2018.06.22: Cop's First Day

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Cop's First Day
Lleutrim meets Catherine and Sander after his first day at the PPD.
IC Date Fri Jun 22nd, 2018
IC Time 16:39:01 2018, PDT.
Players Lleutrim,Catherine,Sander,Virgil,Alexis,Cypha,Soriba,Sabaro
Location Lincoln Blvd. and Ash St.
Spheres Mortal, Mortal+, Shifter

Lincoln Blvd. and Ash St.(#406RJ)

The southside of this intersection is spread with a wide, marked blacktop which runs hard up against the stunted trees of the chaparral south of the city. In the midst, the main fire department building of Prospect stands, a beige structure sporting a tall, windowed turret facing the streets. Huge, roll-up, metal doors line the rectangular wing facing the parking lot where the massive fire trucks move in and out nearly non-stop.

Northwards, where Ash Street meets with Lincoln Street, there is an EMT Station on the east side and apartment buildings on the west. Southwards, beyond the chaparral, the low hills give way to thick forests and scattered woodlands.


The late afternoon day is fairly hot with the sun beating down this late June day. The sky is brilliant blue with only a few fluffy white clouds and not much chance of any rain. A fella with a face that's not known around here walks out of the Police Department carrying a PD issued black gear bag. Lleutrim fishes the Dodge Charger's keys out of his pocket and goes to one of the cars that was recently parked out front from the security lot. The trunk is opened up and the man wearing a Patrol Officer's uniform for Prospect's PD lays the bag inside and begins stowing his newly issued gear. Rifle, shotgun, and other things he won't be carrying on his person most of the time while on duty. Dark tinted ballistic shades shelter his eyes against the glare of the sun as he finishes that up, then closes the trunk.

Catherine comes out of the PPD as well, and stops, hefting a gym bag, and looking around. Her eyes track to the movement of someone filling a car trunk. She spots the PD issue gear bag, note the squeaky newness of it. "COol. Not the newest kid on the block anymore," she comments. "First day?"

The keys are looked over and his head turns at the sound of Catherine's voice, "Yeah. First day here, but I've been around the block a few times. You work here too?" An upnod for the PPD building. The keys are slipped into his pants pocket and he offers his hand to her. It is lightly calloused and more fair than her dusky tan, "Name's Donnachaidh. But everyone calls me Lleu." The Scottish sir name rolls off of his tongue with a 'k' rather than a 'ch' kind of sound to it and the d seems to be silent.

Catherine sticks a hand out. "Catherine Walks Far," she says. "Patrol. I just got off shift, and done with some extra hand to hand training the captain has me doing. I started, ohh, four months ago."

Lleutrim has a firm, brief grip with direct eye contact "Pleased to meet you, Walks Far. What tribe, if you don't mind my asking?" A nod followed by a smile that twists his mouth wryly, "I assumed you must be off shift unless yoga pants have been added to the uniform list. Shame or else I could ask you to show me around. They haven't assigned me a partner, yet." He glances around, "I was stationed in southern Cali before but I'm new to Prospect. Just came in from Atlanta."

Catherine checks her watch. "I'm off shift, yes. And no, these are not uniform. But I can show you around. I'm supposed to meet my mmman in a couple hours, so I have time." She stumbles over 'man' a little. No embarassment, just sounds like she might hae started to say something else. "And Blackfeet, to answer the question. I'm from Browning Montana. Atlanta? Heart of the south. too bad about Sherman. And from what i understand about the traffic, now, maybe we should get Sherman back."

Donnachaidh actually laughs at that, "Atlanta's not as bad as some places like DC." He checks his watch, "I'm off shift now myself. I've been filling out paperwork all day, and ballistic tests, and the last thing I needed to do today was pick up the car." Lleu squints a little even with his shades, not used to the brightness of the desert yet. "I could use suggestions on where's the best places to eat. Shall I give you a lift or meet you somewhere?" He would need directions.

Catherine waves toward the parking lot across the street. "I have a car over there. As for food...good plan. What sort do you like? I can suggest several places." She looks him over, hmmmming, "Scottish food might be a challenge. Steamed and Hammered has good shepherd's pie though. Smoke and Barley is superb for bbq. The Sideshow is fun, and has good American food. Twisted Toppings for pizza....I could go on."

A negative movement of his head and Lleu might look a little surprised at her picking out his sir name as Scots Gaelic, "It's not my favorite. I'm a fan of spicy Latino food, Thai, Ethiopian, and good steak, but a sloppy American burger or BBQ can be good too if it's not fast food. If you are willing to show me around I'm happy to buy." Lleu pulls his keys back out, "If you lead on, I'll follow. Surprise me." He can drive separately and follow her, or ride with her, whatever she prefers.

Catherine hmmms, debating food options. "How about the sideshow then. They have a pretty varied menu. And there's probably some sort of act on the stage." She hmms at him. "WHy don't you follow? THat way I don't have to run you back here after."

"Sounds good to me. Long as it's not too noisy for me to ask questions about town." Donnachaid removes his cover (hat) and opens the car door to get in. "This isn't the time to drive like a demon and see if you can shake me, all right?" His mouth quirks with amusement and he closes the door after he finds out what she'll be driving so he'll know what her car looks like. Soon as she's ready, Lleu'll pull out to follow Catherine and find out where this 'Sideshow' place is located.


The Sideshow - Main Room

The Sideshow is and old warehouse converted into a unique hodge-podge, a celebration of the eccentric, the curiosities, the weirdos and the freaks. Day or night it serves as bistro and club and marketplace for the oddities found within, playing an eclectic variety of music between acts on stage either indoors or out. While there is a schedule and there are regular performers, impromptu acts from the audience are highly encouraged even if they are amateur in nature.

There is an antechamber before entry, twin red cushioned benches lining it while the walls are decorated with framed antique circus sideshow posters. This trend continues as one steps fully into the club, though the posters are mixed with paintings and photography of circus and sideshow life. Almost all of the art is for sale. In fact there is an alcove with additional unique pieces and oddities that are available. Various aquariums, mostly serving as specimen tanks, are set into the wall. The living creatures are not for sale.

The floorplan and setup is as unique as The Sideshow itself is. The seating is a dynamic thing, predominantly set up to be community in style, with the long tables pushed together and groups encouraged to sit with one another. While there is the stray lonely table or two they are almost always reserved. One day the tables might be set up in rows to face the stage, another day they might be set up to line the perimeter. It all depends on the whims of the staff and the scheduled acts. The only things of certainty here are the location of the bar, the stage, and the sliding glass panels that open the south wall to the outside area. While there is always an open area for dancing or traveling acts, this moves as need be.


Catherine drove a somewhat battered VW golf, rather sedately. "The whole hot car, race thing? That was guys in high school. I am -so- not into cars. As long as it runs and is safe to drive I'm good....I'm foot patrol, by the way. Dispatch seems to delight in seeing how they can make me live up to my name." She looks around inside. "Table over there...." The act on stage is a a troupe of jugglers, passing various objects back and forth across a line. Then music starts, and they start to dance, still juggling.

Donnachaidh looks around as they enter this strange place. He takes in the details of the entry, location of the stage and what's going on it, where the bar is, what the food looks like as they pass tables, and most importantly what sort of people are dining in here. Lleu's still in uniform and armed and has left his cover in the Patrol car. He follows Catherine as she leads the way and listens.

"I like nice cars. Glad they issued me a Charger instead of a stupid 'Smartcar'." There is a pause to allow Catherine to choose the seat she wants ere Lleutrim will take the seat opposite. "So you have been in town about four months and you are foot patrol. I'm usually a motorcycle cop, but they wanted me in a car first while I learn my way around town. Probably assign the new hires with a more senior partner."

A menu is snagged and he starts to look it over. Lleu keeps his voice quite low, "So, what's Prospect like? Lively town? Much organized crime? Favoured drug flavours?"

Catherine drove a somewhat battered VW golf, rather sedately. "The whole hot car, race thing? That was guys in high school. I am -so- not into cars. As long as it runs and is safe to drive I'm good....I'm foot patrol, by the way. Dispatch seems to delight in seeing how they can make me live up to my name." She looks around inside. "Table over there...." The act on stage is a a troupe of jugglers, passing various objects back and forth across a line. Then music starts, and they start to dance, still juggling. //repose for Sander

Catherine pulls a menu up and shrugs. "I sorta asked for foot. I do bike patrol sometimes too. I'll have to shift to car patrol sooner or later, I suppose but for now I like being out more." She wavers a hand at therest of the questions. "LIvely...yeah, we've had some issues. A string of serial murders, lots of gangs, lots of drugs. Mexico's not far, so lots of mexican gangs and all the drugs they can push." She's not being loud but not really making an effort to whisper at this point either. "Motorcycle cop huh," that gets a smirk. "CHIPs."

Sander spots his colleague and the apparent newbie. He approaches, addressing Catherine. "Well, well. I thought the number on that car looked familiar." Giving the other officer a once-over, he introduces himself, "Detective Tenenbrau, but call me Sander in friendly company. Haven't seen you around the station."

Lleutrim quirks a darkish brow at Catherine, "Depends on what duty I've pulled. Motorcycle isn't practical for a lot of things but it has it's uses in certain situations and costs the Department less. Otherwise I'll be driving a car." He shifts his jaw as he looks at the menu, "Not surprising about the rest. It /is/ California." As if that explained a lot in and of itself. "Wouldn't have expected a lot of murders though since it's not a major city. Should be interesting."

When someone comes up, Lleu glances up expecting the waiter come to take their drink orders. Instead he studies the new arrival and then moves to stand and offer Sander his hand, "Pleased to meet you, Detective Tenenbrau. Lleu Donnachaidh, Patrol. Today was my first day, just in from Atlanta PD. Care you join us?" There's a glance to see how Catherine reacts to Sander.

Catherine waves to a seat, inviting Sander to join them. She sets teh menu aside and waves at a passing waiter. The young man, one of Prospect Uni's students likely, comes their way. "Sawdust, and a pitcher of water," she tells him. "And whatever these two are getting."

Sander takes a seat opposite Lleu, the better to interrogate- er, interview- er, get to know him. "Lleu Donnachaidh," he repeats back, passably. "I'm not sure whether to peg that for Irish, Welsh, or just broadly as Gaelic." He looks to the waiter. "I'll start out with an iced tea, lemon, no ice, thanks."

Waiter boy makes a note and looks at the uniform to see what he's after.

"Water with lemon, please." /That/ is his drink order? Sander gets a soft huff of breath out of him in lieu of a laugh, "Good ear. First name's Welsh, my middle's English, my last name is Scottish. I'm used to having my name butchered so you can just call me Lleu." 'Donn-a-kay' is more or less how it sounds rolling off his own tongue. "Catherine here says she's only been with the Department a few months. How about yourself, Detective?"

The waiter heads out to get the orders going, back quickly with the drinks. Catherine drains about half of hers and refills with the pitcher the waiter wisely left. "Really does seem longer than that," she mutters to herself. "It's been a really full four months."

Sander nods to Catherine, and looks favorably at his glass as they managed to figure out what "iced tea, no ice" meant. He sips before answering. "Prospect? I'm a transfer, just a couple months here too. I was up in Fresno before." More deiced tea. "There's kind of a story behind my transfer. Probably one for yours too. Trade?" He keeps his expression neutral.

Donnachaidh looks to Catherine, "That's better than things being dead slow and dragging, isn't it? Keep you on your toes." When his water is delivered he thanks the server, "Are we ready to order?" If they don't object, Lleu goes ahead and orders a burger with a salad instead of fries. He takes a sip of his water after crushing the lemon slice into it, and rubs his hands until they too smell of lemon.

"Sure. My folks passed away early this year. I've been handling the liquidation of their estate." He fingers his glass and frowns slightly as he thinks about it, "I'd dropped out of the Marine Corps because they needed me these past couple of years. Now I'm too old to go back in as an officer. Decided that California would be a nice change after all of that. What about you two?"

"Already ordered," Catherine says. "sawdust....nachoes with extra everything," she explains for Lleu. "Me? I'm here for experience. THe plan was to work here a couple three years and go back to Montana as a reservation police officer. The reservation force wants experienced officers only so here I am. We'll see what happens in a couple years."

Catherine is about to say more but her phone dings and she looks at it and groans. "surely you jest," she mutters. "gotta go guys. Duty calls, literally. Another officer called in sick so I get to work another half shift. Wish me luck."

Sander smirks, watching Catherine go. "Her last name is 'Walks Far'. No joke. It's like foot patrol's in her blood." He waves the waiter off. "I'll just pick at what Catherine got." Food not here yet, he resorts to more iced tea for a thoughtful pause. "Well, that sucks. I'm sure if you had the right strings to pull, you'd get that commission no problem. Politics, huh?" He gives Lleu a companionable look.

An easy shrug. "I didn't have those kinds of contacts. Anyway, I have only been PD for two years. At least I'm not being rotated to Korea on long deployments." Lleu smiles at the remarks about Catherine, "Walking isn't so bad. As long as you stay hydrated." Such as drinking water, or tea. "So, what brought you out here, Sander?"

It doesn't take long for the nachos to be brought out. Sawdust may be the name but it looks like road kill on chips. It smells better than it looks. Lleu's burger doesn't look too shabby either with it's side Ceasar salad with dressing on the side. The act up on stage winds down and two women come out in funky costumes right out of Steampunk and start to sing and dance while strange images are projected on the drop screen behind them on the stage.

Sander watches the change of scenery for a moment, before focusing back on the conversation, and the food. "Well," he says, picking at the nachos, "I got transferred without much explanation. Fact was, I solved a cold case that I'm pretty sure the brass wanted to stay cold. That's how I got bumped up to detective. Transfer order came down shortly after that." He shrugs. "I'm fitting in, more or less."

/That/ does get a raised brow out of Donnachaidh. "I'm ... familiar with that sort of thing happening in departments. The Corps isn't really any different. Lots of politics. You got lucky that they promoted you before the transfer. Prospect isn't the worst assignment by far - right on the ocean." He lowers his baritone, "Anything about this town that I ought to watch out for?"

Sander sighs. "I've... seen some shit since I came here. Hell, I shot and killed an officer who was threatening me... and he just dissolved into some kind of green goo. Maybe the weirdest thing I've ever seen. There were witnesses around, and IAB cleared me, so everything's on the level now. Just... how the hell does something like that happen?"

Lleutrim rolls Perception(3) + Subterfuge(1) (4 dice) vs 6 for 1 successes.

Sander rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge vs 6 for 2 successes.

Donnachaid blinks when he hears that and sets his half empty glass of water down. Even before Sander gets to the part about turning into 'green goo'. Just hearing Sander say he'd killed a fellow Police Officer is unexpected enough, let alone the rest of ... that. Lleutrim eyes him, "I assume you are pulling my leg." It sounds like his Marine Corps Captain's voice, there. He studies Sander a long moment before he picks up his fork to work on his salad some more, barely any dressing on it, "Never heard anything that crazy. You'd think that'd have made national news."

Sander smiles a little. "It's all public record once IAB closes their file, which they did. No one picked it up. Too much other news to bother with it, I guess. All the public ever really caught wind of was shots fired and a biohazard quarantine... which is understandable when someone dissolves into green goo." He sighs and munches on another nacho. "I'll say this much: get used to seeing some weird shit around here, and learn when to paper over it."

Sanders is being watched closely. Donnachaidh listens, eating his meal. The production on stage is ignored and makes a fairly good cover for their speaking in low voices between them. Still, Lleu glances aside and keeps tabs on what's going on around them as well. He mulls over what's been said ere he gives a reply, "I'll look it up then. When did this take place?" A pause, "What other weird shit do you mean?" More curious perhaps than dubious.

Sander doesn't seem bothered by the question. "Incident was May 10th. You should be able to look up the files. I can show you how if you're still learning the system." He pauses in turn, considering the curiosity. It's a long pause. "Don't worry too much about it while you're getting settled. We seem to get a lot of paranormal nutjobs around here."

Virgil comes inside from the street.

Lleutrim picks up his water glass the waiter comes by to replace with a fresh one, including another lemon slice. "Sure, I'll take you up on that. You are being up front about it. If IAB has cleared you then that's fine. Does make for ... an interesting story, to say the least. They ever come to any conclusion about ... the guy?"

Sanders is seated at a table with a uniformed Police Officer who seems to be off duty. They are having a meal and non alcoholic drinks as a strange Steampunk sisters act winds up on stage with much tap dancing and singing. Both men seem to be ignoring the show.

Virgil takes a few steps inside and slowly has a look around the establishment

Sander shakes his head at the table with the uniformed officer. He speaks just loudly enough to be heard over the noise of the club. "Guy had some unknown chemical agent on his person, the container broke in the exchange, and exposure to the concentrate made him dissolve. I don't know if they're still looking into his connections, but that resolved my case. Better melt one dirty cop than risk who knows how many civilians."

A slow nod to that, "You did mention biohazard quarantine. I bet they locked the area down tighter than a virgin's ass." Lleu drinks some of his water. He's pretty much finished his burger and salad, not interested in catching the waiter's eye for desert. "They didn't flag anything strange on his background checks and nobody in the department reported any anomalies before the incident? How long was he with the PD?"

Donnachaidh passse a glance towards the door as Virgil comes in but nothing unusual about the new arrival holds the cop's attention for long.

Sander considers the questions for a while, then speaks softly. "I didn't want to look into the next of kin myself. Think I heard after that he didn't have family, but his record was clean. He was a detective. We'd run into each other a few times, and I remember seeing him when I got here. That's about all I know. It was a shock to everyone."

Virgil pulls a phone out of his pocket and looks at the screen. He takes a few steps aside from the doorway and taps at the screen a few times.

A slight thinning of his mouth. Lleu does a grim face well. He fingers the condensation on his cold glass of ice water and forgot to crush the lemon and rub it on his hands, this time. "I guess so. It'd have floored me too. I've seen men ... terrible things happen to them. Shot to hell, blown up, missing body parts and screaming. War's ugly. But I can't say I have ever seen anything like somebody dissolve into green goo."

It's just as well they have finished up their meal. Donnachaidh drinks his water and adds low, "You said lots of weird things happen around here. Anymore examples you care to share?"

Sander considers the question. "Tonight? Nah. But, tell you what. If you run into something really weird, let me know. Or Catherine. We'd be happy to... help you write your report." He smiles meaningfully, pushing the mostly-finished nachos into the middle of the table.

Lleutrim takes the offer in stride, "All right. I'll keep that in mind." Donnachaid leans over a little and pulls out his wallet, "I told Catherine if she'd answer some questions and show me an all right place to eat, I'd pay. I've got you covered." Visa is ever ready to serve, at 20 interest if you don't pay it off every month. It's a USAA card, unsurprisingly. A ten in cash is added to cover tip. "Any good bars around here? Biker bars, Irish pubs?"

"The department should have its own catalog of nightlife. Downtown is lousy with bars and clubs, public and private," Sander says dryly. "In a pinch, I usually go to the Smoke and Barley, but if you feel like it, we can just go look for trouble."

Virgil nods and send off a few messages and then looks back to the door.

That almost laugh again, mostly quiet but clearly in good humor, "I'm game for that, but I should probably swing by the hotel and change out of uniform." The waiter has come by with the bill and Lleutrim signs off and puts his card back into his leather wallet. Out of reflex his checks the time on his watch and gets up, "Where should I meet you?" It'll also give him time to log into the PD Database and check Tenebrau's ID, photo, and status with the Department to confirm Sander is who he claims to be.

Virgil leaves The Sideshow from the front doors.

Sander considers the question, then hands Lleu his card, after writing his personal number on the back. "Text me, work or personal. I'll have a look around... you have to be up tomorrow? I'll look for somewhere that shouldn't get us into trouble."

The card is accepted and looked at. Lleu adds as he stands by the table, "I have some paperwork to finish up tomorrow and then report for duty on Monday." The card is added to his wallet. He doesn't have a card yet to exchange so Donnachaidh picks the pen backup and writes his cell number (with an Atlanta 404 area code) along with his name on the edge of a napkin before he tears it off and hands it to Sander. "I imagine what I'm interested in most is learning the layout of town. So, show me anything you like. I'll ping you as soon as I'm changed." And so it's arranged.'


Smoke and Barley - Main Room

The smell of spices, fire and broiling meat assails one's nose upon entering into the bar and grill. The soft murmurs of patrons seem a non-ending drone as the door shuts, blocking the sounds of the city off. Wood paneled walls are adorned with hanging plants and pictures of forests bringing the feel of wild places indoors. Full spectrum lighting keeps the outdoor daylight feel of the restaurant by shining on the plants and pictures.

In the center of the room is a large curved grill, a specialty built item that allows guests to watch their meats cooking and the Chef at work. Thick oaken tables are laid around the grill for those that would enjoy the dance of the flames as it sears the meat. The tables have large leather seats and are set for the barbecue feast to come, with a bucket that holds bottles of spicy sauces and piles of napkins.

To the right of the front door, taking up half the room, is the bar.The bar is a deep mahogany, a gorgeous piece with slightly dulled brass poles running along to provide foot rests, and an armrest, with comfortable stools lining it to allow others to sit. A mirrored shelf rests behind the bar, with light shining up through the drinks to allow them to be seen clearly. A chalkboard on a wall lists out the micro brews of the month. Beyond the bar a section is marked off and three cork dartboards hang on the wall.

A small hallway leads the way to a set of stairs, a private area, bathrooms and kitchen. The door to the private room is marked "members only" and locked.


Sander is already seated at the bar, and gestures around. "Welcome to the Smoke and Barley. Best barbecue joint in the city, and one of the better bars. At least, as far as I've found."

Soriba steps through an ornate wooden door into the bar and grill named "Smoke and Barley"

Sabaro steps through an ornate wooden door into the bar and grill named "Smoke and Barley"

Donnachaidh arrives and takes a moment to take in the details of the place once he's inside. By the subtle expression change upon his face, /this/ place is WAY more to his liking than where he came from a bit ago. Lleutrim has a good look around the bar and grill, taking in the smells, the exits, the people and what they are doing, the bar itself with it's booze selections, and decor.. and then belatedly he picks out Sander and starts to make his way across the establishment. He is dressed in a snug fitting black Under Armour shirt, khaki pants and black combat boots.

"I like your taste in places a lot better than Catherine's. Wish I hadn't already eaten. Smells fantastic in here." Lleu joins him at the bar and waits for the barkeep, "Do you have Talisker?"

Sabaro walks into the restaurant grinning as she smells the grilling meat moving to a table and taking a seat.

The bartender sets a tall glass of Guinness in front of Sander, then looks at Lleutrim with an expression of disbelief at his question. "Do we have Talisker," he mutters, opening a cabinet and pouring from a bottle on the middle shelf within. He delivers it, and before he can give a number, Sander says, "This round's on me." The bartender looks at him and shrugs agreeably.

Following her sister, Soriba sat across from her at the same table. "Nice place. A bit...musty though. Like wet dog."

Cypha steps through an ornate wooden door into the bar and grill named "Smoke and Barley"

Lleutrim pays close attention to the bottle that is pulled out to see if it's 10 year or 25. Not that it matters. He smiles, "Guinness is good but Murphy's Stout is better. You know, the Guinness they ship to the States isn't the same they serve in Ireland? You ever get the chance to go, make sure you order it." Ah, scotch served neat, no ice, no water to pollute it. "Thanks." The half glass is picked up and Donnachaide takes a moment to appreciate the peaty aroma ere he takes a light taste. "Excellent."

Alexis steps through an ornate wooden door into the bar and grill named "Smoke and Barley"

Cypha slips in the door, pausing to take a nice, deep breath before it's let out, just as slow Meat. Yum. Cypha strolls up toward the bar, a little slinky sort of bounce to her step as she takes a seat.

The door to the place opens, and in slips Alexis. She has a small smile on her face, and a backpack over her shoulders. It looks filled, and a sleeping bag is tied to the top, and a canteen hangs from the side. She glances about before plucking her beanie off, and she makes her way over to the counter. She slinks her backpack off and props it up next to her stool before she slides onto it. She lets out an audible sound of relief as she gets off her feet, and she reaches out to pluck up a menu.

Sander shrugs to himself as Alexis sits nearby. It seems the Smoke and Barley is busy tonight; unsurprising for a Friday.

Sander raises his glass to Lleu. "Here's to our job. Someone's gotta do it."

Lleu glances over the establishment, scotch glass in hand as he stands a the bar taking in the details. Of the place, but also ... dark, attractive women, noting Sabaro and Soriba. A faint, polite incline of his head to them and then Cypha and Alexis join them at the bar. Of course, being male, he looks them over as well, at least briefly.

Sander regains his attention. Lleutrim lifts his glass to lightly clink the amber scotch against the black and tan of the Guinness, "Somebody's got to do it. Here's to life never being dull!" His mouth twists into a half lopsided smile and his baritone lowers, "We seem to be immersed in good company, you and I."

"Why?," asks Alexis as she glances up from her menu, the question directed at Sander. "Why does somebody have to do your job?" There is nothing pointed in her tone. Simple curiosity. She then fishes out a handful of worn bills and counts them out for the server. "I'll get eight wings. Medium spicy. And an IPA, please." She glances over at Cypha as she also settles in and smiles warmly to her. She has never met anybody here, but she seems to be one of those 'happily talk to strangers' types.

Cypha pulls out a slip of paper from her back pocket and lays it on the counter and looks it over. "Looks like.. 20 wings and two samplers and.. he said three racks of ribs." The one taking the order just.. stares at her and then she smiles brightly, making her freckles stand out a bit. "No rush on those. But I would like a sampler platter for now, though." Those sorts of orders usually get made in the back room, not the front and the guys sighs. Cypha's attention switches over to Alexis and she nods. "Hi there."

Reaching over across the table, the petitely feminine form of Soriba takes her fraternal twin's hand in hers, twining their fingers together in a simple caress, "Notice how soothing and calm this place is?"

When the waiter comes back around to their table Sabaro makes a rather large order of ribs and pulled pork, she grins and speaks amicably to the waiter before handing over the menu.

Sander smiles. It's not a warm smile, but at least it doesn't look hostile. "Got some hungry friends tonight, huh?"

Soriba nods thoughtfully. "So, ordering."

"Several, yes." And actually, all Cypha's stuff comes ready at once and she gets it all to go. "Night, guys." And then she's flouncing out the door with her literal box of stuf

The scotch is tasted, no knocking it back. Lleu has noted right away that Sander didn't reply to his counter toast and seems focused on one of the gals, but ignored the other's question? So he looks at Alexis and says with a straight face, "Sanitation. Taking out the trash, mopping up messes, keeping places like this neat and clean." Can you picture him riding around on the back of a garbage truck? Donnachaidh smiles at Alexis, "What do you do?"

Alexis shrugs to herself when Sander doesn't answer her question, not looking too annoyed by it. Instead she flashes the server a smile when her beer is delivered. She picks it up and leans in to smell it, before she takes a long sip from it. She downs a quarter of the beer before setting it down, letting out a small, pleased sound. "Just what I needed." She offers Cypha a wave, before she glances over at Lleu. "Ah. Alrighty." She furrows her brow a bit at the question and shrugs. "I move. Spent the last decade...traveling. I'll do odd jobs here or there to get by but...I don't know. I get by pretty well without a job."

Sander sits listening for a while. He says, finally, "It's true enough. I clean up after the worst messes that people ever make. That's part of my job, anyway."

Lleutrim watches the red head flounce back out with her party order of food. The 'twins' over there are being fairly quiet so he looks back to Alexis, "How does one 'get by pretty well' without a job? Do you panhandle? Sponge off friends?" There's a glance to Sander to see if he can judge the amusement level of his 'friend'. He sips his scotch and is making it last to savor the flavor rather than trying to get intoxicated.

"So, that cave out in the forest. You think we'll be able to find it again? I kind of enjoyed the coolness of being inside it." Soriba giggled with a smile into her sister's eyes.

"Sometimes. Sometimes it's just karma. I'm good to the universe, and the universe is good to me." She smiles, and her wings arrive...as if on cue! She turns towards them and leans down with her eyes closed to smell the food. Her tummy lets out an audible growl, and she sighs. "Yeesssss..." She picks up a wing and begins to slowly work through them, savoring each bite.

"It was a nice place all right. I have been hiking through the forest, there are a lot of interesting sights." She grins back with a nod and grins wider when their food arrives. She digs into the ribs first, hands an exited flurry of motion.

Sander sets down his card, and it gets run promptly. "See you around," he says to Lleu, but also to the room at large.

"You'll have to show me," Soriba smiled pulling her hand back watching her sister devour the meat. The young woman was so much more cautious and calm but she did take a rib to nom on for herself.

Now it's Alexis' turn to get the raised brow from Donnachaidh, "That's not what Karma means or how it works, actually. A popular American misconception. You might want to study up if you ever want to depart the Wheel of Life." He smiles as he stands there at the bar and watches her dig into her order of wings. There's a glance in the direction of the S&S twins and he finishes his scotch, then an upnod to Sander, "I will see you around. Thanks for the drink." Lleu glances at his watch and sighs, "I probably should head out myself."

"Well, call it what you want. I really don't care," Alexis replies with a chuckle. She continues working on her wings, washing them down with sips of her beer now and again. "Life is good to me, and I give back." The young woman doesn't seem too interested in going into more detail, though.

"We can go whenever you want. I think I have the path memorized by now." She cackles softly, sucking on her fingers before ripping off a few more pieces of meat.

The scotch glass is set on the bar and Lleu thanks the barkeep. Then Donnachaidh turns his attention back to Alexis, "You might not mention it while you are digging into a plate of meat." He gives her a wink, raps his knuckles on the bar once and turns to head back out. To the Police car parked out front, should any of them bother to look at there.