2014.06.17: PWN - LEGACY - ladies and gentlemen, let the purge commence.. Part 2

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CARSON, CALIFORNIA -- June 17th, 2014

For most people, 2 o'clock in the morning meant it was time to shut the system down and get some sleep. For a guy like Christian Othniel, it was when everything began. Unlike most, he stood up to wee parts of the morning, he used this as a period of reflection. When the world went silent with sleep, Othniel was up, finding who he was and evaluating what he wasn't good at so other people wasn't able to use that as a weapon against him. Randomly finding himself on LEGACY's site due to a hunch, he found Bobby Langford's recent work of art and it, for the first time, inspired CO to get up and actually do something productive-- get the gatling gun ready in terms of his words and open fire in Langford's direction with zero effs giving onto what and who he hit. It what was more than likely his living quarters for the time being-- a room with what was supposed to be blue carpet but was now an off-shade of brown, flimsy looking lamps and a television set from the 80s with rabbit ears included, we found ourselves back in the presence of 'The Ultra' as he was sitting on a couch that was probably older than he was. He never made quick moves, everything he did was sorta slow, but methodical in a sense. Not bothering to give the camera any sort of attention at the moment, he let himself fall back in a carefree manner and slouched in his seat. His arms was crossed over his chest as he gazed down at his leg, all as he kicked his left foot up to the side of his laptop-- which was recording his actions.

"So Mister American Dream wants to drag this out and turn it from a friendly little battle of skill and ability to a full.. fledged.. war. I'm fine with that, I'm battle-tested. You though Bobby, can you say the same? Are you able to ask yourself and answer truthfully.. if you're able to go toe to toe with someone that has zero remorse for what'll happen in the future? I'll throw caution to the wind Bobby, I'll make the sacrifice that'll put us both out of business if it means that I win and YOU lose. It's something you don't understand because it's something you've never had been hit across the face with. Your attempt at a lecture, it's laughable.. it's laughable, man. You.. lecturing me? You, the guy who fresh out of a training facility finds himself in a match with a veteran like me-- giving me lectures on how to live life? And you said you don't have a silver spoon in your mouth.. Yeah, sure. You know why? It's because it's probably stuck in Drew's ass after you've been eating it. You didn't work for your spot kid, you was handed it. You didn't  break bones, love what you love and make sacrifice after sacrifice like I've done-- you, much like everything  else in your freakin' life.. was handed this opportunity."

Still not bothering to fix his attention on the camera, Othniel's words were hot and scathing, like fresh coffee straight from the pot. His ability to illustrate how adamant he was about a certain subject was something that helped him get by in the industry, CO's biggest strengths came on the mic.. it always did.

"See, I did what you said to do Bobby. Life threw me trial after trial-- tribulations?! My name should be a synonym for the problems that can rise and cripple a guy who's just trying to live his dream. I did something about it though-- I stopped caring. I stopped trying to do what you call 'the right thing' because it got me no where, it lead me straight back to where I started. Maybe in your emerald colored lenses, I'm wrong-- you're right and the sky will rain Skittles and Starburst, but in reality? In the REAL WORLD, the way I approach situations is what sets a man apart from a delusional man-child. I take care of my business, Bobby-- and I go through any lengths to do so. I see things for what they are and I'll take advantage of any situation at any time if it means my ultimate success. Your perception of me, it's spot on.. I can't argue with it.."

Moving his foot off of the table and putting it down on the dirty carpet, Christian leaned forward and hunched himself over. Taking a few deep breathes, he eventually would lean his head against his left forearm all as his hand would grab a whole bunch of his hair..

".. I am broken.."

After finishing that statement up, for the first time he let his eyes pierce the camera, all as he sighed.

"I'm broken and I'll never be what I once was.. Which was weak-- a total pushover. In order to grow, to evolve Bobby, you need to break, you need to hit rock bottom so you can find yourself and what you're looking for and sad to say for you and for Brandon Marks.. I know what I am and I know what I need to do."

There was no better way to put how he just spoke his words as cold and calculating-- if his words were bullets, they'd be fired out of a sniper rifle at a vantage point that was too good to be found by any ordinary hit-man. CO's calculating demeanor was beginning to show itself, and for the most part it was scary. In the past his joking and fun and games approach to things made him the court jester of his circle but he's developed into something far different than what he's known as.

"Your father failed you-- your father lied to you. Your father raised you in a bubble, one that's decorated with cute drawings of houses with picket fences and a dog. The way you speak, the way you approach things, you're not real. Everything that you do Bobby, further solidifies my thoughts that you're nothing more than a dream, a dream that isn't ready to see what life is truly about. You've never had to work a day in your life for things, you're gifted. In high school you probably didn't even bother in class, you got by because you were an athlete.. I've seen it. While a guy like me, someone that put the work in gets skipped over and forgotten about-- I despise people like you. I've got a hatred and a reservation in a very special section of hell for your type-- a reservation that you're going to be attending once Friday the 20th comes to a close."

Finding his words funny, CO let off a bit of a chuckle as he shrugged his shoulders.

"You can say you've worked for things but I don't believe you.. I'll never believe you. I blame your father for the man you are, he's the one responsible for throwing you into the world to flaunt your gifts. It's hard being you, right? Blessed with size, with speed, with strength.. you've got tools that most men DIE for. But not me Bobby, oh no.. because while most men see you and envy what you've got, I look at you and see a vulnerable punkass rookie ripe for the picking. Like I said earlier, in your head-- you think you're able to go, but you're not ready for the psychological warfare I'm capable of bringing. All the tools can't save you when we kick off psychological Vietnam, when you're fighting MY type of battle. I'm not stupid, I'm not going to go hold for hold with you.. The key to slaying a titan-- it's to beat them here.."

Now, Christian tapped the left side of his head-- his temple with his pointer finger.

".. Once that aspect is done, the rest follows. We're going to find out a few things on Friday.. Like how far you're willing to go to ensure victory-- and how true you are to your word. You're a man of principle, right? A guy that reeks of integrity and honor? Let's see how truthful you are when the bell rings and it hits you.. You've GOTTA win. For you Bobby Langford, you've been a winner your whole life, you've never experienced losing. You don't know what it's like to be at the bottom of the totem pole, looking up and wondering what's beyond that hill of disappointment.. I on the other hand do. I've been in both situations-- I've been at the lowest of lows, I've almost drowned in the Valley of Failure and I've been at the peak of success-- at Mountain Winning. You don't know who you are until you're at the bottom which means Bobby, you have absolutely no clue who you are. You're lost when it comes to identity and despite telling yourself that you're able to motivate one person to NOT travel my path.. it's a lie. People SHOULD travel my path so they find themselves instead of living in a world of delusional where there's ALWAYS a happy ending.. life isn't about fairytale conclusions, life is about being punched in the face-- kicked in the head and having your fingers stomped on while you're hanging off the edge a cliff to see if you're tough enough to fight through it, show perseverance and evolve into something better than what you once was. Bobby Langford is still in verison 1 because he only knows winning.. Christian Othniel? I'm far past that."

With another shrug of his shoulders, the man wasn't a liar. Despite not being a loser in professional wrestling, he didn't have the easiest of times in life. A rough childhood, a even rougher time as an teenager, he found out quickly that the world doesn't stop for anyone. In order to get what you want you need to be able to lie, cheat and steal if you want to attain ultimate power and glory. While Bobby would think that's far from the truth, it's not.. it's a reality and a principle that CO lives by.

"Nothing I said changes- I want you to judge me by my losses, not my wins because there's so few of them. But those losses I've been handed? It's things that taught me how to be the person I am now. While you're standing in front of the mirror, admiring your pecs and biceps.. I'll be in a tattoo parlor covering up more muscle definition to remind myself over what I've lost in the process of traveling the road I did. While you're benching 400 pounds and repping it in record numbers, I'll be exercising my mind, as it's a stronger weapon than any muscle you've got on your body. We've taken two different paths to get to where we're at Bobby, and on Friday-- it merges and we'll see who's better-- who's the smarter of the two. You're stronger than me, you've probably got a lot more athleticism but I'm going to out-think you, and it won't be too hard to do."

The chuckle he let off was that of a mad scientist that had already drawn up a plan but was waiting on the right time to put it into motion.

"Whether you like it or not.. at Friday the 20th, both you AND Brandon Marks are going to be scratched off the list-- you're going to be collateral damage in my personal purge. You're standing in the way of me bitch-slapping destiny Bobby, you're just making it hard on yourself. The smart thing to do would be to let me take care of Marks while you go and sign some autographs, take pictures with sick kids and disabled people.. be the 'inspiration' that you ache so badly to be. Don't step in my way, think it through.. You're not ready to walk down the one way street-- you're not ready to race down the dead end-- street name..."

With a smirk-- Christian brought his clenched fists up and kept them extended.

"You're not ready to meet the Mayor of that said location-- Because there I'm judge, jury and executioner-- Street name?..."