookout. I'll see about what friends of mine are available though. Maybe none, they seem to have busy lives lately. Or I've stopped keeping track." She offers a nod about the guy. "Former police commander, yeah I think that's the one. Just opened the PI thing. Drop him a message on his machine maybe? Let him know we're interested in speaking with him when he's available?"

"Heh, the west done right, so accurate," or at least, how kids today would like to see the west. Samuel's old enough to have enjoyed other westerns, but that one is up there in the top five or so now, even with all the remakes of the classics of late. "Cookout, this Friday, no holds barred. No need to keep track, I'll be there, we'll make it happening." Even if only them, the whole party package or something. Grinning, but scrunching a little, maybe too much, like they'll have to live up to that now or fail miserably even. He writes that off, goes for some kole slaw. "Okay, I'll drop him a line, or contact his girl. I did check around, no pranks waiting for us tonight at least." No doors unlocked, no references to Johnny just waiting about either. "Only question is, do you like your popcorn buttered or plain?" He's finishing the food he has, getting to the last bits at least.

The west done right, he was right, it was deadly, but funny and interesting. "Friday. Cookout. You bring the food, the meat anyway, I make the sides, because I can cook." Kyra holds back a laugh at that as she remembers the burnt cookies. "What?" She asks if he comments on it. "Don't judge me," she grins. Going back to her eating she gives it serious attention, eating a good bulk of the food before groaning. "I am done. Full. Stuffed. Cheesecake during the movie, I vote, what do you think?" A nod is offered, "Sure, give him a message any way you like." She gives his question serious consideration. Or pretends to, before offering. "Buttered. Lots and lots of butter."

Her laugh held back, she gets that dubious look of squinted eyes and that smile on his face. That smile that, coupled with the dimples, appears like a smirk, though she can see the mirth in his dimples. "Really .... Really?" Then he gives in, "Okay, redemption song, you cook up the sides. I'll handle the meet. Its a true smoke out, I'll come in and slow cook all day, need a good eight hours." Just at her grill/smoker if she lets him at least. Nodding about done, he stands up and cleans up. Putting it into empty bag, so he can dump it out of the office. No need to have it smelling like food and making him hungry later. Also agreeing, message to Drake, it shall be done. "Sames, lots of butter. But we have cheesecake for snack, you'll get the buttered popcorn later." They talked and ate enough, the guys are more retiring. No one stays up, cause no telling when a call might come in. He takes care of food and says, "Movie time then!" Which means upstairs, and more pole sliding if the mood hits them later of course. Upstairs as he gets movie ready, only a few tucking in from bathroom, after washing up and brushing and such. The couch left to them. A coffee table between it and the large flat TV too, perfect place for waiting cheesecake. She can get cozy on the couch if she likes while he sets up to get movie playing - including digging around for the remote control.

Yeah Kyra catches that dubious look and it only makes her laugh more. "Like I said. Don't judge me." She grins easily. Once the mess is cleaned up, she collects her drink and the cheesecake options. At the declaration of movie time, she walks along with him to where the movies are, upstairs. For some reason she takes a wide berth around that broom closet door, a wary look cast its way. The food and drink are placed on the convenient coffee table and she settles in, waiting for him to be ready too. "Maybe text your friend now about the PI thing and then we can get started."

He might catch the wary look, know just why even. Samuel gets the movie going, and if she gave him room, he'll plant to the side of the couch closest to that door even. Funny movie night, no scary business going on. Even as lights dim with firemen/women retiring for the evening. Just the glow of exit and a light from the restrooms, so no one trips in the middle of the night of course. He grabs his phone and texts, "Good call. Cause I am secretely wanting you to be comfortable visiting here." Like he's planning for more visits, sublte indeed, totally secret. One thumbing it even, he shoots it off. "I can get us a blanket for the scary parts you know." Teasing as the movie begins to open up for them, after hitting start. If he can get one corner, he totally takes it.

Kyra had taken one end of the couch, leaving the other for him if he so chose. When he settles in, she is grateful that he had moved to be nearer the offending door. As the movie starts, she settles in with her drink as he texts. "It's nice here, but do you live here?

Kyra had taken one end of the couch, leaving the other for him if he so chose. When he settles in, she is grateful that he had moved to be nearer the offending door. As the movie starts, she settles in with her drink as he texts. "It's nice here, but do you live here?" She glances over at him and smiles. "A blanket huh? It's plenty warm here in California," she teases. "Maybe if we were in Boston."

Text off, he looks across the couch, just seeming so far away, each at their own end. But grinning down that disntance at her. "Yep, I live in the attic." There is only two stories to the building, they're on the second story. "I put in bunk beds up there, you can stay the night, but only if I get top." Complete movie reference, had to be said it seems. Then he chuckles, "Nah, I got a house, super awesome back yard even. Ready for parties, just I don't have anyone over to enjoy it." A chuckle, "Oh yeah, boston, good snow up there. I admit it, I've never seen real snow." Then he gets up and moves over, closer to her, "Only to grab my drink." The moving, as he scooches to the center at least. "You'll have to teach me to make a snowball someday I think." Is he watching the movie, or more sitting, talking to her with movie as background static?

With the texting done, Kyra glances over at him as the title flashes across the screen. When he does the movie reference, she laughs. "Have you ever played the Zoltar machine?" Yes, she got the Big movie reference, one of her favorites as well. "If you want good snow, definitely north east is the place to be. It snows a lot. You should check it out sometime. It can be pretty or it can be a terrible mess." She glances towards the movie and then back to him as the movie continues to play on, as he scoots over. Her brows lift and she looks amused. "Are you making a move on me? If you try the arm around my shoulder move next I will deck you." She laughs when she says it though..

"I have, don't know if my wish came true yet," laughs Samuel when she gets the references, "Should I demand my money back if I don't get it. I mean, it was only a quarter right, but its a whole wish." Another chuckle, "You know who took that quarter, Corey Feldman, that jerk, from the bottom of the well." Bending for a drink, considering the cheese cake, his smile grows more about making a move even. "Wait, is that a promise." Maybe he's teasing in return. Taking the drink and sitting back just a little, "Cause I totally feel a yawn come on ... ***yawn*** ..." Lifting hands in the air, exposing sides and all, "So tired after that hard time of eating a meal and sitting on my butt just now, if only there was some place to put my arm and keep it out stretched."

"As log as you don't wake up tomorrow in a little body, I think there's a no refund policy. Chances are, it won't be back on the pier until next year sometime anyway and by then you'll forget all about your quarter and your wish." Kyra laughs as he makes another reference, "Yeah but it was because all of the wishes didn't come true. Until they met One Eyed Willy and found all the rich stuff in the marble bag." Then he fake yawns and she laughs outright. "Nice try slick, I also have a mean elbow to the ribs." She leans forward and brings the cheesecake, the WHOLE sampler closer, and offers him a fork and keeps one. They get to eat it all. She goes for chocolate.

"Wishing can only get you so far, the rest is hard work," he laughs t the references, especailly the one eyed willy and bag of marbles, oh to have that bag of marbles. Samuel brings hands down at least, now pushing the joke. "The rest will have to be hard work I see." Maybe teasing about the arm and the elbowing, like yawn trick to good to be true, or too old for that to be a thing even. Then of course she has cheesecake, the whole sampler. He gets his fork, she stabs a chocolate, he stabs it too, "Wait, I wanted that one." Complete kids again, but he eventually removes his fork before it gets to weird something like licking the cakes so no one else can have them. "Fine, cheater, I'll take raspberry." Cause berries sound damn good.

Convenient there are a few of each kind and Kyra indicates the other chocolate nearer him. "Good stuff," she offers once she has swallowed the bite. As the movie plays on and on, she eats several bites and says in unison with the movie at some point. "People die at the fair." With eyes glittering with amusement, she looks at him with a grin. "You better save me a raspberry too," she laughs, stabbing one for good measure.

He doesn't have lines to his mind yet in the movie. Samuel does eye the other chocolate. "Yep, Raspberry is probably the best though." Not knowing the lines, he knows when funny ones are coming, especially the random deaths throughout the movie and snickers more before it happens, knowing what's coming at least. He takes a chocolate one in mouth as she talks about raspberry, and quickly tries to get his fork out to stab it, like claiming it for his own even. She beat him to the draw, she's quick. Chewing his chocolate, he eyes her with furious eyes, not really, but scrunched enough to suggest it. Then he mmm's to talke, but is chewing. Noting she's winning the challenges and fast with a fork, he points his between her and Charlize Theron (sp), she's like her in the movie. A slight chuckle in his throat, but then not to be related to Seth MacFarlane, he shakes his head. He could explain more if he wasn't chewing.

It's a good thing that cheesecake isn't too hard to chew. Kyra watches as he tries to spear the raspberry one and would back off it so he could get it since he liked it so well, because the once on the chocolate was amusing, the second, she might think he was a little serious. Feeling those eyes on her, she smirks, and looks from the television back to him. "You're probably right. I'm a pretty good shot and I carry a gun either on me or in my vehicle at all times."

Swallowing, a grin in his eyes, but soft at his smile and dimples, Samuel nods. Glad she didn't say he was like Seth, the coward, at least for now. "You'll have to show me, I'd like to see." If she backed off the raspberry, and he does spear it, he only cuts it in half at best. Teasing in trying to take it, but it is his favorite too. He cuts it to share, that softy!. "You'd win that one, I can't shoot a gun to save my life. In fact, if we went, you'd have to just hide behind one of those safety walls." He sort of stiffens his back and turns around blindly, like he might with the weapon if he was on the firing range. Eating another cheesecake mini, and stopping himself with just the few, he leans more back against the couch. But one shoulder, so he's half turned to her too, focus torn between her and movie. Watching both, he ponders, "I hope you don't have plans tomorrow, cause I'm thinking a marathon could be in order."

This time, Kyra waits until he makes his decision on what morsel he would like before choosing her own. Her choice is a strawberry one and she savors the bite as she listens. "Yeah, likely, but what I said before is true. I'm a survivalist, I've kept my body in peak shape for that reason. I am active enough to eat almost anything I want and still manage to be the weight I am." Not that he'd asked, but she had offered anyway. "Tomorrow? I am going to be looking for gainful employment. One cannot live off of food alone, when the money runs out."

"Awww," he grins, a little sad to his voice but playfully. "That means I'll have to fly solo at some point." Skip a beat, "You should join the force here." Firefighter, totally. Not that he thinks she's interested of course, and then blurred lines and fraternization possibly, not that he says those bits at all. "Its paid off," he says randomly. Watching another bit in the movie, probably about Sara Silverman and her job and her saving herself for marriage somehow. A chuckle, then he looks partially her way, "Staying in peak shape." Meaning he's admired her figure certainly, no lie, she's probably caught his eyes wandering too. Leaning back more comfortably, putting his fork down, glancing just a little more at her. "So, job hunting tomorrow then, but another movie some night this week before the feast at your place on Friday? Maybe a universal studios day while not job hunting." He knows she needs the work, or assumes so at least.

"I probably won't be job hunting the entire day, so you'll be more than welcome to give me a text or something and maybe I can stop by." Kyra smirks at the part of the movie then the man mentions one of his sheep had wandered into the brothel and had made twenty bucks and she laughs at it. If she has noticed him looking at her, she doesn't notice it yet. There is something she does ask though and in a serious voice. "Have you spoken to Maria recently? I know last you said things were up in the air still."

A soft chuckle from Samuel, the hand opposite of Kyra goes over behind his head, lazily holding it up. "I meant I was tempting to make tonight an all nighter." Barring ghosts and alarms of course. "Totally failed, not as slick as I thought, good thing I didn't try the yawn, I'd be punched and elbowed." And he's sure she's more a brawler than him, she mentioned the gym already. Looking more directly at her, "I haven't seen her in a month. Not sure what that even means, she mentioned liking to wander, but I haven't seen her since. If I see her, I just need to tell her, its not working. Not for me at least." His voice soft. Looking more at her than the movie now, curious. The sheep making money from the brothel nets a laugh from him too. But that seriousness in her voice, he's given her more attention.

Yeahhh, Kyra isn't really experienced at the subtle plays, in fact she's very inexperienced at them. She gives him an apologetic look. "Sorry." It's all she volunteers though. There's a solemn nod given to him, "So in her mind, you're possibly still an item and to me, she's kin. I only like to have things straight, because it would be un..family like of me to swoop in and start liking someone she already was involved with."

"Nah, don't be sorry, I'll just offer again until it happens," all nighter - like that Midnight Madness movie, the all nighter. Samuel listens to her talk and looks at her. "So," he says, looking more at her, "What if I talked to her, cleared the air. It would take me finding her but ..." Like he would try that even. More serious than even before, but a little grin, "Then you could start liking me?"

"A movie night? At the department? It sounds as if you have free reign here. What would I do if you happened to get called out for a fire in the interim? No chance would I remain here alone." Kyra laughs softly. As he mentions about Maria though, she gives a solemn nod. "I know our relationship isn't that. But I do enjoy the competitions and spending time watching the movie with you. I wasn't asking you to break it off, only to clarify.'

"Tell you what, I could get a permit for a visitor to ride along, if you like," to have an all nighter. Official like actually, with a permit and the potential for her to go to a fire, as she doesn't want to stay here. Technically he doesn't blaim her either. Though on the other topic. "No, I wouldn't ask to just jump like that, but liking, enjoying time together. That's a good thing. I think with Maria, it was rushed, too much, maybe she left me. I don't know. You're not asking me to break it off, but I'm saying, that's not for me."

More but Samuel didn’t remember to log that part ... as they part company, there is a crash of fire gear, all belonging to one Jonathan McKenzie (#36).