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</div><font color="#00d1da">Peterson: </font>Tonight I do what nobody else has been able to do. Tonight I do what Drew Stevenson couldn't do. I do what SVD couldn't do. I do what <i>nobody</i>&nbsp;in MSW has been able to do and I kick Bryce Manning's ass and I kick him out of the tournament and advance to continue making my history. Bryce Manning talks a big game, he's <i>always</i>&nbsp;talked a big game and for the most part he's been able to back it up... but that changes. See Bryce, I don't know if you're here tonight yet, I don't know if you're off somewhere getting ready, or you're just too chicken shit to show up but this tournament is for the <i>real athletes</i>&nbsp;to prosper and that's where I come in. Tonight is it. Tonight is the night that I make <i>my</i>&nbsp;legacy. Tonight is the night I give <i>my</i>&nbsp;homage to The Warrior, and tonight is the night Bryce Manning.. is no more. Because let's face it.. I'm the star, baby. I'm <i>untouchable.<br></i>
</div><font color="#00d1da">Peterson: </font>Tonight I do what nobody else has been able to do. Tonight I do what Drew Stevenson couldn't do. I do what SVD couldn't do. I do what <i>nobody</i>&nbsp;in MSW has been able to do and I kick Bryce Manning's ass and I kick him out of the tournament and advance to continue making my history. Bryce Manning talks a big game, he's <i>always</i>&nbsp;talked a big game and for the most part he's been able to back it up... but that changes. See Bryce, I don't know if you're here tonight yet, I don't know if you're off somewhere getting ready, or you're just too chicken shit to show up but this tournament is for the <i>real athletes</i>&nbsp;to prosper and that's where I come in. Tonight is it. Tonight is the night that I make <i>my</i>&nbsp;legacy. Tonight is the night I give <i>my</i>&nbsp;homage to The Warrior, and tonight is the night Bryce Manning.. is no more. Because let's face it.. I'm the star, baby. I'm <i>untouchable.<br></i>
== 2 ==
== Jorge Santos Vs Peyton Von Licht ==
Coming Soon!<br>
<font face="verdana"><font size="2">With Peyton and Jorge standing across the ring from each other, the bell sounds and both men step out into the center of the ring. The fans were already cheering for Peyton and from out of nowhere; Jorge decks Peyton right in the jaw causing him to take a step back holding his jaw. <br></font>
<font style="font-size:small;" color="#bbbcbd">Bradford:</font><font size="2"> Jorge just decked Peyton, I love it!<br>
<font size="2">Talking some trash, the fired up Peyton tackles Jorge to the ground throwing some fiery punches as the fans eat it up. Quickly getting to his feet pulling Jorge up with him, he Irish whips him into the ropes and on his way back – Peyton flapjacks Jorge into the air and in mid-air drop kicks Jorge right in the gut.<br>
<font color="#0418fa" style="font-size:small;">Smith:</font><font size="2"> This kid is on fire tonight.<br>
<font color="#bbbcbd" style="font-size:small;">Bradford:</font><font size="2"> A few lucky shots sure, but he’ll never beat Jorge Santos.<br>
<font style="font-size:small;" color="#0418fa">Smith:</font><font size="2"> We’ll see about that!<br>
<font size="2">Getting up and letting out a scream, the fans show their approval by cheering for him. Getting in position, Jorge gets up and as he stumbles around; Peyton hits him with the EA1 almost taking Jorge’s head right off his shoulders.<br>
<font style="font-size:small;" color="#0418fa">Smith:</font><font size="2"> Peyton calls that the Emperor Arsenal I.<br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><font size="4">One...&nbsp;<br></font></div><div style="text-align:center;"><font size="4">Two...&nbsp;<br></font></div><div style="text-align:center;"><font size="4"><b>THREE</b>!!!&nbsp;<br></font></div><br>
<font size="2"><font color="#fa04f0">Barbara Braman:</font> The winner of the match, PEYTON VOOOON LLIIIIICHT!<br></font>
<font size="2">As his arm is being raised, the lights go out and we see a dark red sky with particles of embers and ashes floating around everywhere. Two little girls dressed in white dresses come on the screen as they are jump roping and singing. <br>
</font><font color="#0418fa">Smith:</font> What the... oh lord. I think we saw something like this two weeks ago! It's that dastardly Neforian!<br>
<font color="#bbbcbd">Bradford: </font>The guy knows how to make an entrance, you've gotta give him that. And it looks like he's picked Peyton as his first victim!<br>
<font style="font-size:small;" color="#ef0cf8">Girls:</font><font size="2"> Ring around the&nbsp;rosy, pocket full of&nbsp;posy, ashes... ashes...<br></font>
<font size="2">Suddenly the little girls voices get really deep and distorted, almost demonic.<br></font>
<font style="font-size:small;" color="#ef0cf8">Girls:</font><font size="2"> ... We all FALL DOWN!<br></font>
<div style="text-align:center;"><span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);"><font size="4"><b><i>"Best of the Best is your salvation!"<br>
== 2 ==
== 2 ==
Coming Soon!<br>
Coming Soon!<br>

Revision as of 03:15, 11 October 2020

The Card

Date: Wednesday, April 9th

Commentary: Alex Smith (play-by-play), Alex Bradford (color)
Promoter: Danny Stevenson

(Card Subject to Change)

Jason Hunt Vs Chad Vargas Vs Yuo Phailous

Three brand new talents that have signed over the course of the past two weeks. Danny couldn't get them on the actual show because of the tournament however they get to perform in front of the live audience in a chance to see what they've got for a potential match on Unstoppable #6. 

Johnny B. Vs St. Tuck (w/ Pornstar Ron)
Johnny St. Tuck and Johnny B.... this match should be amusement to say the least. St. Tuck made his debut in light of David Langford having torn his ACL and answered Frank Washington's open challenge. Despite a distraction from Garland and company, St. Tuck pulled out an impressive victory over the ring vet. Bonecrusher made his advance and wasn't shy of being at Unstoppable. Pornstar Ron appears to have taken St. Tuck under his wing but will it be enough to take on the unorthodox Johnny B.?

Mike Harrison Vs Ian Windermear
Mike Harrison is a man of few words except when it counts. Those words and the actions that he backed them up with in the ring got him the advance in the tournament but in the first round where it heats u he takes on Ian Windermear who advanced against SVD with a loaded right hand and a 3 count. Who will be the break out star to advance to the Quarter finals?

Daniel Smart Vs Jackal
Jackal came back to the business, joining up in MSW after about a year and a half away from the business and has had about equal luck on the drawing board. Tonight he takes on Daniel Smart who, on his debut, found himself in the middle of the Frank Washington/Robert Garland debacle. Well whether by DQ or not, Smart found himself advancing to the first round at Unstoppable #3, now he and Jackal square off in the first found. Many say Jackal is a dangerous man and others see Daniel Smart as the Dark Horse of this tournament.

Luke Jackson Vs Davis Wiley
Davis Wiley -- a man whom made his presence known in MSW standing up for Robb Daniels against Bryce Manning. Since then, Davis hasn't been seen a whole lot but he came to the ring and defeated Chris Compact in the qualifier to advance, just as Luke Jackson defeated Calib Wallace, both very close and very good matches. Luke Jackson has been on a bit of a roll here, and despite a distinct size advantage, Davis will have his work cut out for him.

W/ Special Guest Kat on Commentary
Davina Dawson Vs Shawna Martinez
It seems that not a show can go by since Unstoppable #2 where Shawna and Kat can stay away from ripping each others heads off. In the midst of another argument where Kat believes that Shawna was the weak link between the two; insisting that's one of the reasons why she went on her own. Danny decided to put Shawna Martinez in action this week against the newest signee, Davina Dawson. But the catch is Danny has ordered Kat to be at ringside for the match saying if they want to send a message to each other, they do it in the ring with a win.

Demetrius Burrell Vs Bryan York
Burrell made his return two weeks ago with an impressive win, and York made his debut with an impressive win over Mr. Kamara. So now we take both underrated athletes and put them together where only one man can win. These men have nothing to lose but everything to gain as they square off.

Jorge Santos Vs Peyton Von Licht
Two weeks ago, we had seen a very mysterious series of promos from a man named Neforian but he took it to the next level at Unstoppable #4 approaching Peyton Von Licht specifically following his victory. Now Peyton takes on Jorge Santos, a man who came to the United States to get his break in the business and he got it here in MSW. Now Jorge takes on the residential hero without a mask, Peyton in the first round of our Championship tournament, leading to Best of the Best to crown our first champion.

MAIN EVENT - First Round
Lance Peterson Vs Bryce Manning
Manning got by Drew Stevenson in a very hard fought bout two weeks ago to make his way into the tournament and Lance Peterson made a very impressive debut but as they both make their way into the first round of the tournament who will be the one to advance to the Quarter Finals?


Jason Hunt Vs Chad Vargas Vs Yuo Phailous 
Winner: Yuo Phalious

Opening up the show quietly, it wasn’t the normal crazy, rabid screaming fans that attended the show but quieter and for good reason. Standing in the ring with a very heavy heart was MSW Promoter, Danny Stevenson who had a microphone already in hand as he brought it up to his lips and spoke and the rest of the MSW roster surrounded the ring.

Danny: We're all out here 'cause we just lost a man who's meant a lot ta every single one of us. Ya know, in our business – ya have men an’ women that come along that capture ya heart. Ya have men an’ women who sacrifice everything fer tha business that they love and most importantly, fer every single person tunin’ in who loves tha wrasslin’ business like we do. As ya’ll already know, our dear friend Warrior passed away Tuesday evenin’ and we would like to send our condolences to his wife and two baby girls as they are struggling right now with these hard time blues right now daddy. Ya see, Warrior was known for his tremendous intensity, his colorful personality and his love fer all of ya’ll. If ya'll would please stand at this moment an give a moment ah silence as we toll the bell 10 times to honor The Warrior.”

Danny bowed his head, lowered the microphone and the arena continued in silence as the 10 bell salute was given.











Running his index finger around the sea of fans, they began chanting.


Nodding his head, he smiled and agreed with the fans.

Danny: Let me tell ya somethin’, Warrior had it right – he will run in our hearts forever. He will continue to march to tha beat of his own drum and I know that he’s up there in Heaven looking down on all of us telling us to always believe! Thank ya all for joining us in his memory, an tanight you'll see some of our stars honoring tha Warriors memory the only way they know how. Thank ya.

Slowly fading to black momentarily, this was out of respect for the man, the myth, the legend, Warrior.


"The Kid" to Make History

We're now backstage with Robert Fields who stands by with Luke Jackson.

Robert: Luke, the past month or two you have just been on a roll. You came into MSW as a brand new kid off the block, nobody thought that you'd make it very far but you caught the attention of Matt Ward who challenged you to a dog collar match for Best of the Best. We heard you accept the challenge, but are you ready for it? If you take that match and win this tournament you'll have two matches and you may not even be able to compete for the title match, regardless if you win or lose. Aren't you in a bit over your head?

Luke Jackson:
Look Robert, I appreciate the concern and I've thought about that. But I've lived my life by living in the moment never looking too far ahead and never thinking much about it. That's how I am, Robert. Some say I'm a daredevil in disguise. I say I'm just a young guy that's looking to make an impact in the biggest way possible. I appreciate all the critics but regardless of what they say Robert, I'm gonna do me.

Robert: Very respectful, Luke. Tonight you face yet another big man in your quest to Best of the Best in Davis Wiley. We've seen Davis on quite a bit of a roll as of late too since the very first Unstoppable. Given the size advantage, what are your thoughts tonight?

Luke Jackson: Just another challenge, Robert. Just another challenge. For me in MSW it's been nothing but a challenge since day one, and it will never be anything less. I'm gonna make history one way or another at Best of the Best, Robert and that means I'm going to beat Davis Wiley tonight and I'm going to advance in this tournament. 

Luke walked off and the camera focused on Robert.

Robert: Well there you have it folks. Luke "The Kid" Jackson is looking to make history here in MSW and he may just do that. He takes on Davis Wiley.. next.

Ultimate Warrior Tribute

Smith: Ladies and gentlemen if you're just joining us... tonight the show must go on but tonight we pay homage to the one and only Ultimate Warrior in light of his untimely passing Tuesday night. Throughout the night some of our athletes, and staff members alike, myself included will be giving our words on The Warrior, how he impacted our lives and how much he meant to us.

Bradford: Absolutely right, Smith. He was still young but his spirit will only live on through all of us in the business. So let's take a look at some of these special moments from our athletes.

Opening on a rather fancy looking office, we see a beautifully crafted wooden desk and behind it sits wrestling legend, Drew Stevenson which sends the fans into a massive frenzy. Not smiling or anything, Stevenson sits there staring into the camera and boy does he wear that Ultimate Warrior shirt with pride.

Drew: You know, life is so crazy and unexpected. One minute you’re watching your childhood hero get inducted into the Hall of Fame, the next you’re watching him live on Monday night and then within the blink of an eye; he’s gone. It’s so surreal, it really is because I remember as a child watching him and loving everything about him – from the armbands, to the colorful face paint, to the cool trunks, the intensity, he had it all. I can remember when my grandmother bought me my first Ultimate Warrior action figure, I was so happy and I remember running around in my Ultimate Warrior underwear at a very early age and you know, you’ll truly be missed Warrior...

Nodding his head, he speaks with a very heavy heart.

Drew: ... Our business lost a real legend and it’s truly disheartening, truly saddening but I know that Warrior would want us to keep on fighting, to keep on running, to keep on believing and we’ll keep doing that. Thank you for everything that you did Warrior, you’ll be sorely missed in our business and we love you; always believe!

Expressing a very soft, humble smile, we see the Warrior logo on the chest portion of his shirt. Then it cut over, opening on the very heartfelt expression of the lovely, Shawna Martinez, she looks into the camera and speaks to everybody listening.

Shawna Martinez: When you are in the middle of a tragic, what can you say? How can you build up those that are down at the bottom, not knowing what direction to turn to. Well here is the truth, you can not. All you can do is comfort and listen. I have had the great pleasure to meet the person behind the Warrior, getting some tips from a person that has been around the business for so long. Someone that did live, love and breath the business. When he did put on his painting, he became the Ultimate Warrior. When he would fill his body with this energy, everyone in the arena and at home was able to feel it. So when we speak of the Ultimate Warrior, we speak of every fan there in the audience. Everyone that does love Wrestling. He was one of the last real legends and in our hearts we will hear the beat of his entrance music forever.

Phoenix Winterborn: The Ultimate Warrior was a true icon of our business. Ever since I started watching wrestling when I was a little kid, I was entranced by watching the Warrior in action. The professional wrestling world has lost their first true superhero this week. Warrior was a larger than life character who most of us still strive to be. I know personally that Phoenix Winterborn wouldnt be who he is today without the Ultimate Warrior. Rest well, Warrior. May the Ultimate Maniacs reunite upstairs.

Luke Jackson Vs Davis Wiley

As the referee signals for the bell, Jackson and Wiley go to embrace in a tie-up but Jackson knows better and quickly drop kicks Wiley in the left knee dropping him down to one knee. Hitting the ropes and returning quickly, Jackson drop kicks Wiley right in the face immediately hooking the leg.



Smith: Kick out by Wiley. Jackson showing some real fire here tonight.

Bradford: He caught Wiley by surprise.

As Wiley fought Jackson off and pushed him into the turnbuckle, Wiley begins throwing some stiff rights and lefts really rocking Jackson until he falls to the seated position. Placing his boot across the throat of Jackson, he presses down really choking the life out of Jackson as the referee starts the standard five count when you break the rules and refuse to let go.

Referee: One... Two... Three... Four...

Removing his foot off of Jackson’s throat, a very determined Wiley bends down picking Jackson up. Irish whipping him into the turnbuckle with tremendous authority. After striking it spine first, Wiley charges in with a full head of steam looking for an avalanche splash but Jackson moves causing Wiley to hit chest first and bounce off stumbling backwards where Jackson quickly rolls him up.




With the bell sounding, Jackson quickly rolls out of the ring as the referee exits the ring and raises his arm into the air.

Barbara Braman: The winner of the match, LLLUUUKKKEEEE JAAAAACKKKSSSOOOOONNN!

Smith: And Luke Jackson did it! "The Kid" picked up another win over another big guy advancing to the quarter finals but I don't envy him next week.

Bradford: And I wouldn't either, Smith! He's taking on either Lance Peterson or Bryce Manning AND he's got Matt Ward and that dog collar to worry about! I love it! Teach the newbie a lesson!

Smith: You're unbelievable sometimes.

He was celebrating but as he neared up the top of the ramp out came walking a vicious looking Matt Ward, blood trickling down his head with a sick smile as he's accompanied by Larissa who carries a smile. Jackson stops in his tracks with a scared look on his face not knowing where to go. Luke jumped off of the ramp and went backstage a long way around with his music playing. In the ring Davis doesn't even know what happened.

"Lionheart" Mike Harrison Vs Ian Windermear

After a brief break, we came back and "Hail to the King" plays and Ian Windermear comes out and he has sunglasses on and the fans boo him as he walks down the ramp and he just yells at the fans all of the way down. He stops at the steps and pretends to give his sunglasses to kid but retracts them and puts them back on. He then slides into the ring and smiles.

Barbara Braman: The following match is scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring from Greenwich, Connecticut weighing 255lbs Ian Windermear!

Bradford: This guy has all the makings of a bonafide star. He has the money and the class to back his wrestling ability. A true darkhorse in my humble view.

Smith: You can’t deny his ability but his attitude is horrible. Just because you have money doesn’t make you some hotshot.

Bradford: Of course it does! Just ask Bill Gates, Warren Buffett or Mark Zuckerberg. They’re made of money and they can get everything they want at the drop of a dime!

Smith: But there’s one thing money can’t buy and that’s heart. Mike Harrison has many years of experience under his belt and has seen it all. He has the heart and resolve of a lion and I have a feeling he’s going to teach Windermear a very valuable lesson tonight.

"Beast" by Nico Vega can be heard through the sound system and Harrison emerges from behind the black curtain. Upon seeing Harrison the crowd springs into life with cheers that echo around the arena. He stops and stretches his arms out wide taking it all in with a smile on his face. A few moments pass and Harrison makes his way down the ramp to the ring and taps the hands of fans along the way. When he reaches the ring he stops and stares intently at the ring, a moment later he slides under the bottom rope and runs towards the corner of the ring and springs up onto the top turnbuckle. He poses for the crowd as the drums midway through the song begin to get into motion and Harrison closes his eyes. After a moment he drops down from the top turnbuckle and readies himself for combat.

Barbara Braman
: And his opponent from Malibu, California weighing 228lbs “Lionheart” Mike Harrison!

The bell sounds as both men square off, each looking to achieve the upperhand. Throughout the beginning both men appear to be equally matched as the battle rages on like a seesaw, neither man able to retain the advantage for very long. The crowd is firmly behind Harrison as he tries to keep Windermear out of his element by chain wrestling with him going hold for hold. Finally looking to flip the tables in his favor Windermear pokes Harrison in the eyes as he tries to lock him in a hammerlock. Windermear follows up with a sickening uppercut that knocks Mike Harrison flat on the mat as the crowd is almost stunned into silence.

Bradford: I think he just knocked him out cold! Uppercut out of nowhere!

Smith: Out of nowhere? He gouged the man in the eyes to set it up! Very premeditated if you ask me.

Bradford: What does it matter? The fact is it worked!

The referee gives a stern warning to Windermear who just simply smiles and shrugs, motioning that it was the uppercut that did the real damage. Windermear then drops down to pin with his elbow, almost as if he was striking a pose.



Windermear almost looks bewildered as he this time goes to hook the leg for the pinfall



The crowd roars back to life as Windermear is in complete disbelief thinking he knocked Harrison out

Smith: He got overconfident with that uppercut and it may just come back to haunt him.

Bradford: Can you blame the guy? Most people simply just don’t get up from that. You know how many of boxing’s greats fell to a vicious uppercut like that? I have it on good authority that he’s trained under the same team that manages the elite boxing talent today.

Smith: I understand that but money is no measure of a man’s heart. Somehow, someway Harrison still kicked out. That’s something you just can’t teach.

Windermear is irate as he starts arguing with the referee slapping his hands repeatedly as if he was telling him he counts too slow. The referee holds up two fingers infront of his face which makes Windermear nearly lose it as he stomps the ground holding onto the top rope. Windermear then grabs the referee by the shirt backing him into a corner who threatens to disqualify him.

Don’t lose your cool Windermear.

Smith: Just goes to show how important this tournament is. Emotions definitely run high in this environment, knowing exactly what’s on the line. Everyone always remembers the first, the pioneer. Each and every one of these men wants to join the ranks of history amongst the very best of this sport.

Bradford: Windermear is flirting with losing the whole thing right now. I respect the hell out of Windermear but it’s not worth losing the shot over.

Meanwhile throughout the commotion Harrison has made it back to his feet as he scouts his opponent waiting for his moment. Windermear finally lets go and backs away from the referee only to turn right into a Sunshine Superkick!

Smith: Now that is the shot heard around the world. Windermear let his emotions get the better of him tonight.

Bradford: He had the match won if you ask me!

Smith: That may be so but as they say cooler heads prevail.

Harrison goes for the cover hooking the leg.



Barbara Braman: Here is your winner… Lionheart Miiiiike Harrrrriiiiiisonnnnn!

Smith: A huge win by Harison here, advancing to the Quarter finals. Bradford, we've got so many amazing talents on our roster that have been giving it their all each and every single show but in two weeks guys like Luke Jackson and Mike Harrison will have their biggest challenges yet as they compete twice in the same night.

Bradford: Absolutely, Smith. But it's going to all pay off for the winners because they'll be proving that they are worthy of getting their shot at the MSW championship. They'll be the champion of the indies, the champion of Tradition.

Best Wishes

We're backstage where Shawna is seen getting ready but she stops and looks forward with a pause standing tall. It takes a moment but the camera backs up and it's Kat that walks up. The two share a bit of a stare down at first before the ice is broken.

Shawna: "And what do YOU want?"

Kat: "What, I can't just... wish you luck?

Shawna: "Yeah right. You actually expect me to believe that? No.. no.. you know what, Kat? That's fine. I appreciate it. Thank you Thank you, Kat, and I hope you enjoy the night off sitting out there at ringside. But I'm going to tell you this just once."

Shawna held up one finger

Shawna: "If you so much as get up from that commentary table..."

"Hey now! So much hostility!"

It was indeed the bubbly one, and the leader of the Marie Experience, Marie Porter herself that walked into scene.

Kat: "Oh joy.. bubble brains. Now what the hell do you want? Why don't you just go run along and watch some more magic school bus or whatever it is you do. This doesn't even concern you little girl."

Marie: "Aww Kitty..."

Kat: "For crying out loud, what don't you get about NO PET NAMES?!"

Marie: "It's OK Kitty, settle down. I think YOU are just upset because you're not as cooool as meee."

Kat: "Ha.. please."

Katmarie zps5761e9d6.jpg

Shawna: "Are the two of you done yet? Because as much as I'd love to kick both of your asses, I actually have a match that I need to get ready for. If you two want to throw a bitch fit you can do it somewhere else."

Marie: "Sorry, girly. Good luck out there! Kick some serious tail! Then we can go to this rockin' party afterward. And we can sing and dance and..."

Kat & Shawna: "GO!"

Marie: "I'll be watching you two."

Marie used two fingers and pointed to eyes with two fingers and then back to the girls. Back to her eyes, then back to the girls. Then back to her eyes, and back to the girls. She smiled and walked off scene dancing her usual and Kat and Shawna just looked.. confused.

The Star

The camera came from the backstage to showing "The Star" Lance Peterson with a football in his hand and a giant smile on his face.

Peterson: Tonight I do what nobody else has been able to do. Tonight I do what Drew Stevenson couldn't do. I do what SVD couldn't do. I do what nobody in MSW has been able to do and I kick Bryce Manning's ass and I kick him out of the tournament and advance to continue making my history. Bryce Manning talks a big game, he's always talked a big game and for the most part he's been able to back it up... but that changes. See Bryce, I don't know if you're here tonight yet, I don't know if you're off somewhere getting ready, or you're just too chicken shit to show up but this tournament is for the real athletes to prosper and that's where I come in. Tonight is it. Tonight is the night that I make my legacy. Tonight is the night I give my homage to The Warrior, and tonight is the night Bryce Manning.. is no more. Because let's face it.. I'm the star, baby. I'm untouchable.

Jorge Santos Vs Peyton Von Licht

With Peyton and Jorge standing across the ring from each other, the bell sounds and both men step out into the center of the ring. The fans were already cheering for Peyton and from out of nowhere; Jorge decks Peyton right in the jaw causing him to take a step back holding his jaw.

Bradford: Jorge just decked Peyton, I love it!

Talking some trash, the fired up Peyton tackles Jorge to the ground throwing some fiery punches as the fans eat it up. Quickly getting to his feet pulling Jorge up with him, he Irish whips him into the ropes and on his way back – Peyton flapjacks Jorge into the air and in mid-air drop kicks Jorge right in the gut.

Smith: This kid is on fire tonight.

Bradford: A few lucky shots sure, but he’ll never beat Jorge Santos.

Smith: We’ll see about that!

Getting up and letting out a scream, the fans show their approval by cheering for him. Getting in position, Jorge gets up and as he stumbles around; Peyton hits him with the EA1 almost taking Jorge’s head right off his shoulders.

Smith: Peyton calls that the Emperor Arsenal I.


Barbara Braman: The winner of the match, PEYTON VOOOON LLIIIIICHT!

As his arm is being raised, the lights go out and we see a dark red sky with particles of embers and ashes floating around everywhere. Two little girls dressed in white dresses come on the screen as they are jump roping and singing.

Smith: What the... oh lord. I think we saw something like this two weeks ago! It's that dastardly Neforian!

Bradford: The guy knows how to make an entrance, you've gotta give him that. And it looks like he's picked Peyton as his first victim!

Girls: Ring around the rosy, pocket full of posy, ashes... ashes...

Suddenly the little girls voices get really deep and distorted, almost demonic.

Girls: ... We all FALL DOWN!

"Best of the Best is your salvation!"


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!