2020.04.24 Styx, Stones and Spectres

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Styx, Stones and Spectres
Exploring the oddities of the basement of the Styx and Stones Pool Hall
IC Date 23-24 April, 2020
IC Time Night
Players Dawson (ST), Jimmy, Floyd, and Sin-Eater
Location Styx and Stones Pool Hall
Spheres Wraith

Styx and Stones Pool Hall - Back Room


The back room of the pool hall is the same width but only about a third as long. As you step through the steel door, the wooden floor from the front continues through to the bare brick wall at the far end. Along the left wall, four doors break up its length and to the right, a single door steps into the bathroom before the narrow hall opens up into a much larger space towards the rear of the building; like an inverted L. The door immediately to your left leads into the kitchen and the next to a large storage closet and pantry. Beyond that is the door to the back office and then a door leading down to the basement below. Light is supplied by a few, flourescent lights that keep the back area well lit.


The room's walls have been patiently scribbled with line after line of inch-tall script of perfectly neat and almost calligraphic script. The language changes every few phrases and the writing doesn't seem to have much coherency. Passages from the bible, Tolkien, movie quotes, just random gibberish - seriously. Or is it?


Sin-Eater says, "Gate, treasure or Prison.... So it opens something, that is locked away." She nods and than sighs softly, "Are you the only wraitht hat still haunts this place?" She asks of the Monk, who has stopped being scared now that the key she showed him has been put away and is instead pointing to words that are in the text on the walls to answer questions. Sorta."

Floyd got a request to assist, and so he arrives. Hammer in it's O-ring, slipping into the back room. "Hey Sinita." He says looking around before stopping in his tracks. "....shit." He says. "You weren't kidding."

Sin-Eater says, "I am not." She says with a sigh, "This is not a drone though, he hears us, and answers questions and reacts to the envrioment, he just seems mute." She explains to Floyd, "This is Floyd, I am Sinita. I was thinking of making this place a haunt." She says, more for Floyd than the Monk. "My clients could feed on the emotions of the main bar, while waiting to be castigated downstairs here. Maybe, if I can get into the loft, using tha tfor a living place. But I am not sure how secure it is.""

Floyd eyes the area and steps inside further. He looks to the Monk and gives a wave. "Hello." He looks back to Sin-Eater. "I mean...certainly. It would make sense. Lot of ambient pathos here." He agrees. "But what about this though?" He gestures to the scrawling wall and the monk. "No offense, but did you figure out what this is all about yet?"

Sin-Eater says, "No..." She grumbles disheartened apparently, "He said the Lord haunted this place, or something. And he says the key goes to a gate, treasure, or prison. Perhaps all three. There is a gate that locks away a treasure, but also inprisons something." She shrugs, "Did you see the basement yet. You should look down there too. It is... Interesting." She explains, "I think perhaps there is something more to it than I have found, but I lack the skills to narrow it down.""

The Scribe points at a section of the wall with more of his foot-wide columns of text. The place he points has several quotes and things but one of the words in the area he's indicated is larger and darker than the other. The word, "Truth" seems a bit more ornate. Another, nearby word, that is in the same vague space where he was pointing also holds the word "Payment"

Floyd scratches his chin, listening to Sin-Eater as he looks to the monk who points to the words. "I think he wants payment. Or maybe if we pay him, he will show us something." He says, gently slapping Sinata on the arm-area of her cloak and gesturing. "I'll go down in the basement and see if I can find anything." He will then journey down into the basement.

Sin-Eater says, "Do not get too scared." She says after him, "It can be very creepy there." And she looks to the monk and nods, "Payment, if I pay you pathos will you be able to tell me more about this place, or the key?" She asks, prepared to offer the monk something in payment, though unsure what he might want. "I am not skilled in Usury though.""

The Scribe just shakes his hood at the mention of offering payment. They seem to have missed the point, or where he was pointing that is. The scribe shrugs its shoulders and continues to scribble while they decide to venture downstairs.

Sin-Eater says, "Lets look in the basement." Seh says, so that the poor person behind the Scribe does not need to split their attention three ways, she goes down with Floyd intot he basement."

Sin-Eater heads downstairs.

Sin-Eater has left.

Styx and Stones Pool Hall - Back Room


The back room of the pool hall is the same width but only about a third as long. As you step through the steel door, the wooden floor from the front continues through to the bare brick wall at the far end. Along the left wall, four doors break up its length and to the right, a single door steps into the bathroom before the narrow hall opens up into a much larger space towards the rear of the building; like an inverted L.

The door immediately to your left leads into the kitchen and the next to a large storage closet and pantry. Beyond that is the door to the back office and then a door leading down to the basement below. Light is supplied by a few, flourescent lights that keep the back area well lit.


The room's walls have been patiently scribbled with line after line of inch-tall script of perfectly neat and almost calligraphic script. The language changes every few phrases and the writing doesn't seem to have much coherency. Passages from the bible, Tolkien, movie quotes, just random gibberish - seriously. Or is it?

The Scribe heads downstairs.

The Scribe has left.

You head downstairs.

Styx and Stones - Basement


Stretching thirty feet wide and just as long, this room is an echo of the backroom above. The walls are unpainted brick with the ceiling a mixture of wooden beams and flooring from the room above. The walls of the basement are bare brick but seem to have been recently power-washed. The concrete floor has been cleared of any debris, leaving a flat, bare slab and a fairly bland space with drains at the corners.

There are two sets of stairs in the room, one heading up to the business and the second heads out to the side alley. A dividing wall cuts off the rear part of the basement from the front and is bisected in the center by a metal door. The door is painted a shade of red the color of bricks or dried blood. On either side of the door the wall is mostly obscured by a series of bookshelves made from stacks of cinder blocks and long wooden boards strung between them.


The basement is a broken husk of the structure above. The old brick walls have crumbled in places and the beams overhead have rotted leaving a massive hole in the ceiling above. The stone floor has cracked in several places as though struck by small explosives from wars long since forgotten. Cobwebs fill the corners and hang from what's left of the beams above.

A strange, almost bioluminescent glow seeps through the cracks of the floor and pulses with a near-constant pattern; two short and one long. A hot breeze blows through the ruins of the structure disturbing the cobwebs occasionally with traces of hot hash and embers caught in the wind.

For more information type .wraith

Wraith Details

The following information is provided for wraith characters based on what's been discovered (oocly by the owner) and would be discernable through a brief bit of investigation.

  • Haunt: The building has been a haunt in the relatively recent past. When rennovations happened to give the place a good cleaning about a year ago, things got a bit jumbled so only a few Wraith still frequent the place.
  • Fetter: There's something in the basement that anchors several wraith to the building. One such chain is linked to the wandering wraith upstairs that scribbles on the walls.
  • Echoes: Any wraith who spends time in the basement may eventually start to pick up echoes, memories or ripples that still seem to resonant within the place. First, there's a heavy scent of smoke. At first it smells of cigarettes and cigars but eventually it builds until it's as thick as a haze as though the room were filled with it. Second, there's whispers and mutters just out of earshot that seem like a dozen people talking in the next room. Nothing is discernable but the occasional word becomes clear. Words like 'Price' and 'Sale' and 'Cage' can be picked up eventually.


Floyd ducks his head into the basement, even though he is short. He steps into the dank basement with teh glow of the surrounds and lets out a breath. "....This is odd." He comments. He looks toward teh bioluminescent glow. He points to the glow. "...This is morse code."

Sin-Eater says, "No, I think it is a heart beat." She says softly, "I considered a code as well, but it only repeats two short one long." She explains, "So the same letter over and over, or the rythmic beating of a heart. Though to be fair, I only put that together later, when I asked it questions." She smiles, and looks about. "Frank I wonder if he has any thoughts on it, he saw it but I did not get a lot of his input yet." She htan walks into the center of the room, "I am back, I have brought another friend, Floyd. We are here to help, I promise.""

Floyd nods. "Noted." He looks up toward the top and then elsewhere. "This might be...a slaver's haunt. Maybe. Or a usurer's." He suggests. "The fact that there is a mute wraith constantly writing chained who isn't a drone? Certainly sounds slavish to me if you ask me." He kneels down toward the floor near where the glow breaks through the floorboards. "I think...I'm gonna try for a closer look."

Sin-Eater says, "If you can, you may notice it get kinda smokey in here, and than the creepy whispers, those were the worst part I think the whispers... And than the whole room shaking with the beat of a heart. But it led me to the key. But I feel like something else is down here.""

Floyd loses one Corpus

Floyd lets out a breath. "...This is gonna be super dumb." He says listening to Sinata as he goes along the floor. He eyes the floor to find a place where the glow is brightest. He then gets on his knees and puts his hand to the floor and then tries, and succeeds, to push through the floor with one arm to reach down into the floor. His corpus shudders, depleting to a state of etherealness as his corpus gets shaken with the interaction from skinland solidity.

Sin-Eater says, "You know I cannot fix that, I am not skilled in usury and not met one. WE will have to feed your passions so you can heal. I need to do that myself, but I am not sure my passions are as easily met here as it could be." She smiles, "While I think the emotions are here, they are not exactly geared the way I am."

=============================The Shadowlands: Floor==================================
As your hand reaches through the broken bricks of the old floor, probing deeper and deeper to find out whatever might be burried deep below that's causing the glow, you realize it's not just a few inches down. Nor is it a foot. You're up to your armpit before your fingers dance upon something that's akin to the sensation of cold. Its solid, like Stygian steel solid. And big, oh is it big. Think of something the size of a...coffin. Thick metal bands wrap around the object, each one etched with foul and turgid characters like they were not cut or etched but somehow melted into the metal at its creation.
As your fingers continue to search and to probe you eventually detect sharp points that are arranged in an odd pattern; almost a sequence that don't make sense to the touch. One might have to go look. ===================================================================================

Floyd grits .... "It's okay." He says. "...I can heal plasm." He gets a very weird look. "...." He moves around. "..." He looks to Sinata. "...something is down here." He says to Sinata. He then pushes himself through teh floor before he recorporates.

Sin-Eater says, "FLOYD!" She calls out, and she moves to fall on her knees where he disappeared through the floor, calling more and wondering if he can hear her. "Are you ok?! What... What are you doing, what if something evil is down there!""

=============================The Shadowlands: Floor=============================
Foolish Wraith, sticking your head beneath the floor of a random Haunt you know nothing about. Curiosity killed the cat but as the saying goes, but satisfaction brought it back.
You lower your eyes below the floor and see that there's a coffin forged of Stygian steal. That may not be all that impressive until you realize that it's nearly twice as proportional to the size of an average man. The thing is easily over a dozen feet in length and with the appropriate dimensions to match.
The box is bound in thirteen thick chains that were melted in place to seal the thing shut. Upon the top of the coffin and possibly added as adornment is a foolishly ornate mask of steal and blue stone. Decidedly Egyptian in style and design, the pharo's face has been replaced buy a skull.
Image: http://imgur.com/mXxs1ek ================================================================================

Floyd is quiet for a moment. Then he says back. "...Yeah! It's okay!" He says to confirm. "You should come down here and see this!"

Sin-Eater does indeed allow herself to sink under the floor, carrying her vital objects like the key, lantern, and her relics with her. "Oh... My..." She says, as her body slowly comes back into focus, much faster than Floyds own. Do you think they key goes to this prison? No gate though, unless it means liek the... Lid." She is too curious though, way too curious for her own good, and she will reach out to examine the mask, and see if she can touch it or lift it from its spot and what might happen. Unless Floyd has more sense than her.

Sin-Eater loses one Corpus

Sometimes you just have to let them touch the stove. He doesn't stop her. Instead he looking over the area wanting to find if there is anything else here OR the source of the glow apart from the chains and other aspects keeping the...coffin? Closed.

Sin-Eater reaches out and touches the mask on top of the coffin before letting out a cry of pain, something the dead can still feel, and she snaps her hand back glaring at the mask that now she wants more than she did before, simply because something is telling her she cannot have it. "What do you think it is Floyd. Is it a prison for a Spectre? Or some Sahdoweaten thing?"

Floyd looks up from where he was eyeing the side of the Sarcophagus when she cries. "You okay?" He asks, standing up and returning to go near her. "What happened?" He looked at the mask and then back to her. "I mean...I can tell you whatever it is it isn't meant to be out and about, that's for sure." He looks at the Pardoner. "Can you see if tehre is any Angst here? You know, Pardoner-style? I can see what this is made of."

Sin-Eater says, "I.. I dont know what is in there, the steel is blocking my sight." She says softly, but she gets an idea. "I can activate my housecleaning. Try to banish it, if its a specter inside. It obviously will be unable to leave, but it might react and let us know its not happy about the use of the power." Seh than looks back to Floyd again, "And when I touched the mask it hurt.. A lot. I want it though..." She says determined, "It looks like its important and it defends itself, so now I want it."" Floyd eyes the chains, the sarcophagus and then Sinata. Then up to the basement. "...Look. There might be more to this place that we haven't seen. We know that this isn't going anywhere. Why don't we cover the less dangerous options and see if we might find out a bit more. If all roads lead back down here? Well." He shrugs. "I guess we can see if the key fits the hole. Which it probably does. BUt if this is here? What else is here?"

As the two wraiths return to their more coporeal form, the haze of smoke has gotten thicker in the room. Its no longer the faint haze of a few cigar-smoking patrons but the blind white fog of actual fire smoke - or it would be...if it were more than just an echo.

Sin-Eater says, "See I knew there was a fire here, something exploded but it appears it was not connected to the coffin, or not directly?" She asks of Floyd, "Course I guess the quick would not have seen the coffin when they rebuilt..."

--------------------------------STYX AND STONES--------------------------------
|  |  |     COUCH     |                   |   |
|  |  +---------------+                   |   |
|  S                                      | U |
|  |                                      | P |
|  |                                      |   |
|  |            +--------+                +-U-+
+--+            |   C    |                    |
B               |        |                +---+
+--+            +--------+                |   |
|  |                                      |   |
|  |                                      T   |
|  S                                      |   |
|  |                                      |   |
|  |                                      |   |
 U = Stairs UP             S = Shelves
 B = Metal Bookcase        T = Back Table
 D = Alley Door            C = Card Table 

Floyd looks at the foggish haze. "...Must be. Or something." He looks down at the floor again then toward everything else. "...Okay." He holds up a finger. "Basement poker table. This smoke isn't recent I wouldn't think which means, it might be around in my time." He taps his chin. "I think....there is more here." He gestures to the basement. You lose one Willpower

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Perception(3) + Investigation(2) (5 dice) vs 6 for 0 successes.
1 2 2 5 10

<OOC> The Scribe says, "yeah, I can't see them through this guy so please page. But it's cool. 1 success tells you -something- is up with tht bookcase. It's not that complicated, just a hidden latch that you figure out with your fingers. However, the latch is in the skinlands. On your end of the veil, it's a bookshelf attached to a sealed metal door. Duh-duh-DUH..."

Floyd looks around and eyes the metal bookcase. "....That doesn't belong here." He says. His investigative skills, slightly, kicking in. He runs his hands along the side the bookshelf. Sure enough, he finds something. He fingers it. "Hey, Sinata. Over here. Can you feel what this is?" He nods her over.

Sin-Eater says, "I can feel?" She asks, but as the latch is on the skinlands side she really cannot, "I am afraid I do not know how to Embody, so I cannot force this place open. We would have to try to talk through." She explains, "Unless you know the powers of a spook, or proctor, or someone who can come activate the door for us?""

Floyd shakes his head. "A latch?" He shakes his head. "We don't need a spook." He fake pops his knuckles. "This is always weird..."

Floyd loses one Willpower

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Dexterity(3) + Inhabit(3) (6 dice) vs 5 for 3 successes.
3 3 4 +5 +6 +6

Sent to: Floyd and Dawson

Floyd loses 3 Pathos

The bookshelf, even on your end, is just blocking the real door behind it - obscuring it from sight. It's a weirdly simple cludge of a cover like someone put it up in haste to cover what was behind it. Almost.../TOO/ simple. *ominous music shift*

Sin-Eater watches as Floyd opens the door, or moves the case, or whatever it is he manages to do with his powers. "I bet we find hidden treasure, and what not. People had something here before this all blew up, and maybe it is a relic now!"

Floyd reaches for the latch, suddenly dissipating into nothingness. In truth he stepped across the Shroud, into the mechanism of the latch itself. Emotion riding through him with the desire to help making him almost taste the raw desire on the tip of his tongue. The palpable feeling of it all gives him focus, a channel to harness the dark power of the dead and *POPs* the latch open. He then returns back to the LAND OF THE DEAD. He shudders. "Ugh!" He shivers."Weird!"

Sin-Eater says, "Are you alright Floyd?" She asks, walking closer to place a hand on him, a reassuring touch hoperfully."

Floyd nods when offered the reassuring touch. "The skinlands is just...weird. Like going into water when you haven't in a really long time. Doesn't hurt or pain just...Odd." Disorienting, jostling, all sorts of adjectives. He turns toward her and the bookcase. "Well. It's unlocked." He gestures. "There's a door behind that bookcase. We can either go through the door OR, we can suck it up, take another hit, and go through the wall. I recommend the door this time."

Sin-Eater says, "Door I agree." She says, stepping foreward and attempting to pull the door open on her side of the shroud so she can enter inside. She will be brave, and go first, lantern before her ready to light at the slightest sign of trouble. "I have not been back to the Skinlands in a very long time... And never since I found myself in the Shadowlands. The Heirarchy frowns on it.""

Dawson has arrived.

The Scribe has left.

<OOC> Dawson says, "ok. type .door"

=============================The Shadowlands: Door==============================
Located behind the old metal book case in the skinlands…
There are doors and then there are DOORS. Once the bookshelf is cleared away it's clear that even in the Shadowlands, illusion and misdirection have not lost their potency. The portal revealed behind such a deceptively simple cover is...in a word...impressive.
The scupture of the...something seems to be rooted in front of and apart of the door itself. Like someone grafted a spectrous creature to the portal to either guard its entrance or warn any away that would dare to look up on it. Whoever crafted this had a flare for the dramatic that would make H.R. Geiger turn in his brush as Stygian steel and even more rare, Soul Gold have been used to create this...warning.
Wraith who look upon the creature may become affected by memories of dread, of being chased by the big black dog when they were kids, or hunted in their adult lives. If they linger too long, the feelings may swirl within them, fear at first, then wonder at the beauty, then revulsion at its message, then curiosity as to where it might lead, etc.
Image: http://imgur.com/BZzhnhE ================================================================================

Floyd nods. "Oh trust me, I know. Normally Dictum Mortuum is something I admire but ever since I got here?...survival of the fittest. I do it sparingly, and not without reason." Sinata moves the bookshelf and Floyd's reaction is a testament to his sharp wit and sleek skill. "Son of a bitch!" He pulls his hammer and brings it down straight on the statue's head!

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Dexterity(3) + Melee(3) (6 dice) vs 6 for 1 successes.
1 2 4 5 +9 10
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Strength(3) + 1  (4 dice) vs 6 for 2 successes.
1 +7 +7 8<
Note 'SOULFORGE_HAMMER' proved to Dawson
<---======##=-----------[ SOULFORGE_HAMMER (PRIVATE) ]-----------=##======--->
Status: APPROVED by WhoopingCrane on Thu Apr 02 18:49:22 2020
Artifact: Level 3
This smith's hammer is made from Stygian Steel and can be used to practice soulforging. In combat, it is a Str+1 weapon that does aggravated damage.
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Sin-Eater rolls Perception + Castigate  vs 8 for 3 successes.
1 2 3 5 +8 +9 +9 10

Sin-Eater seems about to run in fear of the monster that is behind the door, but... Nope, she just stops and stares at it after a second. "That is not a spectre." She says, reaching out to touch it. "Someone just has a very sick sense of humor, or very much wants to keep people from exploring this portal."

Sorry Sinata. Floyd is a testament of 'reactionary'. It only takes the revelation of the symbol of that spectral statue, and who it is meant to convey, that makes him immediately go into fight or flight. With something like that? There can be no second-guessing. If it's real? Then no. No. No. With axes and barrow-flame and flameflowers and tanks. If not? Well....it shouldn't be idolized anyway. And Soul Gold?! Talk about loot. To his credit as a Doomslayer? It's fight. So he doomslays! He whips his hammer out of his ring and in a double-handed motion brings his forgehammer down on the head of the statue.

The smith's hammer strikes the head of the statue with enough force that you'd expect it to break of a tine or maybe smoosh in one of the featues of the skeletal-like face. But the blow doesn't so much as damage the door-fused guardian as it does bounce off it as though he struck a giant...bell.

The sonorous chime sounds like one of those huge temple bells you'd see in paintings and the odd kung fu movie. The single chime would reverberate throughout the valley to call the monks to prayer and to serices. Low pitched and almost thundrous in its resonance, the thrum of the statue bounces off the walls for a second and then penetates them seemingly to the far corners of this end of the Shadoowlands.

A breath...maybe two...and then you hear it: The slumbering yawns of a dozen hungry maws suddenly woken from their decades-long sleep.

All those muttering whispers? Quiet. The pulse? Gone. The glow? Slowly starting to build in brilliance.

Floyd looks perplexed. There is nothing. NOTHING. Compared to the might of stygian steel. Made from the bowels of the Big O itself, and this gold stuff acted like Captain America's shield? It confused him, because it is something Floyd did not expect. So when the moans, the yawns and the stirring of hungry cries begins to shriek Floyd takes a defensive position. He doesn't know what to say, because it doesn't make sense! So best be Big D.

Sin-Eater frowns as the resounding sound of the blow fills the shadowlands, and she lifts her lantern, the sounds of hungry things coming is not good. Feeding a pathos to the Iron Lantern, she relies on its light to be a shield, to hold the creatures back and at bay while they decide what to do, or how to escape this without a harrowing....

<---======##============[ Proving note for Sin-Eater ]============##======--->
<---======##=---------------[ ARTIFACT (PRIVATE) ]---------------=##======--->
Status: APPROVED by WhoopingCrane on Tue Apr 21 20:06:42 2020
Iron Lantern (Rare, Level Three)
This lidded lantern, which looks very similar to the trademark lantern of every Pardoner recognized by the Guild, creates a 20-foot circle of light in which the Pardoner may work with reasonable assurance of safety. Although the Iron Langer is always carried on the Pardoner's person or hunt outside her place of work, it typically is activated only when a Pardoner has reason to believe that she needs addtional protection during a Castigation.
System: Opening the lid of the Iron Lantern exposes the light inside. The circle of light emanating from the open lantern duplicates the effect of Housecleaning (Castigation ****). The lantern's light is powered by the Pardoner's Pathos. Each point of Pathos the Pardoner spends provides one half-hour's worth of illumination. The Pardoner must spend a permanent point of Willpower to attune the lantern to herself. Until the lantern is attuned, it may not be used.
Page 132 of Pardoners & Puppeteers Guild Book.

Sin-Eater frowns and the light moves, cause its a lantern she is holding. "Come." She pulls Floyd with her to a point at the stairs, so he can stand at the edge of the light and smakc what he wants, and they need to come through him and hte light to get to the humans.. Maybe... Hopefully. And if he gets too hurt he can retreat back intot he lights safety.

Floyd doesn't need to get pulled, he's sticking to the Pardoner! Cuz he is a smart cookie. When she stops at the stairwell to flood the stairway with the lantern's brilliance after letting him go he gets, sort of, what she is thinking of. Keep the evil from the fleshy meatbags. He looks across the basement. They are... "Walls and floor." He says to her, looking back to her. "We playing Keep Out?" Asking for confirmation.

Jimmy steps down into the basement from upstairs.

Jimmy has arrived.

Jimmy arrives from the stairwell. He pauses and looks around briefly before noticing two others present. After a moment of silence, he finally says from the nothingness of his hood, "YOOOU RRRAAAANG?". Although you cant see it, he is grinning. He then says, "Ive always wanted to do a Lurch impression."

Sin-Eater is holding up a lit Iron Lantern, the rare artifact kind, and she glances back at the man who did the impression, clearly not undertanding it. "Who are you?" She asks, before saying, "Never mind. Sinita, Floyd, you got a sword arm I think we can use it."

Floyd takes an aggressive position at the foot of the staircase. He's played this game in the arcade. Whack-a-mole. See a head, hit with stygian steel, then hit the next one.

Jimmy gives a single slow nod and if you are aware, you would notice he is dragging what looks like a sledge hammer. "I guess you could say that." Is all he says as he waits.

Part 2

"When we left off our intrepid adventurers were barricaded at the stairs, an Iron Lantern lit to keep them safe, and to prevent the crawling to life Spectres from accessing them, and the quick who reside above. The light held aloft by Sinita the Pure! AS Floyd prepared his mighty stygian steel axe to smite the beasts foolish enough to get close. Jimmy, having heard the ringing of the dinner bell, that awakened these creatures had come swiftly inside, lending his own prowess and skill to the desperately strapped team of Wraiths. Can the Artificer, Spook and Pardoner prevail? Will they defeat the odds and save the day, perhaps securing treasures, and a new haunt, or better yet a lasting friendship forged in the fires of battle against those that would unmake them!?"

<OOC> Dawson says, "ok, so some audio aid for what you're hearing while the glow has broken into a dozen pieces and are starting to emerge. http://youtu.be/1RENlq9bvbY?t=5 Per+lore_wraith vs 6 to identify what is coming for you"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Perception(3) + Lore Wraith(3) (6 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes.
2 3 4 +7 +7 +9
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls Perception + Lore Wraith  vs 6 for 3 successes.
1 +7 +7 +9 10
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Sin-Eater rolls Perception + Lore Wraith  vs 6 for 1 successes.
1 5 5 5 5 +9 9

The dozen or so creatures that are slowly pulling themselves out of the walls and floor seem to be clawing and crawling their way back from their long sleep only to reveal that they're not bipedal at all. Wolf-like shapes seem to solidify as the first three of the barghast start to let out a warning howl to call the others to action. The ear-splitting howl is picked up by the others and their glowing eyes immediately focus upon the figures on the stairs and the pathos-fueled light barrier. The hip-high spectral dogs seem to be slowly spreading out in the basement - looking for a weekness to exploit.

The protective light of the lantern is keeping the Barghests at bay. The guard dogs appeared faster than Floyd could whack-a-mole them. But to whack-a-mole properly, he needs to get to the others. So! Like any good Doomslayer, he steps out of the protective ray of light with a readied Hammer.

Sin-Eater is not going to just let Floyd leap from the protective light, as foolishly chivilrous as such an action maybe. The light can move after all, and she does move further down the stairs. So long as the light reaches the stairs the beasts will not be able to reach and harm the innocents above, and that means the three ghosts are in for a fight. "Floyd, be careful!" She calls out issuing a warning about the beasts he probably already knows. She glances back to the armed Jimmy and points to another Bargheist, "Take them down! We will not let them win this day!"

Jimmy peers out from the utter darkness in his hood. He lifts the sledge from the ground where it was being drug and points to the first spectral beast as a baseball player does when he calls the direction of his homerun. He then moves forward and into the fray...Taking a swing at the nearest beast.


Dawson has started combat
Dawson has rolled initiative:   16  
Jimmy has rolled initiative:   19  
Floyd has rolled initiative:   10  
Sin-Eater has rolled initiative:   13  
<---======##===========[ Initiative order for turn 1 ]============##======--->
   19 Jimmy
   16 Dawson
   13 Sin-Eater
   10 Floyd
* Characters declare low to high (unless ST chooses high to low)
* Characters act high to low

<OOC> Dawson says, "ok...floyd, sin - declare."

<OOC> Dawson says, "3 barg are going for whoever's out of the shield. :)"

<OOC> Floyd says, "I will whack what I proclaim to be Barghest #1"

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "I am holding up the lantern, and acting as tactician for now, trying to keep abreast of the battle field for the moment. Direct people to where they need to be, warn them about things trying to hurt them"

Dawson has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Barg1 goes on 6
Dawson has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Barg2 goes on 12
Dawson has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Barg3 goes on 5

<OOC> Jimmy says, "I am declairing split action, hitting the nearest then hitting the next nearest if its close enough."

Jimmy attacks! Twice!
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls 5   vs 6 for 1 successes.
1 3 5 +7 8
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls 4   vs 6 for 1 successes.
1 2 +8 10

<OOC> Jimmy says, "ok two hits"

<OOC> Dawson says, "heh. you're hitting 2 of them right, Barg 1and 2?"

<OOC> Dawson says, "or this all on 1?"

<OOC> Floyd says, "I think he is hitting 2 of them."

Jimmy deals some damage!
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls Strength + 3  vs 6 for 3 successes.
1 2 2 4 +6 +6 +7 8
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls Strength + 3  vs 6 for 7 successes.
5 +6 +6 +7 +9 +10 +10 +10
The Barghests Soak!
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 2 successes.
3 5 +8 +9
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 0 successes.
2 2 3 3

<OOC> Dawson says, "skip me since I'm not in this. Sin?"

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "quick quesiton, did he kill any with those attacks or just severely wound them or anything?"

<OOC> Dawson says, "he grazed one but took the second to its paws."

<OOC> Dawson says, "the first soaked 2 of the 3 dam. the second didn't soak any"

<OOC> Dawson says, "so one's close to dead"

<OOC> Dawson says, "ok, barg2's attack against Jim."

Barghest 2 Attacks Jimmy!
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 3 successes.
3 +9 +10 +10
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 5   vs 6 for 3 successes.
1 +6 +6 +7 10

<OOC> Dawson says, "3 dam jim."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Jimmy rolls Stamina vs 6 for 1 successes. 2 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Jimmy rolls Stamina vs 6 for -1 successes. -1 -1 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

<OOC> Jimmy says, "ouch"

<OOC> Floyd says, "Woof"

<OOC> Floyd says, "Whoops. Pardon the pun"

<OOC> Dawson says, "you soaked 1."

<OOC> Dawson says, "hehe. Floyd's up. :)"

<OOC> Floyd says, "Bringin' da hammah down on Numero Uno"

Jimmy gains one Lethal Damage

Jimmy gains one Lethal Damage

<OOC> Dawson says, "ok."

Jimmy gains one Lethal Damage

Jimmy gains one Lethal Damage

Jimmy gains one Lethal Damage

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Dexterity(3) + Melee(3) (6 dice) vs 6 for 4 successes.
1 +6 +7 +8 +9 9

<OOC> Dawson says, "hit bro. dam"

<OOC> Floyd says, "Rollin mah Agg damage."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Strength(3) + 4  (7 dice) vs 6 for 2 successes.
2 2 3 5 5 +8 +9

<OOC> Dawson says, "Yeah, cause they can't soak agg can they?"

<OOC> Floyd nods.

<OOC> Floyd says, "Eat my stygian steel. Kneel"

<OOC> Dawson says, "ok, barg 1 against Floyd"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 3 successes.
5 +8 +9 +10
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 5   vs 6 for 1 successes.
1 5 5 +9 10

<OOC> Dawson says, "heh. soak 1 Floyd"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->

Floyd rolls Stamina(3) (3 dice) vs 6 for 2 successes.
4 +9 +10

<OOC> Floyd says, "Biff!"

<OOC> Dawson says, "and barg 3 against Jim."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 0 successes.
1 4 5 6

<OOC> Dawson says, "and he wiffs. NOW pose. :)"

<OOC> Dawson says, "include the damage you did to the critters."

<OOC> Floyd will pose in turn order.

<OOC> Dawson says, "pose in init order."

<OOC> Dawson says, "yeah"

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "Ok"

After Jimmy moves into the fray he takes a swing at the nearest beast and hits it in its spectral body. It seems to take the hit well but the same cannot be said for the second barghest. Jimmy smashes it in the head and it wails in pain as its jaw dehinges and one eye hangs from it. Jimmy readies himself as the first attacks and then the second. One gets a good hold on him and rips at his corpus, the second misses probably due to injury...

Sin-Eater is watching the battlefield, pointing to the beasts as they slowly crawl out of the walls and the ground, making sure her light stays on the base of those stairs to not allow them access to the floors above. "Thats the way!" She calls out to Jimmy, as he all but destroys one and manages to snag another. "Floyd! Watch yourself!" She calls out, pointing to one of the dog beasts that seems to want to snap at the wraith. And than, she stops, hodling her head as she looks confused, that does not sound liek a voice she knows. "What... Who..." She growls, shaking the lantern as if that might make it work better.

Floyd approaches! He doesn't have the reach that Jimmy does, but the hammer he uses shines with utter doom in the eyes of the barghest as the Stygian Steel hammer hits it n the side. It is only a moment later that the Barghest swings to bite him back, but Floyd is carried by the momentum of his swing and the hound only catching some of them of his pants without touching his Corpus.

Dawson has started the next turn of combat
Dawson has rolled initiative:   12  
Jimmy has rolled initiative:   14  
Floyd has rolled initiative:   15  
Sin-Eater has rolled initiative:   10  
<---======##===========[ Initiative order for turn 2 ]============##======--->     
   15 Floyd
   14 Jimmy    
   12 Dawson
   10 Sin-Eater
* Characters declare low to high (unless ST chooses high to low)
* Characters act high to low
Dawson has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Barg1 goes on 9
Dawson has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Barg2 goes on 9
Dawson has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Barg3 goes on 7
Dawson has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Barg4 goes on 5
Dawson has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Barg5 goes on 7

<OOC> Floyd says, "So here is what I am thinking (town meeting while Dawson rolls infinity barghests)"

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "LOL"

<OOC> Floyd says, "Jimmy can hit more people than I can and is far stronger than me. He's hurt, and if one of us is out we might as well escape. I propose some Teamwork. If Jimmy wants to go offense, I will defend you on Big Defense and keep the Barghests away from you while you waylay"

<OOC> Dawson says, "all barg, with the new one, are converging upon Floyd and Jimmy. two more into the mix will split their attention, so 2-3-4 on jim, 1, 5 on Floyd."

<OOC> Jimmy says, "can we take a few mins for a break. sorry just before this round starts?"

<OOC> Dawson is seriously going to get Floyd a shield

<OOC> Floyd says, "So while we're waiting, is it plausible Mr. ST-man for me to desperate defend but include their attacks on Jimmy?"

<OOC> Dawson says, "if you explain it to me? sure :)"

<OOC> Dawson says, "I mean, I get it visually, just not mechanically"

<OOC> Floyd says, "So desparate defense is a combat maneuver, which is explained by you flailing your weapon around and keeping everything away from you. Every additional block beyond the first gets a -1 die penalty."

<OOC> Floyd says, "So by the time I block them all I will be rolling my dex+melee -4"

<OOC> Dawson says, "and your successes will make it harder for them to hit...Jimmy and you?"

<OOC> Floyd says, "The Barghest will attack. I will roll my block. I subtract their successes."

<OOC> Dawson says, "oooh ok. yeah, that works."

<OOC> Floyd thumbs up.

<OOC> Floyd says, "Run around Jimmy like a lunatic blocking the universe. Yes."

<OOC> Dawson says, "Jimmy. who you going after? ya got 3 on ya bro"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "Im doing the same as before but this time using my soulfire cloak to absorb the damage"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "oh shit 3"

<OOC> Floyd says, "Well I got the okay to include you in my desparate defense, so you have a blocker this round."

<OOC> Jimmy says, "ok splitting 3 ways this time then using cloak to absorb"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "might use will power on one of them depending on how i divide the dice lol"

<OOC> Dawson says, "so 9 dice split 3 ways evenly?"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "yeah, 3 dice per"

<OOC> Dawson says, "roll em"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "we will see how it goes lol"

<OOC> Floyd believes in uuuuu

<OOC> Dawson says, "vs. 2"

<OOC> Dawson says, "er, barg2"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls 3   vs 6 for 2 successes.
4 +6 +10
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls 3   vs 6 for 2 successes.
3 +8 +10
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls 3   vs 6 for 0 successes.
1 4 8

<OOC> Dawson says, "2-3 hit, 4 miss. Roll dam"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "fuck i forgot the wp."

<OOC> Jimmy says, "lol"

<OOC> Dawson says, "and you will hate yourself for the night."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls Strength + 3  vs 6 for 3 successes.
2 2 2 4 5 +6 +9 +10
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls Strength + 3  vs 6 for 5 successes.
3 3 4 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 2 successes.
3 4 +9 +9
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 0 successes.
1 4 5 6

<OOC> Dawson says, "ok, I've got sin doing her thing and barg1 goes for Floyd."

<OOC> Floyd says, "Barg 3 better put some ketchup on it, cuz he just got whoppah'ed"

<OOC> Floyd says, "Bring it"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 3 successes.
3 +7 +8 +9
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Dexterity(3) + Melee(3) (6 dice) vs 6 for 4 successes.
2 2 +7 +8 +9 +10

<OOC> Dawson says, "deflected."

<OOC> Dawson says, "barg2"

<OOC> Dawson says, "vs. jim."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 3 successes.
3 +7 +7 +9
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Dexterity(3) + Melee(3) + -1  (5 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes.
3 4 +6 +7 +9

<OOC> Dawson says, "ties to the defender?"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "always"

<OOC> Floyd says, "Yes."

<OOC> Dawson says, "barg4"

<OOC> Dawson says, "er 3"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 1 successes.
1 5 +9 10
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Dexterity(3) + Melee(3) + -2  (4 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes.
4 +6 +7 +10

<OOC> Dawson says, "deflected."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 2 successes.
3 5 +9 +9
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Dexterity(3) + Melee(3) + -3  (3 dice) vs 6 for 0 successes.
1 5 6

<OOC> Floyd says, "Not this time!"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 5   vs 6 for 3 successes.
2 4 +6 +7 +9

<OOC> Dawson says, "3 succs to soak jim? you're using a cloak?"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "soaking with the cloak so 2 pathos spent from it. out of 20"

<OOC> Dawson says, "ok. 5 for Floyd"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 1 successes.
4 5 5 +8

<OOC> Floyd says, "WP"

<OOC> Dawson says, "k."

You lose one Willpower

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Dexterity(3) + Melee(3) + -4  (2 dice) vs 6 for 0 successes.
1 7

<OOC> Floyd says, "1!"

<OOC> Dawson says, "SOOOO lucky. deflected."

<OOC> Floyd huff. Huff.

<OOC> Floyd says, "Huff. go team. huff."

<OOC> Dawson says, "1 is fresh, 2 nearly gone. 3 nearly gone, 4-5 fresh. Poses. :)"

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "So there are only 5?"

<OOC> Dawson says, "Oh, there's more. 2 more per round. :)"

Well! he landed a hit, but Jimmy took a gnashing. Jimmy has a big massive sledge, and he has a forge-hammer. It is clear if both are out of the race, then the barghests will swarm everyone. So, Floyd takes to the defensive. He lets the strap on his hammer catch his wrist and begins to swing it in circular motions to way-way incoming Barghests and knock their charges and pounces aside or, make them overshoot and miss with Jimmy at the center, keeping low for the man to do what Spooks do best.

The combat thickens as another beast moves into range. Jimmy does a circular swing and nails the first two in the sledgehammers path. They yelp and are near destroyed...

Sin-Eater is struggling it seems for a moment, "Floyd, block for him!" She points at Jimmy, as that is a wraith whose name she does not know. Than she blinks, "Are you in the coffin?" She asks, trying to keep abreast of the battle but also dealing with a new distraction it would seem. "We are cleaning this place of shadows."

Dawson has started the next turn of combat
Dawson has rolled initiative:   15  
Jimmy has rolled initiative:   12  
Floyd has rolled initiative:   12  
Sin-Eater has rolled initiative:   15  
<---======##===========[ Initiative order for turn 3 ]============##======--->
   15 Dawson
   15 Sin-Eater
   12 Jimmy
   12 Floyd
* Characters declare low to high (unless ST chooses high to low)
* Characters act high to low
Dawson has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Barg1 goes on 10
Dawson has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Barg2 goes on 5
Dawson has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Barg3 goes on 9
Dawson has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Barg4 goes on 12
Dawson has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Barg5 goes on 12
Dawson has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Barg6 goes on 10
Dawson has rolled NPC initiative: NPC Barg7 goes on 14

<OOC> Dawson says, "Me and Sin are doing our thing, Barg7 is going after Jimmy. You still blocking Floyd?"

<OOC> Floyd says, "You want me to keep being D Jimmy or do you think we're good?"

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "I am fast!"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "its up to you. D is nice tactically. but if you need to fall back..."

<OOC> Floyd says, "I'm good for now."

<OOC> Floyd says, "I will maintain my desparate defense then."

<OOC> Dawson says, "Okey dokey."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 3 successes.
3 +9 +9 +10
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Dexterity(3) + Melee(3) (6 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes.
2 3 5 +6 +8 +8

<OOC> Dawson says, "deflected. Jim. you going for 3 again?"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "yes"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "let me know when"

<OOC> Dawson says, "2 3 and 4?"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "whichever are the closest"

<OOC> Dawson says, "roll em"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls 3   vs 6 for 1 successes.
4 4 +7
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls 3   vs 6 for 2 successes.
4 +6 +6
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls 3   vs 6 for 3 successes.
+7 +7 +7

<OOC> Dawson says, "roll dam"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls Strength + 3  vs 6 for 5 successes.
1 3 +6 +6 +7 +7 +9 9
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls Strength + 3  + 1  vs 6 for 3 successes.
1 2 3 4 5 +6 +6 +7 8
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls Strength + 3  + 2  vs 6 for 2 successes.
1 1 2 4 5 5 +6 +8 8 10

<OOC> Dawson says, "2-3 dead. 4 is eh hurt."

<OOC> Floyd says, "woo!"

<OOC> Dawson says, "floyd's a flailing?"

<OOC> Floyd says, "Like a ballarina on acid."

<OOC> Jimmy says, "lol"

<OOC> Dawson says, "4 on jim."

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "that is a visual LOL"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 2 successes.
3 3 +7 +8
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Dexterity(3) + Melee(3) + -1  (5 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes.
1 +6 +8 +8 10

<OOC> Dawson says, "5 on Floyd."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 2 successes.
2 2 +9 +9
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Dexterity(3) + Melee(3) + -2  (4 dice) vs 6 for 1 successes.
1 3 +7 9

<OOC> Dawson says, "1 on floyd"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 2 successes.
3 5 +7 +10

<OOC> Floyd says, "5 hit me for 1."

<OOC> Floyd says, "For this upcoming one, let's burn a WP"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Dexterity(3) + Melee(3) + -3  (3 dice) vs 6 for 2 successes.
2 +7 +10

<OOC> Dawson says, "5 hit. (because 1 succ got through). I'll roll damage."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 5   vs 6 for 5 successes.
+7 +8 +8 +8 +9

<OOC> Floyd says, "Go stam go!"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Stamina(3) (3 dice) vs 6 for 1 successes.
3 5 +10

<OOC> Dawson says, "5 to soak. and...ouch."

<OOC> Jimmy says, "ouch"

Floyd Loses 4 Corpus

<OOC> Dawson says, "6 on floyd."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 4   vs 6 for 4 successes.
+7 +8 +10 +10

<OOC> Dawson says, "the last 2 are dead"

<OOC> Floyd says, "See you on the other side guys!"

<OOC> Dawson says, "you are already on the other side. :)"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Dexterity(3) + Melee(3) + -4  (2 dice) vs 6 for 0 successes.
2 5

<OOC> Jimmy says, "nah, youll have a harrowing first before total destruction"

<OOC> Floyd says, "Bring it dog. Bite me."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dawson rolls 5   vs 6 for 3 successes.
3 3 +6 +8 +10
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Stamina(3) (3 dice) vs 6 for 0 successes.
1 5 8

<OOC> Floyd says, "yeeeeeeeesss"

Floyd Loses 3 Corpus

<OOC> Jimmy says, "hahaha damn"

<OOC> Dawson says, "ok, so 2 down, floyd's hurt. you're still at 7 this next round. Poses."

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "Is one of you destroyed?!"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "not I"

<OOC> Dawson says, "this is all lethal and I think Floyd's hurt bad."

<OOC> Jimmy says, "I would kill for pandemonium 5 right now lol"

<OOC> Floyd says, "I'm only at 1 corpus. I'm good"

<OOC> Dawson says, "ok, poses are a go. sin's up"

<OOC> Dawson says, "then jim and then Floyd's dramatic fall."

Jimmy heals 5 Corpus Jimmy spends 5 Pathos

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "Ok jut to be clear, Floyd looks hurt baddly?"

<OOC> Floyd says, "I'm only at 1 corpus. I'm totally on the brink of oblivion,."

<OOC> Jimmy says, "yeah, hes almost discorp"

<OOC> Floyd says, "Note to my loyal fans: It took 6 barghests to bring me down. :P"

Sin-Eater fowns as the tide of the battle is turning agasint them, "To the Lantern!" She calls out, and if they comply she will carry it back towards the stairs, trying to use the stairs as a way to funnel the beasts forcing them to onlyu come a couple at a time, or fewer if that is what can fit side by side on the stairs. "Rest, try to recover in the light!" And than that voice in her mind again, her lips forming a tight fronwn on her features as if not sure she likes what is being heard or said. "Yes." She says finally.

Jimmy offers up another circular swing and blasts all three beasts with the sledge. Two discorporate and are sent into oblivions maw and the third appears injured. Jimmy offers a calm deep word to Floyd, "Fall back and heal, I got this..." He readies another offensive.

Aghast! It was going so well. The second sweep must have been too complex for him to keep track of. So many barghests at once, and a waylaying Spook to maneuver around. Some were deflected, but others managed to catch him off-guard and they didn't just take clothes this time. Like any good Barghest, they rip hunks of corpus out of him to the point that he is almost a faint whisper within the shadowlands. The words to Jimmy only get a nod as he begins to fall back to the lantern. "Good luck." He says simply to the Spook.

<OOC> Dawson says, "per+alert vs 6"

<OOC> Dawson says, "er, per+aware vs 6"

<OOC> Jimmy points to the themesong link on his +finger :)

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls Perception + Awareness  vs 6 for -1 successes.
-1 2 2 5

<OOC> Jimmy says, "well i didnt see shit lol"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "too caught up in battle"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Sin-Eater rolls Perception + Awareness  vs 6 for 5 successes.
3 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Perception(3) + Awareness(2) (5 dice) vs 6 for 4 successes.
5 +6 +8 +8 +10

As the barghest continue to swarm the bottom of the stairs, more and more of their number emerging from the walls and floor to continue the attack against the small party of curious wraith, the outcome doesn't look good. They tried to hold back attack after attack but it wasn't resolve or will that failed them, it was a question of sheer numbers. They just ran out of time.



The party tries to find sanctuary within the light of the Sin-Eater's lantern and just as three of the creatures lunge at the injured combatant to finish him off, they freeze in mid-air. The remaining creatures on the floor of the basment surge and are suddenly stopped dead in their tracks - frozen to immobile statues of ghostly flesh. Their eyes do not move, their fangs do not drip, their fur does not rustle.

A voice ripples through the air, pained and pressured as though trying to lift the weight of a car, "Hurry..." To (Sin-Eater, Floyd), Dawson pages: You detected a HUGE surge of magical energy from very close by - like upstairs close. It wasn't wraith power but spiritually-based.

<OOC> Dawson says, "So...ya got some options. the barg are frozen in time...but you don't know how long. You could A) try and finish them off since they can't attack. B) try and run upstairs to evade but Floyd's hurt. C)...?"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "well fudge, i was ready to fuck up some ghost dogs lol"

<OOC> Dawson says, "it's your choice to wade into them. But you don't know how long they will stay frozen."

<OOC> Dawson says, "and your blocker's down."

<OOC> Floyd says, "I have an idea"

<OOC> Dawson says, "going with plan D?"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "how many are there?"

<OOC> Dawson says, "7 this next round."

<OOC> Dawson says, "only 2 of them have any damage on them."

<OOC> Floyd says, "I will assume I have at least 1 round, since they are frozen. I am keeping the fleshbags, with these guys help, free from monsterous spectral hosebeasts. Would that qualify for 'Help those in need'?"

<OOC> Dawson says, "OH yeah"

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "Sorry back LOL"

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "I think that counts as helping those in need yes"

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "If we retreat, the lantern goes with us, and when theya re free they can feed on the quick upstairs"

<OOC> Floyd says, "Sweet. I would like to suckle on some pathos then :)"

<OOC> Dawson says, "sure. :)"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "I wanna keep going lol"

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "ARe we in free poses?"

<OOC> Dawson says, "yup"

Floyd Gains 3 Pathos

<OOC> Dawson says, "free poses to let you figure out what you are doing."

Floyd Heals 3 Corpus for 3 Pathos

<OOC> Floyd says, "Phew."

Sin-Eater looks at the beasts that are frozen and sighs, her lantern not enough to defeat them. Instead, she pulls out a old key. ((One I lost the link too darn it, and canno9t show the saved image here...)) "Well, it worked on the other denizen of this place." And brandishing it she will leave the light with Floyd, so he may recover, and hopefully Jimmy will as well, as the only remaning mostly uninjured combatant she wanders forward holding the key before her, this maybe the stupidest, or the cleverest gambit of the night. Lets see.

Floyd makes it to the stairs in time to see the Barghests frozen. He is gritting his teeth because of his impotence, that even in death he can't DO anything. He shakes his head. "No! I can do this." He has to. He NEEDS to. There is Jimmy, and Sinata...but he NEEDS to, because if he doesn't what happens when someone else balks when the time comes? Emotion shudders across his face and eyes, thoughts and feelings that keep him going at the prospect of giving up, and the resolve not to and why that fuel the restoration of his corpus. You paged Dawson with 'Correct. We're walking, talking bubbles of emotions driven by our passions. As we fulfill them, we become consumed by the emotion which fuels us with pathos.'

And then there's Jimmy, lost in the moment. All that is see is the dark soulfire cloak swooshing as if it had a life of its own. The large sledge smashing into anything and everything that resembles a barghest. The strange thing is, he is silent in his technique. Like a whisper and all you hear is the sound of steel smashing into meat.

<OOC> Jimmy says, "sooo what is going on now?"

<OOC> Floyd says, "Well. I think your waylaying Barghests, Sin-Eater is going somewhere with the key and I am with the lantern healing."

It's just a skeleton key, old school and black iron and all that. Yes, there's a weird little design of a skull up at the bow (that's the turn-y part) but what of it? As Sin-Eater pulls the key out and starts to walk forward, Jimmy is clobbering the spectral hounds one after another. Two have fallen already, then four, five...and by the time the sixth one has been smushed into the old brick of the basement floor, the hounds start to move. The temporary pause in the flow of time breaks and he would have six of the beasts on him like hunting dogs.

But then there's that key.

They -know- that key.

They -fear- that key.

They...BOW...to that key.

Like the time bubble, the hounds aren't attacking, they're almost wanting to run. One of them in the rear finally turns to make a break for the nearest wall and they plunge head-long through it as though they were heading back to defend the coffin.

<OOC> Dawson says, "6 down, 6 retreated. But you know where they are. Can't say that the key trick would work if you approached the coffin this time though."

<OOC> Dawson says, "Floyd's back up?"

<OOC> Floyd says, "Yup. I sucked up my pathos and then dumped it into corpus."

<OOC> Floyd says, "So I am at 4"

<OOC> Dawson says, "Handy. Free poses. Whatcha doing now?"

<OOC> Dawson says, "ya got a door, a coffin and a key that sent the guard dogs back to their post, once."

Floyd doesn't look like a phantom in a world full of phantoms anymore. So, he steels himself and sets the lantern down a few stairs up to bask the stairwell still in the light. He does however get up and walk to the edge of the lantern light. He watches the Barghests escape. "Hey hey team. Team meeting." He even puts up the 'Time-out' handsign. "If we go below deck where they went to we're dogchow...for now. Maybe we can use the key to deflect them, but I say we go through the gold door over there." He points. "We might find some clue as to what the hell a Barghest horde is doing protecting a sarcophagus."

<OOC> Floyd will just jump in, so he can brb.

Sin-Eater looks at Floyd, and concern can be seen on her face, "You do not look ready for us to press our attack. We should rest, perhaps recover. I do not know if hte dogs will return, but..." She sighs looking at the portal. "We do not know where that portal goes, what if it sends us into the Labrynth?"

As the barghest run, Jimmy stops and stands silent. The sledge going back to be drug on the floor. He turns and looks at you both. Waiting...

Floyd shakes his head. "Don't worry about me. They bolted for the Sarcophagus the moment they saw you with that key. they won't risk moving away from it now they know it's floating around. We can use it to our advantage." He gestures. "I'll stay here and keep them from going upstairs. I say you two go explore the door. It should still be unlocked." As for it leading to the labyrinth Floyd makes a weird face. "...Then turn around?"

The Next Day

The ghosts left the Styx and Stones to recover from their wounds. They returned the next night prepared to continue onward...

<OOC> Floyd says, "Since this is the next day, we have a 24-hour period. Every Eight hours you can roll stamina to recover 1 corpus." <OOC> Sin-Eater says, "Nice. I picked up Embody 1" <OOC> Floyd says, "Which I shall roll my three rolls." <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Floyd rolls Stamina(3) (3 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes. +8 +9 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Huh? (Type "help" for help.) <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Floyd rolls Stamina(3) (3 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes. +9 +10 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Sin-Eater rolls Stamina vs 6 for 0 successes. 1 8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Floyd rolls Stamina(3) (3 dice) vs 6 for 2 successes. 2 +7 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Sin-Eater rolls Stamina vs 6 for 2 successes. +8 +8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Floyd says, "Back to full :)" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Sin-Eater rolls Stamina vs 6 for 1 successes. 2 +6 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Sin-Eater says, "Is it one per roll, or every success gives 1?" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Jimmy rolls Stamina vs 6 for 0 successes. 2 5 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Jimmy rolls Stamina vs 6 for 2 successes. +9 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Jimmy rolls Stamina vs 6 for -1 successes. -1 4 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> <OOC> Floyd says, "1 Corpus per success" <OOC> Sin-Eater says, "Oh than I got my 2 back on the second roll LOL" <OOC> Sin-Eater says, "So 16 hours later" Jimmy gains one Magical Essence <OOC> Floyd says, "Yup." <OOC> Sin-Eater says, "How do I add it back to my sheet?" <OOC> Floyd says, "+gain corpus" You gain one Corpus You gain one Corpus You gain one Corpus

Jimmy gains one Magical Essence <OOC> Dawson says, "Ya know what's funny, someone asked me if I could do all of the stuff I did for .wraith, for .changeling. :)" Sin-Eater gains one Magical Essence <OOC> Floyd says, "You could." Sin-Eater gains one Magical Essence

Sin-Eater comes down the stairs to see the gathering of the squad. "Floyd, this is Jimmy, I got his name." She says with a smile, "So, I am thinking we cna try to kill the other six dogs, who are doubtless recovered, or see what is behind the soul gold statue. What do you to think? I am leaning towards the portal, but I do wan that trasure in the coffin..."

Jimmy looks to Sin and then to Floyd and says, "Yo...". He drags the sledge as before.

Floyd is leaning against the wall with his hammer in his O-ring when she introduces them. He nods to the Spook. "Hey man. She said my name." He pushes off the wall when she comes down. "We don't even know if that was -all- of them. I say we cover the door first, then the coffin. Who knows? There might be something back there that could help us understand the coffin. Remember? No visible keyhole?"

Sin-Eater says, "Very true." She says to Floyd, bowing her head to him. "Than we will explore the portal." And she starts to make her way down the rest of the stairs, holding her key just in case the dogs are about, and towards the golden statue of the monster. "It is beautifully crafted, too bad it is of such a terrible creature. Are you two coming?""

=============================The Shadowlands: Floor=============================
Foolish Wraith, sticking your head beneath the floor of a random Haunt you know nothing about. Curiosity killed the cat but as the saying goes, but satisfaction brought it back.
You lower your eyes below the floor and see that there's a coffin forged of Stygian steal. That may not be all that impressive until you realize that it's nearly twice as proportional to the size of an average man. The thing is easily over a dozen feet in length and with the appropriate dimentionsto match. 
The box is bound in thirteen thick chains that were melted in place to seal the thing shut. Upon the top of the coffin and possibly added as adornment is a foolishly ornate mask of steal and blue stone. Decidedly Egyptian in style and design, the pharo's face has been replaced buy a skull. 
Images:	(Sarcophagus) http://imgur.com/vgprJWz 
	(Mask) http://imgur.com/mXxs1ek

Since the coffin and the guardian dogs are located below the floor in the basement is not unlike walking by the cave with a hungry beast within as they approach the 'statue'. The gold and silver statue at the far end of the room stands as a silent sentinel forever standing guard over the door it was fused to. It's open mouth extends from the alien face as its two hands reach up and forward as though frozen in mid-strike.

Floyd wonders if this is how Pardoners work, deep down inside. He lets out a sigh. He then shakes his head several times. "Shut up!" He grumbles, though the look on his face says he isn't quite angry at whatever it was. When he gets to the door, which he doesn't mind going first, being the resident corpus shield. Though it doesn't take long for him to realize that someone ruined his handywork. The bookshelf is covering the stupid statue, which means everything is back to the way it was before. To make sure everything is on the up and up, he gives the statue a STARE. "...I hate this statue." And then looks to see if the door can be opened, or if this stupid statue is going to keep it closed.

Sin-Eater says, "So, we need to move this I think." She says, unless they can squeeze past it to get in the portal. She looks for a keyhole, maybe this is what hte key is for. "Worry not, that thing is chained up well and good. Worse that is down there are the dogs." "So, um... JImmy, you are strong, I saw you lift 'Meat' can you move the bookcase for us?""

Jimmy loses one Magical Essence Jimmy loses one Magical Essence Jimmy loses one Magical Essence Huh? (Type "help" for help.)

<---======##====================[ Jimmy reaches across the Shroud! GASP! ]=====================##======---> Jimmy rolls Strength + Outrage vs 8 for 0 successes. 1 2 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Jimmy lifts his hand and concentrates for a moment as if trying to reach accross the shroud at the case. For a good moment nothing happens, then he says, "Seems Im having difficulty with this..."

<---======##====================[ Jimmy checks the statue ]=====================##======---> 
Jimmy rolls Perception + Alertness  vs 6 for 3 successes.
3 +8 +10 +10
<---======##====================[ Floyd checks the statue ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Perception(3) (3 dice) vs 6 for 1 successes.
2 5 +8

Floyd doesn't have the oomf that Jimmy does, and if the Spook can't then another way has to be possible. If you can't open it on this side...might as well. He's examining the statue and then gets to it's mouth when he notices something. "...Hey. Come here. I can't make much out..but I think there's a hole here. Can any of you see it?" He gestures to it.

<---======##====================[ Sin-Eater checks the statue ]=====================##======--->
Sin-Eater rolls Perception + Alertness  vs 6 for 3 successes.
4 4 4 +6 +7 +9

Sin-Eater looks at the key, and than at the mouth and smiles, "Watch this, do you two see it?" And she lifts the key and puts it in the mouth of the monster, turning it to see what will happen, and if she can unlock the beastly thing.

Jimmy steps back a little to maake way for Sin. "I see it." He readies his sledge just in case and watches silently.

Once the key has been put into the mouth of the statue, the alien maw slowly closes over it and the whole structure starts to animate. What was a quiet and still construction slowly starts to twist its enormous head and the hands pull down from their swipe-like pose. It's slow movement but still movement. The construct twists to reach back onto the wall above the door and breaks itself free. A legless torso climbs up the wall and spider-like and spins around to look down over the opening as though inviting you to open the door and step beyond.

Floyd steps back when Sin puts the key in. Unlike Jimmy, he does not ready himself. Instead, he reaches toward a patch of shadow and pulls the essence of Darkness within it, the slight tremor of Oblivion's touch, and cloaks himself like a shroud.

You lose one Willpower 

<---======##====================[ Floyd Activates Enshroud! ]=====================##======--->

Floyd rolls Dexterity(3) + Argos(1) (4 dice) vs 7 for 3 successes.
2 +7 +9 +10

And Floyd disappears.

Sin-Eater will sigh, as the key is up high. "Later will one of you reach me up there to get that, I fear removing it may cause the door to close. And not sure we can open it on the otherside." She says, before she reaches out a hand, to push it through the portal, with the lantern before her. A pardoner, perhaps that means they will not attack her on the other side, if there are beasts. Or maybe it means they kill her first... Who knows... And she goes through.

<---======##====================[ Sin-Eater tries to open the door! ]=====================##======--->
Sin-Eater rolls Strength  vs 6 for 1 successes.
4 +10

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "Look how strong the pardoner is!"

<OOC> Dawson says, "well, it sorta moves. Gonna have to push some more or get some help"

<OOC> Floyd says, "Can I try something dumb?"

<OOC> Dawson says, "always"

<OOC> Floyd says, "I walk through the door."

<OOC> Dawson says, "going the incorporeal thing?"

As Sin pushes, Jimmy watches in silence. He does seem impressed, that is, if you could see his face...

<OOC> Floyd says, "Yup. The idea is to get a look on the other side and also push from the other side."

<OOC> Dawson says, "sure."

Floyd loses one Corpus

<OOC> Floyd says, "This is how the pain starts."

<---======##====================[ Sin-Eater pushes on the door! ]==================##======--->
Sin-Eater rolls Strength  vs 6 for 1 successes.
2 +9

Floyd sees things through the veil of a Tempest wind that masks his presence. Seeing the trouble Sin is having he passes through the door to the other side. He looks around, grumbles 'of course' and then leans against the door to push it with his back outwards.

Sin-Eater grumbles, she is not that strong apparently, and she leans into the attempt this time, pushing harder and literally leaning into the door with her body. Hopefully it does not fly open, or she might just fall back through the portal and land on her butt

<OOC> Dawson says, "strength from both please. vs 6"

<---======##====================[ Floyd pulls on the door! ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Strength(3) (3 dice) vs 6 for 0 successes.
1 3 8

<OOC> Floyd flexes.

Jimmy shakes his head slowly and then steps forward towards the object that has been causing so much trouble.

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "Rooll again?"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "obliviate lol"

Jimmy spends 3 pathos and gains 1 Angst

<OOC> Dawson says, "well, floyd ain't helpin."

<---======##====================[ Jimmy shows the door the...er….door. OBLIVIATE! ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls Strength + Outrage  vs 5 for 9 successes.
3 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +8 +9

<OOC> Floyd looks up overkill in the dictionary. Sees Jimmy's face :D

<OOC> Dawson says, "so jimmy bowls it over?"

Jimmy gains one Angst

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "LOL"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "it just disintigrated into oblivion"

<OOC> Dawson says, "pose it."

<OOC> Sin-Eater says, "Does Jimmy warn me, or am I falling on my butt?"

<OOC> Dawson says, "need Dex+dodge fom sin and Floyd"

<OOC> Jimmy says, "it wont hurt them. They might fall over lol"

<OOC> Floyd says, "What is this dodge you speak of"

<---======##====================[ Does Invisible Floyd get Obliviated?!? ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Dexterity(3) (3 dice) vs 6 for 2 successes.
4 +7 +8

<OOC> Floyd says, "Dos"

<OOC> Dawson says, "floyd gets out of the way of the obiterated door"

"Fuck it!", is all Jimmy says in that low voice. Then he puts a hand on it and it just disintigrates to nothingness and is instantly condemed to oblivion. Afterwards he says, "There, problem solved..."

Sin-Eater is still pushing on teh door, no one asked her to stop, so when it vanishes she just falls forward and lands on her butt, grumbling and looking up at Jimmy, though her face is hidden, her lips do not look thrilled. "I hope we can close this again if it leads to the Nephwrack in the sculpture, I do not have a tank." And she picks up her Iron lantern, and starts to lead they way down the path, spending pathos to light the lantern and generating its affects.

Sin-Eater loses one Pathos

Floyd is pulling but he hears the words of the Spook. "Shit." He just lets go and backs away in time. Phew! After it'd dust, and the two regain composure and Sin lights her lantern, he uses the opportunity to scout ahead. Nothing can see him for now, best take advantage.

Jimmy offers to help Sin up. Then follows silently, the sound of the sledge grinding against the groud as its drug is all that is heard from him...

Sin-Eater does not seem to like the faces on the wall, as they make their way deeper. "You seen Floyd, Jimmy? Or did he sneak off?" She asks with a bit of a smile, thanking him for the help up. "Who would... Do this?" She asks a bit concerned, as she stops to examine a mask.

=========================The Shadowlands: Hall of Faces=========================
Beyond the statue-covered door a long hall extends into Stygian darkness. The walls of this hallway are punctuated by box-like shelves that stretch from floor to ceiling. Each chamber is expertly carved into the solid black granite with exquisite detail but that's not the most remarkable feature. 
After a few yeards of travel, the shelves are found to be occupied. Mask upon mask upon mask fills every box-like depression as far as the eye can see. Leather, porcelain, possibly even some kind of plasm - it's difficult to tell what they're made from but each looks freakishly real as though they had been cut from the Quick and placed here until needed.
Image: http://imgur.com/oLa9cvT
<---======##====================[ Sin-Eater resists her curiosity! ]=====================##======--->
Sin-Eater rolls Wits  vs 7 for 0 successes.
1 4 8

Sin-Eater is someone that folks might think is smart, not the sort to stick her fingers into things she shouldn't... But those folks would be wrong. She reaches her stained fingers out and gently touches a female mask, those are safer right? that is young, because why would such a young face be here. It tugs at her heart strings just thinking about it the poor Pardoner. "Who would do such a thing." She asks as her fingers brush over the face.

Sin-Eater loses 1 Corpus

As soon as Sin's fingers touch the mask on the wall, her corpus - the spiritual reflection of her essence, changes its appearance in a flash of soul fire. Oh, it burned her alright but in the momentary flash of transformation, she's now...a different woman. However Sin /used/ to look it's now a different face, different features, etc. She is, for lack of a better word, a new woman.

Floyd spends a willpower!
<---======##====================[ Floyd scouts ahead! ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Perception(3) (3 dice) vs 7 for 0 successes.
1 2 8

Sin-Eater is fortuante that her cloak is a relic, so it remains with her even though her face alters its appearance. The sickly looking Skeletal Legion woman no more than 19 now in place of the woman who died a much more violent and sudden death. "She died so young... A drunk driver." She says softly, looking at the others "Do you.. Do you think they are all deathmasks? A cast of the face of someone who died, carrying the very last moments of their lives?"

Jimmy watches in silence as Sin touches the mask and begins explaining things. He then looks ahead and tries to spot Floyd, but with no success. He listens for anything that might sneak up. Sledge still at his side.

The shroud keeping Floyd invisible does not last forever. So as the shroud of Oblivion shreds away Floyd makes his way back to the group, that way he doesn't just emerge and trigger a particular sledgehammer. No thanks. "....That's weird." He looks to Sin, then looks to Jimmy. "New problem." He jets his thumb. "Goes to the Tempest, capital T."

<---======##====================[ Floyd considers what he scouted! ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Perception(3) + Lore Wraith(3) (6 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes.
4 4 5 +6 +7 +9
Sent to: Floyd and Dawson

Sin-Eater says, "So, without a way to close this door, things can now wander into my potential home?" She says with a frown, but nods. "We will address that. Did you see any spectres ahead? This.. Hall, while grusome, could prove useful to take on other faces if we ever need a disguise or to hide.""

Jimmy says, "I dont think its a bad thing. The masks are interesting enough, but I feel we should head back."

Floyd nods. "Yeah pretty much. A non-nihil permanent pathway straight to level 2. ANd yes, there's things out there. Which is why." He points at Jimmy. "I agree with him."

Sin-Eater nods her head and turns to leave with them. "Than we will need to find a way to close this door again." She announces the decession made with council from those she trusts. "WE can use the masks, I can use the lantern to give us safe passage to them, if we need to disguise ourselves. But that door will need repairs. Can you do that Floyd?" She asks of him, as she starts marching back towards the door they came from.

Jimmy shakes his head and begins walking back. He does speak briefly as he heads back. "The door is gone completely, your only option is to forge a new one. My bad...".

Floyd groans. "Tell you what. You muzzle the Barghests, bring them to my fort, and get me some spelunking gear and I will make you a new stygian steel door." His forge HUNGERS for ghost-flesh.

Sin-Eater says, "Muzzel those dogs? You think I am some sort of tamer?" She asks sounding a bit amused. "There is no control I have over them, I am not sure how they were tamed to begin with to defend what they are.""

Jimmy arrives and waits patiently in silence at the statue for the others. While he awaits their arrival, he looks around in curiousity as well as to make himself feel a little more secure defensively.

"Then no. I can't make you a new door. Get me materials, I'll make you a door. I'm a NOVICE junker, not a professional." He says coming back into the main room. Floyd says this. Duh.

Sin-Eater says, "Jimmy, can you lift me up to get the key?" She asks, as she looks to the Spook for help. "And I do not mind if you take matierals to make things we need, I just... I am not sure how to tame a dog, do we have a wraith who can do that?""

Jimmy helps Sin up so she can reach. He catches himself looking up then blushes a little from under his hood and looks away. He says, "I dont know. You two are the only ones Ive met in the necropolis."

Floyd watches. To him she's still bundled in a cloak, so he doesn't get any view. "Same here. I thought I was the only one here until I accidentally ran into Sinata, ditching some spectres following a botched haul."

Sin-Eater is lifted and reaches up to take the key, she will just try to extract it the same way she put it in. If a twist is required so be it.

<---======##====================[ Sin-Eater reaches for the key! ]=====================##======--->
Sin-Eater rolls Dexterity  vs 6 for -1 successes.
-1 4

Jimmy does his best to hold the woman steady. He says, "I mean, is this thing that important? Can we leave it for now?" Not clearly sure if it even matters. After all, he just breaks things for a living.

Well, Sin reached up and stuck her hand in the beast's mouth to pull out the key - and it chomped down on her hand. This is not the bite of a shark but more like a grasping hold. It didn't take off the limb, but its massive arms snake out to grab either side of her shouldes as though holding her in place. Using her body as a fulcrum, the sentinel's legless torso shifts down off the wall above the door to settle into the opening and that's when it starts to drain her essence. With each pulse that flows from her body into the constructs, spidery strands start to stetch out from its sides to fill in the spot for the door. ...and it ain't stopping.

Sin-Eater loses 1 Pathos

Sin-Eater Loses 1 Corpus

Floyd comes closer to try to help Jimmy pull her out. "This stupid thing is Stygian Steel. I don't think this one's combustible like the door is." He says.

Sin-Eater is stuck, and panicked for a second as the statue comes to life and than calm. Oh its just closeing and she will be put down and OMG what is it doing! And her pathos starts to be drained. She quickly spends another corpus, forcing herself to be incorpreal so nothing can touch her, hopefully, and she can pull her hand free from the door. Sin-Eater loses 1 Corpus

Sin-Eater sighs as she sits incorpreal on the floor and studies what the door was doing. "Do we know a usury wraith, perhaps we can feed it pathos without being trapped, and than it cannot drain us dry... It is forced to only take what we feed it?"

Jimmy nods a single slow time after looking to what just happened. "I can, but I dont want to spend my pathos. I may need it later."

Floyd eyes the door. "I say...we handle one crisis before we handle another." He says, looking at the floor. "The Barghests are still down there as is the Coffin. We can always go find some Pathos and return later and see if we can feed it. Use it for now until we can find a replacement that wont make people think we're secretly shadow-eaten."

Sin-Eater says, "Than take more of mine." She is a martyr after all, "Or do you think I should just stick my hand back in there? We can always feed for more pathos upstairs,or in the other populated by quick parts of the necropolis right?" She asks, looking between Jimmy and Floyd. "The door needs to be closed, I am not putting these quick at risk of the creatures in the labyrnth because I am afraid I may need pathos later.""

<---======##====================[ Jimmy goes for the Key! ]=====================##======--->
Jimmy rolls Dexterity + Athletics  vs 6 for 3 successes.
1 3 4 5 +6 +6 +7 8
<---======##====================[ Floyd lifts Jimmy! ]=====================##======--->
Floyd rolls Strength(3) (3 dice) vs 6 for 1 successes.
4 5 +9

<OOC> Floyd says, "Phew! 2." <OOC> Jimmy says, "go ahead and pose it Floyd" Huh? (Type "help" for help.) [Wraith] Sin-Eater says, "Sorry, makihng you guys give up pathos for the silly living" Jimmy looks to Floyd for a boost. He looks....oddled. "I can try, yeah." He walks over and rather than simply dead-lifting the man, as Floyd probably couldn't do that, he kneels down and holds his palms open for him to step on, and then Floyd can dead lift him up by the foot. Dawson has reconnected. [Wraith] Floyd says, "I know. How dare you" <OOC> Dawson is starting to fade. <OOC> Dawson says, "So sin and jimmy are going to feed it pathos?" <OOC> Jimmy says, "yeah, but there is something i need to pose first." <OOC> Floyd is lifting like a boss. Dawson has partially disconnected.

Jimmy looks down to Sin and says, "You owe me a hug for this." He then sticks his hand in. Allowing it to grab him.

<OOC> Jimmy says, "Dawson how much does the door need?" <OOC> Dawson says, "total of 6, it has 1" <OOC> Dawson says, "but that door would then stop a spectre" Jimmy loses one Magical Essence <OOC> Dawson says, "less pathos, less umph" Jimmy loses one Magical Essence Jimmy loses one Magical Essence Jimmy loses one Magical Essence Jimmy loses one Magical Essence <OOC> Sin-Eater says, "Oh, Jimmy earned a hug for sure!" <OOC> Jimmy says, "thats from me then it gets two from robe." Jimmy gains one Magical Essence <OOC> Floyd says, "I dont think it's the type of hug your thinking of Sin" <OOC> Sin-Eater says, "it only needed 5 I think" <OOC> Jimmy says, "sorry i wouldnt of taken direct damage so i took that back" Huh? (Type "help" for help.) [Newbie] Fritz says, "Erm. In setting merits, what level do I actually assign them? As I understand them they're have or have-not things" As Jimmy puts his hand into the construct's mouth it clamps down just like it did with Sin. It's not a serious wound but he'll feel it. Once fed enough pathos to reform the door, the spectre-like statue opens its mouth fully allowing Jimmy to retrieve the key. <OOC> Dawson says, "one corpus damage Jim." [Newbie] HoneyBadger says, "They have point levels." <OOC> Jimmy says, "nope the robe took it" <OOC> Jimmy says, "cloak" [Newbie] Floyd says, "The level is their point value." [Newbie] Floyd says, "So if your looking at a level 2 merit, it would have an assigned value of 2." Jimmy climbs down with the key and waits for his hug. Grinning from the darkness of the hood. For reasons unknown to anyone...

Sin-Eater watches as Jimmy and Floyd work together to appease the beast, and as the door hopefully reforms she smiles and seems much more relaxed now that the door to who knows what is closed again. If they leave the key in the mouth she will reach in for it, assuming with the door made she will not be attacked. If they claimed the key though, she will step forward. "You are both very brave, I am lucky to have met you." [Newbie] Fritz says, "Ahhh. Thanks again" <OOC> Dawson says, "so door has been fixed (obliterates door...back-hands jimmy)...and now you know that the statue thing is a in-situe artifact. Designed to keep that portal closed. Sin, at dawn's first light(or the equivalent of the next morning in the Shadowlands, the mask will turn into vapor and melt away from your face - returning you back to your original form." <OOC> Floyd says, "Until then your a smexy cheerleader. Have fun" <OOC> Dawson says, "yup." <OOC> Jimmy says, "hug me ICly SIn..." <OOC> Dawson says, "And there are -hundreds- of variations in that hall." <OOC> Floyd says, "You need to give him your pathos! Hug him already!" <OOC> Sin-Eater says, "I panicked for a second and was like NO MY MASK! Than realized you mean the moliate one, not the one on the coffinLOL" <OOC> Dawson says, "but it's only a cosmetic disguise in the shadowlands...for one night." <OOC> Floyd has his doppleganger mask. Sin-Eater will of course, keep her word, and hug Jimmy when he seems ready for it, especially if she has the key secured back in her possession and in her robes.

<---======##==============[ Proving note for Jimmy ]==============##======--->
<---======##=---------------[ PASSIONS (PRIVATE) ]---------------=##======--->
Status: APPROVED by WhoopingCrane on Thu Apr 23 22:15:05 2020 
Protect my Fetters (Fear) 5
Collect on a Payment (Satisfied) 5

Jimmy gains 5 Pathos!

Sin-Eater laughs and is pushed away but she steps back. "Thank you both, I think we can really make something of this place, of this necropolis if we stick together." She says softly, looking them over. "Next, are the dogs I think."