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== 5 ==
== Tick L. vs. Anne "Flying" Grayson ==
Coming Soon!<br>
The arena darkens now as the titantron lights up to display a video package that reads 'Last Month' in the bottom left corner in LONE's purple and pink font.<br>
Anne Grayson: The way it looks to me is that you’re the one using your family name to get you places, AVALON! You can think my daddy got me here all you want, and you can be mad at me for it for as long and as much as you want but you know damn well that you’re just upset that people know your folks a hell of a lot more than they know you and that’s never gonna change. So why don’t you go back to mommy and daddy and tell them this “runt” just owned you!<br>
Those words, they just heated Ainslee and she fired off a smack to the side of Anne’s face. Anne rushed in and the two clashed but security was there quickly to break it apart between the two. It seemed like there was definitely some strong disdain from Ainslee towards Anne, and it was a rivalry of generations, a 2nd and a 3rd. There was no way this was finished between them.<br>
The video fades out and the lights cut back on to reveal Tick L of the Juggalettes and Anne "Flying" Grayson from the video package squaring off in the ring.<br>
Johnny Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! First, from the Big Tent on 9th Street, she is one half of the Juggalettes... TICK L!!!!!.<br>
Tick L. raises her hands in the air as the fans boo.<br>
Johnny Baxter: And her opponent, from Atlanta, Georgia, ANNE "FLYING" GRAYSON!<br>
Anne turns around and spreads her hands out as the fans cheer in response.Anne had a level of anticipation building from the fans that knew of her work previously outside of Fallcoast. The bell rings and they go into the center of the ring together, TIck L. decides that instead of grappling with Anne, she wants to talk smack.<br>
TIck L. Come on, Pretty! What you got?! Huh?! What you got Pretty!?<br>
It seems like just an antagonization but Anne wasn’t going to have any of it. This was her debut and she wanted to show LONE and the city of Fallcoast what she was all about. To do that, Anne threw a forearm right into Tick L.’s face knocking her staggering back. Anne threw a few more knocking Tick L. into the ropes. Anne brings her arm back and a nasty loud >SMACK< echos through the crowd with a huge chop right across Tick L’s chest.<br>
DIC: No, not the chesticals! What did they ever do to you, Anne?! Huh?!<br>
North: Well I don’t know if I’d go that far but what I do know is that Anne’s chop could be heard for three city blocks!<br>
TIck L didn’t know what hit her and she stumbled off of the ropes. While she stumbled forward, Anne was picking her moment. She hit the ropes and with Tick L. turned around she was met with a running dropkick that sent Tick L spilling out of the ring to the floor. Standing up, Anne runs back and hits the far ropes for a rebound and then charging back towards the entrance. Anne lives up to the “Flying” in her name with a huge dive over the top rope and crashes across Tick L to the fans delight.<br>
North: A huge Tope Suicida by Anne Grayson, living up to the Flying Grayson name! TIck L is down and had no idea of what to expect and our crowd is going crazy, DIC!<br>
DIC: Probably because there was a nice view for all to see!<br>
North: That was definitely one of the nicest flips I’ve ever seen!<br>
DIC: I wasn’t talking about the flips!<br>
North: Clearly, but this is a family show! Trying to keep keep things on track!<br>
DIC: Eh, who needs that when you’ve got the best seat in the house! Ladies love the D-I-C!<br>
The referee was beginning the ten count outside and counted up to four before Anne rolled Tick L. back into the ring. Anne slid in under the bottom rope to get back in but Tick L grabbed her by the hair and pulled Anne in for a quick pin but only achieving a 2 count! Anne kicked out and was quick to her feet realizing Tick L almost won the match. That wouldn’t look too good for a debut. Tick L was getting back to her feet and kicked Anne in the gut. TIck L hooked her right arm around Anne’s neck going for a DDT but Anne had it well scouted. Anne grabbed Tick L’s left arm and locked it on Tick L’s back. Anne grabbed Tick L’s body and up and over Anne’s head she went. Anne held on and slammed Tick L down with her trademark Hammerlock Northern Lights Suplex and with Anne’s own momentum landing in a bridge she was able to carry her bridge over to being on her feet. TIck L was writhing with pain and holding her lower back while slowly getting to her feet; Anne Grayson throws her arms out to the side as if to indicate she’s calling for the end of the match.<br>
North: I could be misreading the situation here DIC but after that Northern Lights, it looks like Anne is calling to end it with the Flying Grayson - her Tornado DDT!<br>
DIC: I’m not sure about that but I’m just replaying that Northern Lights suplex in my head over and over again! I’m telling you - best seat in the house!<br>
North: How have you managed to keep your head this long?<br>
DIC: I always use protection!<br>
Helping Tick L to her feet, Anne has her right arm around Tick L’s neck and walks her over to the corner. Anne climbs to the middle turnbuckle and stands, keeping TIck L’s head hooked, Anne jumps off while spinning in the air with her Flying Grayson - a Tornado DDT dropping Tick L on her head and leaving her out cold. Anne jumps over for the pinfall cover but Anne quickly notices something is wrong when the referee isn’t making the count. Anne lets go of the pin and outside the ring, right from the crowd was the Fallcoast area’s own Ainslee Avalon who’s seemed to have a bone to pick with Anne, and Ainslee had pulled the referee out of the ring and was arguing with him.<br>
North: What is Ainslee Avalon doing out here?! We saw her show up when Anne was being interviewed at our Halloween special and she seemed to take offense to Anne and we’re not too clear on what her gripe is exactly but it looks like she’s out here to mess with Anne Grayson some more!<br>
DIC: More the merrier! Like I said, man, they can’t get enough DIC!<br>
North: Oh lord. Well folks, we aren’t sure why Ainslee is exactly out here; I mean we have a general idea because it most likely has something to do with what happened last month but what is driving this we have no idea and it looks like here on ThanksBEATING! It’s continuing! Props to our official for trying to maintain some sense of order! Wait, scratch that.. Anne is leaving the ring!<br>
Anne Grayson did leave the ring and she got between the ref and Ainslee trying to figuring out what was going on. Ainslee then quickly ran into the ring and kneed Tick L right in the face when she was starting to stagger back into consciousness and left to the other side of the ring after the deed was done. The official called for the bell, issuing Tick L the victory by disqualification. Anne was not happy about this at all and Ainslee had a look on her face that she was very happy with the outcome, and the official was checking on Tick L.<br>
Baxter: Here is your winner by disqualification.. Tick L.!<br>
== 6 ==
== 6 ==
Coming Soon!<br>
Coming Soon!<br>

Revision as of 13:46, 18 June 2020



"Hello From The Gutter" by Overkill blares on the PA. The fans get to their feet to cheer for their champion as Gutter Trash Terri Thompson emerges from the curtain, dressed in her usual ring gear with her white t-shirt reading 'The American Dwellers' on it. She seems to be all business as she hurries down the aisle for the ring, championship draped over her left shoulder. She slides into the ring and hurries to the other side, waving to a stage hand to give her a microphone. Once she gets it, she taps on it a few times to test that it's working.

Terri Thompson: How's it goin' Fallcoast?! Whole world?! How was everybody's Thanksgiving, huh?! I had me a full six pack and a can of Slim Jims, so I'd say my Thanksgiving was quite bountiful!

Terri Thompson: You know what else has been quite bountiful for me recently? A lot of bullshit! I won this title back in July, my BIRTHDAY! And I finally get to defend it tonight! And of course, right when I win it, I have to hear a lot of whining, and I have everybody trying to cut in line and take shots at me verbally and physically, so you know what? With all of this crap I had to deal with about who is the number one contender, and who gets the rights to face me first, blah blah, all of the attacks I've been getting both physically and verbally from the likes of Ms. Gucci, I'm sick of it! We've got a match at the end of the show, her and I, and you know what? I can't wait anymore! I can't wait until the end of the night! I want her right here, right NOW! And I KNOW she wants to get her title back and to that I say...

She raises the belt high above her head.

Terri: COME AND TRY! So I can plant your mind in the gutter!

She lays the belt out in front of her and starts pacing behind it, eyeing the entrance way and waiting for Ms. Gucci to emerge.

"Fame" by David Bowie starts to play and Jack E. Bux steps out from the curtain, standing at the entrance way. The crowd cheers and Jack bows to them as if he's not worthy, holding a microphone in hand.

Crowd: BUX! BUX! BUX! BUX!

Bux: Terri... While I understand that you want to compete right now, your match is scheduled as the last match for the evening. We have a protocol we need to follow.

The crowd BOOs at this.

Terri: Screw your protocol! Get her out here right now!

"One big room... full of bad bitches!" "Gucci Gucci" by Kreayshawn kicks in and Ms. Gucci steps out from the curtain, stepping a few paces away and to the right of Bux.

Gucci: Jack. Mr. Bux. Whatever you want me to call you. If this trash wants her ass kicking right now so she can go back to her trailer park and smoke meth with the rest of her inbred fans, let's do it now so we can get this over with and the RIGHTFUL CHAMP can get her throne back!

Terri: Send her in, Jack! In fact send them all in!


Bux: All right! You know what? Since you two want to go at it so badly! Let's get a ref in there and start this thing!

Referee Triple D walks up the stairs and gets into the ring. Are we about to see the main event happen RIGHT NOW?! It seems like a no, as a familiar voice can soon be heard.


Mark Robertson steps on stage now. The crowd boos at his presence! Robertson smiles at this, however, spreading his hands and seeming to soak this all in. He brings his mic up to his mouth and begins to speak.

Robertson: What about my client, The Glorious One? She still gets her shot! And if you don't give it to her, well, I have someone who begs to differ.

Bux: Well I--

The Man by Aloe Blacc starts up. The fans are shocked! That can only mean the arrival of... yes! The legendary Drew Stevenson!

Stevenson: Jack, Jack, Jack... You've got quite the mess on your hands, don't you?

Jack: What's the meaning of all of this?!

Stevenson: The meaning? Oh I think you know the meaning of it all. You and I both know the meaning of it all. Jack, you know the reason you had trouble hosting a live internet pay per view show after February wasn't just because of this counterfeit Gucci handbag giving you trouble over her title defense. You had trouble with money, and guess who came swinging by like Old Saint Nick to give you a present?

Jack: Hey I didn't ask for your handout!

Stevenson: No, you didn't! But you took it anyway! You knew you had to take it! You know one of the options you had on the table was no more LONE for good! And THAT is why I am here! I am here because let's face it, Jack, you do a good job of putting asses in seats. Not as much as me, of course, but you do a good job. You need to stick to that. I'LL handle who gets to battle who in that ring and right now? We're going to have this title match right now!

The crowd cheers!

Robertson: But what about The Glorious One?

Stevenson: I'm getting to that. You know I haven't forgotten about you and all you've ever done for me. Now, the winner of this match will face The Glorious One in the main event for the title.

Terri: Sounds good to me! I still say you can send them all down here for a one way trip down the drain into the gutter!

Gucci: So I get to beat not only trailer trash, but some old hag? Whatever!

Stevenson: Good, so no more bitching now. We can--

The lights go out in the arena, covering it in darkness. What sounds like dozens of whispers can be heard, their words indistinguishable.

Silence falls now, and the titantron lights up to the face of Sister Catherine in front of a red background. The crowd erupts seeing her. Her hair is styled in a ponytail and her reading glasses rest on her nose. She smiles.

Sister Catherine: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen... I see that your petty quarrels have not ceased regarding the matters of the LONE Championship. I wish to remind you, Mr. Stevenson, that I have a mission here in LONE, and that is to rid it of sin. I have bested The Blasphemous One, or as she is known, The Glorious One, in competition. It is my mission to stop the gluttonous sinner Terri Thompson and claim the LONE Championship for the Lord.

Stevenson: Does the bible not speak of patience?

Sister Catherine: Ahh, yes, but it also speaks of fairness and correcting oppression.

Stevenson: How's this, then? Tonight, yourself and The Glorious One will go one on one, and the winner will be the true #1 contender, to face the winner of tonight's championship match as the main event tonight?

Sister Catherine: Very well. Good evening...

The lights slowly cut back on. Drew Stevenson looks to Jack E. Bux.

Stevenson: And THAT is how you get things done! Start the match now!

With a dramatic mic drop that picks up some feedback as it hits the ground, Drew turns to leave with Mark Robetson, and Jack reluctantly follows.

When the lights come on, Baxter can be seen in the center of the ring.

Ms. Gucci vs. "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson

Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the LONE Championship!

With everyone standing on their feet, especially after what happened moments ago, both women are already standing in their respective corners as this match was just made by Stevenson. Standing on the right side of the camera, bouncing up and down while rolling her shoulders to loosen up, Miss. Gucci is staring a hole right through our champion, Terri Thompson as she wants that LONE Championship back and in a bad way.

Baxter: The challenger, hailing from Bridgeport, Connecticut, she is the first ever LONE Champion — MISSSS. GUUUCCCIII!

With a large chorus of boos, Gucci ignores them and continues to stare directly into the eyes of Thompson who stares back.

Baxter: And the CHAMPION...

With a large chorus of cheers, these people show their love and admiration for the champion as she removes the LONE Championship from off of her shoulder and hoists it into the air which causes everyone to explode even louder.

Baxter: Hailing from Fallcoast, Maine, she is the LONE CHAMPION... “GUTTER TRASH” TERRI THOMPSON!

The commentary feed finally kicks in.

North: Hello fans I'm Kevin North alongside my partner DIC and we hope you've had a Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for tuning in to Supremacy: LONE 6 ThanksBEATING! And what an announcement! We have the legendary Drew Stevenson who... well I'm at a loss for words. What he's saying and doing is just plain dirty.

DIC: Oh shut up, North! You heard the man! He did Bux a favor!

North: Look at Gucci, I have NEVER seen that much determination in her eyes.

DIC: I see Gucci tearing it away from Terri here tonight. I have not seen this much determination in the eyes of Gucci in a long time and quite frankly? Thompson is in for a world of trouble.

Handing the LONE Championship over to the referee who hoists it into the air signifying that this is a title match, the bell rings as the referee hands the title to the timekeeper.

North: And here we go... The rematch for the AGES.

Stepping forward to the center of the ring, both women trash talk one another for a few seconds, that is until Gucci hears enough and rears back popping Thompson right in the mouth which causes her to stumble back and hold her face.

DIC: Oh man, Gucci starting things off with a BANG!

Taking in a deep breath and trying to keep her composure, Thompson once again begins to mouth a few things to Gucci and when she tries to slap her across the face again, that is where Thompson draws the line and takes her down to the canvas which causes these fans to roar in approval.


Throwing punch after punch, Gucci blocks them to the best of her ability before rolling over on top of Thompson and beginning to throw several punches of her own. Managing to fight to their feet, Gucci hits a quick knee to the midsection of Thompson which doubles her over and when this happens, Gucci hoists her into the air and hits a very stiff scoop slam which causes Thompson to arch her back in pain.

DIC: Look at that intensity by Gucci. This woman wants to be the best once again and Thompson who stands in her way deserves everything she gets.

North: Oh come on now, that’s ridiculous and you know it. Terri EARNED that LONE Championship and nobody can take that away from her.

DIC: Whatever North, you kiss ass.

North: Ugh...

Dropping to her knees, Gucci applies a seated chin lock as Thompson screams out in a great deal of pain but refuses to surrender when the referee asks her if she quits. Struggling for several moments, Thompson manages to get to her feet as she throws stiff elbows into the midsection of Gucci which causes her to release the hold just a little bit. Reaching out and grabbing Gucci by her purple hair, Thompson falls to the seated position which drives Gucci’s chin right into the top of her head. Stumbling around and dazed, Thompson is quick to roll Gucci up.



North: So close, so, so close.

Getting up at the same time, Gucci charges forward and flattens Thompson with a clothesline which puts her back in control of this match. Looking out at the crowd and taunting them, Gucci yanks Thompson up to her feet and throws her into the nearest turnbuckle with great authority as she smacks it spine first and crumples to the canvas.

DIC: My God, did you hear that North?

North: Of course I did, I am sitting right here but I agree with you, that was a sickening smack.

Showing great resilience and pulling herself up to her feet, Gucci shakes her head and yells at Thompson to stay down who blatantly ignores everything coming out of her mouth. Methodically grabbing Thompson by her blue hair, again, Thompson quickly kicks her in the gut and floats over with a stiff, textbook DDT which flattens Gucci hard.

North: And just like that, Thompson has completely turned the tide on this match.

Crawling over to the lifeless body of Gucci, Thompson places her right arm over her body as the referee drops down to make the count.





Having managed to press her shoulder off of the canvas, both women are extremely tired from this long, grueling match that is taking place for the richest prize in our business today; the LONE Championship. With both women managing to pull themselves up to their feet again, they begin to trade punches and when Thompson gets the upper hand — Gucci throws a thumb to the eye of Thompson and then hooks her up for the “That’s so Gucci”. However, Thompson throws several stiff punches right into the rib area of Gucci which causes her to release the hold, more importantly her leg. Shoving Gucci back into the turnbuckle, Thompson hits the ropes and manages to catch her from out of nowhere.



Rolling Gucci over and hooking the leg to the best of her ability, the referee drops down to make the count, once again, as everything seems to go in slow-motion.






Baxter: The winner of the match and STILL LONE Champion, “GUTTER TRASH” TERRI... THOOOOMPPSSOOON!

Having her hand raised into the air while being given her LONE Championship, Gucci lies there, completely disappointed as both of these women receive a standing ovation for their effort.

Terri raises the title belt high in the air as her other hand is raised by the ref, with the ref pointing to her as the victor with Gucci rolling out of the ring. Terri spots a certain someone in the crowd and winks at her before soon heading off to the back, with Gucci being helped by a stage hand to the back as well.

Slapp vs. Vixen

Soon after, ICP's Chicken Huntin' kicks in and out stomps Slapp! She makes her way through the aisle, snubbing those fans at each side of the aisle who try to slap hands with her. She slides into the ring and moves to a corner. Slapp bobs her head to the music as Baxter announces her.

Baxter: Standing in the ring, representing one half of The Jugalettes, she is SLAPPPPPP!

With the crowd giving her a mixed reaction, but more boos than cheers, she snubs them when suddenly “The Fox” by The Chainsmokers featuring Calvin Harris hits over the public address sound system as the fans give Vixen a solid ovation when she steps through the curtain, definitely on her side after what she did to DIC last month. Those who know her outside of the ring would recognize her as Grellsy.

DIC: Oh God, really? Why did we sign her? She is a thief and should be in prison right now.

North: You’re kidding? Right? Quite frankly, I found what she did to you to be rather funny.

DIC: You would!

Baxter: And making her way to the ring, hailing from Hanging Hills, Maine — she is — VIXXXEEENNNN!

Before walking down the aisle, she stops at the commentators table and balls her fists pretending to cry, definitely directing that at DIC. She then walks down the aisle while slapping some of the fans’ hands.

DIC: You see that North? That is blatant disrespect by this woman.

North: You mean like how you blatantly disrespect them every single show?

DIC: That’s irrelevant!

North: Of course it is!

Having entered the ring, the public address sound system goes quiet as the referee signals for the bell.

Ding… Ding… Ding…

Stepping forward to the center of the ring, both women look at one another, sizing the other up as a little bit of trash talking begins to happen. Not taking it to kindly, Slapp rears back and slaps the proverbial taste out of Vixen’s mouth which rocks her head back with authority. Looking taken back for a second, a smile crosses her face as she touches her lip and immediately tackles Slapp to the ground throwing some heavy hands of her own which causes Slapp to cover up.

North: What aggression by Vixen, she’s not letting up, that’s for sure.

DIC: I hope Slapp gives her everything she deserves and then some. You know what North? I didn’t get to have my wonderful time after the show after what she did.

North: Aww poor guy!


Having pulled her up to her feet, Vixen pushes her into the nearby corner and begins to slap her across the chest, repeatedly, as it echoes throughout the arena and with each time, the fans “WOOOO” in approval. Clutching her chest in a great deal of pain, Vixen hits her with a stiff forearm shot and then quickly pushes her out of the turnbuckle where she stumbles.

DIC: Come on Slapp, teach her a lesson. I’ll buy you some Faygo if you do.

North: Can you even afford it after last month? Haha!

DIC: I… Hate… you…

Having quickly scaled to the top rope, when Slapp turns around, Vixen leaps off of the top rope and wraps her legs around the head of Slapp taking her down with the Foxfire. Hooking the leg in combination with this stunning move, the referee drops down to make the count.




DIC: NOOOOO! This is a travesty, one that needs to be corrected.

Baxter: The winner of the match, VIIIIXXXEEEEN!

Rolling off of the lifeless body of Slapp, the referee raises Vixen’s arm into the air as this capacity crowd is on their feet, in support for our newest lady, Vixen.

Marie Porter vs. Alison Crowne

"Love Lockdown" plays and Marie comes to the stage with all kinds of colorful lights flashing on her on the stage. Marie hops around at the top of the stage with her big smile and raises her arms high in the air. Marie gives a nod of her head and dances down the ramp, turning in circles a few times just really enjoying herself and so does the crowd. Marie uses her arms and legs to really get into it before she slides into the ring and gets in the corner throwing her arms up in the air.

Baxter: The following match is scheduled for one fall. In the ring first, from Prospect, California... Marie Porter!

North: Here making her debut is Marie Porter. The Bubbly One as she's known was a mainstay in Missouri for several years and was a frequent contender for the Women's Championship.

DIC: She's one of those goody types, sweet but naive. She'd be even hotter if she had a mean streak.

North: Really? You're just going to talk about her looks and not her ability?

DIC: Oh yeah, she wrestles too, I guess. Loosen up Kev-O, seriously.

“As I Am” by Dream Theater hits the arena as the lights dim. As the song picks up Alison Crowne slowly emerges from the back to a big pop from the crowd. She stands at the curtain for a moment to take in the atmosphere before walking down the aisle to the ring, slapping a few fans' hands on the way as she began to slowly circle around the ring, taking the long way before locking eyes with Fay Qent. Qent and Aurore slowly get up from their seats as the three have a staredown, almost to see who would lose their composure an discipline first but neither side blinks. A few words are exchanged, drowned out by the music before Alison Crowne enters the ring.

Baxter: And her opponent, from Gainesville, Florida... Alison Crowne!

North: Anyway... at ringside we already have Fay Qent and Aurore to scout the competition; their words, not mine. One can only assume though it's to assert their presence after the last show when Fay Qent jumped Alison Crowne after a confrontation later in the night.

DIC: Look, you going to tell her no about fighting on their own time? She's pretty and pretty dangerous to boot. Everyone she's faced she's absolutely demolished and last show she continued that with LONE's resident babysitter to the champion.

North: Not to take anything way from her, but it's pretty easy to get the better of someone if you jump them from behind first. Nobody has eyes in the back of their head and unless you're Peter Parker there's no Spider Sense to give you the early warning either.

DIC: Spiderman? Come on, only a nerd like you would talk about comics when we got hot ladies in the ring with some of the best seats in the house.


Porter and Crowne move to the center of the ring and bump fists together as a show of mutual respect before circling each other in the ring looking to get a feel of the other. They get into a collar and elbow tie up as Porter initially seems to have the advantage in leverage but Crowne slips out, wringing her arm. Porter transitions out o that to a headlock takedown, keeping the hold in tight but Crowne quickly slips out and captures her in a wristlock, using her leverage as an advantage but Porter manages to shift her weight and positioning, capturing Crowne in a very unorthodox backslide pin. 1! 2! Kickout! Crowne releases the hold to escape the pin, the crowd clapping for both competitors as they both get back to their feet.

North: Excellent back and forth in the opening moments of this match. Alison Crowne is an accomplished martial artist who is constantly dipping into new styles to evolve a style that's truly unique in the squared circle. But Marie Porter has a very underrated technical and striking game of her own and she nearly stole it in the early going.

DIC: I wouldn't mind getting that kind of view again. I admit she's got a nice booty and at least she doesn't smell like she goes on dumpster dives with her bestie. Bad taste in friends though.

North: You realize we have a job to do, right?

DIC: I was going to ask you the same thing, Jimmy Olsen. I'm doing my job, calling the action. Maybe you could learn to follow my lead.

They circle one another again, Crowne tries to duck in low for a takedown but Porter was quick on her feet as she shot a knee that connected head on, stunning her opponent as she begins to throw a series of sharp kicks at Crowne's midsection an head, alternating and taking advantage of her stunned state. She backs Crowne back into the ropes before irish whipping her to the opposing side, looking to hit her patented standing leg lariat off the rebound but Crowne ducks! Crowne rebounds off the ropes again, looking to use her momentum to hit a roundhouse kick that would be more at home in a martial arts movie than a wrestling ring but this time Porter ducks! The bubbly one thinks she's safe when she turns around only to be hit by a feint kick by Crowne! Crowne quickly shows off her MMA background as she starts firing several elbows to the forehead going from 3 to 9 horizontally as if on a clock before mixing it up with a well placed muay thai styled kick. Porter bounces backwards off the nearby ropes before finally getting downed with a vicious right hook!

North: This is starting to look more like an MMA bout than a wrestling match. Both women are going move for move. Elbow strikes like those can easily cut somebody open, people tend to underestimate just how deadly that part of the body can be when used like a weapon. Crowne definitely got the better of this exchange, while Porter got the edge in grappling. If I was a judge I'd be scoring it even right now.

DIC: She's just looking to pop her bubble right now. You can't call something like this a cat fight, it's more like two lionesses are going at each other's throats. And sometimes you just gotta be a little rough, if anyone can appreciate that it's you're truly, the D-I-C.

North: You keep it up one of these days one of these ladies is going to kick your head into next decade.

DIC: As long as it's not Terri Thompson or that little Street Urchin that stole my wallet I don't even care Kev. Worth it.

Crowne instead of going for the pin backs off as the official checks on Porter before making a judgment call to declare a knock-out or being unable to defend herself. Porter stirs and nods her head to the referee's instructions. Porter pulls herself up and then and only then does Crowne close back in looking to stick to what was working, as she throws a few jabs. Porter does a good job of blocking the blows as she throws a few kicks to her opponent's legs to try to get her to back off. Crowne however noticing Porter's technique switches to a southpaw stance and lands a sneaky body punch in before shooting a left kick to her torso that just grazes her chin ever so slightly to break her focus. Crowne then whips Porter against the ropes looking to catch her for a Release German Suplex but Porter holds on like an acrobat and uses her momentum to launch her across the ring and onto the mat with a modified monkey flip, Porter hoisting herself up on Crowne's shoulders with her hands, and with her legs and knees flipping her opponent down!

North: What athleticism! Normally a monkey flip is executed from the opponent standing in the corner in order to get the best grip to toss the opponent into the air like that. But Marie Porter had so much momentum going towards Alison Crowne with just enough ring awareness she was able to execute it starting at the center of the ring! Already impressive by itself but to do that after a near knock out? That's special.

DIC: It's the flexible ones you gotta worry about the most. She's a freak, in more ways than one.

Crowne was caught by surprise as she shook her head a little trying to regain her awareness as the momentum seemed to rapidly be shifting away from her. Porter was scouting her as Crowne appeared to be slow to get up. Porter stomped her feet on the mat a few times to fire the crowd up more as she ran up against the ropes looking to hit a springboard lariat once Crowne got back to her feet. Off the ropes, Porter launching her body in the air and suddenly her confidence drained out of her face as she realized she just made a critical error; she did meet Crowne after launching herself but she didn't go down.. she ended up catching her instead. Crowne stumbled back a step or two before reasserting her hold, holding Porter's body in her hands, transitioning her position first over her shoulder with her head pointing down. Porter shook her head several times as she tried to escape but it was too late as Crowne came crashing down with the sit-out tombstone piledriver, The Crowning Moment!

North: Critical error! Porter thought she was going in for the kill but instead got caught up in The Crowning Moment! Good luck kicking out of that and good night!

DIC: It's all good and well but she's showcasing what she can do right in front of Fay Qent and Aurore. Maybe she's getting a little too confident out there but come on, you can't give your blueprint to your opponent no matter how... stunning they may look.

Porter was out cold, laying motionless on the mat as Alison Crowne went for the cover, locking eyes with Fay Qent as she was sending a message to her with that piledriver; perhaps a glimpse of what was yet to come her way. The referee counts, 1! 2! 3!

Baxter: Here is your winner... Alison Crowne!

North: Either way a strong message has certainly been sent here tonight. Mark my words this saga between Crowne and Qent is only beginning, and sooner or later this showcase of showmanship is going to collide in the ring.

Tick L. vs. Anne "Flying" Grayson

The arena darkens now as the titantron lights up to display a video package that reads 'Last Month' in the bottom left corner in LONE's purple and pink font.

Anne Grayson: The way it looks to me is that you’re the one using your family name to get you places, AVALON! You can think my daddy got me here all you want, and you can be mad at me for it for as long and as much as you want but you know damn well that you’re just upset that people know your folks a hell of a lot more than they know you and that’s never gonna change. So why don’t you go back to mommy and daddy and tell them this “runt” just owned you!

Those words, they just heated Ainslee and she fired off a smack to the side of Anne’s face. Anne rushed in and the two clashed but security was there quickly to break it apart between the two. It seemed like there was definitely some strong disdain from Ainslee towards Anne, and it was a rivalry of generations, a 2nd and a 3rd. There was no way this was finished between them.

The video fades out and the lights cut back on to reveal Tick L of the Juggalettes and Anne "Flying" Grayson from the video package squaring off in the ring.

Johnny Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! First, from the Big Tent on 9th Street, she is one half of the Juggalettes... TICK L!!!!!.

Tick L. raises her hands in the air as the fans boo.

Johnny Baxter: And her opponent, from Atlanta, Georgia, ANNE "FLYING" GRAYSON!

Anne turns around and spreads her hands out as the fans cheer in response.Anne had a level of anticipation building from the fans that knew of her work previously outside of Fallcoast. The bell rings and they go into the center of the ring together, TIck L. decides that instead of grappling with Anne, she wants to talk smack.

TIck L. Come on, Pretty! What you got?! Huh?! What you got Pretty!?

It seems like just an antagonization but Anne wasn’t going to have any of it. This was her debut and she wanted to show LONE and the city of Fallcoast what she was all about. To do that, Anne threw a forearm right into Tick L.’s face knocking her staggering back. Anne threw a few more knocking Tick L. into the ropes. Anne brings her arm back and a nasty loud >SMACK< echos through the crowd with a huge chop right across Tick L’s chest.

DIC: No, not the chesticals! What did they ever do to you, Anne?! Huh?!

North: Well I don’t know if I’d go that far but what I do know is that Anne’s chop could be heard for three city blocks!

TIck L didn’t know what hit her and she stumbled off of the ropes. While she stumbled forward, Anne was picking her moment. She hit the ropes and with Tick L. turned around she was met with a running dropkick that sent Tick L spilling out of the ring to the floor. Standing up, Anne runs back and hits the far ropes for a rebound and then charging back towards the entrance. Anne lives up to the “Flying” in her name with a huge dive over the top rope and crashes across Tick L to the fans delight.

North: A huge Tope Suicida by Anne Grayson, living up to the Flying Grayson name! TIck L is down and had no idea of what to expect and our crowd is going crazy, DIC!

DIC: Probably because there was a nice view for all to see!

North: That was definitely one of the nicest flips I’ve ever seen!

DIC: I wasn’t talking about the flips!

North: Clearly, but this is a family show! Trying to keep keep things on track!

DIC: Eh, who needs that when you’ve got the best seat in the house! Ladies love the D-I-C!

The referee was beginning the ten count outside and counted up to four before Anne rolled Tick L. back into the ring. Anne slid in under the bottom rope to get back in but Tick L grabbed her by the hair and pulled Anne in for a quick pin but only achieving a 2 count! Anne kicked out and was quick to her feet realizing Tick L almost won the match. That wouldn’t look too good for a debut. Tick L was getting back to her feet and kicked Anne in the gut. TIck L hooked her right arm around Anne’s neck going for a DDT but Anne had it well scouted. Anne grabbed Tick L’s left arm and locked it on Tick L’s back. Anne grabbed Tick L’s body and up and over Anne’s head she went. Anne held on and slammed Tick L down with her trademark Hammerlock Northern Lights Suplex and with Anne’s own momentum landing in a bridge she was able to carry her bridge over to being on her feet. TIck L was writhing with pain and holding her lower back while slowly getting to her feet; Anne Grayson throws her arms out to the side as if to indicate she’s calling for the end of the match.

North: I could be misreading the situation here DIC but after that Northern Lights, it looks like Anne is calling to end it with the Flying Grayson - her Tornado DDT!

DIC: I’m not sure about that but I’m just replaying that Northern Lights suplex in my head over and over again! I’m telling you - best seat in the house!

North: How have you managed to keep your head this long?

DIC: I always use protection!

Helping Tick L to her feet, Anne has her right arm around Tick L’s neck and walks her over to the corner. Anne climbs to the middle turnbuckle and stands, keeping TIck L’s head hooked, Anne jumps off while spinning in the air with her Flying Grayson - a Tornado DDT dropping Tick L on her head and leaving her out cold. Anne jumps over for the pinfall cover but Anne quickly notices something is wrong when the referee isn’t making the count. Anne lets go of the pin and outside the ring, right from the crowd was the Fallcoast area’s own Ainslee Avalon who’s seemed to have a bone to pick with Anne, and Ainslee had pulled the referee out of the ring and was arguing with him.

North: What is Ainslee Avalon doing out here?! We saw her show up when Anne was being interviewed at our Halloween special and she seemed to take offense to Anne and we’re not too clear on what her gripe is exactly but it looks like she’s out here to mess with Anne Grayson some more!

DIC: More the merrier! Like I said, man, they can’t get enough DIC!

North: Oh lord. Well folks, we aren’t sure why Ainslee is exactly out here; I mean we have a general idea because it most likely has something to do with what happened last month but what is driving this we have no idea and it looks like here on ThanksBEATING! It’s continuing! Props to our official for trying to maintain some sense of order! Wait, scratch that.. Anne is leaving the ring!

Anne Grayson did leave the ring and she got between the ref and Ainslee trying to figuring out what was going on. Ainslee then quickly ran into the ring and kneed Tick L right in the face when she was starting to stagger back into consciousness and left to the other side of the ring after the deed was done. The official called for the bell, issuing Tick L the victory by disqualification. Anne was not happy about this at all and Ainslee had a look on her face that she was very happy with the outcome, and the official was checking on Tick L.

Baxter: Here is your winner by disqualification.. Tick L.!


Coming Soon!