2019.05: Moot

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May 2019 Moot for Sept of the Enduring Spirit
IC Date Full Moon
Players Those performing the Moot Rite: Brooke, Burt, Ildar, Jes, Johanna, Troy Jameson
Location Caern Ampitheater
Prp/Tp Monthly Moots= Previous - Next
Spheres Gaian Garou

Moots are held on +bboard 79 as of June 2018. This is a compilation of the posts for May 2019.

The Fool

The Garou have arrived for the monthly communal gathering, discussing recent events and new arrivals as well as ongoing matters. Much is made of issues of security and discretion, with the same conversation repeatedly cropping up in small circles only to be quashed by sharp-eared elders eager to keep the peace and put an end to speculation. It is during such a quelling of rumors that The Fool capers forward, painted from the waist up in purple and green motley and wearing a crown of glued-together flatware. He noisily eats jerky from a bag labeled "LONG PIG", chewing and gulping with gusto before finally addressing the crowd.

"The thing about predators," he begins, gesturing casually as if to an audience at a comedy club, "is that they eat meat. Lots and lots of it, in great quantities. Siberian Tigers eat wild boar, tough sons-a-bitches as they usually are, because wild boar is what's available in Siberia. Harris Hawks catch hares and rabbits because rodents breed fast and don't put up much of a fight, and they're /everywhere/. But Bull Sharks... Bull Sharks eat /other sharks/. Why? Because they /can/, my fellow carnivores. Because they /absolutely can/. That's the charm of being an apex predator, after all; if everything weaker than you is on the menu, just go for what's available and don't worry too much about where it fits in your family tree. I mean, who's gonna tell you 'no', anyway? You don't climb to the top of the food chain to eat mice and crickets, after all."

The Fool gobbles down another big strip of jerky, making a show of relishing the morsel and chewing slowly to savor the delectable Long Pig he's brought to the Moot. When he's done, he burps loudly, thumping his chest and grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "Except us, right? 'Ye Shall Not Eat the Flesh of Humans' is the According-to-Hoyle rule I'm talking about here. You all know it, but you never give it any thought. It sounds like the 'Don't Eat the Yellow Snow' of the Garou -- a dining guide for dummies -- so we move on because the rest of the Thirteen Commandments seem to be more up for debate, less immediately obvious. But let's get real here -- and I mean Gong Show Cheryl Lynn /SUPER REAL/ -- and talk about some taboo table tasty... together."

The Fool drops his bag of Long Pig jerky to begin doing a goofy little shuffle, dancing about slowly to music only he can hear. Before long, he's singing in a comically overwrought falsetto, acting like he's really feeling the groove.

"What'cha fiiiiiind-ah
What'cha feeeeel now
What'cha knoooooow-ah
Yeah, it's got-to-MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAL!"

The painted jester stops there, smirking and doing a dramatic jazz-hands pause before continuing his tirade. "We are /quite literally/ the top dogs in this world, and what more numerous, more available, more /obvious/ prey is there than the hairless apes who keep feeding the balefire of the Wyrm's indigestion? I mean, take a big step back and /really/ consider them. Fat, slow, lazy, fleshy blobs of bacon with an /out-of-control/ population and /no way/ to stop us from treating them like we're a Blue Whale and they're a blind krill buffet. If Bull Sharks eat other sharks, why can't we eat other two-legs? They could use a good culling, and we all know it. Is this a 'Hebrews and Muslims don't eat bacon' situation based around circumstances that just don't apply to a modern world? We don't exactly have to worry about refrigeration techniques or overhunting the herd here. And really, isn't cutting out part of the problem of the corruption at its root -- where it usually starts, springing out of the scabs like a bacterial infection -- just part and parcel of doing Gaia's good work?"

The Fool pauses again, pounding his chest to let out another belch, and closes his eyes with a slow smile as if very satisfied with himself. "I know, I know; some of you are saying 'Isn't that the job of the Ratkin?'. But when have we ever shirked from picking up the slack when the Fera drop the ball? We've taken it too far in the past -- mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa -- but hey, we made that bed, so now it's time to change the sheets. The Ananasi are already out there drinking their blood, for Gaia's sake! Let's ditch this old hat dietary restriction bullshit and get real with the deal and seal ourselves a meal!"

With that, the Fool spreads his hands, tilting his head to the side and swaying a bit to invite the audience to come along with him on this culinary crusade. He retrieves his bag of Long Pig jerky, chewing up another fat strip, and saunters aside to make room for the next comedian.

( Written by Jes )

Opening Howl

Enter stage left - the next comedian. No, wait.. It’s the Master of the Howl. She walks out to the center of the circle, ignoring the painted Garou for now. A hand raises up, palm flat. The crowd knows the signal, and not a peep can be heard - outside the Fool chewing on his jerky.

Lifting her chin up, she announces, “Welcome young and wise, Garou and kin of the Sept of the Enduring Spirit, children of Bear. We seek to restore our totem, refill our Caern for the coming month. We shall begin! Join in our ever widening circle! Hear ME! JOIN WITH ME!” Leaning back, she begins the howl of greeting as the Sept joins in with her.

“Let us remember those who have given their bodies in defense of Gaia and the Nation, honor them, and remember. Their deeds shall live on in our hearts, and by sharing they live on Gaia willing in the Legendary Realm.” There is silence from all gathered as the names are shared, up until the last one when those remaining from one pack begin a mournful howl for their fallen Alpha. All present join in, with much emotion all around.

The deeds that spirits have shared are announced, giving weight to everything from Glory of the killing of a Wyrm infested fomori, to learning rites, and everything in between. Those that earned rank are each in turn celebrated, starting with the cubs that have passed their Rite of Passage, all the way up to our most recent Elder.

And now… drum roll please…. The top 10 Litany Misinterpreta… wait, no, wrong comedian. The Master of the Howl begins with the reading of the Litany, giving some bits here and there of extra explanations based on anything recently the spirits have been reporting. She stops every so often as the Fool either burps or makes noises as he gets more jerky out and rips into it. Finally she speaks, “Ye Shall Not Eat the Flesh of Humans!” With this she then shakes her head a bit. “As a cub, a lost one at that, hearing that part of the Litany seemed a total no brainer for me. I mean - cannibalism? Why? We are not the Donner Party, or that soccer team from South America? Why do we even need this as part of the Litany?” She really seems disgusted by that as her head just shakes.

“Part of what we do in our fight against the Wyrm, is to protect humanity. Not just Garou, our Kinfolk, the spirits, the land. Humanity. To eat them would be a violation of that which we hold dear. Even worse, this could be an invitation to corruption by the Wyrm. Further, this should expressly include the flesh of wolves. But that is beyond my point. Yes, there is a large population of humans, but if we take it upon ourselves to, as our Fool tonight put it, ‘cull the herd’, then how do we pick them? Start with the corrupted ones? You are what you eat, right? Hmm? The sickest ones? The prettiest ones? The ones with brown hair? At that point, you enter into territory where we are /not/ about to go, as it leads to full corruption. Do not forget the Veil. Start having a taste for humans, then they start disappearing, making hiking a dangerous sport? You invite not only hunters then to search for what is happening, but Pentex, mortal authorities, probably magic users, and now? Where will we go? Someone will slip up and BOOM, next thing we know our war against the Wyrm has become a war against /everything else’.” She shakes her head again at all these thoughts and moves on with the rest of the litany.

The Fool closes up his bag of jerky, and with just a nod, he leaves the circle, seemingly muttering to himself as the litany ends, “Some things may just not be worth eating. This Sept may just have the right ideas, especially about the menu options.” He hands his bag of jerky to someone on his way.

( Written by Brooke )

The Inner Sky

Burt steps forward after the cue from the Master of the Howl. He stands the stock image of Uktena of old, naked save a loin cloth covered in black paint rendered from animal fat. The paint is symbols and glyphs, a litany of prayers to Bear and the spirits who shelter in the Caern. The young Theurge offers a nod to Bane Breaker in her brown ceremonial robe standing at the northern most point. Here Burt sets down a hand carved effigy of a sleeping bear.

There is a pause as he circles his area looking at the assembled Garou for someone...something. A shake of the head follows his narrowed eyes and he holds a handful of pine needles over the Eastern most points and blows them from his palm. Next he sets a bowl of berries to the Southernmost point, inhaling the sweet scent appreciatively before moving on. Lastly, to the West he sets another effigy this one of a bear cub down. Spider Catcher looks around at the offerings one last time and nods.

"The winter chill does not often touch this land. But Bear, who watches over this sacred place still slumbers. For her we stand vigil. For her we endure. I offer these words, for words are for the flesh and for the spirits we sing."

Burt looks to the Rite Mistress one last time, closes his eyes, opens his arms skyward. Without warning the circle Burt has set with his offerings and everything inside is swallowed by an impenetrable darkness. A muffled drum beat precedes a song in Hopi, straining to escape the black. The song trails the pattern of offerings and retreats to the center. Three times the song wanders. And on the third a ferocious roar from a waking Bear threatens to deafen the assembly. The song stops. The darkness disappears as suddenly as it arrived. And the offerings are gone, the only sign of their passing is a single paw print near the front of Burt.

He blinks slowly regaining his composure. Shakily the Theurge rises to his feet seemingly have fallen to his knees in the Shroud. He offers the Master of the Howl a look confirming he is done with his portion as he takes his place with his Sept mates.

( Written by Burt )

Cracking the Bone

Giving a nod as Spider Catcher and Bane Breaker leave the circle, the Master of the Howln gestures for the Truthcatcher to come on out. With her as usual is Starchaser. Stepping forward, she makes the call to begin with the official talking stick, or bone in hand.

"I am Johanna Cooper, rite named Starchaser, born on two legs beneath the Half Moon, Athro of the Stargazers. Daughter of Seeks-the Stars, granddaughter of Calls-Down-The-Stars-To-Judge, great granddaughter of Stardancer. Beta of Kandula's Hope, patrons of Mammoth. I speak tonight on behalf of the Truthcatcher. Sept of the Enduring Spirit, who has business tonight?"

An Elder comes forward with an issue between his pack and another. The issues debated, and a decision reached. "The territory of Lytle Creek belongs to the Crimson Lightning pack, and shall remain under their protection after the work they put in to cleanse it and return the balance to it. The Fangs of Justice pack will take over the territory of Brightstar meadows and should report back to the Wyrmfoe their progress with ridding any last traces of the Wyrm, and bringing it back into balance." The two Alphas of the pack agree and exit out the circle.

At that moment, a kinfolk woman strides on out, her mate a few steps behind. "I have an issue! Truthcatcher!" She makes her way up to them and nods first to the Truthcatcher and just starts speaking. "/I/ am Lillian Carter, Speaker to the Spirits of the Dead, child of the great Empress Suzaku, mate of Rainwalker, Adren Ahroun of the Shadow Lords, Alpha of Thunder's Mighty Hand. I have been wronged by Forges the Spirit, and I demand he be brought to task!"

An audible sigh can be heard from her mate behind her. "Excuse us both, Truthcatcher, Starchaser'rhya. My mate needs to watch her tongue. What she should have said was that we have business concerning Forges the Spirit, and his treatment of my mate and her abilities. He has discounted what she can do to assist in matters of the spirits, and despite having demonstrations of just that, he disparages her."

A man walks forward from the back of the circle. Dressed in ceremonial robes, feathers in his long black hair, a little jingle as he walks, he stops next to Starchaser. A hand is held out, patiently waiting for the talking stick so he can speak. Starchaser hands it to him and he speaks evenly, "I am Forges the Spirit, Adren Theurge of the Uktena, Beta of Swift Winds, children of Dragonfly. I am a patient man, a deliberate man. Dragonfly gives me strength and I call upon her to assist me daily to keep that trait, even while dealing with situations that put a strain on those abilities. In the end, I am Garou, and this kin woman may be able to speak with spirits and have found favor with Suzaku, but that does not place her above us." He hands the stick back for now, waiting to hear what other questions that may be asked of him.

"You say that like /I/ did something wrong! /I/ was able to reach out and speak with the dead from that patrol! /I/ was able to find where they hid the items that were retrieved! Why should you be asking some Cliath to do the work that I can do! I can get in touch with the spirits as good as /you/ can, if not better and faster!" Lillian swipes the stick from Starchaser as she speaks. "You need to recognize me and give me more respect than you do. I may not be able to shift like you do, but I'm practically a Theurge myself!"

Sounds of discontent at those words sweep around the circle. Starchaser puts up a hand to quiet the crowd, while the other reaches for the talking stick with the palm up. Her eyes go around the circle before laying upon Rainwalker and then his mate. That look showing that her judgment has been made. Rainwalker reaches his hand onto Lillian's shoulder, the other takes the stick from her and gives it back to Starchaser. His own face shows he knows what is coming next.

With the talking stick returned to her, Starchaser gives her decision. "The Sept of the Enduring Spirit is a progressive Sept, where our kin are treated fairly and given many more opportunities than in other places around the World. The Litany calls for us to all Respect Those Beneath Ye - All Are of Gaia. Not just amongst Garou in rank, but whether we be homid born, lupus born, or metis. This in turn can be applied to our Kinfolk. Without them, our battle for survival would be that much harder. In the same token, the Litany calls for Submission to Those of Higher Station. Not just among Garou, but from our kinfolk. Without Honor influencing your actions, what stops the Wyrm from tainting us? This Kinfolk here is full of pride in herself, her abilities, and dishonors Forges the Spirit, as well as us all. Rainwalker, she is your mate, and your responsibility. I judge that you are to take her home and retrain her in the Litany. She is to be brought before the Den Father for further teaching. If she continues without learning her place, then she will need to be sent to Bane Breaker to cut ties with her Suzaku, and then be sent away to a Sept that can teach a kin that insists on being disrespectful and disobeys the Litany. I expect you both back here in one month's time, ready to explain the full Litany. If you do not meet the Truthcatcher's standards, then you will have the Rite of Ostracism performed."

They are all dismissed, as Starchaser turns back to the Truthcatcher and whispers to her a moment. The next few issues are brought up, ending in a challenge to be held in one week between two Cliaths over the ownership of a Fang Dagger, and a Cub finally showing his worth to have his Rite of Passage. With all the business concluded, the Truthcatcher and Starchaser walk out of the circle.

( Written by Johanna )

Stories and Songs

With a bow of the head to the Truthcatcher and Starchaser as they finish and exit the circle, the Master of the Howl steps forward. A small flick of her hand, gesturing for the first Galliard to come into the circle.

“Now is the time to inspire and remember the bravery of the fallen, our ancestors, and the spirits. Let us share and bring them life!” she announces. Stepping back now, she invites those that have arranged to share a tale to come forward and begin.

Story: Wake

As the fire flickers in the middle of the moot, the storyteller that is Troy approaches with his guitar, casting shadows about him as he clears his throat. His fingers begin to strum along the instrument as he takes in a deep breath, then lets it out. “Good evening, brothers and sisters for the Sept of Enduring Spirit! I was tasked in finding a way to lift up your spirits and bring you joy. Instead of telling a story, I figured tonight I would sing a song for you all, about the love of Gaia and how she lives within all of us.”

As his fingers begin to strum along the guitar, it picks up in pace to become a bit of an energetic beat. He even hired a couple of kinfolk to step up along with him to play as well, to create a bit of a thrown together band of a small drum kit and another rhythm guitar. As they come together in harmony, the song is beautiful, uplifting and designed to get everyone /dancing/.

As usual, Troy’s raspy falsetto this time fills the air not in story, but in song as he sings from his gut from near the fire, feeling the warmth next to him give him comfort through the lyrics. It’s obvious that this particular song means something to him and he sings it with joy in his heart.

"At break of day
In hope we rise
We speak your name
We lift our eyes
Tune our hearts
Into your beat
Where we walk there You'll be

With fire in our eyes
Our lives a light
Your love untamed
It's blazing out
The skies will glow
Forever bright
Your glory's breaking through the night

You will never fade away
Your love is here to stay
By my side in my life
Shining through me everyday

You wake within me
Wake within me
You're in my heart forever
You wake within me
Wake within me
You're in my heart forever"

As the song comes to an energetic finish, Troy lets out a slow breath as he reaches up to pull his hair back away from his face and brush some sweat from his brow. “Thank you everyone for your time. I very much appreciate the opportunity to perform tonight. May you all walk in the light of Luna’s love with the joy of Gaia in your heart.” With a proper bow towards the Sept, he and his kinfolk band of merry men take their leave to rejoin the others gathered.

( Written by Troy )

Story: Ungrateful Cub

Walking out into the circle with confident steps, and solemn look, comes the Master of the Howl. She raises her hands to gain a hush from those gathered. Raising her chin a bit, her red hair falling around her shoulders, she lowers her hands and begins.

“Tonight, I share with you a tale that is probably not uncommon, but it is a lesson that our Cubs and Cliaths should take to heart. It is a true tale of how our Elders strive to continue the Nation, make us the best we can be for Gaia, and how some of us do not and cannot see the bigger picture of it all. So listen up. Pay attention. This tale will show you that even if you fuck up, you can find your path to lead.” Taking in a breath, another step forward, she gets to it.

“There once was a young teenage couple in love. The girl ran away, never to be seen again. Why? That is still a mystery. What I do know is that the girl was with child, and she gave the child up after birth. Right into the mortal foster care system, thus denying her the opportunity to grow up in the Nation.”

Walking around the circle now, stopping to look in the eyes of each person she passes for a brief second. “Sometimes, foster parents are just in it for the money. If the child had gone to someone in the Nation, you know it would be different. As the child grew, her intelligence, and her talkative snarky nature came through. The feeling of never fitting in was right there, on top of giving people a funny feeling. Having an uncanny way with technology, like spirits within were being controlled, would make her seem like a witch. And so she was passed around. From one family, to another, to another, and another - losing count along the way. Who wants their appliances taken apart and put together for a new purpose? Who wants to be told and proven how many ways they were stupid about something? The detentions from school, the teachers making demands. Despite being brilliant, she was trouble.”

“One year, when the girl was finally in a group home, a school counselor saw something in her. Realized she really had something special. Pulling some strings, that kind soul got the girl straight into college. Smaller class sizes, more independent work, and the girl excelled. The girl decided for her 18th birthday, she wanted to try to do something to celebrate. Clubbing! Sometimes you want to fit in? Maybe it would help with the stress from those 18 years? Time to let go - and boy did she. Dressing up for that first time, she caught the eye of a man, and sometimes men are scum and he tried to go too far with her. The thing is - how was anyone to know she would react by shifting into a wolf?”
She shrugs her shoulders and lifts her hands.

“Well, most of you know. But being raised outside of the Nation, with no Kinfetch, this lost cub was freaked out by the sudden change and frenzy. She ran. Ran far, ran to the nearest wooded area she could find - blindly following instinct until she found a place lush and green so she could hide within it. No idea how to change back, or what happened to her, she howled and howled. Cried really, as she tried to wrap her head around what happened but it just did not compute. Finally, Elders found her. With their help, they were able to calm the beast and the scared girl emerged. She heard them out and was taken back to their Caern. Sniffed out and checked thoroughly, her nature, auspice, and tribe were discovered. Welcomed by one and all, with offers pouring in to teach this lost Cub, she was stunned and did what she had done for years before. She rejected them. She tried to leave. She was a smart ass over, and over. Making fun, and telling off all in authority. Sure, Cubs can get away with that, right?” Looking around to the Cubs and then Cliaths about she looks for their thoughts.

“To that I ask you, how many of you would go up to Eye of the Storm’rhya, Shaderunner’rhya, or Speaks for Justice’rhya, and tell them they are insane idiots that can go pound sand? That their society is backwards, antiquated, and needs to wake up and join the 20th century? Hmm? That if they want something done, they can do it themselves, doubting that they have the skills to even change a light bulb? Let alone know what a light bulb is, let alone operate even a basic phone that even elderly senior citizens can function with, and perhaps they should just get a button to push that hang around their necks for when they have fallen and cannot get up? Go ahead, they are sitting right over there.” She points toward where the Elders are sitting. “I dare you. If you survive, just let me know when you are finally healed up by Bane Breaker, as it will take her and several more to get you to walk again, if you survive.”

Taking a few steps forward, Brooke shares, “The next time that girl woke up, she vowed to do just what she had to. To give the lip service so she could be released as a Cliath and get on with her life. With her memory, it did not take much to get it in her head, but in her heart? No. Just too hardened to consider it. They knew it too, but in their wisdom, they let it go with the belief that it would get in one day. Fast forward a few months, and sure enough, Rite of Passage was completed, rite name given as both a reminder of what they asked of her and what they saw in her. The first thing the girl did then? Leave. Back to regular life. The life of a lone wolf. Back to school, which for her was more a tech haven. Working alone, sending in her work, fixing computers, and hunting down hackers online. Solving problems, but this time with a greater efficiency now knowing of the Weaver and pattern spiders. Making deals with those spirits so what took not long for her before, went even faster.”

Holding her palms up on either side of her body, she shrugs. “Now, sounds like like something a lot of parents go through with their children. You give and give, and then one day they grow up, graduate hopefully, and think they know better despite your best efforts. Then comes trouble. And they come calling or running home looking for help. Of course, as parents, I’m sure most of us would take the learning moment, but welcome home the prodigal son. But as an Elder? Grand Elder at that? It isn’t that simple.”

Taking in a deep breath, Brooke lets it out, place a hand on her midsection. “The girl came back to the Sept then. A Cliath with nothing more than that to her name for her deeds since her rite of passage, having not raised a finger to assist with anything. She came looking for help, having to admit she found a problem Wyrm infestation in the city she lived in. A pattern spider corrupted by the Wyrm and taking over the network of one building, tainting others and humans within, and she could not handle it on her own. Still, with an attitude, but wanting to do the right thing. She was greeted by many as an outcast. What have you done for me lately? Why are you suddenly here? You think we come running after what? A Year? Two? Didn’t we offer to teach you more? Didn’t we try to give you the tools to work with others? The other Cubs she trained with now Adren, all looked at her wondering where she had been. Why were you not here when the thunderwyrm attacked? Why were you not here when /we/ needed you?”

At that last bit Brooke looks down, cheeks burning red. She takes a few moments then there is an audible breath. “She began to understand. They were a team. Not a collection of loose parts. It takes 5 rangers of different types to put together a megazord. Much like the ultimate pack would have someone of every auspice. Having one go off on his own, even if it was the green ranger, just is not going to be enough.” That last part goes over most everyone’s head, but a few here and there get it, and whispers of ‘doot doot doodoo dootdoot’ can be heard.

Waving a hand then, she continues on, “Ultimately, able to find help, the problem was taken care of, but took a lot of finagling to get others to listen. Contrition played a key role here. After that, the girl went to the Elder that found her, taught her. She realized she did wrong and was ready to commit to what she turned her back on. But even he did not want to hear it. Did not believe her after all she had said and done. Another suggested a contact through Kin Co., and a change of scenery. There was a place of new hope they knew of. A Sept where she could start again. Do it right this time. With others that may be doing the same thing. So she packed up her things, and headed south. Arriving here, in some shame and embarrassment, the girl who was quick to snark finally began to live up to her rite name. Those she met welcomed her, taught her, and she listened. She grew and became much more than the forever Cliath some thought that she would be. Pack life suited her, and they did great work for Gaia, the Sept, and the Nation.”

“She found a mate, she found her voice, she found her place. Sadly, she did end up losing her mate in his own battle to protect others. And then her pack as they got pulled different directions for different reasons. But she did not give up. For her son, she continued on. For those that looked up to her as she rose in rank, accumulating more deeds the spirits recognized, she continued on. Until recently, when she took her son and new mate back home. Back to where this began for her. Back to show them what she had become. Who she was now. Show that their teaching really did not fall on deaf ears, just took time for it to compute, since she was not an Intel Core i9-9900K processor. Too many firewalls were up in her from all those years away from the Nation.”
At this, Brooke gets down on her knees in the center of the circle. Her hands out wide. “She implored the Elders and the Grand Elder of the Sept she left. “Forgive me, for I was wrong. I have learned what you tried to teach, and I come to show you I have made myself better and am here now to make it right with you. Humble myself before you, and prove my worth.” Which took them some time, even if the word of her change of heart had reached them. The Grand Elder gave his decision, and her tasks to do just that. The Elder that taught her? His heart still hardened, assigned this task. To tell this story to their Sept, and to you all. If the girl, the woman, your Master of the Howl was ever to deserve to be an Elder, I had to share what I did. How I refused my Elders, ran away, but learned the truth of what was given to me. What Elder Heart of Fury’rhya tried to teach me from his Wisdom, I will never forget now. I am more than just myself. I have a little piece from all that have shared and taught me, including Mocks the Dark’rhya who taught me of Vampires and stakes. Shaderunner’rhya and Vesta that welcomed me my first night in town, and continue to welcome me in their home, our pack, and teach me something new every time we talk, expanding my mind from fetishes to spirits. Defiant-Storm’rhya who makes sure I know of more gifts than I can imagine that he has found helpful. Eye of the Storm’rhya who was my mentor getting me to speak like a Silver Fang at times. Like the Wind, who makes flying and playing keep away with booty shorts a fun game. Howling Wind, who I swear just wants all the bullets to have his name on it so he can dodge them all. Mercy’s Messenger, the only one I know to have eaten T-Rex. Very Good Boy’rhya, who has taught us all that even Terminator’s can have a greater purpose for the greater good and produce tasty bacon for all. And our recent Cubs who have either gone through their Rite of Passage, or are preparing to - watching you all grow and not follow in the footsteps I trod does my heart good as well.”

She rises now to her feet carefully. “I wish to thank you all. Even if I did not mention your name, this Sept as a whole has given back to me more than I can put into words, even as a Galliard. I am honored to serve as your Master of the Howl, and lead as your newest Elder.” She raises her chin up just a bit, standing up at her full 5’4” in homid, and after taking a moment to nod and acknowledge some in the circle, she departs.

( Written by Brooke )

The Revel

The stories told and issues settled have those of the Sept stirred up. Stepping out into the ring in that human form, Ildar Solokov, the Den Father Honor's Keeper, moves to the center of the circle.

"TONIGHT! We have heard stories of those who lead us. Those who help shape us! Tonight we gather to give thanks to what was, to honor our past. To gather our strength and look to our future! I am Ildar Solokov, Rite-Name Honor's Keeper. Adren, Silver Fang Ahroun born on two legs. Grandson of Fights-the-Dark, Great great grandson of Fangs-of-Justice. Great great great Grandson of Luna's Claws. Den Father and Patrol leader of the Sept of the Enduring Spirit. Pack member of the Kandula's Hope. Mated to Xenovia Solokov. I am part of House Unbreakable Hearth and follower of the Helios lodge. Tonight I call on you all! Show your strength! Show your power!!"

The speech stirs up the people listening. Ildar starts to stomp his feet in rhythm. Drawing everyone in to the growing excitement.

"Who here will show their strength? Who will step forward to challenge? Speak up! Be heard! Show your power and warrior spirit for Gaia!"

Called forth, several Cliaths come to the front to let their challenge be known. They are dealt with each in turn, showing their worthiness of that next rank. Everyone is riled up to a feverish pitch with those challenges done.

Ildar would take the center of the ring again. Standing in his full height and outfitted with his full hunting kit, garou war bow in one hand, quiver on his back and headband on his head. Looking about to make sure he has everyone's attention, it finally happens. Ildar takes a step back and that rippling growth races across him, the fluid shift from human to that hulking warbeast!


That howl of Honor's Keeper would rip out, before he'd take off into the bawn, leading them all out to seek their prey! At the end, they return to the amphitheater and with a final howl from all together, they recharge the power of the Caern for another month!

( Written by Ildar )