Jessica Tyler/Opinions

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humans "Some would have you believe that humans do not rule the Earth. In a sense, they are both right and oh so very wrong. Humans - individual humans - control nothing. Humanity controls more than anyone - including themselves - could even hope to dream of."
mage "They really do need to spend less time talking about spells and more time learning how to... ah... spell. That K isn't supposed to be there."
union "Humanity's best, perhaps even only hope for a bright, glorious future. Just don't tell them that, it might worsen their hubris."
hunter "Not every problem can be solved with violence; not every problem that can be, needs to be. Some people never learn."
garou "They've got a kind of nobility to them that not many people can see. Such volatiles tempers, though... maybe I can help them with that. Someone has to make sure their efforts are guided towards something constructive."
corax "The few I've met have been such fascinating individuals. Not strong, not scary, but oh so clever. The world really could use more clever people."
rokea "Sleek, and not just physically. Efficient. Some look at them and see only teeth and death. They need to look harder - there is far, FAR more to them than that!"
vamps "At least there is one thing we agree about: humanity must continue to believe that vampires do not exist."
sabbat "Of course, some of them are a lot less discreet..."
nephandi "Crazy, stupid, or just plain evil? Possibly all three. Overly dramatic cries along the lines of 'You will doom us all!' obviously do little good; that is, after all, exactly what they are trying to accomplish. As for WHY? Jury's still out on that one."'
fae "Didn't we already disprove this theory, oh, several hundred years ago? There is no such thing."
fallen "Any day now, the Stargate people will send a Cease and Desist. Seriously, quit ripping off the Goa'uld. Or the Ori, for that matter."
wraiths "Are they what they seem to think they are? Who knows. Probably not. Either way, it doesn't really matter."