2018.09.08: Heal the Cub

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Heal the Cub
LLeutrim's Headstrong Behavior Leaves Him Suffering
IC Date Saturday, September 8th, 2018
IC Time 9:00 am PDT.
Players Aleksandr, Xenovia, Sten, Lleutrim, Skully, Faith, Viktor
Location Main Caern Grounds
Spheres Garou Gaian


Deep Forest - Mystic Valley(#1747RJU)

A vast lush, dense underground forest surrounds the area as thick, tangled vines creep on up past high, rising treacherous, slick, black walls. The volcanic rock face that surrounds this natural valley seems to reach on up to the brink of infinity and beyond, making it nearly impossible to climb with its slick, plate-like surface. Inside the surrounding chasm lies a dangerous lush and vibrant woods as while the deeper one goes only seems to surround the area with eyes that watch from afar. Strange, foreign sounds echo throughout as odd beasts mock those that dare to travel in here, simply waiting in hiding to prey upon the weak and less fortunate. Numerous deep, dark, twisting caverns wind ever downwards to make up the expanse of the labyrinthine structure of the underground tunnels surrounding the area.


Xenovia Sten Lleutrim

Sten nods to her "If I can help please do say" he says nodding to the woman indicating that he would assist her if she needed it.

"I know not, Stormhowler-rhya. He is the only injured one who was brought here last night. I need to lift his head, rouse him, and have him drink this broth lest he dehydrate." The old kinfolk woman can probably lay Lleu's head in her lap but it will be an awkward position for her to make him drink.

Morning at the Caern finds the usual activity. People going about their daily business, Rites being performed or studied, gnosis regained, lively discussions around small groups telling stories or teaching the young, meals being prepared, all manner of things.

Off a little ways from the most highly trafficked paths Lleutrim has been laid out near a fire that isn't actually burning right now. He's in Glabro form and lying on sleeping furs with a light blanket spread over him. He appears to be unconscious or resting, stripped down at least enough not to have a shirt on. Deep, very nasty, fresh claw marks rip through his chest muscles down to the bone in places. The aggravated wounds have been cleaned and an old garou woman kneels by the Galliard's side, speaking low with Sten.

Ghost-on-Water is walking in their direction even now.

The old woman smiles at Sten, "If you will lift his head, we may rouse him and I will help him drink. That would be very helpful and easier than my trying to do both at once, Stormhowler-rhya." She makes the request as respectful as possible of the Get of Fenris, keeping her head bowed and not wishing to offend the garou. Sten could kill an old, frail Kinfolk like her with a single backhand blow.

Ghost-on-Water comes up and the Fostern Ragabash squats down near by, "How is he? I've notified a few people of his condition."

Sten nods and helps her, Sten backhanding an old woman, sun probably blot out before that happen... or if she was really really wyrmtainted. He lifts his head trying to get him to wake up, but not wanting to stir him to much or shake him in the condition he is in right now.

Faith enters the caern from the main cavern after some quiet conversation with the guardian pack, and a few quiet words with kinfolk who wanted to run up and make sure she didn't catch a surprise glimpse of the falled cub. She's wearing her hair down to one side, plaited into a simple braid that falls almost to her knees. Jeans, boots, and a simple mock turtleneck sweater in pale blue. She's with Xenovia - and lets the Shadowlord kinswoman do most of the talking. Her bright eyes seek out the location of LLeutrim, and she watches the Fenrir helping the old woman with the injured Fianna. Her lower lip is still swollen and bruised - but there are no other signs of injury.

Xenovia is a bubbly sort today and she does keep Faith occupied with conversation. "Thank GAIA, you are finally free. That hospital is a terrible place. Germs, I mean so many germs! No wonder humans are sick all the time, and MRSA. And what was the other sign we saw? Isolation? Measles, flu season around the corner. We're not going back there anytime soon."

As they get closer to where Lleu is resting she quiets down a bit and offers a bit more support. Xen looks up at Faith and then over to Lleu on the ground, "It's better he's here than in a hospital. That kind of medicine definitely won't help him. He needs spiritual medicine. Traditional, spiritual medicine." She sighs and approaches Sten and the others gathered.

Sten gets the warmest smile out of the old kinfolk woman, Nakita. "Thank you, Stormhowler-rhya." She adjusts her position with the bowl of broth. When Lleu's head is lifted, he does wake up, though he's groggy. It takes him a few seconds to focus on what's going on, who's there. "Stormhowler-rhya." The Galliard doesn't seem to know the old kinfolk woman. Donnachaidh's not really given a chance to speak more or ask because she lifts the bowl carefully to his mouth, "Sip, boy. You need fluids and strength to heal." In glabro form, he's pretty fugly lying there.

Ghost-on-Water stands back up as he sees Faith and Xenovia arriving. He gives them a nod, then he looks back to Sten, "A patrol up into the mountains found a fire and followed the smoke. Some Black Spiral Dancers had taken a family hostage who'd been camping. Set up a huge fire and were burning pot among other things, adding lots of acohol and other flamables to make ready to set the woods on fire near to the baun. Had some kind of bucket filled with taint they were about to toss onto it and then run like hell. Nobody knows what it was yet, but it was bad."

Sten nods to Lleu "Drink as the woman says" he says perhaps a bit to sternly. He looks up Faith and Xenovia as they arrive offering them a quiet nod as he assist getting the fugly fianna his broth and drinking. Fugly Fiannas he can definatly slap if they not doing what old healing ladies tell them to do. He notes Faiths injuries tilting his head motioning the two kin over to where they are. "And whats happened to you Faith?" he asks but does not stop aiding the woman, making sure he gets his water and broth.

Aleksandr is always around the Caern, or almost always. It's very rare not to find him here. Very rare. The fact that Lleutrim was brought here is not beyond his notice. The fact that Lleutrim is also unhealed is not beyond his notice, either. Maybe he's just letting one of the Elders handle it because certainly the Silver Fang is not letting the cub suffer if he could do something about it. That doesn't sound like a Silver Fang at all. The wolf pads in though, from the heart, he's often at the heart too, catching both sounds and smells of many gathered. He looks from person to person, eyes stopping on Xenovia briefly before, he transforms easily into his breed form. Probably because there are so many kinfolk and he doesn't wish to be rude, despite his errors. The leather pack with the rocks that weighs him down so badly, is removed first. The Fostern Ghost-on-Water's presence does not abate the Silver Fangs words. "I would suggest it might humble the cub, but I am unsure he knows the meaning." Even better that Lleu rouses in the moment of him saying that, or maybe because he does, it's said. He looks at the gashes, now that she are clean and raw, but doesn't give the cub much of his attention past that.

"it was a corrupted and awakened fire spirit." No one does, not totally true, Aleksandr was there, and it is not difficult for him to understand spirits, even corrupted ones, or determine such things. "It was meant to spread a tainted fire amongst the forest, had it not been stopped."

Faith stops a ways back, not fully approaching the gathered group around Lleutrim. She's still listening as Xenovia talks - and her expression provides very little in the way of a tell as to what she thinks about the spectacle. Xenovia stole all the bubbles. It would be a hard sell to find the dividing line between Fenrir and Fang in the tall stoic blonde. Then, the story gets told and there's a slight smile that curls at the corner of her mouth. "He's a garou." she murmurs to Xenovia. "But even if he hadn't changed, he probably would have just slapped some mud in that shit and been like - get me a clean t-shirt woman. But someone should heal him before he starts thinking he's gonna get a nursemaid for days." She's quiet a moment longer after she's asked about the fat lip. Lifting her hand, she points at it and responds, "My new battle scar. I went three rounds with a Simba over two rooftops. I bested him twice before he escaped me on the third. See - there's the tell. All Faith has to do is open her mouth and everyone knows there are things even Dragomir hasn't been able to 'fix' yet.

Lleutrim doesn't fight drinking the broth. He sips it, probably thirsty and hungry anyway. Not making any move to get up either, not yet. Voices. He tries to turn his head a little to look and see who's here. Aleksandr's voice he heard, and .. "Faith?" Then he has the bowl to his mouth again - it's going to take him a few minutes with pauses to drink all of that.

Ghost-on-Water gives Aleksandr a nod, "Lights-the-Darkness here would know. He was on the Patrol with Lleu, not me. And he's a Theurge. Anyway, I need to get something to eat." So he wanders off to do just that.

Xenovia does approach closer to where Ghost on Water is seeing over the Cub. Her talk bubbles quickly disappear when he mentions the trouble up in the mountains and she suddenly finds herself staring at him. "Where exactly in the mountains did this occur with the fire spirit?" Her expression appears troubled with the story that is being told. And when Aleksandr suddenly appears from silver wolf and into his human form, she watches him as her gaze lingers. "You were there. It's extremely important that I speak to you about this attack, Judah. As soon as you are able and have time to." She knows they are tending Lleu, and when he sits up she grins partly, "Yeah she's here. All in one piece too, Lleu."

Viktor quietly makes his way into the caern gathering area. He pauses for a second and then moves on closer to where the others are, quiet for now as he tries to see whats going on

It's not long after the silver wolf Aleksandr arrives that the hulking brindled wolf Skully follows from the same direction, as if following the Theurge from a distance. He shifts wordlessly into Homid as he draws nearer, rising up past seven feet like he does and wearing an unusually grave expression. "I said I'd be right back," he offers to no one in particular, though his gaze is on Lleutrim. "Still feeling okay, Lleu?" There might be a slight twinge of sarcasm in that tone; it'd be hard to tell, since it's almost never present.

Sten rises up and looks to the people gathered with a smile now that Lleu gotten his drink and probably some meds as well. Looking to Faith "And why were you chasing that over rooftops?" he asks with a raised brow curiously shaking his head somewhat. He let the theurge take over since he had little skill with healing or aiding in such cases.

Faith is standing off from the others, so Viktor will pass by her first. The woman has her hands resting at her sides as she watches those gathered up around the cub. Her fat lip didn't stop her from mouthing off just a moment ago, but maybe that escaped most everyone's notice with what was going on with the cub. Nope. There's Sten, "My apologies Stormhowler-Rhya." She raises her hand to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, and then stands a little straighter. "I didn't chase it Sir, it hunted me. I just kicked it in the nuts, maced it in the face, pissed it off when I ignored it's attempt to use gifts on me, and then got a call out for help. Eye-of-the-Storm is fully aware of the situation. Sir. I was told I wasn't in trouble. Sir."

Aleksandr did hear about Faith and while her injuries are not like the cubs in any form, not nearly as severe, the man turns on her, to look her over, very carefully. A discerning eye. If he is satisfied or unsatisfied, he doesn't seem to say. Still, he considers her for far too long a moment, then his lips purse in a bit of a measure. It's a long moment before he addresses the other kin who addresses him, glancing at Xenovia, a little nod, after taking his attention from Faith. "When I have a time, I will see what I can do." A nod to himself, eyes returning to Faith. "Hold still." It is not a request from the Silver Fang, at all. He reaches out to Faith and extends a hand to touch her face and forehead. If she actually tries to move, he will grasp her far more securely and growl. The Garou means it when he says hold still.

Sten nods and smiles some "Good to know, and do you know why it was chasing you or what gift it was trying to use? Do we know this Simba?" tilting his head "Thats a Bastet right? Not quite certain... lion king and all that" the Fenrir, had seen some disney films... looking to Aleksandr as he tries to heal Faith raising a brow.

Xenovia immediately turns from the grouping to look over at Viktor when he arrives. She nods to Skully in greeting, yet discerns her attention back on the other Shadow Lord as if to gain his attention. "Spirals sent a fire spirit to attempt to taint and burn the forest up in an area of the mountains. Were you aware?" She waits until he draws in closer before sliding her hands into her back pockets, drawn into deep thought. Aleksandr also gets an affirmative when he mentions he'll speak to her later, and then she quietly watches him perform his shamanistic work with the group. "Lleu, how many were there in the mountains that you came across, exactly?"

Skully notes Aleksandr's appraisal of Faith's injuries and her rejection of his forcible healing and moves on, kneeling next to Ghost on Water instead. "You should know, Ghost on Water-rhya," he says in that low rumble of his, "that I was there when he got these, too. Saw the Rite of Wounding done by Starchaser and everything. We washed the cuts out, but he says he's okay. Don't you, Lleu?" There's a smile on his broad, honest face, but his eye is... drawn. Annoyed.

When Xenovia asks her question, Skully answers, "Three Black Spiral Dancers. Not a pack, though. Not organized enough."

Even as Aleksandr is delivering that aggressive growl, Faith gracefully sidesteps his attempt and throws her hands in the air, chin up and throat exposed in a submissive gesture. "Veil! Sir!" squeaks the young woman, and the pain the sudden movement has brought her is notable on her features. She's not a badass, she's just trying to follow the rules here!

Ghost-on-Water was leaving to go find food, on his way out. But he stops when Skully arrives and speaks to him. The Ragabash 'cubsitter' looks amused, "Says he's OK, does he?" Heh, "I bet Nascha won't think so." He looks back, "Or Faith, but you are right. He'll be fine. Healed or not. We are tough creatures." He gives a nod to the information the other adds. The Fostern puts a hand out to huge Skully's shoulder, "Sounds like all of you on the patrol did good work. They'll be telling your tale at the next Moot."

"If rite of Wounding was done let it heal naturally, better scar." Viktor points out with a nod as he moves over towards where Xenovia is at.

Broth or no broth, the moment Lleu sees Aleksandr reach out to touch Faith, Lleutrim forces himself to sit up and he tries not to let his anger rouse, "Don't touch her, Lights-the-Darkness-rhya." Oh yeah, protective as hell of Faith. "Eye-of-the-Storm-rhya will be very angry if you do." Badly hurt or not, the cub looks ready to get up and try to kick Aleksandr's ass right here if he has to. Sorry, Xenovia but Lleu is focused on the other two and his rage is getting riled up. "She's a Cop, a Police Sergeant. You can't heal her or people will notice." Damn, his suddenly forcing himself to sit up hurts like hell.

The old Kinsfolk woman, Nakita, has backed away fast from the garou. She takes the small empty bowl with her. Adios! Gone.

Aleksandr growls as she flinches away, and tries to secure Faith, but she seems quite intent on getting away and Aleksandr is in no mood to chase. "Then suffer. You two deserve each other." And it's not even his moon anymore, but he's not mincing words. That's when she's screaming about the Veil. "There are ways to cover such things, unless you are planning on running around naked everywhere." A brow raises at that? After all, all but her lip injury is covered up, he only noticed because he knows what to look for. "But have it your way." He doesn't extend anymore effort towards her as she clearly doesn't want it. He turns from the kinfolk, and back to the rest, but he's only listening now, all but fading into the background and standing quietly there. At Viktor's comment, he notes. "It is too late to heal the scar anyway. And the rite has been performed, making it all but impossible." He folds his hands behind his back, never once looking back Lleu's way.

Skully reaches out a finger to poke Lleutrim in the chest. Normally a simple gesture, but... jesus. Now? "Watch your tone, cub," he says warningly.

Xenovia mediates, "Easy now Lleu. He's an intelligent Garou that knows the difference of how to protect the veil. He proved himself when he assisted Viktor and I in our last showdown with needing to cover things up." Then she shares with Faith, "When I was hurt recently, Aleks had salves he makes that can help with the pain. You can still look like a bruised pin cushion, but the pain can be eased for moving around if need be. And trust me, that shi... stuff, really works." A slow grin touches her lips. "And three spirals is very impressive," she tells Skully. "Are you injured at all?"

The Cub who's exhausted, still dealing with trying to control his rage this close to his First Change, and hurting just nods. Lleu winces hard at the painful jab Skully gives him and he briefly bares his teeth, yet he gives his friend a nod, "Aye. Still need to ... work on that." Not at all easy. He lies back down and concentrates for the next minute or so on just breathing like Journey taught Lleu to do, focus down on clearing his mind. Try to ignore the pain, let the anger go that wells up so easily at the moment while he's hurting so much.

"No, ma'am, I'm just fine," Skully replies to Xenovia, his eye still disapprovingly scanning Lleutrim's injuries. "I'm just fine because of the three Black Spirals we found, Lleutrim killed the one that gave him these tiger stripes his own damn self, without a lick'a help. Killed the one I was after, too. Shaderunner-rhya got the third while Lights-the-Darkness was busy protectin' the Veil and getting innocents to safety. Bravest part of it all, that; had to do it in his Breed-form with no cover from us, neither. Took the biggest risk of us all."

Skully looks at Lleu's eyes -- first one, then the other, since he can't do both at the same time -- and asks, "You holdin' up okay there, buddy? I think I got a Snickers bar or somethin' if you're hungry. You look like you could be hungry. But, you know... otherwise totally fine, right?"

The kinswoman looks somewhat mortified in LLeu's direction, then back at Aleksandr. Faith leaves her hands in the air as she watches Aleksandr step away. She'll approach the Silverfang, pausing if she gets any warning growls and there in front of everyone, she'll kneels down. "Lights-the-Darkness-Rhya, I apologize for not communicating more clearly. The orders about no healing and the veil do come directly from Eye-of-the-Storm, as of the night it happened. I submit to your wisdom, now that you have all of the information." She takes a slow breath, and exhales, looking back toward the cub, Skully, and Xenovia before she lowers her head and shoulders into the dirt at the Theurge's feet. "I apologize for LLeutrim's behavior, and any part I've played in his show of disrespect. I can't do a rite of contrition as a kinfolk, but I won't disrespect Eye of the Storm's mentorship by not trying to make amends." She still hasn't spoken directly to LLeutrim, her entire focus appears to be on making this attempt at an apology to the Lupus Silverfang.

"No, ma'am, I'm just fine," Skully replies to Xenovia, his eye still disapprovingly scanning Lleutrim's injuries. "I'm just fine because of the three Black Spirals we found, Lleutrim killed the one that gave him these tiger stripes his own damn self, without a lick'a help. Killed the one I was after, too. Starchaser-rhya got the third while Lights-the-Darkness was busy protectin' the Veil and getting innocents to safety. Bravest part of it all, that; had to do it in his Breed-form with no cover from us, neither. Took the biggest risk of us all."

Skully looks at Lleu's eyes -- first one, then the other, since he can't do both at the same time -- and asks, "You holdin' up okay there, buddy? I think I got a Snickers bar or somethin' if you're hungry. You look like you could be hungry. But, you know... otherwise totally fine, right?"

Sten looks in silent at what is transpiring, looking at the Silver Fang, the Kin and the Fianna curiously but not saying anything for now merely crossing his arms over his broad chest looking to Faith then to Aleksandr trying to gauge were to it all is going.

Lleutrim is in a lot of pain. Skully will find the Cub's gaze to be glassy and not easily focused, except for that moment he sat up, protective of Faith and his anger roused. He lies there with his head turned, trying to watch Faith but not tracking real well on what's going on. Skully doesn't get a reply about his being hungry or not.

"I would also assume she is on administrative leave, or do the humans here prefer injured cops on duty? More effective?" You see Aleksandr doesn't just 'do' things, he's already thought them through. Despite ignoring Lleu, he heard, but he seems unconcerned by it entirely. Even the threat of Dragomir. He's anything but dumb. He's also not offering Faith any mundane healing, despite Xenovia doing it for him. When Faith approaches, he listens and nods. "If that is Eye of the Storm-rhya's decision, then his wisdom is to be listened to." It seems, however, he does have some heart for those of themselves who act appropriately. "I am assuming Eye of the Storm-rhya is not wishing you to suffer, however?" He could, Gaia knows he lets Aleksandr suffer all the time, but it's a Silver Fang thing. So he relents, taking off his backpack, and pulling something out. A leather satchel, he folds it open and takes something out of it. It's a white powder. He hands it to her. "Take this with water, it will ease the pain." A glance at Lleutrim at what she says. "You are not responsible for the cub's behavior, I do not believe anyone is. I am unclear if he even understands the idea of respect. You are as likely to be responsible for a tree's actions, though a tree might know better. It is unfortunate that you have tied yourself to him. Perhaps you might rub off, one can only hope, but will not hold my breath." Daming words for Lleutrim. She takes it or she does not, he puts the backpack back on regardless after putting his supplies away.

Xenovia watches Skully offer Lleutrim a snickers bar and she attempts to stifle a chuckle. "Hangry. You ever see that commercial when you.." her voice tapers off into a lull when she sees Faith completely submitting herself before the Silver Fang now. She'll have to poke at Skully later when things don't seem so serious. Her own hands lift up out of her jean pockets and she brushes back some strands of blonde hair that have come loose from her braid as the wind blows.

Xen explains, "I stand here watching what I see as a new outsider looking in," she shares with them all. "I'm touched to know all of you. Faith's strength to be a police officer. Lleu, Skully, and Aleks pulling together despite differences to defend the Caern from the Wyrm." Her gaze sweeps to Ghost, "Overseeing a new Cub." Then Viktor. "Overseeing a kin you probably don't want to. But you all do what you do for one reason. I can see it."

"A tree'd reach out to the sun, rain, and dirt for what it needs," Skully replies to Aleksandr without breaking his gaze from Lleutrim. "That's what a tree would know to do. A cub... I ain't so sure."

Lleutrim is oblivious, his eyes half closed, his breathing a little rough. He's mostly out of it.

Faith will accept what's being offered from Aleksandr, answering him softly and modestly. "He would not ask me to suffer Sir. But my wounds are tracked in the medical records and there are more things at play under the stars than time to attest to all of them Lights-the-Darkness Rhya." She takes the medication and looks back toward LLeu and Skully. "/Lleutrim/" she says the name sharply and loudly , making sure she has his attention, "will either be the young tree that /will/ bend and /ask/ for help, the way Eye of the Storm -told- him to, and start being a PART of this fucking nation, or he'll be what my noose is supported on one day when someone with less patience than Lights the Darkness says eh, okay.. and punches claws through my gut to teach him what it looks like to take responsibility for mouthing off to a superior."

Sten sighs "As fun as it is to bash at the cubs stubborn headedness, and rashness I doubt it will lead to much as he is currently not present" he moves over to Faith and puts a hand on her shoulder in support and protection. The large man looks down to her "I need to tell you the story of my great grandmother sometime" he says softly to her "I think you will like it"

Aleksandr glances sidelong at Xenovia when she gives her speech, brow raising ever so slightly. He doesn't say anything about it though. A pause to listen to Faith and her protests, he already given up trying to heal her, though. "Human doctors, they do not care if you return. They track only what you allow them. But it is of no issue, Faith Donahue. Eye of the Storm-rhya has made his wishes know and I will obey them because I respect his wisdom. I am certain he knows better than I do. You are fine, I hold you know ill will." When she turns back to the subject of Lleutrim, to scold him, he says nothing. He neither looks pleased or displeased. Like he has zero opinion on it, at all. He didn't lie to Skully, he never lies, when he said he was done trying to teach Lleutrim or believing the cub could learn, it seems. He's said similar words to Lleutrim already, very similar words and it was like talking to a wall. He probably has little faith this will make any difference either. He simply falls silent.

Aleksandr has made his stance on Lleutrim obvious; then again, so has Skully. For all his annoyed posturing, the big Metis is obviously concerned with Lleutrim's state. "Yeah, he needs a bed," he rumbles softly, giving a heavy sign. "I'm gonna go ahead and pick him up, okay? I'm sure Ghost on Water-rhya will keep an eye on him 'cause that's his job. When he does wake up, though, I hope someone'll come get me."

Xenovia moves closer to Skully after seeing how Faith scolds the Cub on the ground partially snoozing out of his agony. A side whisper, is made to him in gest. "Give her the snickers and slowly back away." She lightly pats his shoulder and then takes a few more steps closer to Aleksandr to approach him. "A certain shaman asked me to stay off my foot today, but there's this really important thing I need to do." She gestures with a thumb back at the woods, "I'm going to head back to my car and get a map." Distracted, she notices Lleu is about to be moved. "Faith, are you going with him?"

Faith yields immediately to the hand on her shoulder, chin raking up and throat exposed to the Fenrir. The kinswoman rises to stand next to Sten after she's been appropriately tended and dismissed by the Silverfang. "Of course Stormhowler-Rhya, I would be honored. As Lights-the-Darkness has said, I am on administrative leave. I do have to return in a week for questioning and submit to all the doctor's appointments to have my hospital bills covered, but Eye of the Storm will come get me if he wants me - please, direct me Sir. I'm a little lost as to what I should be doing right now and I don't want to make any more trouble." She uses her hand to brush away some of the dirt and debris from her hair and sweater, doing her best to de-rumple herself as she tells Xenovia, "Eye of the Storm would chew my ass up one side and down the other into the next moon if I coddled Lleutrim while he's misbehaving Ma'am. I'm going to do what I'm told to." By.. whomever it is who's going to tell her what to do next it appears. They're all ranked garou so - doesn't really matter which one does it?

Faith's voice is like a whipcrack that is able to reach Lleu's mind. He's very tired and trying to rest, dimly aware of the conversations even if he wasn't responding. He blinks a few times, trying to focus and shifts his head to look /at/ Faith, then to Aleksandr from where he lies. "You ... have not accepted my honest apology ... before, Lights-the-Darkness-rhya." Yeah, that made him mad at the time. Lleu sighs, "I give you my word." Breath, "I will try very hard to show more proper respect. To you, to all who out rank myself." Trying to keep his words clear, speaking slowly. "As a Marine should, as a garou Cub. To know my place. /Please/ do not ... hurt Faith, because of my actions. They are my own." With an effort he has leveraged himself up onto an elbow to better see the Silver Fang.

"Hold on, Weathers the Storm." All that time silently listening to Faith before saying that to Skully. He takes his attention from all of it when Xenovia addresses him. Apparently missing her joke to Skully though, but he doesn't laugh, so? A nod to her, though there is the slightest of smiles. It's one of his usual, that seems to lack proper emotion, like Aleksandr is broken in that department. "And that Shaman knows you don't listen to him, anyway." Another nod though, brow furrowing a bit as she tells him she's going to get a map, as if he doesn't follow the significance. He lets her go with that, and comes back to the topic at hand. He takes steps towards Lleu, listening to what he's saying. But it's Faith he looks at and speaks to. "I would never hurt Faith Donahue. I hold her in no ill regard, but her wisdom does speak to me. You deserve better, Faith Donahue, but I understand that sometimes the wolf wants what it wants." No words to Lleu, but he comes over to the man and places a hand on his chest, perhaps seeing if he's actually true to his word. Does he recoil? Growl? Again, he addresses someone, but no Lleu. It's SKully beside the man. "Funny, the effects of a woman, is it not? Next time, perhaps, we will have you dress up." A joke? Maybe?

Sten nods to Faith with a smile "It will be solved, do not worry, Eye of the Storm will tell you what you need to do. If you are on leave, relax and tend to yourself, do not strain yourself" he looks to Lleu "Noone will hurt Faith" he repeats looking over to Alexandr "The cub learns, if perhaps a bit slow, his impulsiveness can be handled, a strong mentor, and a strong friend along with learning from his misstakes. As the german says "No master ever fell from the sky" shaking his head somewhat and looks to Faith "We should let him rest." looking about and then to the garou who were local "Where would be a good place to tell a story here? Without disturbing everyone around?" tilting his head to the side curiously

Skully smiles a little at Xenovia's jest, but it's Faith he directs his words toward. "Don't coddle him, then, ma'am. He ain't your burden."

Oh, and the Lleutrim is talking, addressing Aleksandr with... hey, that's respect. Fancy that. When the Silver Fang moves up beside him, Skully gives him a nod, even laughing a bit at his suggestion. "I could borrow one from Miz Giselle," he suggests, shrugging his shoulders, "but she's about half my size. It wouldn't be very convincing, but we haven't tried it yet."

He looks to Lleutrim again, watching the Theurge's hand on the wound intently.

Faith is quiet as she watches the goings on around Lleutrim and gives Skully a soft smile. "Thank you, for your wisdom and your patience Weathers-the-Storm-Rhya. I'm learning a lot from you, I bet he will too." She then looks to Sten and gestures to the Shrines, "I like spending time there when I study the Silver Record. It's quiet, and the Ancestors are always honored by stories of those who've passed is what Eye of the Storm says. Is that a good place, Stormhowler-Rhya?"

Sten nods and looks to those around "Yes I think it will be a good place, to honor those who have passed, to let those who linger listen. And of course anyone who wish to listen are welcome to hear." nodding to her suggestion and looking to see if the local garou had anything to say about it.

Aleksandr's hand settles on the cub. He closes his eyes for the briefest of moments. There's a sense of the heightening of the spirit energy around Aleksandr and then it seems channeled through his hand in large wave of energy, over LLeutrim, specifically his wounds. To those watching, to those who have never seen it before. Those gory, still open wounds begin to seal, slowly, but surely. All of them, as if the cub had been untouched, save for his battle scar. That stays. The pain resides. He might still be tired, but even at that, his body is refreshed. Peak physical condition. "Next time." He says that to Skully and lifts his hand from Lleutrim, no more wounds. He does not address Lleutrim though or actually say anything to him. Call it Silver Fang pride. But perhaps the healing is the answer. He looks to Faith, nodding slightly to her as he turns from the cub, as if suggesting he did that more for her than he actually did for Lleu. With that, he starts to walk back towards the Caern Heart. "I am tired. Enjoy your day. Lune guide your paths."

Aleksandr is watched warily by Lleu when he comes over and kneels down to place a hand on the Galliard's ripped up chest. Oh aye, that hurts. Lleu's face tightens at the pain. No recoil, no growl, hurting. Tired. No fight left in him for the moment, not after Faith laid into him.

Oh man. Lleutrim closes his eyes too, feeling weird. It may even hurt worse, the knitting of his flesh - at first. The pain doesn't last. It begins to ebb. When it is done, Donnachaidh adds low, "Thank you, Lights-the-Darkness-rhya." He is still very tired aye, but now Lleu should be able to rest so much better.

"People keep sayin' that," Skully replies to Faith, shaking his head. "I don't think they're hearin' what they think they're hearin'. But the Silver Record is good. Mama used to read it to me. Good stories."

When the healing is done, Skully places a huge hand on Aleksander's shoulder, giving it a comradely squeeze and letting the Silver Fang go his own way. To Lleutrim, however, he leans his huge skull forward, placing his forehead on the Galliard's and closing his eye. "Stop being so damn /proud/," he rumbles with obvious affection, holding the gesture for a long moment before rising to his feet and offering one of those massive hands to the cub. "We are your brothers. Brothers will fight. Brothers will be angry. And brothers will be there for each other anyway."

Xenovia peers back at Aleksandr and quips a smile at him. "I sometimes listen. Yet sometimes, Gaia requires otherwise. This is one of those moments." Ahh, she looks to Viktor who already jogged off to attend to business. "I'll be right back once I get the map." To Faith, she listens to the part about the Silver Record and seems impressed. "Alright, so, that's crazy awesome, Dragomir helps with that." She considers, "You know something? I think I could use your help this week Faith if you are off duty. Would you be up for helping me with an investigation? Totally top secret." She winks back to Aleksandr.

Skully admonishes /him/ for pride! Lleu looks pointed at Aleksandr's back, "Right." With an effort he refrains from adding 'tell /him/ that' and decides to keep his mouth shut. But the thought may be read in his face. The large hand is accepted - whether is it only a hand clasp between friends and brothers, or a hand to help Lleu back to his feet. A nod to the rest.

"If it bares repeating Skully.. it's a lesson worth hearing, right?" She'll even blow the tired cub a kiss, yes right there in public, but from Sten's side. "Thank you Lights-the-Darkness Rhya,,," she adds quietly before turning to the other kin. Faith quietly responds to Xenovia. "I had to find copies on my own.. I'm not a Silverfang, yet." Subject change. "With everything going on with the Simba.. I have to get permission from Dragomir before I do anything. I don't like secrets, they get me hurt." The finally, she turns back to Sten, following his lead to the shrines or elsewhere, as she tells him, "Simba, yes - they're were-lions. I got the attention of one of them and it .. hasn't been a good thing. Sorry. O think you asked me that like twenty minutes ago."

Skully pulls Lleutrim to his feet -- not entirely ungently -- and pats him on the shoulder. "Go sleep," he says kindly but pointedly, jerking his head in the direction of the Fianna's cabin. "You may not hurt anymore, but you need rest. So go."

He leaves Lleutrim alone then, regarding the rest of the peanut gallery, and clears his throat. "I, umm... I got a thing to do. He'll be fine now, though. Lights-the-Darkness knows what he's doin'. Good healer. The rest of you, umm... you know. Leave Lleu alone a little. He's gotta get some rest." And with that, the big ol' lug treks off his own way, to do Gaia-knows-what.