Ms. Black/Stereotypes

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Mage "Uninhibited efforts to alter the Pattern Web violate the Consensus and threaten the Weaver's directives."
Vampire "Unchanging, yet imperfect. Some serve Us and improve upon themselves. Most do not."
Werewolf "They understand certain truths about Us. Some serve Us. The majority resist in a misguided effort to either 'save' the world or destroy it."
Mortal "Humans are the Weaver's most valued subjects. We have a responsibility to defend them from threats, though some must be sacrificed."
Changeling "Status: Termination Favorable. We believe them to be extradimensional entities infiltrating to the Pattern Web. They should be purged."
Demon "The Technocratic classification of extra-dimensional parasites appears to be true. Their claim of being the world's designers insults the Weaver."
The Restless Dead "They are no longer at one with the Pattern Web, no longer human. Eliminate where possible, ignore when necessary."