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== After match Interview with "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson ==
== After match Interview with "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson ==
Coming Soon!<br>
Terri slowly rolls out of the ring, clutching her back and soon disappearing behind the curtain. The Titantron lights up to show Linda Edwards with microphone in hand racing towards Terri Thompson after her loss in the tag match we just witnessed. Thompson stops, nursing her back with her right hand.<br>
Edwards: Terri... a heartbreaking defeat just now in your tag match with your partner Alison Crowne against The Glorious One and Pretty Fay Qent.<br>
Thompson: Heartbreaking? Yeah, I guess you could call it heartbreaking. You could also call it a damn ripoff! A payoff! Did you see how quick that ref ran off? Scampered like a scared little turd!<br>
Terri is visibly upset, face reddening and tone rising when she exclaims. This causes Edwards to watch her cautiously.<br>
Edwards: Terri, I've got to ask you, with everything that has been going on, everything that Drew Stevenson has been doing to you..... How do you feel?<br>
There's compassion in Edwards' voice as she asks.<br>
Thompson: You know what, Linda? I'll tell you how I feel! I feel... hurt. I ain't scared to admit it! I feel hurt physically, mentally, and emotionally! Physically because I just got my ass kicked by a powerhouse and the champ. Mentally because of everything Drew Stevenson has been doing to me and emotionally because my girlfriend is in a goddamn cell and the last time I got to hold her was right before she was taken away in handcuffs and I got my clock cleaned! My only friend I got around here is right now brawling somebody who has been breezing through the competition here so she's too busy mixed up with all that! Geez... I sound like I should write a country song about it. I should go see my buddies Jim and Jack, they're the only ones who could help me right now.<br>
Edwards: Jim and... Jack...?<br>
Edwards sounds confused as she asks.<br>
Thompson: Jim Beam and Jack Daniels. They're the only ones who could help me right now with my neck and my back...<br>
Terri pauses.<br>
Thompson: Not the rest of that song... You know how it goes. Well... I guess they could help me with my ass since it just got kicked... but my nether region is fine.<br>
Edwards: O... kay...<br>
Thompson: Look, I'm in a lot of pain right now. So much pain, from all angles, and it's all because of Drew Stevenson.<br>
Thompson grips the top of the microphone, just under the mic head, while Edwards holds onto it. Edwards starts to slowly let go of it to let Terri take the microphone. Terri points with her left forefinger towards the camera.<br>
Thompson: Drew Stevenson, you've had a vendetta for me since the beginning, and now you're using what my girlfriend did to Mark Robertson as an excuse to try and punish me. She did something that I don't condone, but you know what? You can continue to punish me for the actions of another. That's all right. You can take my theme music and my finisher from me, that's all right. You can take my name, that's all right, but you know what you can't take, Drew?<br>
She jabs her forefinger into her chest.<br>
Thompson: You can't take my heart. You can't take my heart because I'm going to keep coming until all of these wrongs are righted. The Glorious One screwed me, and I dropped the ball because I let that happen. You can try to justify it and say it was clean. Whatever helps you sleep at night. The only thing clean about you are your suits and your money, and I'm starting to doubt the latter after what just happened now. Now I can't prove it, but I know.<br>
She waves her left hand up and over the top of the camera frame.<br>
Thompson: ALL these people know that you paid off that ref to fast count me. You took away my finisher and I STILL had The Glorious One beat because I had her unconscious. You did this... You're DOING this because you're scared. Because you KNOW I'm a threat, and you can throw whatever hurdle you want at me and I'll just continue to prove that I'm the threat you're scared of. I'd tell you if you think differently that I'd put your mind in the gutter, but you're dirty, Drew. You're dirty and I know your mind is already there. In the gutter. With me. And one day, it'll just be you and me, in the gutter, all alone. So you can keep on pampering The Glorious One. You can keep on looking out for her and Robertson but at the end of the day, I'm gonna show you that you should've heeded the words of your partner and my Idol, Frank Washington, and that's you should've looked out for Number One.<br>
Her eyes fall on Linda.<br>
Thompson: Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go see Jack and Jim...<br>
Linda gently takes her microphone back as Terri starts to walk off and the camera focuses on Linda, who is still watching Terri.<br>
Linda: Thank you, Ms. Thompson... For your time...<br>
Linda turns to the camera now, looking uneasy after that.<br>
== Slapp vs. "The Perfect Shot" Penelope Silven ==
== Slapp vs. "The Perfect Shot" Penelope Silven ==
Coming Soon!<br>
Coming Soon!<br>

Revision as of 17:21, 18 June 2020



The lights start to dim as the titantron above the entrance way lights up. Rage Against The Machine's "Testify" starts up. The graphic of the event seen on the show flyer floats across the screen and then a promo reel begins. The crowd cheers as their beloved former champion "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson can be seen standing in front of a trailer in Meadow Green Trailer Park late one night. She's dressed in her grey tanktop that reads TRAILER PARK LEGEND on it. The camera doesn't seem to catch her lower half. She smokes on a cigarette and then blows the smoke towards the camera. It cuts to a shot of Terri hitting her spectacular shooting star press off the top of a 20 foot steel cage onto Ms. Gucci to win the title at LONE 2. We then cut back to Terri who comments.

Terri: Drew Stevenson. You're gonna pay for what you did to my girlfriend, Wendy. You crossed a LINE!

We cut to another shot of The Glorious One, The LONE Champion hitting her backbreaker The Spotlight on Terri after fishhooking her nose. Then it cuts to The Glorious One cheapshotting Terri in the center of the ring after the FPD begin to arrest Terri's girlfriend Wendy. The footage now shows The Glorious One standing in front of a LONE purple and black colored background, wearing the title belt proudly while Mark Robertson sits in a wheelchair with his leg in a cast.

Robertson: Terri Thompson! I hope Drew Stevenson punishes you so bad that he doesn't just fire your ass, he humiliates you and makes you want to QUIT! You will NEVER get your title shot!

Immediately, we cut to the promo from last month, with The Perfect Shot concealed in a snowy forest while laid on her stomach and the scope and barrel of a sniper rifle being seen. There's a loud bang as a paper target hanging from a tree has a bullet rip perfectly through the center.

The Juggalettes mean mug the camera as they stand in a bedroom with the walls covered in ICP merchandise.

Slapp: You idiots will never see it coming! WOOP WOOP!

More fast paced footage of the rematch between The Glorious One and Sister Catherine, with Sister Catherine's red light bathing the arena in that match. Stitches can be seen inadvertedly hitting Sister Catherine over the head with a steel chair. Stitches stands in front of a solid black background, with new facepaint of stitches going across the bridge of her nose, towards her left cheek and right eye. She whines.

Stitches: I want my dolly! I WANT MY DOLLY!

More footage of hard hitting action, like Cinnamon hitting her Sugar & Spice standing heel kick on Kayoko Ichikawa, and Alison Crowne making Prada Paula tap out in record fashion. Footage of Sister Catherine in her original match with The Glorious One plays, more red light as Sister Catherine hits her Bloodlust impaler DDT on the champ. The red filter seems to stay as Sister Catherine's face is seen. She laughs darkly as fangs jut from her upper lip and she sprays a red mist into the camera. The music fades out and the graphic once again flies across the screen.

As the arena lights comes to life, the arena seems packed now! The ippv feed focuses at ringside, and the public address sound system blares to life playing “The Man” by Aloe Blacc as immediately; this capacity crowd on hand starts to deafen the LONE arena in a massive chorus of boos. Standing on stage with a smile on his face, obviously happy with his work last show, Stevenson walks down the ramp with so much arrogance coursing through his veins. Pulling his arm away so nobody can touch him, he makes his way down the ramp and quickly walks up the steel steps and climbs into the ring where he motions for a microphone.

Stevenson: Isn’t it fantastic to have so much power?

Lowering the microphone for just a second, this capacity crowd lynches him from a verbal standpoint which simply causes him to smile even wider.

Stevenson: Oh yeah, none of you are used to having any sort of power because you’re just like your hero, Terri Thompson, you answer to a man who is ABOVE you.

The boos only continue to get louder.

Stevenson: Yeah, yeah, boo me all you want because all that I care about is the fact that your hero stays exactly where she belongs, at the very bottom of this company, you understand? You see, when Terri came out and hooked that LONE Championship around The Glorious One’s waist? She KNEW that she had lost to the better woman, clean might I add and so being the poor sport that she is, she had her girlfriend jump over the barricade and assault one of THEE biggest legends to EVER grace our business and why? Because she didn’t like the fact that she couldn’t get the job done.

The crowd gets crazier as trash is being thrown into the ring already.

Stevenson: See... This is the kind of behavior that I am talking about. You ungrateful people throwing trash into the ring and at me simply because you don’t like hearing the truth. Look, what happened was what we call justice. Wendy cannot go around kicking people in the back of the legs simply because she’s upset that her girlfriend lost. I will NOT let that happen, absolutely not because I am a fair man, I am a man who believes in the justice system and quite frankly? That little bitch got what she deserves.

Lowering the microphone again while shrugging his shoulders, more trash comes flying into the ring, specifically hitting Stevenson right in the chest as he looks down at his very expensive jacket and nods his head with a very arrogant smirk expressed on his face, obviously frustrated.

Stevenson: I know you’re back there Terri and I know you’re hanging on to my every word. So... Since you have taught these little punks to be so ungrateful, let me correct the problem. From here on out? In every single match that you have, if you hit the Mind in the Gutter then guess what? You will find yourself disqualified, immediately, and you will be punished for disobeying my laws around here, are we clear?

Looking down at his platinum Rolex, he then brings his attention back up to where the camera is positioned.

Stevenson: Oh and I know that you just arrived and everything since I saw you putting your things in the back but I suggest that you bring your happy little ass out here, right now because well — you and Alison Crowne are going up against Faye Qent and The Glorious One and that match? Oh yeah, it’s NEXT!

Dropping the microphone down onto the canvas, it makes a small crackling sound as Stevenson quickly exits the ring and walks up the ramp as these fans are absolutely livid.

North: Hello and welcome to Supremacy: LONE 8 New Years Rising! And I can’t believe what I just heard, Terri Thompson and Alison Crowne versus The Glorious One and Faye Qent, right now?

DIC: Yeah but the question is, how is Terri going to get the job done since Stevenson just banned her from using the Mind in the Gutter? Personally? I’m glad that Stevenson has finally put that hooligan in her place because it’s long overdue and we both know that Bux wouldn’t have the balls to do any of this.

North: It isn’t a matter of balls DIC, Stevenson is abusing his power, plain as day and everyone knows it, including you.

DIC: Don’t put words in my mouth. I am on good terms with Mr. Stevenson and I plan to keep it that way. You want to keep your job? I would highly suggest that you do the same North.

With nothing but silence, Terri Thompson steps out from behind the curtain to a massive applause from this capacity crowd. She's wearing the same tanktop from her promo reel and her usual denim jeans and black combat boots.

North: No matter what Stevenson does to her, this capacity crowd absolutely LOVES Terri.

DIC: That’s because she’s a hooligan, just like them.

North: Oh stop it!

"Pretty" Fay Qent & The Glorious One vs. Royal Plunder ("Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson & Alison Crowne)

Walking down the ramp filled with determination and some anger, Terri takes the complete opposite approach and makes sure to slap the fans hands showing her love back for them in return.

North: This is absolutely absurd, it seems like Stevenson has even taken away her introduction; how much lower will the man go?

DIC: Lower? The man is simply doing his job, whether you like it or not.

Having climbed inside of the ring, Terri makes her way over to the farthest turnbuckle where she leans up against it and waits for the arrival of her partner, Alison Crowne.

Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall...

Crowd: ONE FALL!

Baxter: Already in the ring, from Fallcoast Maine, she is Terri Thompson. And her partner, making her way to the ring, hailing from Gainesville, Florida, she is ALISOOOON CROOWWWNNNEEE! They make up the tag team ROYAAAAL PLUNDEEEER!

With “King for a Day” by Faith No More playing over the public address sound system, she comes out from behind the curtain with a very stern look on her face, definitely ready to get down to action so she can get her hands on Qent.

North: Look at how determined Alison is right now, she is ready to tear into Qent after what has happened recently.

Climbing into the ring as well, she walks over to Terri and the two embrace in a friendly hug.

Baxter: And their opponents...

Immediately playing over the public address sound system is “Pretty Vacant” by The Sex Pistols as Fay Qent steps out onto the stage and narrows her beautiful eyes while staring a hole right through Crowne.

Baxter: Making her way to the ring, hailing from Fallcoast, Maine, she is “PRETTY” FAAAAY QEEEENNNTTT!

Ignoring everyone around her, she makes haste and slides into the ring from under the bottom rope. Standing across the ring from both Terri and Crowne, this woman means business and for her, business is always good.

DIC: Qent is going to murder both of these women tonight and you know what North? I can’t wait!

North: There’s no doubt that she has been incredibly dominant ever since making her debut but tonight could very well be her biggest challenge so far in LONE.

While rolling her shoulders, getting ready for action, a beautiful symphony begins to play over the public address sound system as coming out first just so happens to be the legendary manager, Mark Robertson who is still confined to a wheelchair but definitely looking much better. Rolling out onto the stage, behind him trails the LONE Champion, The Glorious One wearing a very expensive diamond studded robe with the most prestigious title in our business today, the LONE Championship strapped around her waist.

Baxter: And her partner, hailing from Hollywood, California, she is managed by Mark Robertson and is the LONE CHAMPION... SHE IS... THE GLOOORIOUUUS OONNNEEE!

Walking down the ramp very slowly, as if to prolong this match, she smiles a very wide, toothy grin knowing that everyone in this arena despises her simply because she is the best thing going in this business today.

DIC: And there she is, the woman of woman’s, THEE LONE CHAMPION herself; The Glorious One!

Taking off her robe as well as championship belt, she places them in Mark’s lap and then enters into the ring, her respective corner getting ready for the match as the referee signals for the opening bell.

Ding... Ding... Ding...

Starting the match off is Qent versus Terri. Circling around each other, trying to get a feel for the other person, they embrace in a collar and elbow tie up as Qent shoves Terri away which causes her to stumble back in the turnbuckle as this puts a smile on the face of Qent. Walking out of the turnbuckle while nodding her head, they go to embrace in another collar and elbow tie up but this time, Terri knees Qent in the midsection and quickly hoists her up hitting a scoop slam. Arching her back in pain, Terri drops to her knees and quickly applies a seated headlock trying to keep Qent grounded.

North: Terri already on the offensive. She is keeping Qent off of her feet and if you know anything about these two women at all, this is rather unorthodox but very smart planning by Terri.

DIC: Oh please! Nothing Terri does is “smart”; let’s be real here.

North: What’s wrong with you? Seriously? Terri is the former LONE Champion and you would be a fool to count her out.

DIC: It’s a proven fact, yes proven that The Glorious One has her number so as far as I am concerned? This one is already over.

North: Yeah, well, we’ll see about that.

After keeping the headlock applied for several moments, Qent fights to her feet and when she gets there — she hoists Terri into the air hitting a backdrop bridging it into a pin.



Terri presses her shoulder off of the canvas. Rising to their feet, Qent blasts Terri with an explosive clothesline that folds her inside out as she lies there motionless.

DIC: My GOD Qent just killed Terri!

Walking over to her corner, she tags in Glorious One. Entering the ring to a chorus of boos; Glorious One quickly applies a seated headlock to Terri and really torques back applying pressure on the neck area.

North: Both Qent and The Glorious One are really working on the neck area of Terri. Smart move as it will take away much of her offense.

Releasing the hold, Glorious One stomps on the back shoulder area of Terri causing her to rithe in severe pain. Yanking Terri up to her feet, Glorious One hits a stiff knife edge chop to the chest of Terri as the fans “WOOOO” loudly. Fighting back, Terri throws several stiff punches which rocks Glorious One back and after taking a step back, she comes in with a clothesline which takes Glorious One off of her feet and down to the canvas, hard.

North: Terri showing great tenacity right now.

Walking over and picking The Glorious One up to her feet; Terri Irish whips her into the turnbuckle with such force that she strikes the turnbuckle and bounces out clutching her back. Not wasting any time, she is met with two feet to the face as Terri hooks the leg after that drop kick.





DIC: You’re not going to put the champion away that easily.

Shaking her arm to work out the kinks, Terri picks Glorious One up and again, throws her into the turnbuckle. Quickly making her way over there, she hoists The Glorious One up and puts her upside down in the turnbuckle in a Tree of Woe position. Quickly entering the ring, Crowne starts making a camera motion as Terri runs to one end of the ring and then returns with another drop kick right to the face of The Glorious One. Exiting the ring after “recording” Terri, she is tagged into the match as this capacity crowd erupts into cheers.

North: Listen to these fans, they love Crowne!

With The Glorious One still upside down, you can hear Robertson on the outside screaming to the referee that he needs to help The Glorious One. Walking over to the turnbuckle, Crowne begins to stomp on the helpless body of Glorious One as these fans are exploding in cheers. Finally falling out of the turnbuckle, Crowne yanks Glorious One up to her feet and starts hitting several forearm shots to her face as all she can do is cover up to the best of her ability. Coming in from behind, Qent blasts Crowne in the back which drops her down onto the ropes. Slapping Crowne’s back to make the tag, Terri enters the ring as Qent drops her down to the canvas with a stiff knee.

North: This thing is starting to get out of control.

DIC: Just the way I like it!

Grabbing Crowne by the hair and tossing her out of the ring, she then exits the ring as both women begin to fight up the ramp.

North: This thing no longer contained, at all.

With both women legal and in the ring, they begin getting up. With Terri stalking Glorious One, she looks to hit the Mind in the Gutter but remembers that she can’t so instead, she decides to utilize a DDT instead as she hits it and this crowd is going absolutely wild. Hooking the leg, she pulls back as far as she can as the referee drops down to make the count.





NO! Right before slapping the canvas, the referee stops the count and begins to rub his shoulder as if he is having some severe shoulder pain right now. Looking at the referee in pure rage, Terri yells at him to make the damn count as he rises to his feet and points at his shoulder letting Terri know he is having some issues right now.

North: What the? You have GOT to be kidding me right now?

DIC: Poor referee, them shoulder pains can really take it out of you.

North: Shoulder pain my ass!

Rising to her feet now, she argues with the referee which gives Glorious One time to recover. Spinning around, Terri kicks her in the midsection and hits yet another DDT which flattens Glorious One. Falling down on top of her, she demands that the referee count as she drops down to do so.


............ Two........

........... Thr.........

With the count being incredibly slow, this gives Robertson enough time to drive his wheelchair over there and place her foot on the bottom rope.

North: This is RIDICULOUS! Stevenson has obviously paid off the referee and there’s absolutely nothing Terri can do about it.

DIC: Are we watching the same match? From what I can see, everything has been called right down the middle.

North: You’re blind then, DIC!

Slapping the canvas in rage, Terri starts arguing with the referee as The Glorious One slowly crawls to the ropes and uses them to get to her feet. Standing behind Terri, The Glorious One grabs Terri and hits the Spotlight while falling on top of Terri.

One.. Two.. THREE!!!

North: Terri was screwed, plain and simple!

DIC: That is not even true. What happened was that Glorious One proved yet again that she is the premier woman in this company and nobody can beat her.

With that incredibly fast count, the referee bolts out of the ring as does Glorious One who is given her LONE Championship.


With large smiles expressed over their faces, they taunt Terri as this capacity crowd is livid and throwing things at them as they head up the ramp.

After match Interview with "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson

Terri slowly rolls out of the ring, clutching her back and soon disappearing behind the curtain. The Titantron lights up to show Linda Edwards with microphone in hand racing towards Terri Thompson after her loss in the tag match we just witnessed. Thompson stops, nursing her back with her right hand.

Edwards: Terri... a heartbreaking defeat just now in your tag match with your partner Alison Crowne against The Glorious One and Pretty Fay Qent.

Thompson: Heartbreaking? Yeah, I guess you could call it heartbreaking. You could also call it a damn ripoff! A payoff! Did you see how quick that ref ran off? Scampered like a scared little turd!

Terri is visibly upset, face reddening and tone rising when she exclaims. This causes Edwards to watch her cautiously.

Edwards: Terri, I've got to ask you, with everything that has been going on, everything that Drew Stevenson has been doing to you..... How do you feel?

There's compassion in Edwards' voice as she asks.

Thompson: You know what, Linda? I'll tell you how I feel! I feel... hurt. I ain't scared to admit it! I feel hurt physically, mentally, and emotionally! Physically because I just got my ass kicked by a powerhouse and the champ. Mentally because of everything Drew Stevenson has been doing to me and emotionally because my girlfriend is in a goddamn cell and the last time I got to hold her was right before she was taken away in handcuffs and I got my clock cleaned! My only friend I got around here is right now brawling somebody who has been breezing through the competition here so she's too busy mixed up with all that! Geez... I sound like I should write a country song about it. I should go see my buddies Jim and Jack, they're the only ones who could help me right now.

Edwards: Jim and... Jack...?

Edwards sounds confused as she asks.

Thompson: Jim Beam and Jack Daniels. They're the only ones who could help me right now with my neck and my back...

Terri pauses.

Thompson: Not the rest of that song... You know how it goes. Well... I guess they could help me with my ass since it just got kicked... but my nether region is fine.

Edwards: O... kay...

Thompson: Look, I'm in a lot of pain right now. So much pain, from all angles, and it's all because of Drew Stevenson.

Thompson grips the top of the microphone, just under the mic head, while Edwards holds onto it. Edwards starts to slowly let go of it to let Terri take the microphone. Terri points with her left forefinger towards the camera.

Thompson: Drew Stevenson, you've had a vendetta for me since the beginning, and now you're using what my girlfriend did to Mark Robertson as an excuse to try and punish me. She did something that I don't condone, but you know what? You can continue to punish me for the actions of another. That's all right. You can take my theme music and my finisher from me, that's all right. You can take my name, that's all right, but you know what you can't take, Drew?

She jabs her forefinger into her chest.

Thompson: You can't take my heart. You can't take my heart because I'm going to keep coming until all of these wrongs are righted. The Glorious One screwed me, and I dropped the ball because I let that happen. You can try to justify it and say it was clean. Whatever helps you sleep at night. The only thing clean about you are your suits and your money, and I'm starting to doubt the latter after what just happened now. Now I can't prove it, but I know.

She waves her left hand up and over the top of the camera frame.

Thompson: ALL these people know that you paid off that ref to fast count me. You took away my finisher and I STILL had The Glorious One beat because I had her unconscious. You did this... You're DOING this because you're scared. Because you KNOW I'm a threat, and you can throw whatever hurdle you want at me and I'll just continue to prove that I'm the threat you're scared of. I'd tell you if you think differently that I'd put your mind in the gutter, but you're dirty, Drew. You're dirty and I know your mind is already there. In the gutter. With me. And one day, it'll just be you and me, in the gutter, all alone. So you can keep on pampering The Glorious One. You can keep on looking out for her and Robertson but at the end of the day, I'm gonna show you that you should've heeded the words of your partner and my Idol, Frank Washington, and that's you should've looked out for Number One.

Her eyes fall on Linda.

Thompson: Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go see Jack and Jim...

Linda gently takes her microphone back as Terri starts to walk off and the camera focuses on Linda, who is still watching Terri.

Linda: Thank you, Ms. Thompson... For your time...

Linda turns to the camera now, looking uneasy after that.

Slapp vs. "The Perfect Shot" Penelope Silven

Coming Soon!

Tick L. vs Vixen

Coming Soon!

After match Segment

Coming Soon!

Segment: Sister Catherine/Stitches

Coming Soon!