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== Post Match Segment ==
== Post Match Segment ==
Coming Soon!<br>
As Hawkins and Ichikawa are celebrating with their newly won LONE Tag Team Championships, from behind the Gucci Gals start jumping them as they drop the titles.<br>
Stomping on the champions, the Gucci Gals then turn their attention towards Spice and Ice and begin putting the boots to them as well. With all four women down after such a hard fought battle, the Gucci Gals bend down to pick the titles up when suddenly; the fans deafen the arena in cheers.<br>
With pretty much the rest of the LONE roster coming out, they begin to battle the Gucci Gals as well as Spice and Ice and No Fly Zone.<br>
DIC: Not going to lie, with this many hot women in the ring at one time, I think I have a bo...<br>
North: ... Oh knock it off! Is that what we have to expect for the rumble? It’s pandemonium.<br>
With complete chaos going on, several women are being tossed over the top rope, however, the lights go out.<br>
North: Wh... What’s going on? Did all of this chaos hit a cord or something?<br>
With the lights coming back on, both Sister Catherine and Stitches stand in the ring. The crowd roars at this! Sister Catherine's eyes are wide and her fangs are bared. She has a red substance dripping from her tongue and lips. She says something inaudible while Stitches is hanging her head for a few moments before snapping it up and the two just start beating on whoever they can get their hands on, helping clear the ring from all of this unbridled chaos! There’s only a few women left in the ring. Running at Miss. Gucci, Stitches clotheslines Gucci over the top rope and falls out of the ring with her to the floor below. Running at her, Sister Catherine drops down and pulls the top rope down as Cinnamon goes flying over the top rope and onto the floor below.<br>
North: Is this a prelude of things to come?<br>
DIC: God let’s hope not!<br>
Being the last person in the ring, Sister Catherine looks around and smirks showing her fangs. Letting out a scream which excites the fans, she runs to the ropes and bouncing back, she uses her momentum to jump over the top rope onto the pile of bodies below as the fans are deafening the arena.<br>
With everyone lying on the ground, Sister Catherine stands there, hands balling into fists out at her sides as she leans her head back and lets out a loud shriek with her fangs bared.<br>
Sister Catherine: oooOOOOEEEEAAAAAOOOOWWWWW!<br>
She then sprays a red mist into the air. We slowly start to fade out to the LONE logo as all Hell has broken loose!<br>

Latest revision as of 09:27, 24 June 2020



As soon as we come to life, before anyone can even say anything, the public address sound system comes to life playing “The Man” by Aloe Blacc as this capacity crowd immediately begins to boo and loudly at that.

North: These fans already snubbing Stevenson and rightfully so at that.

DIC: Rightfully so? Are you kidding me? Stevenson has been a godsend to this company, a GODSEND, and you show him this kind of disrespect?

North: It’s okay DIC, you can remove your lips from his ass. I promise you, things will taste much better if you do.

With no reply, DIC simply sits there as the gorilla curtains part to the side and outsteps the man himself; the legendary, Drew Stevenson. Dressed in a very expensive suit which matches the color of his eyes, Stevenson quickly begins to walk down the ramp heading to the ring as he is definitely a man on a mission right now. Upon reaching the bottom of the ramp, he ascends up the steel steps and enters the ring. Walking over to the ring announcer, Baxter, Stevenson rips the microphone out of his hands and brings it up to his lips.

Stevenson: Cut the damn music!

DIC: Uh oh... Stevenson is in a foul mood tonight.

North: Of course he is!

With the music immediately dying down, Stevenson paces the ring while continuing to speak.

Stevenson: You know? When this company was on the verge of going belly up, which would have put all of you not only out of a job but out of a product to watch, I stepped in with all of my money that I worked so hard to achieve and I single handedly saved this company. I find it funny that all of you are so eager and willing to accept my money when you need it but now all of a sudden, all of you have turned your back on me and the first person that I would like to discuss on that matter is Jack E. Bux!

Pausing only momentarily, Stevenson takes in a deep breath, trying to calm down but it’s failing and badly at that.

Stevenson: You see, Bux was perfectly fine taking my money when he could not support this company and when I was having a few traveling issues, what does he do, huh? He places Terri in the tag tournament AGAINST my word, AGAINST my will and THANKFULLY; Slapp and Tick L. came through and made Terri eat her words, as well as Bux. So since you wanted to be a little prick Bux, I sat back and I did A LOT of research, I mean A LOT and I came to the PERFECT solution.

Holding up his pointer finger, this wicked smile creeps along his face as he is obviously up to no good.

Stevenson: See — it’s no secret that every single person in this company wants a shot at The Glorious One and being the fighting Champion that she is, I have just the thing to not only determine the next number one contender but to shake this company to its VERY CORE!

Using his free hand which is his left hand, he makes signs in the sky to signify just how big this match is.


Lowering his hand as well as his head, every single person in the arena cheers and loudly at that.



Stevenson: That’s right, next month at LONE 12, thirty women will enter the ring and the object is simple, throw every single person over the top rope and should you manage to outlast everyone else? Then you will find yourself as the next number one contender so to every lady who will be entered into this thing — good luck because you will NEED it...

Pretending like he was going to exit the ring, he snaps his fingers, turns back towards the people and finishes up with what he was going to say.

Stevenson: Oh I almost forgot, there is one small little catch. Since Bux wanted to “make decisions” against MY will? I am going to make a decision of my own and that decision is this; Terri Thompson is BARRED from competing in the Battle Royale!

With the arena now booing Stevenson again, he simply shrugs his shoulders and smiles.

Stevenson: I understand! You guys are pissed but you know what? There’s only one person to blame for all of this and that man is, Jack E. Bux. So when you’re sitting at home tonight Terri, remember, you could have had the opportunity to make history but instead — you blew it by defying my word; remember that!

Dropping the microphone down onto the canvas, he gives the camera one last smile before exiting the ring to head back up the ramp, backstage to where his office is.

North: Of course, Terri Thompson SCREWED AGAIN!

DIC: She knew the risks when defying Stevenson’s word. I don’t feel bad for her, not one little bit.

The Juggalettes vs. No Fly Zone

Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is the first match in the Semi Final round of the Tag Team Classic!

“Chicken Huntin’” by ICP suddenly begins to play over the public address sound system.

Baxter: Introducing first, hailing from The Big Tent on 9th Street, they are SLAPP AND TICK L.; THE JUUUUGGALLLLETTTTTEEEESSSS!!!

Bouncing around on the stage, they quickly make their way down to the ring, mean mugging fans as they walk down the aisle. They hop up onto the apron and then enter through the top and middle rope. They begin to make hand motions as if they’re going to cut off the heads of the chickens. Laughing hysterically at their own comedy.

"Stay Fly" by 3 6 Mafia hits the speakers and a big cheer from the crowd comes alive as this newly formed team makes their way from behind the curtain.

Baxter: And their opponents, making their way to the ring, the team of "Fly" Felicia Hawkins and Kayoko Ichikawa, they are the No Fly Zone!

In confidence they stand, making their way down to the ring and giving high fives to all of their fans along the way. Felicia wears a backwards cap with a a flag on it, half USA on the left and half Japan on the right and a big smile on her face. Kayoko wears a zip up jacket with the flag design on the back with the Japanese flag on the left, the USA flag on the right. The look ready for action, sliding into the ring and jump into different corners with their arms up and getting the love from the crowd.


North: The first of two semi-finals matches is now under way, the winner of this match will advance to the main event later tonight to face the winner of Gucci Gals vs Spice and Ice.

DIC: I'm down with the clowns WOOP WOOP! The team nobody is talking a bout is going all the way. They took out the Gutter Trash last month.

North: I still don't think many people have gotten over that tremendous upset. But No Fly Zone are going to be just as challenging and you better believe they're hungry.

DIC: Well they better learn how to fast and starve then because they're going to experience a famine while Slapp and Tick L. feast!

Slapp and Hawkins start for their respective teams as they circle each other inside the ring. Slapp shoots off and incredibly wild kick at Hawkins that misses by a good ten inches or so which causes her foe to just blink. Slapp with a grin shoots off another wild kick, this one coming just a hair closer but still wide off the mark. Slapp throws another kick that's surprisingly close, at least close enough for Hawkins to catch her foot. Hawkins toss her foot aside, Slapp attempts to use the momentum to go for a dragon whip but halfway in the spin she slips and falls on the mat on her rear. Slapp hits the mat in frustration... a little too hard causing her to clutch it before tagging in Tick L. out of frustration.

North: Slapp is very off the mark tonight.

DIC: She's treating this match like a mosh pit thrashing around with her kicks. Not very effective but I dig it.

North: She's missing by nearly a full foot.

DIC: Yeah but sometimes a little frustration goes a long way in the hotness department.

North: You can't be serious.

DIC: I'm a man of exotic tastes, what can I say?

Hawkins wasn't about to wait for another comedy of errors to fall right in front of her, not when she came to compete and she quickly goes to springboard off the ropes, just in time for Tick L. to turn right into a springboard hurricanrana! Tick L. quickly pops up shaking her head as Hawkins charges towards her. Almost as a surprise however Tick L. managed to counter with a rather sharp looking arm drag. Hawkins appeared to be impressed as she pulls herself up off the mat and quickly finds herself in a collar and elbow tie up. Tick L. captures Hawkins in a side headlock, however she quickly slips out of that and gets her clownfaced foe in a hammerlock. Hawkins begins to drag her over towards her corner looking for a tag but again Tick L. finds a way of turning a negative into a positive as she managed to flip her body away from the corner, freeing herself in the process perhaps catching Hawkins a little loose an unprepared in her grip. Immediately Tick L. lunges forward and connects with The Tick Bite! She begins biting on Hawkins' forehead as Slapp is absolutely floored and impressed at her partner's sudden competency.

North: I don't know, maybe it's the blow she took to her head off that hurricanrana but it's almost as if the lightbulb clicked on for the first time in a long while upstairs.

DIC: You know... normally I'd question something like this but they did send that trash weasel packing.

North: You're never going to let go of that one.

DIC: Why should I? To see Terri Thompson finally eat some humble pie; it was great! Hell, we just might be seeing a repeat!

Unfortunatey for Tick L. the force of her lunging and biting slammed Hawkins into her own corner colliding with Kayoko which the referee after a brief hesitation slaps his hands together to acknowledge a tag! Kayoko falls off the apron but manages to stay on her feet. The official tries to call for a clean break but Tick L. is having none of that as it's almost like she's a zombie hungry for brains. The official gets to the count of 4 before Kayoko slides into the ring and hits a vicious kick to her back, causing her to finally let go. Hawkins is quick to roll out of the ring and onto her side of the apron as Kayoko keeps shooting kicks straight at Tick L. Tick L. eats the stiff shots but manages to duck out of the way of one and follows up with a spinning heel kick that floors Kayoko and sends her tumbling to the mat. Slapp continues to watch on as the hope slowly begins to grow in her eyes, it was as if Tick L. found a hidden can of Popeye's spinach and hitched their wagons to the gravy train. Tick L. marches over to a neutral corner and climbs the turnbuckle spreading her arms out wide as she stared down at Kayoko.

North: Tick L. just hit Kayoko with her own finisher! Talk about adding insult to injury!

DIC: I... I don't know what we're seeing here but I. Like. It!

North: I'd call this a Cinderella story in the making but Cinderella never wore clown paint...

DIC: But why is she on the top rope like that? She's never once landed a diving headbutt in her career! This always ends in disaster. Don't jump!

Tick L. takes a leap of faith and goes for the diving headbutt. She flies and soars through the air getting incredible hangtime as she begins her descent towards Kayoko.

DIC: No..no...no...no...no...

She continues to glide through the air closing in faster and faster on Kayoko... faster... faster...

DIC: Yes.... yes....yes! She's going to hit it!

...Too fast! She completely overshoots her opponent and crashes clear on the other side of the ring having missed her target completely! Slapp nearly yanks her hair out seeing this car crash take place. Kayoko slowly sits up completely unaware that she was even the intended target. Tick L. is kicking her feet wildly on the mat out of pain.


North: Crash and burn. She might be seriously hurt here.

DIC: You idiot! You cocky fool! You had her beat...WHY?

North: Because everybody wants to be the first; everybody wants to make history. Sometimes you need to take risks and sometimes they don't pay off. But that just goes to show how important the LONE Tag Team Championship is.

Tick L. is extremely slow to get up, and all that tends to accomplish is ironically give the opposing team more time to recover from the sudden and unexpected early onslaught. Kayoko is up to her feet first, Tick L. very groggily pulls herself up with jello legs. Slapp yells for the tag and Tick L. stumbles and reaches out for the tag... to Hawkins. The official looks extremely confused and informs her that she can't make a tag to the opposing team. Kayoko looks over to Hawkins and motions with her hands to ask if she wanted Tick L. Hawkins politely declines telling her partner she can have this one. Kayoko backs up as she sizes up Tick L., Slapp however decides she isn't going to watch her friend get mowed over in this state. Slapp hops off and quickly grabs a bottle of Faygo rootbeer under the ring and enters. She goes to spray Kayoko with it but instead The Joke... is on her; she sprays herself in the eyes! Kayoko sprints forward and connects with the Star Struck (Spinning Heel Kick) on Tick L. as Hawkins darts out of her corner and clotheslines Slapp to the outside allowing Kayoko to go for the immediate pin. 1, 2, 3!

Baxter: Here are your winners... Kayoko Ichikawa, “Fly” Felicia Hawkins... NO FLY ZONE!

North: After a scare No Fly Zone advances! They'll have some time to recover before the next match but this night is far from over. Stay tuned!

Gucci Gals vs. Spice & Ice

The internet Pay Per View stream for those watching at home comes up to show that they're in intermission right now, and starts showing clips from past LONE matches and promos. Cooldown time for the next match!

Baxter steps back into the center of the ring as the feed cuts back to the ring.

Baxter: This match is scheduled for one fall, with a fifteen minute time limit.

The public address sound system comes to life playing “Gucci Gucci” by Kreayshawn which immediately causes the fans to boo and loudly. Coming out from behind the curtain, both Miss. Gucci and Paula Prada come stepping out looking like a million bucks but also looking incredibly arrogant as well.

Baxter: Making their way to the ring, they are Miss. Gucci and Paula Prada — THE GUUUCCCIII GAAALLLSSS!

Having walked down the ramp and climbing into the ring, they both climb a turnbuckle and taunt as these fans continue to boo them but even louder now.

Baxter: And their opponents...

Again, the public address sound system comes to life but this time playing “Cinnamon Girl” by Neil Young as from behind the curtains steps both Cinnamon and Violent Violet. Standing on the stage, they stare down to the ring.

Baxter: Making their way to the ring, they are Cinnamon and Violent Violet — SPICE AND IIIIICCCCEEEE!

Walking down the ramp, Spice and Ice get to the steel steps and hop into the ring most certainly ready for this battle to begin.

DIC: Is it just me or did Cinnamon’s boobs get bigger?

North: Oh stop it! Is that all you see these women for?

DIC: Wait... That’s not all they’re for?

North: You’re terrible, you know that?

DIC: That’s what your mom told me!

Letting out a sigh, the referee signals for the bell as kicking this thing off is Violet versus Prada.

Ding... Ding... Ding...

Walking to the center of the ring, both women embrace in a collar and elbow tie up. Instead of dealing with this, Prada hits an immediate poke to the eyes causing Violet to stumble while holding her eyes. Getting in behind Violet, Prada rakes the back as Violet screams in pain and arches her back walking around the ring. Upon turning around, Prada smacks her across the chest with a knife edge chop as Violet clutches her chest but is struck again and repeatedly.

North: Paula Prada is on fire right now.

Pulling Violet out of the turnbuckle, Prada hoists her up onto her right shoulder. Slipping out however, Violet lands behind Prada and dropkicks her in the back causing her to strike the turnbuckle chest first. Upon stumbling out, Violet rolls Prada up.



Kicking out, Violet is quick to her feet and as Prada is as well, Violet looks for a clothesline but Prada ducks underneath it and reaches back hitting a textbook Hangman’s Neck breaker.

North: What a neck breaker by Prada.

Quickly making the cover, the referee drops down to make the count.



Pressing her shoulder off of the canvas, Prada looks frustrated.

DIC: It’s going to take a lot more to put Violet down and out of this thing.

North: We’re in agreement there.

Yanking Violet up to her feet, Prada pushes her into their respective corner and reaches out tagging in Miss. Gucci. Climbing into the ring, Prada decks Violet right in the jaw as the referee yells at her to exit the ring and she does so but only after abusing the five count. Rearing back and decking Violet in the jaw, again, Gucci hoists Violet onto the top rope and upon setting her up — she hits a huge superplex as these fans deafen the arena.


North: MY GOD!

With both women rolling around, Gucci gets up first and rolls Violet over hooking the leg.




Just pressing her shoulder off of the canvas, Gucci slaps the canvas out of frustration as Violet starts crawling over to Cinnamon but is quickly yanked away by her foot. Picking up Violet, Gucci screams at her, right in her face when suddenly; Violet kicks Gucci right in the midsection and hits a quick float over DDT as Gucci lies there, unconscious, as does Violet who has really suffered a beating in this match.

North: Violet NEEDS to get Cinnamon into this match or, well — it could be over!

Beginning to crawl over to her corner, Cinnamon reaches out as far as she can to make the tag.

DIC: My goodness, look at those jugs.

Grabbing Violet by the boot, Violet kicks Gucci in the face and jumps forward making the tag. Entering into the ring, Prada gets leveled with a clothesline and as Gucci gets to her feet, Cinnamon grabs both Prada and Gucci and slams their heads together as they both fall down to the canvas.

North: And just like that, the tides have changed in favor of Cinnamon and Violet.

Rolling out of the ring, Cinnamon begins to stalk Gucci, waiting for her to get to her feet. As she does so, Cinnamon spins and looks for the Sugar and Spice Heel kick but Prada grabs Gucci by the foot and drags her out of the ring, out of harms way.

North: What teamwork by Paula Prada. She just saved Miss. Gucci from getting her head kicked off.

Coming in from behind Prada, Violet double axe handles her in the back and quickly tosses Gucci into the ring. Upon rising to her feet, BAM!


Lying on the canvas, Cinnamon hooks the leg.




NO! NO! Miss. Gucci manages to press her shoulder off of the canvas, just in the nick of time. Rolling off of her lifeless body, Cinnamon waits again and as Gucci stumbles to her feet, definitely groggy, Violet enters the ring and sends Miss. Gucci to the ropes. On her way back, Cinnamon picks Gucci up and hits an aided wheelbarrow face buster as Cinnamon quickly hooks the leg.




Climbing into the ring, looking to break up the count, Violet kicks Prada.


Rolling off of her lifeless body, Cinnamon raises her arm in victory as we hear Baxter.

Baxter: The winner of the match and advancing to the finals of the LONE Tag Team Title tournament; SPICE ANNNNDDD IIIICCCCEEEE!

Hugging each other while celebrating, Spice and Ice taunt the Gucci Gals as Gucci starts to come to, looking incredibly bitter and angry at them after she rolls out of the ring and regroups with Paula, heading up the ramp to the back.

Finals of Tag Team Classic

Spice & Ice remain in the ring as the feed cuts to another intermission, showing highlights of LONE's very first show, before they even did numbered events and were traveling around all of New England. A battle royale to determine the first champion on July 16th, 2016. It was won by Ms. Gucci who pushed Terri Thompson off the top rope and through the announcer's table when Terri was going to take a big risk off the apron and leap onto the top rope and at Gucci. Will we see a repeat of this next month? Well, sorta, Gucci may win, but Terri's banned!

The show was in Providence, Rhode Island.

"Stay Fly" by 3 6 Mafia hits the speakers and a big cheer from the crowd comes alive as this newly formed team makes their way from behind the curtain.

Baxter: The following finals match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the LONE Tag Team Championship! Introducing their opponents, making their way to the ring, the team of "Fly" Felicia Hawkins and Kayoko Ichikawa, they are the No Fly Zone!

In confidence they stand, making their way down to the ring and giving high fives to all of their fans along the way. Felicia wears a backwards cap with a a flag on it, half USA on the left and half Japan on the right and a big smile on her face. Kayoko wears a zip up jacket with the flag design on the back with the Japanese flag on the left, the USA flag on the right. The look ready for action, sliding into the ring and jump into different corners with their arms up and getting the love from the crowd.


North: No Fly Zone definitely have the advantage being the fresher team here with Spice and Ice having to compete immediately after the last match.

DIC: That may be so but Spice and Ice have the edge here with a chip on their shoulders. They have that killer instinct that you just can't teach while the No Fly Zone are too busy trying to please the crowd and give them a good time. You need to be cut throat in a situation like this to win and they just simply don't have that.

Kayoko and Violent Violet start off for their respective teams. Violet aggressively shooting out of her corner smashing Kayoko in the head with a serious of elbows to the head. The official quickly tries to call for a break with Violet doing this with a handful of hair to prevent Kayoko from seperating herself. The official begins his count, reaching the count of 4 before Violet pulls Kayoko over to her corner and tags in Cinnamon. Violet lets go of her hair to avoid the disqualification only to bring about another count as Spice and Ice mug Kayoko in their corner with a bunch of double stomps. The official gets to 4 before Felicia Hawkins shoots out to try to even the odds as the crowd gives her a healthy pop. The cheers quickly turn to booes as the official tells Hawkins to go back to her corner, inadvertently causing him to turn his back to Cinnamon shifting herself to the apron with a handful of Kayoko's hair, trapping her as Violet chokes her with her foot pressed firmly on her neck. Hawkins pleads with the official to look but he again urges her to leave the ring causing Kayoko's face to turn red before Cinnamon lets go and raises her hands innocently as the official finally turns around. Violet however doesn't stop the foot choke in the corner as now the referee begins his 5 count fresh, letting go at around 4 and a half seconds.

North: Spice and Ice definitely aren't adhering to the rules, that's for sure.

DIC: All's fair in love, war, and title matches.

North: Why are you so allergic to the rules?

DIC: Why are you such a boy scout, Kev-O?

North: I'd rather see the best team win, whoever that team may be. The fans as well as the competitors deserve that outcome.

DIC: You wouldn't know what to do with a bad girl if she just cut in front of line in a grocery store, would you? See, that's what separates the D-I-C from the rest. Guys like me know how to push the right buttons and sail in like a smooth operator. Guys like you couldn't stop a puppy from pissing on your shoe. Grow a spine and appreciate this work of art!

North: Oh it's a work of something...

Violet slowly makes a victory lap inside the ring, making a point to walk right past Hawkins to talk some trash and try to provoke her to enter the ring. Hawkins takes a swipe at her from the apron, a swipe that misses as Violet taps her chin several times. She then grabs Kayoko by her hair and drags her towards the center of the ring, grabbing her hand and stretching it out mockingly for a tag before she drives her knee right into the side of her skull several times.

North: How are you ok with this? This is absolutely vile and disgusting, this goes against everything LONE is supposed to stand for!

DIC: Winners win, Kev. Winners win and losers make excuses. Right now Spice and Ice look like bonafide winners to me!

The referee tells Violet to back off as he kneels and checks on her as he starts to waive over the ringside doctor to take a look at her. Hawkins looks disgusted and concerned at the same time while Cinnamon is already motioning for the Tag Team Championships, which are sitting elevated at ringside by the timekeeper. Violet however wasn't satisfied as she shoves the referee away and tried to pick Kayoko up. Before the official could threaten to disqualify her Kayoko managed to capture Violet in a surprise cradle pin! 1! 2! THRE – KICKOUT! Violet barely kicked out!

North: Near fall! Kayoko nearly snatched victory from the jaws of defeat there!

DIC: You get one. Everyone gets one. This doesn't change a thing. Violet is still firmly in control.

North: Yet momentum can shift at the drop of a dime.

DIC: It can; but it won't. If wishes were fishes...

Violet is in utter shock as she sits up trying to find out what just happened but Kayoko quickly wrapped her arms around Violet's neck and locked her into a sleeper hold before falling backwards onto the mat, positioning her body for leverage.

North: You were saying?

DIC: That's an illegal choke! Kayoko should be immediately disqualified! Come on, open your eyes!

North: It looks perfectly legal to me. Kayoko, whether intentional or not, is using some veteran maneuvering and leverage with her body to apply the pressure to compensate for her low energy level.

DIC: Ill-Lee-gal! ILLEGAL! This is a travesty of justice!

Violet slaps her foot onto the mat as she desperately reaches for the ropes with her hands. Violet slowly crawls towards the ropes as Cinnamon looks concerned for the first time in her corner. Violet is only fingertips away as Kayoko wrenches back for all her might, transitioning to a modified crossface to keep her yet out of reach. The crowd chants and urges for Violet to TAP! Violet violently shakes her fist hitting the mat, coming dangerously close to signaling that she's had enough before she finally gets a single finger on the bottom rope screaming in pain. Kayoko lets go at the count of 2 as she rolls off and lets go as both legal women make a very slow crawl towards their respective corners.

North: It's anyone's game now. Whoever can make the first tag will have a tremendous advantage here. Kayoko is spent but she's still fighting. A tag to Felicia Hawkins now could make a mountain of difference here.

DIC: She can try all she wants but the blood is definitely in the water now and Cinnamon is looking for the kill!

Felicia Hawkins stomps on the apron in her corner with her hand outstretched as the crowd begins to clap with her in anticipation as she holds onto the tag rope and stretches her arm out as far as possible, desperate to get into the match and give her partner a reprieve. Violet inches closer to her corner, Kayoko steadily crawls closer and closer to Hawkins. Finally Violet makes the tag to Cinnamon. Kayoko is now only fingertips away from making a tag herself but at the last possible second Cinnamon yanks her backwards by the foot, Hawkins missing her fingertips by less than an inch as the crowd boos very loudly.


North: That may have been a tag but it's too close to call; the referee had a judgment call to make and he made it.

Kayoko, having been caught by her foot manages to swing her body around and catches Cinnamon in the temple with an enziguri causing the crowd to go white hot with cheers as they know what's coming next. Kayoko picks herself up and makes a diving tag to Felicia Hawkins and the roof comes off the building as she charges into the ring.

North: Tag! Felicia Hawkins is finally in the match!

DIC: Stop the match, Cinnamon might be seriously hurt! Come on you stupid zebra! That tag shouldn't count!

North: What were you saying about winners and losers earlier?

DIC: Oh can it! You're lucky Jack E. Bux is entertained by your little Mr. Clean act.

Hawkins full of fire and fury steamrolls Cinnamon, who was just getting up with a clothesline. Cinnamon gets up and gets flattened by another one. Violet dashes into the ring but gets swiftly taken down with a slingblade. Violet and Cinnamon quickly back up to their corner as they try to regroup only for them both to get hit with a stinger splash, causing both of them to tumble down to the mat like a pair of dominos. The referee at this point doesn't even try to regain order, seeing things as too chaotic to risk his own skin with a big prize on the line as nothing blatantly illegal as going on, allowing this to continue in a grey area of the rules.

Kayoko still appears to be winded but wants to get in a few retaliatory licks in of her own, both members of No Fly Zone grin as they lock eyes with one another; they know what the other is thinking. Hawkins drops down to all fours as Kayoko sprints out of the corner, she uses Hawkins as a platform to run off of and hits an aided legdrop on Violet; effectively removing her from the equation as she rolls out to the outside. Kayoko and Hawkins get up as they now focus on Cinnamon who slowly scoots back holding up her hands begins to plead for mercy shaking her head furiously. Kayoko scoops her up and lifts her up in a wheelbarrow hold as Hawkins quickly leaps to the top rope and comes crashing down with a legdrop on Cinnamon!

North: That's a rap! Nobody kicks out of the legdrop!

Felicia Hawkins rolls Cinnamon over and hooks both legs for the pin as the referee counts. 1, 2, 3!

Baxter: Here are your winners and the inaugural LONE Tag Team Champions... Kayoko Ichikawa, “Fly” Felicia Hawkins... NO FLY ZONE!

The timekeeper rushes the belts over to the official who hands them to the new champions. Kayoko and Felicia embrace in the ring with a hug as they clutched their new belts.

Post Match Segment

As Hawkins and Ichikawa are celebrating with their newly won LONE Tag Team Championships, from behind the Gucci Gals start jumping them as they drop the titles.


Stomping on the champions, the Gucci Gals then turn their attention towards Spice and Ice and begin putting the boots to them as well. With all four women down after such a hard fought battle, the Gucci Gals bend down to pick the titles up when suddenly; the fans deafen the arena in cheers.


With pretty much the rest of the LONE roster coming out, they begin to battle the Gucci Gals as well as Spice and Ice and No Fly Zone.

DIC: Not going to lie, with this many hot women in the ring at one time, I think I have a bo...

North: ... Oh knock it off! Is that what we have to expect for the rumble? It’s pandemonium.

With complete chaos going on, several women are being tossed over the top rope, however, the lights go out.

North: Wh... What’s going on? Did all of this chaos hit a cord or something?

With the lights coming back on, both Sister Catherine and Stitches stand in the ring. The crowd roars at this! Sister Catherine's eyes are wide and her fangs are bared. She has a red substance dripping from her tongue and lips. She says something inaudible while Stitches is hanging her head for a few moments before snapping it up and the two just start beating on whoever they can get their hands on, helping clear the ring from all of this unbridled chaos! There’s only a few women left in the ring. Running at Miss. Gucci, Stitches clotheslines Gucci over the top rope and falls out of the ring with her to the floor below. Running at her, Sister Catherine drops down and pulls the top rope down as Cinnamon goes flying over the top rope and onto the floor below.

North: Is this a prelude of things to come?

DIC: God let’s hope not!

Being the last person in the ring, Sister Catherine looks around and smirks showing her fangs. Letting out a scream which excites the fans, she runs to the ropes and bouncing back, she uses her momentum to jump over the top rope onto the pile of bodies below as the fans are deafening the arena.


With everyone lying on the ground, Sister Catherine stands there, hands balling into fists out at her sides as she leans her head back and lets out a loud shriek with her fangs bared.


She then sprays a red mist into the air. We slowly start to fade out to the LONE logo as all Hell has broken loose!