Underworld Protectorate

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Revision as of 09:29, 23 July 2020 by JennyDD (talk | contribs)
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Tidewall Freehold & Underworld
  • Nature in the Dreaming: Connected directly to a Deep Dreaming Nightmare Realm of violence, death, sadism, and predatory hunting... Yet balanced by it's innate boundaries/imprisonment and a Dreaming theme of defiance, hope, and questing... The Underworld is by it's very nature as rewarding as it is dangerous. A completely enclosed 'bubble' realm aside from one portal to the Nightmare Realm and another to the Near Dreaming, it is honeycombed with passages, tunnels, and caverns linking it's three Regions together, growing more dangerous yet rich the deeper one goes.
Tidewall Freehold - Fortified Underworld
  • Biome: A cavern where tunnels from the Crystal Underground, Briar Underground, and the surface world meet. In light jungle, a small fortified frontier town, set to control who/what leaves the Underworld.
  • Draws: The only Underworld exits(Flickerflash redirects outside the fort, which must be passed to FF out). Access to the underworld for resources, chimera, adventures, lost treasures, jobs gathering/escorting, quests.
  • Industrial Military Complex: The tower has foundries and machinery shops, secured storage and vehicle bays, barracks and command center. Even a stockade.
  • Utilities: There is actually a Chimerical electricity grid providing light, cooling, and news/entertainment radio. Hot and cold running water, sewerage, and tiny bot who clean up trash.
  • Merchant/Services Courtyard: Tent shops are set up in the courtyard, selling or processing raw materials, frontier survival/gathering tools, repairing, food, repairs, even a doctor/barber!
  • Inns: There are several fortress bunker Inns for people to live, relax/recreate, and retreat to in times of attack.
  • Brothel: It's going to happen so she makes sure it is done right and safely.
  • Threats: Incursions or hunting predatory chimerical animals from neighboring Underground Regions.
  • Powers That Be: Commander Shaserra , her Companion and Automata Chimera, built up defenses, and townspeople interested in not being killed.
Briar Underworld
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Crystal Underworld
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Nightmare Underworld
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