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Revision as of 20:26, 29 August 2019 by imported>Joyeuse
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"An' harm it none, do what thou wilt."

Wiccan Rede


Sometimes, it's easier to start over than to pick up where you left off. It wasn't so long ago that Yvette lived a different kind of life. One that involved college, friends, and a bright future. Her life fell apart, though and all sense of normalcy was scattered to the four corners of creation. So now, she's trying to find herself, and start over.

She arrived in Prospect not too long ago, her life's belongings packed into an old but reliable Toyota pickup. For the moment, she's just getting her bearings: Trying to find a day job; looking for a cheap place to live; maybe set down some roots, if this town will have her. Time will tell.

RP Hooks
  • She's new in town and looks a little worn around the edges. She frequents cafes and looks through classifieds in search of work.
  • She seems to like the stars and the night sky. She can often be found at a park or the countryside just beyond the city to get a better view.
  • She hangs out at the public and college libraries a lot. She never seems to check out any books, but she will sit for hours and read them.
She's very new in town, so has none at the moment. Maybe that will change.
Yvette truck.jpg Yvette backpack.jpg Yvette3.jpg
Name Joyce Howe Proctor
Occupation Holistic Doctor & Freelancer
Nature RP to find out
Demeanor Caregiver
Height 5' 10"
Weight A twig.
Eye Color Speckled green
Hair Color Reddish-brown
Apparent Age Twenty something
Played by Abigail Harrington