2018.06.18:Wales Home Visit

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Wales Home Visit
Gavan and Lowry return to Wales for some R&R, only to get the first night interrupted.
IC Date 2018.06.18.
IC Time 11:00pm
Players Gavan and Lowry as ST
Location Wales
Prp/Tp The prp or tp the log is a part of.
Spheres Garou

The trip to Wales had been done late on Friday evening. Something about traveling at night made Lowry feel comfortable. It was just her oddity. The place they are staying though was beautiful. A stone two story cottage with a breathtaking view of nature and a lake. Something like Gavan might like back home. But it's getting on towards dusk and Lowry's decided to go back to cook for them. Leaving the wolf on his on for a bit.

Gavan had been distracted all day. Staring out the window. Smiling at her in odd ways. When asked, he'd just point out the window and say something's nagging at the back of his head but it's all breautiful so don't worr about it. Of course, when she heads into the house.. she can see him pacing back and forth along the shoreline with his head bowed staring at his hands and.. is he talking to himself? Yeah. Ragabash. Something vexes thee.

Gavan rolls Perception + Alertness vs 3 for 2 successes.

1 2 +5 +10 10

Picturesque views are something the Lowry loves about Wales. And something she misses. But she does watch the Ragabash. She is so focused on trying to figure out what Gavan is talking to himself about that she doesn't seem to take notice of anything abnormal in the house.

Gavan is alert though. And he can hear the snap of branches not too far off behind him, "Hey there. You don't look like you're from around here." the voice is deep and growly. Though the man isn't changed, it's easy to peg him for what he is.

Gavan loses one Willpower

Gavan loses one Magical Essence

Gavan loses one Magical Essence

Gavan rolls Dexterity + Brawl + 3 + 3 vs 6 for 2 successes.

1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 +7 +8 8 9 10

Lowry rolls 7 (7 dice) vs 6 for 4 successes.

2 3 3 +7 +9 +9 +10

Gavan smelled him before that snap. That sickly aroma of burnt tar and filth that stinkks of the wyrm. That same aroma spoke to a werewolf. Not for nothing is he a scout of the people. But to be here. Alone. With Lowry in the house. This was not the time for diplomacy. Of course, Gavan himself had no scent. He was hoping it would be enough to mask the purity of his breeding. Turning towards the gravely voice, he smiles, "Just passing through actually. Saw the lake and had to take a look." He gestures to the pristine waters. "Isn't it beautiful?"

All Gavan needed was a glance. A half second. For in that instant, he was no mere man anymore. He was a giant of a man. A regal silvered killing machine. A werewolf. Unmistakable in heritage. He lunches for the man with a snarl.

The dark haired man gives a nod to him, "The lake in the daytime reminds me of your woman's eyes. Clear blue." he tells Gavan. There's no flinch when the Silver Fang lunges, almost as if he's expecting the Ragabash to attack, he read all the cues correctly. All Gavan tastes is air as the man starts to shift. Those ears give it away almost immediately. And the following stench.

Gavan might miss the sound of glass shattering up the ridge though. That's all the noise that comes from the cottage for the moment.

Gavan has rolled initiative: 16

Gavan rolls Dexterity + Brawl vs 5 for 8 successes.

2 3 +5 +6 +7 +8 +8 +9 +10 +10

Writing reality out to disk. Please wait...

Reality saved. Thank you for your patience.

Lowry rolls 7 (7 dice) vs 6 for 0 successes.

1 2 2 4 5 5 9

Gavan rolls Strength + 1 vs 6 for 6 successes.

3 5 +6 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

The crash of the glass gives Starlight Eyes the answer he feared. No pack animal travels alone. Ever. He, packless, lived that sense of loss every day. To think that this dancer, overconfident as he was, was alone is the height of arrogance. So Gavan wastes no time on witty repartee or pack tactics. His clawed feet dig into the earth and he whirls even as he passes the sidestepping Wyrm-aligned man. He lunges a second time before he even finishes passing him. His tall form making it easy for his long jaws to rip out the man's throat before inertia brings him to a stop. Crouched, one long forelimb touching fingertips to the ground.. Starlight Eyes spits a lump of toxic flesh from his mouth, muzzle bloodied.. ready to continue the fight.

Someone was not expecting Gavan to be that much of a fighter. Assumption is the mother of all fuckups! The BSD crumples after the Silver Fang bites into him so viciously. That was definitely going to be leaving a mark. Apparently someone was not going to be going home to tell the tale of how they tore the Silver Fang apart.

Gavan rolls Manipulation + Stealth vs 8 for -1 successes.

-1 4

Gavan rolls 5 vs 8 for 1 successes.

1 4 5 +8 9

Gavan rolls Dexterity + Stealth vs 6 for 2 successes.

1 1 3 5 +6 +9 9 10

Starlight Eyes doesn't waste any time on ceremony. Nor does he wait to see if this fellow has a friend around that might heal him. As the tainted human grasps at his throat in surprise, he lunges.. a great swipe of his claw finishing the job of removing head from shoulders. Then his steely blue gaze turns towards the house and he moves quickly.. but silently.. his gleaming silver coat seeming to dull as if.. by some magic. He follows his nose.. looking for the trail.. the window that was broken.. for that surely will lead him to his prey.

Writing reality out to disk. Please wait...

Reality saved. Thank you for your patience.

The trip up the ridge isn't that long. Especially in this form. But the thing that he smells the most is blood and lots of it. The french doors to the cottage have been busted from the inside and there is a pool of blood there.

Gavan loses one Magical Essence

A pool of blood is not Lowry. This much Starlight Eyes must tell himself as he moves as silently as he can, ears perked for even the slightest sound. He is not the only one who has radar ears in this house. Plus. He knows her scent better than they and could follow them for miles. Would follow them for miles. To the end of the earth. To the pit of the Wyrm itself. But focus. One is dead. Another will die at his hands tonight.

Gavan rolls Perception + Alertness vs 2 for 5 successes.

+3 +5 +6 +7 +8

Lowry rolls 7 (7 dice) vs 6 for 2 successes.

2 3 3 3 5 +7 +8

Gavan rolls Dexterity + Dodge vs 6 for 0 successes.

1 1 3 4 4 5 7 9

Gavan rolls Stamina vs 6 for 2 successes.

4 5 5 5 +10 +10

There's a trail of blood throughout the house, one that goes towards the living room. But there's a sight that is odd. The werewolf is already changed and there's a leaning over the couch, looking at something. Gaia only knows what. Then they are on Gavan, startling quick. It's something that might spook the Ragabash. The bite is to the shoulder, but doesn't do as much damage as it could.

Gavan rolls Dexterity + Brawl + 3 vs 6 for 7 successes.

1 3 4 5 5 +6 +6 +7 +8 +9 +9 +9 10

Lowry rolls 7 (7 dice) vs 9 for 0 successes.

1 1 2 2 5 9 9

Gavan rolls Strength + Brawl vs 7 for 3 successes.

1 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 +9 +9 +9 10

Gavan rolls Strength + 1 vs 6 for 2 successes.

1 1 2 5 +6 +6 6 7

Lowry rolls 3 (3 dice) vs 6 for 0 successes.

1 -1 8

Starlight Eyes is bitten. Not that he notices. With a twist of his body, he latches onto the arm of his attacker and throws him to the ground underneath him, twisting that arm and pinning his foe. He allows a snarl to escape his lips but he doesn't release his bite. Despite his best efforts all his foe manages to do is to dig his fangs deeper into the muscles of his arm.

Lowry rolls 7 (7 dice) vs 9 for 1 successes.

3 3 5 6 8 8 +10

Gavan rolls Strength + Brawl vs 7 for 4 successes.

1 1 2 3 5 6 +7 +8 +8 +10 10 10

Gavan rolls Strength + 1 vs 6 for 4 successes.

1 3 3 +7 +7 +9 +10 10

Lowry rolls 3 (3 dice) vs 6 for 0 successes.

1 4 8

Struggle. Yes. The gleaming blue of Starlight Eyes have no mercy within them this day. You have attacked his chosen. You have attacked in their time of bliss. Within the lands of his forebears. Upon the soil of his Fathers. And his Fathers before him. With one claw pressing to the back of his foe, he pulls with his jaws still clasped to the Spiral Dancer's meaty humerous. There is the sound of cracking bone. Ripping sinew. As he tears the arm free and rises to stand victorious over the corpse. His free hand takes hold of the arm as his maw releases its Falcon grip and tosses the arm out of the broken french doors into the grass. The couch is tossed aside as though it were a box of matches, his eyes looking to see what fascinated his foe, so.

It's very quickly found out what was keeping the Black Spiral Dancer so preoccupied. There is a very bloody Lowry that's propped up against the fireplace with a shard of glass sticking out of her side. When the couch goes flying there's a bit of a shake of the Kinfolk's hand as she brings the gun up. Her vision doesn't quite focus, but she can see the color, "Gavan." she huffs out. The the gun is dropped onto the floor. How she got a gun into the country, one will never know. Her head rolls back and she closes her eyes, "We aren't getting the deposit back." she whispers.

Gavan rolls Stamina + Primal Urge vs 6 for 3 successes.

1 2 2 2 3 +7 +7 +7 10

Gavan loses one Willpower

There's a moment where Starlight Eyes, resplendent in his war form, stares down at her. His regal silver fur coated in the blood of his enemies. "Stay here." Yes, his garou muzzle moves but it is his voice she hears, warm, loving. Such a disparate sound compared to the wrath he brought moments ago. "I will check for others." With those words, he grabs the couch he just tossed and moves it before her to provide her some concealment and cover should they circle back on him. That was two. Packs.. are more. Now it was his turn to hunt. He turns then to slink towards the other rooms of the house.

Gavan rolls Dexterity + Stealth vs 6 for 4 successes.

1 3 4 +6 +6 +7 +8 10

Lowry lets her eyes open for a moment as she looks to him, the sound and his appearance were a big contrast. "I doubt I'd get very far handsome." she tells him quietly. Everything hurt. She wasn't going anywhere.

The Cottage thankfully holds no more enemies of Gaia. Just the two that are now dead. It didn't feel like anymore were coming either.

Gavan didn't like it. It was too easy. More. How did they find them. He looked to the corpse on the floor then picks up a piece of broken glass, walking outside to retrieve the arm.. then.. slowly shifting into the umbra as he holds onto the body parts taking them with him. He's gone for some minutes before he returns.. this time walking into the house as a man. "I got rid of the bodies." Then he comes to her side with a frown on his face. "We're going to have to call an ambulance. I.. don't know how to heal. Yet." A thing which he now seems resolved to rectify. "How do you want to play it? Home invasion?" Which.. it was.. he picked up the phone. Dialed 911. Nothing happened. "For the love of Gaia.. what's 911 in this cursed country!?"

Lowry doesn't keep herself upright much longer. The soul is strong, but the energy is just...not there. She watches his feet work from the view on the floor. "Definitely a home invasion. I'm sure they aren't going to bat an eye when they realize who I am." she admits. "It's 999." she tells him in a whisper. "Stay calm. I'm going to take a nap." she tells him as she closes her eyes. Nope, that was absolutely not good.

"Hey!" Gavan is dialing 999 as fast as he can. "You stay with me damnit!" Dropping to his knees beside her, he rubs her arm. "Hello! Yes! My girlfriend is wounded bad! We need help! Where? Oh fuck if I know lady?! It's a cottage on the hill. White one. Blue roof. Just rented. Mercedes in the driveway. Can't you just GPS the damned phone!? She's bleeding out here! Some thugs just kicked in the door and.. " But he tosses the phone aside. Let the operator figure it out. He was fumbling for his pocket. "You stay with me okay?" For all his bravado, he was starting to freak out. Moisture coming to his eyes as he got out a little box. "I should have given this to you sooner.. I'm sorry.. I just.. was waiting for the right.. damnit.." He punches the couch and cracks the frame.. and his knuckles. They heal. The box is opened to reveal a simple iron ring. "I was going to propose to you.. and.. you stay awake now.. because .. damnit all how can we get married if you're dead, huh?" He laughs a little but isn't feeling it. He lifts up her hand then, slipping the ring onto her finger. "Please.. say yes.. say anything.. just stay.."