2014.06.18: PWN - LEGACY - ladies and gentlemen, let the purge commence.. Part 3

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"The Steel City Dream meets Los Angeles' Nightmare-- could it be billed any better than that?"

The war of words was beginning to escalate and what originally was just a triple threat match to debut three new contestants into Pro Wrestling's Game of Thrones, it took off from there. Othniel and Langford obviously didn't like each other, they had no reason to. Scour through the roster and there isn't two far more different people. On one hand, you've got the brash, tattooed, cynical and miserable bastard in Christian Othniel who spits on dreams and crushes other's goals beneath his feet.. while Bobby Langford is the exact opposite of that. He wants to INSPIRE, he wants to make a difference and show that integrity is far from being a forgotten art. Not only were fists going to clash come Friday, but also perspectives and general outlooks on life.

"A children's hospital.. and you thought that was out of bounds for me to comment on?"

With his right hand pressed against his forehead, we find Christian Othniel gazing into the camera from an unknown location. Those bags beneath his eyes indicates the lack of sleep, his unshaven face shows he's pretty much gone into 'lockdown mode' in preparation for his match against
Langford and Marks on Friday. Despite Brandon Marks' silence, the action between CO and The Steel City Dream seems to have faded it off and left all eyes on just those two..

"You must not know me at all by now.. I mean you think it's beyond me to say that I hope that little sickly leech on society disappears and doesn't resurface? No.. No it wouldn't. You know why Bobby? It's because in life, you've got winners.."

CO extended his left hand out, palms up and held it there for a second.

'.. and you've got losers.."

Removing his right hand away from his head, he also held that out to the side.

".. and she's a loser. She's a loser in life and there's no sympathy to be shown, there's no time to be wasted with hopes of 'prayers' that she'll get better. The fact of the matter is, if- and I do mean if- she manages to get better, all she knows is to live off of the system and she'll be another parasite, sucking at one of the thousands of nipples they provide for her as a way to 'survive'. She's exactly EVERYTHING Natural Selection ISN'T. She was passed by on purpose, not on accident- nature's way of weeding out the irrelevant and weak.. yet you're there.. giving  them hope. Providing them with a false sense of security so they're fighting and fighting, when in reality they should be letting go and allowing nature to take it's course."

And statements like that.. is why they claim he has ice water running through his veins. How a man can be so cold and rotten, it was.. amazing.

"Too much Bobby? Is the FACTS I provide regarding a cancer patient hitting you? Good, because that's the world I live in. I have no time for fun and games, I have no time to be Patch Adams, running around with a clown nose and oversized shoes for a bunch of kids that I don't like-- nor do I care about. I'm not in this business to bring tears of joy and prayers of hope, I'm in this for *ME*. Not for you-- not for the bum sitting in the corner, drinking away his liver-- and certainly not for that little girl who's expiration date is creeping up around the corner.."

His words stung, there was no denying that-- he pulled no punches, he showed no mercy. Why should he? Bobby made this the way it was--

"And knowing the goody-two-shoes you are, I KNOW you're going to want to crucify me for this-- but it's your fault. I didn't bring a sick kid into this, I told you Bobby.. It's psychological Vietnam.. nothing is off limits. Get mad big man.. I WANT you to be mad. I WANT you to want to smash my face in, to crush my nose-- to break my orbital sockets.. because then.. you lose."

Christian flashed the camera a complete sleezeball smile, all as he continued.

"You think there was rules when we invaded Vietnam? It's the first time the powerful American military faced guerrilla tactics.. and it didn't work out for them did it? They had kids with guns, they had booby traps-- nothing was off limits, and it's the same thing here. You think by involving some radiated little rat, that'll break me? You think that her insulting me.. matters? I'm not the one on the verge of ceasing to exist- SHE is- so HA-HA. WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?! NOT YOU BOBBY, RIGHT?!"

Letting off a crazed laugh of his own, almost like The Joker from Batman.. it was painfully obvious that there wasn't a topic that existed that was off-limits for the battle going on between the two. Brandon Marks was being submerged at the moment by the verbal rights and lefts being thrown by Othniel and Langford, but it made for some compelling, and as it stood now-- totally disrespectful moments. As Christian stood before the camera, he knew that the longer his eyes fixed in on the camera, the more and more the chances was that Bobby Langford was breaking whatever instrument he was using to view this. Would Othniel catch heat for his comments on Bobby's featured guest-- Tanya? More than likely.. but in this business.. controversy creates cash, and what was a bigger controversy than Bobby Langford looking to actually DESTROY Christian Othniel's career?

"You two deserve each other. Both of you live in a bubble where everything is honky-dory. No Tanya, let me tell you something.."

Waving his finger at the camera, he squatted to get lower in position as the camera followed.

"Bobby lied-- but it's not his fault. It's his daddy's fault, because Mister Langford was a liar. He raised Bobby to be an All-American Hero who would fight through all obstacles, he told Bobby the BIGGEST lie any parent can tell their child.. that he could do whatever he wanted when he grew up! Yeah Tanya, Bobby's entire life? Everything that he shows you? It's a LIE, one.. big.. fat.. stinking.. lie. So when he told you it's NOT OK to be bullied.. that's a lie.. you know why?"

Managing to flash the camera that sleeze-ball smirk again, Christian nodded.

".. I bully people all the time and look at me! I turned out just well. You wanna know what's ANOTHER lie Bobby told you? You can't be a wrestler when you grow up.. not because you don't have any hair, not because you're a girl.. but because statically speaking, you won't live to see 16. You aren't officially grown 'til you're 18 so you won't amount to anything. And if you do prove me and mathematics wrong Tanya? I'll be sure to stick around so I can knock you the EFF out just like I'm doing to your big friend on Friday. There's no time for hand-outs in this business, just like there's no time for faith and hope. You're a loser Tanya, and on Friday-- Bobby is going to join in at the party."

With possibly the most FAKE smile imaginable, CO held it for a few seconds and shot the camera a double thumbs up.

"Also Tanya, I may be a meanie doo-doo head.. but you know what?.."

Bringing his right hand up back to his head, he patted it.

"I have hair."

In a total Shawn Hunter moment from Boy Meets World, Othniel flipped his hair backwards and ran his hand through it.

"I may be a meanie linguni, but at least my parents don't hate me."

Flashing that fake smile again, Christian winked his right eye.

"Just like Bobby, nobody loves you Tanya. He says he's your friend but he's not-- he's looking to get support, looking to draw it from anywhere and it just so happens that you're the tool he's using to make himself look like a hero. Good, use her as a crutch, Bobby-- go on and draw allllllllll the inspiration you can from that untapped source of hope, it'll be for nothing. I know you're gonna get mad at this-- I know you're gonna hate me even more.. if that's even possible for insulting stupid little Tanya and that's when it all goes out the window. When you lose track of what you're out to do.. it's when you open yourself up for failure.. something your daddy should of been preaching your way instead of  filling your head with that stupid crap of being a hero. It looks like the cycle will never end though.. he lies to you and you get in over your head, then you lie to Tanya and she'll get in over her head-- when does it end? Oh.. Yeah, it'll end on Friday. I hope it CRUSHES Tanya when I CRUSH you. I hope the sadness that overtakes her-- it forces her to let go-- I hope she realizes that instead of being like you-- fake, forced to smile.. she should be like me. Say to hell with it-- get tattoos, at least stay honest. For the longest time people like YOU, Langford-- fill her head with false hope.."

Bringing himself up, Christian nodded lightly.

".. but I can save her. I can be the salvation she needs so dearly in life. I can be the knight in shiny black armor to show her that there's ways around being a loser-- that there's ways around nature's way of taking you out. You wanna be a wrestler, Tanya? You wanna be a winner? Forget about Bobby Langford, write me a letter. Send me a letter so I can tear it up, throw it away and make you see that the world is COLD-BLOODED. Only when you learn that little girl, when you see that cancer hit you for a reason-- do you have a chance on succeeding. Be smart about it, see that cancer isn't a curse.. it's a gift. It'll make you STRONGER but only if you use it right. By believing in a punk like Bobby Langford who pukes cotton-candy and farts rainbows-- it's not the way to go. Believe in me Tanya, follow in MY path-- be cold, be relentless.. that's the only way to go."

Oh Christian. There was a point behind his hollow-point words. He didn't want Tanya to buy in on the Bobby Langford System, he wanted Tanya to buy into The Christian Othniel method. He  felt that Langford was fake, he wasn't genuine.. and Christian was the real deal.

"Not only did Bobby lie about making a difference, but he also lied on how life should be lived. You wanna grow old? You wanna be a big girl one day? Don't bother smiling and HOPING, rather.. frown, be mad-- get angry, be miserable.. and make sure that to get what you want in life-- don't ask, don't pretend.. don't bother with living life and doing things in the 'good way'.. rather, take shortcuts, cheat when you get the chance-- live in the fast-lane and the fast-lane? It's a one way street.. reading..

Sticking both hands out, the camera moved away from his face and down onto his tattooed knuckles as he slowly clenched both fists.