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The Quick

...Sin's first girlfriend. Bookworm. Nerdy. One hell of a gun-eye. Don't get her mad though. My ear-drums are still burning and I don't even HAVE those anymore. / Stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong or you might find you CANT go back to that body of yours. ...Her? She's one of Sin's girlfriends. I don't half believe the stuff she says, the other half I don't want to. Though that story she told me...I wonder. She also cries way too much. Which is why she's a Quick. Sorry Thana. / Oh woe is me! Doth caterpillar over yonder hath died! I'm not going to listen to you no matter how many tears you spill. Stick your face in Oblivion's Maw and stop wasting my time.

The Dead

...Sorry, bud. Dunno him, really. He's a mean sledge though, and something is up with that cloak of his. ...She's a Proctor. Don't let the legions hear that though. While I give her a lot of grief, she's one of the few friends I don't think is going to sell me out in the end. Just for that? I don't mind living in this hole with her. ...You really think I'm gonna say anything about him? Get real. … Fine! He doesn't like me.