2019.1.31: Cabin Attack

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Cabin Attack
Xenovia is attacked by a Nephandic Cult
IC Date Jan 31 2019
IC Time Night
Players Xenovia, Viktor,
Location Xenovia's Cabin

Sylvan Lake - Woodsy Cabin

Sylvan Lake - Woodsy Cabin(#4075RA)

	 The expanse within the interior of the lakeside cabin opens up to a panoramic view of the waterfront through large glass windows where the evergreen trees can be seen growing along the water embankment. The floor is covered with hardwood, and a tastefully placed white fur rug rests before a stone fireplace within the large living room. Two white couches face one another with an antique coffee table situated in between. Bookshelves line the back walls which are filled with books, and a large grandfather clock is tastefully displayed with a swinging pendulum. A hallway or two off shoots from this room to lead to a variety of private guest rooms, and a state of the art kitchen that has view of the lake. 

Contents: Xenovia Obvious Exits:

Xen makes sure the boats are all pulled to shore for the evening and she shivers as the temperature is dropping tonight. She wanders up to the main cabin and steps inside. The outer door self locks, but she slips off her shoes and pads over to the kitchen to start up the warm water and soap in the kitchen sink to start some dishes. She let them pile up from breakfast and lunch, and now she prepares to tidy up for the night. The tv remote is picked up and she turns on a music channel to listen to and turns on the interior lights to get the softer glow over the sink.

There is a crack of thunder outside, a flash of lightning.

Grand Father Thunder isn't happy...worse, something is amiss. She can't explain it, she can't put a finger on it directly, but there it is that sensation. That whisper in her ear, a whisper that has been familiar to her in the past. One of Viktor's ancestors. "Caution..." the voice is there and then gone again. Its not easy for the ancestors to speak to anyone save Viktor.

"Mikael?" Xen suddenly pulls her hands from the sink free and shuts off the water. She looks over one shoulder as she felt something, but then it's gone. She double guesses herself like most humans do, except the sound of thunder in January in the distance makes her uneasy. She looks at the kitchen window that spans the front of the cabin and the lake view.

Just as she looks out of the window, there is a flash of lightning that scatters across the sky. This time its not voices in her hand, rather its shadows of figures in the distance along the water front. A handful of beings, humanoid but elongated, standing at the edgeline. One of them is thick, stocky that seems to be giving direction to the others. Something is out there.

Xen blinks when she sees the figures across the water. She quickly touches the panel that closes the shutters to the cabin windows as added protection. She steps away from the full sink of water and activates the house alarm by voice control. "Alexa - activate the cabin alarms and call Viktor."

Alexa replies from the device up on the bookshelf. "Alarms activated. Calling Viktor." Xen runs quickly into the bathroom and locks the door. The lights go out in the house, sending everything into darkness.

The call goes out to Viktor, ringing...

The figures have moved quickly through the forest. Even from the bathroom she can hear the footsteps outside, they are circling the house, like a patrol to check every entrance to the cabin. Voices can be heard outside as well, talking to each other, but then finally one aloud calling to the home, "Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo" comes a dark raspy voice, "Come out come out wherever you are."

Xen pulls her cell phone from her pocket and begins to send a 911 out to the garou patrol squad. There's got to be one near here, and she knows Ildar went out for the weekend on one. There's no window to the bathroom, but there is a vent up high which she considers misting out of once the coast is clear.

The phone now isn't going to help her escape and she tucks it inside her back pocket. She tries to keep her cool since any signs of panic will make it harder for her to do what is necessary. In a single thought, she suddenly turns 90 degrees on the bathroom floor like a sudden dance step and swirls into a fine spray of mist that pools like a cloud. She gathers herself to move inside the bathtub.

At the front of her home, the door locked by Alexa, the man leading the cultist steps to the front door. His powerful hand curls around the doorhandle and tries it, finding it locked he growls a moment and then he just nods to some of his minions. Two step forward with clawed hands and they begin to work at the door, attacking it with their full ferocity to knock it down.

"Eventually little Kami we will get in. We will take you. And when we do...the rest of your soul will be ours!" he calls out, taunting the kinfolk, purposeful. He wants her afraid. He wants her concerned.

The house is Garou sturdy. The glass is bullet proof for the front windows that line the cabin front porch. The front door is also a heavy duty steel and it will take some effort to get knocked down. But it's certain, that they will get inside. But once that door goes somewhat ajar to set the lock off track the alarm in the house goes off. It is BLARING loud. It plays a recording, as Xen has a dark sense of humor sometimes. It plays the Red Queen's voice from Umbrella Corps, "Step back from the house. This is your last warning. The virus contagion is released within. Do not gain entry." The british girl's voice is piped through speakers on the front porch.

One of the stupider minions hacking at the door, having made it through somewhat, pauses and looks back at his master when he hears the british womans voice. Her calling out the warning. "Foolish girl, do you think we care about your warnings?" he says as he pushes his minion aside and gives the door a final kick himself. "The Thunder Knight couldnt protect his kami...who is going to protect you Bitch? Be glad my master has use of you or we would have our fun here..." he snarls, he's taunting her further as he finally gets the door to bust open some.

The door breaks open, and the alarm continues. The british Red Queen speaks again. "You are ALL going to die down here."

He paces into the home and looks for one of the speakers blaring out the voice so he can punch it out of annoyance. "Do you know what happaned to the last storm Kami that served the Thunder Knight?" he wonders, "She howled in pain...her clothes stripped of her, naked body put on our altar as the gods were called upon. Her heart carved from her chest, a meal for our high priest..." he begins to relay the tale.

The alarm continues sounding, blaring like sirens from Silent Hill. It is meant to be extremely annoying and irritating, like the bombs are about to hit from World War II. The main invader to the house will have to track the sound to the speaker up on top of the book case, but it's there easy enough.

The Red Queen repeats, "You are ALL going to die down here."