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(Created page with "Category:Logs Category:Faith Category:Sander Category:Catherine {{Infobox Log |name = Get Me Pants! |summary = Post Officer-Down Call |icdate = Sept...")
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|icdate    = September 07, 2018
|icdate    = September 07, 2018
|ictime    = Evening
|ictime    = Evening
|players  = [[Faith]] - Sgt. Donahue, [[Sander]], [[Catherine]]
|players  = [[Faith]] - Sgt. Donahue, [[Sander]], [[Catherine_Shackleford|Catherine]]
|location  = Prospect Memorial Hospital
|location  = Prospect Memorial Hospital

Latest revision as of 06:57, 1 July 2020

Get Me Pants!
Post Officer-Down Call
IC Date September 07, 2018
IC Time Evening
Players Faith - Sgt. Donahue, Sander, Catherine
Location Prospect Memorial Hospital

Prospect Memorial Hospital - Emergency Room

If there was any doubt about what this section of the hospital was for, then the constant nervous tension of the doctors and nurses ought to clear it right up. There's medical equipment all over the place, out in the open for quick access. There's a direct line from the parking lot, and another one to the Intensive Care Unit for patients who need more specialized care. The beds are spaced apart to give staff room to go where they're needed, except for the bad days when there's an overflow and the extras are brought out of storage and shoved closer together.

Obvious Exits: Out <O>

Sander has arrived.

Sgt Donahue is actually in a private room under observation, and likely has an officer still posted outside her door. She's pacing around the room, dragging an IV bag around with her and grumbling about not being able to find her fucking pants. There are flowers, cards, and teddy bears everywhere. Much to the Sarge's chagrin. "Looks like god damned rainbow bright took a fucking crap in here!" she complains as she slams closed another empty drawer. She keeps checking though - just in case clothing magically appears.

Sander makes his way to a desk near the entrance without hesitation, flashing the badge and asking after the Sarge's whereabouts. He's been here a few times before as a visitor, and navigates the cramped and twisting hallways well enough. The officer outside the door is a good clue to the right room. Out comes the badge again, and after a pause, the officer knocks, saying through the door, "Sergeant? Detective Tenenbrau here to see you, is this a good time?" Sander keeps a poker face at the faint sounds of frustrated rummaging that make it through the door.

"NO!" roars the grumpy sergeant, "NOT UNLESS HE BROUGHT MY PANTS!" Of course, the officer outside the door doesn't have the same poker-face as the seasoned detective, he looks positively terrified of the lunatic on the other side. "The doctors said she has to stay for observation. I'm supposed to cuff her to the bed if she tries to leave." Inside the rummaging and thrashing has stopped. Through the little slit of a window one can see that the young blonde is sitting on the edge of the bed with her arms crossed like a pouty teenager. She's probably not all THAT dangerous right?

Sander takes this in, quirking a smile. "Oh, I thought it was weird she got a guard to keep people out. That makes a lot more sense. Why don't you go get coffee or something? And, uh, see if you can find out what they did with her uniform." He knocks on the door himself this time. With the warning of, "Hey Sarge, coming in. Working on the pants," he turns the knob to let himself in.

The rookie is happy to go find coffee.. inquire about uniforms, Hell, He'll hike to Mars and back as long as it gets him away from the raging demoness. Faith watches the uniform beat a hasty retreat down the hall, the outrage draining from her expression at the arrival of the familiar face, and pleasant voice. "Hey... might wanna grab his chair, they took the one in here away after I threw it at the resident dumbass."

Sander shuts his eyes tightly for a moment, pulling the chair inside as recommended, and closing the door. He stands with his arms crossed for now, leaning against a counter. "Wonder who he pissed off to pull this assignment. So, aside from the obvious shit, how are you doing?"

Looking around slowly, her eyes twitching up to the corners of the room as if something may be yet lurking there unseen, an almost paranoid presentation is what he's given. But softly she notes, "I think he blocked the chief's car in during lunch hour.." Faith makes eye contact after a moment longer and adds with a quiet voice, "I'm fine. You can sit closer, you know. So I don't have to yell." One hand tugs at the drafting gown in the back, and then she pulls the covers up over her lap and and her legs.

Sander catches on, pulling the chair up close to the bed. "You can save anything official for later, of course. I just wanted to pay a visit. Maybe rescue you from..." He laughs despite himself. "Is that a fucking teddy bear in that basket? Who sent that?!"

The young woman leans her hand into her hand, hiding her face behind a fall of loose hair with a loud groan that's at least as much spiritual ache from the surroundings as it is physical pain. "Someone who wants double graveyard shifts next rotation." She keeps her voice very low, and hides her mouth from being seen by anyone, including Sander himself. "Don't repeat anything I say," she whispers, barely audible. "I don't know who might be watching, listening, you know what I mean?" Louder and more clearly she answers, "I'm not going to talk to anyone officially until I've seen a rep. But I'm really glad you came by, being alone in here's driving me batshit."

Sander settles into a relaxed posture with a faint smile. "Yeah, I know what you mean," he answers conversationally. "Well, I'm glad they have you up and walking. I didn't know what to expect considering the, uh, scene." He hesitates. "You might need a new uniform, but those can be replaced."

Sgt Donahue is actually in a private room under observation, and though she is supposed to have an officer still posted outside her door. Catherine found him down at the vending machines where he explained it was alright - because the Detective was making sure Faith didn't leave the hospital room. Sander is sitting near the bed in the only chair, which he stole from the hallway. There are flowers, cards, and teddy bears everywhere. Much to the Sarge's chagrin. She's currently in a hospital gown sitting on the edge of the bed with the blankets pulled over her lap, her hair handing in front of her face where her neither her expression nor her lips can be seen. "Yeah.. " answers the young woman, leaving her head down. "Sorry about the bat-signal, I was totally out of options." After saying that outloud, she speaks very quietly to Sander, adding in a whisper that would be almost impossible to hear unless one of them was wearing a microphone on their persons, "I'm stuck here until Dragomir springs me. It wasn't what it looks like. Just a pissed off cat. I knocked myself out dude, I didn't have time to come up with a story. You gotta help me out here."

Catherine comes in carrying a box of chocolates. "Hate to break it to you but hospital gowns are just not your style, sis." She umms. "Not anyone's style, really," she admits. She hands over the chocolates, Lindt dark. Sander gets a wave. "I was all set to rip the guard out front to shreds but he talked fast enough to say you were here, Detective."

Sander gives Faith a neutral look. "You did the right thing. I figured you'd only hit that button if things really went south." As the door opens, he looks up and raises a hand to greet Catherine. "Hey. See, chocolate, there's a sensible get well gift." He looks up at Catherine. "We were just making small talk, take Donahue's mind off things. At least, trying to."

Raising her face at the familiar voice, Faith exposes what looks to be a split lip, and a few small bruises. "Chocolate - will it buy me pants? I can't escape with my ass in the wind." She smiles warmly, ignoring the way the scar twists her mouth to lean over and give Catherine a one armed hug. The other seems to be hooked up to an IV, also hard to sneak out with. "Just a couple small fractures, but this concussion is killing me. I don't remember shit.. and the harder I try the worse it gets. I'm hoping Sander will be able to piece it together." She points to the box of chocolates. "Can we bribe you to make me look good while you're doing it?"

Catherine hands over the chocolates. "I have real clothes in the car..." she offers. "Sweats and a tshirt... How bad off are you? I heard various things all of them outlandish." She hugs back and finds a section of wall to prop up with her shoulder, leaning against it, arms crossed and looking concerned and trying to not show it.

Sander grins and takes a chocolate. "If you don't write me up for taking a bribe. I'm sure you looked like a badass, whatever happened." He nods to Catherine. "Someone around here will be in real trouble if she doesn't get pants before we leave."

Faith can't help but giggle.. even if it makes her eyes water a little bit. She too takes a chocolate. "They threatened to cuff me to the bed if I tried to take the damn nurse's scrubs from the laundry ladies again." She smiles at Sander and tips the piece of chocolate from side to side. "I think I'm getting soft in my old age. If you get me pants AND make me look like a badass I might even overlook that parking ticket you got the other day." She then gives Catherine a quick little sigh. "Fractured a scapula, a couple ribs, and a concussion. Nothing serious. Got busting in the mouth with my phone I hear. So.. the rumors of my untimely demise and or dismemberment are grossly exaggerated. As is the amount of fucking paperwork I have to do for line of duty injury."

Catherine winces. "Not a good laundry list there...I'll get the story once you're out of here. And I can see why the docs threatened to cuff you to the bed. Yuri already paid the parking ticket, said I could take it out in trade." She says that with a straight face but there's a gleam of wicked humor lurking in her eyes. "Yeah the paperwork ... I doubt that's grossly exagerated. that was my main incentive to avoid ending up with the docs again after hte first time I was injured on the job."

Sander shakes his head. "Sounds like it's my turn next. Not looking forward to it. Maybe I can manage something simpler, like getting shot." He looks pointedly at Faith with a smile.

"No, maybe under exaggerated. I kinda look forward to being on light duty for a while after this is sorted to be honest. Like.. where a coffee spill on the wrong paperwork is a real emergency." Sarge looks from Catherine then to Sander. "Get me my sidearm back and I'll take care of that for you.." Faith teases back, setting the chocolates down on the bed. "Oh man.. that.. it was all there right?" The young woman suddenly looks a little pale. "I mean, my equipment, duty gear - accounted for?"

Catherine shakes her head, she doesn't know the answer to that question. "Hopefully," is what she says. "Yeah, you need some light duty for a change....the rest'll do you good. You might even, gasp, consider a few days' leave?"

Sander hesitates. "I only saw the, uh, first roof. Don't worry about it for now, it'll all shake out fine." Despite the reassurance, he pauses, then considers Catherine's suggestion. "Hell, yeah, the weather's great. Get some friends to join you, and sit around the hangar telling them what to do." With a grin, he adds, "Sorry, I'll be busy investigating."

Faith rubs a hand gently across her face with a groan, "The first roof? Fuck me.." She peeks back at Catherine through her fingers, giving a right raise of her brow from behind a tangle of loose blonde hair. "You said something about sweats?" Faith rubs a hand gently across her face with a groan, "The first roof? Fuck me.." She peeks back at Catherine through her fingers, giving a right raise of her brow from behind a tangle of loose blonde hair. "You said something about sweats?"

Catherine gives Faith a measured look. "I'll fetch em...and I'll totally deny ever having laid eyes on 'em. I can't stand hospitals but I also don't want to get lectured at for contributing to the deliquency of you. Again." She grins though. "I'll also arrange a distraction in the hallway. No running though. And especially no falling. 'k?"

Sander sighs. "I'm not hearing any of this. That distraction must have been really good." He shrugs helplessly.

Dropping her hand from her face, Faith carefully pulls her legs back up in the bed. "Xenovia would totally tell LLeutrim on me, and Sander would tell on you to save his own butt.." She smiles over at the detective and pulls her covers up a bit more, "I'm gonna stay right here and for once, make your job a little bit easier Detective Tenenbrau. I'll be good." She even offers her hand out. "Promise."

Catherine pushes away from teh wall and gives Faith a hug. "I'll smuggle you in some real food tomorrow. Heal fast, 'k?"

"Give me a little credit! I'd only throw her under the bus if I couldn't come up with something better." Sander grins and shakes on it. "And we'll get you real clothes, promise." He considers it for a moment. "Your phone's in evidence *and* probably busted. You want any messages delivered to the outside world?"

Faith holds the man's hand more so than just shaking it... making genuine eye contact with him. "Thank you, especially after ..the last time we talked. Just, thank you for being a better cop than I'll ever be." Her words are soft again, and soften even more to one of those barely audible whispers when she adds, "Tell Xenovia you caught the case. They need to know it's in good hands."

Sander rests his other hand on top. "We've gotta stick together," he replies gently. "Right?" With a hint of a smile, he takes the second hand away to put another chocolate in his pocket. "One for the road."

She gives his hand a squeeze and then Faith tells him, "Why don't you leave one for me and you take the box to share around? I mean seriously. Can you take some of those stupid ass teddy bears with you too? I'm gonna choke on unicorn farts."

Sander grins mischievously. "You got it. What should I do with them, chew toys or bonfire?" He stands, opening the door and returning the chair outside, and gathers up an armful of variously obnoxious gifts.

Faith gasps a little, a delighted little smile twinkling in her blue eyes. "Both! Save one for my welcome home party. You're invited - and we'll have something greasy and delicious and not hospital gruel."

"Careful, Sarge, sounds like you're getting soft. I'll send the rookie back down for you to keep your edge sharp." Sander laughs as he walks out with his bundle of kitschy fluff. "Get well soon, or else."