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(The girls make it to the jungle mansion)
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Latest revision as of 15:55, 18 May 2014

The Scouting Party
The girls make it to the jungle mansion
IC Date Saturday
IC Time 2:00 P.M.
Players Velok (Storyteller) and Liesl and Misa
Location Brazil
Prp/Tp A Bane in Brazil
Spheres Mage and Mortal


(Enter Misa as Connie, Liesl as Stacy)

xxxxxThere was still enough light travelling into the truck to not make them be in perfect darkness. It becomes pretty obvious pretty quickly that the covering is only to prevent them from easily seeing out. A couple seconds after the tarp was closed, the putputputputputput of the truck starts up, and everyone is lurched backwards a bit as the truck takes off. Many of the other girls in the truck apparently have done this before, as they're happily chatting away in Portuguese with each other, showing off nails, everything. None of them overly look towards Connie and Stacy, or seem to understand English.

xxxxxStacy follows Connie up into the back of the truck, rubbing a little at the ass smacking. She finds a seat, and settles down just before the truck lurches into motion once more. She looks over to Connie after looking around the truck, offering smiles to the other girls, looking pretty well clueless as to what they are saying. "This should be fun," she remarks.

xxxxxConnie giggles and nods. "Looks like it!" she cheers. "Nothin this fun ever happens back home. We needa ask if we can come back to this next year!" Connie winks to Stacy as they bounce about along te drive "accidentally" falling onto her a few times, but making certain not to to the same to the other girls even as she smiles to the others.

xxxxxClueless works! It manages to fool the other women in the truck at least, heretoafter referred to as 'dumb sluts'. They're gabbing away, though at a certain point in the trip the conversation apparently turns, both their eyes darting towards Liesl and Connie. Apparently they for sure don't understand English, as none of Connie or Stacy's words actually effect them. The sun brightens the cloth tarp of the truck, but soon it gets much more dim, dark almost, as if the sun is barely hitting the truck through lots of obstacles.

xxxxxStacy giggles with Connie, as she falls against her "accidentally" and when they become the subject of the dumb sluts, she gives them a finger wiggle of a wave as they all look their way. "Oh look, they're so friendly, aren't they?" she beams brightly.

xxxxxConnie fights the urge to lift the tarp and look out to see where they are. She is supposed to not be inquisitive, Connie doesn't ask questions she doesn't worry about the world around her. Connie is concerned with finding fun and staving off the inui of being too rich to face her own challenges. Connie nods to remind herself of her character and giggles waving to the other girls. "I really wish I could understand them." she says before giggling. "Oh well, maybe if I don't know what anyone's saying it'll keep me froom chickening out."

xxxxxFriendly would not be the best word to describe the way these girls look at Stacy and Connie. They don't seem to understand English, as none of them wave back to the pair, and go on to talk about other things. Like boys, or the best pair of shoes, or who's sleeping with who, or where the new hothothot place to eat is, but they aren't actually saying anything that'd be of use. Meanwhile the truck continues on.

xxxxxStacy wasn't being entirely serious about how friendly they were - the dumb sluts were clearly closing ranks against her and Connie. She keeps the friendly smile on her face, but leans in closer to her friend. On the off chance that one of the bitches speaks English, she speaks to Connie in Mandarin, pretty sure there's an excellent chance that it wouldn't be understood. <<Unfriendly, they think we aren't attractive enough to be part of their clique. We won't attract anyone's attention, that will leave more booze and guys for them.>> She says all of this in an excited and confidential tone, as though telling Connie the most salacious gossip ever. "Big guy has the nickname of Papa Santa"

xxxxxConnie giggles and covers her mouth as if trying to hide the laugh. Oh this MUST be good gossip. <<We might still be getting some attention, but if they want the guys and drinks they can go ahead and hunt for them.>> she says with a wink.

xxxxxThe gossip isn't very interesting beyond that point while the truck continued, but they do seem to be slowing down when Stacy starts talking in Mandarin. When the truck comes to a complete stop, the other girls stop chatting. There's some footsteps heard outside the truck, and then the tarp in the back is opened. A gruff, scraggly lookin' guy with an AK-47 strapped along his chest stares into the back of the truck. His beady eyes dart left and right, surveying each of the girls individually for a good 20 seconds. Finally he smiles, and it's obvious he's missing several teeth. The cloth tarp is closed again and two smacks can be heard against the truck. The girls are quiet for the rest of the ride, only a minute. One of the women, a black haired clearly fake chested long legged one turns and looks directly at Stacy. "You know.." She says in accented English. "It's really not polite to speak in another language in front of people that can't understand it." Is she serious? Yep. Only a couple seconds afterwards is the tarp opened again, and the devilishly handsome Alejandro is staring at everyone. "Welcome to the palace." Unlike the other guy, Alejandro's smile is much, much better, white teeth, well groomed, everything. He steps out of the way and opens the back, showing a dirt path and jungle. The palace must be in front, and Alejandro invites everyone out of the truck.

xxxxxStacy grins at Connie for her comment, before the truck slows and the tarp is opened. She looks out past the guy with the gun - she can be curious about her surroundings surely? Then, as the tarp is pulled down and the odd comment is tossed her way, she positively *beams* at the black haired one with the fake boobs. "How right you are!" And she leaves it at that. And then, the truck has stopped again, and they're being welcomed to the palace. Stacy gathers up her beach tote, and looks over to Connie, to be sure she's gathered her stuff as well.

xxxxxConnie blushes as the woman comments on her rudeness. "Oh... sorry." she says demuring a little. "Wasn't thinkin." Stacy's way of responding though makes her break into a wide grin as she practically bursts from the truck, bouncing on her toes while turning in place. "Wow... it's so pretty."

xxxxxTo say it's pretty would fairly accurately describe where they got dropped off. The moment either of them step out of the truck, they can start hearing the music. The party is already started, apparently. The entire palace is set up on top of a lake, with numerous entrances. There's a large pool right in the middle with tables and lounge chairs and a large DJ booth set up. There's a HUGE house with marble pillars and a large balcony set up. (http://static.panoramio.com/photos/large/47059932.jpg)
xxxxxMany people are already there, several women lounging around, and numerous men, all with either AK-47's strapped to their chest, or submachine guns walking around. People are swimming in the pool, the DJ is yelling about something, it's a regular sprink break place. The only thing that seems out of the ordinary is the land they're currently on, where both bridges connect to the pool area. There's a lot of wooden/metal shed's and domestic looking places that do not at all befit the decor, possibly where servants live. There's also a single large warehouse with two guards standing on either side of a large door.
xxxxx"Please, feel free to lounge about, welcome." Alejandro says as he stands behind Connie and Stacy, hands on his hips. "There's a large table with plenty of food and drink. In not too long there will be a speech welcoming everyone to the party, just make sure you enjoy yourselves." With that, Alejandro turns and walks off. Immediately the dumb sluts start to throw their hands up, whooping and heading towards the pool.

xxxxxStacy seems to be stunned by the grandeur of the place ... or maybe she's comparing it to places she's known before. As Alejandro speaks, she flashes a bright smile, and gathers her bag to her side and glances to Connie. "That's definitely a party going on," she tells her friend, "Shall we?" she asks, as the dumb sluts all stream on past.

xxxxxConnie cheers along with the other girls after she looks behind her to give Alejandro a wink. "You're the best!" she cheers to him before taking Stacy's hand. "I'm with you sugar!" she chirps stepping across the bridge as if worried it's going to collapse under her. She takes careful note of how many of the men tehre are armed, they can be assumed to be staff. Of course on a normal night it's likely some or maybe even most of them won't be there during normal operations. Unless of course the parties are part of the normal operations. Still it's best to know in the worst case scenario how many guns can be brought to bear on an attacking force. The poor bastards still on duty are watched too to see where they are. This would be done again later in the night too of course to see how good their discipline is, maybe some of the guards on duty would be wasted before hand. She also makes sure to keep an eye on any guards that look unhappy either with each other or the job itself.

xxxxxEveryone was dancing, and everyone was apparently having a great time. Many girls are already paired up, lounging on whatever they can and flirting with numerous guards. The farther onto the 'mansion' part of the area, the cuter the guards get. Some are WAY too cute to be guards, but there they are. The farther way, near the shacks, the guards look fairly gruff, and obviously none of the women are with them. There is a huge table with lots and lots of food on it, lobster, pork, caviar, and other such expensive foods. The weird thing is that wherever they go, everyone's talking in English. It's accented, and occasionally there are brief bursts of portuguese, but it's all mostly English. None of the conversations really seem very interesting beyond the usual 'oh, is that a banana in your pocket or are you happy to see me?'. They do pick up a couple things, one of the girls mentioning "Papa Santi is making a speech? I can't wait." "He's so handsome."
xxxxxUnfortunately for Connie, it doesn't look like a strike on the compound is going to be too easy. There are about 5-6 'guards' lounging around from what she can see in the pool area. These guards are the handsome type, but she can see that not very many actually have their hands on their gun like you'd expect, but are instead taking full advantage of touching the women at every opportunity. There are about 5-6 'guards' on the mainland section too, except these guys look the part. Hands on the guns, always looking around, a couple smoking cigars. 2 are patrolling the mainland, walking the same route around the warehouse and such. It's difficult to get a very good count without being spotted. For now, none of the mainland guards look like they're at all interested in the party itself.

xxxxxStacy lets Connie lead the way over the bridge, her own steps cautious, eyes wide as she takes everything in. The bridges, the warehouse (though this just gets a glance, it's ugly, as are the huts, so they get the similar single glance), the people, the food ... oh my, the food. And the people ... all the guys seem to have guns, are they all supposed to be guards? Oh, she gets it, she thinks. This is a party to reward these guys for what they do. She feels a little sick to her stomach, but she keeps that smile plastered on, giving Connie's hand a little squeeze. "Maybe something to eat?" She suggests. Not that she's going to eat anything that she doesn't see anyone else eating.

xxxxxConnie giggles and nods to Stacy. She looks at one of the more handsome guards as she leans in to whisper into Stacy's ear, giving a playful wink should he look there way. "Let's wait twenty minutes. Sometimes they sneak a little something in the food to make girls party harder. See if anyone has any bad effects." She gives a little bit of a wave and tries to see who Alejandro goes to, that person will be high ranking among the guards probably. Good to take out any leadership before a strike.

xxxxxMany of the other girls don't seem to have any intention of waiting for the food, but then again they aren't here to work, so partying hard is their specialty. It's not like there's a danger that the food is going to run out or anything, far from it. None of the guards seem to go near it though, just the women. The DJ changes songs, and in the between announces. "There'll be a speech in just a few minutes by our gracious host!"
xxxxxAlejandro (http://tinyurl.com/kjx4khc) isn't that hard to spot. Since leaving the girls at the truck he stopped at the warehouse and talked to one of the guards, then headed immediately towards the party. He took a different bridge than the others, not stopping to talk with any of the ladies or the guards, and heading directly towards the large doors below the balcony. He does turn and smile towards the many party goers before pulling open the doors and heading inside.

xxxxxStacy nods her agreement with Connie's suggestion. No food right now, fine. She can certainly wait. Her gaze follows Alejandro as he makes his way from truck to chat with the guard at the warehouse, then over the opposite bridge. She gives a little sigh, as though she were smitten as he heads towards the doors beneath the balcony. As he turns to smile, she offers a little wave, which he probably doesn't see, as he goes inside. The announcement gets some attention as well, and she checks the reactions of the partiers, to see where they orient themselves to see the host, she would bet the balcony. She takes on the same expression as the others, as she says to Connie, "Maybe after the speech and stuff, after our host has something."

xxxxxConnie giggles and nods with Stacy, putting her hands in the air to dance along with the new music. "See what our kind host hasta say!" she cheers.

xxxxxThe music fades away, cutting out, and everyone starts to turn towards the DJ booth to find out why. It's fairly obvious then to see that the balcony is no longer empty. Out steps a colombian looking man with a very fancy white suit. His hair is long, wet, and seems scraggly, but he does look very fancy. (http://tinyurl.com/n6ycckz). With the music fading, the girls and even some guards start to clap and applaud, many yelling "Papa Santi!" Apparently, this is the host. He steps up towards the balcony and places both his hands on it. "Welcome!" He greets out, the mere word causing the applause and cheers and raising of champagne glasses to raise up. Santiago waits, allowing the applause to go on and giving no signs of caring if it stops.
xxxxxA couple seconds later, a couple people step out with him. On his right and slightly behind, the everpresent Alejandro (http://tinyurl.com/kjx4khc) Looking exactly the same as when the girls just saw him. His eyes seem to not be focused so much on the crowd, but more on Santiago himself. There's a tiny bit of smile on the corner of his lips, before pulling away to look towards the crowd again. His hands are folded behind his back, no sign of a gun like the other guards are wearing.
xxxxxOn Santiago's other side is a new man, and this man looks /very/ out of place. His hair is a blonde crew cut, very carefully maintained. On his eyes are black circular expensive European sunglasses. He stands a bit taller than the rest, in a very expensive pure black suit, pointed by a black tie and a white striped undershirt, falling down to fancy black prada shoes. There's no smile on his lips like Alejandro, those corners more in a frown than anything. There he stands, hands folded behind his back as well, looking over everyone. (http://tinyurl.com/ox4279e)
xxxxxAs for now, everyone's attention is pointed directly at the balcony, where Santiago is still relishing the attention of the crowd. A bit of a showboater, that guy is.

xxxxxStacy goes quiet, though she wasn't exactly noisy to begin with, when the balcony gets filled, she watches the trio, waiting for the speech. Connie gets another squeeze of the hand, "Guess this is it," she whispers to her companion. (re, just in case0

xxxxxConnie squints hard at the one that looks out of place for a moment. She looks at him hard, like she's trying to remember something and is so focussed on it she forgets to keep up her act. It doesn't last long though, since she's in a crowed maybe no one even noticed. She squeezes Stacy's hand back and gives her a wink before looking back up to hear the speech.

xxxxxThe applause does die down when Santiago starts to motion his hands lower. It goes quiet, quiet enough to where everyone can hear him on the balcony. He's speaking English, that much is certain, though it's heavily accented. "Welcome to my home. It has been a wonderful month for me, and so it shall be a wonderful night for you!" Some more applause from the crowd, but the mystery man scowls a bit more. "To those new in the crowd, Welcome!" Only a couple girls clap, but it's a distinct time for Connie and Stacy, who are obviously new. One might even see Alejandro's eyes find them specifically, smiling a little before Santiago continues. "And to those who have been here before, Welcome back! Eat, Drink, Fuck, Enjoy all the finest that life has to offer." The crowd erupts in cheers, and Santiago turns and walks back into the house, quickly followed by the two men. Not much of a speech. If one were to look inside the house, through the large windowed panels, they'd easily see Santiago descending the grand marble staircase with the two men.

xxxxxStacy gives a huge smile and a little wave as Alejandro looks towards herself and Connie. As much as Connie was staring at the odd man, she's staring at the speechmaker, as though to memorize every feature, every expression. And then she's clapping with everyone else, as the speech ends, and the trio work their way down the stairs, presumably to join the party.

xxxxxConnie claps and cheers on cue. The large number of repeat visitors was actually a very relieving sign to her. Unless of course the other girls were perfectly fine with knowing someone other than them was hurt. She watches the trio for a bit and smiles before trying to see if there's anything going on with the girls they arrived with who might have been eating. If the music starts up again she puts her arms around liesl from behind to dance with her for a moment so she can whisper in her ear again. "Let's wait until people start pairing off and finding rooms then we can start looking around a bit with less trouble I think." she says quietly with a flirty smile.

xxxxxThe music resumes, the dancing, the flirting, everything. Everyone goes back to what they were doing, and seem to have a jolly good time. A couple girls 'accidentally' fall into the pool and scream out in laughter, falling in and starting to splash each other. Wet bikini contest. The three men do head closer towards the party, but they stop just inside the house. From the very strong gestures, Santiago is not upset, meanwhile the mystery man is incredibly stoic, and Alejandro is just smiling. Off behind all of them, a fair distance away, the door to the warehouse can be seen opening. Out comes a cart with three blue barrels on it, being wheeled out by a man with a mask on his face. He pushes the cart along flanked by one guard towards another, medium sized shack. The door is opened and the barrels are pushed inside.

xxxxxStacy leans back into Connie's embrace, smiling flirtatiously back at her, giving a little nod. The music has her doing a little dance in place while she takes in the sights of (almost) everyone having a good time. She turns to face Connie, and loops her arms around her neck, still dancing ... but now looking over her shoulder, and she notes the path of the blue barrels.

xxxxxConnie lets Stacy lead the dance and watch the path of the barrels, her vision at long range was probably better. Now that new girls had time to circulate in and the pool started to see some use she watches the guards in the other direction, working to put a little bit of a blush in her cheeks now that Stacy's arms are over her shoulder.

xxxxxThe girls seem to be much more excited now, but it's difficult offhand to tell if that's because of the food, or because of the sheer fact that they're just...excited. Super duper excited. Who wouldn't be? Free food and party. Only a couple of them are acting more excited than they should be, and Connie's eidetic memory would know that those were the girls that touched the lobster. The rest of the food seems to be fine. The guards are guards, and once the blue barrels are in the shack, the door is closed, and the guards go back to what they were doing. The guards in the party, however, are still dancing up with several different girls, their guns having been forgotten apparently, as they now swing a little freely.

xxxxxThe party goes on for several hours before people start to pair up. Some of the more 'not guard' guards start hooking up with some of the dumb sluts, and pair off. The three men, previously engaged in some sort of conversation, break up, Santiago and Alejandro moving off, and the mysterious man standing there watching them. The man turns, his eyes hidden by sunglasses, but going out through the party. For some strange reason, they seem to stop and stare in the direction of Stacy and Connie. There's a flicker of a smile on his lips, and his lips move as if to whisper to himself, before he too turns and walks away a different direction within the house. The party goes on for a lot of the night, and at some point, many people move off not to more private areas, but to simply areas where there are less people, and some...not so PG-13 acts start happening. Many disappear off towards the shacks, and the sun sets, the stars coming out and nighttime falling.