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"Some awesome rat line I haven't thought up yet!"
A snappy Rat line I haven't thought up yet
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==Active PCs==
=Active PCs=
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{| class="plain people"
|[[image:Ratkin2.png|100px]]<br />'''[[:Category:Ratkin|Ratkin]]'''
|[[image:Ratkin2.png|75px]]<br />'''[[:Category:Ratkin|Ratkin]]'''
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==Litany of Survival==
=Raven's Laws=
* Preserve the Veil, which ensures your survival
*'''There Are No Secrets'''
* Shred the Wyrm's tentacles wherever they constrict you
:It's your duty to uncover every secret you can, even the unpleasant ones. Left alone in the dark, secrets fester, rot, and turn into some damn unpleasant things. It's our duty to uncover things that others want hidden, because odds are, if someone's taking the effort to hide some information, that information's dangerous. If you hear a rumor or catch a detail that nags at you, you had best follow up to the best of your ability or there'll be hell to pay. You never know if that lead  you ignore as being "too ridiculous' will turn into the thing that bites you in the ass.
* Sever the Weaver's threads wherever they calcify chaos
* Survive so that you may breed
*'''Share What You Know'''
* Respect strength, exploit weakness
:Information does no good in a bottle. It doesn't matter if you know the three magic words that will save the world; as long as those words are locked in your brainbox, they're not doing anyone any good, including yourself. Odds are you're not going to be able to do a damn thing about most of the secrets you uncover, but that's not the point. After all, we're not here to take care of the messes, just to uncover them. That's why it's necessary to share what you know. Tell others, who can tell others, who can tell others who might be able to do something about whatever you've stumbled over.
* Conflict breeds strength
:On a more somber note, the sooner you spread the word over what you know, the safer you are. If you're the only one who knows what the local Pentex subsidiary is up to, you're a prime target. If you tell three other Corax, who tell three more each, who tell a buttload of Garou, well, suddenly you're way down on the hit list priority.
* Build, steal and suborn to strengthen your breeding grounds
:And if they do catch you, if word of what you found gets out, at least you didn't die in vain.
* Trust your own kind before you trust outsiders
* When someone is responsible for injustice, make sure someone pays
*'''Teach Them What They'll Learn'''
:Not everyone accepts the straight dope from us, or even likes us. And sometimes, the very folks who wont listen are the very same ones you need to get information to. In that case, Raven has Authorized the use of unnecessary and ridiculous force. More to the point, the methods don't matter - The information has to get through. It doesn't matter how. It doesn't matter if you have to get a whole pack of Garou howling for your blood or if you have to make yourself look like an idiot to get a Simba to listen - if they have to know, then it's your job to let them know. And you will do whatever it takes, dig, because there's damned little more important than making sure the right info gets to the right people.
*'''Protect the Eggs'''
:This one is a no-brainer. Eggs are our future. We're too few as it is. Defend a spirit egg with everything up to, but not including, your own life. We cant afford to lose a single one of us, even to save another, except under the most dire of circumstances. But a threat to an egg is intolerable. If you see anything going after a spirit egg, cowboy the bastard.
*'''Remember Why You're Here'''
:We're night the fighters. We're the scouts and the communications officers. Yeah it's temptng to be the one to save the day and rescue the girl, but we're not built for that and trying stupid heroics is a good way to get yourself killed. Your job is to get information and get out, preferably without the enemy seeing you. If you do get spotted, escape makes more sense than fighting, articularly since he can call on more reinforcements than you can. Before you throw a single punch, consider what you're up against and what your odds of walking away from the fight are. Nine times out of ten, that should be enough to send you scurring in the oposite direction as fast as you can go.
:In the end, it's not important '''who''' gets the job done. It's important '''that''' the job gets done, and if the job is kicking ass, there are lots of other folks out there better at it than we are.
*'''Bear Witness'''
:Every living soul has a story, and it's part of our mandate to save as many of those stories as we can. That's why we drink the eyes of the dead, after all. It's a great information source, sure, but it's also respect, and making sure some little bit of the corpse's story gets carried away by someone.
:The other part of this rule is that you cannot turn awway. Not now, not ever. No matter how brutal or horrifying what you're looking at might be - and I'm talking about anything from the killing fields of Kampuchea to the worst bits of Bed-Stuy - you have to see it all, so that when you tell the tale, you tell it ''right''. To do any less is disrespectful and dangerous.
:There's no cutting corners in this business.
*'''The Truth Matters'''
:Partial or inaccurate information gets people killed. You are not allowed to skimp on your observations for any reason, from your tender sensibilities to the fact that you're getting the heebie-jeebies. If you cant tell the story accurately, if you don't have the facts, then don't tell the story at all. Don't make things up to patch the holes, because that ''always'' leads to disaster.
*'''Everything's Part of the Cycle'''
:Don't judge anyone or anything out of context. Gaia had a plan when she put this rock together, and everything has a part in it. So don't jump to conclusions about whether someone or something is unnecessary until you figure out why they're doing what they're doing, and what purpose it serves in the grand scheme of things. After all, some day someone might just look at you, with your beak buried in a corpse's peepers, and decide that you were some gross bit of vermin barely worth the round of birdshot he buries in your ass to "protect the sanctity of the body" from your unholy depredations. In other words, judge not lest ye be judged.
*'''Don't Play Favorites'''
:We owe both Helios and Raven tremendous debts, and we show our respect every chance we get. This means whispering every secret we learn into the air, not to mention thanking both of them at every Pariament. Furthermore, it means recognizing that we're damn lucky to have the favor of two powers like that, and that we probably shouldn't do anything to screw that relationship up. So demonstrate proper reverence to both, kiddo. Play favorites with Helios and you just might get burned.
:You've been given an unimaginable gift: Wings. So use 'em! Fly, 'cause it's a dead certainty no one else in your family can. Experience everything you can. Talk to everyone you can. Learn as much as you can and look at things from as many angles as you can. Why? Because you can, that's why. As much fun as just getting airborne is, it's also symbolic of what we're doing here. If you can look at a problem from any other angle, say, from above, you have to do so. Don't let any of your talents or opportunities get wasted. Otherwise, why the hell did someone think you were worth wings to begin with?
:Or you'll cry. In the middle of all the bullshit that we have to put up with - and believe me, it's worse than you can imagine - you have to remember that we've been given some tremendous gifts. In spite of it all, kid, we're lucky - damn lucky. We get to ''fly'', after all.
:So laugh. Look for the humor in everything, because sure as spit it's there, and after drinking dead men's eyes and seeing the horrors this rock holds, you'll need it. A moment of laughter at the right time can tide you over through a bad patch, until you can get the wind behind you again and realize how sweet life really is.
| style="vertical-align: top; width: 30%; padding-right: 25px" |
| style="vertical-align: top; width: 30%; padding-right: 25px" |
* I will defend our breeding grounds against all threats, physical and spiritual
'''Rules of the Glorious Corax'''
* I shall seek revenge against those who prey upon my kind
*''Only fight when you have to, Corax aren't built to be infantry''
* I must shred the tentacles of the Wyrm wherever they constrict us
*''If you have to fight, then fight to win. If you lose, you're dead. No one cares that you fought 'by the rules' at your funeral''
* I must sever the Weaver's webs wherever they calcify chaos
*''No second chances. If you have a chance to finish an opponent, do it.''
Glory Renown is rare among the Corax, because Corax aren't built for Glorious deeds. It's much more common for a Corax to get someone else to do the dirty work of fighting for him than to stand up and get into a brawl himself; more sensible, too. However, on those rare occasions when a Corax does something worthy of Glory, the whole breed hears about it within a matter of days - and only some of that can be traced to the bragging of the newly minted Glorious Corax themselves.
Corax give Glory for getting into - and surviving - fights that absolutely have to be fought. A Corax who goes around picking fights and winning them through creative use of Gifts isn't like to gather much Glory. On the other hand, a raven who has to take out a trip of fomor guards in order to escape an office with some stolen files - they're likely to be covered in Glory if they make it out alive.
| style="vertical-align: top; width: 30%; padding-right: 25px" |
| style="vertical-align: top; width: 30%; padding-right: 25px" |
* I shall preserve the Veil, which ensures our survival
'''Laws of the Honorable Corax'''
* I will build, steal and suborn to strengthen my breeding grounds
*''If you're going to do it, do it all the way. Trying to do something honorable and backing out halfway through is worse than not trying.''
* I shall nurture, instruct and aid the young
*''Get witnesses. The worst thing is having your attempts at honor misinterpreted by those that weren't there. Keep the story straight.''
* I will trust my own kind before I trust outsiders
*''Don't do it unless you're sure. Performing a selfless action and expecting a reward isn't selfless. Don't even try it unless you're doing what you're doing for the right reasons.''
* When someone is responsible for injustice, I will make sure someone pays.
Honor among the Corax is reserved for those who have done something to benefit the Breed as a whole, or for Kinfolk. The latter is frankly more common, as the Corax hold their Kinfolk in high regard. Honor is also bestowed for acts of selflessness, particularly those performed on behalf of the Corax. Then again, there's no tradition limiting that sort of Renown to those helping the feathered folk...
| style="vertical-align: top; width: 30%" |
| style="vertical-align: top; width: 30%" |
* I will survive so that I may breed
'''Ways of the Wise Corax'''
* I must respect strength and exploit weakness
*''Get it fast. Old information is worthless.''
* I shall grow stronger through conflict
*''Get it accurate. Bad information is worse than useless.''
* I will learn from the mysteries of the spirit world
*''Get out safely so you can tell someone. If you get killed without passing the information along, who the hell cares what you found out?''
* I will revel in the visions the spirits grant me
Some say cats have no honor. With this set of circumstances in mind, Wisdom Renown is the one thing that really matters to the birds, but it's a very Corax-specific style of wisdom the birds venerate. In fact, the Corax definition of Wisdom is a little muddled with Knowledge - Corax who uncover great secrets and pass them along are showered with Wisdom Renown, while those birds who prudently (or wisely) don't go digging through dangerous garbage are routinely dismissed from consideration.
=Rank Requirements=
==Rank requirements==
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align: center;" width="25%"
! Rank
! style="min-width: 100px" | Rank
! Any Combination
! Glory
! Honor
! Wisdom
|1 (Rakka)
|1 (Oviculum)
|2 (Voto)
|2 (Neocornix)
|3 (Tava)
|3 (Ales)
|4 (Teppen)
|4 (Volucris)
|5 (Rrrrr't)
|5 (Corvus)
If a player is approved at Rank 0 and then goes through a Rite of Passage to Rank 1, then they gain gifts and renown as usual for Rank 1 and their breed/tribe/auspice.
If a player is approved at Rank 0 and then goes through their First Year to Rank 1, then they gain gifts and renown as usual for Rank 1 and their Breed, assuming they have earned their first Rank.
* These gifts don't cost XP.
* These gifts don't cost XP.
* Any previous renown unconnected to the Rite of Passage is retained on top of the auspice baseline.
* Any previous renown unconnected to the Rite of Passage is retained on top of the rank baseline.
==Sample Renown Awards==
=Sample Renown Awards=
'''Note:''' These are not uniformly objective. They may be rejected/reduced/increased based on circumstances.
'''Note:''' These are not uniformly objective. They may be rejected/reduced/increased based on circumstances.
'''Note:''' These are not exhaustive. If something doesn't seem to fit here, or isn't found in this list, but still serves one of these types and Gaia's purpose, then go ahead and submit a request.  
'''Note:''' These are not exhaustive. If something doesn't seem to fit here, or isn't found in this list, but still serves one of these types and the Corax's purpose, then go ahead and submit a request.  
'''The following types have been tinted for ease of reading and browsing:'''
'''The following types have been tinted for ease of reading and browsing:'''
*These awards and penalties are directly from the established renown lists, with changes limited to specifying Garou use.
*These awards and penalties are directly from the established renown lists, with changes limited to specifying the Corax breed.
Items in '''Black''' are positive renown awards.
Items in '''Black''' are positive renown awards.
Line 151: Line 258:
<span class="renown-loss">Items in Red</span> are negative renown penalties
<span class="renown-loss">Items in Red</span> are negative renown penalties
*These awards and penalties have been either created from scratch, or taken from lists and more heavily modified for Garou use.
*These awards and penalties have been either created from scratch, or taken from lists and more heavily reworded for the Corax breed.
<span class="homebrew-gain">Items in Blue </span> are positive home-brew renown awards
<span class="homebrew-gain">Items in Blue </span> are positive home-brew renown awards
Line 157: Line 264:
<span class="homebrew-loss">Items in Purple</span> are negative home-brew renown penalties  
<span class="homebrew-loss">Items in Purple</span> are negative home-brew renown penalties  
Source: WtA 2nd ed pages 190-193
===Combat and Encounters===
'''Sources:''' Players Guide to the Changing Breeds pages 170-173, WtA 2nd ed pages 190-193
==Combat and Encounters==
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|Showing restraint in the face of certain death
|Ending a threat without serious harm to any Garou
|Surviving an Incapacitating wound
|Surviving an Incapacitating wound
Line 188: Line 286:
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Losing to an enemy without even harming it</span>
|Allowing your allies to attack the enemy before engaging
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Concious cowardice that results in the death of a Garou</span>
|Wounding a powerful foe and prudently retreating
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -7</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -5</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -5</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Summoning help when there is no real danger present</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -5</span>
|Dying in service to Gaia (Posthumous)
| colspan="5" | <center>'''Threats associated with the unbalanced Triat''' (typically Wyrm)</center>
|Attacking a minion without regard to personal safety
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Avoiding combat entirely</span>
|Actions above and beyond attacking like a lunatic
|<span class="homebrew-gain">3</span>
|via trickery, hiding, misdirection or other means to escape active pursuit by enemies
|Defeating a minor threat
|Creating a successful diversion
|Pups, weak possessed, etc.
|Defeating an average threat
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Successfully performing an eye-pluck maneuver in an attempt to escape combat</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">4</span>
|Normal shifters, average possessed, etc.
|Defeating a strong threat
|<span class="renown-loss">Summoning help when there is no real danger present</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -5</span>
|Strong shifters, powerful possessed, etc.
|Defeating a very powerful threat
|Dying in defense to Gaia (posthumous)
|Elder shifters, unique very powerful possessed, etc.
| colspan="5" | <center>'''Other supernatural threats'''</center>
| colspan="5" | <center>'''Threats associated with the unbalanced Triat'''</center>
|Defeating a strong threat
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Assisting in the defeat of a minor threat</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|Defeating a very powerful threat
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Assisting in the defeat of an average threat</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">2</span>
| colspan="5" | <center>'''Bonuses for either type of threat'''</center>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Assisting in the defeat of a strong threat</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">3</span>
|...drawing first blood in combat
| +1
* Given to the FIRST person to draw blood in combat.
* Exception: If two people acted on the ''same'' turn and inflicted damage on the enemy.
|...permanently destroying or killing the threat in question
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Assisting in the defeat of a very powerful threat</span>
| +1
|<span class="homebrew-gain">4</span>
|...without a single other Garou being hurt
| colspan="5" | <center>'''Other supernatural threats'''</center>
| +1
|...without personally being hurt
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Assisting in the defeat of a strong threat</span>
| +1
|<span class="homebrew-gain">3</span>
|...when the threats were armed with silver
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Assisting in the defeat of a very powerful threat</span>
| +1
|<span class="homebrew-gain">4</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">...utterly destroying an enemy stronghold</span>
| colspan="5" | <center>'''Bonuses for either type of threat'''</center>
|<span class="homebrew-gain"> +7</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">...being captured by an enemy</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">...when the threats were armed with gold</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> +1</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|Earning a Battle Scar
|See WW:tA Revised, p189
|<span class="homebrew-loss">-2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> Earning a Battle Scar and immediately healing it (on purpose)</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">...being captured by the enemy</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">-1</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">-1</span>
===Detecting Threats of the Wyrm/Weaver/Wyld===
==Detecting Threats of the Wyrm/Weaver/Wyld==
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
Line 315: Line 380:
|<span class="renown-loss">Falsely accusing a Kinfolk of being tainted</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Falsely accusing a Kinfolk of being tainted</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|Revealing, with certain proof, that an area or object is tainted
|Revealing, with certain proof, that an area or object is tainted
Line 323: Line 388:
|Revealing, with certain proof, that a Garou is tainted
|Revealing, with certain proof, that a Changer is tainted
|<span class="renown-loss">Falsely accusing a Garou of being tainted</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Falsely accusing a Changer of being tainted</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -5</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -5</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -4</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -4</span>
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|Purifying a tainted object, person, or place
|Purifying a tainted object, person, or place
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|Summoning an Incarna avatar
|Summoning an Incarna avatar
Line 350: Line 412:
|<span class="renown-loss"> Summoning an Incarna avatar for no good reason</span>
|Traveling to any of the Umbral Realms and surviving
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Dealing with a spirit rather than Binding it
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Knowing and offering the correct Chiminage without being asked</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">...Dealing generously</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain"> +1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain"> +1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">...Dealing extravagantly</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Helping another fulfill an agreement with a spirit</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Breaking an agreement with a spirit</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Completing a Chiminage quest</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1
|<span class="homebrew-gain">2
Line 394: Line 421:
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Releasing a spirit from a taboo-induced Slumber</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Causing a spirit to fall into Slumber</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Releasing a spirit from unjust bondage</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">2</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|Including fetishes
|Traveling to any of the Umbral Realms and surviving
|<span class="renown-loss">Failing to succeed in a spirit quest in the Umbra</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Failing to succeed in a spirit quest in the Umbra</span>
Line 420: Line 427:
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|Having and properly following a prophetic dream of great import
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Having and reporting a prophetic dream of great import</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">5</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Following another's prophetic dream</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">2</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Consulting an oracle and successfully interpreting its advice</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">2</span>
|Giving a prophetic warning that later comes true
|Giving a prophetic warning that later comes true
Line 440: Line 437:
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Giving a prophetic warning that does not come true</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Having, but not reporting, a prophetic dream of great import</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -4</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">-5</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Ignoring omens, dreams, and the like for no good reason</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Ignoring omens, dreams, and the like for no good reason</span>
Line 450: Line 447:
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|Spending a year in ritualistic seclusion
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Losing the Sun</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">2</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">3</span>
|Besting someone (including a spirit) in a riddle contest
|Discovering ancient Changer lore
====After following mystic signs and advice...====
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|Discovering a talen
|Besting someone (including a spirit) in a riddle contest
|Discovering a fetish
|Discovering ancient Garou lore
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Discovering mystic lore</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">2</span>
|Discovering a Pathstone
|Discovering an ancient Caern that was lost
====Rites and Gifts====
==Rites and Gifts==
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|Performing a Rite of Passage
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Hosting a Parliament</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">2</span>
|This refers to conducting the rite; going through the rite is covered above
|Receiving a Rite of Wounding
|Performing a Rite of Caern Building
|Participating in a Rite of Caern Building
|Participating in a successful Great Hunt
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> Being banished to the bottom branch during a Parliament</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Participating in a failed Great Hunt</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Suffering the Rite of Memory Theft</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Suffering the Rite of Ostracism</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -5</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Suffering the Stone of Scorn</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -8</span>
|Target reduced to base Rank 1 renown, memory reverted to just after the First Change.
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Suffering the Rite of the Jackal</span>
|Swiping a Gift
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -5</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Suffering a Satire Rite</span>
| colspan="3" | <span class="renown-loss">lose one rank and all temp renown</span>
|Performing a punishment rite
|<span class="renown-loss">Performing a punishment rite unjustly</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -5</span>
|Botching the roll
|<span class="renown-loss">Giggling, joking, or otherwise being disrespectful during a rite</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1 to -5</span>
|Learning a new Rite
|<span class="renown-loss">Binding ‘inappropriate’ items to oneself with the Rite of Talisman Dedication</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2</span>
|e.g. excessive or advanced tech; Exception: Glass Walkers
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
Line 588: Line 498:
|Using a fetish for the good of Sept or Tribe
|Using a fetish for the good of the local Gaians
|May depend on cleverly bringing and/or using an appropriate fetish, not just e.g. using the same Fang Dagger you always use
|May depend on cleverly bringing and/or using an appropriate fetish, not just e.g. using the same fetish you always use
|<span class="renown-loss">Using a fetish for selfish reason only</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|Creating a fetish
|Creating a fetish
Line 606: Line 509:
|Limited to 2 rewards/month (or equivalent with talens)
|Limited to 2 rewards/month (or equivalent with talens); more fetishes/talens can be made, but the requests may not be submitted for the same month
|Owning a klaive (awarded once, only after 3 moons of use)
|Sacrificing a fetish for the good of Sept or Tribe
|Sacrificing a fetish for the good of the local Gaians
|<span class="renown-loss">Accidentally breaking a fetish or talen</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Accidentally breaking a fetish or talen</span>
Line 626: Line 522:
|<span class="renown-loss">Accidentally breaking or losing a klaive</span>
|Discovering a talen
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
===Caern Activities===
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|Helping guard a Caern
|Routinely approved monthly if requested in a timely fashion
|<span class="renown-loss">Not staying on your guard post</span>
|Discovering a fetish
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Not helping guard a Caern, even when asked</span>
==Sacred Spaces==
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|Keeping a Caern safe from humans through trickery or negotiation
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Keeping a Changer 'holy-site' safe from humans through trickery or negotiation</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">3</span>
|e.g. 'holy-site' refering to: Garou Caerns, Bastet Den-Realms, etc.
|Helping to prevent a Caern from being overrun by the unbalanced Triat  
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Helping to prevent a Changer holy-site from being overrun by the unbalanced Triat </span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">3</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">4</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Not preventing a Caern from being overrun by the unbalanced Triat</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Accidentally allowing, through withholding information, a Changer holy-site to be overrun by the unbalanced Triat</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -7</span>
|Single-handedly preventing a Caern from being taken by the unbalanced Triat
|<span class="renown-loss">Deliberately allowing/enabling a Caern to be violated <br /> (most likely, your death is the actual outcome)</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -8</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -10</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -5</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Accidentally allowing a caern to be violated</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -5</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -4</span>
|Dying while defending a caern (Posthumous)
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -7</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Deliberately allowing/enabling a Changer holy-site  to be violated by the unbalanced Triat</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -8</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -5</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -10</span>
|Most likely, your death is the actual outcome
===Garou Relations and Society===
==Corax Relations and Society==
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|Teaching other Garou (depends on the depth of study)
|Teaching other Changers (depends on the depth of study)
|1 to 5
|1 to 5
|3 to 5
|3 to 5
|Teaching rites: 1H 3W per month, regardless of number of rites or students
|Teaching rites: 1H 3C per month, regardless of number of rites or students
|Learning the complete Silver Record (lifetime work)
|Performing regular duties and chores for the Sept
|<span class="homebrew-gain">For a homid Corax, surviving to age 75</span>
|Routinely approved monthly if requested in a timely fashion
|<span class="homebrew-gain">8</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">10</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Failing to perform regular duties and chores </span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">For a corvid Corax, surviving to age 65</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">8</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">10</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Disobeying a Sept officer without good reason</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Maintaining loyal service to breed</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1 to -2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Refusing any Sept position</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|Serving in any Sept position
|Routinely approved if requested in a timely fashion
|Maintaining loyal service to the Sept
|Routinely approved if requested in a timely fashion
|Maintaining loyal service to a Tribe
|Routinely approved if requested in a timely fashion
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Maintaining loyal service to a Camp</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1/year</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1/year</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">2/year</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">3/year</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1/year</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1/year</span>
|Routinely approved if requested in a timely fashion
|Routinely approved if requested in a timely fashion
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Single-handedly being responsible for success in a common goal for the local Corax</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">5</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">2</span>
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
|<span class="homebrew-gain">3</span>
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|<span class="renown-loss">For a homid, ignoring one’s wolf nature for too long</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">For a metis, attempting to hide one’s deformity</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">For a lupus, using too many human tools/Weaver things</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1/use</span>
|For a homid Garou, surviving to age 75
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Acting selflessly for the greater good of the Corax</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">3</span>
|For a lupus Garou, surviving to age 65
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|Gaining the position of pack leader
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Gaining a new source of information</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Living alone, without one’s pack, except for ritual reasons</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Establishing and maintaining a pack territory</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|May also be requested yearly if the pack is still active and still has the same territory
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Expanding existing pack territory
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|RP or PRP required (provide a log)
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Losing control of pack territory</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Speaking poorly of one’s pack</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -6</span>
|Dying while defending your pack (Posthumous)
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|Upholding the Litany (in the face of adversity, extreme measures, etc.)
|1 to 5
|1 to 3
|Above and beyond the usual, e.g. "killing a BSD" vs "killing your sister when she turns out to be a BSD"
|<span class="renown-loss">Breaking the Litany (depending on severity of transgression,<br/>could be less for lesser offenses)</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2 to -4</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -5 to -8</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2 to -4</span>
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|Participating in a just challenge
|Rank-Up challenges are not applicable for this renown
|<span class="renown-loss">Participating in an unjust challenge</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Challenging someone far too above or too far below your Rank</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|If an appropriately ranked challenge cant be found and a higher ranked Garou is willing and fair, there may be no renown penalty
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|Giving good advice for important matters
|Giving good advice for important matters
Line 878: Line 616:
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2</span>
|Mediating a dispute fairly
|<span class="renown-loss">Mediating a dispute unfairly</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -4</span>
|Keeping an important promise
|Keeping an important promise
Line 899: Line 627:
|Being truthful in the face of extreme adversity
|Performing an outrageous and dangerous deed without being harmed
|<span class="renown-loss">Being deceptive</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Being deceptive in the face of extreme adversity</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Performing an outrageous and dangerous deed and being hurt, causing others to rescue you, thereby exposing them to danger</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">-5</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Having your trickery backfire</span>
|Dealing respectfully with other Changers
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Attempting to openly act outside one’s auspice</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1 to -5</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Speaking dishonorably to one’s elders</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1 to -5</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Speaking poorly of the Garou as a whole</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Speaking poorly of one’s auspice</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -4</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Speaking poorly of one’s tribe</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -4</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Speaking poorly of another tribe (except Gnawers)</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
==Information and Lies==
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|Performing a Moot Rite
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Attempting an information heist of Mission Impossible proportions that succeeds (and reporting it)</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">2</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">4</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Refusing to perform a Moot Rite</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">...without being detected</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain"> +2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Missing a Moot Rite</span>
|Being truthful to other Changers in the face of extreme adversity
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|Excludes Wyrmy Changers, obviously
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Telling a good story</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Discovering useful information or a secret and sharing it</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">1</span>
|1-3 successes, rolling Charisma+Performance/Singing/or other appropriate stat (difficulty 6)
|<span class="homebrew-gain">...At a moot</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Discovering a major secret or information of great importance and sharing it</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain"> +1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">5</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">...That is later copied by others</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Discovering a vital secret or information of extreme importance and sharing it</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain"> +1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain"> +1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain"> +1</span>
|4 or more successes on the above roll
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Telling a boring/uninspired story</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -1</span>
|Botching the roll
|<span class="homebrew-gain">7</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Speaking without permission and interrupting a moot</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Stealing something of value (or of amazing shininess) from an enemy lair</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">5</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Not sharing a secret</span>
====Protection and Defense====
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|Healing a fellow Garou (non-pack member) unselfishly
|<span class="homebrew-loss">-3</span>
|Showing mercy to a wayward Garou
|<span class="renown-loss">Exposed as a liar</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">-3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">-2</span>
|Protecting a helpless Garou
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Hurting other Corax through lying or withholding information</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">-5</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Not protecting a helpless Garou</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Being deceptive to other Changers</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -5</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|Supporting an innocent accused of a crime (who is later proven innocent)
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Withholding information or lying to other Changers when the information is important</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Supporting a person accused of a crime (who is later proven guilty)</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Misinforming, exaggerating, embellishing, or misrepresenting information to other Corax</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -4</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Ignoring strong feelings of vengeance and hatred for the greater good</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">5</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">-4</span>
|Protecting the Veil
|Protecting the Veil
Line 1,054: Line 728:
==Protection and Defense==
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|<span class="renown-loss">Succumbing to a berserk frenzy</span>
|Protecting a helpless Changer
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Succumbing to a fox frenzy</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Not protecting a helpless Changer</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -5</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Succumbing to a fox frenzy and abandoning your pack</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Succumbing to a berserk frenzy and injuring fellow Garou</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Succumbing to the thrall of the Wyrm</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -4</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Succuming to heinous acts while in the thrall of the Wyrm</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
===Human and Kinfolk===
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|Maintaining good relations with nearby Kinfolk
|<span class="renown-loss">Having poor relations with nearby Kinfolk</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|Protecting a helpless human(s)
|Protecting a helpless human(s)
Line 1,117: Line 755:
|<span class="renown-loss">Not protecting a helpless human(s)</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Not protecting a helpless human(s)</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -2</span>
|Protecting a helpless wolf(s)
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Protecting a helpless raven(s)</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">3</span>
* Includes wolf kinfolk
* Includes raven kinfolk
|<span class="renown-loss">Not protecting a helpless wolf(s)</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Not protecting a helpless raven(s)</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -6</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -2</span>
|Choosing a mate and breeding
|Supporting an innocent being accused of a crime
|Awarded when child is born, Staff requires a roll for type
|<span class="homebrew-gain">...and the child is a Kinfolk</span>
|<span class="renown-loss">Supporting a guilty person accused of a crime</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain"> +1</span>
|<span class="renown-loss"> -4</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">...and the child is Garou</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain"> +1
|<span class="homebrew-gain"> +1
==Kinfolk and Eggs==
|<span class="homebrew-gain"> +1
{|class="wikitable sample" style="text-align: center;"
! class="sample-activity" | Activity!! class="sample-category" | Glory!! class="sample-category" | Honor!! class="sample-category" | Wisdom!! class="sample-comments" | Comments
|<span class="renown-loss">Choosing a mate, but not breeding</span>
|Maintaining good relations with nearby Kinfolk
|<span class="renown-loss"> -1</span>
|Honorably staying mated
|<span class="renown-loss">Having poor relations with nearby Kinfolk</span>
|Routinely approved if requested in a timely fashion
|<span class="renown-loss"> -3</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Dishonoring one's own mate</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Performing the Rite of the Fetish Egg</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> -2</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">4</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">4</span>
|Cheating, abuse, violence, etc.
|Requires buying the mentioned rite, and sacrificing 3 permenant Gnosis
|<span class="homebrew-gain">Becoming the Guardian of a Spirit Egg</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">2</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">2</span>
|<span class="homebrew-gain">2</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss"> Allowing, through negligence, a Spirit Egg to be taken or destroyed</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">-5</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">-5</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">-10</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">Allowing, through negligence, the death of a Spirit Egg's human or raven child</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">-5</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">-5</span>
|<span class="homebrew-loss">-10</span>

Revision as of 18:29, 26 June 2019

  • A Guide to submitting Renown Requests.
  • A Renown FAQ if you have questions about the system
  • A Cheatsheet for creating a Ratkin


A snappy Rat line I haven't thought up yet


Local Sanctuaries

Where What Private Type? Contact
A place of some sort Ratkin only Who runs it
Another place Another function Mixed Fera Your mom
Another place Another function All Shifters Your face

Active PCs

Ratkin Kinfolk

No pages meet these criteria.

Raven's Laws

  • There Are No Secrets
It's your duty to uncover every secret you can, even the unpleasant ones. Left alone in the dark, secrets fester, rot, and turn into some damn unpleasant things. It's our duty to uncover things that others want hidden, because odds are, if someone's taking the effort to hide some information, that information's dangerous. If you hear a rumor or catch a detail that nags at you, you had best follow up to the best of your ability or there'll be hell to pay. You never know if that lead you ignore as being "too ridiculous' will turn into the thing that bites you in the ass.

  • Share What You Know
Information does no good in a bottle. It doesn't matter if you know the three magic words that will save the world; as long as those words are locked in your brainbox, they're not doing anyone any good, including yourself. Odds are you're not going to be able to do a damn thing about most of the secrets you uncover, but that's not the point. After all, we're not here to take care of the messes, just to uncover them. That's why it's necessary to share what you know. Tell others, who can tell others, who can tell others who might be able to do something about whatever you've stumbled over.
On a more somber note, the sooner you spread the word over what you know, the safer you are. If you're the only one who knows what the local Pentex subsidiary is up to, you're a prime target. If you tell three other Corax, who tell three more each, who tell a buttload of Garou, well, suddenly you're way down on the hit list priority.
And if they do catch you, if word of what you found gets out, at least you didn't die in vain.

  • Teach Them What They'll Learn
Not everyone accepts the straight dope from us, or even likes us. And sometimes, the very folks who wont listen are the very same ones you need to get information to. In that case, Raven has Authorized the use of unnecessary and ridiculous force. More to the point, the methods don't matter - The information has to get through. It doesn't matter how. It doesn't matter if you have to get a whole pack of Garou howling for your blood or if you have to make yourself look like an idiot to get a Simba to listen - if they have to know, then it's your job to let them know. And you will do whatever it takes, dig, because there's damned little more important than making sure the right info gets to the right people.

  • Protect the Eggs
This one is a no-brainer. Eggs are our future. We're too few as it is. Defend a spirit egg with everything up to, but not including, your own life. We cant afford to lose a single one of us, even to save another, except under the most dire of circumstances. But a threat to an egg is intolerable. If you see anything going after a spirit egg, cowboy the bastard.

  • Remember Why You're Here
We're night the fighters. We're the scouts and the communications officers. Yeah it's temptng to be the one to save the day and rescue the girl, but we're not built for that and trying stupid heroics is a good way to get yourself killed. Your job is to get information and get out, preferably without the enemy seeing you. If you do get spotted, escape makes more sense than fighting, articularly since he can call on more reinforcements than you can. Before you throw a single punch, consider what you're up against and what your odds of walking away from the fight are. Nine times out of ten, that should be enough to send you scurring in the oposite direction as fast as you can go.
In the end, it's not important who gets the job done. It's important that the job gets done, and if the job is kicking ass, there are lots of other folks out there better at it than we are.

  • Bear Witness
Every living soul has a story, and it's part of our mandate to save as many of those stories as we can. That's why we drink the eyes of the dead, after all. It's a great information source, sure, but it's also respect, and making sure some little bit of the corpse's story gets carried away by someone.
The other part of this rule is that you cannot turn awway. Not now, not ever. No matter how brutal or horrifying what you're looking at might be - and I'm talking about anything from the killing fields of Kampuchea to the worst bits of Bed-Stuy - you have to see it all, so that when you tell the tale, you tell it right. To do any less is disrespectful and dangerous.
There's no cutting corners in this business.

  • The Truth Matters
Partial or inaccurate information gets people killed. You are not allowed to skimp on your observations for any reason, from your tender sensibilities to the fact that you're getting the heebie-jeebies. If you cant tell the story accurately, if you don't have the facts, then don't tell the story at all. Don't make things up to patch the holes, because that always leads to disaster.

  • Everything's Part of the Cycle
Don't judge anyone or anything out of context. Gaia had a plan when she put this rock together, and everything has a part in it. So don't jump to conclusions about whether someone or something is unnecessary until you figure out why they're doing what they're doing, and what purpose it serves in the grand scheme of things. After all, some day someone might just look at you, with your beak buried in a corpse's peepers, and decide that you were some gross bit of vermin barely worth the round of birdshot he buries in your ass to "protect the sanctity of the body" from your unholy depredations. In other words, judge not lest ye be judged.

  • Don't Play Favorites
We owe both Helios and Raven tremendous debts, and we show our respect every chance we get. This means whispering every secret we learn into the air, not to mention thanking both of them at every Pariament. Furthermore, it means recognizing that we're damn lucky to have the favor of two powers like that, and that we probably shouldn't do anything to screw that relationship up. So demonstrate proper reverence to both, kiddo. Play favorites with Helios and you just might get burned.

  • Fly!
You've been given an unimaginable gift: Wings. So use 'em! Fly, 'cause it's a dead certainty no one else in your family can. Experience everything you can. Talk to everyone you can. Learn as much as you can and look at things from as many angles as you can. Why? Because you can, that's why. As much fun as just getting airborne is, it's also symbolic of what we're doing here. If you can look at a problem from any other angle, say, from above, you have to do so. Don't let any of your talents or opportunities get wasted. Otherwise, why the hell did someone think you were worth wings to begin with?

  • Laugh
Or you'll cry. In the middle of all the bullshit that we have to put up with - and believe me, it's worse than you can imagine - you have to remember that we've been given some tremendous gifts. In spite of it all, kid, we're lucky - damn lucky. We get to fly, after all.
So laugh. Look for the humor in everything, because sure as spit it's there, and after drinking dead men's eyes and seeing the horrors this rock holds, you'll need it. A moment of laughter at the right time can tide you over through a bad patch, until you can get the wind behind you again and realize how sweet life really is.



Rules of the Glorious Corax

  • Only fight when you have to, Corax aren't built to be infantry
  • If you have to fight, then fight to win. If you lose, you're dead. No one cares that you fought 'by the rules' at your funeral
  • No second chances. If you have a chance to finish an opponent, do it.

Glory Renown is rare among the Corax, because Corax aren't built for Glorious deeds. It's much more common for a Corax to get someone else to do the dirty work of fighting for him than to stand up and get into a brawl himself; more sensible, too. However, on those rare occasions when a Corax does something worthy of Glory, the whole breed hears about it within a matter of days - and only some of that can be traced to the bragging of the newly minted Glorious Corax themselves. Corax give Glory for getting into - and surviving - fights that absolutely have to be fought. A Corax who goes around picking fights and winning them through creative use of Gifts isn't like to gather much Glory. On the other hand, a raven who has to take out a trip of fomor guards in order to escape an office with some stolen files - they're likely to be covered in Glory if they make it out alive.


Laws of the Honorable Corax

  • If you're going to do it, do it all the way. Trying to do something honorable and backing out halfway through is worse than not trying.
  • Get witnesses. The worst thing is having your attempts at honor misinterpreted by those that weren't there. Keep the story straight.
  • Don't do it unless you're sure. Performing a selfless action and expecting a reward isn't selfless. Don't even try it unless you're doing what you're doing for the right reasons.

Honor among the Corax is reserved for those who have done something to benefit the Breed as a whole, or for Kinfolk. The latter is frankly more common, as the Corax hold their Kinfolk in high regard. Honor is also bestowed for acts of selflessness, particularly those performed on behalf of the Corax. Then again, there's no tradition limiting that sort of Renown to those helping the feathered folk...


Ways of the Wise Corax

  • Get it fast. Old information is worthless.
  • Get it accurate. Bad information is worse than useless.
  • Get out safely so you can tell someone. If you get killed without passing the information along, who the hell cares what you found out?

Some say cats have no honor. With this set of circumstances in mind, Wisdom Renown is the one thing that really matters to the birds, but it's a very Corax-specific style of wisdom the birds venerate. In fact, the Corax definition of Wisdom is a little muddled with Knowledge - Corax who uncover great secrets and pass them along are showered with Wisdom Renown, while those birds who prudently (or wisely) don't go digging through dangerous garbage are routinely dismissed from consideration.

Rank Requirements

Rank Glory Honor Wisdom
1 (Oviculum) 3
2 (Neocornix) 6
3 (Ales) 1 2 8
4 (Volucris) 2 3 10
5 (Corvus) 3 5 10

If a player is approved at Rank 0 and then goes through their First Year to Rank 1, then they gain gifts and renown as usual for Rank 1 and their Breed, assuming they have earned their first Rank.

  • These gifts don't cost XP.
  • Any previous renown unconnected to the Rite of Passage is retained on top of the rank baseline.

Sample Renown Awards

Note: These are not uniformly objective. They may be rejected/reduced/increased based on circumstances.

Note: These are not exhaustive. If something doesn't seem to fit here, or isn't found in this list, but still serves one of these types and the Corax's purpose, then go ahead and submit a request.

The following types have been tinted for ease of reading and browsing:

  • These awards and penalties are directly from the established renown lists, with changes limited to specifying the Corax breed.

Items in Black are positive renown awards.

Items in Red are negative renown penalties

  • These awards and penalties have been either created from scratch, or taken from lists and more heavily reworded for the Corax breed.

Items in Blue are positive home-brew renown awards

Items in Purple are negative home-brew renown penalties

Sources: Players Guide to the Changing Breeds pages 170-173, WtA 2nd ed pages 190-193

Combat and Encounters

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Surviving an Incapacitating wound 2
Surviving any toxic waste/flux attack 2
Attacking a much more powerful force without aid -3
Allowing your allies to attack the enemy before engaging 1
Wounding a powerful foe and prudently retreating 1 1
Avoiding combat entirely 3 via trickery, hiding, misdirection or other means to escape active pursuit by enemies
Creating a successful diversion 3
Successfully performing an eye-pluck maneuver in an attempt to escape combat 4
Summoning help when there is no real danger present -5
Dying in defense to Gaia (posthumous) 7 7
Threats associated with the unbalanced Triat
Assisting in the defeat of a minor threat 1
Assisting in the defeat of an average threat 2
Assisting in the defeat of a strong threat 3
Assisting in the defeat of a very powerful threat 4
Other supernatural threats
Assisting in the defeat of a strong threat 3
Assisting in the defeat of a very powerful threat 4
Bonuses for either type of threat
...when the threats were armed with gold +1 -2
...being captured by the enemy -1 -1

Detecting Threats of the Wyrm/Weaver/Wyld

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Revealing, with certain proof, that a human or kinfolk is tainted 2
Falsely accusing a Kinfolk of being tainted -3 -2
Revealing, with certain proof, that an area or object is tainted 3
Revealing, with certain proof, that a Changer is tainted 6
Falsely accusing a Changer of being tainted -5 -4


Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Purifying a tainted object, person, or place 1 1
Summoning an Incarna avatar 2
Traveling to any of the Umbral Realms and surviving 3
Successfully completing a spirit quest in the umbra 3
Failing to succeed in a spirit quest in the Umbra -3
Having and reporting a prophetic dream of great import 5
Giving a prophetic warning that later comes true 5
Having, but not reporting, a prophetic dream of great import -5
Ignoring omens, dreams, and the like for no good reason -3
Losing the Sun 2 3
Discovering ancient Changer lore 3
Besting someone (including a spirit) in a riddle contest 3

Rites and Gifts

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Hosting a Parliament 2
Being banished to the bottom branch during a Parliament -3
Suffering the Rite of Memory Theft Target reduced to base Rank 1 renown, memory reverted to just after the First Change.
Swiping a Gift 1


Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Successfully creating talens 1
Using a fetish for the good of the local Gaians 2 May depend on cleverly bringing and/or using an appropriate fetish, not just e.g. using the same fetish you always use
Creating a fetish 4 Limited to 2 rewards/month (or equivalent with talens); more fetishes/talens can be made, but the requests may not be submitted for the same month
Sacrificing a fetish for the good of the local Gaians 4
Accidentally breaking a fetish or talen -1 to -5
Discovering a talen 1
Discovering a fetish 2

Sacred Spaces

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Keeping a Changer 'holy-site' safe from humans through trickery or negotiation 3 e.g. 'holy-site' refering to: Garou Caerns, Bastet Den-Realms, etc.
Helping to prevent a Changer holy-site from being overrun by the unbalanced Triat 3 4
Accidentally allowing, through withholding information, a Changer holy-site to be overrun by the unbalanced Triat -3 -7
Deliberately allowing/enabling a Changer holy-site to be violated by the unbalanced Triat -8 -5 -10 Most likely, your death is the actual outcome

Corax Relations and Society

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Teaching other Changers (depends on the depth of study) 1 to 5 3 to 5 Teaching rites: 1H 3C per month, regardless of number of rites or students
For a homid Corax, surviving to age 75 8 10
For a corvid Corax, surviving to age 65 8 10
Maintaining loyal service to breed 1/year 3/year 1/year Routinely approved if requested in a timely fashion
Single-handedly being responsible for success in a common goal for the local Corax 5 2 3
Acting selflessly for the greater good of the Corax 3


Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Gaining a new source of information 1
Giving good advice for important matters 2
Giving bad advice for important matters -2
Keeping an important promise 2
Failing to keep one’s promise -3
Performing an outrageous and dangerous deed without being harmed 5
Performing an outrageous and dangerous deed and being hurt, causing others to rescue you, thereby exposing them to danger -5
Dealing respectfully with other Changers 1

Information and Lies

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Attempting an information heist of Mission Impossible proportions that succeeds (and reporting it) 2 4
...without being detected +2
Being truthful to other Changers in the face of extreme adversity 5 Excludes Wyrmy Changers, obviously
Discovering useful information or a secret and sharing it 1
Discovering a major secret or information of great importance and sharing it 5
Discovering a vital secret or information of extreme importance and sharing it 7
Stealing something of value (or of amazing shininess) from an enemy lair 5
Not sharing a secret -3
Exposed as a liar -3 -2
Hurting other Corax through lying or withholding information -5
Being deceptive to other Changers -1 -1
Withholding information or lying to other Changers when the information is important -3 -3
Misinforming, exaggerating, embellishing, or misrepresenting information to other Corax -2 -4
Protecting the Veil 4
Harming or rending the Veil -5
Repairing the Veil 3 1

Protection and Defense

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Protecting a helpless Changer 4
Not protecting a helpless Changer -5
Protecting a helpless human(s) 3
  • Includes human kinfolk
  • Protecting a group: generally only one counts
  • 'Helpless' depends on power level of target (especially if a PC) and attacker
Not protecting a helpless human(s) -2
Protecting a helpless raven(s) 3
  • Includes raven kinfolk
Not protecting a helpless raven(s) -2
Supporting an innocent being accused of a crime 5
Supporting a guilty person accused of a crime -4

Kinfolk and Eggs

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Maintaining good relations with nearby Kinfolk 2
Having poor relations with nearby Kinfolk -3
Performing the Rite of the Fetish Egg 4 4 Requires buying the mentioned rite, and sacrificing 3 permenant Gnosis
Becoming the Guardian of a Spirit Egg 2 2 2
Allowing, through negligence, a Spirit Egg to be taken or destroyed -5 -5 -10
Allowing, through negligence, the death of a Spirit Egg's human or raven child -5 -5 -10