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Meeting New Kami.
A planning meeting that ends poorly.
IC Date April 16th, 2014.
IC Time Evening.
Players Connor, Devlin, Meave, Sahael, Chambers, George, Danica, Bryan, Tempest_Old
Location Gaian Garou Caern.
Spheres Gaian Garou and M+ (Possesed).

Deep Forest - Mystic Valley(#1747RJU)

A vast lush, dense underground forest surrounds the area as thick, tangled vines creep on up past high, rising treacherous, slick, black walls. The volcanic rock face that surrounds this natural valley seems to reach on up to the brink of infinity and beyond, making it nearly impossible to climb with its slick, plate-like surface. Inside the surrounding chasm lies a dangerous lush and vibrant woods as while the deeper one goes only seems to surround the area with eyes that watch from afar. Strange, foreign sounds echo throughout as odd beasts mock those that dare to travel in here, simply waiting in hiding to prey upon the weak and less fortunate. Numerous deep, dark, twisting caverns wind ever downwards to make up the expanse of the labyrinthine structure of the underground tunnels surrounding the area.

The ceiling of the caverns reaches something of hundreds of feet tall, far beyond what the eye can see into the dark as great stalactites and stalagmites meet each other in grissled embedded rock structures of enriched, pure minerals. Differently colored crystal pools of shimmering mineral water cascade down from flowing indoor springs as a cool, eerie air seems to constantly blow through the area, howling like a banshee on the wind. Photoluminescent algae clings healthily to the rock beds near the pools of water as they glow malevolently, casting a dim light for those to see that pass through these dark paths. Deep abysmal, dark and dense caves completely surround the area as the latent sound of dripping water lightly echoing against dried, crusted, volcanic rock and stinging gentle mineral pools with their soft *Hiss* as the cool water gently touches to make a light steam in the thick air.

The pathways that lead around these eternal caverns here are exceptionally deadly and dangerous as all lies within complete darkness except for the brief moments of glittering light against soft pools of crystals, green moss, illuminated algae, and shards of silvery reflections inside cavern waterfalls. The lush, thick, dark underground forest seems to surround the dense area in tight entanglements of vines, bushes, jungle and shrubs. The trees hang down in their weeping willows as branches mix with gnarled roots that sink beneath the cracked, rocky, stygian, encrusted earth. Depths of coiled mist surround the thick humid air in a serpentine pattern as spouts of steam spit out from the dark chasms in bursts of fiery hot gaseous flames.

Contents: Connor






Totem Pole

Obvious Exits: Hidden Nest <HN> Heart <HE> Catacombs <CA> Temple <TE> Amphitheater <AM> Clearing <CL> Large Cavern <O>

Sahael springs to his feet again, bolting straight for an intercept course of the whiskey. Me makes a dive for it and finds his timing to be just a bit off. He misses the mark, the bottle getting to where it's supposed to go without issue, leaving him to come skidding to a halt on his side on the ground with a grunt. "And that...* he caughs. "Is why I always get picked last."

Danica had not really noticed her carapace having begun to erupt and having flowed out over one shoulder, arm and hand, under layer of silver/steel scales overgrown with constantly if slowly shifting blades vine like webbing. "Chance disrupting me a bit I guess." She shrugs and squeeses the Giant's hand with that hand. "Mostly, not your job that I have seen. Only met one umm gruff Werewolf so far. Annd it's always there just on the inside and I let it flow out when needed. Maybe like your fur and claws?" She grins at Devlins and then Connor's responses to Sahael then nods. "Not that I would be offended but." Then she is laughing at Sahael's attempted grab!

Devlin says, "Connor, watch it with the whiskey.. you saw what happened when I gave her a guitar she picked out.." Devlin kids, "I'm adapting to this as it is.. " Yeah.. like a real protest on his part.. then.. seeing Danica, "Whoa.. kind of cool... like a Witchblade comic or something.."

Connor wanders off to talk to some sort of butterfly spirit

Chambers smirks. "You haven't seen me when I am angry, then. Why, I wrestled a pirate lord into submission just the other day and saved an entire village, with the help of some other folks, including Sahael there." He points at the suddenly clumsy Strider. "I'd be more careful around Chance, then, if his presence can make you show like that."

George comes stalking into the caern, having shed the effort of looking like a happy go lucky skate boarder or bike messenger and instead moving with the easy grace and soundlessness of the super sneaky apex predator he is. There isn't a lot of rage to him as garou go but the iron fisted control he keeps over what he's got adds to the patchwork leather poncho he's wearing and the blood dried to his fingers to make a striking figure. He looks around at the crowd and pauses to asses those he doesn't really know.

Meave is always friendly, even to those she doesn't know and especially here. She waves in George's direction and says, "Evening lad" all the while standing next to Devlin as everyone visits.

Danica smiles at Devlin. "Like I said, it's in the idea of a lot of popular media of late." She blinks and looks impressed with Chambers' story. "Ohh wow, very good going, a spirit type or the Captain Phillips type? "Yes though also the comfort of being here so much more relaxed. Though really glad it did not shread my clothes.. Again." The metal flows away, leaving tiny marks in her skin that soon heal/dissipate. Then there is a George and she waves a greeting to him as well. "Hiya there. I'm Danica Creed, a newly local Kami." Short form this time.

Sahael dusts himself off as he gets to his feet. Being one of those types that is always watching the dark he nods to George before squintint his eyes move quickly ot the man's hands. He opens his mouth for a moment to say something before pausing and shaking his head to look to Jake. "Wait I did what now? This was with Reya again wasn't it? First she says I fought with a minotaur, and you say I fight pirates? You guys have MET me right? I run away from Devlin when he gets mad."

Devlin says, "Evening George, hope all is well." He waits his turn for a hit on the whiskey should he get a chance. "Why would you run from me, Sahael.. I'm not that scary, unless flying a plane in to a storm front.. then " He grins, "According to Meave.. I'm a lune that is at home.."

George quirks an eyebrow at Danica as he pulls off his poncho and he shrugs "You know, for all that Kami are supposed to be rare I've met more than a few around here. And a Gorgon too for that matter." Once the poncho comes off it becomes obvious that the blood extends most of the way up his forearms, he doesn't seem to mind it. "How you finding the area so far?"

ANOTHER Kami? Bryan sighs inwardly to himself. He'll reserve judgement and all that, but there is a precedent here, one that he isn't thrilled with. He nods to George, checking out his arms real quick before he strolls up a little further, standing tall, hands tucked in his pockets.

Chambers takes a breath. "I am quite concerned that there are more than our fair share of kami coming here. It seems to portend something terrible, if you ask me. Don't mean to be a downer and all, but it just seems... suspicious." He then looks over to George, raising a brow. "Either you just had a successful hunt or a terrible fight. I also believe I've never met.. some of you."

Danica listens to the byplay with great amusement, getting to know each as they speak and how they react to each other. "Pirates is a better story, much more in fashion than Minotaurs.... But then maybe you would be setting the new trend. Now on the CW channel. Minotaur Lurve!" She hmms at George then grins. "That sounds about right, until recently I was pretty sure Werewolves were a myth, now if I throw a rock..." Fibbing but playfully so. "Very good so far, mostly seems a place of comradery with many Werewolves happy to befriend and teach." Bryan gets waved at as he comes up and she repeats her introduction.

Bryan nods to Danica's introduction. Has he met Chambers? SO many roo. Yeah. He's met Chambers before. He gives a shortened intro for the Kami. "I am Bryan, Chases-the-Wind, born on two legs, rank of Adren and born under the Galliard moon to the tribe of Children of Gaia, son of Blazes-Trails, grandson of Walks-on-Water, great grandson of Carries-A-Big-Stick, follower of Peregrine, Den Father of the Sept of the Enduring Spirit, and Alpha of The Misfits pack."

Sahael grins and nods to Jake. "They say the same thing about us you know? Now you have Gaia knows how many kami running around, and now what three Strider's hanging around this city? No way in hell this place isn't going to be the site of some kind of wyrm eruption." he shakes his head to Meave. "Not to be confused with teh kind of worm eruption you and Devlin make." he grins. His comments made his eyes drift back to the blood on the other Strider.

Devlin says, "I've got enough stress these days, don't need a wyrm eruption or any other wyrm event.. I want to enjoy some happy time." He leans into Meave again, "I didn't get to enjoy Yule.. Nothing special for Imbolic to pledge.. or renew.. then Ostra was.. well.. what it was." Yeah.. seems from Devlin's view.. not a great start to this year. "So.. a little happy time would be nice.."

George grins and shrugs at Chambers "Thinning a boar wallow, got messy but but got done. There were human hunters approaching so I had to make myself scarce in a hurry and didn't bother stopping to clean up since I wasn't leaving a trail or trace they could follow." Nodding to Danica he offers by way of his own introduction "George Andrews, thrice rited 'Mocks the Dark', 'Trains the Weak', and 'Kills in Silence'. Homid born Adren Ragabash of the Silent Striders Called Harmerti and Speaker to the Dead for the Remembrance and special blessings of my tribe. Scout, Thief and sniper for my skills. Wielder of the Fang of Anubis. Beta for the Misfits pack, servants of Peregrine."

Chambers snorts at Devlin. "I highly doubt that Gaia has guided this many folks to this location because she feels we need some R&R. More likely there is about to be a major incursion, and we should be gearing up for it." He looks up at George and Bryan, then stands up and bows deeply to them both. "It is good to meet you, honored rhyas. I am Jake Chambers, Cliath Theurge of Gaia's Children. Unicorn has not sent me a vision yet."

Bryan shakes his head at George, grinning. "You got them all yet? There were some out at the house the other day." When Chambers bows, Bryan nods back, though he looks a little awkward doing it. He's just a dude. "It'll come. A pleasure to meet another of my tribe." He doesn't say anything about the Kami explosion, but he does give a look to Devlin. "Everything going okay for you, Devlin? Need anything?"

Connor wanders on back apparently his conversation with the spirit finished, he takes his place back at the gathering

Danica listens to both of the introductions attentively then smiles. "Very nice to meet you, both of you." Takes her a bit longer to work though George's than Bryons but she gets less of the latter. "Hmm what is the Child of Gaia tribe like? Great name though." Blink.. She facepalms and amusedly groans at Sahael's words. "Oh dear lord.." She nods to Chambers. "Very likely but that is good, giving a direction for purpose to be acted out." As to thinning out the Boars she hmms. "Looks like you gave them a good fighting chance?"

Devlin admits to Bryan, "The where a bouts of a certain member of the Fianna would be nice to know.. rather doubt he is sharing as he seems to have vanished. Other than that, doing pretty well, Chases the Wind rhya. It is good to see you again. I hope all is well for you and yours."

George grins and nods to Danica "I could set up with my sniper rifle from a half mile out but this way I get a little bit of a work out, commune some with my wolf nature and do the great mother's work in keeping man and nature in balance. Everyone wins." On the topic of the gathering of the gaians "I expect the mother's reasons will come to us in the fullness of time. Either because we sniffed them out or they came clawing at the gates."

Rising out of one of the hot springs is a Storm Elemental. No mist or fog rolling in this time, just the Tempest soaring near the top of the cavern, looking down at those that have gathered. She takes her sweet time in coming down, weaving between the trees as she moves in a loose spiral. There is no playful dance as was witnessed the night before, but that might just be because her dance partner isn't here.

Sahael shakes his head. "Last time I sat and waited to be told about the wyrm... we saw how that went. Much rather sniff it out. Closest I've found to anything to worry about is some new housing developement that stinks of weaver. Doesn't seem to be something this many would be called for though."

Chambers stands up after a moment. "So." He looks at those assembled. "There are a considerable number of us gathered here right now. We would be remiss in our duties if we were not to engage in some sort of action tonight. There are a number of problem areas in this city that I'm sure most of us know about, and we can't claim that we don't have the strength of will, numbers or claw to make a real difference. So, any ideas? I, for one, am tired of sitting around a fire and making nice-nice."

Bryan glances over and up at Chambers, then nods. "What did you have in mind?" He folds his arms over his chest, falling quiet, letting Chambers take control of the little impromptu meeting.

Connor turns his attention over to Chambers, flicking his gaze back over the assembled gathering

Devlin watches with a bit of curiosity there. Now, things are interesting..

George grins and shrugs as he waits with his Alpha to see what the junior roo has in mind, using the moment of quiet to wash his hands and forearms in a bucket to get the blood off.

Danica stands up and takes a moment to stretch while listening. "Much better that way, gives them a chance to act in their nature as well, very nice." She hmms at her choice of words but is obviously getting tired so lets it go. "Well that is interesting." She bounces on the balls of her feet a few times because crunching Wyrms, yay.

Meave has either woken up, or walked back in, or snapped out of her gaze for a moment. Seems like there's not much boredom at the caern and for now she simply watches on.

The elemental hovers above the others, resting at roughtly ten feet in the air. What would be its mouth opens and there is that usual crash of thunder that is the means of her communication. Those that cannot understand spirits would just hear it as such. Those that can would hear, "Why the gathering. So many of you tonight."

Chambers chuckles a little. Seems the Cliath is directing the show here. Well, he's probably the biggest person here by far. "Well, the most pressing matter that I am still aware of is the Skull Pigs, if there are still any left. News and updates about those critters has been sporadic at best. If we know where their nest is, I have produced a number of talens that would serve as lures for them. We could easily set and spring an ambush, deal with the last of their number, and cleanse their nest. It would remove an ongoing threat. There are doubtless other places in the city and the surrounding wilds that desperately need cleansing, and Maple Park has been cited as a place of particular concern." He nods to the new arrivals as they come, glancing over to Tempest as she arrives, bowing low. "Greetings honored spirit."

Connor would smile warmly, looking up over the Tempest "Good evenin' again storm." he moitions over to those gathered "Seems we're talkin' about gettin' off our asses and doing what needs ta be done. Plannin' is always needed."

Bryan nods to Chambers. He's taking what he says seriously. Part of being a good leader is sometimes stepping back and let others take the lead. "Alright. Do you know where they're at? When was the last time anyone heard anything about them? I know the reports that have come through and as you said, they've been sporadic. There have been a couple of hunting parties out and about for them with pretty decent success. There's one dude that it seems like we haven't been able to take down, but we're getting all of the rest when we run into them." His eyes narrow just a touch as Maple Park is mentioned. "You think Maple Park is any worse than the rest of the city? Why? Tell us what you've heard." His eyes roam toward the elemental and then back to Chambers.

Yupe.. kin, business.. Devlin goes quiet, standing with Meave. Not the time for him to comment at this point or worry about whiskey being passed about.

Meave speaks up though and says, "I've been to Maple Park and I'll ne'er go back" she says, "Fer wotever reason, it smells really bad, perhaps worse than other parts o' the city, but I cannae be sure. I really suggest that our kin stay away from there." yup, there she goes, into 'protective of kinfolk' mode.

George eyerolls at the mention of maple park "I've heard a couple things but nothing really that much worse than other parts of the city but I don't spend a whole lot of time there, the bicycle cops give skateboarders much less black dudes the stink eye."

Danica smiles at Maeve's coming back to us then seeing the Tempest raising, wiggles fingers by way of a wave, smiling again at the thunder sound. "Poor piggies have it coming lately." Enthusiastic rather than making fun at all, though she stays quiet otherwise with no information to add.

"No. It doesn't." Bryan offers that about Maple Park. "I go through there every day. Every single day. Ain't any different than any other place in the city. Whoever said that has a broken nose."

George nods at Bryan "That's right, your mate is taking classes at the University a couple blocks from there isn't she?"

Over the course of a few moments the elemental takes on the flesh born form she's been granted. Tempest looks between the speakers, except for the moments when she catches someone looking in her direction, in which case she usually gives a glance back.

Meave shrugs a bit and seems to just let the comment go. She doesn't say much else at the moment but merely stands back and listens.

Devlin hmms, "Those Skull Pig things.. perhaps they can be lured some place with bait.. Assuming I understood some of the comments about them. Would an open area to lure them in, make them easier for a group to kill them?"

Chambers reaches into his vest and withdraws a few small clay tokens. He tosses one to Bryan to look at. It's got a small Wyrm sigil on one side, and looks like it could be snapped in half with a little effort. "Your bait," he comments. "Talens. Awaken the spirit within and break it in half and it will emit the cries of a helpless infant, as well as producing a spiritual and physical pheromone that minions of the Wyrm will find irresistible. I have had these prepared since I heard about the Skull Pigs and did a little research into their ways and habits. They prey upon the weak and the helpless above all else. With these we should be able to lure them out of their hidey holes. As for the location of their nest, I have heard little. There is a particular region that they seem to frequent, so it stands to reason that their nest would be somewhere near there. A trained scout could probably find it.." He looks towards the two Striders, then. "A fast runner, perhaps, someone who is skilled at tracking."

Bryan nods just a little bit to George. "Think I'd let her walk through there 5 days a week if it was any worse than any other place?" He shakes his head at George. "Not a chance." He reaches up to snag the coin from Chambers as it's tossed. He looks it over, nodding, grinning broadly. He moves over to Chambers and claps him on the back. "That, my man, is incredible." He tosses the coin to George for him to look at. "There's your scout right there. No one better than George."

Danica considers then adds in. "All spirits have a purpose and ban, things they do and do not, and normally such action can leave ripples. Maybe what they tend to do can be tracked like finding a bear's foragings or wolf's kills, giving some hint as to a more narrow area to search?" She motions to Devlin's question as well. Woooow Chambers knows soo how to push a button on her. Her eyes flair open, teeth baring just after the part about infants and good god she is pissed. "These... Must... End..." She takes a few steps from the others as the image and idea that invoked has her lived and almost froffing to get at them...

Meave continues to watch the exchange and, for whatever reason, keeps quiet. Imagine that, a quiet Fianna. Still, she doesn't feel a need to interupt the exchange between Bryan and Chambers at the moment.

George shrugs at Bryan "Its a gift. With clues like that or a theurge to tell me what spirit sign to look for I bet I could find the pattern. Has anyone gotten a bloody weapon from this one that keeps getting away? If anyone can count coup on it and get a sample I have a rite we can use to follow it home."

Sahael shajes his head looking up from the spring he had been staring into. "Oh... sorry something was shiny..."

Chambers shakes his head. "If you're looking for information on the Skull Pigs I'd speak with the Get Pack, the Slayers of Jormungandr. They seem to be most keen on continuing the hunt. There are a number of other people in town who seem to be seeking them out as well, most prominently a group including someone who is called "Zee"." He chuckles as Bryan claps him on the back. "I'm a Theurge. It's my duty to know these things and to kit people out as necessary for the hunt, you know. If you ever have need of a talk with spirits, or talens, just come to see me. I've been spending a lot of time with the sept's ritemaster, learning.. just learning. It's a slow process. Doesn't offer many opportunities to gain renown."

Tempest floats down to fit in more with the rest of the group, still not touching the ground, but she tries to make it look like she belongs. She doesn't, but she tries. "What did the pigs do?" She asks curiously. It's obvious that she doesn't pay much attention to those things. She has her own agenda.

Danica busys herself with pouring some water through her hair for a few minutes, not adding anything to the conversation and maybe stepping away from the particular image.

Bryan's eyes slide over to Tempest and he clears his throat. "The pigs are Wyrm spawn. As a Kami, as a spirit made flesh, you should know that. We are speaking about the Skull Pigs." Bryan's jaw twitches just a little bit. "And we would thank you if you would please be so kind as to introduce yourself, great spirit, as the others have done."

Sahael laughs. "Wait wait wait... Zee, the hot little red head with crazy eyes? Those are skull pigs she's after? Damn, I thought she was just crazy." He's still looking into the spring though.

Devlin looks to the time and then up at Meave, "Hon, I need to head back to meet Kait as she comes back from practice." He then adds for the others, "If land for a trap is needed.. I have an open meadow. A place that could be used for such a trap."

Bryan adds a little something, looking back to Chambers. "Do you have a list of people who have been seeking them specifically? It wouldn't be much fair for us to take them down without giving them the opportunity."

"You havn't introduced yourself either." Tempest replies. "But I am the storm. There are already too many labels. You can pick a name and it's likely been used." She rises in the air once again, "But from your tone and reaction, you don't want my help."

Chambers looks at Sahael. "Hot little redhead with the crazy eyes? I thought that was Bliss. She works with Zee, by the way, and I'm almost certain that she's another Kami. She's kin, that much I know, and she seems to have an intense affiliation with fire, to the point that her body temperature is elevated far above human norms and she can't stand to be around water. Zee taught her about something she calls space mummies."

Sahael laughs. "Oh I got them mixed up, I've never seen one without the other... and to be honest where I was looking I couldn't tell them apart too much." Sahael looks to the storm. "Sea storm letting us put lable on her? You going to have a problem with me calling you Umberlee?" Yes, he made a D&D joke.

George looks over at Chambers and blinks a couple of times "Space mummies? sounds delusional to me. Still, I'll give her a sniff test if I run into them. Got to see if they can be read in on the hunt if nothing else."

Danica considers Tempest and the response. "It is a cultural norm. When I walk up to a group or lesser so, when someone new arrives, I introduce myself to them as a curtesy and to build, reinforce bonds of alliance. It gives respect and a good common ground rather than creating an adveserial one... It's expected."..... "SPace Mummies? THose exist?"

Chambers laughs a little. "Not that I know of. Doesn't change the fact that some... delusional people believe in them. I'm sure if we explored far enough we'd find something that would qualify as space mummies. I think that Zee might be referencing the Ethereal race from World of Warquest, a popular computer game."

"Well when I ask a question, I don't want an explaination of what something is when I asked what did they did. Then asking me to do something that he'd not had the curtosy of doing himself." Tempest says with a slight edge to her voice. Fickle storm spirit. Easy going one moment, but one wrong expression and she can change.

Bryan nods faintly to Tempest. "I did introduce myself. To everyone that I'm interacting with. It isn't that we don't want your help, we just like to know who we're dealing with. And we've had problems with some of the Kamis being pretty much worthless, so I apologize for my rudeness."

George looks at Tempest and adds, perhaps a little coldly "They do not have to do anything to earn our ire. Their nature as wyrmspawn insures they have done something or will unavoidably do something to merit execution. To combat the wyrm wherever it dwells and whenever it breeds is one of mother gaia's sacred charges to the Garou Nation in the litany that governs us. The way you approached gave the impression that you were questioning the rightness of that path or demanding justification for our hostility. We need no further reason than what they are to seek their death."

Sahael shakes his head. "I don't have a computer, she could be referencing call of battlfield or something for all I know." he shrugs. He grinds his teeth quietly at George's words for some reason, growing strangely quiet as he moves away from the group to stare into the water.

"Or I could have not been in the know and asking what they've done. But don't worry. I won't help you unless you ask. Which I doubt you will seeing your stubborness." Tempest comments as she starts off in the direction of the shrines.

Danica hmms and nods about the mummies. "Well. Sounds like it's a good thing that they do not, here." She considers Tempest's words then shrugs. "Had about the same with Lacy erlier, misunderstanding and little annoyances started to turn larger without need. Best to extend curtesy even if feeling to not have gotten it and move on. Though hard." Enough of trying to give lessons as she is tired so reclines onto her heels and stretches again, especially with the Wyrm part put out so well. "Love what you crafted Jake but good lord I will snap on them over that." She pokes his arm and grins a little. CHange... Of... Topic... Though Bryan gets a tongue stuck out at him for the Kami part but as far as she is willing to go in defence of Kami she does not know. Playfully done.

George blinks at Tempest "Fucking excuse me? you float down like you own the place, butt in on our conversation pronouncing goddamn edicts about our choices and behaviors and some how we're being stubborn and unfucking reasonable when we expect some common fucking courtesy? If you don't know how to talk to fleshy beings communicate your will to the Nation through a Theurge like the rest of the spirits instead of doing your best impression of a rancid two legged twat waffle."

Bryan nods to Tempest's words. "And I apologized." He starts to say more but then George bursts in. He lets him speak, not exactly disagreeing. "As I said," he offers in his rather smooth way of doing things. "We've had issues."

Sahael just sort of chuckles to himself. "I'll throw a few coins to the seas to stave off Umberlee's wrath tonight I think..."

"You're not excused." Tempest says, turning around in mid air to look back at George. "You're good at taking every word out of context. Except the stubborn comment. That one you got right." Then she looks to Bryan, "Next time we might meet properly."

Chambers visibly winces when George speaks towards the kami/spirit in such harsh terms. He speaks under his breath, "Someone's going to need the Rite of Contrition later.."

Danica mmmmmhmmmms at the last from Tempest and then George. Taking a few steps back she watches curiously. "Ok, and then that happened." She walks over to Jake and Sahael. "So here is where I would ask about how some sports team is doing, if I knew anything about them, completely disassociating myself from the mess taking place up there.... Hope they both do.. WHat's Rite of Contrition, or is it just what it sounds like?"

George stalks off seething to go cool off, grabbing up his poncho before heading off to the tree line with a bound.

Bryan nods slightly to Chamber's words. "Unfortunately, the spirits don't have to perform such rites." Oh, ZING. His eyes roam toward Tempest and he just shakes his head ever so slightly and then back to Chambers. "I know that we are to respect the spirits and the kami and I certainly do. We still don't know who that spirit is. How are we to honor them if they won't even tell us who they are." He motions over toward Danica. "She introduced herself. Wasn't so painful. And she seems to actually know her ass from her elbow. That gives me more confidence." He nods to Danica. "Yes, ma'am. Just as it sounds. When we wrong a being, we atone."